Copyright ©2008 by Zilog®, Inc. All rights reserved.
Z8F640x Family Devices with Date Codes 0239 and Later, without
QUAL Topmark
The errata listed in Table 1 are found in Zilog’s Z8F640x family products (includes Z8F480x, Z8F320x,
Z8F240x, and Z8F160x) without a QUAL topmark and with date codes 0239 and later, where the date
code is YYWW (year and week of assembly). When reviewing the following errata, refer to the most
recent version of the product specification. Data contained in this document is Preliminary only.
Table 1. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later
No Summary Description
1 The On-Chip
Debugger’s (OCD)
Step, Stuff, and
Execute instructions
do not work if an
interrupt is pending.
The OCD’s Step, Stuff, and Execute instructions do not work if an interrupt is
pending. When in DEBUG mode, the eZ8TM CPU will not acknowledge inter-
rupts or DMA requests. However, if an interrupt or DMA request is pending,
the eZ8 CPU will not acknowledge an instruction. If an interrupt is pending and
an OCD Step, Stuff, or Execute instruction is executed, the OCD will wait for-
ever for the eZ8 CPU to acknowledge the opcode because of the pending
The OCD must look at the next instruction before single stepping and take
appropriate measures. Instead of executing the Enable Interrupt (EI) instruc-
tion, rewrite the PC to the instruction following the EI and then enable inter-
rupts through a register write to the interrupt control register.
2 Extraneous register
reads by the eZ8
There are several instructions during which the CPU performs extra register
reads. Most are addresses the CPU was trying to read, the CPU reads the
same register twice. There are a couple instructions where the CPU reads
from random addresses. This is not a problem, unless the register being read
is affected by a read operation. The registers affected by read operations
include the WDTCTL and DMAA_STAT registers and the UART, SPI, and I2C
Receive Data registers. If a read occurs on these registers, receive characters
may be lost or the WDT status lost.
Do not set RP to %XF.
Also, only use the LDX instruction on peripheral registers affected by read
3 SPI does not sup-
port single bit data
The SPI does not function properly when configured for single-bit data
transfers. This is not a typical SPI data format.
Product Update
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x,
Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x
(Z8 Encore!®)
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
UP004207-0308 Page 2 of 15
4 UART Overrun
errors may be
Framing Error, Parity Error, Break Detect, and Rx Overrun Error conditions are
cleared up on reading the UART Receive Data register. During the time
between reading the UART Status register and the UART Receive Data
register, it is possible for another character to be received. This causes all
UART error flags and the UART Receive Data register to be updated with the
new character. Thus making it possible to miss the Overrun Error.
The window for this error to occur if a UART Overrun Error occurs between the
time the UART Status register is read and the UART Receive Data register is
read. If vectored interrupts are used, the UART should be serviced and
Receiver Overrun conditions should not occur.
If you have long interrupt service routines (ISR) (bad coding style) or are poll-
ing the UART instead of using vectored interrupts, Overrun errors become
more likely. The window for this problem to occur is still small, yet becomes
more probable if UART Receiver Overrun conditions occur frequently.
When the user code employs vectored interrupts for the UART and does not
have long ISR, this is not a problem. Even for long ISR, the problem can be
avoided by,
Nesting the ISR
Adjusting the interrupt masks and re-enabling interrupts
5 Interrupts can be
lost if received by
the interrupt control-
ler at the same time
as a write to the
corresponding IRQ
Incoming interrupts can be lost if received by the interrupt controller at the
same time as a write to the corresponding IRQ register.
Clear the Continuous Assertion interrupts using a two-step interrupt service
process. In the ISR, first check if the interrupt source (for example, the UART)
really has a pending interrupt. If yes:
Process the interrupt as usual.
Clear the interrupt at the source (for example, at the UART).
Do not clear the IRQ register bit (this would make it possible to miss
another incoming interrupt).
Execute a return from the ISR.
After this first pass through the ISR, the IRQ register bit will still be set to 1.
This will cause the interrupt to occur again. When the Z8 Encore! vectors to
the interrupt, check if the interrupt source (for example, the UART) really has a
pending interrupt. If there is no pending interrupt, immediately execute a
return from the ISR.
Table 1. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
UP004207-0308 Page 3 of 15
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
6 The TXST bit in the
SPISTAT register
does not assert until
the transmission
actually starts.
When data is written to the SPIDATA register to be transmitted, the TXST bit in
the SPISTAT register does not assert until the transmission actually starts
which results in a short delay (delay is dependent on the baud rate). It is
possible for software to poll the TXST bit and see a 0 before the transmission
has started. Software may erroneously conclude that the data has already
been transmitted.
User code can poll the IRQ bit in the SPISTAT register. Even when the SPI
interrupt is disabled, the IRQ bit will assert at the end of the data transaction
and remain asserted until cleared by software.
7 Reading the UART
Status 1 register
through the OCD
always returns the
value 00H.
The UART Status 1 register is cleared when read. When the OCD reads the
register it holds the read for multiple system clock cycles, thereby clearing the
value before completing the read. Thus, the value returned through the OCD
is always 00H. This issue affects only OCD operation and does not affect nor-
mal operation.
Issue a CPU command through the OCD to transfer the UART Status 1
register data to a Register File location. Then the desired UART Status 1
register data can be read from the Register File.
8 When used as
simple timers, the
Baud Rate
Generators in the
UARTs, I2C, and SPI
generate a
spurious interrupt at
the beginning of the
When the Baud Rate Counters for UARTs, I2C, and SPI are placed in timer
mode they immediately generate an interrupt. This is because the counters
are incorrectly reset to 0001H rather than the reload value. Since 0001H is the
reload state, it initiates an interrupt request.
Use one of the four other Timers rather than the Baud Rate Generators in
timer mode.
Delay enabling the interrupt for these counters until the count value has
progressed beyond 0001H.
Write the ISR so that is disregards the first interrupt.
Clear the associated interrupt request in the Interrupt Control shortly after
starting the timer.
Table 1. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
UP004207-0308 Page 4 of 15
9 SPI operating as a
Slave in a multi-
Slave system can
lose transmit data.
If the SPI devices on the Z8 Encore!® is configured as a Slave device in a
multi-Slave system, the SPI data can be corrupted by transfers to and from the
Master to other Slaves sharing the same SPI pins. Even though the SS input
pin is High (that is, not selecting the Z8 Encore!'s SPI device), the data will be
shifted into the SPI’s receive buffer. This can overwrite any data that has been
placed in the SPI's transmit buffer by the eZ8 CPU in preparation for transmit
out from the SPI Slave.
If it is desired to use the SPI device as a Slave in multi-Slave systems, the
SCK input signal to the Z8 Encore! should be disabled externally when the SS
signal is High. This will prevent shifting in of data by the SPI Slave receiver
when not selected.
10 ADC output is
inaccurate for input
values below
20 mV.
The output from the ADC can vary widely when the input signal drops below
about 20 mV.
Measure analog inputs only above 20 mV.
11 eZ8 CPU opcode
timing is incorrect for
three Load
The following instructions have timing errors in which an extra (unused) clock
cycle is inserted during instruction execution:
Instruction Opcode Spec Cycles Actual Cycles
LD E4 2 3
LD E7 3 4
LD E5 3 4
None. This issue is not likely to affect the user code. If the user code has soft-
ware timing loops, it is possible that future Z8 Encore! products will have dif-
ferent loop timing using the same code. Due the pipelined nature of the eZ8
CPU, timing loops are less likely to be employed than on older Z8® products.
12 GPIO Port pins draw
current when input
voltage exceeds one
diode drop above
the supply voltage.
For the 5 V-input tolerant GPIO pins, when the input voltage exceeds
approximately 4.0 V (for a 3.3 V supply voltage), current will be drawn by the
input pin.
For GPIO pins that toggle at low frequencies, a 10 k resistor can be placed
between the GPIO pin and the external driver. This will limit the current into the
pin to about 150 µA. For higher frequencies, a 1 k resistor should be used.
This will limit the input current to the pin to about 1.5 mA.
Table 1. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
UP004207-0308 Page 5 of 15
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
13 With the SPI
configured for multi-
master operation, an
occurrence of multi-
master collision will
not be detected.
With the SPI configured for multi-master operation, a multi-master collision,
should it occur, will not be detected by the Z8 Encore!’s SPI device.
A GPIO pin, configured as an input with interrupt on a falling edge, could
potentially be used to detect multi-master collisions. If the interrupt occurs with
the SPI configured as a Master, the user software could determine that a multi-
master collision has likely occurred.
14 The UART Receiver
and Transmitter
incorrectly test for
the setting of the
Parity Enable bit
when in Multiproces-
sor (MP) mode.
The UART Receiver and Transmitter incorrectly test for the setting of the
Parity Enable (PEN) bit when in MP mode. The UART is not supposed to use
parity when the MP bit is enabled.
When operating in MP mode, the user code should disable parity by clearing
the PEN bit in the UART Control 0 register.
15 Data written to the
I2C Data register
cannot be read
Data written to the I2C Data register for transmission cannot be read back.
This is unlikely to affect user operation at all.
None. Generally, the user code does not need to read back the data that was
written to the I2C Data register for transmission.
16 Execution of a soft-
ware TRAP instruc-
tion may
erroneously clear
pending interrupts.
If an interrupt is pending and a software TRAP or an illegal instruction TRAP is
executed, the highest priority pending interrupt will be erroneously cleared.
This causes interrupts to be lost.
Do not execute a software TRAP instruction.
17 Driving the GPIO
port pins with a high-
impedance source
may result in logic
When configured as inputs, the GPIO pins source high (50+ µA) current when
the input voltage on the pin is near mid-range. If a high impedance device is
used to drive the input, this can result in logic errors due to the resistive divider
effect of the current source and the external impedance.
Do not drive the GPIO port input pins with high-impedance drivers (greater
than approximately 20 k).
Table 1. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
UP004207-0308 Page 6 of 15
18 When receiving
data, the IrDA endec
may have bit errors
if the external
transmitter’s baud
rate is greater than
endec baud rate.
The IrDA endec is sensitive to external transmitters that have baud rates
somewhat higher than the baud rate of the Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x,
Z8F240x, Z8F160x’s endec. This can cause bit errors in the data
When receiving, increase the baud rate of the UART and IrDA endec by a few
percent. The endec can handle minor baud rate discrepancies to an external
transmitter that is slower, but is sensitive to an external transmitter that is
faster. When the endec is transmitting, the baud rate should be set as close as
possible to the desired baud rate.
19 When the CPU exits
from HALT mode, it
fails to reset the
master Interrupt
Request Enable
(IRQE) bit.
When the CPU exits from HALT mode, it fails to reset the master Interrupt
Request Enable (IRQE) bit (bit 7 of the Interrupt Control Register).
Watchdog Timer (WDT) interrupts will cause the Program Counter (PC) and
Flags to be pushed twice on the stack. The first push will be the PC and Flags
from where the interrupt occurred. The second push will be the starting
address and Flags of the ISR.
This problem also affects exits from HALT mode caused by other interrupt
sources if more than one interrupt is pending. If only a single interrupt is
pending then the routine is executed normally except that interrupts are not
To mimic standard interrupt operation, the ISR should execute a Disable Inter-
rupts (DI) instruction to reset the Master Interrupt Request Enable (IRQE) bit
to 0.
Further, on WDT interrupts before exiting, the ISR should add three to the
Stack Pointer (SP). On Normal interrupts the ISR should check the PC on the
stack. If the PC on the stack contains the starting address of the ISR, then the
ISR should add three to the SP. This problem only affects exits from HALT
20 The DMA does not
support the ADC in
The DMA does not support the ADC in CONTINUOUS mode.
Table 1. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
UP004207-0308 Page 7 of 15
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x with QUAL Topmark
The errata listed in Table 2 are found in the Z8F640x products with a QUAL topmark and date codes 0239
and later, where the date code is YYWW (year and week of assembly).When reviewing the following
errata, refer to the most recent version of the product specification. Data contained in this document is
Preliminary only.
Table 2. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later
No Summary Description
1 The OCD’s Step,
Stuff, and Execute
instructions do not
work properly if an
interrupt is pending.
The OCD’s Step, Stuff, and Execute instructions do not work if an interrupt is
pending. When in DEBUG mode, the eZ8 CPU will not acknowledge interrupts
or DMA requests. However, if an interrupt or DMA request is pending, the eZ8
CPU will not acknowledge an instruction. If an interrupt is pending and an
OCD Step, Stuff, or Execute instruction is executed, the Debugger will wait for-
ever for the eZ8 CPU to acknowledge the opcode because of the pending
The OCD must look at the next instruction before single stepping and take
appropriate measures. Instead of executing the EI instruction, rewrite the PC
to the instruction following the EI and then enable interrupts through a register
write to the interrupt control register.
2 Extraneous register
reads by the eZ8
There are several instructions during which the CPU performs extra register
reads. Most are addresses the CPU was trying to read, the CPU reads the
same register twice. There are a couple instructions where the CPU reads
from random addresses. This is typically not a problem, unless the register
being read is affected by a read operation. The registers affected by read
operations include the WDTCTL and DMAA_STAT registers and the UART,
SPI, and I2C Receive Data registers. If a read occurs on these registers,
receive characters may be lost or the WDT status lost.
Do not set RP to %XF.
Also, only use the LDX instruction on peripheral registers affected by read
3 SPI does not
support single bit
data transfers.
The SPI does not function properly when configured for single-bit data
transfers. This is not a typical SPI data format.
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
UP004207-0308 Page 8 of 15
4 UART Overrun
errors may be
Framing Error, Parity Error, Break Detect, and Rx Overrun Error conditions are
cleared up on reading the UART Receive Data register. During the time
between reading the UART Status register and the UART Receive Data regis-
ter, it is possible for another character to be received. This causes all UART
error flags and the UART Receive Data register to be updated with the new
character. Thus making it is possible to miss the Overrun Error.
The window for this error to occur is very small. It can only occur if a UART
Overrun Error occurs between the time the UART Status register is read and
the UART Receive Data register is read. If vectored interrupts are used, the
UART should be serviced in a timely fashion and Receiver Overrun conditions
should not occur.
If you have long ISR (bad coding style) or are polling the UART instead of
using vectored interrupts, Overrun errors become more likely. The window for
this problem to occur is still small, yet becomes more probable if UART
Receiver Overrun conditions occur frequently.
When the user code employs vectored interrupts for the UART and does not
have long ISR, this is not a problem. Even for long ISR, the problem can be
avoided by,
Nesting the ISR
Adjusting the interrupt masks and re-enabling interrupts
5 Interrupts can be
lost if received by
the interrupt
controller at the
same time as a write
to the correspond-
ing IRQ register.
Incoming interrupts can be lost if received by the interrupt controller at the
same time as a write to the corresponding IRQ register.
Clear the Continuous Assertion interrupts using a two-step interrupt service
process. In the ISR, first check if the interrupt source (for example, the UART)
really has a pending interrupt. If yes:
Process the interrupt as usual.
Clear the interrupt at the source (for example, at the UART).
Do not clear the IRQ register bit (this would make it possible to miss
another incoming interrupt).
Execute a return from the ISR.
After this first pass through the ISR, the IRQ register bit will still be set to 1.
This will cause the interrupt to occur again. When the Encore vectors to the
interrupt, check if the interrupt source (for example, the UART) really has a
pending interrupt. If there are no pending interrupts, immediately execute a
return from the ISR.
Table 2. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
UP004207-0308 Page 9 of 15
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
6 Reset is not gener-
ated when power
supply voltage
(VCC) drops below
the VBO threshold.
Reset is not generated when power supply voltage (VCC) drops below the
VBO threshold.
An external VBO circuit is used in the user application to drive the external
RESET pin on the Z8 Encore! when the system supply voltage drops below
acceptable operating levels.
7 The TXST bit in the
SPISTAT register
does not assert until
the transmission
actually starts.
When data is written to the SPIDATA register to be transmitted, the TXST bit in
the SPISTAT register does not assert until the transmission actually starts
which results in a short delay (delay is dependent on the baud rate). It is
possible for software to poll the TXST bit and see a 0 before the transmission
has started. Software may erroneously conclude that the data has already
been transmitted.
User code can poll the IRQ bit in the SPISTAT register. Even when the SPI
interrupt is disabled, the IRQ bit will assert at the end of the data transaction
and remain asserted until cleared by software.
8 Reading the UART
Status 1 register
through the On-Chip
Debugger always
returns the value
The UART Status 1 register is cleared when read. When the OCD reads the
register it holds the read for multiple system clock cycles, thereby clearing the
value before completing the read. Thus, the value returned through the OCD
is always 00H. This issue only affects OCD operation and does not affect
normal operation.
Issue a CPU command through the OCD to transfer the UART Status 1
register data to a Register File location. Then the desired UART Status 1
register data can be read from the Register File.
9 When used as
simple timers, the
Baud Rate
Generators in the
UARTs, I2C, and SPI
generate a
spurious interrupt at
the beginning of the
When the Baud Rate Counters for UARTs, I2C and SPI are placed in timer
mode they immediately generate an interrupt. This is because the counters
are incorrectly reset to 0001H rather than the reload value. Since 0001H is the
reload state, it initiates an interrupt request.
Use one of the four other Timers rather than the Baud Rate Generators in
TIMER mode.
Delay enabling the interrupt for these counters until the count value has
progressed beyond 0001H.
Write the ISR so that is disregards the first interrupt.
Clear the associated interrupt request in the Interrupt Control shortly after
starting the timer.
Table 2. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
UP004207-0308 Page 10 of 15
10 SPI operating as a
Slave in a multi-
Slave system can
lose transmit data.
If the SPI devices on the Z8 Encore! is configured as a Slave device in a multi-
Slave system, the SPI data can be corrupted by transfers to and from the
Master to other Slaves sharing the same SPI pins. Even though the SS input
pin is High (that is, not selecting the Z8 Encore!'s SPI device), the data will be
shifted into the SPI’s receive buffer. This can overwrite any data that has been
placed in the SPI's transmit buffer by the eZ8 CPU in preparation for transmit
out from the SPI Slave.
If it is desired to use the SPI device as a Slave in multi-Slave systems, the
SCK input signal to the Z8 Encore! should be disabled externally when the SS
signal is High. This will prevent shifting in of data by the SPI Slave receiver
when not selected.
11 ADC output is
inaccurate for input
values below
20 mV.
The output from the ADC can vary widely when the input signal drops below
about 20 mV.
Measure analog inputs only above 20 mV.
12 eZ8 CPU opcode
timing is incorrect for
three Load
The following instructions have timing errors in which an extra (unused) clock
cycle is inserted during instruction execution:
Instruction Opcode Spec Cycles Actual Cycles
LD E4 2 3
LD E7 3 4
LD E5 3 4
None. This issue is not likely to affect the user code. If the user code has soft-
ware timing loops, it is possible that future Z8 Encore! products will have differ-
ent loop timing using the same code. Due the pipelined nature of the eZ8
CPU, timing loops are less likely to be employed than on older Z8® products.
13 GPIO Port pins draw
current when input
voltage exceeds one
diode drop above
the supply voltage.
For the 5 V-input tolerant GPIO pins, when the input voltage exceeds approxi-
mately 4.0 V (for a 3.3 V supply voltage), current will be drawn by the input pin.
For GPIO pins that toggle at low frequencies, a 10 k resistor can be placed
between the GPIO pin and the external driver. This will limit the current into the
pin to about 150 µA. For higher frequencies, a 1 k resistor should be used.
This will limit the input current to the pin to about 1.5 mA.
Table 2. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
UP004207-0308 Page 11 of 15
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
14 With the SPI
configured for multi-
master operation, an
occurrence of multi-
master collision will
not be detected.
With the SPI configured for multi-master operation, a multi-master collision,
should it occur, will not be detected by the Z8 Encore!’s SPI device.
A GPIO pin, configured as an input with interrupt on a falling edge, could
potentially be used to detect multi-master collisions. If the interrupt occurs with
the SPI configured as a Master, the user software could determine that a multi-
master collision has likely occurred.
15 The UART Receiver
and Transmitter
incorrectly test for
the setting of the
Parity Enable bit
when in MULTIPRO-
CESSOR mode.
The UART Receiver and Transmitter incorrectly test for the setting of the
Parity Enable (PEN) bit when in MULTIPROCESSOR mode. The UART is not
supposed to use parity when the multiprocessor bit is enabled.
When operating in MULTIPROCESSOR mode, the user code should disable
parity by clearing the PEN bit in the UART Control 0 register.
16 Data written to the
I2C Data register
cannot be read
Data written to the I2C Data register for transmission cannot be read back.
This is unlikely to affect user operation at all.
None. Generally, the user code does not need to read back the data that was
written to the I2C Data register for transmission.
17 Execution of a
software TRAP
instruction may
erroneously clear
pending interrupts.
If an interrupt is pending and a software TRAP or an illegal instruction TRAP is
executed, the highest priority pending interrupt will be erroneously cleared.
This causes interrupts to be lost.
Do not execute a software TRAP instruction.
18 Driving the GPIO
port pins with a high-
impedance source
may result in logic
When configured as inputs, the GPIO pins source high (50+ µA) current when
the input voltage on the pin is near mid-range. If a high impedance device is
used to drive the input, this can result in logic errors due to the resistive divider
effect of the current source and the external impedance.
Do not drive the GPIO port input pins with high-impedance drivers (greater
than approximately 20 k).
Table 2. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
UP004207-0308 Page 12 of 15
Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x
The errata listed in Table 3 are found in the Z8F6403 devices with date codes 0226 and earlier, where the
date code is YYWW (year and week of assembly). If you have devices with these date codes, you must
contact Zilog® to obtain replacements. When reviewing the following errata, refer to the most recent ver-
sion of the product specification. Data contained in this document is Preliminary only.
19 When receiving
data, the IrDA endec
may have bit errors
if the external
transmitter’s baud
rate is greater than
endec baud rate.
The IrDA endec is sensitive to external transmitters that have baud rates
somewhat higher than the baud rate of the Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x,
Z8F240x, Z8F160x’s endec. This can cause bit errors in the data
When receiving, increase the baud rate of the UART and IrDA endec by a few
percent. The endec can handle minor baud rate discrepancies to an external
transmitter that is slower, but is sensitive to an external transmitter that is
faster. When the endec is transmitting, the baud rate should be set as close as
possible to the desired baud rate.
20 The DMA does not
support the ADC in
The DMA does not support the ADC in CONTINUOUS mode.
Table 3. Z8F6403 Errata for Devices with Date Codes 0226 and Earlier
No Summary Description
1 OCD incorrectly
single steps through
an EI instruction if
an interrupt is
If the OCD is single stepping through an EI instruction and there are interrupts
pending, the eZ8 CPU does not pause prior to executing the interrupt and
vectors to an invalid interrupt vector address located at Program Memory
addresses 000H and 001H (the User Option Bits information).
The OCD must look at the next instruction before single stepping and take
appropriate measures. Instead of executing the EI instruction, rewrite the PC
to the instruction following the EI and then enable interrupts through a register
write to the interrupt control register.
Table 2. Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x Errata for Devices with Date
Codes 0239 and Later (Continued)
No Summary Description
UP004207-0308 Page 13 of 15
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
2 First cycle of Pulse-
Width Modulator
(PWM) output is
incorrect, but all
subsequent cycles
operate properly.
The TIOI bit, which sets the initial state of the timer output, also sets the
transition when the counter reaches the PWM value. Thus, no transition
occurs the first time the counter reaches the PWM value.
During timer initialization, the 16-bit Reload value must be written into the
Timer High and Low byte registers. This write causes a reload to happen as
soon as the timer is enabled, forcing timer out to its proper state.
3 Timer interrupts in
mode may not clear
When the counter is in capture or capture/compare mode the interrupt to the
IRQ controller is held from the time the count matches until the pre-scaler
times out. Thus the interrupt can be held for as much as 1-128 (Depending
upon the pre-scale value) cycles. If CPU services the interrupt before the
pre-scaler has timed out, the interrupt is not cleared automatically. Also just
clearing the bit does not work as well since the interrupt is not de-asserted
until the pre-scaler decrements to 0. The ISR must continually clear the bit
until it stays cleared.
The ISR must clear the IRQ bit and then verify that it stayed cleared. If it is not
cleared then it repeat the process until the IRQ bit stays cleared.
4 ADC output values
are one-half the
measured value.
The ADC exhibits a gain error that results in the output value being one-half
the actual measured value.
Left shifting the 10-bit value converts (equivalent to a multiply by 2) scales the
ADC output properly. Alternatively, the 10-bit ADC data can be read as
(ADC_DATAH[6:0], ADC_DATAL[7:5]). ADC_DATAL bit 5 is not indicated in
the Product Specification, but does function as an extra bit in the current
silicon for test purposes.
5 ADC output is
inaccurate for input
values below
50 mV.
The output from the ADC can vary widely when the input signal drops below
about 30 mV to 50 mV.
Measure analog inputs only above 50 mV.
6 Power-On Reset
(POR) voltage
threshold does not
meet specification.
The POR voltage threshold is approximately 3.1 V which can prevent proper
operation with power supplies below 3.1 V.
On power-up, insure that the power supply is kept between 3.2 V and 3.6 V
during operation.
Table 3. Z8F6403 Errata for Devices with Date Codes 0226 and Earlier (Continued)
No Summary Description
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
UP004207-0308 Page 14 of 15
7 Port H alternate
function forces pins
to output.
When the alternate function for Port H is enabled, the Port H pins are
configured as outputs.
Do not enable the Port H alternate function when using the Port H ADC inputs.
These pins continue to function properly as ADC inputs even though not
configured for alternate function. For ADC operation configure the Port H pins
as inputs.
8 Extraneous register
reads by the eZ8
There are several instructions during which the CPU performs extra register
reads. Most are addresses the CPU was trying to read, the CPU reads the
same register twice. There are a couple instructions where the CPU reads
from random addresses. This is typically not a problem, unless the register
being read is affected by a read operation. The registers affected by read
operations including the WDTCTL register are the UART, SPI, and I2C
Receive Data registers. If a read occurs on these registers, receive characters
may be lost or the WDT status lost.
Do not set RP to %XF.
Also, only use the LDX instruction on peripheral registers affected by read
9 UART Overrun
errors may be
Framing Error, Parity Error, Break Detect, and Rx Overrun Error conditions are
cleared up on reading the UART Receive Data register. During the time
between reading the UART Status register and the UART Receive Data
register, it is possible for another character to be received. This causes all
UART error flags and the UART Receive Data register to be updated with the
new character, making it is possible to miss the Overrun Error.
The window for this error only occurs if a UART Overrun Error occurs between
the time the UART Status register is read and the UART Receive Data register
is read. If vectored interrupts are used, service the UART. Receiver Overrun
conditions should not occur thereafter.
If you have long ISR or are polling the UART instead of using vectored inter-
rupts, Overrun errors become more likely. The window for this problem to
occur is small, yet becomes more probable if UART Receiver Overrun condi-
tions occur frequently.
When the user code employs vectored interrupts for the UART and does not
have long ISR, this is not a problem. Even for long ISR, the problem can be
avoided by,
Nesting the ISR
Adjusting the interrupt masks and re-enabling interrupts
Table 3. Z8F6403 Errata for Devices with Date Codes 0226 and Earlier (Continued)
No Summary Description
UP004207-0308 Page 15 of 15
Errata to Z8F640x, Z8F480x, Z8F320x, Z8F240x, Z8F160x (Z8 Encore!®)
As used herein
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support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for
use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A
critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be
reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system or to affect its safety or
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