Dual, Ultralow Noise Variable Gain Amplifier AD604 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM PAOx FBKx -DSXx +DSXx VGNx GAIN CONTROL AND SCALING AD604 0dB TO -48.4dB DIFFERENTIAL PASSIVE INPUT ATTENUATOR PAIx 40 AFA R-1.5R LADDER NETWORK VREF OUTx VOCM FIXED GAIN AMPLIFIER 34.4dB 32 8 00540-001 Ultralow input noise at maximum gain 0.80 nV/Hz, 3.0 pA/Hz 2 independent linear-in-dB channels Absolute gain range per channel programmable 0 dB to 48 dB (preamplifier gain = 14 dB) through 6 dB to 54 dB (preamplifier gain = 20 dB) 1.0 dB gain accuracy Bandwidth: 40 MHz (-3 dB) Input resistance: 300 k Variable gain scaling: 20 dB/V through 40 dB/V Stable gain with temperature and supply variations Single-ended unipolar gain control Power shutdown at lower end of gain control Drive ADCs directly COMx Figure 1. APPLICATIONS Ultrasound and sonar time-gain controls High performance AGC systems Signal measurement GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD604 is an ultralow noise, very accurate, dual-channel, linear-in-dB variable gain amplifier (VGA) optimized for timebased variable gain control in ultrasound applications; however, it supports any application requiring low noise, wide bandwidth, variable gain control. Each channel of the AD604 provides a 300 k input resistance and unipolar gain control for ease of use. User-determined gain ranges, gain scaling (dB/V), and dc level shifting of output further optimize performance. Each channel of the AD604 uses a high performance preamplifier that provides an input-referred noise voltage of 0.8 nV/Hz. The very accurate linear-in-dB response of the AD604 is achieved with the differential input exponential amplifier (DSX-AMP) architecture. Each DSX-AMP comprises a variable attenuator of 0 dB to 48.36 dB followed by a high speed fixed-gain amplifier. The attenuator is a 7-stage R-1.5R ladder network. The attenuation between tap points is 6.908 dB and 48.36 dB for the ladder network. The equation for the linear-in-dB gain response is G (dB) = (Gain Scaling (dB/V) x VGN (V)) + (Preamp Gain (dB) - 19 dB) Preamplifier gains between 5 and 10 (14 dB and 20 dB) provide overall gain ranges per channel of 0 dB through 48 dB and 6 dB through 54 dB. The two channels of the AD604 can be cascaded to provide greater levels of gain range by bypassing the preamplifier of the second channel. However, in multiple channel systems, cascading the AD604 with other devices in the AD60x VGA family that do not include a preamplifier may provide a more efficient solution. The AD604 provides access to the output of the preamplifier, allowing for external filtering between the preamplifier and the differential attenuator stage. Note that scale factors up to 40 dB/V are achievable with reduced accuracy for scales above 30 dB/V. The gain scales linearly in decibels with control voltages of 0.4 V to 2.4 V with the 20 dB/V scale. Below and above this gain control range, the gain begins to deviate from the ideal linear-in-dB control law. The gain control region below 0.1 V is not used for gain control. When the gain control voltage is <50 mV, the amplifier channel is powered down to 1.9 mA. The AD604 is available in 24-lead SSOP, SOIC, and PDIP packages and is guaranteed for operation over the -40C to +85C temperature range. Rev. G Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com Fax: 781.461.3113 (c)1996-2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AD604 TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Applications Information .............................................................. 18 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Ultralow Noise AGC Amplifier with 82 dB to 96 dB Gain Range............................................................................................ 19 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Ultralow Noise, Differential Input-Differential Output VGA ....................................................................................................... 21 Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Medical Ultrasound TGC Driving the AD9050, a 10-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC .................................................................................. 22 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 5 Evaluation Board ............................................................................ 24 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 5 Connecting a Waveform to the AD604-EVALZ ........................ 24 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............................. 6 DSX Input Connections ............................................................ 24 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 7 Preamplifier Gain ....................................................................... 25 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 13 Outputs ........................................................................................ 25 Preamplifier ................................................................................. 14 DC Operating Conditions......................................................... 25 Differential Ladder (Attenuator) .............................................. 15 Evaluation Board Artwork and Schematic ............................. 26 AC Coupling ............................................................................... 16 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 28 Gain Control Interface ............................................................... 16 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 29 Active Feedback Amplifier (Fixed-Gain Amp) ...................... 16 REVISION HISTORY 12/10--Rev. F to Rev. G Changes to Figure 1 .......................................................................... 1 Changes to Evaluation Board Section, Figure 55, Using the Preamplifier Section, Figure 56, and DSX Input Connections Section .............................................................................................. 24 Changes to Preamplifier Gain Section, Outputs Section, DC Operating Conditions Section, Table 4 and Table 5................... 25 Added Figure 57; Renumbered Sequentially .............................. 25 Changes to Figure 58 to Figure 61 ................................................ 26 Added Figure 62.............................................................................. 26 Changes to Figure 63 ...................................................................... 27 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 28 4/10--Rev. E to Rev. F Changes to Figure 55, DSX Input Connections Section, and Differential DSX Inputs Section ................................................... 24 Changes to Figure 61, Deleted Table 6 ......................................... 27 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 29 10/08--Rev. D to Rev. E Changes to Figure 1 .......................................................................... 1 Changes to Figure 37 ...................................................................... 13 Changes to Figure 41 ...................................................................... 15 Changes to Evaluation Board Model Name ................................ 24 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 29 1/08--Rev. C to Rev. D Changes to AC Coupling Section ................................................. 16 Changes to Applications Information Section............................ 18 Changes to An Ultralow Noise AGC Amplifier with 82 dB to 96 dB Gain Range Section ............................................................. 19 Changes to Figure 55 and Figure 56............................................. 24 Changes to Cascaded DSX Section and Outputs Section ......... 25 Changes to Figure 57 to Figure 60................................................ 26 Changes to Figure 61 and Table 6................................................. 27 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 29 3/07--Rev. B to Rev. C Added Evaluation Board Section ................................................. 24 Added Evaluation Board Artwork and Schematics Section ..... 26 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 29 12/06--Rev. A to Rev. B Changes to General Description .....................................................1 Changes to Figure 54...................................................................... 23 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 25 1/04--Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Specifications .................................................................2 Changes to Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................3 Changes to Ordering Guide .............................................................3 Changes to Figure 1 Caption............................................................5 Changes to Figure 11 Caption .........................................................6 Changes to Figure 17.........................................................................6 Changes to Figure 51...................................................................... 17 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 18 10/96--Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. G | Page 2 of 32 AD604 SPECIFICATIONS Each amplifier channel at TA = 25C, VS = 5 V, RS = 50 , RL = 500 , CL = 5 pF, VREF = 2.50 V (scaling = 20 dB/V), 0 dB to 48 dB gain range (preamplifier gain = 14 dB), VOCM = 2.5 V, C1 and C2 = 0.1 F (see Figure 37), unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Preamplifier Input Resistance Input Capacitance Input Bias Current Peak Input Voltage Input Voltage Noise Input Current Noise Noise Figure DSX Input Resistance Input Capacitance Peak Input Voltage Input Voltage Noise Input Current Noise Noise Figure Common-Mode Rejection Ratio OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS -3 dB Bandwidth Slew Rate Output Signal Range Output Impedance Output Short-Circuit Current Harmonic Distortion HD2 HD3 HD2 HD3 Two-Tone Intermodulation Distortion (IMD) Third-Order Intercept 1 dB Compression Point Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk Group Delay Variation VOCM Input Resistance Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Preamplifier gain = 14 dB Preamplifier gain = 20 dB VGN = 2.9 V, RS = 0 Preamplifier gain = 14 dB Preamplifier gain = 20 dB Independent of gain RS = 50 , f = 10 MHz, VGN = 2.9 V RS = 200 , f = 10 MHz, VGN = 2.9 V 300 8.5 -27 400 200 k pF mA mV mV 0.8 0.73 3.0 2.3 1.1 nV/Hz nV/Hz pA/Hz dB dB VGN = 2.9 V VGN = 2.9 V RS = 50 , f = 10 MHz, VGN = 2.9 V RS = 200 , f = 10 MHz, VGN = 2.9 V f = 1 MHz, VGN = 2.65 V 175 3.0 2.5 2 1.8 2.7 8.4 12 -20 pF V nV/Hz pA/Hz dB dB dB 40 170 2.5 1.5 2 40 MHz V/s V mA -54 -67 -43 -48 dBc dBc dBc dBc -74 -71 -12.5 dBc dBc dBm 15 -30 dBm dB 2 45 ns k Constant with gain VGN = 1.5 V, output = 1 V step RL 500 f = 10 MHz VGN = 1 V, VOUT = 1 V p-p f = 1 MHz f = 1 MHz f = 10 MHz f = 10 MHz VGN = 2.9 V, VOUT = 1 V p-p f = 1 MHz f = 10 MHz f = 10 MHz, VGN = 2.65 V, VOUT = 1 V p-p, input referred f = 1 MHz, VGN = 2.9 V, output referred VOUT = 1 V p-p, f = 1 MHz, Channel 1: VGN = 2.65 V, inputs shorted, Channel 2: VGN = 1.5 V (mid gain) 1 MHz < f < 10 MHz, full gain range Rev. G | Page 3 of 32 AD604 Parameter ACCURACY Absolute Gain Error 0 dB to 3 dB 3 dB to 43 dB 43 dB to 48 dB Gain Scaling Error Output Offset Voltage Output Offset Variation GAIN CONTROL INTERFACE Gain Scaling Factor Gain Range Input Voltage (VGN) Range Input Bias Current Input Resistance Response Time VREF Input Resistance POWER SUPPLY Specified Operating Range Power Dissipation Quiescent Supply Current Powered Down Power-Up Response Time Power-Down Response Time Conditions Min Typ Max Unit 0.25 V < VGN < 0.400 V 0.400 V < VGN < 2.400 V 2.400 V < VGN < 2.65 V 0.400 V < VGN < 2.400 V VREF = 2.500 V, VOCM = 2.500 V VREF = 2.500 V, VOCM = 2.500 V -1.2 -1.0 -3.5 +0.75 0.3 -1.25 0.25 30 30 +3 +1.0 +1.2 dB dB dB dB/V mV mV VREF = 2.5 V, 0.4 V < VGN < 2.4 V VREF = 1.67 V Preamplifier gain = 14 dB Preamplifier gain = 20 dB 20 dB/V, VREF = 2.5 V -50 19 48 dB gain change One complete channel One DSX only One complete channel One DSX only VPOS, one complete channel VPOS, one DSX only VNEG, one preamplifier only VPOS, VGN < 50 mV, one channel VNEG, VGN < 50 mV, one channel 48 dB gain change, VOUT = 2 V p-p Rev. G | Page 4 of 32 -15 20 30 0 to 48 6 to 54 0.1 to 2.9 -0.4 2 0.2 10 5 5 220 95 32 19 -12 1.9 -150 0.6 0.4 +50 50 21 36 23 3.0 dB/V dB/V dB dB V A M s k V V mW mW mA mA mA mA A s s AD604 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 2. 1, 2 Parameter Supply Voltage VS Pin 17 to Pin 20 (with Pin 16, Pin 22 = 0 V) Input Voltages Pin 1, Pin 2, Pin 11, Pin 12 Pin 4, Pin 9 Pin 5, Pin 8 Pin 6, Pin 7, Pin 13, Pin 14, Pin 23, Pin 24 Internal Power Dissipation PDIP (N) SOIC (RW) SSOP (RS) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature, Soldering 60 sec JA 3 AD604AN AD604AR AD604ARS JC3 AD604AN AD604AR AD604ARS Rating 6.5 V VPOS/2 2 V continuous 2 V VPOS, VNEG VPOS, 0 V ESD CAUTION 2.2 W 1.7 W 1.1 W -40C to +85C -65C to +150C 300C 105C/W 73C/W 112C/W 35C/W 38C/W 34C/W 1 Pin 1, Pin 2, Pin 11 to Pin 14, Pin 23, and Pin 24 are part of a single-supply circuit. The part is likely to suffer damage if any of these pins are accidentally connected to VN. 2 When driven from an external low impedance source. 3 Using MIL-STD-883 test method G43-87 with a 1S (2-layer) test board. Rev. G | Page 5 of 32 AD604 PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS -DSX1 1 24 VGN1 +DSX1 2 23 VREF PAO1 3 22 OUT1 PAI1 5 COM1 6 21 GND1 AD604 20 VPOS PAI2 8 19 VNEG TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 18 VNEG 17 VPOS FBK2 9 16 GND2 PAO2 10 15 OUT2 +DSX2 11 14 VOCM -DSX2 12 13 VGN2 COM2 7 00540-002 FBK1 4 Figure 2. Pin Configuration Table 3. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mnemonic -DSX1 +DSX1 PAO1 FBK1 PAI1 COM1 COM2 PAI2 FBK2 PAO2 +DSX2 -DSX2 VGN2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 VOCM OUT2 GND2 VPOS VNEG VNEG VPOS GND1 OUT1 VREF VGN1 Description Channel 1 Negative Signal Input to DSX1. Channel 1 Positive Signal Input to DSX1. Channel 1 Preamplifier Output. Channel 1 Preamplifier Feedback Pin. Channel 1 Preamplifier Positive Input. Channel 1 Signal Ground. When this pin is connected to positive supply, Preamplifier 1 shuts down. Channel 2 Signal Ground. When this pin is connected to positive supply, Preamplifier 2 shuts down. Channel 2 Preamplifier Positive Input. Channel 2 Preamplifier Feedback Pin. Channel 2 Preamplifier Output. Channel 2 Positive Signal Input to DSX2. Channel 2 Negative Signal Input to DSX2. Channel 2 Gain Control Input and Power-Down Pin. If this pin is grounded, the device is off; otherwise, positive voltage increases gain. Input to this pin defines the common mode of the output at OUT1 and OUT2. Channel 2 Signal Output. Ground. Positive Supply. Negative Supply. Negative Supply. Positive Supply. Ground. Channel 1 Signal Output. Input to this pin sets gain scaling for both channels to 2.5 V = 20 dB/V and 1.67 V = 30 dB/V. Channel 1 Gain Control Input and Power-Down Pin. If this pin is grounded, the device is off; otherwise, positive voltage increases gain. Rev. G | Page 6 of 32 AD604 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise noted, G (preamplifier) = 14 dB, VREF = 2.5 V (20 dB/V scaling), f = 1 MHz, RL = 500 , CL = 5 pF, TA = 25C, and VSS = 5 V. 40.0 50 37.5 40 35.0 GAIN SCALING (dB/V) 30 GAIN (dB) THEORETICAL 3 CURVES -40C, +25C, +85C 20 10 32.5 ACTUAL 30.0 27.5 25.0 0 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 20.0 1.25 2.9 00540-006 00540-003 -10 0.1 22.5 1.50 1.75 VGN (V) Figure 3. Gain vs. VGN for Three Temperatures 2.50 2.0 G (PREAMP) = +14dB (0dB TO +48dB) 50 1.5 1.0 GAIN ERROR (dB) 40 G (PREAMP) = +20dB (+6dB TO +54dB) 20 10 DSX ONLY (-14dB TO +34dB) 0 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 -0.5 +85C -1.5 00540-004 0.5 +25C -40C 0 -1.0 -10 -20 0.1 0.5 2.5 -2.0 0.2 2.9 00540-007 30 GAIN (dB) 2.25 Figure 6. Gain Scaling vs. VREF 60 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 2.7 VGN (V) VGN (V) Figure 7. Gain Error vs. VGN Figure 4. Gain vs. VGN for Different Preamplifier Gains 2.0 50 ACTUAL 40 1.5 ACTUAL 30dB/V VREF = 1.67V 1.0 GAIN ERROR (dB) 30 20 20dB/V VREF = 2.5V 10 0.5 FREQ = 1MHz 0 -0.5 FREQ = 5MHz FREQ = 10MHz -1.0 0 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 -2.0 0.2 2.9 00540-008 -10 0.1 -1.5 00540-005 GAIN (dB) 2.00 VREF (V) 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 VGN (V) VGN (V) Figure 8. Gain Error vs. VGN at Different Frequencies Figure 5. Gain vs. VGN for Different Gain Scalings Rev. G | Page 7 of 32 2.7 AD604 50 2.0 VGN = 2.5V 40 1.5 VGN = 2.9V 30 20dB/V VREF = 2.5V 0.5 GAIN (dB) 0 -0.5 30dB/V VREF = 1.67V -1.0 20 VGN = 1.5V 10 VGN = 0.5V 0 VGN = 0.1V -10 -20 -30 00540-009 -1.5 -2.0 0.2 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 VGN = 0V 00540-012 GAIN ERROR (dB) 1.0 -40 -50 100k 2.7 1M VGN (V) 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 9. Gain Error vs. VGN for Two Gain Scaling Values 25 Figure 12. AC Response for Various Values of VGN 2.55 N = 50 VGN1 = 1.0V VGN2 = 1.0V G(dB) = G(CH1) - G(CH2) 20 VOCM = 2.5V 2.54 -40C 2.53 VOUT (V) PERCENTAGE 2.52 15 10 2.51 2.50 +25C 2.49 2.48 5 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.46 2.45 0.2 0.9 0.7 1.2 DELTA GAIN (dB) Figure 10. Gain Match; VGN1 = VGN2 = 1.0 V 25 NOISE (nV/ Hz) 5 170 150 +85C 130 +25C 110 00540-011 PERCENTAGE 190 10 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.1 0.3 2.7 210 15 0 2.2 Figure 13. Output Offset vs. VGN for Three Temperatures N = 50 VGN1 = 2.50V VGN2 = 2.50V G(dB) = G(CH1) - G(CH2) 20 1.7 VGN (V) 0.5 0.7 90 0.1 0.9 DELTA GAIN (dB) -40C 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 00540-014 -1.0 +85C 00540-013 00540-010 0 2.47 2.5 2.9 VGN (V) Figure 11. Gain Match; VGN1 = VGN2 = 2.50 V Figure 14. Output Referred Noise vs. VGN for Three Temperatures Rev. G | Page 8 of 32 AD604 10 1000 VGN = 2.9V NOISE (nV/ Hz) NOISE (nV/ Hz) 100 10 1 RSOURCE ALONE 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 0.1 2.9 00540-018 00540-015 1 1 10 VGN (V) Figure 15. Input Referred Noise vs. VGN 900 100 1k RSOURCE () Figure 18. Input Referred Noise vs. RSOURCE 16 VGN = 2.9V VGN = 2.9V 15 14 850 13 NOISE FIGURE (dB) NOISE (pV/ Hz) 12 800 750 700 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 650 600 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 00540-019 00540-016 3 2 1 90 1 1k 10k RSOURCE () Figure 16. Input Referred Noise vs. Temperature 770 100 10 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 19. Noise Figure vs. RSOURCE 40 VGN = 2.9V RS = 240 35 765 NOISE FIGURE (dB) 755 750 25 20 15 10 745 1M 0 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 00540-020 740 100k 5 00540-017 NOISE (pV/ Hz) 30 760 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 VGN (V) Figure 17. Input Referred Noise vs. Frequency Figure 20. Noise Figure vs. VGN Rev. G | Page 9 of 32 2.4 2.8 AD604 -40 -20 VO = 1V p-p VGN = 1V -45 -40 -50 -50 POUT (dBm) HD2 -55 HD3 -60 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 00540-021 -65 -70 100k 1M 10M 00540-024 HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) VO = 1V p-p VGN = 1V -30 -110 -120 100M 9.96 9.98 0 -40 HD2 (10MHz) -5 -45 -10 -55 PIN (dBm) -50 HD3 (10MHz) -60 INPUT SIGNAL LIMIT 800mV p-p 10MHz -15 -20 1MHz -65 -25 -70 HD2 (1MHz) -80 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 -35 0.1 2.9 00540-025 HD3 (1MHz) -75 -30 00540-022 HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) 10.04 5 VO = 1V p-p -35 0.5 0.9 1.3 VGN (V) -20 RS 25 2.5 2.9 VO = 1V p-p 20 500 15 HD2 (10MHz) -40 f = 1MHz IP3 (dBm) 10 HD3 (10MHz) HD2 (1MHz) -60 HD3 (1MHz) f = 10MHz -10 00540-023 50 0 -5 -70 0 5 100 150 200 -15 0.4 250 RSOURCE () 00540-026 -50 -80 2.1 Figure 25. 1 dB Compression vs. VGN VO = 1V p-p VGN = 1V DUT 50 -30 1.7 VGN (V) Figure 22. Harmonic Distortion vs. VGN HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) 10.02 Figure 24. Intermodulation Distortion Figure 21. Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency -30 10.00 FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (Hz) 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.4 VGN (V) Figure 26. Third-Order Intercept vs. VGN Figure 23. Harmonic Distortion vs. RSOURCE Rev. G | Page 10 of 32 2.9 AD604 2V VO = 2V p-p VGN = 1.5V 500mV 2.9V 100 VGN (V) 400mV/DIV 90 10 -2V 253ns 500mV 00540-030 0% 00540-027 0.1V 100ns 1.253s 100ns/DIV Figure 30. Gain Response Figure 27. Large Signal Pulse Response 0 200 VO = 200mV p-p VGN = 1.5V -10 VGN1 = 1V VOUT1 = 1V p-p VIN2 = GND VGN2 = 2.9V -30 -40 VGN2 = 2V -50 TRIG'D -60 00540-028 -200 253ns -70 100k 1.253s 100ns/DIV VGN2 = 1.5V VGN2 = 0.1V 1M 10M 00540-031 40mV/DIV CROSSTALK (dB) -20 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 31. Crosstalk (Channel 1 to Channel 2) vs. Frequency Figure 28. Small Signal Pulse Response 0 500mV -10 2.9V 100 VGN = 2.9V 90 VGN (V) CMRR (dB) -20 -30 VGN = 2.5V VGN = 2V -40 10 0% 200ns -50 00540-029 500mV -60 100k VGN = 0.1V 1M 00540-032 0V 10M 100M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 32. DSX Common-Mode Rejection Ratio vs. Frequency Figure 29. Power-Up/Power-Down Response Rev. G | Page 11 of 32 AD604 40 35 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 10k 1k 100 10 10k 100k 1M 10M 15 10 PREAMP (IS) +IS (VGN = 0) -20 0 20 40 60 80 90 TEMPERATURE (C) FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 33. Input Impedance vs. Frequency Figure 35. Supply Current (One Channel) vs. Temperature 27.6 20 27.4 18 27.2 16 DELAY (ns) 27.0 26.8 26.6 14 VGN = 0.1V 12 26.4 10 26.2 VGN = 2.9V 26.0 25.8 -40 8 00540-034 INPUT BIAS CURRENT (A) DSX (+IS) 20 0 -40 100M AD604 (+I S) 25 5 00540-033 1 1k 30 -20 0 20 40 60 80 6 100k 90 TEMPERATURE (C) 00540-036 INPUT IMPEDANCE () 100k +IS (AD604) = +I S (PA) + +IS (DSX) -IS (AD604) = -I S (PA) 00540-035 1M 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 34. Input Bias Current vs. Temperature Figure 36. Group Delay vs. Frequency Rev. G | Page 12 of 32 100M AD604 THEORY OF OPERATION example, if the preamp gain is set to 14 dB and VREF is set to 2.50 V (to establish a gain scaling of 20 dB/V), the gain equation simplifies to The AD604 is a dual-channel VGA with an ultralow noise preamplifier. Figure 37 shows the simplified block diagram of one channel. Each identical channel consists of a preamplifier with gain setting resistors (R5, R6, and R7) and a single-supply X-AMP(R) (hereafter called DSX, differential single-supply X-AMP) made up of the following: * A precision passive attenuator (differential ladder). * A gain control block. * A VOCM buffer with supply splitting resistors (R3 and R4). * G (dB) = 20 (dB/V) x VGN (V) - 5 dB The desired gain can then be achieved by setting the unipolar gain control (VGN) to a voltage within its nominal operating range of 0.25 V to 2.65 V (for 20 dB/V gain scaling). The gain is monotonic for a complete gain control voltage range of 0.1 V to 2.9 V. Maximum gain can be achieved at a VGN of 2.9 V. The inputs VREF and VOCM are common to both channels. They are decoupled to ground, minimizing interchannel crosstalk. For the highest gain scaling accuracy, VREF should have an external low impedance voltage source. For low accuracy 20 dB/V applications, the VREF input can be decoupled with a capacitor to ground. In this mode, the gain scaling is determined by the midpoint between VPOS and GND; therefore, care should be taken to control the supply voltage to 5 V. The input resistance looking into the VREF pin is 10 k 20%. An active feedback amplifier (AFA) with gain setting resistors (R1 and R2). To understand the active-feedback amplifier topology, refer to the AD830 data sheet. The AD830 is a practical implementation of the idea. The preamplifier is powered by a 5 V supply, while the DSX uses a single +5 V supply. The linear-in-dB gain response of the AD604 can generally be described by G (dB) = Gain Scaling (dB/V) x Gain Control (V) + (Preamp Gain (dB) - 19 dB) The DSX portion of the AD604 is a single-supply circuit, and the VOCM pin is used to establish the dc level of the midpoint of this portion of the circuit. The VOCM pin only needs an external decoupling capacitor to ground to center the midpoint between the supply voltages (5 V, GND); however, the VOCM can be adjusted to other voltage levels if the dc common-mode level of the output is important to the user (for example, see the section entitled Medical Ultrasound TGC Driving the AD9050, a 10-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC). The input resistance looking into the VOCM pin is 45 k 20%. (1) Each channel provides between 0 dB to 48.4 dB and 6 dB to 54.4 dB of gain, depending on the user-determined preamplifier gain. The center 40 dB of gain is exactly linear-in-dB while the gain error increases at the top and bottom of the range. The gain of the preamplifier is typically either 14 dB or 20 dB but can be set to intermediate values by a single external resistor (see the Preamplifier section for details). The gain of the DSX can vary from -14 dB to +34.4 dB, as determined by the gain control voltage (VGN). The VREF input establishes the gain scaling; the useful gain scaling range is between 20 dB/V and 40 dB/V for a VREF voltage of 2.5 V and 1.25 V, respectively. For VREF VGNx GAIN CONTROL PAOx C1 PAIx R7 40 R5 32 +DSXx 175 DISTRIBUTED GM EXT. FBKx C2 DIFFERENTIAL ATTENUATOR -DSXx G1 Ao 175 VPOS R6 8 G2 R3 200k COMx R2 20 VOCM EXT. R4 200k R1 820 00540-037 C3 OUTx Figure 37. Simplified Block Diagram of a Single Channel of the AD604 Rev. G | Page 13 of 32 AD604 PREAMPLIFIER The input capability of the following single-supply DSX (2.5 2 V for a +5 V supply) limits the maximum input voltage of the preamplifier to 400 mV for the 14 dB gain configuration or 200 mV for the 20 dB gain configuration. The preamplifier gain can be programmed to 14 dB or 20 dB by either shorting the FBK1 node to PAO1 (14 dB) or by leaving the FBK1 node open (20 dB). These two gain settings are very accurate because they are set by the ratio of the on-chip resistors. Any intermediate gain can be achieved by connecting the appropriate resistor value between PAO1 and FBK1 according to Equation 2 and Equation 3. (R7 || REXT ) + R5 + R6 V G = OUT = VIN R6 To achieve optimum specifications, power and ground management are critical to the AD604. Large dynamic currents result because of the low resistances needed for the desired noise performance. Most of the difficulty is with the very low gain setting resistors of the preamplifier that allow for a total input referred noise, including the DSX, as low as 0.8 nV/Hz. The consequently large dynamic currents have to be carefully handled to maintain performance even at large signal levels. 20 (2) (3) Because the internal resistors have an absolute tolerance of 20%, the gain can be in error by as much as 0.33 dB when REXT is 30 , where it is assumed that REXT is exact. Figure 38 shows how the preamplifier is set to gains of 14 dB, 17.5 dB, and 20 dB. The gain range of a single channel of the AD604 is 0 dB to 48 dB when the preamplifier is set to 14 dB (Figure 38a), 3.5 dB to 51.5 dB for a preamp gain of 17.5 dB (Figure 38b), and 6 dB to 54 dB for the highest preamp gain of 20 dB (Figure 38c). PAI1 PAO1 R5 32 R7 40 FBK1 a. PREAMP GAIN = 14dB PAI1 COM1 PAO1 R6 8 R5 32 R7 40 R10 40 FBK1 b. PREAMP GAIN = 17.5dB PAO1 R5 32 R7 40 FBK1 c. PREAMP GAIN = 20dB 00540-038 R6 8 15 SHORT 14 13 12 11 10 100k VIN IN 150 50 8 32 1M 40 REXT 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 100M Figure 39. AC Response for Preamplifier Gains of 14 dB, 17.5 dB, and 20 dB The preamplifier uses a dual 5 V supply to accommodate large dynamic currents and a ground referenced input. The preamplifier output is also ground referenced and requires a common-mode level shift into the single-supply DSX. The two external coupling capacitors (C1 and C2 in Figure 37) connected to the PAO1 and +DSXx, and -DSXx, nodes and ground, respectively, perform this function (see the AC Coupling section). In addition, they eliminate any offset that would otherwise be introduced by the preamplifier. It should be noted that an offset of 1 mV at the input of the DSX is amplified by 34.4 dB (x 52.5) when the gain control voltage is at its maximum; this equates to 52.5 mV at the output. AC coupling is consequently required to keep the offset from degrading the output signal range. The gain-setting preamplifier feedback resistors are small enough (8 and 32 ) that even an additional 1 in the ground connection at Pin COM1 (the input common-mode reference) seriously degrades gain accuracy and noise performance. This node is sensitive, and careful attention is necessary to minimize the ground impedance. All connections to the COM1 node should be as short as possible. PAI1 COM1 16 00540-039 [R6 x G - (R5 + R6)] x R7 R6 8 40 18 17 R 7 - ( R6 x G ) + ( R5 + R 6 ) COM1 OPEN 19 GAIN (dB) R EXT = preamplifier to be 17.7 dB. The -3 dB small signal bandwidth of one complete channel of the AD604 (preamplifier and DSX) is 40 MHz and is independent of gain. Figure 38. Preamplifier Gain Programmability For a preamplifier gain of 14 dB, the -3 dB small signal bandwidth of the preamplifier is 130 MHz. When the gain is at its maximum of 20 dB, the bandwidth is reduced by half to 65 MHz. Figure 39 shows the ac response for the three preamp gains shown in Figure 38. Note that the gain for an REXT of 40 should be 17.5 dB, but the mismatch between the internal resistors and the external resistor causes the actual gain for this particular The preamplifier, including the gain setting resistors, has a noise performance of 0.71 nV/Hz and 3 pA/Hz. Note that a significant portion of the total input referred voltage noise is due to the feedback resistors. The equivalent noise resistance presented by R5 and R6 in parallel is nominally 6.4 , which contributes 0.33 nV/Hz to the total input referred voltage noise. Rev. G | Page 14 of 32 AD604 The larger portion of the input referred voltage noise comes from the amplifier with 0.63 nV/Hz. The current noise is independent of gain and depends only on the bias current in the input stage of the preamplifier, which is 3 pA/Hz. A unique circuit technique is used to interpolate continuously among the tap points, thereby providing continuous attenuation from 0 dB to -48.36 dB. The ladder network, together with the interpolation mechanism, can be considered a voltage-controlled potentiometer. The preamplifier can drive 40 (the nominal feedback resistors) and the following 175 ladder load of the DSX with low distortion. For example, at 10 MHz and 1 V at the output, the preamplifier has less than -45 dB of second and third harmonic distortion when driven from a low (25 ) source resistance. In applications that require more than 48 dB of gain range, two AD604 channels can be cascaded. Because the preamplifier has a limited input signal range and consumes over half (120 mW) of the total power (220 mW), and its ultralow noise is not necessary after the first AD604 channel, a shutdown mechanism that disables only the preamplifier is provided. To shut down the preamplifier, connect the COM1 pin and/or COM2 pin to the positive supply; the DSX is unaffected. For additional details, refer to the Applications Information section. -DSX1 VGN1 24 +DSX1 VREF 23 3 PAO1 OUT1 22 4 FBK1 GND1 21 5 PAI1 VPOS 20 6 COM1 VNEG 19 7 COM2 VNEG 18 8 PAI2 VPOS 17 9 FBK2 GND2 16 10 PAO2 OUT2 15 11 +DSX2 VOCM 14 12 -DSX2 VGN2 13 AD604 Figure 40. Shutdown of Preamplifiers Only DIFFERENTIAL LADDER (ATTENUATOR) The attenuator before the fixed-gain amplifier of the DSX is realized by a differential 7-stage R-1.5R resistive ladder network with an untrimmed input resistance of 175 single-ended or 350 differential. The signal applied at the input of the ladder network is attenuated by 6.908 dB per tap; thus, the attenuation at the first tap is 0 dB, at the second, 13.816 dB, and so on, all the way to the last tap where the attenuation is 48.356 dB (see Figure 41). +DSXx R -6.908dB R 1.5R -13.82dB R 1.5R -20.72dB What changes is the load seen by the driver; it is 175 when each input is driven single-ended but 350 when driven differentially. This is easily explained by thinking of the ladder network as two 175 resistors connected back-to-back with the middle node, MID, being biased by the VOCM buffer. A differential signal applied between the +DSXx and -DSXx nodes results in zero current into the MID node, but a singleended signal applied to either input, +DSXx or -DSXx, while the other input is ac-grounded causes the current delivered by the source to flow into the VOCM buffer via the MID node. The ladder resistor value of 175 provides the optimum balance between the load driving capability of the preamplifier and the noise contribution of the resistors. An advantage of the X-AMP architecture is that the output referred noise is constant vs. gain over most of the gain range. Figure 41 shows that the tap resistance is equal for all taps after only a few taps away from the inputs. The resistance seen looking into each tap is 54.4 , which makes 0.95 nV/Hz of Johnson noise spectral density. Because there are two attenuators, the overall noise contribution of the ladder network is 2 times 0.95 nV/Hz or 1.34 nV/Hz, a large fraction of the total DSX noise. The balance of the DSX circuit components contributes another 1.2 nV/Hz, which together with the attenuator produces 1.8 nV/Hz of total DSX input referred noise. 00540-040 1 2 Because the DSX circuit uses a single voltage power supply, the input biasing is provided by the VOCM buffer driving the MID node (see Figure 41). Without internal biasing, the user would have to dc bias the inputs externally. If not done carefully, the biasing network can introduce additional noise and offsets. By providing internal biasing, the user is relieved of this task and only needs to ac-couple the signal into the DSX. Note that the input to the DSX is still fully differential if driven differentially; that is, Pin +DSXx and Pin -DSXx see the same signal but with opposite polarity (see the Ultralow Noise, Differential InputDifferential Output VGA section). R 1.5R -27.63dB R 1.5R -34.54dB R 1.5R -41.45dB R 1.5R -48.36dB 1.5R 175 1.5R 175 MID R 1.5R R 1.5R R 1.5R R 1.5R R 1.5R NOTES 1. R = 96 2. 1.5R = 144 R 1.5R R 00540-041 -DSXx Figure 41. R-1.5R Dual Ladder Network Rev. G | Page 15 of 32 AD604 AC COUPLING The DSX portion of the AD604 is a single-supply circuit and, therefore, its inputs need to be ac-coupled to accommodate ground-based signals. External Capacitors C1 and C2 in Figure 37 level shift the ground referenced preamplifier output from ground to the dc value established by VOCM (nominal 2.5 V). C1 and C2, together with the 175 looking into each of the DSX inputs (+DSXx and -DSXx), act as high-pass filters with corner frequencies depending on the values chosen for C1 and C2. As an example, for values of 0.1 F at C1 and C2, combined with the 175 input resistance at each side of the differential ladder of the DSX, the -3 dB high-pass corner is 9.1 kHz. If the AD604 output needs to be ground referenced, another ac coupling capacitor is required for level shifting. This capacitor also eliminates any dc offsets contributed by the DSX. With a nominal load of 500 and a 0.1 F coupling capacitor, this adds a high-pass filter with -3 dB corner frequency at about 3.2 kHz. The choice for all three of these coupling capacitors depends on the application. They should allow the signals of interest to pass unattenuated while, at the same time, they can be used to limit the low frequency noise in the system. GAIN CONTROL INTERFACE The gain control interface provides an input resistance of approximately 2 M at VGN1 and gain scaling factors from 20 dB/V to 40 dB/V for VREF input voltages of 2.5 V to 1.25 V, respectively. The gain scales linearly in decibels for the center 40 dB of gain range, which for VGN is equal to 0.4 V to 2.4 V for the 20 dB/V scale and 0.2 V to 1.2 V for the 40 dB/V scale. Figure 42 shows the ideal gain curves for a nominal preamplifier gain of 14 dB, which are described by the following equations: G (20 dB/V) = 20 x VGN - 5, VREF = 2.500 V (4) G (20 dB/V) = 30 x VGN - 5, VREF = 1.666 V (5) G (20 dB/V) = 40 x VGN - 5, VREF = 1.250 V (6) 50 45 40 35 40dB/V 30dB/V 20dB/V 15 2.5 Figure 42. Ideal Gain Curves vs. VGN 3.0 00540-042 1.0 1.5 2.0 GAIN CONTROL VOLTAGE (VGN) GAIN (dB) (7) To achieve single-supply operation and a fully differential input to the DSX, an active feedback amplifier (AFA) is used. The AFA is an op amp with two gm stages; one of the active stages is used in the feedback path (therefore the name), while the other is used as a differential input. Note that the differential input is an open-loop gm stage that requires it to be highly linear over the expected input signal range. In this design, the gm stage that senses the voltages on the attenuator is a distributed one; for example, there are as many gm stages as there are taps on the ladder network. Only a few of them are on at any one time, depending on the gain control voltage. The AFA makes a differential input structure possible because one of its inputs (G1) is fully differential; this input is made up of a distributed gm stage. The second input (G2) is used for feedback. The output of G1 is some function of the voltages sensed on the attenuator taps, which is applied to a high-gain amplifier (A0). Because of negative feedback, the differential input to the high-gain amplifier has to be zero; this in turn implies that the differential input voltage to G2 times gm2 (the transconductance of G2) has to be equal to the differential input voltage to G1 times gm1 (the transconductance of G1). V ATTEN 5 0.5 Gain Scale ACTIVE FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER (FIXED-GAIN AMP) VOUT 10 0 2.500 V x 20 dB/V Usable gain control voltage ranges are 0.1 V to 2.9 V for the 20 dB/V scale and 0.1 V to 1.45 V for the 40 dB/V scale. VGN voltages of less than 0.1 V are not used for gain control because below 50 mV the channel (preamplifier and DSX) is powered down. This can be used to conserve power and, at the same time, to gate off the signal. The supply current for a powereddown channel is 1.9 mA; the response time to power the device on or off is less than 1 s. LINEAR-IN-dB RANGE OF AD604 WITH PREAMPLIFIER SET TO 14dB 20 -5 VREF = Therefore, the overall gain function of the AFA is 30 25 From these equations, it can be seen that all gain curves intercept at the same -5 dB point; this intercept is +6 dB higher (+1 dB) if the preamplifier gain is set to +20 dB or +14 dB lower (-19 dB) if the preamplifier is not used at all. Outside the central linear range, the gain starts to deviate from the ideal control law but still provides another 8.4 dB of range. For a given gain scaling, VREF can be calculated as shown in Equation 7. = g m1 g m2 x R1 + R 2 R2 where: VOUT is the output voltage. VATTEN is the effective voltage sensed on the attenuator. (R1 + R2)/R2 = 42 gm1/gm2 = 1.25 The overall gain is thus 52.5 (34.4 dB). Rev. G | Page 16 of 32 (8) AD604 The AFA offers the following additional features: * The ability to invert the signal by switching the positive and negative inputs to the ladder network * The possibility of using DSX1 input as a second signal input * Fully differential high-impedance inputs when both preamplifiers are used with one DSX (the other DSX could still be used alone) * Independent control of the DSX common-mode voltage Under normal operating conditions, it is best to connect a decoupling capacitor to VOCM, in which case, the commonmode voltage of the DSX is half the supply voltage, which allows for maximum signal swing. Nevertheless, the common-mode voltage can be shifted up or down by directly applying a voltage to VOCM. It can also be used as another signal input, the only limitation being the rather low slew rate of the VOCM buffer. If the dc level of the output signal is not critical, another coupling capacitor is normally used at the output of the DSX; again, this is done for level shifting and to eliminate any dc offsets contributed by the DSX (see the AC Coupling section). Rev. G | Page 17 of 32 AD604 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The basic circuit in Figure 43 shows the connections for one channel of the AD604. The signal is applied at Pin 5. RGN is normally 0, in which case the preamplifier is set to a gain of 5 (14 dB). When FBK1 is left open, the preamplifier is set to a gain of 10 (20 dB), and the gain range shifts up by 6 dB. The ac coupling capacitors before -DSX1 and +DSX1 should be selected according to the required lower cutoff frequency. In this example, the 0.1 F capacitors, together with the 175 seen looking into each of the DSXx input pins, provide a -3 dB high-pass corner of about 9.1 kHz. The upper cutoff frequency is determined by the bandwidth of the channel, which is 40 MHz. Note that the signal can be simply inverted by connecting the output of the preamplifier to -DSX1 instead of +DSX1; this is due to the fully differential input of the DSX. 0.1F RGN VIN -DSX1 VGN1 24 2 +DSX1 VREF 23 3 PAO1 OUT1 22 4 FBK1 GND1 21 5 PAI1 6 COM1 VNEG 19 +5V 7 COM2 VNEG 18 -5V 8 PAI2 VPOS 17 9 FBK2 GND2 16 10 PAO2 OUT2 15 11 +DSX2 VOCM 14 12 -DSX2 VGN2 13 AD604 VPOS 20 0.1F +2.5V OUT RL 500 0.1F 00540-043 0.1F VGN 1 Figure 43. Basic Connections for a Single Channel In Figure 43, the output is ac-coupled for optimum performance. For dc coupling, as shown in Figure 52, the capacitor can be eliminated if VOCM is biased at the same 3.3 V common-mode voltage as the analog-to-digital converter, AD9050. VREF requires a voltage of 1.25 V to 2.5 V, with between 40 dB/V and 20 dB/V gain scaling, respectively. Voltage VGN controls the gain; its nominal operating range is from 0.25 V to 2.65 V for 20 dB/V gain scaling and 0.125 V to 1.325 V for 40 dB/V scaling. When VGNx is grounded, the channel powers down and disables its output. COM1 is the main signal ground for the preamplifier and needs to be connected with as short a connection as possible to the input ground. Because the internal feedback resistors of the preamplifier are very small for noise reasons (8 and 32 nominally), it is of utmost importance to keep the resistance in this connection to a minimum. Furthermore, excessive inductance in this connection can lead to oscillations. Because of the ultralow noise and wide bandwidth of the AD604, large dynamic currents flow to and from the power supply. To ensure the stability of the part, careful attention to supply decoupling is required. A large storage capacitor in parallel with a smaller high-frequency capacitor connected at the supply pins, together with a ferrite bead coming from the supply, should be used to ensure high-frequency stability. To provide for additional flexibility, COM1 can be used to disable the preamplifier. When COM1 is connected to VP, the preamplifier is off, yet the DSX portion can be used independently. This may be of value when cascading the two DSX stages in the AD604. In this case, the first DSX output signal with respect to noise is large and using the second preamplifier at this point would waste power (see Figure 44). Rev. G | Page 18 of 32 AD604 C1 0.1F C2 0.1F VIN (MAX 800mV p-p) 1 -DSX1 VGN1 24 2 +DSX1 VREF 23 VREF AD604 R1 49.9 3 PAO1 OUT1 22 4 FBK1 GND1 21 5 PAI1 VPOS 20 VSET (<0V) 6 COM1 VNEG 19 -5V 7 COM2 VNEG 18 -5V - (V1)2 1V R4 2k C8 0.33F +5V C3 0.1F 8 PAI2 VPOS 17 9 FBK2 GND2 16 10 PAO2 OUT2 15 11 +DSX2 VOCM 14 12 -DSX2 VGN2 13 C4 0.1F +5V V1 = VIN x G C7 0.33F C7 0.1F 8 7 6 5 X1 X2 VP W R3 1k C10 1F Y1 Y2 VN Z 1 2 3 4 R2 453 1 R7 1k AD835 C6 0.56F LOWPASS FILTER C11 1F OFFS NULL NC 8 +VS 7 2 +5V AD711 -5V 3 OUT 6 4 OFFS 5 NULL - (A)2 2 -VS VG IF V1 = A x cos (wt) -5V FB +5V C9 0.33F RF OUT R5 2k R6 2k FB -5V C13 0.1F ALL SUPPLY PINS ARE DECOUPLED AS SHOWN. 00540-044 C12 0.1F R8 2k +5V Figure 44. AGC Amplifier with 82 dB of Gain Range ULTRALOW NOISE AGC AMPLIFIER WITH 82 dB TO 96 dB GAIN RANGE Figure 44 shows an implementation of an AGC amplifier with 82 dB of gain range using a single AD604. The signal is applied to connector VIN and, because the signal source is 50 , a terminating resistor (R1) of 49.9 is added. The signal is then amplified by 14 dB (Pin FBK1 shorted to PAO1) through the Channel 1 preamplifier and is further processed by the Channel 1 DSX. Next, the signal is applied directly to the Channel 2 DSX. The second preamplifier is powered down by connecting its COM2 pin to the positive supply as explained in the Preamplifier section. C1 and C2 level shift the signal from the preamplifier into the first DSX and, at the same time, eliminate any offset contribution of the preamplifier. C3 and C4 have the same offset cancellation purpose for the second DSX. Each set of capacitors, combined with the 175 input resistance of the corresponding DSX, provides a high-pass filter with a -3 dB corner frequency of about 9.1 kHz. VOCM is decoupled to ground by a 0.1 F capacitor, while VREF can be externally provided; in this application, the gain scale is set to 20 dB/V by applying 2.500 V. Because each DSX amplifier operates from a single 5 V supply, the output is ac-coupled via C6 and C7. The output signal can be monitored at the connector labeled RF OUT. Figure 45 and Figure 46 show the gain range and gain error for the AD604 connected as shown in Figure 44. The gain range is -14 dB to +82 dB; the useful range is 0 dB to +82 dB if the RF output amplitude is controlled to 400 mV (+2 dBm). The main limitation on the lower end of the signal range is the input capability of the preamplifier. This limitation can be overcome by adding an attenuator in front of the preamplifier, but that would defeat the advantage of the ultralow noise preamplifier. It should be noted that the second preamplifier is not used because its ultralow noise and the associated high-power consumption are overkill after the first DSX stage. It is disabled in this application by connecting the COM2 pin to the positive supply. Nevertheless, the second preamplifier can be used, if so desired, and the useful gain range increases by 14 dB to encompass 0 dB to 96 dB of gain. For the same +2 dBm output, this allows signals as small as -94 dBm to be measured. To achieve the highest gains, the input signal must be bandlimited to reduce the noise; this is especially true if the second preamplifier is used. If the maximum signal at OUT2 of the AD604 is limited to 400 mV (+2 dBm), the input signal level at the AGC threshold is +25 V rms (-79 dBm). The circuit as shown in Figure 44 has about 40 MHz of noise bandwidth; the 0.8 nV/Hz of input referred voltage noise spectral density of the AD604 results in an rms noise of 5.05 V in the 40 MHz bandwidth. Rev. G | Page 19 of 32 AD604 The 50 termination resistor, in parallel with the 50 source resistance of the signal generator, forms an effective resistance of 25 as seen by the input of the preamplifier, creating 4.07 V of rms noise at a bandwidth of 40 MHz. The noise floor of this channel is consequently 6.5 V rms, the rms sum of these two main noise sources. The minimum detectable signal (MDS) for this circuit is +6.5 V rms (-90.7 dBm). Generally, the measured signal should be about a factor of three larger than the noise floor, in this case 19.5 V rms. Note that the 25 V rms signal that this AGC circuit can correct for is just slightly above the MDS. Of course, the sensitivity of the input can be improved by band-limiting the signal; if the noise bandwidth is reduced by a factor of four to 10 MHz, the noise floor of the AGC circuit with a 50 termination resistor drops to +3.25 V rms (-96.7 dBm). Further noise improvement can be achieved by an input matching network or by transformer coupling of the input signal. 90 70 f = 1MHz 60 Figure 47 shows the control voltage, VGN, vs. the input power at frequencies of 1 MHz (solid line) and 10 MHz (dashed line) at an output regulated level of 2 dBm (800 mV p-p). The AGC threshold is evident at a PIN of about -79 dBm; the highest input power that can still be accommodated is about +3 dBm. At this level, the output starts being distorted because of clipping in the preamplifier. GAIN (dB) 50 40 30 20 10 0 00540-045 -10 -20 -30 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 VGN (V) 2.1 2.5 For example, if the signal presented to the detector is V1 = A x cos(t) as indicated in Figure 44, the output of the squarer is -(V1)2/1 V. The reason for all the minus signs in the detection circuitry is the necessity of providing negative feedback in the control loop; actually, if VSET becomes greater than 0 V, the control loop provides positive feedback. Squaring A x cos(t) results in two terms, one at dc and one at 2; the following lowpass filter passes only the -(A)2/2 dc term. This dc voltage is now forced equal to the voltage, VSET, by the control loop. The squarer, together with the low-pass filter, functions as a meansquare detector. As should be evident by controlling the value of VSET, the amplitude of the voltage V1 can be set at the input of the AD835; if VSET equals -80 mV, the AGC output signal amplitude is 400 mV. 4.5 2.9 4.0 CONTROL VOLTAGE (V) Figure 45. Cascaded Gain vs. VGN (Based on Figure 44) 4 f = 1MHz 3 GAIN ERROR (dB) 2 1 0 3.0 2.5 2.0 10MHz 1MHz 1.5 1.0 -1 0.5 -80 -2 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 PIN (dBm) -20 -10 0 10 Figure 47. Control Voltage vs. Input Power of the Circuit in Figure 44 00540-046 -3 -4 0.2 3.5 00540-047 80 the incoming signal frequency, while passing the low frequency AM information. The following integrator with a time constant of 2 ms set by R8 and C11 integrates the error signal presented by the low-pass filter and changes VG until the error signal is equal to VSET. 2.7 VGN (V) Figure 46. Cascaded Gain Error vs. VGN (Based on Figure 44) The descriptions of the detector circuitry functions, comprising a squarer, a low-pass filter, and an integrator, follow. At this point, it is necessary to make some assumptions about the input signal. The following explanation of the detector circuitry presumes an amplitude modulated RF carrier where the modulating signal is at a much lower frequency than the RF signal. The AD835 multiplier functions as the detector by squaring the output signal presented to it by the AD604. A low-pass filter following the squaring operation removes the RF signal component at twice As previously mentioned, the second preamplifier can be used to extend the range of the AGC circuit in Figure 44. Figure 48 shows the modifications that must be made to Figure 46 to achieve 96 dB of gain and dynamic range. Because of the extremely high gain, the bandwidth must be limited to reject some of the noise. Furthermore, limiting the bandwidth helps suppress highfrequency oscillations. The added components act as a low-pass filter and dc block (C5 decouples the 2.5 V common-mode output of the first DSX). The ferrite bead has an impedance of about 5 at 1 MHz, 30 at 10 MHz, and 70 at 100 MHz. The bead, combined with R2 and C6, forms a 1 MHz low-pass filter. Rev. G | Page 20 of 32 AD604 Figure 49 shows the control voltage vs. the input power at 1 MHz to the circuit shown in Figure 48; note that the AGC threshold is at -95 dBm. The output signal level is set to 800 mV p-p by applying -80 mV to the VSET connector. the signal amplitude compared with when they are driven single-ended. AD604 C1 0.1F C2 0.1F C5 0.1F VREF 23 3 PAO1 OUT1 22 4 FBK1 GND1 21 VREF C7 0.1F 5 PAI1 VPOS 20 +5V VGN1 24 6 COM1 VNEG 19 -5V 2 +DSX1 VREF 23 7 COM2 VNEG 18 -5V 3 PAO1 OUT1 22 8 PAI2 VPOS 17 +5V 4 FBK1 GND1 21 9 FBK2 GND2 16 10 PAO2 OUT2 15 11 +DSX2 VOCM 14 12 -DSX2 VGN2 13 VIN- C4 0.1F VPOS 20 5 PAI1 6 COM1 VNEG 19 C6 560pF 7 COM2 VNEG 18 8 PAI2 VPOS 17 9 FBK2 GND2 16 FB +5V C3 0.1F 10 PAO2 OUT2 15 FB -5V 11 +DSX2 VOCM 14 12 -DSX2 VGN2 13 AD604 C3 0.1F C13 0.1F C12 0.1F C6 0.1F VOUT+ R1 453 R2 453 VOUT- VG C5 0.1F ALL SUPPLY PINS ARE DECOUPLED AS SHOWN. 00540-048 Figure 50. Ultralow Noise, Differential Input-Differential Output VGA FAIR-RITE #2643000301 Figure 48. Modifications of the AGC Amplifier to Create 96 dB of Gain Range 4.5 4.0 CONTROL VOLTAGE (V) VGN1 24 +DSX1 -DSX1 FB 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 -DSX1 2 1 VIN+ R2 499 1 00540-050 At 1 MHz, the attenuation is about -0.2 dB, increasing to -6 dB at 10 MHz and -28 dB at 100 MHz. Signals less than approximately 1 MHz are not significantly affected. 1MHz Figure 51 displays the output signals VOUT+ and VOUT- after a -20 dB attenuator formed between the 453 resistors shown in Figure 50 and the 50 loads presented by the oscilloscope plug-in. R1 and R2 are inserted to ensure a nominal load of 500 at each output. The differential gain of the circuit is set to 20 dB by applying a control voltage, VGN, of 1 V; the gain scaling is 20 dB/V for a VREF of 2.500 V; the input frequency is 10 MHz, and the differential input amplitude is 100 mV p-p. The resulting differential output amplitude is 1 V p-p as can be seen on the scope photo when reading the vertical scale as 200 mV/div. 1.5 20mV 1.0 0 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 PIN (dBm) 00540-049 0.5 0 20ns 100 ACTUAL VOUT +500mV 90 10 Figure 49. Control Voltage vs. Input Power of the Circuit in Figure 48 ULTRALOW NOISE, DIFFERENTIAL INPUTDIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VGA 10 -500mV 0% Rev. G | Page 21 of 32 20mV NOTES 1. THE OUTPUT AFTER 10x ATTENUATER FORMED BY 453 TOGETHER WITH 50 OF 7A24 PLUG-IN. Figure 51. Output of VGA in Figure 50 for VGN = 1 V 00540-054 Figure 50 shows how to use both preamplifiers and DSXs to create a high impedance, differential input-differential output VGA. This application takes advantage of the differential inputs to the DSXs. Note that the input is not truly differential in the sense that the common-mode voltage needs to be at ground to achieve maximum input signal swing. This has largely to do with the limited output swing capability of the output drivers of the preamplifiers; they clip around 2.2 V due to having to drive an effective load of about 30 . If a different input common-mode voltage needs to be accommodated, ac coupling (as in Figure 48) is recommended. The differential gain range of this circuit runs from 6 dB to 54 dB, which is 6 dB higher than each individual channel of the AD604 because the DSX inputs now see twice AD604 The gain is controlled by means of a digital byte that is input to an AD7226 DAC that outputs the analog gain control signal. The output common-mode voltage of the AD604 is set to VPOS/2 by means of an internal voltage divider. The VOCM pin is bypassed with a 0.1 F capacitor to ground. MEDICAL ULTRASOUND TGC DRIVING THE AD9050, A 10-BIT, 40 MSPS ADC The AD604 is an ideal candidate for the time gain control (TGC) amplifier that is required in medical ultrasound systems to limit the dynamic range of the signal that is presented to the ADC. Figure 52 shows a schematic of an AD604 driving an AD9050 in a typical medical ultrasound application. J2 ANALOG INPUT 50 50 0.1F (MSB) D9 15 0.1F 0.1F 0.1F The DSX output is optionally filtered and then buffered by an AD9631 op amp, a low distortion, low noise amplifier. The op amp output is ac-coupled into the self-biasing input of an AD9050 ADC that is capable of outputting 10 bits at a 40 MSPS sampling rate. AD9050 1 -DSX1 VGN1 24 2 +DSX1 VREF 23 3 PAO1 OUT1 22 4 FBK1 GND1 21 FILTER 5 PAI1 VPOS 20 +5V 0.1F 6 COM1 VNEG 19 7 COM2 VNEG 18 8 PAI2 VPOS 17 9 FBK2 GND2 16 10 PAO2 OUT2 15 11 +DSX2 VOCM 14 12 -DSX2 VGN2 13 AD604 0.1F 1k -5V 0.1F 1k 2 3 AD9631 -IN OUT D7 17 4 VREFIN D6 18 5 COMP D5 19 6 REFBP D4 24 9 AINB D3 25 10 AIN 14 OR OPTIONAL 0.1F VOUTB VOUTC 20 VOUTA VOUTD 19 3 VSS 4 VREF 5 AGND A1 16 DGND DB7 7 (MSB) 8 DB6 WR 15 DB0 14 (LSB) DB1 13 VDD 18 D1 27 (LSB) D0 28 VDD 20 VDD 22 CLK 0.1F 0.1F +15V A0 17 DB5 DB2 12 10 DB4 DB3 11 00540-051 AD7226 A/D OUTPUT D2 26 13 ENCODE 0.1F 2 9 VREFOUT 1k 1 6 0.1F +IN 100 VREF 6 D8 16 3 DIGITAL GAIN CONTROL Figure 52. TGC Circuit for Medical Ultrasound Application Rev. G | Page 22 of 32 AD604 C3 0.1F PAO1 C1 0.1F NOTE 2 R2 RGN VG1 1 -DSX1 VGN1 24 2 +DSX1 VREF 23 3 PAO1 OUT1 22 4 FBK1 GND1 21 VREF C4 0.1F C2 5pF C12 0.1F AD604 IN1 IN2 PAO2 R3 RGN C6 0.1F 5 PAI1 VPOS 20 6 COM1 VNEG 19 7 COM2 VNEG 18 8 PAI2 VPOS 17 9 FBK2 GND2 16 10 PAO2 OUT2 15 11 +DSX2 VOCM 14 R1 500 OUT1 NOTE 3 OPTIONAL C11 0.1F +5V -5V C10 0.1F C9 0.1F C8 5pF NOTE 3 R4 500 C7 0.1F OUT2 VOCM 0.1F -DSX2 VGN2 13 VG2 NOTES 1. PAO1 AND PAO2 ARE USED TO MEASURE PREAMPS. 2. RGN = 0 NOMINALLY; PREAMP GAIN = 5, RGN = OPEN; PREAMP GAIN = 10. 3. WHEN MEASURING BW WITH 50 SPECTRUM ANALYZER, USE 450 IN SERIES. Figure 53. Basic Test Board HP3577B OUT R A HP11636B POWER SPLITTER 50 PAI 0.1F 450 DUT 00540-053 49.9 AD604 Figure 54. Setup for Gain Measurements Rev. G | Page 23 of 32 00540-052 12 C5 0.1F AD604 EVALUATION BOARD Figure 56 is a photograph of the AD604 evaluation board assembly. Multiple input connections, testpoints, switch-selectable options, and on-board trims offer convenience when configuring the AD604 in various operating modes. The evaluation board requires only a dual 5 V supply capable of 200 mA or higher to operate both channels. Prior to shipment, the evaluation board is fully tested. Users need only attach power supply leads and the appropriate test equipment to the board. Because of this flexibility, some of the component positions on the board are user selectable. Installing or changing additional parts, such as gain resistor values or SMA connectors for nonstandard I/O, is discretionary. 00540-156 The AD604-EVALZ is fabricated on a 4-layer board with inner power and ground layers. Figure 55 is a photograph of the top views of the board, assembly and artwork layers are shown in Figure 56, a representative test setup is shown in Figure 57, and Figure 58 to Figure 62 show the artwork drawings of the evaluation board. Figure 56. AD604 Evaluation Board Assembly DSX INPUT CONNECTIONS 00540-155 The VGA input configuration options are single-ended or differential. Connections are provided for each of the inputs and are labeled VGAx+IN and VGAx-IN. Switches VGAx+IN and VGAx-IN select between the preamplifier outputs (PAOx) and the VGA SMA input connectors. For direct drive of the Channel VGA channels from an external source, such as a signal generator, simply use the switches to select the desired signal paths. Refer to the schematic shown in Figure 63 for circuit details. Because the VGA section of the AD604 uses a single 5 V supply, the VGA inputs are ac-coupled. The VGA ladder network input is connected to the device DSX1/DSX2 pins, and the network impedance is nominally 200 . If direct access to the DSX is desired, signals can be applied to the test loops DSX1/DSX2. Optionally, SMA connectors can be installed at the VGAxIN locations and 66.5 , 1% resistors at R5, R6, R9, and R10 to provide an input termination value of 49.9. Cascade VGAs to Boost Gain Figure 55. Top View Photograph of AD604 Evaluation Board CONNECTING A WAVEFORM TO THE AD604-EVALZ To test the AD604, apply the desired waveform to either or both of the preamplifier input SMA connectors, PRE1IN or PRE2IN. Referring to the schematic in Figure 63, the inputs are already terminated 49.9 resistors (R7 and R8); therefore, no external terminating networks are required. To enable the preamplifiers, insert jumpers in the JP8 and JP9 rightmost positions; this connects COM1 and COM2 to ground. Power down the preamplifiers by inserting jumpers in the JP8 and JP9 leftmost positions. The AD604 channels may be cascaded to achieve higher gain range by moving the VG2+IN_SW to its CASCADE position. The resulting single-channel gain range is 96 dB. The gains of cascaded VGAs are controlled independently or in common. For common (parallel) control, move the gain control switch, GN2, to the 1&2 position. To use the optional GNx_ADJ trimmers for static gain control voltages, set GN1 to EXT and GN2 to 2ONLY. For external control, connect the desired signal source to the test loops, VGNx. Rev. G | Page 24 of 32 AD604 PREAMPLIFIER GAIN DC OPERATING CONDITIONS The default gain of the preamplifier is 20 dB, 14 dB is achieved with 0 resistors in the R11and R12 positions. The 14 dB and 20 dB preset gains are accurate because of the close matching of the internal thin film resistors. The gain accuracy after installing external resistors is subject to inherent tolerance of absolute accuracy; however, any pair of preamplifiers is reasonably matched when standard 1% SM resistors are used. Table 4 lists the trimmers and their functions provided for convenient dc level adjustments of gain, reference voltage, and output common-mode voltage. Table 5 lists the switches and their functions. OUTPUTS The DSX outputs are available on the OUT1 and OUT2 SMA connectors and are series terminated with decoupling capacitors and 49.9 series resistors. Table 4. Trimmer Functions Trimmer GN1_ADJ VREF_ADJ VOCM_ADJ GN2_ADJ Function Optional dc level for VGA Channel 1 Optional dc level to adjust reference voltage Output common-mode voltage adjustment Optional dc level for VGA Channel 2 Table 5. Jumpers VG2-IN GN1 REF OCMV Function Connects -DSX1 to the SMA connector VGA1-IN or to ground. Connects +DSX1 (ac-coupled) to the preamplifier output of Channel 1 (PAO1) or to the SMA connector VGA1+ IN. Enables/disables Channel 1 preamp by connecting COM1 to ground (enable) or to +5V (disable). Enables/disables Channel 2 preamp by connecting COM2 to ground (enable) or to +5V (disable). Connects the +DSX input to the SMA VGA2+IN, the Channel 2 preamplifier output (PAO2), or the output of Channel 1 for a cascade connection. Connects -DSX2 to SMA VGA2-IN or to ground. Connects the VGN1 input to trimmer GN1_ADJ gain adjust wiper or leaves the input unconnected. Connects the reference input to the VREF_ADJ trimmer or leaves the input connected. Connects VOCM to the common-mode voltage trimmer, VOCM_ADJ. POWER SUPPLY OSCILLOSCOPE TO MONITOR VOUT FUNCTION GENERATOR SINE INPUT 00540-157 Switch VG1-IN VG1+IN CH1 CH2 VG2+IN_SW Figure 57. A Representative Test Setup of the AD604-EVALZ Rev. G | Page 25 of 32 AD604 00540-158 00540-161 EVALUATION BOARD ARTWORK AND SCHEMATIC Figure 61. Internal Power Plane 00540-159 00540-162 Figure 58. Component Side Copper Figure 59. Secondary Side Copper 00540-160 Figure 62. Component Side Silkscreen of the AD604 Evaluation Board Figure 60. Internal Ground Plane Rev. G | Page 26 of 32 AD604 +5 V C1 + 10F 10V +5V GND -5V -DSX1 VG1-IN +5V EXT +DSX1 AD604 VG1+IN C9 0.1F PAO1 PAO1 1 -DSX1 VGN1 +DSX1 VREF PAO1 OUT1 FBK1 GND1 PAI1 VPOS COM1 VNEG 7 COM2 VNEG 2 3 R11 0 PAI1 R7 49.9 4 5 CH2 CH1 DIS DIS 6 +5V EN EN 8 PAO2 VG2+IN _SW 4 SMA 3 PAO2 R12 0 +DSX2 C10 0.1F 2 R10 66.5 VGA2 -IN -DSX2 1 +5V 23 22 PAI2 9 FBK2 10 PAO2 11 +DSX2 VPOS GND2 OUT2 VOCM REF C5 1nF VREF C6 0.1F 21 20 +5V 19 C4 0.1F -5V 12 -DSX 2 VGN2 R13 49.9 C13 0.1F R14 C14 49.9 0.1F 18 +5V 17 16 OUT2 C2 0.1F OUT2 _TP 15 14 VREF _ADJ OUT1 OCMV 10k VOCM VGN2 CASCADE EXT 10k INT OUT1 _TP 13 EXT C7 0.1F 1& 2 +5V VOCM _ADJ INT GN2 C12 1nF VG2-IN SMA R9 66.5 GN1 _ADJ VGN1 24 PAI2 R8 49.9 10k INT SMA VGA2 +IN GND4 C8 0.1F SMA R6 66.5 PRE2 IN GND3 C3 10F + 10V GND PRE1 IN GND2 GN1 R5 66.5 VGA1 +IN GND1 2ONLY +5V C11 0.1F 10k GN2 _ADJ GND NOTE: PARTS IN GRAY INSTALLED AT USER DISCRETION Figure 63. Evaluation Board Schematic Rev. G | Page 27 of 32 00540-163 VGA1 -IN -5V AD604 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 1.280 (32.51) 1.250 (31.75) 1.230 (31.24) 24 13 1 0.280 (7.11) 0.250 (6.35) 0.240 (6.10) 12 0.325 (8.26) 0.310 (7.87) 0.300 (7.62) 0.100 (2.54) BSC 0.060 (1.52) MAX 0.210 (5.33) MAX 0.015 (0.38) MIN 0.150 (3.81) 0.130 (3.30) 0.115 (2.92) 0.022 (0.56) 0.018 (0.46) 0.014 (0.36) 0.195 (4.95) 0.130 (3.30) 0.115 (2.92) 0.015 (0.38) GAUGE PLANE SEATING PLANE 0.430 (10.92) MAX 0.005 (0.13) MIN 0.014 (0.36) 0.010 (0.25) 0.008 (0.20) 0.070 (1.78) 0.060 (1.52) 0.045 (1.14) 071006-A COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-001 CONTROLLING DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES; MILLIMETER DIMENSIONS (IN PARENTHESES) ARE ROUNDED-OFF INCH EQUIVALENTS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN DESIGN. CORNER LEADS MAY BE CONFIGURED AS WHOLE OR HALF LEADS. Figure 64. 24-Lead Plastic Dual In-Line Package [PDIP] Narrow Body (N-24-1) Dimensions shown in inches and (millimeters) 15.60 (0.6142) 15.20 (0.5984) 13 24 7.60 (0.2992) 7.40 (0.2913) 12 2.65 (0.1043) 2.35 (0.0925) 0.30 (0.0118) 0.10 (0.0039) COPLANARITY 0.10 10.65 (0.4193) 10.00 (0.3937) 1.27 (0.0500) BSC 0.51 (0.0201) 0.31 (0.0122) SEATING PLANE 0.75 (0.0295) 45 0.25 (0.0098) 8 0 0.33 (0.0130) 0.20 (0.0079) COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-013-AD CONTROLLING DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS; INCH DIMENSIONS (IN PARENTHESES) ARE ROUNDED-OFF MILLIMETER EQUIVALENTS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN DESIGN. Figure 65. 24-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] Wide Body (RW-24) Dimensions shown in millimeters and (inches) Rev. G | Page 28 of 32 1.27 (0.0500) 0.40 (0.0157) 12-09-2010-A 1 AD604 8.50 8.20 7.90 13 24 5.60 5.30 5.00 1 8.20 7.80 7.40 12 0.65 BSC 0.38 0.22 SEATING PLANE 8 4 0 0.95 0.75 0.55 COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-150-AG 060106-A 0.05 MIN COPLANARITY 0.10 0.25 0.09 1.85 1.75 1.65 2.00 MAX Figure 66. 24-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package [SSOP] (RS-24) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model 1 AD604ANZ AD604AR AD604AR-REEL AD604ARZ AD604ARZ-RL AD604ARS AD604ARS-REEL7 AD604ARSZ AD604ARSZ-RL AD604ARSZ-R7 AD604-EVALZ 1 Temperature Range -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C Package Description 24-Lead Plastic Dual In-Line Package [PDIP] 24-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 24-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 24-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 24-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 24-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package [SSOP] 24-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package [SSOP] 24-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package [SSOP] 24-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package [SSOP] 24-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package [SSOP] Evaluation Board Z = RoHS Compliant Part. Rev. G | Page 29 of 32 Package Option N-24-1 RW-24 RW-24 RW-24 RW-24 RS-24 RS-24 RS-24 RS-24 RS-24 AD604 NOTES Rev. G | Page 30 of 32 AD604 NOTES Rev. G | Page 31 of 32 AD604 NOTES (c)1996-2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D00540-0-12/10(G) Rev. G | Page 32 of 32 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Analog Devices Inc.: AD604ARSZ AD604ARZ AD604ANZ AD604AR-REEL AD604ARSZ-R7 AD604ARZ-RL AD604-EVALZ