Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)(2)
Supply Voltage −0.3V to 6V
Output Voltage −0.3V to 6V
Voltage at All Other Pins −0.3V to 5.5V
Power Dissipation (TA= 25°C)(3) 700 mW
TJMAX(3) 150°C
(1) Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Electrical specifications do not apply when
operating the device beyond its rated operating conditions.
(2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the Texas Instruments Sales Office/Distributors for availability and
(3) The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by TJMAX (Maximum junction temperature),
θJA (junction to ambient thermal resistance), and TA(ambient temperature). The maximum allowable power dissipation at any
temperature is PDMAX = (TJMAX −TA)/θJA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings, which ever is lower. θJA = 150°C/W.
Operating Ratings
Supply Voltage Range 2.7V to 5.5V
Operating Ambient Range −40°C to 85°C
Operating Junction Temperature Range −40°C to 125°C
Storage Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 5 seconds) 260°C
ESD Rating(1) 2kV
ESD Rating Output Only 8kV
(1) The human body model is a 100 pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5 kΩresistor into each pin. Enable pin ESD threshold is 1.7kV.
DC Electrical Characteristics
Limits in standard typeface are for TJ= 25°C, and limits in boldface type apply over the full operating temperature range.
Unless otherwise specified: VIN = 5.0V, VEN = 0V (LM3526-L) or VEN = VIN (LM3526-H).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
VIN = 5V, IOUT = 500mA, each switch 100 140
RON On Resistance mΩ
VIN = 2.7V, IOUT = 500mA, each switch 110 180
IOUT OUT pins continuous output Each Output 0.5 A
ISC Short Circuit Output Current Each Output (enable into Load)(1) A
VOUT = 4.0V 0.5 1.2 1.9
VOUT = 0.1V 1 1.5
OCTHRESH Over-current Threshold 2.2 3.2 A
ILEAK OUT pins Output Leakage VEN = VIN (LM3526-L) 0.01 10 µA
Current VEN = 0V (LM3526-H)
IFO = 10 mA, VIN = 5.0V 10 25
RFO FLAG Output Resistance IFO = 10 mA, VIN = 3.3V 11 35 Ω
IFO = 10 mA, VIN = 2.7V 12 40
IEN EN/EN Leakage Current VEN/VEN = 0V or VEN/VEN = VIN −0.5 0.5 µA
VIH EN/EN Input Logic High See(2) 2.4 1.9 V
VIL EN/EN Input Logic Low See(2) 1.7 0.8 V
VUVLO Under-Voltage Lockout 1.8 V
IDDOFF Supply Current Switch-Off 0.2 1 µA
−40°C ≤TJ≤85°C 2
IDDON Supply Current Switch-On 115 200 µA
ThSD Over-temperature Shutdown TJIncreasing, with no shorted output 150 °C
Threshold TJIncreasing, with shorted output (s) 145
TJDecreasing(1) 135
(1) Thermal Shutdown will protect the device from permanent damage.
(2) For LM3526-L, OFF is EN ≥2.4V and ON is EN ≤0.8V. For LM3526-H, OFF is EN ≤0.8V and ON is EN ≥2.4V.
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