Preliminary Data Sheet TMXF28155/51 Super Mapper
May 2001 155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
547Agere Systems Inc.
22 Cross Connect (XC) Block Functional Description (continued)
The path design ations assigned to the framer are consistent with established network definitions . Signals mul ti-
ple xed up into the digital hierarchy from the transmit path. Signals demultiple xed fr om the digital hierarchy comprise
th e rece ive path.
In switching appl ic ati ons, concen tr ation highway interface ( CHI) or parallel sy s tem bus ( PSB) signals will enter
through the external I/ O and are cross connected to the receive sys tem interface (top right side of Figure 82). The
signals will traverse the framer through the t ransmit path frame formatter and are cross connected to the internal
multiplexers / mappers (top left side of Figure 82). Signals demultiplexed from DS3 or demapped from SONET are
cross connected to the receive path frame aligner ( bottom left side of Figure 82) traverse the framer, and are cross
connected from the transmit system interface to the external I/O pins (bottom rig ht side of Figure 82).
In transport mode, line i nterface (LIU) signals will enter through the external I/O and are cross conn ected to the
transmit path fram e aligner interface (top right side of Figure 82). The signals will traverse the framer through the
transmit pat h fram e formatter an d are cross connected to the in ternal mu lti plexers/mappers (t op left side of
Figure 82). Signals demult iplexed from DS3 or demapped from SONET are cross connected to the receive path
frame a ligner (bo ttom left side of Figure 82) traverse the framer, and are cross connect ed from the re ceive path
frame formatter to the external I/O pins (bottom right side of Figure 82) on to the LIUs .
Most application s will cross connect the framer interfaces FRM_TP_T and FR M_RP_R to t he M13 MUX or VT
mapper . The framer interfaces FRM_RP_T and FRM_TP_R or the s ystem interfac es FRM_TS and FRM_RS will
be cross connected to the external I/O of the multifunc tion system interface.
22.3.2 External I/O to Cross Connect Overview
T he cros s c onnect defin e s t h e connectivity of devi ce pi ns associated with the DS3 (6 pins), STS-1 POAC (6 pins),
and the multifunction system interface (174 pins). Therefore, the cros s connect plays a very large role in configur-
ing the functionality of the Super Mapper from the applications viewpoint.
The multifunction system interface device pins connectivity may be configured to support DS1/E1 (LIU and serial
data/clock/sync), DS2 interfaces, channelized (DS0), and multiple xed system interf aces (CHI, PSB , or NSMI).
Table 6 10. Multifunction System In terface Prog rammable I/O
Pin Symbol Input/Output (I/O) Pin
LINERXDATA[1—28] I C13, A12, B11, B10, B9, D8, C8, A7, B6, D5, A4, A3, H5, F5, C2,
D2, E2, F4, G2, H1, J3, J4, K4, L4, M2, N1, P4, P3
LINERXCLK[1—29] I/O D12, C12, C11, C10, A9, B8, D7, C7, C6, C5, C4, C3, J5, B2, D3,
E3, F3, G 3, G4, H2, J1, K3, L3, M3, M4, N2, P2, R4
LINERXSYNC[1—28] I B12, D 11, D1 0, D9 , C9, A8, B7, D6, B5, B4, B3, E6, K5 , C1, D1, E4,
F2, G1, H3, H4, J2, K2, L2, M1, N3, N4, P1, R2
LINETXDATA[1—29] O R25, P26, N23, N24, M26, L 25, K25, J25, H23, H24, G26, F25,
E23, D26, C26, E21, B24, B23, B 22, D21, B 20, A19, C18, D18,
D17, D16, B 15, A 14, T23
LINETXCLK[1—28] I/O R23, P 25, N25, M 23, M 24, L24, K24, J26, H25, G 23, G 24, F24,
E24, D24, C24, B 25, C23, C22, C21, C20, D20, B19, A18, C17,
C16, C15, D15, B14
LINETXSYNC[1—29] I/O P24, P23, N26, M25, L23, K23, J23, J24, H26, G25, F23, E25, D25,
C25, F22, A24, A23, D22, B21, A20, C19, D19, B18, B17, B16, A15,
C14, D 14, R26