Data Sheet
September 2007 TruePHYET1011C
Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver
Functional Description (continued)
Low-Power Modes
Hardware Powerdown Mode
In Hardware Powerdown, all Pl-IY functions (analog and
digital) are disabled. During Hardware Powerdown,
SYSgCLK is not available and the Mll registers are not
accessible. This is the lowest power mode for the ETl011C.
llardware Powerdown is entered when the LPED_EN_N and
SYS__CLK__EN__Npins are high (dcassertcd). and either the
COMA signal is high (asserted) or the RESET_N signal is
driven low (asserted).
Low-Power Energy-Detect (LPED) Mode
In LPED mode, the PHY is in a low power state but still
monitors the cable (MDI interface) for energy. If energy is
detected. the MDINT_N pin is asserted. During LPED
mode, SYS_CLK is not available and the Mll registers are
not accessible. The host system monitors the MDINT_N pin
and then places the PHY into a regular operating mode in
response to the interrupt. LPED mode is entered when the
I.PED_EN_N pin is low (asserted). SYS__CLK_I5N_Npin is
high (deasserted). and either the COMA signal is high
(asserted) or the RESET__Nsignal is driven low (asserted).
At exit from Hardware Powerdown or LPED modes, the
ETl 0l IC does the following:
n Initializes all analog circuits including the PLL.
n Initializes all digital logic and state machines.
n Reads and latches the PHY address pins.
n Initializes all Mil registers to their default values (H/W
configuration pins are reread).
Standby Powerdown Mode
In Standby Powerdown, most PIIY functions (analog and
digital) are disabled but the PLL is still running. During
Standby Powerdown, SYS_CLK is available and the Mil
registers are not accessible. Standby Powerdown mode is
entered when the LPED_l£l\I_Npin is high (deasscrted).
SYS_Cl.K_F.N_N pin is low (asserted), and either the
COMA signal is high (asserted) or the RESET_N signal is
driven low (asserted).
Standby Powerdown with Low-Power Energy—Detect
(LPED) Mode
LSI Corporation
This powerdown mode is a combination of Standby Power
down mode and LPEI) mode. The PLL is running and the
PIIY monitors the cable (MDI interface) for energy. If
energy is detected. the Ml)lN'l‘_N pin is asserted. During
this mode, SYS_CLK is available and the Mll registers are
not accessible. The host system monitors the MI)INT_N pin
and then places the PHY into a regular operating mode in
response to the interrupt. This mode is entered when the
LPED“EN_N pin is low (asserted), SYS___CLK_EN_Npin is
low (asserted), and either the COMA signal is high
(asserted) or the RESET_N signal is driven low (asserted).
At exit from Standby Powerdown or Standby Powerdown
with LPED, the ETIOI lC docs the following:
.1 Initializes all analog circuits excluding the PLL.
.. Initializes all digital logic and state machines.
n Reads and latches the PHY address pins.
l1 Initializes all Mil registers to their default values (l-l/W
configuration pins are reread).
Software Powerdown Mode
Soflware powerdown is entered when bit I1of the control
register (MII register address 0, bit ll) is set. In software
powerdown, all PHY functions except the serial manage
ment interface and clock circuitry are disabled. The Mil reg
isters can be read or written. If the system clock output is
enabled (MII register address 22. bit 4), the 125 Ml-lzsystem
clock will still be available tor use by the MAC on pin
At exit from software powerdown, the BT10] lC initializes
all digital logic and state machines only. NOTE: The H/W
configuration pins and the PHY address pins are not re-read
and the Mil registers are not reset to their default values.
These operations are only done during reset or recoveiy ii-om
hardware powerdown.
Wake-On-LAN Powerdown Mode
ACPI power consumption compliant Wake-On-LAN mode
is implemented on the ET] OllC by using the IEEE standard
Mll registers to put the PIIY into lOBase-T or l()0Base-TX
modes. Clearing the advertisement of l()0OBase-T (M11reg
ister address 9, bits 8, 9) and setting the desired l()Base-T
and lO0Base—'I‘Xadvertisement (MII register address 4, bits
5—8) activates this feature. This must be followed by an
autonegotiation restart via the control register (Mil register
address 0, bit 9).