Ultra-compact power entry module FN 326 up to 10A current ratings IEC 950-compliant * very compact size * optional medical version (B type) * Nennstrom bis 10A IEC 950 konform Extrem kompakter Aufbau * Fir medizinische Gerate als Option (Typ B) * courants de service pouvant atteindre 10A conforme a CEI 950 dimensions trs compactes version mdicale en option (type B) Filter selection table Approvals Choose the family FN xxx with the required body style and features, and add -?? to as TAL & & A EOS determine current rating, and /?? for output connections. Example: FN 326-1/06 is a enov0 horizontal screw-mounting filter, rated for 1A, with fast-on outputs. IEC60939 Family Current ratings Output connection Housing A at 40C (25) 1(1.2) 3 (3.6) (7.3) 10 (10) ? | a cq ti ~ _ | { es oo FN 326 -?? /?? Bi -1 | -3 | l -6 | -10 | | /01 | /02 lL. /06 | l v | Inductance L mH | 03 | 016 | i 2.8 | 0.75 | Additional specifications Filter type Capacitance Maximum Res. || Weight Maximum Operating frequency!| Hipot test voltage cx Cc . leakage R operating voltage | PN3E PIN nF nt yA/phase | MQ g VAC Hz Hz VAG VDC All standard types 33 2.2 190 - 40 250 50/60 DC to 400 2000 1700 B types (medical) 33 - 2 2.2 | 40 250 50/60 DC to 400 2500 1700 R types (safety) 33 2.2 190 1 40 250 50/60 _ DC to 400 2000 1700 MTBF at 40C, 230V, per Mil-HB-21 7F: 800,000 hours FN 326 insertion loss Per CISPR 17; A = 500/50Q sym, B = 500/50Q asym, C = 0.10/1002 sym, D = 1000/0.12 sym 1 amp types dB 70 60 so 40 3 amp types cB -20 bab TTD. -20 10k 100k 1M 10M 10k 100k 1M 410M 6 amp types -20 -20 10k 100k 1M 10M 10k 10 amp types 100k iM 10M Electrical schematics FN 326 (FN326R with discharge resistor) FN 326B Cx R 2xL axCy Cx a 2xb N N' N N' | ! a a 5 i. g g gt OH Psa RO Fe} ) 3 P P P P See tables for component values Mechanical data Tol. FRONT SIDE mm A iz 51.5 | 05 5 ae: __| 03 ga __| 02 82 | 204 | GC | a El 132 | 205 we ___| #05 Ge | Mr ; << oe 05 |} 202 fm PANEL CUT-OUT 85] GC; C 275) 0.25 P Mm 2 0.3 + R > " @ N L SY All dimensions in mm; 1 inch = 25.4mm