ENGLISH * ???? * ??? * ??? WHAT'S NEW PRODUCTS SOLUTIONS DESIGN APPNOTES SUPPORT BUY COMPANY MEMBERS MX7820 Part Number Table Notes: 1. See the MX7820 QuickView Data Sheet for further information on this product family or download the MX7820 full data sheet (PDF, 448kB). 2. Other options and links for purchasing parts are listed at: http://www.maxim-ic.com/sales. 3. Didn't Find What You Need? Ask our applications engineers. Expert assistance in finding parts, usually within one business day. 4. Part number suffixes: T or T&R = tape and reel; + = RoHS/lead-free; # = RoHS/lead-exempt. More: See full data sheet or Part Naming C onventions. 5. * Some packages have variations, listed on the drawing. "PkgC ode/Variation" tells which variation the product uses. Part Number Free Sample Buy Direct Temp RoHS/Lead-Free? Materials Analysis MX7820LC WP+ 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes MX7820KEPP-T -40C to +85C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Package: TYPE PINS SIZE DRAWING CODE/VAR * MX7820BQ C eramic DIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0045A (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: J20-2* -40C to +85C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820C Q C eramic DIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0045A (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: J20-2* -40C to +85C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820UQ/883B C eramic DIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0045A (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: J20-2* -55C to +125C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820UQ C eramic DIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0045A (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: J20-2* -55C to +125C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820TQ C eramic DIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0045A (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: J20-2* -55C to +125C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820KN PDIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0043D (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: P20-3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820KN+ PDIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0043D (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: P20+3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes Materials Analysis MX7820LN+ PDIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0043D (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: P20+3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes Materials Analysis MX7820LN PDIP;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0043D (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: P20-3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes Materials Analysis 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: No 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis -40C to +85C RoHS/Lead-Free: No 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes MX7820KP+T MX7820KP+ PLC C ;20 pin;.353" SQ Dwg: 21-0049D (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: Q20+2* MX7820KP-T MX7820KP PLC C ;20 pin;.453" sq. Dwg: 21-0049D (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: Q20-2* MX7820KEPP MX7820LC WP-T SOIC ;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0042B (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: W20-3* MX7820LC WP+T MX7820KC WP SOIC ;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0042B (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: W20-3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820KC WP+ SOIC ;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0042B (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: W20+3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes Materials Analysis MX7820KC WP+T SOIC ;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0042B (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: W20+3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes Materials Analysis MX7820KC WP-T SOIC ;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0042B (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: W20-3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820LC WP SOIC ;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0042B (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: W20-3* 0C to +70C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820KEWP+T -40C to +85C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes MX7820KEWP SOIC ;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0042B (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: W20-3* -40C to +85C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis MX7820KEWP-T SOIC ;20 pin;.300" Dwg: 21-0042B (PDF) Use pkgcode/variation: W20-3* -40C to +85C RoHS/Lead-Free: No Materials Analysis -40C to +85C RoHS/Lead-Free: Yes MX7820KEWP+ Didn't Find What You Need? C ONTAC T US: SEND US AN EMAIL C opyright 2 0 0 7 by M axim I ntegrated P roduc ts , Dallas Semic onduc tor * Legal N otic es * P rivac y P olic y