Aspherical Glass Lenses Aspherical Glass Lenses For optical communications Type: EYLGF These products are aspherical glass lenses by using a press molding, and key devices of optical electronics not only provide compact and light weight but also high-performance by utilizing characteristics of aspherical design. Features High numerical aperture achieved via aspherical design focal length for compact size Appropriate lenses and lens material available for many different applications Wide temperature and humidity range for increased reliability and stability High-quality processing,measurement techniques and precision manufacturing process give less variation in optical properties RoHS compliant Short We can offer custam design,sampling and mass production as requested Recommended Applications Coupling lens for optical communication systems lens for optical communication systems Collimator Explanation of Part Numbers 1 2 3 4 E Y L G Product Code EYLG Aspherical Glass Lenses Lens Barrel U without with M 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 F Series F For optical communication systems Anti-reflection Coating A Multi for 1550 nm B Multi for 1310 nm W Wide for Optical communicasions N None Design No. Lens Design Number Additional Spec. Special Spec. such as Lens Barrel etc. Ratings Item Ratings Operating Temperature Range -30 to +85 C Storage Temperature Range -40 to +100 C Please contact the factory for packaging methods. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 Feb. 2019 Aspherical Glass Lenses Specifications Lenses for Optical Communications Part No. Design Wavelength (nm) EYLGMFW135DR EYLGMFW192KR EYLGMFW192WR EYLGMFA265AR EYLGMFW479A EYLGMFB240BR EYLGMFB456R EYLGUFB508A EYLGUFB506A EYLGMFB245R EYLGMFB295R EYLGMFB415R EYLGMFB480A EYLGMFB305R EYLGMFB502B EYLGMFB488A EYLGMFB463R EYLGMFB485A 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1577 1570 1577 Effective Diameter (mm) N.A Part No. EYLGMFW135DR EYLGMFW192KR EYLGMFW192WR EYLGMFA265AR EYLGMFW479A EYLGMFB240BR EYLGMFB456R EYLGUFB508A EYLGUFB506A EYLGMFB245R EYLGMFB295R EYLGMFB415R EYLGMFB480A EYLGMFB305R EYLGMFB502B EYLGMFB488A EYLGMFB463R EYLGMFB485A Designed with CG CG material / Thickness (mm) - - - - - - - - - BK7 t0.25 - - - - - - - - Suitable Wavelength (T>97 %) (nm) 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 1260 to 1625 S1 S2 S1 S2 - - - - - 0.50 0.50 0.58 0.48 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.59 0.53 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.22 0.26 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.16 0.10 0.13 0.20 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.17 1.04 1.08 1.08 1.33 0.82 1.31 0.34 0.40 0.59 0.90 1.02 0.76 0.91 0.34 0.34 1.40 1.60 1.00 0.80 0.82 0.73 1.14 0.70 1.70 0.64 0.70 0.76 1.20 1.33 1.14 1.10 0.52 0.52 2.20 2.12 1.30 Focal Length (mm) Working Distance ( L1) (mm) 2.51 1.81 1.81 3.02 1.59 1.40 0.54 0.55 0.63 1.13 1.35 0.94 0.93 0.46 0.46 1.44 1.48 0.95 1.68 1.03 0.81 2.26 0.93 1.13 0.25 0.25 0.52 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.20 1.40 1.00 2.62 2.15 2.8 Conjugate Distance Magnification ( L2) (mm) Dimensions (mm) Beam Diameter Diameter Height Thickness (mm) (D) (H) (T) 0.50 2.5 1.4 0.34 2.5 1.4 0.36 3.0 1.6 0.60 3.0 1.6 0.26 1.8 1.4 3.0 1.5 1.8 1.0 1.0 0.81 1.0 0.63 3.75 3.97 3.75 3.90 3.75 3.50 4.70 3.23 3.20 2.45 3.23 2.10 5.00 5.90 5.00 4.93 4.90 5.00 - - - - - - 10.69 3.85 3.98 4.00 7.50 10.18 7.56 5.73 3.90 3.50 12.02 12.10 8.20 - - - - - 5.0 4.5 5.3 4.0 2.5 4.0 4.0 2.0 3.1 3.1 3.8 4.2 3.1 Glass Material Lens Shape type K-PBK40 K-PBK40 K-PBK40 K-PBK40 K-PBK40 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC79 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC89 K-VC89 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-2 A-2 D D B B B B B B B B B Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 Feb. 2019 Aspherical Glass Lenses Dimensions in mm (not to scale) A-1 With Holder type B CAN type C. D H L2 H L1 D D W. D D W. D A-2 With Holder type H C With Holder type D Bare type C. D W. D D D W. D W H T W.D : Working Distance C.D : Coujugate Distance Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 Feb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spherical Glass Lenses Safety Precautions (Common precautions for Aspherical Glass Lenses) * When using our products, no matter what sort of equipment they might be used for, be sure to make a written agreement on the specifications with us in advance. The design and specifications in this catalog are subject to change without prior notice. * Do not use the products beyond the specifications described in this catalog. * This catalog explains the quality and performance of the products as individual components. Before use, check and evaluate their operations when installed in your products. * Install the following systems for a failsafe design to ensure safety if these products are to be used in equipment where a defect in these products may cause the loss of human life or other significant damage, such as damage to vehicles (automobile, train, vessel), traffic lights, medical equipment, aerospace equipment, electric heating appliances, combustion/gas equipment, rotating equipment, and disaster/crime prevention equipment. Systems equipped with a protection circuit and a protection device Systems equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an unsafe status in the event of a single fault 1) Precautions for use * These products are designed and manufactured for general and stan dard use in general elec tron ic equipment (e.g. AV equipment, home electric appliances, office equipment, information and communication equipment) * These products are not intended for use in the following special conditions. Before using the products, carefully check the effects on their quality and performance, and determine whether or not they can be used. 1. In liquid, such as water, oil, chemicals, or organic solvent 2. In direct sunlight, outdoors, or in dust 3. In salty air or air with a high concentration of corrosive gas, such as Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, or NO2 4. In an environment where these products cause dew condensation * Carefully position these products so that their temperatures will not exceed the category temperature range due to the effects of neighboring heat-generating components. * Dust or dirt on the surface of a lens should be removed using compressed air, or by blowing air across the lens surface. If dust/dirt remains, wipe the lens lightly with a swab soaked in ethanol. Note that the performance or appearance of lenses will be affected if their surfaces are scratched as a result of being rubbed strongly. Do not cleanse lenses with water, doing so could also influence their performance or make the surfaces dull. * Do not directly touch the surfaces of lenses when taking them out from trays. Hold the flange or lens barrel instead. * Always use plastic tweezers when handling lenses. 2) Precautions for storage * Always store lenses in desiccators. * Avoid storage under conditions of high temperature and high humidity. <Package markings> Package markings include the product number, quantity, and country of origin. In principle, the country of origin should be indicated in English. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 00 Dec. 2014