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IPN = 50 .. 600 A
Hall effect measuring principle ●
Galvanic isolation between ●
primary and secondary circuit
Isolation voltage 3000 V ●
Low power consumption ●
Extended measuring range ●
(3 x IPN)
Insulated plastic case made of ●
polycarbonate PBT recognized
according to UL 94-V0.
Easy mounting ●
Small size and space saving ●
Only one design for wide current ●
ratings range
High immunity to external ●
AC variable speed drives ●
Static converters for DC motor ●
Battery supplied applications ●
Uninterruptible Power Supplies ●
Switched Mode Power Supplies ●
Power supplies for welding ●
Application domain
Industrial. ●
Current Transducer HAS 50 .. 600-S
For the electronic measurement of currents: DC, AC, pulsed...,
with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit (high power) and
the secondary circuit (electronic circuit).
Electrical data
Type Primary nominal Primary current, RoHS since
current rms measuring range 1) date code
HAS 50-S 50 ± 150 45217
HAS 100-S 100 ± 300 45325
HAS 200-S 200 ± 600 45166
HAS 300-S 300 ± 900 45326
HAS 400-S 400 ± 900 45333
HAS 500-S 500 ± 900 45201
HAS 600-S 600 ± 900 45260
VC Supply voltage (± 5 %) 1) ± 15 V
IC Current consumption ± 15 mA
RIS Isolation resistance @ 500 VDC > 1000 MΩ
VOUT Output voltage (Analog) @ ± IPN, RL =10 kΩ, TA = 25°C ± 4V ± 40 mV
ROUT Output internal resistance approx 100 Ω
RL Load resistance 2) > 1 kΩ
X Accuracy @ IPN , TA = 25°C (excluding offset) < ± 1 %
Accuracy - Dynamic performance data
εL Linearity error 3) (0 .. ± IPN) < ± 1 % of IPN
VOE Electrical offset voltage, TA = 25°C < ± 20 mV
VOH Hysteresis offset voltage @ IP =0,
after an excursion of 1 x IPN < ± 20 mV
TCVOE Temperature coefcient of VOE HAS 50-S < ± 2 mV/K
HAS 100 .. 600-S < ± 1 mV/K
TCVOUT Temperature coefcient of VOUT (% of reading) < ± 0.1 %/K
tr Response time to 90 % of IPN step < 3 µs
di/dt di/dt accurately followed > 50 A/µs
BW Frequency bandwidth (- 3 dB) 4) DC .. 50 kHz
TA Ambient operating temperature - 10 .. + 80 °C
General data
TS Ambient storage temperature - 25 .. + 80 °C
m Mass approx 60 g
Standards 5) EN 50178: 1997
Notes: 1) Operating at ± 12 V ≤ VC < ± 15 V will reduce the measuring range.
2) If the customer uses 1 kΩ of the load resistor, the primary current has to be limited
as the nominal. To measure the full dened measuring range, the load resistor
should be at minimum 10 kΩ.
3) Linearity data exclude the electrical offset.
4) Please refer to derating curves in the technical le to avoid excessive core heating
at high frequency.
5) Please consult characterisation report for more technical details and application
advice; To IEC 61000-4-3 (2006), Output is above to 15% of Vsn between 200MHz
and 700MHz.