Preliminary MT9V032: 1/3-Inch Wide-VGA Digital Image Sensor MT9V032 Image Sensor Limited Data Sheet Micron's MT9V032 is a 1/3-inch wide-VGA format CMOS active-pixel digital image sensor with global shutter and high dynamic range (HDR) operation. Designed to support interior and exterior unattended surveillance imaging needs, the sensor is ideal for a wide variety of imaging applications in realworld environments. This wide-VGA CMOS image sensor features DigitalClarityTM, Micron's breakthrough low-noise CMOS imaging technology that achieves CCD image quality (based on signal-tonoise ratio and low-light sensitivity) while maintaining the inherent size, cost, and integration advantages of CMOS. Applications * * * * Security surveillance camera High dynamic range imaging Unattended surveillance Stereo vision Parameters * Video as input * Machine vision * Automation Features * Micron(R) DigitalClarity(R) CMOS imaging technology * Array format: Wide-VGA, active 752H x 480V (360,960 pixels) * Global shutter photodiode pixels; simultaneous integration and readout * Monochrome or color: Near_IR enhanced performance for use with non-visible NIR illumination * Readout modes: progressive or interlaced * Shutter efficiency: >99% * Simple two-wire serial interface * Register lock capability * Window size: User programmable to any smaller format (QVGA, CIF, QCIF, etc.). Data rate can be maintained independent of window size * Binning: 2 x 2 and 4 x 4 of the full resolution * ADC: On-chip, 10-bit columnparallel (option to operate in 12-bit to 10-bit companding mode) * Automatic controls: Auto exposure control (AEC) and auto gain control (AGC); variable regional and variable weight AEC/AGC * Support for four unique serial control register IDs to control multiple imagers on the same bus * Single sensor mode: 10-bit parallel/stand-alone; 8-bit or 10-bit serial LVDS * Stereo sensor mode: Interspersed 8-bit serial LVDS Optical format Active imager size 1/3-inch 4.51mm(H) x 2.88mm(V) 5.35mm diagonal Active pixels 752H x 480V Pixel size 6.0m x 6.0m Color filter array Monochrome or color RGB Bayer pattern Shutter type Global shutter--TrueSNAPTM technology Maximum data rate/ 26.6 Mp/s master clock 26.6 MHz Full resolution 752 x 480 Frame rate 60 fps (at full resolution) ADC resolution 10-bit column-parallel Responsivity 4.8 V/lux-s (550nm) Dynamic range >55dB linear; >80dB-100dB in HiDy mode Supply voltage 3.3V +0.3V (all supplies) Power consumption <320mW at maximum data rate; 100W standby current Operating temp. -30C to +70C Packaging 48-pin LLCC Output gain 15.3 e-/LSB Read noise 25 e-RMS at 1X Dark current 9,042 e-/pix/s at 55C (c)2006 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Products and specifications discussed herein are for evaluation and reference purposes only and are subject to change by Micron without notice. Products are only warranted by Micron to meet Micron's production data sheet specifications. Preliminary MT9V032: 1/3-Inch Wide-VGA Digital Image Sensor Ordering Information Ordering Information Table 1: Available Part Numbers Part Number Description MT9V032L12STM ES MT9V032L12STC ES MT9V032L12STMD ES MT9V032L12STMH ES MT9V032L12STCD ES MT9V032L12STCH ES 48-pin LLCC (mono) 48-pin LLCC (color) Demo kit (mono) Demo kit headboard only (mono) Demo kit (color) Demo kit headboard only (color) The active imaging pixel array of the MT9V032 is 752H x 480V. It incorporates sophisticated camera functions on-chip, such as binning (2 x 2 and 4 x 4 to improve sensitivity when operating in smaller resolutions), windowing, and column and row mirroring. It is programmable through a simple two-wire serial interface. The MT9V032 can be operated in its default mode or be programmed for frame size, exposure, gain setting, and other parameters. The default mode outputs a wide-VGAsize image at 60 frames per second (fps). An on-chip analog-to-digital converter (ADC) provides 10 bits per pixel. A 12-bit resolution companded for 10-bits for small signals can be alternately enabled, enabling higher digital accuracy for darker areas in the image. In addition to a traditional, parallel logic output, the MT9V032 also features a serial lowvoltage differential signaling (LVDS) output. The sensor can be operated in a stereocamera mode, and the sensor, designated as a stereo-master, is able to merge the data from itself and the stereo-slave sensor into one serial LVDS stream. Figure 1: MT9V032 Block Diagram Serial Register I/O Control Register Active-Pixel Sensor (APS) Array 752H x 480V Timing and Control Analog Processing ADCs Digital Processing Parallel Video Data Out Serial Video LVDS Out Slave Video LVDS In (for stereo applications only) PDF: 09005aef824c9998/Source: 09005aef824c999c - Rev. A 8/06 EN 1 Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. (c)2006 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Draft 8/ 31/ 2006 General Description Preliminary MT9V032: 1/3-Inch Wide-VGA Digital Image Sensor Pin Descriptions Figure 2: MT9V032 Quantum Efficiency Versus Wavelength Blue Green (B) Green (R) Red 40 35 Quantum E ffic ienc y (%) 30 25 20 15 10 0 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 Wavelength (nm) Pin Descriptions SHFT_CLKOUT_N SHFT_CLKOUT_P VDD DGND SYSCLK PIXCLK 4 3 2 1 48 47 46 45 44 43 39 VAA SER_DATAIN_P 11 38 AGND LVDSGND 12 37 NC DGND 13 36 NC VDD 14 35 VAA DOUT5 15 34 AGND DOUT6 16 33 STANDBY DOUT7 17 32 RESET# DOUT8 18 31 S_CTRL_ADR1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 RSVD 10 S_CTRL_ADR0 VAAPIX SER_DATAIN_N OE 40 LED_OUT 9 STFRM_OUT DOUT4 BYPASS_CLKIN_P SCLK 41 SDATA DOUT3 8 EXPOSURE 42 BYPASS_CLKIN_N STLN_OUT 7 FRAME_VALID LVDSGND DOUT9 PDF: 09005aef824c9998/Source: 09005aef824c999c - Rev. A 8/06 EN DOUT2 SER_DATAOUT_P 5 DOUT0 SER_DATAOUT_N 6 DOUT1 VDDLVDS 48-Pin LLCC Package Pinout Diagram LINE_VALID Figure 3: Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. (c)2006 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Draft 8/ 31/ 2006 5 Preliminary MT9V032: 1/3-Inch Wide-VGA Digital Image Sensor Pin Descriptions Table 2: Pin Descriptions Only pins DOUT0 through DOUT9 may be tri-stated. Symbol Type Description 29 10 RSVD SER_DATAIN_N Input Input 11 SER_DATAIN_P Input 8 BYPASS_CLKIN_N Input 9 BYPASS_CLKIN_P Input 23 25 EXPOSURE SCLK Input Input 28 30 31 32 33 47 24 OE S_CTRL_ADR0 S_CTRL_ADR1 RESET# STANDBY SYSCLK SDATA Input Input Input Input Input Input I/O 22 STLN_OUT I/O 26 STFRM_OUT I/O 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 27 41 42 43 44 45 46 2 3 4 5 1, 14 35, 39 LINE_VALID FRAME_VALID DOUT5 DOUT6 DOUT7 DOUT8 DOUT9 LED_OUT DOUT4 DOUT3 DOUT2 DOUT1 DOUT0 PIXCLK SHFT_CLKOUT_N SHFT_CLKOUT_P SER_DATAOUT_N SER_DATAOUT_P VDD VAA Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Supply Supply Connect to DGND. Serial data in for stereoscopy (differential negative). Tie to 1K pull-up (to 3.3V) in non-stereoscopy mode. Serial data in for stereoscopy (differential positive). Tie to DGND in non-stereoscopy mode. Input bypass shift-CLK (differential negative). Tie to 1K pull-up (to 3.3V) in non-stereoscopy mode. Input bypass shift-CLK (differential positive). Tie to DGND in non-stereoscopy mode. Rising edge starts exposure in slave mode. Two-wire serial interface clock. Connect to VDD with 1.5K resistor even when no other two-wire serial interface peripheral is attached. DOUT enable pad, active HIGH. Two-wire serial interface slave address bit 3. Two-wire serial interface slave address bit 5. Asynchronous reset. All registers assume defaults. Shut down sensor operation for power saving. Master clock (26.6 MHz). Two-wire serial interface data. Connect to VDD with 1.5K resistor even when no other two-wire serial interface peripheral is attached. Output in master mode--start line sync to drive slave chip in-phase; input in slave mode. Output in master mode--start frame sync to drive a slave chip in-phase; input in slave mode. Asserted when DOUT data is valid. Asserted when DOUT data is valid. Parallel pixel data output 5. Parallel pixel data output 6. Parallel pixel data output 7. Parallel pixel data output 8 Parallel pixel data output 9. LED strobe output. Parallel pixel data output 4. Parallel pixel data output 3. Parallel pixel data output 2. Parallel pixel data output 1. Parallel pixel data output 0. Pixel clock out. DOUT is valid on rising edge of this clock. Output shift CLK (differential negative). Output shift CLK (differential positive). Serial data out (differential negative). Serial data out (differential positive). Digital power 3.3V. Analog power 3.3V. PDF: 09005aef824c9998/Source: 09005aef824c999c - Rev. A 8/06 EN 3 Note 1 2 Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. (c)2006 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Draft 8/ 31/ 2006 Pin Numbers Preliminary MT9V032: 1/3-Inch Wide-VGA Digital Image Sensor Pin Descriptions Table 2: Pin Descriptions (continued) Only pins DOUT0 through DOUT9 may be tri-stated. Pin Numbers Symbol Type 40 6 7, 12 13, 48 34, 38 36, 37 VAAPIX VDDLVDS LVDSGND DGND AGND NC Supply Supply Ground Ground Ground NC Notes: Note Pixel power 3.3V. Dedicated power for LVDS pads. Dedicated GND for LVDS pads. Digital GND. Analog GND. No connect. 3 1. Pin 29 (RSVD) must be tied to GND. 2. Output enable (OE) tri-states signals DOUT0-DOUT9. No other signals are tri-stated with OE. 3. No connect. These pins must be left floating for proper operation. Typical Configuration (connection): Parallel Output Mode 10K 1.5K Master Clock VDDLVDS VDD VAA VAAPIX VDD VAA VAAPIX DOUT(9:0) LINE_VALID FRAME_VALID PIXCLK SYSCLK OE RESET# EXPOSURE STANDBY S_CTRL_ADR0 S_CTRL_ADR1 SCLK SDATA STANDBY from Controller or Digital GND Two-Wire Serial Interface RSVD LED_OUT DGND LVDSGND To Controller To LED output AGND 0.1F Notes: PDF: 09005aef824c9998/Source: 09005aef824c999c - Rev. A 8/06 EN 1. LVDS signals are to be left floating. 4 Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. (c)2006 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Draft 8/ 31/ 2006 Figure 4: Description Preliminary MT9V032: 1/3-Inch Wide-VGA Digital Image Sensor Electrical Specifications Electrical Specifications Table 3: DC Electrical Characteristics Symbol Definition VIH VIL IIN Input high voltage Input low voltage Input leakage current VOH VOL IOH IOL VAA IPWRA VDD IPWRD VAAPIX IPIX VLVDS ILVDS IPWRA Standby IPWRD Standby Clock Off IPWRD Standby Clock On Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high current Output low current Analog power supply Analog supply current Digital power supply Digital supply current Pixel array power supply Pixel supply current LVDS power supply LVDS supply current Analog standby supply current No pull-up resistor; VIN = VPWR or VGND IOH = -4.0mA IOL = 4.0mA VOH = VDD - 0.7 VOL = 0.7 Default settings Default settings Default settings Default settings, CLOAD= 10pF Default settings Default settings Default settings Default settings STANDBY = VDD Digital standby supply current with clock off Digital standby supply current with clock on Table 4: Condition Min Typ Max Unit VPWR - 0.5 -0.3 -15.0 - - - VPWR + 0.3 +0.8 +15.0 V V A VPWR - 0.7 - -9.0 - 3.0 - 3.0 - 3.0 0.5 3.0 11.0 2 - - - - 3.3 35.0 3.3 35.0 3.3 1.4 3.3 13.0 3 - 0.3 - 9.0 3.6 60.0 3.6 60 3.6 3.0 3.6 15.0 4 V V A A V A V A V V A A STANDBY = VDD, CLKIN = 0 MHz 1 2 4 A STANDBY = VDD, CLKIN = 27 MHz - 1.05 - A Condition Min Typ Max Unit RLOAD = 100 250 - - - 400 50 mV mV 1.0 - 1.2 - 1.4 35 mV mV - 10 12 A - 1 10 A LVDS Driver DC Specifications VPWR = 3.3V 0.3V; TA = Ambient = 25C Symbol Definition |VOD| |DVOD| Output differential voltage Change in VOD between complementary output states Output offset voltage Change in VOS between complementary output states Output current when driver shorted to ground Output current when driver is tri-state VOS DVOS IOS IOZ PDF: 09005aef824c9998/Source: 09005aef824c999c - Rev. A 8/06 EN 1% 5 Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. (c)2006 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Draft 8/ 31/ 2006 VPWR = 3.3V 0.3V; TA = Ambient = 25C Preliminary MT9V032: 1/3-Inch Wide-VGA Digital Image Sensor Electrical Specifications Table 5: LVDS Receiver DC Specifications VPWR = 3.3V 0.3V; TA = Ambient = 25C Symbol Definition Vidth+ IIN Input differential Input current Min Typ Max Unit |VGPD| < 925mV -100 - - - +100 20 mV A Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VSUPPLY ISUPPLY IGND VIN VOUT TSTG Power supply voltage (all supplies) Total power supply current Total ground current DC input voltage DC output voltage Storage temperature -0.3 - - -0.3 -0.3 -40 +4.5 +200 +200 VDDQ + 0.3 VDDQ + 0.3 +125 V mA mA V V C Notes: PDF: 09005aef824c9998/Source: 09005aef824c999c - Rev. A 8/06 EN 1. Stresses greater than those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 6 Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. (c)2006 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Draft 8/ 31/ 2006 Table 6: Condition Preliminary MT9V032: 1/3-Inch Wide-VGA Digital Image Sensor Package Dimensions Package Dimensions Figure 5: 48-Pin LLCC Package Outline Drawing 2.35 0.15 D SEATING PLANE SUBSTRATE MATERIAL: PLASTIC LAMINATE MOLD COMPOUND: PLASTIC LAMINATE LID MATERIAL: BOROSILICATE GLASS 0.55 THICKNESS A 8.8 48 0.075 TYP C B 5.715 OPTICAL CENTER1 1 48X 0.40 0.05 5.715 OPTICAL CENTER1 48X R 0.175 1.92 0.15 CL 8.8 FIRST CLEAR PIXEL 10.9 CTR 11.43 0.10 0.8 TYP 4.4 CL OPTICAL AREA 1.45 0.125 4.4 11.43 0.10 LEAD FINISH: Au PLATING, 0.50 MICRONS MINIMUM THICKNESS OVER Ni PLATING, 5 MICRONS MINIMUM THICKNESS Notes: 10.9 CTR 0.90 FOR REFERENCE ONLY 0.35 FOR REFERENCE ONLY OPTICAL AREA: MAXIMUM ROTATION OF OPTICAL AREA RELATIVE TO PACKAGE EDGES B AND C : 1 MAXIMUM TILT OF OPTICAL AREA RELATIVE TO SEATING PLANE A : 50 MICRONS MAXIMUM TILT OF OPTICAL AREA RELATIVE TO TOP OF COVER GLASS D : 100 MICRONS 1. All dimensions are in millimeters. 2. Optical center position relative to the package center = 0.10 (X,Y). (R) 8000 S. Federal Way, P.O. Box 6, Boise, ID 83707-0006, Tel: 208-368-3900 Customer Comment Line: 800-932-4992 Micron, the M logo, and the Micron logo are trademarks of Micron Technology, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Preliminary: This data sheet contains initial characterization limits that are subject to change upon full characterization of production devices. PDF: 09005aef824c9998/Source: 09005aef824c999c - Rev. A 8/06 EN 7 Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. (c)2006 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Draft 8/ 31/ 2006 0.8 TYP 47X 0.93 0.15