Shielded Connectors Mating and built in conditions acc. to DIN 41612 / IEC 603-2 and ANSI / VITA 1-1994 VME 64 General The secure transmission of information on the data highways requires special security measurements, because today more and more high performance data transmission with higher speed is required. Designed for these requirements are the new shiel- ded connectors acc. to DIN 41612 / IEC 603-2 and the ANSI / VITA Standard for VME 64, Version ANSI / VITA 1-1994, approved April 10, 1995. This version has with 32 shielded contacts and 96 signal contacts the main advantages of a very low return loss, low crosstalk and a very low insertion toss. The shielded type C on a Eurocard with the pitch nx 2.54 mm has also the standard PC Board hole pattern. The shielded connectors are mateable with the standard connectors type C acc. to DIN 41 612 / IEC 603-2. Main features * Excellent ground path via the continuous shield on each face of the free board connector * Low insertion and retention forces due to a special shield contact spring design * ESD protection due to early mate / last break of 1.0 mm for the shielding contacts * No mismating due to a shielding frame. which is pre- aligning the connectors before mating. Undetachable shielding frame for the male connector Economical assembly of the female connector due to solderless termination with press-fit contacts * The male connector has contacts with solder pins * The termination cross sections allow PCB hole diameter acc. to the IEC specification 55 DIN 41612 Technical data Type C96 Max. number of contacts 96 Contact row designation of abc male and female connectors zd (Shield) Creepage (Cr) Contact Cr 1.8 and to ground Cl 16 clearance (Cl) 3 | within a Cr 12 = | row : 8 cl 1.2 2 in | between Cr 1.2 SS |arow : c mm Cl 8 1.2 Contact resistance signal contacts <= 20 mQ shielding <=5mQ Insulation resistance = 106MQ Return loss(meassured at 200 Hz) 50 Q 17 dB with PCB 75Q 23 dB Crosstalk(measured at 200 Hz) 50 2 26 dB with PCB (nearby) 75.Q 24 dB Insertion loss(measured at 200 Hz) <0.3 dB withPCB 75Q < 0.3 dB Current rating A Single contacts at +20C (293 K) 8.5 ambient +70C (343 K) 5.5 temperature +100C(873 K) 4.0 Current rating A Fully loaded at + 20C (293 K9 3.3 ambient +70C (343 K) 2.3 temperature +100C (373 K) 1.3 Test voltage, 50Hz, 1min Contact/contact Vrms 1000 Contact/ ground Vrms 1550 Dimensional Drawings Male Connector ~ - | a! ss Food - sty : Co oghie tt 1 EE] = = yoga at eee ee tl | | | - asgttl ' co ee 22 25 ! 51 | omen Lr ue UW S 9623 ERNI 064834 2 mS) Ss ~ 2 on | NSN Stoo at al Au - Schrmechmerkovtaktzone deldseitig Au - shielding frame contact zene double sided _ smelding frame PCB hole pattern rererpistrer - Locholid PC Board (ayout incon TT i ee reg, I) | ; 88 6 & 9 0 & 6 6 9 6 6 & 6 ! COO SO SOOOO SF 9ST FO9S9E9F F909 890909 OF FOOCODTOOSOOO OOOOH ODODE OOO DOOFIEOCOS CO PSSIGET SOOO HSO SOOO OSOSOSOOS OOO? fy2@ 9 9 G// 9 % 8 ay : 2 Lh 5g? 2x qrer Ge loecher sai poles 2.54 . 2 = ete a0 ~~ {@l0.55 _ \ 5.06 \a (5.08) = 342 Sal- 78.74 88.9 Ordering Informations J ree STV-C96-M-abc GSM* aff PBT 064 834 207 *Shielded Male Connector Performance level 207: Meets performance to DIN 41 612, performance level 2 and IEC 603-2, 400 mating cycles, contact area goid-plated, termination area tin-plated. 57 N " ei F- a 58 Dimensional Drawings Female Connector PCB hole pattern Leiterplatten - Lochoild 7 PC Board Layout 90 Ordering Informations 34xf254): 78. STV-C96-F-abc GSF* 207 PBT | 064 833 S *Shielded Male Connector Performance level 207: 03 4x24) 10.16 _ i Schiem ~ ederkonrext Female shiatding contact Meets performance to DIN 41 612, performance level 2 and IEC 603-2, 400 mating cycles, contact area gold-plated, termination area tinplated. Application of female connector on backplane and male connector on plug-in card pf i) Ordering informations for press-in tools contact supporting upper section Flat Lower (with torsion protection) upper section section 220 211 473 273 473 447 On request ERNI offers you various versions of bench presses Pneumatically assisted bench press with pressure measuring unit ERmet: for RF and High-Speed applications 2.0 mm Hard Metric Connector System ERmet acc. to IEC 917 und IEC 1076-4-101. 59 DIN 41612