ky, SGS-THOMSO Jl Ses THOMSON Z8470 DUAL ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER/TRANSMITTER TWO INDEPENDENT FULL-DUPLEX CHAN- NELS WITH SEPARATE MODEM CONTROLS. MODEM STATUS CAN BE MONITORED RECEIVER DATA REGISTERS ARE QUADRU- PLY BUFFERED : THE TRANSMITTER IS DOUBLY BUFFERED INTERRUPT FEATURES INCLUDE A PRO- GRAMMABLE INTERRUPT VECTOR, A "STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR" MODE FOR pie 40 pieao FAST INTERRUPT PROCESSING, AND THE (Plastic and Frit-Seal) (Ceramic) STANDARD Z80 PERIPHERAL DAISY-CHAIN INTERRUPT STRUCTURE THAT PROVIDES AUTOMATIC INTERRUPT VECTORING WITH NO EXTERNAL LOGIC INx1 CLOCK MODE, DATA RATES ARE 0 TO 500K BITS/SECOND WITH A 2.5MHz CLOCK, OR 0 TO 800K BITS/SECOND WITH A 4.0MHz Cc CLOCK, OR 0 TO 1200K BIT/SECOND WITHA PLCOC44 6.0MHz CLOCK (Plastic) a PROGRAMMABLE OPTIONS INCLUDE 1, 1 1/2 (Ordering information at the end of the datasheet) OR 2 STOP BITS ; EVEN, ODD OR NO PARITY ; AND x1, x16, x32 AND x64 CLOCK MODES BREAK GENERATION AND DETECTION AS LOGIC FUNCTIONS WELL AS PARITY-, OVERRUN- AND FRAM- ING-ERROR DETECTION ARE AVAILABLE -]o, Rada | 0 os P= DESCRIPTION oar ae wet The Z80 DART (Dual-Channel Asynchronous Re- ]e xa |-_ me ceiver/Transmitter) is a dual-channel multi-function +o atsa p-~ se peripheral component that satisfies a wide variety crs [7 comrnae of asynchronous serial data communications re- ee bob quirements in microcomputer systems. The Z80 ry aeser, aero DART is used as a serial-to-parallel, parallel-to-ser- cowraor | -+| ino _Rxo8 > ial converter/controller in asynchronous applica- cou) ~ *] Re wee i tions. In addition, the device also provides modem al oo winove |> controls for both channels. In applications where +] an _ cre modem controis are not needed, these lines can be amay | = Jian ace \o woven used for general-purpose I/O. vaca | * sae Sat The Z80 SIO, a more versatile device, provides syn- comrmor | =] to bcos |= chronous (Bisync, HDLC and SDLC) as well as f | asynchronous operation. Veo ONO ck The Z80 DART is fabricated with n-channel silicon- gate depletion-load technology, and is packaged in a 40 pin plastic or ceramic DIP. February 1989 1/14 22528470 Figure 1 : Dual ine pine Configuration. a, Q 1 40 [J Og 0,2 3s [} 2 os (3 38 T] D; G a at L) 0, int Os as [] ine iQ) 6 36 [) && o(]7 34 [J BA mi C] 28 3f oo Yoo C] 3 32D) ao windva C) 10 yearo a GND RIA (1 30 [] winpys RxDa (] 12 29 Fy iB fata (13 ze [7] 8xd6 aca (] 4 27 [) ReTxC8 TxD [] 15 26 [} tx08 pira [] 16 25 [J oTRe atsa () 7 24 [[] ATSB osa (] 13 2a [] crse ocba (] 19 22 [DF oc0e cer (] 20 21 [0 RESET Figure 2 : Chip Carrier Pin Configuration. zoo 7 cs oe a- re] sseas ey a0201 44 43 42 61 40 39 [} BA 38 cd 37 Dao 38 [J GND 3s 0) wapye 28444 a4 [] SYNE 33 1) Rxo8 a2 PJ) axe 3t 0 cB 30 f] Ta0B 29 nc 8099 20 21 22 23:24 25 26 27 e 5~8677 NC. << iw = iO T*PA SHIFT REGisTER | START RECEIVE TRANSMIT FA Lock Loaic [7 C4 err RECEIVE 1 oetay 3BITS >] SHIFT REGISTER ERROR (8 BITS) LOGIC READ, WRITE AND INTERRUPT TIMING READ CYCLE The timing signals generated by a Z80 CPU input instruction to read a Data or Status byte from the 280 DART are illustrated in figure 5a. Figure 5a : Read Cycle. WRITE CYCLE Figure 5b illustrates the timing and data signals generated by a Z80 CPU output instruction to write a Data or Control byte into the Z80 DART. Figure 5b : Write Cycle. ty Tz Tw 3 ty cLOCK ce eK / cHanne.appress = cE SX / CHANNEL ADDRESS x 7 tora NAA / (ona RD Ab mi M1 DATA 4 out ) DATA x IN x 6/14 (7 SGS-THOMSON 230INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE CYCLE After receiving an Interrupt Request signal (INT pulled Low), the Z80_CPU sends an Interrupt Ac- knowledge signal (M1 and IORQ both Low). The daisy-chained interrupt circuits determine the hig- hest priority interrupt requestor. The IEI of the hig- hest priority peripheral is terminated High. For any peripheral that has no interrupt pending or under service, IEO = IEI. Any peripheral that does have an interrupt pending or under service forces its IEO Low. To insure stable conditions in the daisy chain, all in- terrupt status signals are prevented from changing while M1 is Low. When IORQ is Low, the highest priority interrupt requestor (the one with IEI High) places its interrupt vector on the data bus and sets its internal interrupt-under-service latch. Refer to the 280 Family Technical Manual tor addi- tional details on the interrupt daisy chain and inter- rupt nesting. RETURN FROM INTERRUPT CYCLE Normally, the Z80 CPU issues a RETI (Return From Interrupt) instruction at the end of an interrupt ser- vice routine. RETI is a 2-byte opcode (ED-4D) that resets the interrupt-under-service latch to terminate the interrupt that has just been processed. When used with other CPUs, the Z80 DART allows the user to return from the interrupt cycle with a spe- cial command called Return From Interrupt" in Write Register 0 of Channel A. This command is in- terpreted by the Z80 DART in exactly the same way it would interpret a RETI command on the data bus. Figure 5c : Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle. 28470 Figure 5d : Return from Interrupt Cycle. Z80 DART PROGRAMMING To program the Z80 DART, the system program first issues a series of commands that initialize the basic mode and then other commands that qualify condi- tions within the selected mode. For example, the character length, clock rate, number of stop bits, even or odd parity are first set, then the Interrupt mode and, finally, receiver or transmitter enable. Both channels contain command registers that must be programmed via the system program prior to operation. The Channel Select input (B/A) and the Control/Data input (C/D) are the command structure addressing controls, and are normally controlled by the CPU address bus. WRITE REGISTERS The 280 DART contains six registers (WRO-WRS5) in each channel that are programmed separately by the system program to configure the functional per- sonality of the channels (figure 4). With the excep- tion of WRO, programming the write registers requires two bytes. The first byte contains three bits (Do-Dz} that point to the selected register ; the sec- ond byte is the actual control word that is written into the register to configure the Z80 DART. WR is a special case in that all the basic commands (CMDo-CMDz) can be accessed with a single byte. Reset (internal or external) initializes the ponter bits Do-De to point to WRO. This means that a register DATA (vector \ cannot be pointed to in the same operation as a channel reset. SGS-THOMSON ms ki SY wicaox.sersan:cs 23128470 Write Register Functions WRO Register Pointers, Initialization Commands for the Various Modes, etc. WR1 Transmit/Receive Interrupt and Data Transfer Mode Definition WR2 Interrupt Vector (Channel B only) WR3 Receive Parameters and Control WR4 Transmit/Receive Miscellaneous Parameters and Modes WRS5 Transmit Parameters and Controls READ REGISTERS The Z80 DART contains three registers (RRO-RR2) that can be read to obtain the status information for each channel (except for RR2, which applies to Channel B only). The status information includes error conditions, interrupt vector and standard com- munications-interface signals. 8/14 ky SGS-THOMSON To read the contents of a selected read register other than RRO, the system program must first write the pointer byte to WRO in exactly the same way as a write register operation. Then, by executing an input instruction, the contents of the addressed read register can be read by the CPU. The status bits of RRO and RR1 are carefully grouped to simplify status monitoring. For example, when the interrupt vector indicates that a Special Receive Conditions interrupt has occurred, all the appropriate error bits can be read from a single reg- ister (RR1). Read Register Functions RRO Transmit/Receive Buffer Status, Interrupt Status and External Status RRt Special Receive Condition Status RR2 Modified Interrupt Vector (channel B only) Mi SROBLEST ROK ICS 232Z80 DART READ AND WRITE REGISTERS 28470 READ REGISTER 0 [o,]0,]o.:0.[,]es]0, [>] 2 WRITE REGISTER 2 (CHANNEL B ONLY) v3 INTEARUPT va VECTOR v5 v6 vw? WHITE REGISTER 4 [eos JaTe [Tor T0.77] LL parivy ENABLE PARITY EVEN/ODD NOT USED 1 STOP BITICHARACTER t% STOP BITSICHARACTER 2 STOP BITSICHARACTER NOT USEO 4 X1 CLOCK MODE X16 CLOCK MODE X32 CLOCK MODE X64 CLOCK MODE READ REGISTER t* READ REGISTER 2 [o,}>s]s Te [osi0,[0,]>] LL ax CHARACTER AVAILABLE ALL SENT L. ve INT PENDING (CH. A ONLY) NOT USED vee + Tx BUFFER EMPTY PART ERROR 3 pco Ax OVERAUN ERROR a NE oo A FRAMING ERROR va 5 USED WITH EXTERNAL, v = crs STATUS INTERRUPT" NOT USED 5 _.. NOT USFO MODE *Used With Specia Receive Condition Mace Vb BREAK vr cw tVanable i Status Ater's Vector 35 Programme? WHITE REGISTER 0 WHITE REGISTER 1 [Tos Tor Is. [osToTo [es] Taye a ~To 0 0 0 REGISTERS | EXT INT ENABLE 0 0 1 REGISTER Tx INT ENABLE y Oo REGISTER? STATUS AFFECTS VECTOR 0 1 4 REGISTERS (CH. B ONLY) 1 9 0 REGISTERS 1 0 1 REGISTERS 00 Rains Uisance f RxINT ON FIRST CHARACTER OR ON INT ON ALL Rx CHARACTERS (PARITY | special AFFECTS VECTOR} RECEIVE 9 0 G9 NULL CODE 1 4 INT ON ALL Ax CHARACTERS (PARITY | CONDITION oo 1 NOT USEO DOES NOT AFFECT VECTOR) + 0 RESET EXTISTATUS INTERRUPTS . 1 1 CHANNEL RESET WAITIREADY ON AT 1 0 0 ENABLE INT ON NEXT Rx CHARACTER - 1 @ 1. AESET TINT PENDING L WAITIREADY FUNCTION 1 + o ERROR RESET WAITIREADY ENABLE 1 1 1 RETURN FROM INT (CH.A ONLY) NOT USED WRITE REGISTER 3 L Ax ENABLE NOT USED (MUST BE PROGRAMMED 0) AUTO ENABLES 0 = - AK SBITSICHARACTER 1 Rx? BITSICHARACTER a 1 , Aix 6 BITSICHAAACTER Aix 8 BITSICHARACTER awae WRITE REGISTER 5 ESCOESCRESCN CH NOT USED RIS NOT USED Tx ENABLE SEND BREAK Tx 5 BITS (OA LESSVCHAAACTER Tx 7 BITSICHARACTER: Tx 8 BITS/CHARACTER Tx @ BITSICHARACTER oR = yecTog &r SGS-THOMSON 9/14 MICROELECTRONICS 23328470 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Value Unit Vi Voltage on all Inputs and Outputs with Respect to GND 0.3 to + 7.0 Vv Ta Operating Ambient Temperature As Specified in Ordering Information Tstg Storage Temperature 65 to + 150 Cc Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximun Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only ; operation of the device at any condition above those indicated in the operational sections of these specifications is not im- plied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. TEST CONDITIONS The characteristics below apply for the following test asy conditions, unless otherwise noted. All voltages are referenced to GND (OV). Positive current flows into 21K the referenced pin. Available operating temperature FROM OUTPUT ranges are: UNGER TEST = 0'Cto+ 70C, +4.75V< Veo <+5.25V 100 pF 250 a 40 C to + 85C, . +4.75V