1.5A Step-Up Current Regulator for Flash LEDs
14 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc.com • www.skyworksinc.com
202087A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • June 21, 2012
Selecting the Boost Inductor
The AAT1277 controller utilizes PWM control and the
switching frequency is fixed. To maintain 2MHz maximum
switching frequency and stable operation, a 1H inductor
is recommended. Manufacturer’s specifications list both
the inductor DC current rating, which is a thermal limita-
tion, and peak inductor current rating, which is deter-
mined by the saturation characteristics. Measurements
at full load and high ambient temperature should be per-
formed to ensure that the inductor does not saturate or
exhibit excessive temperature rise.
The inductor (L) is selected to avoid saturation at mini-
mum input voltage and maximum output load conditions.
Worst-case peak current occurs at minimum input volt-
age (maximum duty cycle) and maximum load. Bench
measurements are recommended to confirm actual IPEAK
and to ensure that the inductor does not saturate at
maximum LED current and minimum input supply volt-
age. The RMS current flowing through the boost inductor
is equal to the DC plus AC ripple components. Under
worst case RMS conditions, the current waveform is
critically continuous. The resulting RMS calculation yields
worst case inductor loss. The RMS current value should
be compared against the inductor manufacturer’s tem-
perature rise, or thermal derating guidelines:
For a given inductor type, smaller inductor size leads to
an increase in DCR winding resistance and, in most
cases, increased thermal impedance. Winding resistance
degrades boost converter efficiency and increases the
inductor’s operating temperature:
= I
Selecting the Boost Capacitors
In general, it is good design practice to place a decoupling
capacitor (input capacitor) between the IN and GND pins.
An input capacitor in the range of 2.2F to 10F is recom-
mended. A larger input capacitor in this application may
be required for stability, transient response, and/or ripple
performance. The high output ripple inherent in the boost
converter necessitates the use of low impedance output
filtering. Multi-layer ceramic (MLC) capacitors provide
small size and adequate capacitance, low parasitic equiv-
alent series resistance (ESR) and equivalent series induc-
tance (ESL), and are well suited for use with the AAT1277
boost regulator. MLC capacitors of type X7R or X5R are
recommended to ensure good capacitance stability over
the full operating temperature range. The output capaci-
tor is selected to maintain the output load without sig-
nificant voltage droop (VOUT) during the power switch ON
interval. A 1F ceramic output capacitor is recommended
(see Table 2). Typically, 6.3V or 10V rated capacitors are
required for this flash LED boost output. Ceramic capaci-
tors selected as small as 0603 are available which meet
these requirements. MLC capacitors exhibit significant
capacitance reduction with applied voltage. Output ripple
measurements should confirm that output voltage drop
and operating stability are within acceptable limits.
Voltage derating can minimize this factor, but results may
vary with package size and among specific manufactur-
ers. To maintain stable operation at full load, the output
capacitor should be selected to maintain VOUT between
100mV and 200mV. The boost converter input current
flows during both ON and OFF switching intervals. The
input ripple current is less than the output ripple and, as
a result, less input capacitance is required.
PCB Layout Guidelines
Boost converter performance can be adversely affected
by poor layout. Possible impact includes high input and
output voltage ripple, poor EMI performance, and
reduced operating efficiency. Every attempt should be
made to optimize the layout in order to minimize para-
sitic PCB effects (stray resistance, capacitance, and
inductance) and EMI coupling from the high frequency
SW node. A suggested PCB layout for the AAT1277 1.5A
step-up regulator is shown in Figures 4 and 5. The fol-
lowing PCB layout guidelines should be considered:
1. Minimize the distance from capacitor CIN and COUT’s
negative terminals to the PGND pins. This is espe-
cially true with output capacitor COUT
, which conducts
high ripple current from the output to the PGND
2. Minimize the distance under the inductor between IN
and switching pin SW; minimize the size of the PCB
area connected to the SW pin.
3. Maintain a ground plane and connect to the IC PGND
pin(s) as well as the PGND connections of CIN and
4. Consider additional PCB exposed area for the flash
LEDs to maximize heatsinking capability. This may
be necessary when using high current application
and long flash duration application.
5. Connect the exposed paddle (bottom of the die) to
either PGND or GND. Connect AGND, FLGND to GND
as close as possible to the package.