TDA7718N Description of the audioprocessor
Doc ID 16502 Rev 1 23/40
4.9 Softstep control
In this device, the softstep function is available for volume, speaker, loudness, treble, middle
and bass block. With softstep function, the audible noise of DC offset or the sudden change
of signal can be avoided when adjusting gain setting of the block.
For each block, the softstep function is controlled by softstep on/off control bit in the control
table. The softstep transient time selection (5 ms or 10 ms) is common for all blocks and it is
controlled by softstep time control bit. The softstep operation of all blocks has a common
centralized control. In this case, a new softstep operation can not be started before the
completion previous softstep.
There are two different modes to activate the softstep operation. The softstep operation can
be started right after I2C data sending, or the softstep can be activated in parallel after data
sending of several different blocks. The two modes are controlled by the ‘act bit’ (it is
normally bit7 of the byte.) of each byte. When act bit is ‘0’, which means action, the softstep
is activated right after the date byte is sent. When the act bit is ‘1’, which means wait, the
block goes to wait for softstep status. In this case, the block will wait for some other block to
activate the operation. The softstep operation of all blocks in wait status will be done
together with the block which activate the softstep. With this mode, all specific blocks can do
the softstep in parallel. This avoids waiting when the softstep is operated one by one.
|↑ Softstep start here
|↑ Softstep start
here for all
4.10 DC offset detector
Using the DC offset detection circuit (Figure 18) an offset voltage difference between the
audio power amplifier and the APR's Front and Rear outputs can be detected, preventing
serious damage to the loudspeakers. The circuit compares whether the signal crosses the
zero level inside the audio power at the same time as in the speaker cell. The output of the
zero-window-comparator of the power amplifier must be connected with the WinIn-input of
the APR. The WinIn-input has an internal pull-up resistor connected to 5.5 V. It is
recommended to drive this pin with open-collector outputs only.
To compensate for errors at low frequencies the WinTC-pin are implemented, with external
capacitors introducing the same delay τ = 7.5 kΩ * Cext as the AC-coupling between the
APR and the power amplifier introduces. For the zero window comparators, the time
constant for spike rejection as well as the threshold are programmable.
For electrical characteristics see Chapter 3 on page 9.
A low-active DC-offset error signal appears at the DCErr output if the next conditions are
both true:
a) Front and rear outputs are inside zero crossing windows.
b) The Input voltage VWinIn is logic low whenever at least one output of the power
amplifier is outside the zero crossing windows.
Chip Addr Sub Addr 0xxxxxxx
Chip Addr Sub Addr 1xxxxxxx 1xxxxxxx ...... 0xxxxxxx