Rev B 8 of 8
3.9. Str ength of Coupl ing Mec hanism|
The jack module assembl y was mat ed to a plug c onnec tor. A 33 N [7.4 lbf] tensile load was appli ed to
the plug housing at a r ate of 25.4 mm [ 1 in] per minute. The load was sustai ned for a mi nimum of 5|seconds. Optical perfor manc e was measured before and after test with the load removed.
3.10. Cable Retention, 0 Degr ees|
Specimens wer e subj ec ted to a sustained load of 2. 2 N [0.5 lbf] for a mi nimum of 5 seconds. The jack|connect or was secured to the t est fixture. The tensi le l oad was appli ed by wrappi ng the buffered or
coated fiber ar ound a 7.5 cm [3 in] diameter mandr el at a point 23 c m [ 9 in] fr om behind the bac k end
of the module assembl y . Load was applied at a r ate of 25.4 mm [ 1 in] per minute. Opt ical perfor mance
was measured before and after t est with the load removed.
3.11. Cable Retention, 90 Degr ees|
Specimens wer e subj ec ted to a sustained load of 2. 2 N [0.5 lbf] for a mi nimum of 5 seconds. The jack|connect or was secured to the t est fixture. The l oad was appli ed at a 90 degree pul l angle by wrapping
the buffer ed or c oated fiber around a 7. 5 c m [3 in] di amet er mandr el at a point 23 c m [ 9 in] fr om
behind the back end of the modul e assembly. Load was appli ed at a rat e of 25.4 mm [1 i n] per mi nute.
Opt ical perfor manc e was measured before and after test with the load removed.
3.12. Durability|
The plug-to-jack connection of each m ated specimen was subjected to 500 cycles of durability.
Specimens were manually cycled at a rat e not in excess of 300 cycles per hour. Jack and plug
connectors were cleaned as specified every 25 cycles. Optical perform ance was measured before
testing and after every 50th cycle. Specimens were unmated, cleaned, inspected, and re-mat ed before
each measurem ent.
3.13. Cable Fl exing|
Specimens were subjected to 100 cycles of fi ber flexi ng. Specimens were t ested at a rate of 15 cycles
per mi nute. A 7.5 cm [ 3 in] mandr el was used to apply a tensile load of 224 g [0. 5 lbf] to buffered or
coated fiber at a poi nt 20 cm [8 in] fr om the rear of a mat ed jack module. The fl ex arc was ± 90
degrees f r om a vertic al positi on. Opt ical perfor mance was measured before and after t est with the load
3.14. Twist|
Specimens were subjected to 10 cycles of twist. Specimens were t ested at a rate less than 30 cycles
per mi nute. A 7.5 cm [ 3 in] diameter mandr el was used to apply a tensile load of 2.2 N [ 0.5 l bf] t o
buffered or c oated fiber at a point 23 c m [ 9 in] fr om the rear of a mat ed jack module. The twist mot ion
for each cycle was ± 2.5 revol ut ions about the axis of the fiber. Opt ical performance was m easured
before and aft er test with the l oad r emoved.
3.15. Impact|
An unmated jack module assembly was dr opped from a hei ght of 1.8 m [70.9 in] onto a concrete slab.
The impact exposure was repeat ed 8 ti mes. I nit ial opti c al perfor mance was recorded before the
specimen was unmated and exposed to t esting. A fter completion of t he 8 impact s, eac h jack was
opened and re-t er minated ac c or ding t o guidelines i n 408- 8718. (Not e that re- termi nati on included
reposit ioning of the fiber only, and fi ber s were not re-c leaved.) Fi nal optical perfor mance was recorded
after all specimens wer e tested, re- termi nated, inspected, cl eaned and r e- mated to a plug connector.
For Test Gr oup 7 ( M T-RJ SE CURE ) , the plug was al so tested in addi ti on to the jack. Both plug and|j ac k were i ndividually dropped 8 t imes each. After c leaning the plug and re-termi nating the j ac k , parts|were mated back together to recor d final att enuati on and r eturn l oss.|