DIN RANGE PANEL METERS DESCRIPTION Available with moving iron or moving coil movements for a.c. or d.c. use, these DIN panel meters have been supplied worldwide and are recognised for their quality and value. Standard scales or customised dials can be offered. 11840 * Manufactured to: DIN 43700, IEC51 and BS89. * 48mm, 72mm and 96mm sizes. * a.c. or d.c. use. * Interchangeable dials (72mm & 96mm). * Rugged pivot and jewel movement. * Ammeters, Voltmeters, Frequency Meters, Power Factor Indicators, Wattmeters, Elapsed Time Indicators and Maximum Demand Indicators. * Optional red secondary pointer and terminal cover. * Special customised dials. Howard Butler Limited is one of the largest independent UK manufacturers of panel meters and associated products. With over 80 years experience in the industry HOBUT products have built a reputation for high quality and modern design at competitive prices. A N A L O G U E PA N E L M E T E R S * D I G I TA L PA N E L M E T E R S * H O U R S C O U N T E R S * S E L E C T O R S W I T C H E S * P R O T E C T I O N R E L AY S * T R A N S D U C E R S S H U N T S * C U R R E N T T R A N S F O R M E R S * C H A R G E R M E T E R S * T H E R M A L C U T O U T S * M U LT I - F U N C T I O N M E T E R S DIN DIN DIN 96 72 48 DIN RANGE PANEL METERS MOVING IRON Types: Accuracy: D48SD, D72SD, D96SD. Class 1.5 (Class 2.5-60A and above). * 1A to 100A direct connected (D48SD - 40A max). * 1A or 5A CT operated. * 30V to 600V direct connected. 0.7VA typical for 1A or 5A CT operated at 50Hz. 1.2VA max up to 30A 2.4VA max for 40A to 100A. 6VA max for voltmeters up to 600V. Calibrated at 50Hz. Specify for frequencies 15Hz up to 400Hz Standard ammeter and voltmeter scales.(2x and 6x overload ammeter scales available on request). Heavily damped movements available. AC ratings: Burden: Frequency: Scaling: Moving Iron panel meters can be used for D.C. operation at reduced accuracy. MOVING COIL Damping: Types: Accuracy: DC ratings: AC ratings: DC burden: Non std.: CONNECTION DIAGRAMS VOLTMETER VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER OPERATED DIRECT CONNECTED u U *** v V L1 (L) L2 (N) AMMETER CURRENT TRANSFORMER OPERATED DIRECT CONNECTED L1 k l K L L2 D48MC, D72MC, D96MC. Class 1.5. * 100A to 50A direct connected (D48MC - 40A max). * 4-20mA, 1mA or 20mA transducer operated. * 50mV to 600V direct connected. * 50mV to 300mV shunt operated. * Rectifier types available for a.c. use (mean sensitivity). 80mV to 150mV volt drop for direct connect ammeters 1mA (1000/V) for voltmeters and shunt operated ammeters. Suppressed zero voltmeters and trim potentiometer types available. VOLTMETER + - *** + AMMETER DIRECT CONNECTED SHUNT OPERATED + + + Type: Accuracy: AC ratings: WATTMETER D96WA. Class 1.5. * 1A or 5A CT operated. * 63.5V to 500V direct connected. Current<0.5VA each circuit. Voltage<2.0VA Burden: SINGLE PHASE L Terminals: 3PH 3W BALANCED LOAD N L1 Current 0-120% Voltage 75-125%. Calibrated for 50Hz or 60Hz. WA1 Single phase. WA2 3ph 3 wire balanced load WA3 3ph 4 wire balanced load WA4 3ph 3 wire unbalanced load WA5 3ph 4 wire unbalanced load Screw clamps - connection diagram supplied. Frequency: Systems: All DIN range panel meters are available as Wattmeters using a separate transducer. 3PH 4W UNBALANCED LOAD L2 L3 N } Working range: L1 L2 * L1 L3 K k L lK L 3PH 4W BALANCED LOAD L2 L3 (L) (N) k lK k L l 3PH 3W UNBALANCED LOAD N L1 L2 K k K k K k K k L l L l L l L l L3 K k L l DIN RANGE PANEL METERS DIN DIN DIN 96 72 48 CONNECTION DIAGRAMS POWER FACTOR INDICATOR Type: Accuracy: AC ratings: Burden: Working range: Scaling: Frequency: Systems: All DIN panel meters are available as Power Factor Indicators using a separate transducer. Terminals: D96PF. Class 1.5 (2 electrical degrees). * 1A or 5A CT operated. * 63.5V to 500V direct connected. Current<0.5VA each circuit. Voltage<2.0VA Current 20-150% Voltage 75-125%. Cos o 0.5 CAP -|- 0.5 IND. Calibrated for 50Hz or 60Hz PF2 3 phase 3 or 4 wire balanced load. Separate transducer required for single phase use. Screw clamps - connection diagram supplied. L1 L2 L3 N * k K l L MAXIMUM DEMAND INDICATOR Type: Accuracy: AC rating: Burden: Time lag: Frequency: Scaling: Bi-metallic movement indirectly heated. Mounting: D96MD, conforming to ES50-2. Class 3. * 5A CT operated with 1.2 x overscaling to 6A. 1A version available on request. 5VA. 15, 20 or 30 mins. Calibrated at 50Hz Specify for frequencies up to 400Hz. Range of interchangeable scales to suit 5A CT's. For double ratio CT's two interchangeable dials are fitted. Front of panel fixings are available. CURRENT TRANSFORMER OPERATED * L1 k l K L (L) L2 (N) COMBINED MAXIMUM DEMAND INDICATOR Type: Accuracy: AC rating: Burden: Time lag: Frequency: Scaling: Bi-metallic movement with additional Moving Iron movement, for instantaneous reading FREQUENCY METER Mounting: Types: Accuracy: Ranges: Input volts: Burden: ELAPSED TIME METER Types: AC Ratings: Frequency: Range: Terminals: D96CMD. Class 3, moving iron Class 1.5. * 5A CT operated with 1.2 x overscaling to 6A. 1A version available on request. 5.6VA. 15, 20 or 30 mins. Calibrated at 50Hz Specify for frequencies up to 400Hz. Range of interchangeable scales to suit 5A CT's. For double ratio CT's two interchangeable dials are fitted. Front of panel fixings are available. D48HZ, D72HZ, D96HZ. Class 0.5 (0.5% of nominal frequency). Class 1.0 for 45/65 Hz. Class 1.5 for D48HZ types. * 45/55, 45/65, 55/65, 360/440Hz. Ranges incorporating RPM scale also available. 110V15%, 225V15% 380 to 440V5%. 6mA at nominal voltage. D48HR, D72HR, D96HR. 110V or 240V. 50Hz or 60Hz. DC models also available. * Seven digits up to 99999.99hrs. Connections to terminal block. Note: D48HR has a special panel cut-out=45.5 +0.5 -0.0 mmsq CURRENT TRANSFORMER OPERATED * L1 k l K L (L) L2 (N) DIRECT CONNECTED *** *** VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER OPERATED u U v V L1 (L) L2 (N) L1 (L) L2 (N) DIN RANGE PANEL METERS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Standards IEC 51, BS 89. Enclosure: DIN 43700. Flame retardant: base material UL94V1, case & terminal cover material UL94V0. Scale marking DIN 43802 Protection IP52: IP54 can be supplied. Overload: (All dimensions mm) 92 68 45 dims +0.8 -0.0 92 CURRENT - 1.2 x rating for 2hrs. - 10 x rating for 5 secs. VOLTAGE - 1.2 x rating for 2hrs. - 2 x rating for 5 secs. Insulation test: 2kV 50Hz for 1min. Temperature: Calibrated at 23c. Suitable for use at -25c to +40c. Available extras: Adjustable red secondary pointer. Terminal cover. Special scale. Polycarbonate window. 6.4mm "Faston" terminal tag (voltmeters & ammeters to 5A). Other DIN products: PANEL CUT-OUTS dims +0.7 -0.0 68 DIN 96 DIN 72 DIN 48 DIN 48 can be slot mounted using the standard fixing clip. DIN 72 & DIN 96 can be supplied with special fixing clips for slot mounting. Slot dimensions available on request. DIMENSIONS (All dimensions mm) A Our illustrations and technical specifications apply to meters with 90 scale arcs. Instruments with 240 scale arcs are also available. B C E A Digital panel meters. Current Transformers. Shunts. Power transducers. Protection relays. Battery charger indicators. Thermal cut-outs. D F Data sheets on the following HOBUT product ranges are available on request: * * * * * * * dims +0.6 -0.0 45 A 48 B 5 C 43 D 44.8 E 10 F - 48 5 43 44.8 21 - 72 5.5 38.5 66 10 - 72 5.5 38.5 66 19 - 72 5.5 38.5 66 22 - 96 5.5 38.5 90 10 20 96 5.5 38.5 90 19 20 96 5.5 38.5 90 22 20 DIN96 Watt-meter 96 5.5 123 90 DIN96 Power Factor Indicator 96 5.5 123 90 DIN96 Max. Demand Indicator 96 5.5 58 90 (M4 screw clamps) DIN96 Combined M.D.I. 96 5.5 58 90 (M4 screw clamps) Note: If terminal covers are fitted as an optional extra, add 23mm to dimension `C' for DIN72 & DIN96 meters, and 25mm to dimension `C' for DIN48 meters. 13 13 10 - - 20 10 20 DIN48 (M4 screw clamps) Ammeters up to 5A & Voltmeters DIN48 (M6 stud terminals) Ammeters 6A to 40A DIN72 (M4 screw clamps) Ammeters up to 5A & Voltmeters DIN72 (M6 stud terminals) Ammeters 6A to 50A DIN72 (M8 stud terminals) Ammeters 60A to 100A DIN96 (M4 screw clamps) Ammeters up to 5A & Voltmeters DIN96 (M6 stud terminals) Ammeters 6A to 50A New HOBUT products include: * * * * * Pro-Din panel meters. 240 panel meters. kWh meters. Multi-function meters. Protective current transformers. DIN96 (M8 stud terminals) Ammeters 60A to 100A Our policy is one of continuous development and therefore specifications may change without notice. HOWARD BUTLER LTD CROWN WORKS, LINCOLN ROAD WALSALL WS1 2EB ENGLAND Tel: 01922 640003 Fax: 01922 723626 International Tel: +44 1922 640003 E-mail: sales@hobut.co.uk Web: www.hobut.co.uk