EGPS5OA........ EGP50G DO-201AD (Plastic) Dimensions in mm. Current 5 Aat 55 C. Voltage 50 to 400 V. HYPERECTIFIER S Mounting instructions 1, Min. distance from body to soldering point, 4mm, 2. Max. solder temperature, 350 C. 3. Max. soldering time, 3.5 sec. 4. Do not bend lead at a point closer than 2mm. to the body. Glass Passivated Junction High current capability e The plastic material carries U/L recognition 94 V-0 Terminals: Axial Leads * Polarity: Color band denotes cathode Maximum Ratings, according to IEC publication No. 134 EGPS50A | EGPSOB | EGPSOD | EGPSOF | EGPS50G Vera | Peak Recurrent reverse voltage (V) 50 100 200 300 400 Vems | Maximum RMS voltage 35 70 140 210 280 Voc Maximum DC blocking voltage 50 100 200 300 400 leas | Forward current at Tamb = 85 C 5A Teen Recurrent peak forward current (A) 50A lsat 8.3 ms. peak iorward surge current 1SOA t Max. reverse recovery time from 50 ns " L=O05A > k=1A; 1y,=0.25A CE es ee 00 Max. operating temperature + 150C Tyg Storage temperature range 65 to + 180 C Maximum non repetitive peak Exsm | reverse avalanche energy. 20 mJ Ik= 1A; T:= 25C Electrical Characteristics at Tamb = 25 C V, | Max. forward voltage drop at I,=5A LOV | 1.25V Ip Max. reverse current at Vary at oo C 5 tR R,2 | Max. thermal resistance (1= 10 mm.) 20 C/W Rating And Characteristic Curves I yay): average forward rectified current (A) lism Peak forward surge current (A) 250 200 150 100 50 FORWARD CURRENT DERATING CURVE 10 mm. - 10 mm. 0 25 580 78 100 125 180 175 Tamb, ambient temperature (C) MAXIMUM NON REPETITIVE PEAK FORWARD SURGE CURRENT 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 100 Number of cycles at 60 Hz. I,, instantaneous forward current (A) Cg, diode capacitance (pF) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 EGP50 TYPICAL FORWARD CHARACTERISTIC EGPSOA thru EGP50D EGPSOP EGP50G 0.4 06 08 1.0 12 La 1.6 18 V, , instantaneous forward voltage (V) TYPICAL JUNCTION CAPACITANCE Tj= 25C f= 1 MHz NJ nel KJ NN MM, ne 0.1 05 1 2 +85 10 50 100 V, reverse voltage (V)