0,8 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Min. 10,16Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 0,8 7,62 7,62 8 - 108 - 10 0,8 8 - 10 10 88--10 0,3 7,62 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 0,3 7,62 7,62 7,62 Rectangular caps Rocker-action pushbutton cap 12.5 mm x 10.1 mm; 18.65 mm x 10.1 mm; 25.0 mm x 10.1 mm h =12.2 mm Material: ABS/polycarbonate 18,65 18,65 18,65 12,5 12,5 12,5 Temp. Range: ** Solid cap: -40/+65C ** Transparent cap: -40/+85C 5GTxx+1H Panel cut-out: 1A/1H-13.0 x 10.5, 1M-25.7 x 10.5, 1ZA-19.4x10.5 5GT+1ZA 12,5 12,5 5GTxx+1H 5GTxx+1H 1A 5GT+1ZA 5GTxx+1H5GTxx+1H 5GTxx+1H 5GSxx+1A 5GSxx+1A 5GSxx+1A 5GT+1ZA 5GT+1ZA 5GS+1M 5GT+1ZA All dimensions in mm 5GS+1M 5GS+1M Tolerances -/+0.2mm 1A 1A 1A DIMENSIONS 7,62 10,1 25,0 18,65 18,65 25,0 0,8 7,62 7,62 8 - 108 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 0,8 7,62 7,62 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 1ZA 1ZA 10,1 10,110,1 1ZA 8 - 10 12,2 12,2 12,2 14,0 0,8 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 8 - 10 12,2 12,2 12,2 0,3 0,3 8 - 10 0,3 8 - 10 8 - 10 12,212,2 12,2 10,1 25,0 1A Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 10,1 1H 1M 1M 03 grey 09 black 1A 1A 1A 18,65 7,62 5GT+1ZA 1A 10,1 10,1 1M 1H 5GT+1ZA 5GS+1M Lens 1H 0,8 14,0 5GTxx+1H Colour code 1H 0,8 0,3 8 - 10 12,2 02 blue 22 green 5GSxx+1A5GSxx+1A 42 yellow 61 white 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow Cap 8 - 10 12,2 8 - 10 12,2 10,1 8 - 10 12,2 0,3 12,5 5GTxx+1H 5GT+1A 8 - 10 8 - 10 12,2 3 8 - 10 12,2 10,1 5GSxx+1A 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 5GT+1A + 0,8 0,8 14,0 LED 0,3 20 35 5GSxx+1A 65 Q* 0,8 5GT+1ZA 18,65 14,0 0,3 0,8 0,37,62 14,0 Min. 10,16 7,62 Min. 10,16 7,62 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 18,65 5GSxx+1A 5GSxx+1A 12,5 Actuation force 5GS+1M TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 5GS+1M 5GS+1M 18,65 12,5 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 18,65 10,1 12,5 12,5 10,1 5 G 0,8 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 5GTxx+1H 12,5 5GT+1ZA 0,3 10,1 10,1 4,4 ILLUMINATED - HOW TO ORDER Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 12,5 0,3 0,8 10,1 8 - 10 0,3 5GT+1A 7,62 1H 1H 1H 0,8 Min. 10,16 7,62 Max. 12,5 7,62 SMD + 1M 0,3 5GTxx+1H 7,62 Mounting 0,8 0,3 0,8 8 - 10 8 - 10 12,2 12,2 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 12,5 Switch 0,8 0,3 10,1 10,1 10,110,1 10,1 10,1 0,3 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 12,5 12,5 TH + 1ZA Min. 7,6210,16Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 7,62 0,3 12,50 12,50 12,50 8 - 10 8 - 10 12,2 0,8 0,3 0,8 7,62 7,62 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 7,62 5GT+1A 0,3 14,0 14,0 14,0Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 7,62 Min. 7,62 10,16 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 10 88 -- 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 12,212,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 8 - 12,2 10 8 - 10 0,3 TH w/LED + 1H 12,2 0,30,8 0,3 0,3 0,3 SMD w/LED + 1A Colour code 1A 16 frosted white 1ZA 1 transparent 2 green 4 yellow 6 frosted white 8 red 1A 1A 5GSxx+1A 12,50 0,3 NON-ILLUMINATED- HOW TO ORDER 0,3 0,8 7,62 12,50 14,0 12,50 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 10,1 10,1 12,50 5GSxx+1A 0,8 0,8 8 - 10 7,62 7,62 1ZA 12,50 Cap 7,62 Colour code 1A/1M 1A 18,65 1A 1M 1A 1H 8 - 108 - 10 12,2 12,2 8 - 10 10,1 10,1 12,2 14,0 14,0 7,62 0,8 1A 1H 1ZA 1H 1ZA 8 - 10 7,62 7,62 20 20Q 35 65 10,1 10,1 12,2 0,8 0,8 0,3 0,3 14,0 14,0 0,3 5GSxx+1A 1ZA 0,8 7,62 25,0 10,1 10,1 1M 1M 1ZA 1M 12,50 25,0 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 1ZA Colours 1ZA: 1ZA 1ZA 03 grey 06 white 09 black 30 ultra blue 40 dusty blue 1M 421Maqua blue 1M 50 metal dark blue 53 metal light grey 57 metal dark grey 58 metal bordeaux 1M 8 1H 7,62 12,50 + 5GSxx+1A TH9 through-hole 12,50 12,50 SH9 surface mount 8 - 108 - 10 0,3 0,3 5GS+1M 14,0 25,0 Actuation force 12,50 12,2 12,2 ,0 12,5 10,1 10,1 10,1 5 G 5GS+1M 5GS+1M 10,110,110,1 Mounting 10,1 Switch 12,5 25,0 1H 0,8 7,62 0,8 Min.18,65 10,16 Max. 12,5 18,65 7,62 Min.12,5 10,16 Max. 12,5 12,5 1H 1M 1H 10,1 7,62 12,2 14,0 14,0 8 - 10 12,2 12,2 7,62 7,62 14,0 0,8 1H 7,62 7,62 10,1 10,112,2 8 - 10 8 - 10 7,62 0,8 10,1 0,3 0,8 12,2 0,3 0,3 7,62 14,0 0,8 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 0,8 10,1 Min.12,5 10,16 Max 12,5 12,5 14,0 10,1 10,1 12,2 0,3 14,0 0,8 5GT+1ZA 0,3 0,3 12,2 7,62 7,62 12,2 8 - 108 - 10 0,8 0,8 8 - 10 8 - 10 0,3 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max. 12,5 *For an illuminated quiet 2.0N switch add Q 0,8 0,8 0,8 14,0 0,8 0,8 to the end of the switch part number. 7,62 7,62 7,62 0,3 0,3 8 - 10 7,62 5GTxx+1H 0,3 8 - 10 0,3 0,3 0,3 8 - 10 12,2 0,8 0,8 8 - 10 ,0 8 - 108 - 10 12,2 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 Min. 10,16 Max 12,5 10,1 10,1 12,2 0,3 0,3 12,2 5GT+1A 12,2 12,2 12,212,2 12,2 12,2 25,0 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 0,8 0,8 0,8 Min. Min. 10,16 Min. 10,16 10,16 Max. Max. 12,5 Max. 12,5 12,5 7,62 7,62 12,2 12,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 7,62 5G + 1A/1H/1M/1ZA 12,2 0,8 0,8 0,8 n. n. 10,16 10,16 ax. ax. 12,5 12,5 8 - 10 12,2 10 88 -- 10 8 - 10 12,2 12,2 12,2 Rocker-action pushbutton caps 12,2 12,2 multimec(R) Ordering example: 5GSH93582 + 1H098 with illumination OR 5GTH965 + 1ZA57 without illumination OR *5GTH92001Q (illuminated quiet version). Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on www.mec.dk 1ZA 1M Legends Avaliable for Multimec caps LEGEND 1B09U_ 1B09D_ 1DS09_ 1FS096R_ 0 000 000 000 1 001 001 001 2 002 002 002 3 003 003 003 4 004 004 004 5 005 005 005 6 006 006 006 7 007 007 007 8 008 008 008 9 009 009 009 107 107 019 019 # 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 6 4 5 7 8 9 7 8 0 . ESC standard legends CLR ESC 1ZB09D_ 1ZB16DLMH_ 1ZCS_ 10Q_ 10QM16_ 1DS pad printed 1FS reverse printed 1ZB pad printed *laser marked 1ZCS pad printed *reverse printed *laser marked 033 3 133 6 10R(F) & 10Q pad printed reverse printed 034 9 0 134 . CLR 135 135 054 054 059 059 123 123 ON/OFF 017 017 STOP 018 018 START 031 031 038 038 048 048 105 105 118 118 H/V - H/V 136* 123 RESET STANDARD OPTIONS 1B pad printed + 123 123* 038 CANCEL 34 10R_ & 10RF_ 10RM16_ ENTER 105 ESC 051 OK 118* SET 119 MENU 120 FUNC 121 HOME 122 Ordering example: 1FS096R12309; 1ZB09D13606; 1ZCS16LMH11809 Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on www.apem.com 10RM & 10QM metal symbol how to order POSITIONING OF LEGENDS ON ROCKER-ACTION CAPS ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF When ordering legends for capsON/OFF with hinge-type cap retention system, it is important ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF to note the position of the cap. An extra letter (U or D) needs to be added to the part - 24 4 4 + 21 + 43 1 + 3 1 2 - 3 - 2 1 1 + 2 - 3 + 3 - - 2 2 12 - 4 - 42 4 4 + 4 Rocker-action caps without a lens: 1A, 1B, 1M, 1ZA and 1ZB Orientation of the3switch: + DOWN 1ZB09D13606 1 3 1 - 4 - 2 2 UP 2 4 - 2 1 - 4 + 3 1 + 3 DOWN ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF LEGEND ILLUMINATION 4 + ON/OFF 1 34 + 3 1 3 + 2 3 + ON/OFF number to refer to the position of the hinges in relation to the legend. See samplesON/OFF to the left. DOWN 1B09D01706 - UP DOWN 1B09U01706 1A09D01706 UP 1A09U01706 + 1 Avaliable for Multimec caps 1 3 Legends Option 1:LASER MARKED In case of laser marked legends an "LM" is added after the cap colour, before the legend code. We recommend using hard paint (additional "H" ) for increased lifetime of the paint. E.g. 1ZB16DLMH13609 Option 2: REVERSE PRINTED In case of reverse printed caps an "R" is added after the cap colour, before the legend code. Especially relevant when standard legends has both negative and positive print option. E.g. 1FS096R00009 Option 3: METAL SYMBOL Only available for 10RM and 10QM (therefore the "M"). E.g. 10RM16059 STANDARD AND CUSTOM LEGENDS - HOW TO ORDER STANDARD LEGENDS Standard are only certain legends on certain caps. See the table on the previous page. All standard pad-printed legends are white on black caps. All standard reverse-printed and laser marked legends are black on frosted white cap. Cap Cap colour Direction* Type* Legend Legend colour* 1B 1DS ... etc 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black 16 frosted white ... etc D down U up LM laser marked on soft paint LMH laser marked on hard paint R reverse printed 001 1 002 2 003 3 ... etc 00 blue 02 green 03 grey 04 yellow 06 white 08 red 09 black ... etc *only for hinge-type caps *in case of illumination *in case of laser marked legends the colour of the soft or hard paint NOTE: The size of the legends listed may not correspond to the actual size. If you decide to use one of the standard legends without any adjustments (without a new cliche) on another cap than designated in the table, then there is no start-up cost, for this to apply the cap has to be black and the print white. Standard legend colours are white paint on a black cap and black paint on a frosted white cap. Other colour combinations are handled as custom. For further information on legends please contact your local distributor or MEC. PLEASE FIND THE FULL LIST OF AVAILABLE LEGENDS ON MEC WEBSITE www.apem.com Ordering example: 1ZW0913611806; 1B06U13508; 10R16R10509 Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on www.apem.com 35 multimec(R) Solid colours No. Colour RAL Code 00 blue 5012 02 green 6018 03 grey 7004 04 yellow 1023 06 white 9010 08 red 3000 09 black 9004 No. Colour RAL Code 30 ultra blue 5002 32 mint green 6029 33 tele grey 7046 34 melon 1028 38 noble red 3002 40 dusty blue 5014 42 aqua blue 5021 53 light grey No Ral Code 57 dark grey No Ral Code 58 bordeaux No Ral Code Metallic Colours No. Colour RAL Code CAP 1A 50 dark blue No Ral Code CODE 1B 00 02 03 04 06 08 09 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1C * 1DS * * * * * * * 1ES/1FS * * * * * * * 1GAS/1GCS * * * * * * * 1H * * * * * * * * 1KS * * * * * * * 1M * * * * * * * * * 1QS/1RS * 1SS/1LS * 1TS/1US/1VS * 1WAS/1WDS/1WPS * * * * * * * 7,62 * * 11,0 * 0,8 0,3 5,1 11,0 0,3 14 * * * 34 38 40 42 50 53 57 58 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 30,0 1XS * * * 33 * 22 5,1 1PS 32 * 1JS 1NS 30 14 * * * * * * * * 0,8 7,62 * 1ZA * * * * * * * * * * 1ZB * * * * * * * * * * 1ZCS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1Z/1ZW * 10R/10RF + 10Q * * * * The RAL Codes mentioned are the codes nearest to the solid colors in the multimec(R) range. 58 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see www.apem.com multimec(R) 5 series switches 6,4 basic switch modules 0,8 0,8 4 0,3 Min 10,16 0,8 Max 12,5 7,62 7,62 All dimensions in mm THROUGH-HOLE (TH) 7,62 5E Non-illuminated 12,2 5G illuminated 0,8 PCB LAYOUT Min 10,16 Max 12,5 5G 8 Tolerances -/+0.2mm 0,3 90 8 10 12,2 10 1,8 6,4 10 10 Through-hole (TH) or surface mount (SMD) 50mA/24VDC Single pole/momentary 10,000,000 operations lifetime (NO function) Temperature range: ** Switch: -40/+160C ** LED: -40/+85C IP 67 sealing Actuation force: 2.0N, 3.5N, 6.5N NO or NC/NO 7,62 0,3 4 0,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 4 6,4 7,62 7,62 3 O 0,9 2 LED 10,16 -2 7,62 8 0,3 1 0,8 14 -2 7,62 10 11,7 1,8 0,8 7,62 7,62 R=7,4 10 10 1 0,8 4 O 0,9 7,62 4 6,5 +3 4 PCB LAYOUT 4 +3 7,62 0,8 6,4 1 7,62 0,3 4 7,62 1 0,8 3 7,62 1,2 -2 Min 10,16 +3 2,5 Max 12,5 12,50 -2 1 4 1,20 10 O 0,9 10 1,2 7,62 0,8 2 Max LED10,3 -2 1 12,50 0,8 7,62 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 10,3 7,62 Max 12,5 0,8 4 10 10 Max 12,5 0,3 0,8 Min 10,16 0,8 Min 10,16 7,62 0,8 Max 12,5Max 12,5 7,62 7,62 O14,3 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 10 10 10,16 2,5 7,62 10,16 1Min LED 8,5 0,3 10 0,3 7,62 4 10 14 11,7 8 8,5 0,3 0,8 4 10 Max 10,3 10 0,8 0,8 7,62 7,62 0,8 4 7,62 10 7,62 Max 10,3 2 7,62 10 6,4 6,4 6,4 4 0,3 7,62 10 10 0,3 8,5 0,3 0,8 10,16 6,4 4 7,62 10 1,8 4 0,8 3 1010 10 R=7,4 7,62 14 14 Min 10,16 O 0,9 0,8 7,62 Max 12,5Min 10,16 Max 12,5O14,3 7,62 7,62 4 14 Min 10 10,16 Max 12,5 0,8 12,50 6,5 6,4 6,4 0,8 Non-illuminated 0,3 8 1 7,62 0,3 6,5 6,4 4 14 R=17,5 (actuated) 10 2 2 1 14 7,62 7,62 Max 10,3 0,8 14 10 7,62 Min 10,16 4 Min 10,16 3 Max 12,5 Max 12,5 O 0,9 Max 10,3 7,62 0,8 6,4 12,2 8,5 0,8 10 6,4 0,3 0,8 5E 10,16 7,62 10 10 10 4 4 10 7,62 10 10 0,3 8 10 10 0,8 7,62 R=7,4 0,3 R=17,5 (actuated) 10Min 10,16 14 Max 12,5 10 10 4 12,2 10 6,4 6,4 8,5 0,3 0,3 8,5 0,3 6,4 10 10 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,3 0,3 6,4 6,4 6,4 0,3 10 R=17,57,62 (actuated) 10 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 90 7,62 6,4 6,4 6,4 8,5 4 8,5 10 10 10 6,4 0,3 0,3 7,62 3 7,62 O 0,9 1 LED 1,5 14 0,8 0,8 0,3 10 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,8 0,3 7,62 0,3 10 7,62 Min 10,16 Min 10,16 0,8 Max 12,5Max0,8 12,5 0,3 illuminated 7,62 6,5 14 0,8 7,62 R1 5G 90 0,8 0,8 4 1,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 SURFACE MOUNT (SMD) 14 0,3 10 0,3 6,5 0,8 2 10 0,8 Max 10,3 Max 10,3 5G 0,3 Min 10,16 7,62 Max 12,5Min 10,16 R=7,4 R=17,5 Max 12,5 (actuated) 90 10,16 0,8 0,3 0,8 Max 10,3 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16 7,62 0,8 Max 12,5 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 7,62 0,8 0,81 7,62 R1 ,3 0,8 6,4 0,3 0,3 10 0,8 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 6,4 0,8 107,62 14 14 0,8 0,8 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,3 7,62 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 10 10 4 0,8 0,3 7,62 10 7,62 10 10 0,3 0,8 0,8 0,3 10 ,3 2 7,62 Min 10,16 14 Max 12,5 0,3 6,4 6,4 6,4 0,3 14 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 0,3 4 8,5 6,4 6,4 0,8 4 0,3 6,4 10,16 2 0,3 +3 2,50 6,5 NOT FOR SALE IN JAPAN 6,4 0,3 4 0 0,8 1 7,62 6,5 7,62 6,5 7,62 Min 10,16 Max 12,5 10 0,8 0,8 0,3 6,4 6,4 10 Min 10,16 14 0,8 Max 12,5 3 Min 10,16 0,8 Max 12,5 0,3 7,62 0,3 on www.apem.com 0,3 0 14 of products and 38 Please see colour codes, updates 10 changes 7,62 of specifications 14 0,8 6,4 0,3 0,3 6,4 0,8 0,3 2 0,8 7,62 7,62 6,4 6,5 7,62 6,4 0,8 6,4 0,3 Available for 5E and non-illuminated 5G in 3.5N actuation force. Same PCB layout as the NO 5E and 5G 14 Housing colour is grey 6,5 Switch point 0.7 mm +/- 0.3 mm 14 Return point 0.5 mm +/- 0.3 mm 6,5 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 6,4 6,4 NORMALLY CLOSED/NORMALLY OPEN FUNCTION multimec(R) 13,9 5 series switches 12 11 5,08 4,8 7,62 7,62 8,0 to 22,5 5,5 1 7,62 22,3 7,62 5,08 11 12 11 12 10 7,4 5,5 PCB LAYOUT 12 13,8 5,5 11 5G + 1DS 10 6,5 12 11 5,5 13,8 5G + 1SS 10 13,9 5G 10 6,5 10 RIGHT ANGLE SWITCHES 5E basic switch modules 5,5 3 O1,0(3x) O1,0(3x) 22,3 12 4:1 5G RAS + 1SS 7,62 O1,0(3x) 7,62 4,85 7,62 1 3 O1,0(3x) 7,62 7,62 4,85 4,85 multimec(R) 5 series has 7,62 only normally open (NO) non-illuminated right angle switch. 7,62 5,08 4:1 5G RAS + 1SS 3 O1,0(3x) 7,62 7,62 3 O1,0(3x) 1 5,08 12 12 11 10 7,62 4 1 7,62 1 7,62 7,62 5,08 22,3 4:1 5E RAS 1 O1,0(3x) 3 O1,0(3x) 4:1 5G RAS + 1SS 3 O1,0(3x) ILLUMINATED - HOW TO ORDER 4:1 5G RAS 4:1 5E RAS Switch 5,5 5,08 3 7,62 4,85 7,62 5,08 4,85 8,0 to 22,5 7,62 O1,0(3x) 3 13,8 3 5,08 7,62 1 10 11 10 11 12 7,62 1 7,4 5,08 3 7,62 12 5,08 1 7,62 5,08 7,62 5,08 3 1 5,08 7,62 7,62 5,08 7,62 7,624:1 5G RAS 5,08 7,62 O1,0(3x) 4,85 5,08 7,62 4:1 5E RAS 1 11 11 7,62 7,62 7,62 4,85 5,08 7,62 7,62 5,08 5,08 3 O1,0(3x) 7,62 7,62 7,624,8 ,62 7,62 4,8 7,62 5,5 5,5 8,0 to 22,5 7,4 4,85 7,62 13,8 1 5,5 10 12 5,08 11 10 O1,0(3x) 5,08 13,8 7,62 13,8 3 7,62 7,62 5,5 1 5,5 10 12 11 6,5 5,08 4,85 7,62 6,5 7,62 7,62 5,08 12 7,62 5,5 13,9 08 4,8 13,9 5,08 7,62 7,62 10 5,08 4:1 5E RAS Mounting Actuation force LED TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 35 65 02 blue 22 green 42 yellow 61 white 4:1 5G RAS Quiet (optional) 4:1 5G+1DS 5 G 82 red 2242 green/yellow 8222 red/green 8242 red/yellow Q only for 2.0N NON-ILLUMINATED- HOW TO ORDER Switch Mounting Actuation force RAS (optional) or 5 E Switch NC/NO (only for 3.5N) TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 20Q 35 65 RAS right angle switch NCNO normally closed/ normally open function Mounting Actuation force RAS (optional) NC/NO (only for 3.5N) or 5 G TH9 through-hole SH9 surface mount 20 20Q 35 65 RAS right angle switch NCNO normally closed/ normally open function Ordering example: 5ESH935 (non-illuminated), 5GTH9658222 (illuminated), 5GSH935NCNO (normally closed/normally open); 5ETH920RAS (right angle) 5ETH920Q or 5GSH92061Q (quiet versions) Please see colour codes, updates of products and changes of specifications on www.apem.com 39 34 Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 technical information multimec spacing multimec spacing spacing multimec multimec spacing spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing multimec spacing 34 34 34 Min. 12,7 Min. 12,7 34 34 34 34 Basic switch spacing (R) Min. 15,24Min. 15,24 (R)34 (R) (R) (R) spacing (R) (R) Spacing examples (R) switch spacing Basic Spacing examples (R) 34 through-hole surface-mount multimec multimec spacing Spacing examples Basic switch spacing Spacing examples through-hole (TH) Basic switchsurface mount (SMD) multimec multimec 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B Basic switch spacing Spacing examples through-hole surface-mount multimec multimec multimec through-hole surface-mount multimec Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 5GS+1B/C+2C/D 5GT+1B/C+2C/D 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D (R) Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B through-hole surface-mount multimec multimec 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B Basic switch Basic spacing Spacing examples switch spacing Spacing examples through-hole surface-mount multimec multimec Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D through-hole surface-mount multimec multimec Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 3AT +multimec 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS +multimec 1B +2A/B through-hole surface-mount 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 Min. 10,3 (R) (R) (R) surface-mount multimec multimec 3AT + 1B/C +surface-mount 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B multimec multimec(R) 4AS (R)3AS +1B/1C + +2A/B 2C/2D + 1B multimec multimec(R)3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AT + 1B/C ++2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B 4AS +1B/1C 2C/2D 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D Basic switch spacing Spacing examples 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D through-hole surface-mount multimec(R) multimec(R) 3AT + 1B/C + 2A/B 3AS + 1B +2A/B multimec(R) multimec(R) 4AS +1B/1C + 2C/2D 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M (R) (R) (R) multimec multimec(R) multimec multimec (R) (R) 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M multimec multimec 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M (R) (R) Min. 12,7 Min. 12,7 multimec multimec multimec multimec Min. 15,24Min. 15,24 (R) 3AT(R)+ 1A/H 3AT + 1M(R) multimec multimec Recommended spacing (R) 3AT + 1A/H switch/cap 3AT +multimec 1M (R) (R) (R) multimec multimec 5GT + 1A/H 5GTmultimec + 1M (R) 3AT +(R)multimec 1A/H 3AT +(R) 1M multimec + 1M spacing 3AT + 1A/H dimension Recommended switch/capSwitch spacing multimec multimec Recommended switch/cap spacing 3ATCap +3AT 1A/H 3AT 1M 3AT ++ 1A/H 3AT + 1M Recommended switch/cap spacing 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M Recommended switch/cap spacing Switch spacing spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension Cap dimension Recommended switch/cap switch/cap Recommended spacing (R) Switch spacing Cap dimension Switch spacing Cap dimensions Recommended switch/cap spacing multimec(R) multimec Recommended switch/cap spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension Recommended switch/cap spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension 3AT + 1A/H 3AT + 1M Recommended switch/cap spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension Switch spacing Switch spacing Cap dimension Cap dimension multimec(R) Switch spacing Cap dimension 1N + 1N + 1N (R) (R) Panel cut-out multimec multimec Recommended switch/cap spacing (R) 1N + 1N + 1N multimec 1N + 1N + 1N (R) Panel cut-out Switch spacing Cap dimension multimec (R) Panel cut-out 1N + 1N + 1N multimec Panel cut-out 1N + multimec 1N + 1N (R) multimec(R) 1N + (R)1N + 1N Panel cut-out multimec(R) cut-out PanelPanel cut-out 1N + 1N + 1N multimec 1N + 1N + 1N 1N + 1N + 1N Panel cut-out multimec multimec Panel cut-out Panel cut-out 1N + 1N + 1N Panel cut-out Panel Cut-out 1NS 1VS (R)+ 1TS+ 1VS (R) + 1NS + 1NS multimec multimec 1N 1V 1T Panel Cut-out Panel Cut-out 1N + 1N + 1N 1V + 1T + 1V (R) (R) Panel cut-out multimec 1N 1V 1T Panel Cut-out multimec 1N 1V 1T Center of switch (R) Panel cut-out Cut-out Panel 1V + 1T + 1V multimec 1N 1V 1T 1V + 1T + 1V Panel Cut-out (R) Center 1NPanel Cut-out 1V 1T of switch (R) Center of multimec switch 1V + 1T + 1V multimec Panel Cut-out 1N 1V 1T Panel Cut-out (R) 1V + 1T + 1V Center of switch1TS (R) multimec 1T 1NS Panel Cut-out1N 1VS 1V 1V 1T1V + 1T + 1V multimec(R) 1N 1V 1T multimec Center of1N switch Center of switch multimec(R)1V + 1T + 1V 1N 1V 1T 1V + 1T + 1V 1V + 1T + 1V Center of switch Center of switch 1V + 1T + 1V Center of switch Spacing in mm Center switch PanelofCut-out through-hole through-hole through-hole surface-mount (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) Min. 10,3 4 multimec(R) (R) 1T Spacing in mmmultimec Spacing in mm 1V + 1T + 1V Capinseries Recommended* Nominal cap dimension Recommended Spacing mm Center of switch Spacing in mm min. switch spacing AxB WxH min. panel cut-out Spacing in mm Cap series Recommended* Nominal cap dimension Recommended Cap series Recommended* Nominal cap dimension Recommended Spacing in mm Spacing in 1A x 10.16 x 10.1 13.0 x 10.5 Spacing in mm min. switchNominal spacingcap AxB W xspacing H mm 12.7 min. panel12.6 cut-out Cap series Recommended* Spacing dimension Recommended min. switch AxB W x H min. panel cut-out inNominal mm Cap series Recommended* cap dimension Recommended 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24 x 15.24 15.1 x 15.1 15.5 x 15.5 min. switch spacing AxB W x H min. panel cut-out Cap series Nominal cap dimension Recommended 1A Recommended* 12.7 x 10.16 12.6 x 10.1 13.0 x 10.5 1AAxB 12.7 x 10.16 min. panel cut-out 12.6 x 10.1 13.0 x 10.5 min. Recommended* switch spacing WxH series cap dimension Recommended Cap series Recommended* Nominal cap dimension Recommended min. switch AxB HNominal panel 1D/1E/1F 12.7 xxcut-out 12.7 o10.0 1A 12.7 x spacing 10.16Recommended 12.6 x 10.1 15.24 13.0 10.5 dimension Cap series Recommended* Nominal capxdimension Recommended CapCap series cap Recommended 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24Wx x15.24 15.1 Nominal xmin. 15.1 15.5 15.5o9.6 1B/1C+2A/2B x 15.24 15.1 x 15.1 15.5 x 15.5 min. switch spacing AxB W x H min. panel cut-out Cap series Recommended* Nominal dimension Recommended 1A 12.7 x 10.16 12.6cap x 10.1 13.0 x 10.5 min. switch spacing AxBmin.inswitch W xH panel14.3 cut-out Spacing mm spacing AxB min. panel cut-out14.7 x 14.7 1A 12.7 x 15.24 10.16 x 15.24 12.6 x 15.1 10.1 13.0 x15.24 10.5 1K 15.24 W x H min. x 14.3 1B/1C+2A/2B x 15.1 15.5 xx15.5 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x 12.7 o9.6 o10.0 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x 12.7 o9.6 o10.0 min. switch spacing AxB W x H min. panel cut-out spacing AxB WxH min. 13.0 panel cut-out 1A x 10.16min. switch x 10.1 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.2412.7 x 15.24 15.1 x12.6 15.1 15.5 x13.0 15.5x 10.5 1A 15.24 12.7 x15.1 10.16 12.6 x15.5 10.1x25.4 13.0 x 10.525.0 x 10.1 1A 12.7 x 10.16 x 10.5 1B/1C+2A/2B x12.7 15.24 x o9.6 15.1 15.5x 10.16 12.6 x 10.1 1M 25.7 x 10.5 1D/1E/1F x 12.7 1K o10.0 1K x 10.16 15.24 x10.1 15.24 14.3 14.3 14.7 x 14.7 14.7 x 14.7 1A 1D/1E/1F 12.7 12.6 xo9.6 13.0 xxo10.0 10.515.5 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.1 x 15.1 15.24 x 15.24 x 15.5 14.3 x 14.3 12.7 x15.24 12.7 x 15.24 Recommended* 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24o9.6 x 15.24 xo10.0 15.112.7 15.5 x 15.5o9.8/ 4.913.0x10.5 Cap series Nominal cap12.6x10.1 dimension Recommended 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24 x 15.1 15.24 15.1 x 15.1 15.5 x 15.5 1A/1H 12.7x10.16 o10.2/ 5.1 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x 12.7 1N x 12.7 1K 15.24 x 15.24 14.3 x 14.3 14.7 x 14.7 1M x 15.24 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 1M 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24 15.1 x 15.1 15.5 x 15.5 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x 12.7 o9.6 o10.0 min. switch AxB W x H 12.7 min. panel cut-out 1K 15.24 x 15.24 14.3 14.3 14.7 x 14.7 1D/1E/1F 12.7 spacing x14.3 12.7xx25.0 o9.6 14.7 o10.0 1D/1E/1F o10.0 1P/1Q/1R 10.16 o9.6 6.5 x 12.5 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 1.0 1K x25.4 15.24 14.3 14.7 xx10.5 1M x 10.16 1N x 10.1 12.7x x12.7 25.7 4.9 x15.24 1N 15.24 12.7 12.714.3 o9.8/ 4.9o10.2/ 5.1 o10.2/ 5.1 1D/1E/1F 12.7 x25.4 12.7x15.24 o9.6 x25.0 o10.0 1B/1C+2C/2D 15.24x15.24 15.1x15.1 15.5x15.5 1A 12.7 12.6 13.0 1M 1K 10.16x 15.24 x 10.1x 14.3 12.7 25.7 x14.7 10.5x 14.7 o9.8/ 1K 25.4 15.2425.0 x 15.24 14.3 14.3x12.7 14.7 x 14.7o6.5 1K x 10.16 15.24x x10.1 15.24x25.7 14.3 xx 10.5 14.3 14.7 x 14.7 1S x 10.16 o7.0 1M 1N x 10.16 x 10.1 10.5 4.9 o10.2/ 5.1 12.7 x 12.7 o9.8/ 1P/1Q/1R 15.24 x14.3 10.16 6.5 xx 12.5 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 1.0 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 1.0 1P/1Q/1R 15.24 x 15.1 10.16 6.5 x 12.5 1K 1N 1M 15.24 x 15.24 14.3 xo9.8/ 14.7 14.725.7 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 x 10.5 1B/1C+2A/2B 15.24 x 15.24 15.1 x 15.5 x 15.5 4.9 o10.2/ 5.1 12.7 x 12.7 1M 12.7 x 15.24 10.166.5 25.0 o9.6 xo10.2/ 10.112.7 25.7 x 10.510.6 x 10.6 1M 25.4 xo9.8/ 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 1.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 4.9 5.1xx13.0, 1T x 12.5 12.7 R Max. 11.0 x 11.0 1N 12.7 x 10.16 1DS/1ES/1FS 12.7x12.7 o10.0 1P/1Q/1R 7.0 1S 12.7 x 10.16 o6.5 o7.0 1S 12.7 x 10.16 o6.5 o7.0 1M 1P/1Q/1R 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 4.9 o10.2/ 5.1 1N 12.7 x 12.7 o9.8/ 1D/1E/1F 12.7 o9.6 o10.0 15.24 x 10.16 6.5 x 12.5 7.0 13.0, R Max. 1.0 4.9xx13.0, o10.2/ 5.1o10.6 1N 15.24 12.7 x6.5 12.7 o9.8/7.0 o10.2/ 5.1 1N x 12.7 12.7 x 12.7 o9.8/ 4.9 1P/1Q/1R x12.7 10.16 x 12.5 Max. 1.0 1U 12.7 xR12.7 o11.0 1S x 10.16 o6.5 o7.0 1T 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 10.6 11.0 x 11.0 1T x 12.7 x1.0 10.6 11.0 x 11.0 4.9 6.5 x 12.5 12.7 o10.2/ 5.17.0 x 13.0, R 10.6 1N 1GAS 12.7 x12.7 12.7x15.24 o9.8/ o6.5 Max. 1K 15.24 x 15.24 14.3 14.7 14.7 12.7x11.14 o11.4 1S 1P/1Q/1R 10.16x 10.16 o7.0 1P/1Q/1R 15.24o6.5 x 10.16 6.5 xo11 12.5 7.0 x 13.0, 10.6 R Max. 1.0 1P/1Q/1R 15.24x x14.3 10.16 6.5 xx12.5 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 11.0 1.0 x 13.65 1S x 12.7 10.16x 12.7 o7.0 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 xx12.7 x 13.25 1T 10.6 x 10.6 12.7 11.0 11.0 1U 12.7 12.7 x12.5 12.7o6.5 o10.6 o11.0 1U x 12.7 o10.6 o11.0 1P/1Q/1R 15.24 x 10.16 6.5 x 7.0 x 13.0, R Max. 1.0 1S 12.7 x 10.16 o7.0 1M 25.4 x 10.16 25.0 x 10.1 25.7 x 10.5 1T 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 10.6 11.0 x 11.0 1S 12.7 12.7 x10.6 10.16 o6.5 11.0 o7.0 1S 12.7 x 10.16 o6.5 o7.0 1T x 12.7 12.7 x o10.6 10.6 x12.7 11.0x 12.7 1X 9.4 x 7.4 o15.4 9.8 x 7.9 1U x 12.7 15.14x15.14 o11.0 o15 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 1S 1GCS 12.7 x 10.16 o6.5 o7.0 x 10.6 o9.8/ 4.9 x 11.0 o10.2/ 5.1 1N 1U 1T 12.7 x12.7 12.7x 12.7 12.7 o10.6 o11.0 1T 12.7 12.7 xo10.6 12.710.6 10.6 xo11.0 10.611.0 11.0 x 11.0 1T x 12.7 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 10.6 11.0 x 11.0 1U x 12.7 12.7 x 12.7 1V (pointing outwards) 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 *Ao10.6 dimension with12.7 surface mount version iso11.0 min. 15.24. Depending on manufacturing technology it may bexnecessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase 1X x 12.7 12.7 12.7 9.4 x x7.4 9.8Rx Max. 7.9 1.0 1X x 12.7 9.4 xx7.4 9.8 7.9 1T 1JS 12.7 10.6 xx10.6 10.6 11.0 11.0 1U 1P/1Q/1R 15.24 6.5 7.0 13.0, 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 x12.7 12.7x 12.7 12.7x12.7 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 o10.4 1U 12.7 12.7 x10.6 12.7 o10.6o9.6 o11.0 1U x 10.16 12.7x x12.5 12.7 o10.6 o11.0 spacing. 1V (pointing outwards) x 12.7 12.7 x 12.7 x 9.4 13.25 11.0 x 9.8 13.65 1X x 7.4 x 7.9 1U 1X 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 x 12.7 o10.6 o11.0 *A dimension with surface mount version is min. 15.24. Depending on manufacturing technology it may be necessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 *A dimension with surface mount version is min. 15.24. Depending on manufacturing technology it may be necessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase 1S 10.16 o6.5 o7.0 12.7 x 12.7 9.4 xIn7.4 9.8 x 7.9must be analysed all applications the totalxassembly tolerance by xthe user (board tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), secure enough room for a free switch 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7 12.7 x9.4 12.7 10.6 x9.8 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 1V x(pointing outwards) 12.7 12.7 10.6 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 1X 12.7 xis 12.7 x 7.4 xto7.9 spacing. 1KS/1KBS/1KCS 15.24x15.24 14.3x14.3 14.7x14.7 spacing. on manufacturing *A1X dimension with surface mount min. x 15.24. technology it may beproduct. necessary reduce pad or be to increase movement final Theeither specifi cations thisdimension, page11.0 are to considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible for the final assembly. 1V (pointing outwards) 12.7version x 12.712.7 10.6 x 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 12.7Depending 9.4 x 7.4in the 9.8 x on 7.9 1T version 12.7 x 12.7 10.6 x 10.6 x 11.0 1X 12.7 x 12.7 9.4 x 7.4 9.8 x 7.9 *A dimension with surface mount is min. 15.24. Depending on manufacturing technology it may be necessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase 1X 12.7 12.7 9.4 x 7.4 x 7.9 In all applications the total assembly tolerance must be analysed bytolerance the user (board tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), to panel, secureassembly enough room for a free switch Inon allmanufacturing applications the total assembly mustxeither be analysed by pad the user (board tolerance, front accuracy), to9.8 secure enough room for a free switch spacing. *A dimension with surface mount version is min. 15.24. Depending technology it may be necessary to reduce dimension, or to increase 1X spacing. 12.7 xtolerance 12.7 9.4 x(board 7.4 xaid7.9 1U 12.7 12.7 o10.6 o11.0 movement in is themin. final product. The specifi cations on thistolerance, pageThe arespecifi to considered as9.8 an only. MEC cannot beas held responsible for the final *A with the surface version 15.24. onthe technology itbe may be necessary either totoreduce pad enough dimension, orfor to increase movement inmanufacturing the product. cations on this page are be considered an aid only. MEC cannot beassembly. held responsible for the final assembly. In dimension all applications totalmount assembly must beDepending analysed byx userfinal front panel, assembly accuracy), to secure room a free switch 1N 1V 1M 25.4x10.16 25.0x10. 25.7x10.5 1NS 12.7x12.7 o9.8/4.9 o10.2/5.1 1PS/1QS/1RS 15.24x10.16 6.5x12.5 7.0x13.0, R max. 1.0 1SS/1IS/1LS 12.7x12.7 o6.5 o7.0 1TS 12.7x12.7 10.6x10.6 11.0x11.0 1US 12.7x12.7 o10.6 o11.0 12.7x12.7 10.6x13.25 11.0x13.65 12.7x10.3 12.5x6.5 12.9x6.9 1WDS 15.34x10.3 15.2x8.0 15.6x8.4 1XS 12.7x12.7 9.4x7.4 9.8x7.9 1YS 17x17 15x15 16x16 1ZA 18.84x10.3 18.7x10.1 19.4x10.5 1ZB 24.34x12.1 R1=7.4; R2=17.5 90 R1=7.1; R2=17.5-17.75 90 1ZCS 14.44x14.44 o14.3 o14.7 1Z/1ZW 35.5x35.5; 41.6x41.6 o29.5 o30.3 10R/10RF/10RM 40.5x40.5 o30.0 o30.6 10Q/10QM 32.5x32.5 22x22 22.5x22.5 spacing. For updates products and/or changes specifi cations please see www.mec.dk *A tolerance dimensionmust withbe surface mount is(board min. 15.24. Depending onof manufacturing technology it may be necessary either to reduce pad or to increase dimension with surface mount version is min. 15.24. Depending onofmanufacturing technology it may be dimension, necessary either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase In all applications the total assembly analysed by*Aversion the user tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), to secure enough room for a free switch spacing. movement inmount the The 15.24. specifi cations on this page betechnology considered an aid only. assembly MEC cannot be held to responsible for the final assembly. 1Vproduct. (pointing outwards) 12.7 xto 12.7 10.6 xaccuracy), 13.25 11.0 x 13.65 *A dimension with surface version istolerance min. Depending on manufacturing itas may be necessary either to reduce pad dimension, orroom to increase In all applications the totalfinal assembly must be analysed by spacing. theare user (board tolerance, front panel, secure enough for a free switch spacing. movement the final product. The specifi cations onproducts this page are to be considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible fortothe final enough assembly. In allinin applications the total assembly tolerance must be are analysed by the user (board tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), secure room for a free switch For updates of and/or changes of specifi cations please see www.mec.dk For updates of products and/or changes of specifi cations please see www.mec.dk spacing. movement the final product. The specifi cations on this page to be considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible for the fi nal assembly. In all applications the total assembly must analysed by the user (board tolerance, front assembly accuracy), to secure room for a freetoswitch In all tolerance applications thebetotal assembly tolerance must be analysed bypanel, the user (board tolerance, panel,enough assembly accuracy), secure enough room for a free switch 12.7 x 12.7 9.4 x 7.4be 9.8 x 7.9front movement in the nal1X product. Themust specifi cations onby this page are to betolerance, considered as panel, an aid assembly only. MEC cannot responsible for thefor finalfree assembly. For updates of fiproducts and/or changes cations please In all applications the total assembly tolerance be analysed the user (board front accuracy), toheld enough switch movement in the fiof nalspecifi product. The specifi cations page are be considered ansecure aid only. MEC cannot bea held responsible for the final assembly. movement insee the www.mec.dk fion nalthis product. Thetospecifi cations onas this page are to be room considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible for the final assembly. For updates of products and/or changes specifi cations please see www.mec.dk movement in the final The specifichanges cations onofof this page are to be considered asDepending an aid only.on MEC cannot be held responsible forbe thenecessary final assembly. *A dimension with surface mount version is min.see 15.24. manufacturing technology it may either to reduce pad dimension, or to increase For updates of product. products and/or specifi cations please www.mec.dk For updates of products changes of specifications please see www.mec.dk spacing. and/or mec www.mec.dk |changes For updates of products and/or cations please see www.mec.dk Forchanges updates of of specifi products and/or of specifications please see www.mec.dk In allchanges applications the total assembly tolerance must be analysed by the user (board tolerance, front panel, assembly accuracy), to secure enough room for a free switch For updates of products and/or of specifi cations please see www.mec.dk | www.mec.dk mec on| this page www.mec.dk movement inmec the final product. The specifications are to be considered as an aid only. MEC cannot be held responsible for the final assembly. mec | www.mec.dk mec | www.mec.dk For updates of products and/or changes of specifications please see www.mec.dk mec | www.mec.dk mec | www.mec.dk mec | www.mec.dk mec | www.mec.dk mec | www.mec.dk 1VS 1WAS/1WPS mec | www.mec.dk 42 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see www.apem.com multimec(R) technical information Operating force (typical example) Tape & Reel Tape and reel is available for the parts listed and has the following specifications: Reel diameter: Tape width: Pitch: 10 force Tape and reel material: antistatic or better Quantity per reel: see list O330mm 24mm see list 9 8 3C/3E/5E/5G multimec(R)tape & reel 7 Ordering Code Pitch Quantity per reel 3CSH9 3CSH9R 16 500 3ESH9 3ESH9R 16 500 5ESH9XX 5ESH9XXR 16 500 5GSH9XX 5GSH9XXR 16 500 5XSH9XX1SSXX-08.0 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-08.0 20 250 5XSH9XX1SSXX-09.5 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-09.5 20 250 5XSH9XX1SSXX-10.4 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-10.4 20 250 5XSH9XX1SSXX-11.0 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-11.0 20 250 5XSH9XX1SSXX-12.0 5XSH9XXR1SSXX-12.0 20 250 All varimec h <12.5; add R after part no. 20 250 6 F(N) Part No. 2N 2N 3,5N 3,5N 6,5N 6,5N 5 4 3 2 1 travel 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 L(mm) 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 Part No. Ordering Code Pitch Quantity per reel Mounting tool for multimec(R) throughhole switches 5GSH9XX02 5GSH9XX02R 20 250 1. 2. 3. 4. illuminated 5G multimec(R)tape & reel 5GSH9XX22 5GSH9XX22R 20 250 5GSH9XX42 5GSH9XX42R 20 250 5GSH9XX61 5GSH9XX61R 20 250 5GSH9XX82 5GSH9XX82R 20 250 5GSH9XX2242 5GSH9XX2242R 20 250 5GSH9XX8222 5GSH9XX8222R 20 250 5GSH9XX8242 5GSH9XX8242R 20 250 How to assemble multimec(R) 5GS+1A/H multimec(R) 5GS+1B/C+2C/D 5. Part No. 9861000 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see www.apem.com 41 multimec(R) Technical specifications 5E-5G RoHS Compatible HIGH TEMPERATURE VERSIONS SILVER ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Contact resistance Insulation resistance Recommended load Contact bounce <30m - typ. 10m >10M 0.5-50mA 24VDC <2mS - typically 0.5mS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Standard actuation force (switch) Max. Actuation force without cap Key travel (switch) Life time (switch) 2.0N, 3.5N, 6.5 N 115N for 60 sec 1 mm >10,000,000 cycles TEMPERATURE RANGE Working temperature Storage temperature 5G with LED (working & storage temp) Soldering (through-hole switch) GOLD 0.5-50mA 24VDC (according to MIL-PRF-22885H) JEDEC J-STD-020E ENVIRONMETAL ENDURANCE IEC 68-2-3 Temperature Humidity Duration +40C 93% RH 56 Days TEMPERATURE CYCLING IEC 68-2-14 Temperature limit Number of cycles Exposure time at each temperature Recovery time before measurements Sealing IEC 529 Cleaning Min -55C - Max +85C 200 10 min 16 hrs IP-67 Standard methods - see usage guidelines Fixed contacts Terminals 3.5N 100N for 10 sec >1,000,000 cycles Min -40C Max +160C Min -40C Max +160C Min -30C Max +85C IEC 60068-2-20 8: Infrared, vapour phase, wave - max 240C for max 40 sec or max 260C for max 30 sec. Soldering iron - max 350C for max 3 sec. Flux tight. SOLDERING (SMD) MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS - SWITCHES Housing Actuator Sealing + spring Contact spring NC/NO PPS UL94V0 PPS UL94V0 Silicone rubber Stainless steel + 3Ag SnCu + 2NI + 3Ag SnCu + 2NI + 3Sn100 Stainless steel + 1Au SnCu + 2NI + 1Au Caps, Bezels & Legends - Material Specifications MATERIAL ABS Polycarbonate Polyamide Legends Adhesion PARTS 1A, 1B, 1C, 1DS, 1ES, 1FS, 1H, 1JS, 1KS, 1LS, 1M, 1NS, 1PS, 1QS, 1RS, 1TS, 1US, 1VS, 1WAS, 1WDS, 1WPS, 1XS, 1Z, 1ZA, 1ZB, 1ZCS, 1ZW, 2C, 2D, 2K, reflectors for 1KBS/1KCS and 1YS All lenses and transparent colour caps, lids for 1KBS/1KCS 1GAS/1GCS, 1SS, 2SS DS/EN ISO 2409 Class 1 & ASTM D3359 Class 4B 44 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see www.apem.com TEMP. LIMIT Max. 65C UL RATING UL94HB Max. 85C Max. 160C UL94HB UL94V2 multimec(R) LEDs For 5G and 3F switches LEDs specifications 5G switches Colour Blue Green Yellow White Red Colour Codes 02 22 42 61 82 High Intensity Green 29 60 25 60 5 -40/+85 -40/+90 48 15 100 NA -40/+85 -40/+85 65 25 100 12 -30/+85 -40/+85 102.5 25 150 5 -40/+85 -40/+85 1.75** 2.35 10 591 15 120 28.5 72* NA 2.85 3.1 NA NA NA 150 71 224* 36 2 2.5 100 633 16 160 28 180* 7 3.3 4.1 50 525 30 60 500 1000 NA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25C) Power Current forward Forward peak current Voltage reverse Operating temperature Storage temperature Soldering temperature mW mA mA V C C C 95 75 25 30 100 80 5 5 -40/+85 -55/+85 -40/+90 -55/+85 245 for max. 10 sec ELECTRICAL-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25C) Voltage forward Typ. V Max. V Max. A nm nm degree Min. mcd Typ. mcd Lm/w Current reverse (VR=5V) Wave length Spread Spread angle Luminous Intensity Optical intensity 3.3 3.7 50 470 25 120 45 112* NA 2 2.4 100 571 NA 130 18 35 NA *Max.mcd **Min. V 3F switches 3FXXX (for 1E-1F-1N-1Q-1R-1S-1X) Colour Colour Codes Absolute Maximum Ratings Power Current forward Forward peak current Voltage reverse Operating temperature Storage temperature Soldering temperature B 00 G 20 Y 40 3FXXX (for 1K-1T-1U-1V-1W-1WD) W 65 R 80 G/Y 2040 R/G 8020 120 25 100 5 -40/+85 -40/+100 60 20 60** 3 -25/+85 -30/+100 120 100 25 30 150 120 5 5 -40/+85 -55/+100 -40/+85 -55/+100 260 for max 2 sec R/Y 8040 G 24 Y 46 R 87 120 25 150 5 -40/+85 -40/+85 60 25 60 5 -40/+85 -40/+85 300 for max 3 sec 60 120 25 50 60 200 5 5 -40/+85 -40/+85 -40/+100 -40/+100 260 for max 5 sec 2.1 2.8 2 625/590 35 60 8 25 2.0* 2.4* 10 570 10 100 70**** 20**** 2.0 2.4 10 589 NA 40 630 1250 (Ta=25C) mW mA mA V C C C 105 70 60 30 20 20 150 60** 60** 5 3 3 -40/+85 -40/+85 260 for max 5 sec Electrical-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25C) Voltage forward Typ. V 3.8 2.1 2.1 3.8 2.0 2.1 2.0 Max. V 4.5 3.0 3.0 4.3 3.0 2.8 2.6 Current reverse (VR=5V) A 10 10 10 50 10 2 2 Wave length nm 466 563 585 NA 650 565/590 630/565 Spread nm 60 40 40 NA 40 35 35 Spread angle degree 60 45 45 25 45 60 200 Luminous Intensity Min. mcd 18 9.0 5.6 630 5.6 8 2.2 Typ. mcd 50 25 16 1000 16 25 4.8 Orientation The longer pin is the anode, the shorter is the cathode. For bicolour LEDs the anode for the first colour (ex. 2080) is the longer pin. **Pulse width 1ms Duty cycle 1:5, ***/F =50mA, **** Luminous Flux mlm B=Blue, G=Green, Y=Yellow, R=Red, W=White Specifications are subject to change without notice. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 46 For product updates and/or changes of specifications please see www.apem.com 2.0*** 2.4*** 10 624/632 20 40 400**** 800**** Usage guidelines How to get the best results with MEC Switches? These guidelines are offered to users of MEC Switches as an aid to ensure successful and reliable switch operation. Temperature Both unimecTM and multimec(R) switches are produced in low and high temperature versions. Please see the technical specifications for details on operating and storage temperatures and soldering guidelines to make sure you select the best switch for your application. When wave soldering is taking place, MEC strongly recommend that the temperature profile is analysed and compared with the temperature rating of the switch. In case of doubt always select the high temperature versions unimecTM 154XX, and multimec(R) 5XXH9XX. It is also important to monitor the accumulated heat build up from both the pre-heat zones and the solder zone. Most standard accessories for both unimecTM and multimec(R) switches are made from ABS plastic with a maximum operating temperature of 65C. It is strongly recommended that accessories are mounted after soldering of the switch. If this is not possible care must be taken not to overheat the accessories during the soldering process. The 1SS, 1GAS/1GCS and VarimecTM caps are, however, made of high temperature materials and will meet the same temperature specifications as the high temperature switches. For accessories made from other plastic materials please see multimec(R) and unimecTM technical specifications. LEDs have their own temperature specifications. When fitted in a high temperature switch the LED will determine the max. operating temperature, i.e. 5GTH93524 has an upper temperature limit of 85C! This also applies with 3F switches. Mounting and Dismounting If switches are to be mounted in rows it is essential that the recommendations regarding spacing are followed. PC board thickness should be 1.40.2 mm and terminal hole diameter should be 0.9mm. All unimecTM and multimec(R) caps and bezels are easily snapped onto the switch modules and can be changed at a later time with the exception of the unimec 16.700 cap. The same applies to the 3E caps. Once these caps are installed they are not designed to be removed. To do so may cause damage to the switch and the PC board if not done very carefully. If the 16.300 or 16.700 cap must be removed from a unimecTM alternate action switch, make sure that the switch actuator is in the released, upper position before attempting to remove the cap. This will prevent possible damage to the internal latching pin. Care must be taken when inserting the 3FT switch and LED assembly into the PC board. Do not press direct on the LED. This will force the LED down into the actuator and risks to cause the switch contacts to remain in the closed position. To correct the fault, the LED must be raised slightly and centered in the actuator to assure unrestricted movement of the actuator. A mounting tool is available for multimec(R) switches. Soldering and Cleaning unimecTM Most assembly and field problems experienced by users of unsealed switches are caused by the contamination of the contacts during soldering and cleaning. Contact contamination may be recognised by an increase in contact resistance and possible intermittent operation of the switch, especially in low power applications. Care must be taken not to submerge the switch in cleaning agents or spray the switch during cleaning. The switch must be protected at all times to prevent contamination by flux or cleaning liquids. For unimecTM alternate versions we recommend to leave the actuator in the released upper position during soldering. This makes the switch more resistent to overheating. Soldering and Cleaning multimec(R) multimec(R) switches are fully sealed to IP67 specifications to prevent solder flux and aqueous based cleaning solutions from entering the switch and contaminating the contacts. The switches can be placed on the PC board with other components and wave soldered. multimec(R) offers a high level of sealing, however, with aqueous solvent solutions care must be taken to avoid the worst case situation with water jets, complete immersion into a liquid with a temperature below the board or surface tension reducing additives. Recommended cleaning methods are demineralized water. Any surface tension reducing agents, such as soap, must not be used as they risk causing a potential leakage of the switch. Soldering - Through Hole Versions Hand soldering: Max. 350C for max. 3 sec., this applies for both low temperature and high temperature versions. Wave soldering: heat built up in the switch during pre-heating and soldering must not exceed the maximum operating temperature of the switch. If, for some reason, a high pre-heating temperature is required, MEC recommend the high temperature switches. In any case peak temperature must not exceed 260C, and soldering time is max 10 sec. Soldering - Surface Mount Versions For all methods - infrared, convection and vapour phase. The upper limit 260C/30 sec must be observed. The soldering temperature profile must have moderate temperature gradients. RoHS Compliance As of 1 July 2006 MEC has completed the conversion to RoHS compliance. For more info please see our homepage www.apem.com Temperature Limits: Low temperature switch 115C High temperature switch 160C LEDs 85/100C Accessories 65/85/160C Packaging unimecTM and multimec(R) switches are packed in rigid tubes of 50 pieces each. A box contains 1.000 pcs. The surface mount versions of multimec(R)switches with a height up to 12.5mm can also be delivered on tape/reel. Each reel contains 250/500 pcs. 59