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"Typical" parameters which may be provided in ON Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. ON Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as a critical component in life support systems or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a same or similar classification in a foreign jurisdiction or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. 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FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Features General Description The FPAB20BH60B is an advanced PFC SPM(R) 3 module providing a fully-featured, high-performance Boost PFC (Power Factor Correction) input power stage for consumer, medical, and industrial applications. These modules integrate optimized gate drive of the built-in IGBT to minimize EMI and losses, while also providing multiple on-module protection features including under-voltage lockout, over-current shutdown, thermal monitoring, and fault reporting. These modules also feature a full-wave rectifier, and high-performance output diode for additional space savings and mounting convenience. * UL Certified No. E209204 (UL1557) * 600 V - 20 A Single-Phase Boost PFC with Integral Gate Driver and Protection * Very Low Thermal Resistance Using Al2O3 DBC Substrate * Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier and High-Performance Output Diode * Built-in NTC Thermistor for Temperature Monitoring * Optimized for 20kHz Switching Frequency * Isolation Rating: 2500 Vrms/min. Applications * Single-Phase Boost PFC Converter Related Source * AN-9090 - PFC SPM 3 Series User's Guide * AN-9091 - Boost PFC Inductor Design Guide Figure 1. Package Overview Package Marking & Ordering Information Device Device Marking Package Packing Type Quantity FPAB20BH60B FPAB20BH60B SPMIC-027 Rail 10 (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 1 FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC December 2013 * PFC converter for single-phase AC / DC power conversion (please refer to Figure 3) Integrated Drive, Protection, and System Control Functions * For IGBTs: gate drive circuit, Over-Current Protection (OCP), control supply circuit Under-Voltage Lock-Out (UVLO) Protection * Fault signal: corresponding to OC and UV fault * Built-in thermistor: temperature monitoring * Input interface: active-HIGH interface, works with 3.3 / 5 V logic, Schmitt-trigger input Pin Configuration Top View 12.205 (21)P 18.345 (1)VCC (2)COM (3)COM (4)COM (5)IN (6)VFO (7)CFOD (8)CSC (22)P (23)N.C (9)RTH (10)VTH (24)L (11)N.C Case Temperature (TC) Detecting Point (12)N.C (25)PR (13)N (14)N (15)N (16)N (26)R (17)NR (18)NR DBC Substrate (19)NR (27)S (20)NR Figure 2. Top View Notes : 1. For the measurement point of case temperature(TC), please refer to Figure 2. (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 2 FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Integrated Power Functions FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Pin Descriptions Pin Number Pin Name Pin Description 1 VCC Common Bias Voltage for IC and IGBT Driving 2,3,4 COM Common Supply Ground 5 IN 6 VFO 7 CFOD Capacitor for Fault Output Duration Selection 8 CSC Capacitor (Low-Pass Filter) for Over-Current Detection 9 R(TH) Series Resistor for The Use of Thermistor 10 V(TH) Thermistor Bias Voltage 11,12 N.C No Connection* 13~16 N IGBT Emitter 17~20 NR Negative DC-Link of Rectifier 21,22 P 23 N.C 24 L 25 PR Positive DC-Link of Rectifier 26 R AC Input for R-Phase 27 S AC Input for S-Phase Signal Input for IGBT Fault Output Positive Rail of DC-Link No Connection Reactor Connection Pin * 11th and 12th pins are cut. Please refer to package outline drawings for more detail. Internal Equivalent Circuit and Input/Output Pins (10) VTH NTC Thermistor (9) RTH (8) CSC CSC (7) CFOD CFOD (6) VFO VFO (5) IN IN (21,22) P (24) L (25) PR OUT (26) R (2~4) COM COM (1) VCC VCC (27) S (13~16) N (17~20) NR Figure 3. Internal Block Diagram (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 3 unless otherwise specified.) Converter Part Symbol Vi Vi(Surge) VPN VPN(Surge) VCES Item Condition Rating Unit Supply Voltage Applied between R - S 264 Vrms Supply Voltage (Surge) Applied between R - S 500 V Output Voltage Applied between P - N 450 V Output Voltage (Surge) Applied between P - N 500 V 600 V Collector - Emitter Voltage IC Each IGBT Collector Current TC = 25C, TJ < 150C 20 A ICP Each IGBT Collector Current (Peak) TC = 25C, TJ < 150C, Under 1ms Pulse Width 40 A PC Collector Dissipation TC = 25C 89 W 600 V 250 A -40 ~ 150 C VRRM Repititive Peak Reverse Voltage IFSM Peak Forward Surge Current TJ Single Half Sine-Wave Operating Junction Temperature Control Part Symbol Item Condition Rating Unit 20 V VCC Control Supply Voltage Applied between VCC - COM VIN Input Signal Voltage Applied between IN - COM -0.3 ~ VCC+0.3 V VFO Fault Output Supply Voltage Applied between VFO - COM -0.3 ~ VCC+0.3 V IFO Fault Output Current Sink Current at VFO Pin 5 mA VSC Current Sensing Input Voltage Applied between CSC - COM -0.3 ~ VCC+0.3 V Rating Unit -40 ~ 125 C 2500 Vrms Total System Symbol Item TSTG Storage Temperature VISO Isolation Voltage Condition 60 Hz, Sinusoidal, AC 1 Minute, Connect Pins to Heat Sink Plate Thermal Resistance Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit IGBT - - 1.4 C/W R(j-c)F FRD - - 1.4 C/W R(j-c)R Rectifier (per 1 / 4 module) - - 2.1 C/W R(j-c)Q Item Junction to Case Thermal Resistance (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 Condition 4 FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Absolute Maximum Ratings (TJ = 25C, Converter Part Symbol VCE(SAT) Item Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit IGBT Saturation Voltage VCC = 15 V, VIN = 5 V, IC = 20 A - 2.3 3.0 V VFF FRD Forward Voltage IF = 20 A - 1.8 2.5 V VFR Rectifier Forward Voltage IF = 20 A - 1.2 1.5 V tON Switching Times VPN = 400 V, VCC = 15V, IC = 20 A VIN = 0 V 5 V, Inductive Load - 450 - ns - 200 - ns - 350 - ns tC(OFF) - 80 - ns trr - 70 - ns Irr - 6 - A - - 250 A tC(ON) (Note 2) tOFF ICES Collector - Emitter Leakage Current VCE = VCES Notes: 2. tON and tOFF include the propagation delay of the internal drive IC. tC(ON) and tC(OFF) are the switching time of IGBT itself under the given gate driving condition internally. For the detailed information, please see Figure 4. Irr 120% of IC 100% of IC VCE IC 90% of IC 15% of VCE IC 10% of IC VCE 15% of VCE 10% of IC VIN VIN tON trr tC(OFF) tC(ON) tOFF (a) Turn-on (b) Turn-off Figure 4. Switching Time Definition (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 5 FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Electrical Characteristics (TJ = 25C, unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Item Condition IQCCL Quiescent VCC Supply Current VCC = 15 V, IN = 0 V VCC - COM VFOH Fault Output Voltage VFOL Min. Typ. Max. Unit - - 26 mA VSC = 0 V, VFO Circuit: 4.7 k to 5 V Pull-up 4.5 - - V VSC = 1 V, VFO Circuit: 4.7 k to 5 V Pull-up - - 0.8 V VSC(ref) Over-Current Trip Level VCC = 15 V 0.45 0.5 0.55 V UVCCD Supply Circuit Under-Voltage Protection Detection Level 10.7 11.9 13.0 V Reset Level 11.2 12.4 13.2 V tFOD Fault-Out Pulse Width CFOD = 33 nF (Note 3) 1.4 1.8 2.0 ms VIN(ON) ON Threshold Voltage Applied between IN - COM 2.8 - - V VIN(OFF) OFF Threshold Voltage - - 0.8 V @ TTH = 25C (Note 4, Figure 5) - 47.0 - k @ TTH = 100C (Note 4, Figure 5) - 2.9 - k UVCCR RTH Resistance of Thermistor Notes: 3. The fault-out pulse width tFOD depends on the capacitance value of CFOD according to the following approximate equation: CFOD = 18.3 x 10-6 x tFOD [F]. 4. TTH is the temperature of know case temperature(TC), please make the experiment considering your application. R-T Curve 200 MIN TYP MAX 4 MIN TYP MAX Resistance RTH[k] Resistance RTH[k] 150 100 3 2 1 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 Temperature TTH[] 50 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature TTH[] Figure 5. R-T Curve of the Built-In Thermistor (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 6 FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Control Part Symbol Item Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Input Supply Voltage Applied between R - S 187 220 253 Vrms VPN Output Voltage Applied between P - N - 380 400 V VCC Control Supply Voltage Applied between VCC(L) - COM 13.5 15.0 16.5 V dVCC/dt Control Supply Variation -1 - 1 V/s Vi fPWM PWM Input Frequency TJ 150C - 20 - kHz Ii Allowable Input Current TC < 90C, Vi = 220 V, VPN = 380 V VPWM = 20 kHz - - 20 Apeak Min. Typ. Max. Unit 0.51 0.62 0.72 N*m 0 - +120 m - 15.00 - g Mechanical Characteristics and Ratings Item Condition Mounting Torque Mounting Screw: M3 Device Flatness See Figure 6 Recommended 0.62 N*m Weight (+) (+) (+) Figure 6. Flatness Measurement Position (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 7 FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Recommended Operating Condition FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Time Charts of Protective Function Input S ignal Internal IG B T G ate-E m itter V oltage P3 UV reset P5 C ontrol S upply V oltage P2 UV detect P6 P1 O utput C urrent P4 Fault O utput S ignal P1 : Normal operation: IGBT ON and conducting current P2 : Under-voltage detection P3 : IGBT gate interrupt P4 : Fault signal generation P5 : Under-voltage reset P6 : Normal operation: IGBT ON and conducting current Figure 7. Under-Voltage Protection P5 In p u t S ig n a l P6 In te r n a l IG B T G a te - E m itte r V o lta g e O C D e te c tio n P1 P4 P7 O u tp u t C u r r e n t P2 O C R e fe r e n c e V o lta g e ( 0 .5 V ) S e n s in g V o lta g e R C F ilte r D e la y F a u lt O u tp u t S ig n a l P3 P8 P1 : Normal operation: IGBT ON and conducting current P2 : Over current detection P3 : IGBT gate interrupt / fault signal generation P4 : IGBT is slowly turned off P5 : IGBT OFF signal P6 : IGBT ON signa: but IGBT cannot be turned on during the fault output activation P7 : IGBT OFF state P8 : Fault output reset and normal operation start Figure 8. Over-Current Protection (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 8 VTH NTC Thermistor RTH +5 V CSC CFOD VFO PFC Controller P L CSC CFOD PR VFO R OUT IN S IN COM +15 V VCC VAC COM VCC N NR Fig. 9. Application Example Notes: 5. Each capacitors should be located as close to PFC SPM(R) product pins as possible. 6. It's recommended that anti-parallel diode should be connected with IGBT. (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 9 FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC +5 V FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC Detailed Package Outline Drawings Package drawings are provided as a service to customers considering Fairchild components. Drawings may change in any manner without notice. Please note the revision and/or data on the drawing and contact a FairchildSemiconductor representative to verify or obtain the most recent revision. Package specifications do not expand the terms of Fairchild's worldwide therm and conditions, specifically the the warranty therein, which covers Fairchild products. Always visit Fairchild Semiconductor's online packaging area for the most recent package drawings: (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 10 FPAB20BH60B PFC SPM(R) 3 Series for Single-Phase Boost PFC (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Rev. C4 11 ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of ON Semiconductor's product/patent coverage may be accessed at ON Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. Buyer is responsible for its products and applications using ON Semiconductor products, including compliance with all laws, regulations and safety requirements or standards, regardless of any support or applications information provided by ON Semiconductor. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in ON Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. ON Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as a critical component in life support systems or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a same or similar classification in a foreign jurisdiction or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. Should Buyer purchase or use ON Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold ON Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that ON Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. ON Semiconductor is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. 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