Rev. 0 | Page 9 of 28
No. Mnemonic Type1Description
13 D6 DI/O When MODE[1:0] = 0, 1, or 2, this output is used as Bit 6 of the parallel port data output bus.
or EXT/INT When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), serial clock source select. This input is used to select the
internally generated (master) or external (slave) serial data clock.
When EXT/INT = low, master mode. The internal serial clock is selected on SCLK output.
When EXT/INT = high, slave mode. The output data is synchronized to an external clock signal,
gated by CS, connected to the SCLK input.
14 D7 DI/O When MODE[1:0] = 0, 1, or 2, this output is used as Bit 7 of the parallel port data output bus.
or INVSYNC When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), invert sync select. In serial master mode (EXT/INT = low), this
input is used to select the active state of the SYNC signal.
When INVSYNC = low, SYNC is active high.
When INVSYNC = high, SYNC is active low.
15 D8 DI/O When MODE[1:0] = 0, 1, or 2, this output is used as Bit 8 of the parallel port data output bus.
or INVSCLK When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), invert SCLK select. In all serial modes, this input is used to
invert the SCLK signal.
16 D9 DI/O When MODE[1:0] = 0, 1, or 2, this output is used as bit 9 of the parallel port data output bus.
or RDC When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), read during convert. When using serial master mode
(EXT/INT = low), RDC is used to select the read mode.
When RDC = high, the previous conversion result is output on SDOUT during conversion and
the period of SCLK changes (see the Master Serial Interface section).
When RDC = low (read after convert), the current result can be output on SDOUT only when
the conversion is complete.
or SDIN When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), serial data in. When using serial slave mode, (EXT/INT = high),
SDIN could be used as a data input to daisy-chain the conversion results from two or more ADCs
onto a single SDOUT line. The digital data level on SDIN is output on SDOUT with a delay of 18 SCLK
periods after the initiation of the read sequence.
17 OGND P Input/Output Interface Digital Power Ground.
18 OVDD P Input/Output Interface Digital Power. Nominally at the same supply as the supply of the
host interface (2.5 V or 3 V).
19 DVDD P Digital Power. Nominally at 2.5 V.
20 DGND P Digital Power Ground.
21 D10 DO When MODE[1:0] = 0, 1, or 2, this output is used as Bit 10 of the parallel port data output bus.
or SDOUT When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), serial data output. In serial mode, this pin is used as the serial
data output synchronized to SCLK. Conversion results are stored in an on-chip register. The AD7641
provides the conversion result, MSB first, from its internal shift register. The data format is
determined by the logic level of OB/2C.
In master mode, EXT/INT = low. SDOUT is valid on both edges of SCLK.
In slave mode, EXT/INT = high:
When INVSCLK = low, SDOUT is updated on SCLK rising edge and valid on the next falling edge.
When INVSCLK = high, SDOUT is updated on SCLK falling edge and valid on the next rising edge.
22 D11 DI/O When MODE[1:0] = 0, 1, or 2, this output is used as Bit 11 of the parallel port data output bus.
or SCLK When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), serial clock. In all serial modes, this pin is used as the serial
data clock input or output, depending upon the logic state of the EXT/INT pin. The active edge
where the data SDOUT is updated depends on the logic state of the INVSCLK pin.
23 D12 DO When MODE[1:0] = 0, 1, or 2, this output is used as Bit 12 of the parallel port data output bus.
or SYNC When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), frame synchronization. In serial master mode (EXT/INT= low),
this output is used as a digital output frame synchronization for use with the internal data clock.
When a read sequence is initiated and INVSYNC = low, SYNC is driven high and remains high
while SDOUT output is valid.
When a read sequence is initiated and INVSYNC = high, SYNC is driven low and remains low
while SDOUT output is valid.
24 D13 DO When MODE[1:0] = 0, 1, or 2, this output is used as Bit 13 of the parallel port data output bus.
or RDERROR When MODE[1:0] = 3, (serial mode), read error. In serial slave mode (EXT/INT = high), this output
is used as an incomplete read error flag. If a data read is started and not completed when the
current conversion is complete, the current data is lost and RDERROR is pulsed high.