S-8244 Series www.sii-ic.com BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 (c) Seiko Instruments Inc., 2003-2012 The S-8244 Series is used for secondary protection of lithium-ion batteries with from one to four cells, and incorporates a high-precision voltage detector circuit and a delay circuit. Short-circuits between cells accommodate series connection of one to four cells. Features (1) Internal high-precision voltage detector circuit * Overcharge detection voltage range : 3.700 V to 4.500 V : Accuracy of 25 mV (at +25C) (at a 5 mV/step) Accuracy of 50 mV (at -40C to +85C) * Hysteresis : 5 types 0.38 0.1 V, 0.25 0.07 V, 0.13 0.04 V, 0.045 0.02 V, None (2) High withstand voltage device : Absolute maximum rating : 26 V (3) Wide operating voltage range : 3.6 V to 24 V (refers to the range in which the delay circuit can operate normally after overvoltage is detected) (4) Delay time during detection : Can be set by an external capacitor. (5) Low current consumption : At 3.5 V for each cell : 3.0 A max. (+25C) At 2.3 V for each cell : 2.4 A max. (+25C) (6) Output logic and form : 5 types CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "L" Pch open drain output active "L" Nch open drain output active "H" Nch open drain output active "L" (CMOS / Nch open drain output for 0.045 V hysteresis models) (7) Lead-free, Sn 100%, halogen-free*1 *1. Refer to " Product Name Structure" for details. Applications * Lithium ion rechargeable battery packs (secondary protection) Packages * SNT-8A * 8-Pin MSOP * TMSOP-8 Seiko Instruments Inc. 1 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Block Diagram VCC SENSE Overcharge detection comparator 1 + - Reference voltage 1 VC1 Overcharge detection delay circuit Overcharge detection comparator 2 ICT + - Control logic Reference voltage 2 VC2 Overcharge detection comparator 3 + - CO Reference voltage 3 VC3 Overcharge detection comparator 4 + - Reference voltage 4 VSS Remark In the case of Nch open-drain output, only the Nch transistor will be connected to the CO pin. In the case of Pch open-drain output, only the Pch transistor will be connected to the CO pin. Figure 1 2 Seiko Instruments Inc. BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Product Name Structure 1. Product Name (1) SNT-8A S-8244A xx PH - xxx TF x Environmental code U: Lead-free (Sn 100%), halogen-free G: Lead-free (for details, please contact our sales office) IC direction of tape specifications*1 Product name (abbreviation) *2 Package abbreviation PH: SNT-8A Serial code Sequentially set from AA to ZZ *1. *2. Refer to the tape specifications at the end of this book. Refer to the "3. Product Name List". (2) 8-Pin MSOP S-8244A xx FN - xxx T2 x Environmental code S: Lead-free, halogen-free G: Lead-free (for details, please contact our sales office) *1 IC direction of tape specifications Product name (abbreviation)*2 Package abbreviation FN: 8-Pin MSOP Serial code Sequentially set from AA to ZZ *1. *2. Refer to the tape specifications at the end of this book. Refer to the "3. Product Name List". Seiko Instruments Inc. 3 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series (3) TMSOP-8 S-8244A xx FM - xxx T2 U Environmental code U: Lead-free (Sn 100%), halogen-free IC direction of tape specifications*1 Product name (abbreviation)*2 Package abbreviation FM: TMSOP-8 Serial code Sequentially set from AA to ZZ *1. *2. 2. Refer to the tape specifications at the end of this book. Refer to the "3. Product Name List". Packages Package name SNT-8A 8-Pin MSOP TMSOP-8 3. Drawing code Package Tape Reel Land PH008-A-P-SD FN008-A-P-SD FM008-A-P-SD PH008-A-C-SD FN008-A-C-SD FM008-A-C-SD PH008-A-R-SD FN008-A-R-SD FM008-A-R-SD PH008-A-L-SD Product Name List (1) SNT-8A Table 1 S-8244AAAPH-CEATFx S-8244AABPH-CEBTFx S-8244AADPH-CEDTFx Overcharge detection voltage [VCU] 4.450 0.025 V 4.200 0.025 V 4.200 0.025 V S-8244AAFPH-CEFTFx S-8244AAGPH-CEGTFx S-8244AAJPH-CEJTFx S-8244AASPH-CESTFx S-8244AAVPH-CEVTFx S-8244AAYPH-CEYTFx S-8244AAZPH-CEZTFx S-8244ABBPH-CFBTFx S-8244ABDPH-CFDTFx S-8244ABEPH-CFETFx S-8244ABHPH-CFHTFx 4.350 0.025 V 4.450 0.025 V 4.500 0.025 V 4.350 0.025 V 4.275 0.025 V 4.300 0.025 V 4.280 0.025 V 4.380 0.025 V 4.150 0.025 V 4.215 0.025 V 4.280 0.025 V Product name/Item Overcharge hysteresis voltage Output form [VCD] 0.38 0.1 V CMOS output active "H" 0V Nch open drain active "H" 0V Pch open drain active "L" 0.045 0.02 V 0.045 0.02 V 0.38 0.1 V 0.38 0.1 V 0.045 0.02 V 0.25 0.07 V 0.25 0.07 V 0.25 0.07 V 0.045 0.02 V 0V 0.045 0.02 V CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "H" CMOS output active "L" Nch open drain active "L" CMOS output active "H" Remark 1. Please contact our sales office for the products with the detection voltage value other than those specified above. 2. x: G or U 3. Please select products of environmental code = U for Sn 100%, halogen-free products. 4 Seiko Instruments Inc. BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series (2) 8-Pin MSOP Table 2 Overcharge detection voltage Overcharge hysteresis voltage Output form [VCU] [VCD] S-8244AAAFN-CEAT2z 4.450 0.025 V 0.38 0.1 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AABFN-CEBT2z 4.200 0.025 V 0V Nch open drain active "H" S-8244AACFN-CECT2z 4.115 0.025 V 0.13 0.04 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AADFN-CEDT2z 4.200 0.025 V 0V Pch open drain active "L" S-8244AAEFN-CEET2z 4.225 0.025 V 0V Nch open drain active "H" S-8244AAFFN-CEFT2z 4.350 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAGFN-CEGT2z 4.450 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAHFN-CEHT2z 4.300 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAIFN-CEIT2z 4.400 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAJFN-CEJT2z 4.500 0.025 V 0.38 0.1 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAKFN-CEKT2z 4.475 0.025 V 0.38 0.1 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AALFN-CELT2z 4.350 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAMFN-CEMT2z 4.300 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "L" S-8244AANFN-CENT2z 4.150 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAOFN-CEOT2z 4.250 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAPFN-CEPT2z 4.050 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAQFN-CEQT2z 4.150 0.025 V 0V Nch open drain active "H" S-8244AARFN-CERT2z 4.300 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V Nch open drain active "H" S-8244AATFN-CETT2z 4.200 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAUFN-CEUT2z 3.825 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAWFN-CEWT2z 4.500 0.025 V 0.38 0.1 V CMOS output active "L" S-8244AAXFN-CEXT2z 4.025 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244ABAFN-CFAT2z 4.220 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244ABGFN-CFGT2S 4.225 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V Nch open drain active "L" S-8244ABIFN-CFIT2S 4.100 0.025 V 0V Nch open drain active "L" S-8244ABJFN-CFJT2S 4.325 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V Nch open drain active "L" S-8244ABKFN-CFKT2S 4.175 0.025 V 0V Nch open drain active "L" Remark 1. Please contact our sales office for the products with the detection voltage value other than those specified above. 2. z: G or S 3. Please select products of environmental code = U for Sn 100%, halogen-free products. Product name/Item (3) TMSOP-8 Table 3 Overcharge detection voltage Overcharge hysteresis voltage Product name/Item Output form [VCU] [VCD] S-8244AAAFM-CEAT2U 4.450 0.025 V 0.38 0.1 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAFFM-CEFT2U 4.350 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAPFM-CEPT2U 4.050 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAUFM-CEUT2U 3.825 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244AAXFM-CEXT2U 4.025 0.025 V 0.25 0.07 V CMOS output active "H" S-8244ABGFM-CFGT2U 4.225 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V Nch open drain active "L" S-8244ABIFM-CFIT2U 4.100 0.025 V 0V Nch open drain active "L" S-8244ABJFM-CFJT2U 4.325 0.025 V 0.045 0.02 V Nch open drain active "L" S-8244ABKFM-CFKT2U 4.175 0.025 V 0V Nch open drain active "L" Remark Please contact our sales office for the products with the detection voltage value other than those specified above. Seiko Instruments Inc. 5 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Pin Configurations Table 4 SNT-8A Top view Pin No. Symbol 1 CO 2 CO 1 8 VCC ICT 2 7 SENSE VSS 3 6 VC1 VC3 4 5 VC2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 2 Description FET gate connection pin for charge control Capacitor connection pin for overcharge detection ICT delay Input pin for negative power supply, VSS Connection pin for battery 4's negative voltage Connection pin for battery 3's negative voltage, VC3 Connection pin for battery 4's positive voltage Connection pin for battery 2's negative voltage, VC2 Connection pin for battery 3's positive voltage Connection pin for battery 1's negative voltage, VC1 Connection pin for battery 2's positive voltage SENSE Connection pin for battery 1's positive voltage VCC Input pin for positive power supply Table 5 Pin No. 1 2 8-Pin MSOP Top view 1 2 8 7 CO SENSE VC1 3 6 VSS VC2 4 5 VC3 VCC ICT 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 3 8 Symbol Description VCC Input pin for positive power supply SENSE Connection pin for battery 1's positive voltage Connection pin for battery 1's negative voltage, VC1 Connection pin for battery 2's positive voltage Connection pin for battery 2's negative voltage, VC2 Connection pin for battery 3's positive voltage Connection pin for battery 3's negative voltage, VC3 Connection pin for battery 4's positive voltage Input pin for negative power supply, VSS Connection pin for battery 4's negative voltage Capacitor connection pin for overcharge detection ICT delay CO FET gate connection pin for charge control Table 6 Pin No. 1 2 TMSOP-8 Top view VCC 1 8 CO SENSE 2 7 ICT VC1 3 6 VSS VC2 4 5 VC3 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 4 6 8 Symbol Description VCC Input pin for positive power supply SENSE Connection pin for battery 1's positive voltage Connection pin for battery 1's negative voltage, VC1 Connection pin for battery 2's positive voltage Connection pin for battery 2's negative voltage, VC2 Connection pin for battery 3's positive voltage Connection pin for battery 3's negative voltage, VC3 Connection pin for battery 4's positive voltage Input pin for negative power supply, VSS Connection pin for battery 4's negative voltage Capacitor connection pin for overcharge detection ICT delay CO FET gate connection pin for charge control Seiko Instruments Inc. BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 7 (Ta = 25C unless otherwise specified) Item Input voltage between VCC and VSS Delay capacitor connection pin voltage Symbol VDS VICT Input pin voltage VIN CO output pin voltage Power dissipation (CMOS output) (Nch open drain output) (Pch open drain output) SNT-8A 8-Pin MSOP Applied pin VCC ICT SENSE, VC1, VC2, VC3 Unit V V VSS -0.3 to VCC +0.3 V V V V mW mW mW C C VCO CO PD VSS -0.3 to VCC +0.3 VSS -0.3 to 26 VCC -26 to VCC +0.3 450*1 500*1 650*1 -40 to +85 -40 to +125 TMSOP-8 Operating ambient temperature Topr Storage temperature Tstg *1. When mounted on board [Mounted board] (1) Board size : 114.3 mm x 76.2 mm x t1.6 mm (2) Name : JEDEC STANDARD51-7 The absolute maximum ratings are rated values exceeding which the product could suffer physical damage. These values must therefore not be exceeded under any conditions. 700 Power Dissipation (PD) [mW] Caution Rating VSS-0.3 to VSS +26 VSS -0.3 to VCC +0.3 600 TMSOP-8 500 8-Pin MSOP 400 300 200 SNT-8A 100 0 0 50 100 150 Ambient Temperature (Ta) [C] Figure 5 Power Dissipation of Package (When Mounted on Board) Seiko Instruments Inc. 7 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Electrical Characteristics Table 8 Item Symbol Conditions Min. (Ta = 25 C unless otherwise specified) Test Test circuit Typ. Max. Unit conditions DETECTION VOLTAGE Overcharge detection voltage 1 *1 VCU1 3.7 V to 4.5 V Adjustment Overcharge detection voltage 2 *1 VCU2 3.7 V to 4.5 V Adjustment Overcharge detection voltage 3 *1 VCU3 3.7 V to 4.5 V Adjustment Overcharge detection voltage 4 *1 VCU4 3.7 V to 4.5 V Adjustment Overcharge hysteresis voltage 1 Overcharge hysteresis voltage 2 *2 Overcharge hysteresis voltage 3 *2 Overcharge hysteresis voltage 4 *2 Detection voltage temperature coefficient *3 DELAY TIME Overcharge detection delay time OPERATING VOLTAGE Operating voltage between VCC and VSS *5 CURRENT CONSUMPTION Current consumption during normal operation Current consumption at power down VC1 sink current VC2 sink current VC3 sink current OUTPUT VOLTAGE*6 VCD1 VCD2 VCD3 VCD4 VCU1 -0.025 VCU2 -0.025 VCU3 -0.025 VCU4 -0.025 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 TCOE Ta = -40C to +85C*4 CO "H" voltage CO "L" voltage *2 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 VCU1 +0.025 VCU2 +0.025 VCU3 +0.025 VCU4 +0.025 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 -0.4 0.0 C = 0.1 F 1.0 IOPE V 1 1 V 2 1 V 3 1 V 4 1 V V V V 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 +0.4 mV/C 1.5 2.0 s 5 2 3.6 24 V V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V 1.5 3.0 A 6 3 IPDN V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 2.3 V 1.2 2.4 A 6 3 IVC1 IVC2 IVC3 V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 A A A 6 6 6 3 3 3 VCO(H) at IOUT = 10 A VCC -0.05 V 7 4 VCO(L) at IOUT = 10 A VSS +0.05 V 7 4 tCU VDSOP VCU1 VCU2 VCU3 VCU4 50 mV when Ta = -40C to +85C. 0.25 0.07 V, 0.13 0.04 V, 0.045 0.02 V except for 0.38 V hysteresis models. Overcharge detection voltage or overcharge hysteresis voltage. Since products are not screened at high and low temperature, the specification for this temperature range is guaranteed by design, not tested in production. *5. After detecting the overcharge, the delay circuit operates normally in the range of operating voltage. *6. Output logic and CMOS or open drain output can be selected. *1. *2. *3. *4. 8 Seiko Instruments Inc. BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Test Circuits (1) Test Condition 1, Test Circuit 1 Set switches 1 and 2 to OFF for CMOS output product. Set switch 1 to ON and switch 2 to OFF for Nch open drain product. Set switch 1 to OFF and switch 2 to ON for Pch open drain product. * Product with CMOS output active "H", Nch open drain output active "H" The overcharge detection voltage 1 (VCU1) is a voltage at V1; when the CO pin's voltage is set to "H" by increasing V1 gradually, after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. After that, gradually decreasing V1's voltage to set CO = "L", and the difference of this V1's voltage and VCU1 is the overcharge hysteresis voltage 1 (VCD1). * Product with CMOS output active "L", Nch open drain output active "L", Pch open drain output active "L" The overcharge detection voltage 1 (VCU1) is a voltage at V1; when the CO pin's voltage is set to "L" by increasing V1 gradually, after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. After that, gradually decreasing V1's voltage to set CO = "H", and the difference of this V1's voltage and VCU1 is the overcharge hysteresis voltage 1 (VCD1). (2) Test Condition 2, Test Circuit 1 Set switches 1 and 2 to OFF for CMOS output product. Set switch 1 to ON and switch 2 to OFF for Nch open drain product. Set switch 1 to OFF and switch 2 to ON for Pch open drain product. * Product with CMOS output active "H", Nch open drain output active "H" The overcharge detection voltage 2 (VCU2) is a voltage at V2; when the CO pin's voltage is set to "H" by increasing V2 gradually, after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. After that, gradually decreasing V2's voltage to set CO = "L", and the difference of this V2's voltage and VCU2 is the overcharge hysteresis voltage 2 (VCD2). * Product with CMOS output active "L", Nch open drain output active "L", Pch open drain output active "L" The overcharge detection voltage 2 (VCU2) is a voltage at V2; when the CO pin's voltage is set to "L" by increasing V2 gradually, after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. After that, gradually decreasing V2's voltage to set CO = "H", and the difference of this V2's voltage and VCU2 is the overcharge hysteresis voltage 2 (VCD2). (3) Test Condition 3, Test Circuit 1 Set switches 1 and 2 to OFF for CMOS output product. Set switch 1 to ON and switch 2 to OFF for Nch open drain product. Set switch 1 to OFF and switch 2 to ON for Pch open drain product. * Product with CMOS output active "H", Nch open drain output active "H" The overcharge detection voltage 3 (VCU3) is a voltage at V3; when the CO pin's voltage is set to "H" by increasing V3 gradually, after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. After that, gradually decreasing V3's voltage to set CO = "L", and the difference of this V3's voltage and VCU3 is the overcharge hysteresis voltage 3 (VCD3). * Product with CMOS output active "L", Nch open drain output active "L", Pch open drain output active "L" The overcharge detection voltage 3 (VCU3) is a voltage at V3; when the CO pin's voltage is set to "L" by increasing V3 gradually, after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. After that, gradually decreasing V3's voltage to set CO = "H", and the difference of this V3's voltage and VCU3 is the overcharge hysteresis voltage 3 (VCD3). Seiko Instruments Inc. 9 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series (4) Test Condition 4, Test Circuit 1 Set switches 1 and 2 to OFF for CMOS output product. Set switch 1 to ON and switch 2 to OFF for Nch open drain product. Set switch 1 to OFF and switch 2 to ON for Pch open drain product. * Product with CMOS output active "H", Nch open drain output active "H" The overcharge detection voltage 4 (VCU4) is a voltage at V4; when the CO pin's voltage is set to "H" by increasing V4 gradually, after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. After that, gradually decreasing V4's voltage to set CO = "L", and the difference of this V4's voltage and VCU4 is the overcharge hysteresis voltage 4 (VCD4). * Product with CMOS output active "L", Nch open drain output active "L", Pch open drain output active "L" The overcharge detection voltage 4 (VCU4) is a voltage at V4; when the CO pin's voltage is set to "L" by increasing V4 gradually, after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. After that, gradually decreasing V4's voltage to set CO = "H", and the difference of this V4's voltage and VCU4 is the overcharge hysteresis voltage 4 (VCD4). (5) Test Condition 5, Test Circuit 2 Set switches 1 and 2 to OFF for CMOS output product. Set switch 1 to ON and switch 2 to OFF for Nch open drain product. Set switch 1 to OFF and switch 2 to ON for Pch open drain product. * Product with CMOS output active "H", Nch open drain output active "H" Rise V1 to 4.7 V momentarily within 10 s after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. The period from V1 having reached 4.7 V to CO = "H" is the overcharge detection delay time (tCU). * Product with CMOS output active "L", Nch open drain output active "L", Pch open drain output active "L" Rise V1 to 4.7 V momentarily within 10 s after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. The period from V1 having reached 4.7 V to CO = "L" is the overcharge detection delay time (tCU). (6) Test Condition 6, Test Circuit 3 Measure current consumption (I1) setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 2.3 V. This I1 is current consumption at power-down (IPDN). Measure current consumption (I1) setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V. This I1 is current consumption during normal operation (IOPE), I2 is the VC1 sink current (IVC1), I3 is the VC2 sink current (IVC2), I4 is the VC3 sink current (IVC3). 10 Seiko Instruments Inc. BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series (7) Test Condition 7, Test Circuit 4 Measure setting switch 1 to OFF and switch 2 to ON. * Product with CMOS output active "H" Decrease V6 from VCC gradually after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 4.6 V, the V6's voltage when flowing I2 = -10 A is the VCO(H) voltage. Increase V6 from 0 V gradually after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V, the V6's voltage when flowing I2 = 10 A is the VCO(L) voltage. * Product with CMOS output active "L" Decrease V6 from VCC gradually after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V, the V6's voltage when flowing I2 = -10 A is the VCO(H) voltage. Increase V6 from 0 V gradually after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 4.6 V, the V6's voltage when flowing I2 = 10 A is the VCO(L) voltage. * Product with Pch open drain output active "L" Decrease V6 from VCC gradually after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V, the V6's voltage when flowing I2 = -10 A is the VCO(H) voltage. * Product with Nch open drain output active "H" Increase V6 from 0 V gradually after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 3.5 V, the V6's voltage when flowing I2 = 10 A is the VCO(L) voltage. * Product with Nch open drain output active "L" Increase V6 from 0 V gradually after setting V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 4.6 V, the V6's voltage when flowing I2 = 10 A is the VCO(L) voltage. Seiko Instruments Inc. 11 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series 10 M 10 M SW1 S-8244 S-8244 VCC CO SENSE ICT SW2 V1 VC1 V VSS V4 V2 VC2 SW1 VCC CO SENSE ICT V1 VC1 VSS VC2 VC3 SW2 0.1 F V V4 V2 VC3 10 M V3 10 M V3 Test Circuit 1 Test Circuit 2 I1 S-8244 I1 V1 CO SENSE ICT I3 VC2 VSS VC3 V3 SW1 S-8244 I2 VC1 V2 V5 VCC I4 V4 VCC CO SENSE ICT SW2 V1 VC1 V VSS V4 V2 VC2 VC3 V6 V3 Test Circuit 3 Test Circuit Figure 6 12 Seiko Instruments Inc. I2 4 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Operation Remark Refer to " 1. Battery Protection IC Connection Example". Overcharge Detection * Product with CMOS output active "H", Nch open drain output active "H" During charging in the normal status, any of battery voltages exceeds overcharge detection voltage (VCU), and this status is maintained for overcharge detection delay time (tCU) or longer, CO gets "H". This is overcharge status. Connecting an FET to the CO pin enables charge-control and the second protect. In this case, the IC maintains the overcharge status until all battery voltages decreases, to the overcharge hysteresis voltage (VCD) from the overcharge detection voltage (VCU). * Product with CMOS output active "L", Nch open drain output active "L", Pch open drain output active "L" During charging in the normal status, any of battery voltages exceeds overcharge detection voltage (VCU), and this status is maintained for overcharge detection delay time (tCU) or longer, CO gets "L". This is overcharge status. Connecting an FET to the CO pin enables charge-control and the second protect. In this case, the IC maintains the overcharge status until all battery voltages decreases, to the overcharge hysteresis voltage (VCD) from the overcharge detection voltage (VCU). 2. Delay Circuit The delay circuit rapidly charges the capacitor connected to the delay capacitor connection pin up to a specified voltage when the voltage of one of the batteries exceeds the overcharge detection voltage (VCU). Then, the delay circuit gradually discharges the capacitor at 100 nA and inverts the CO output when the voltage at the delay capacitor connection pin goes below a specified level. Overcharge detection delay time (tCU) varies depending upon the external capacitor. Each delay time is calculated using the following equation. Min. tCU[s] = Delay Coefficient (10, Typ. 15, Max. 20) x CICT [F] Because the delay capacitor is rapidly charged, the smaller the capacitance, the larger the difference between the maximum voltage and the specified value of delay capacitor pin (ICT pin). This will cause a deviation between the calculated delay time and the resultant delay time. Also, delay time is internally set in this IC to prevent the CO output from inverting until the charge to delay capacitor pin is reached to the specified voltage. If large capacitance is used, output may be enabled without delay time because charge is disabled within the internal delay time. Please note that the maximum capacitance connected to the delay capacitor pin (ICT pin) is 1 F. Seiko Instruments Inc. 13 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Timing Chart VCD V1 battery V2 battery VCU Battery voltage VSS VCC CO pin voltage CMOS output active "H" and Nch open drain output active "H" products VSS VCC CO pin voltage CMOS output active "L" , Pch open drain output active "L" and Nch open drain output active "L" products VSS ICT pin voltage VSS Delay Figure 7 14 Seiko Instruments Inc. V3 battery V4 battery BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Battery Protection IC Connection Example (1) Connection Example 1 SC PROTECTOR EB+ RVCC SENSE VCC R1 CVCC C1 BAT1 VC1 R2 C2 BAT2 VC2 ICT R3 CICT C3 BAT3 VC3 R4 BAT4 FET C4 VSS CO EB- Figure 8 Table 9 Constants for External Components 1 Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit R1 to R4 C1 to C4 RVCC CVCC CICT 0 0 0 0 0 1k 0.1 100 0.1 0.1 10 k 1 1k 1 1 F F F Caution1. The above constants may be changed without notice. 2. It has not been confirmed whether the operation is normal or not in circuits other than the above example of connection. In addition, the example of connection shown above and the constant do not guarantee proper operation. Perform through evaluation using the actual application to set the constant. [For SC PROTECTOR, contact] Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation, Electronic Device Marketing & Sales Dept. Gate City Osaki East Tower 8F, 1-11-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141-0032 Japan TEL +81-3-5435-3943 Contact Us: http://www.sonycid.jp/en/ Seiko Instruments Inc. 15 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series (2) Connection Example 2 (for 3-cells) SC PROTECTOR EB+ RVCC SENSE VCC R1 CVCC C1 BAT1 VC1 R2 C2 BAT2 VC2 ICT R3 BAT3 CICT C3 VC3 FET VSS CO EB- Figure 9 Table 10 Symbol R1 to R3 C1 to C3 RVCC CVCC CICT Constants for External Components 2 Min. 0 0 0 0 0 Typ. 1k 0.1 100 0.1 0.1 Max. 10 k 1 1k 1 1 Unit F F F Caution1. The above constants may be changed without notice. 2. It has not been confirmed whether the operation is normal or not in circuits other than the above example of connection. In addition, the example of connection shown above and the constant do not guarantee proper operation. Perform through evaluation using the actual application to set the constant. 16 Seiko Instruments Inc. BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series (3) Connection Example 3 (for 2-cells) SC PROTECTOR EB+ RVCC SENSE VCC R1 CVCC C1 BAT1 VC1 R2 BAT2 C2 VC2 ICT CICT VC3 FET VSS CO EB- Figure 10 Table 11 Symbol R1, R2 C1, C2 RVCC CVCC CICT Constants for External Components 3 Min. 0 0 0 0 0 Typ. 1k 0.1 100 0.1 0.1 Max. 10 k 1 1k 1 1 Unit F F F Caution1. The above constants may be changed without notice. 2. It has not been confirmed whether the operation is normal or not in circuits other than the above example of connection. In addition, the example of connection shown above and the constant do not guarantee proper operation. Perform through evaluation using the actual application to set the constant. Seiko Instruments Inc. 17 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series (4) Connection Example 4 (for 1-cell) SC PROTECTOR EB+ RVCC SENSE VCC R1 CVCC C1 BAT1 VC1 VC2 ICT CICT VC3 FET VSS CO EB- Figure 11 Table 12 Constants for External Components 4 Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit R1 C1 RVCC CVCC CICT 0 0 0 0 0 1k 0.1 100 0.1 0.1 10 k 1 1k 1 1 F F F Caution1. The above constants may be changed without notice. 2. It has not been confirmed whether the operation is normal or not in circuits other than the above example of connection. In addition, the example of connection shown above and the constant do not guarantee proper operation. Perform through evaluation using the actual application to set the constant. 18 Seiko Instruments Inc. BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Precautions * This IC charges the delay capacitor through the delay capacitor pin (ICT pin) immediately when the voltage of one of batteries V1 to V4 reaches the overcharge voltage. Therefore, setting the resistor connected to the VCC pin to any value greater than the recommended level causes a reduction in the IC power supply voltage because of charge current of the delay capacitor. This may lead to a malfunction. Set up the resistor NOT to exceed the typical value. If you change the resistance, please consult us. * DO NOT connect any of overcharged batteries. Even if only one overcharged battery is connected to this IC, the IC detects overcharge, then charge current flows to the delay capacitor through the parasitic diode between pins where the battery is not connected yet. This may lead to a malfunction. Please perform sufficient evaluation in the case of use. Depending on an application circuit, even when the fault charge battery is not contained, the connection turn of a battery may be restricted in order to prevent the output of CO detection pulse at the time of battery connection. CMOS output active "H" and Nch open drain output active "H" products VCD V1 battery V2 battery V3 battery V4 battery VCU Battery voltage VSS VCC CO pin voltage CICT high CICT low VSS CICT low Setting voltage ICT pin voltage CICT high VSS Internal delay Delay * In this IC, the output logic of the CO pin is inverted after several milliseconds of internal delay if this IC is under the overcharge condition even ICT pin is either "VSS-short circuit," "VDD-short circuit" or "Open" status. * Any position from V1 to V4 can be used when applying this IC for a one to three-cell battery. However, be sure to short circuit between pins not in use (SENSE-VC1, VC1-VC2, VC2-VC3, or VC3-VSS). * The application conditions for the input voltage, output voltage, and load current should not exceed the package power dissipation. * Do not apply an electrostatic discharge to this IC that exceeds the performance ratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit. * SII claims no responsibility for any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with any infringement of the products including this IC upon patents owned by a third party. Seiko Instruments Inc. 19 BATTERY PROTECTION IC FOR 1-SERIAL TO 4-SERIAL-CELL PACK (SECONDARY PROTECTION) Rev.6.1_00 S-8244 Series Characteristics (Typical Data) 1. Detection Voltage vs. Temperature Overcharge Detection Voltage vs. Temperature VCU = 4.45 V S-8244AAAFN 4.17 VCU-VCD [V] S-8244AAAFN 4.55 VCU [V] Overcharge Release Voltage vs. Temperature 4.45 VCD = 0.38 V 4.07 3.97 4.35 -40 -20 0 20 40 Ta [C] 60 80 -40 100 -20 0 20 40 Ta [C] 60 80 100 2. Current Consumption vs. Temperature Current Consumption during Normal Operation vs. Temperature S-8244AAAFN VCC = 14.0 V 2 1 VCC = 9.2 V S-8244AAAFN 3 IPDN [A] IOPE [A] 3 Current Consumption at Power Down vs. Temperature 2 1 0 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 Ta [C] 60 80 100 -40 -20 0 3. Delay Time vs. Temperature Overcharge Detection Delay Time vs. Temperature S-8244AAAFN VCC = 15.2 V tCU [s] 3 2 1 0 -40 Caution 20 -20 0 20 40 Ta [C] 60 80 100 Please design all applications of the S-8244 Series with safety in mind. Seiko Instruments Inc. 20 40 Ta [C] 60 80 100 1.970.03 8 7 6 5 3 4 +0.05 1 0.5 2 0.08 -0.02 0.480.02 0.20.05 No. PH008-A-P-SD-2.0 TITLE SNT-8A-A-PKG Dimensions PH008-A-P-SD-2.0 No. SCALE UNIT mm Seiko Instruments Inc. +0.1 o1.5 -0 5 2.250.05 4.00.1 2.00.05 o0.50.1 0.250.05 0.650.05 4.00.1 4 321 5 6 78 Feed direction No. PH008-A-C-SD-1.0 TITLE SNT-8A-A-Carrier Tape PH008-A-C-SD-1.0 No. SCALE UNIT mm Seiko Instruments Inc. 12.5max. 9.00.3 Enlarged drawing in the central part o130.2 (60) (60) No. PH008-A-R-SD-1.0 TITLE SNT-8A-A-Reel No. PH008-A-R-SD-1.0 SCALE UNIT QTY. mm Seiko Instruments Inc. 5,000 0.52 2.01 0.52 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 Caution Making the wire pattern under the package is possible. However, note that the package may be upraised due to the thickness made by the silk screen printing and of a solder resist on the pattern because this package does not have the standoff. No. PH008-A-L-SD-3.0 TITLE SNT-8A-A-Land Recommendation PH008-A-L-SD-3.0 No. SCALE UNIT mm Seiko Instruments Inc. 2.950.2 8 5 1 4 0.130.1 0.20.1 0.650.1 No. FN008-A-P-SD-1.1 TITLE MSOP8-A-PKG Dimensions No. FN008-A-P-SD-1.1 SCALE UNIT mm Seiko Instruments Inc. 2.00.05 4.00.1 1.350.15 4.00.1 1.550.05 1.050.05 0.30.05 3.10.15 4 1 5 8 Feed direction No. FN008-A-C-SD-1.1 TITLE MSOP8-A-Carrier Tape No. FN008-A-C-SD-1.1 SCALE UNIT mm Seiko Instruments Inc. 16.5max. 13.00.3 Enlarged drawing in the central part 130.2 (60) (60) No. FN008-A-R-SD-1.1 MSOP8-A-Reel TITLE FN008-A-R-SD-1.1 No. SCALE UNIT QTY. 3,000 mm Seiko Instruments Inc. 2.900.2 8 5 1 4 0.130.1 0.20.1 0.650.1 No. FM008-A-P-SD-1.0 TITLE TMSOP8-A-PKG Dimensions No. FM008-A-P-SD-1.0 SCALE UNIT mm Seiko Instruments Inc. 2.000.05 4.000.1 4.000.1 1.000.1 +0.1 1.55 -0 1.050.05 0.300.05 3.250.05 4 1 5 8 Feed direction No. FM008-A-C-SD-1.0 TITLE TMSOP8-A-Carrier Tape FM008-A-C-SD-1.0 No. SCALE UNIT mm Seiko Instruments Inc. 16.5max. 13.00.3 Enlarged drawing in the central part 130.2 (60) (60) No. FM008-A-R-SD-1.0 TITLE TMSOP8-A-Reel No. FM008-A-R-SD-1.0 SCALE QTY. UNIT 4,000 mm Seiko Instruments Inc. www.sii-ic.com * * * * * * * The information described herein is subject to change without notice. Seiko Instruments Inc. is not responsible for any problems caused by circuits or diagrams described herein whose related industrial properties, patents, or other rights belong to third parties. The application circuit examples explain typical applications of the products, and do not guarantee the success of any specific mass-production design. When the products described herein are regulated products subject to the Wassenaar Arrangement or other agreements, they may not be exported without authorization from the appropriate governmental authority. Use of the information described herein for other purposes and/or reproduction or copying without the express permission of Seiko Instruments Inc. is strictly prohibited. The products described herein cannot be used as part of any device or equipment affecting the human body, such as exercise equipment, medical equipment, security systems, gas equipment, or any apparatus installed in airplanes and other vehicles, without prior written permission of Seiko Instruments Inc. The products described herein are not designed to be radiation-proof. Although Seiko Instruments Inc. exerts the greatest possible effort to ensure high quality and reliability, the failure or malfunction of semiconductor products may occur. The user of these products should therefore give thorough consideration to safety design, including redundancy, fire-prevention measures, and malfunction prevention, to prevent any accidents, fires, or community damage that may ensue.