Normal Power-Up and Power-Down
Figure 8 illustrates the timing diagram for a normal power-
up sequence in the case where a printed circuit board is
inserted into a live backplane.
At time point 1, the bias supply (VCC) ramps up and en-
ables the device when the supply voltage rises above the
undervoltage lockout threshold (2.12V). At time point 2,
SENSEP supply, together with the ON pin, ramp up and
start the fi rst timing cycle when the ON pin voltage exceeds
0.8V. The TIMER capacitor is allowed to ramp up with 2µA
pull-up once all these conditions are met: GATE < 0.2V,
FILTER < 0.2V, TIMER < 0.2V, SS < 0.2V. At time point 3,
TIMER reaches the VTMR(TH) threshold and the fi rst timing
cycle terminates. The electronic circuit breaker is enabled
and TIMER capacitor is quickly discharged. At time point
4 checks are made for TIMER, GATE, FILTER and SS <
0.2V, ∆VSENSE below 25mV and
T high before a GATE
ramp-up cycle begins. GATE is held low by the analog cur-
rent limit amplifi er as SS capacitor ramps up with a 10µA
current source. SS switches to 1µA pull-up for a slower
ramp rate when it crosses the input offset voltage of the
ACL amplifi er. At this time point, the ACL amplifi er releases
the GATE and allows it to ramp up with a 20µA pull-up. At
time point 6, when the GATE voltage reaches the turn-on
threshold of the external MOSFET, current begins fl owing
into the load capacitor. The MOSFET current level at this
time point is controlled by the ACL amplifi er and the GATE
ramp is slowed down. SS switches the pull-up current
from 1µA to 10µA for a normal ramp rate. Between time
points 6 and 7, the ACL amplifi er servos the GATE voltage
to track the SS ramp rate, limiting the slew rate of the load
current. At time point 7, SS reaches its fi nal value and
GATE continue to ramp up with the 20µA pull-up if the load
current is not in analog current limit. At time point 8, the
FB pin voltage exceeds 0.6V and the second timing cycle
is started. When the conditions of TIMER < 0.2V, ∆VSENSE
< 25mV and
T high are met, the TIMER capacitor is
allowed to ramp up. When TIMER reaches the VTMR(TH)
threshold at time point 9,
T goes high, indicating to
the system controller that power is good. After this, the
TIMER is held low.
When the ON pin voltage falls below (VON(TH) – ΔVON(HYST))
threshold (0.72V), it initiates a power-down sequence. At
time point 11, GATE is discharged by both the ACL ampli-
fi er and a 100µA current source pull-down, causing the
output voltage to fall gradually. When the FB pin voltage
falls below 0.6V at time point 12,
T goes low after a
glitch fi lter delay (see the section on FB glitch fi ltering),
indicating that power is bad. When the ON pin voltage falls
below 0.4V, the device resets and GATE is pulled low by a
strong pull-down device.
Soft-Start with Analog Current Limiting
When a very large output load capacitor is connected
during soft-start, the GATE voltage is servoed to regulate
the inrush current to ΔVACL(TH)/RSENSE. This is illustrated
in the timing diagram of Figure 9. After the initial timing
cycle, the GATE is allowed to ramp up, tracking the SS
ramp rate between time points 5 and 8. At time point 7,
when the load current builds up as the GATE pin voltage
increases, the voltage across the sense resistor rises above
ΔVCB(TH) (25mV typical). The FILTER capacitor starts to
charge up by a 60µA current source pull-up. At time point
8, SS reaches its fi nal value at the end of SS ramp cycle.
This allows the GATE to be regulated by the ACL amplifi er
at ΔVACL(TH) (40mV typical) across the sense resistor,
RSENSE, limiting the inrush to:
The FILTER pin voltage continues to rise as the load ca-
pacitor charges up with the limited load current. At time
point 9, the FB pin voltage exceeds 0.6V, but the second
timing cycle is not allowed to start as the voltage across
the sense resistor exceeds 25mV. At time point 10, the load
current falls as the load capacitor is near full charge and
the voltage across the sense resistor drops below 40mV.
The analog current limit loop shuts off and the GATE ramps
further till its fi nal value. The FILTER capacitor discharges
by a 2.4µA pull-down when the voltage across the sense
resistor falls below 25mV at time point 11. The duration
between time points 7 and 11 must be shorter than one
circuit breaker delay, as given by Equation (2), to avoid
a fault time-out during GATE ramp-up for very large load