Weller Tools GmbH
Carl-Benz-Straße 2
74354 Besigheim
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Why fume extraction? See the movie on
Scope of supply :
Zero-Smog 2 fume extraction unit
Particle filter E12 and active carbon
Medium dust pre-filter M5
Scope of supply
Zero Smog 2 fume extraction unit
Kit 1 Funnel
consists of:
Stop valve with bench mounting brackets
Extraction hose, flexible, 3 m, Ø 60 mm
Extraction arm, 1 m, Ø 60 mm
Funnel nozzle ALFA (225 x 100 mm)
Order No. 230 V FT91006699
Order No. 120 V (USA) ZeroSmog2KIT1
Zero Smog 2 Kit
Zero Smog 2 for adhesive fumes consists of:
Zero Smog 2 fume extraction unit
Adhesive fume filter
(50 % active carbon + 50 % Chemisorb)
Medium dust pre-filter M5
Order No. 230 V FT91005699
Scope of supply
Zero Smog 2 fume extraction unit
2x flexible, adjustable arm 0F15
1,5 m, Ø 60 mm
incl. connection (female) in both ends
to fix it directly on the unit
2x sloped nozzle FT NL, metal, Ø 60 mm,
length 130 mm
2x Clamps for flexible arm
Order No. 230 V FT91007699
Zero Smog 2 Kit 2 Nozzle
Scope of supply
Zero Smog 2 fume extraction unit
2x flexible, adjustable arm 0F15
1,5 m, Ø 60 mm
incl. connection (female) in both ends
to fix it directly on the unit
2x Funnel nozzle ALFA (225 x 100 mm)
2x Clamps for flexible arm
Order No. 230 V FT91008699
Zero Smog 2 Kit 2 Funnel
Zero Smog 2 unit
Particle filter E12
and active carbon
Medium dust
pre-filter M5
Filterset E12
with 10 pre-filter M5, particle filter E12
and wide band gas filter (10 % active carbon)
Order No. T005 87 627 01