2©2018 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. March 1, 2018
9FGV1001, 9FGV1002, and 9FGV1004 PhiClock™ PCIe Evaluation Board User Guide
Board Power Supply
The evaluation board uses jumpers E1–E6 to set the power supply voltages for various VDD pins. The 4-way jumpers can select 3
different voltages from regulators that use power from the USB port. Selection #2 is the jack for connecting a bench power supply.
E1: Power supply for the REF outputs. The E1 voltage also determines the LVCMOS output levels of the REF0 and REF1 outputs.
E2: Power supply for the OUT0 output driver.
E3: Power supply for the OUT1 output driver.
E4: Power supply for the analog (VDDA) and digital (VDDD) core VDD pins.
E5: Power supply for the OUT2 output driver.
E6: Power supply for the OUT3 output driver.
See 9FGV100x Evaluation Board Schematics (Figure 5–Figure 8) for detailed information.
Table 1. Evaluation Board Pins and Functions
Label Number Name On-board Connector Label Function
2C Interface Connector J2 Alternative I2C interface connector for Aardvark.
IDT Timing Commander can also use Aardvark.
2 USB Connector J6
Connect this USB to your PC to run IDT Timing
The board can be powered from the USB port.
3 Output Power Supply Jack J3 Connect to 1.8V, 2.5V or 3.3V for the output voltage of
the device.
4 Core Power Supply Jack J4 Connect to 1.8V, 2.5V or 3.3V for the core voltage of the
5 Ground Jack J5 Connect to ground of power supply.
6 Differential Output 1 S7 and S10 Can be a differential pair, or two single-ended outputs.
Available logic types: LVCMOS, LVDS and LP-HCSL.
7 Differential Output 2 S6 and S9 Can be a differential pair, or two single-ended outputs.
Available logic types: LVCMOS, LVDS and LP-HCSL.
8 Differential Output 3 S5 and S8 Can be a differential pair, or two single-ended outputs.
Available logic types: LVCMOS, LVDS and LP-HCSL.
9 Reference Output 0 S1 Reference or buffered output from the crystal.
10 Power Supply Voltage
Selector E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6
VDD_REFP1, VDDO_0, VDDO_1, four-way headers
used to select a power supply voltage. Connect the
center pin to one of the 4 surrounding pins to select a
voltage or a source.
11 Reference Output 1 S2 Reference or buffered output from the crystal.
12 Differential Output 0 S3 and S4 Can be a differential pair, or two single-ended outputs.
Available logic types: LVCMOS, LVDS and LP-HCSL.
13 DIP Switch U2 Used to control certain pins like OEA, OEB, SEL0, SEL1
and I2C versus Hardware Select mode.