IDXPERT™ Labels - # X C-1000-422
SIZE: 1.000" W x 30' H (25.400 mm W x 9.140 m H)
MATERIAL: Pe rmanent Polyest e r
QTY/UOM: 1 roll ( 30 ft.)/ Cartridge
CA TA LOG #: XC-1000-422
PRODUCT #: 60473
Description for IDXPERT™ Labels
Printa ble, per manent polyes ter la bel tape for the I DX PER T™ pr inter. This material is UL & C SA appr oved with its respectiv e r ibbon.
Specification Of IDXPERT™ Labels
Application(s): 110 B l ock s, BIX Block s, Broadcast Patch Bay Strips, General & In dustri al Identi fication, General ID, Insi d e-of-Panel Component Marking, Outside-of-
Pa n el M ar ki n g s , Pan e l Id en tifi c ation , V o ice/D ata I d enti fi c ation
Approval(s)/Compliance: CSA Approved, UL Recognized
Size: 1.000" W x 30' H ( 25.400 mm W x 9.140 m H)
Pr inta b le Area: 19.000" W x 1.000" H ( 19" i s max label l ength) (482.600 mm W x 25.400 mm H )
Label Type/Style: Label
Color: Black on White
Finish: Gloss
Materi al Type: Polyester
Material Descri pti on: Permanent Polyester
Brady Materi al #: B-422
S afety Cata log: pg. 123
General ID Catalog: pg. 21
Printer Compatibility: IDXPERT
Surface: Pow d er Coated, Smooth, Textured / Rou gh
S pec ial Properties: D esi gn ed for powder coated surfaces, Good moisture resistance, Hi gh adhesi on
Patent Numbers: #6,910,819; #6,929,415; #7,070,347; #7,201,522; and #D519,552.
RoHS Compatibility: Com p l i ant with RoHS D i recti ve. NOTE: All statem ents concerni ng RoHS Directive compl i ance refer to 2005/618/EC MCV amendment to RoHS
D i rective 2002/95/EC. Product compl i ance is based upon i n formation p rovided by suppl i ers of the raw material s used by Brady to manufacture these
products, or by independent laboratory testing of these products. As such, Brady makes no i ndependent representations or warranties, expr es s o r
im plied, and assum es no liability in connection with the use of this inform ation.
QTY/UOM: 1 roll ( 30ft.)/Cartridge…/… 1/1