EXPANDABLE DUAL 4 INPUT NAND GATE MDTL MC930/830 series MC930F - MC830F, P MC96IF - MC86IF, P XPANDABLE DUAL 3-2 INPUT NAND GATE / MC930G - MC830G * bane This gate element, in the 14-pin flat and dual in-line packages, consists of two expandable 4-input NAND gate circuits. Since tha metal can (G suffix) has only 10 pins, that circuit consists of one 3-input and one 2-input expandable gate. The elements may be cross-coupled to form a bistable multivibrator, MC9I6IG MC861G or the outputs may be connected in parallel to per- \ _ torm tha logic OR function. 1 . 2 6 (101 14 9 Veg i | or 3 MCB30F/MCE30F, P 9 MC861F/MC861F, P 10 8 12 1.6 Rie Ri 16k 13 " . __. Positive Logie: 6-1-2 + 4-5 + (3) Negative Logic: 6= 1724446713) 2.15 216k BEY aa 3 MC930G/MC830G 1044-4 Pio 9 (2 MC961G/MC861G 6} (1) 20-44 tPt-o 10 Doan : Positive Logie: 4=123 (2) 40-46-4 bPio 12 (8) Negative Logic: 4=14243 (3) sot Bk Bk Pio 19 (9) Input Loading Fector = 1 Output Loading Factor: 3 win MC830/MCB30 = 8 we } 4 MC961/MC8S1 = 7 8 (6) 7 Total Power mcg930 Mca6t {5} * MC9I0/MCB30 6 k Dissipstion: mca3a mce6t GND MCSE1/MC861 ~ 2k Inputs Low 12 mw 412 mw Inputs High 28 ow 42 mW 60% duty Cycle | 19 mw 27 mw Number at end of terminal represents pin number for flat and duai in-line packeges. Number in parenthesis indicates pin Propagation Deisy Time number for matal can, MC930/MC830 = 30 ns typ MC961/MCB61 = 26 nv tyD SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS Veo 2 5.04 Thin TPour TPin fs v MC833 Or 4.0 TL Equivalent ov pat PW = 200 ns Tour % 10n0 ty 210n8 GND TEST R c teat | 3.9k ohms | 30 PF tpa_| 400 onms | 50 pF WR \S Wado jaf ase paisi[ 10u stig MC961F/MC861F, P (continued) - a]. ~-f -f -g - -}o- ot | at - DE | OT at Pd, - -/| - - -}oade -| - -) o> | op fst] - - - - | 097 51 - to - | gt ved I@RDIN 196K - - - - - - - - OF j Ot 7 - of | OF { git 4 9 g T su 7 - og St - - su - . 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Documentation is available from one of the following locations (see back cover for detailed information): A local Motorola distributor A Motorola semiconductor sales office A Motorola Literature Distribution Center The World Wide Web (WWW) See the Additional Support section of the DSP56300 Family Manual for detailed information on the multiple support options available to you. Table 1 DSP56301 Documentation Name Description Order Number DSP56300 Detailed description of the DSP56300 family processor DSP56300FM/ AD Family Manual | core and instruction set DSP56301 Detailed functional description of the DSP56301 memory | DSP56301UM/AD User's Manual configuration, operation, and register programming DSP56301 DSP56301 features list and physical, electrical, timing, DSP56301/D Technical Data and package specifications ose Preliminary Data vi DSP56301 Technical Data sheet, Rev. 1 MOTOROLA Me 6967248 0157042 Ocd