RF Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Table 4. Electrical Characteristics (TA=25C unless otherwise noted) (continued)
Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Functional Tests (1,2) (In Freescale Doherty Production Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) VDD =28Vdc,I
DQA = 350 mA, VGSB =0.4Vdc,
Pout = 28 W Avg., f = 2575 MHz, Single--Carrier W--CDMA, IQ Magnitude Clipping, Input Signal PAR = 9.9 dB @ 0.01% Probability on CCDF.
ACPR measured in 3.84 MHz Channel Bandwidth @ 5MHzOffset.
Power Gain Gps 14.5 15.5 17.5 dB
Drain Efficiency D43.0 47.0 — %
Output Peak--to--Average Ratio @ 0.01% Probability on CCDF PAR 7.0 7.7 —dB
Adjacent Channel Power Ratio ACPR —–31.0 –28.5 dBc
Load Mismatch (2) (In Freescale Doherty Characterization Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) IDQA = 350 mA, VGSB = 0.6 Vdc, f = 2590 MHz
VSWR 10:1 at 32 Vdc, 178 W Pulse Output Power
(3 dB Input Overdrive from 138 W Pulse Rated Power)
No Device Degradation
Typical Performance (2) (In Freescale Doherty Characterization Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) VDD =28Vdc,I
DQA = 350 mA, VGSB =0.6Vdc,
2496–2690 MHz Bandwidth
Pout @ 1 dB Compression Point, CW P1dB —138 — W
Pout @ 3 dB Compression Point (3) P3dB —178 — W
(Maximum value measured at the P3dB compression point across
the 2496–2690 MHz frequency range)
—–18 —
VBW Resonance Point
(IMD Third Order Intermodulation Inflection Point)
VBWres —140 —MHz
Gain Flatness in 194 MHz Bandwidth @ Pout =28WAvg. GF—0.7 —dB
Gain Variation over Temperature
G — 0.009 —dB/C
Output Power Variation over Temperature
P1dB —0.009 —dB/C
1. Part internally matched both on input and output.
2. Measurements made with device in an asymmetrical Doherty configuration.
3. P3dB = Pavg + 7.0 dB where Pavg is the average output power measured using an unclipped W--CDMA single--carrier input signal where
output PAR is compressed to 7.0 dB @ 0.01% probability on CCDF.