UG Series
5–6Rev. B – 25 May. 98
Power Consumption
Static Power Consumption for UG Series ULCs
There are three main factors to consider:
–Leakage in the core:
–PLC = VDD * ICCSB * number of used gates
–Leakage in inputs and tri-stated outputs:
–PLIO = VDD * (IIX * N + IOZ * M)
–where: N = number of inputs
–M = number of tri-stated outputs
–Care must be taken to include the appropriate
figure for pins with pull-ups or pull-downs. In
practice, the static consumption calculation is
typically done to determine the standby current
of a device; in this case only those pins sourcing
current should be included, i.e. where VIN or
–Dc power dissipation in driving I/O buffers due to
resistive loads:
–In practice, the static consumption calculation is
typically done to determine the standby current
of a device, and under circumstances where all of
the outputs are tri-stated or in input mode. So this
term is zero.
–Global formula for static consumption:
Dynamic Power Consumption for UG Series
There are four main factors to consider:
–Static power dissipation is negligible compared to
dynamic and can be ignored.
–Dc power dissipation in I/O buffers due to resistive
–P1 (mW) = VOL * Σn (DLn * IOLn) + ( VDD – VOH)
* Σn (DHn * IOHn)
–where: Σn is a summation over all of the outputs
and I/Os.
–IOLn and IOHn are the appropriate values for
driver n
–DLn = percentage of time n is being driven to VOL
–DHn = percentage of time n is being driven to
–It is difficult to obtain an exact value for this
factor, since it is determined primarily by
external system parameters. However, in
practice this can be simplified to one of two cases
where the device is either driving CMOS loads or
driving TTL loads. CMOS loads can be
approximated as purely capacitive loads,
allowing this term to be treated as zero. TTL
loads source significant current in the low state,
but not the high state, allowing the second
summation to be ignored. If a 50% duty cycle is
assumed for dynamic outputs driving TTL loads,
this can be approximated as:
–P1 (mW) = VOL * (Σn * IOLn/2 + Σm * IOLm) (TTL
–where n are dynamic outputs and m are static low
–Dynamic power dissipation for the internal gates:
–P2 (mW) = VDD * IDDOP * Σg (Nf * fg)/1000
–where: Nf = number of gates toggling at
frequency fg
–fg = clock frequency of internal logic in MHz
–Note: If the actual toggle rates are not known, a
rule of thumb is to assume that the average used
gate is toggling at one half of the input clock
–Dynamic power dissipation in the outputs:
–P3 (mW) = VDD2 * Σn fn * (COUT + Cn)/1000
–where: fn = clocking frequency in MHz of output
–Cn = output load capacitance in pF of output n
–COUT = output capacitance from DC
–Global formula for dynamic consumption:
–P = P1 + P2 + P3
Static calculation
–A 100-pin ULC with 3000 used gates, 10 inputs,
20 I/Os in input mode, 40 outputs all tri-stated.
No pull-ups or pull-downs. Half of the pins are at
VDD, half at VSS. Input clock is not toggling. For
this example only the current calculation is
desired, so the VDD term in the equations is
–PLC = 1 * 3000 = 3 mA
–PLIO = ((10 + 20) * 5 + 40 * 5)/2 = 105 mA
–PSB = 3 + 105 = 108 mA
Dynamic Calculation
–We take a 16-bit resettable ripple counter which
is approximately 100 gates, operating at a clock
frequency of 33 MHz, which gives an average
clock frequency of 33 MHz/16 for each bit and
each output. There are no static outputs on this
device. Operation is at 5 V, and 6-mA outputs are
used and loaded at 25 pF. The output buffers are
driving CMOS loads.