TOSHIBA TA7262P/P(LB)/F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA7262P, TA7262P(LB), TA7262F DC MOTOR DRIVER (3 PHASE Bi-DIRECTIONAL) The TA7262P/P(LB)/F are 3 Phase Bi-Directional supply- voltage-control Motor Driver IC. Its designed especially for energy saving Motor Control System. It contains Power Drivers, CW/CCW control circuit position sensing amplifiers and current regulator for external connected position sensing elements. FEATURES Output Current is Up to 1.5 A (AVE). Supply Voltage Control Motor Driver. Variable Current Source for Hall Sensor Including. Few External Parts Required. High Sensitivity of Position Sensing Inputs. BLOCK DIAGRAM A UZ e Ha Hb He + - + - + - AAMC POSITION SENSING CIRCUIT CURRENT SOURCE Ip (11/16) GND (FIN) OOO TA7262P TA7262P (LB), TA7262P HDIP14-P-500-2.54A TA7262P (LB) HSOP14-P-2.54 TA7262F HSOP20-P-450-1.00 TA7262F Weight HDIP14-P-500-2.54A HSOP14-P-2.54 HSOP20-P-450-1.00 980910EBA2 @ TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and the reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to observe standards of safety, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of a TOSHIBA product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook. @ The products described in this document are subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws. @ The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others. @ The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 1999-03-11 1/8TOSHIBA TA7262P/P(LB)/F PIN FUNCTION PIN No. P TYPE F TYPE SYMBOL FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1 1 Hb + b-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal 2 2 Hb - b-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal 3 4 Het c-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal 4 5 He- c-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal 5 6 Le c-phase drive output terminal 6 8 Lb b-phase drive output terminal 7 10 Vs Supply voltage terminal for motter driver 8 12 La a-phase drive output terminal 9 13 3ST Forward rotation /Reverse rotation /Stop switch terminal 10 14 Vec Power supply input terminal for small signal 11 16 IR Hall element bias current control terminal 12 18 lo Hall element bias negative-side connector terminal 13 19 Ha- a-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal 14 20 Hat a-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal Fin Fin GND F Type : Pin 8, @, , @, , M N.C. FUNCTION POSITION SENSING INPUT COIL OUTPUT FRS INPUT H H H <)/=xj/zry<l/cle-|</clic|<=i/z/=z zl<=/-l/c]e)/zcic-l}=/ xz} zl Seie- ci/o-|</xcl/zcl</zl/zl</c-ic/< High Impedance OQ} |] S| S| | OO] Oy] Aa |] AmB | RS | OY OY Oy RS |] RS] RS OO =f//0/0/0/ =] =| =| CO] oO] Oo] SS] pS] S| CO] oy] .mo]hLCe 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1999-03-11 2/8TOSHIBA TA7262P/P(LB)/F MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL RATING UNIT Supply Voltage (MOTOR) Vs 25 Vv Supply Voltage (CONTROL) Vec 25 Vv Output Current (MOTOR) lo 1.5 A Output Current Ics 40 mA Position Sensing Input Voltage VH 400 MVp-p p TA7262P 2.3 ower TA7262P (LB) | Pp (Note) 2.3 Ww Dissipation TA7262F 1.0 Operating Temperature Topr -30~75 C Storage Temperature Tstg -55~150 C (Note ) No heat sink ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, Vcc = 9V, Vs = 12.8V, 3ST = 5V, Vy = +20 mV, Ry = 6Q, Ta = 25C CHARACTERISTIC syMBOL| ck. |, TEST CONDITION MIN. | TYP. | MAX. | UNIT CUIT (TA7262P, TA7262P (LB)) , . . Vcc = 9V, 3ST GND, Icc-1 Vs open 5.7 6.5 Quiescent Current lec2 |Vcc = 25V, 3ST GND, _ 3.0 11.0 mA Vs open Icc-3 Stop (3ST = Vcc) _ 4 Saturation Voltage VSAT |lo = 1A, (total) 2.0 V Saturation Voltage Differential |D-VsaT | |lo =1A _ 100 180 mV Upper Icc-U Vs = 22V _ 50 Cut-off Current Lower CCL Wea 22V = = 50 LA Position Input Sensitivity | Vy 20 MVp-p Sensing Input Offset VOFST _ _ 0 5 mV Operating DC Input Voltage _ _ - pu 9] vel CMR 2 Voc - 2.5] V CW VEW _ 1.2 _ 7.8 CW / CCW Control Sto Vv 86 Vv Vv Operating Voltage P STP _ : ce CCW VRV _ _ 0 0.4 Output Current of Current Ics-1 IR open 1.5 2.2 3.0 mA Source Ics5-2 IR = 1000 3.0 4.4 5.5 1999-03-11 3/8TOSHIBA TA7262P/P(LB)/F TA7262P b Pp - Ta TA7262P (LB) Pp - Ta TA7262F R Rth th Rth (j-c) = 13C/W = Rth (j-c) = 8C/W = 6 Rth (j-a) = 130C/W \ Rth (j-a) = 54C / W \ (Note) & 8 \ & v With 50 x 50 x 1mm 2 \ = \ Fe heat sink 5 N 5 4| INFINITE HEAT SINKS @ \ INFINITE HEAT SINK q (Note) S < RY z \ B 10C /W HEAT SINK 8 N G 4 \, 4 SK & re ce > w \ = sK \ = \ \ 2 a NO Hear sink [Ys [SS 9 NO HEAT SINK 4, \ =e ~ wN ~ a ee eee ~ 0 RY 0 ee 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 200 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta (C) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta (C) lo - IR 20 SHORTED Ip CONDITION < 1 = 2 12 - = lu ot x oO 8 . > a 5 3 A OPEN Ip CONDITION 10 100 1k 10k REVERSE CURRENT IR (02) 1999-03-11 4/8TOSHIBA TA7262P/P(LB)/F APPLICATION CIRCUIT 1 vec FIN 3 [+ 10 ~T1 t Vee GND Vs Ll 500. TA7262P ib vee. 110 TA7262P (LB) Ph tO} 35TH, = Hh CH Lc POT. ee ee + |+ ]4+ Zz mm Om I I I cw/ccw ] iced (*) Hall sensor driving current (Ig) can be changed by Ip. Refer to IR vs Ig characteristics. APPLICATION CIRCUIT 2 fl | [| Cont IN YS TA7262P * np TA7262P (LB) PWM ! (FIN) SW REGULATOR APPLICATION CIRCUIT 3 O Vec2 + Veet 1 + I 10 VIN Ys TA7262P Gnp TA7262P (LB) (FIN) ; Yb 1 Yb I= VIN | -YBE1 + VBE2 YaYe Ye Ye = K1-Vin + Ko (Ky, K2 = Constant) Q2 works as a Current Regulator for Output Coil. Therefore, Collector to Emitter Voltage of Q2 is varied in accordance with required coil current. (Note 1) Utmost care is necessary in the design of the output line, Vg and GND line since IC may be destroyed due to short-circuit between outputs, air contamination fault, or fault by improper grounding. (Note 2) Dont keep 35ST terminal open. 1999-03-11 5/8TOSHIBA TA7262P/P(LB)/F OUTLINE DRAWING HDIP14-P-500-2.54A 14 8 Monol DiC) 11.040.2 15.640.2 LJ LILI Lr Ll 1 ~Y 7 4 | 27. OMAX ! 26.510.2 ; 6.2520.2 3,240.2 ey ay Z| Qo | ail Sy NL) i 3 L UJ L xT 0.520.1 10.250) T qT 1 ' 0.25 1.82TYP 1.2404 Weight : 3.00g (Typ.) 1999-03-11 6/8TOSHIBA TA7262P/P(LB)/F OUTLINE DRAWING HSOP14-P-2.54 Unit : mm . 1.2401 | 27.0MAX ___ 26.540.2 3.210.2 NT xf om = r a} al & | vy) N} w ne 37 Weight : 3.00g (Typ.) 1999-03-11 7/8TOSHIBA TA7262P/P(LB)/F OUTLINE DRAWING HSOP20-P-450-1.00 Unit : mm _4:42401 20 11 HAH HH HA HAE HEELS EEE 1 10 1.0TYP [1.0] {1.05101 araaay 7 \ 16.5MAX . 16.0+0.2 thi # + v m | 0.92+0.2 Weight : 0.79g (Typ.) 1999-03-11 8/8