REV. Status REVISION 07/11/00 JC DC/DC CONVERTER 0.3W +12Vout A. Electrical Specifications 1. Input Voltage 2. Output Voltage PW OP ANAM 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Output Current Output Ripple Line Regulation Load Regulation Temperature coefficient Efficiency Output short protection Operating temperature Storage temperature Operating humidity Dielectric strength Insulation resistance N | 19.228.8Vde (Rating 24V) 2 tt CH1 CH2 2/1 N +12V+0.12 12V+0.12 al | 3.75-12.5mA 3.75-12.5mA WW Qa SOmVpp typ. at 22uF for output cap. g O Recommend low ESR. _ +1.0% MAX. _ 7% MAX. 0.03%/C 50% MIN. Builtin aqutoreset protection -10C-+70C 30C+85C 95% RH max. without condensation DCSOOV 1 min. InputOutput, Case 50M min. at DCSOOV B. Marking; ICD2415, TAMURA, Temecula Ca, date code and country of origin C. Schematic Vin _@_ + _@"__ 1 Cc, UT 2 ICD Vout CH1 External Capacitor 0.144F C1 22uF / 25V 2412 C2, C3 22uF / 16V 0.1pF Recommended CH2 D. Mechanical specification 1. 2. 3. 4. Outline dimensions Soldering pin diameter Vibration Shock 20.4(0.80) x 20.4(0.80) x 8.5(0.33) max. 40.75mm 15G or max stroke 1.52mm whichever is smaller 102000Hz 50G halfsine wave _--_-! L_ 20,10+0.3[0. 790+0.012] --- eee 15.24[0.600]TYP 20.10+0.3[0.790+0.012] 2.05[0.080]TYP Wr? | 7 2.43[0.100]TYP | | 9 ! i ! 8.50[0.330]MAX (BOTTOM I VIEW) 4 { -+----- 4----<4- 4.00[0.160]MIN | | | 0..75[0.030] TYP | ___ | PREPARED BY: | _ |16.00[0.630}1vP git tts D. _Rund ENGINEER: DWG CONTROL NO.| REV DC/DC CONVERTER ------ sone ceerone | 0.3W 24Vin +12Vout ICD-2412 QUALITY CONTROL: CONTENTS OF THIS DRAWING, ane] TAMURA CORPORATION OF AMERICA MODEL SPECIFICATION D. Kelley PRIOR NOTICE 45352 Poor sooo PENECUA ShosaD 6624) om: mm<(In} SCL: 2/1 | SH: 10 1 APPROVED: PROPRIETARY NOTICE: THIS DRAWING PRINT OR DOCUMENT AND SUBJECT MATTER DISCLOSED HEREIN ARE PROPRIETARY ITEMS TO WHICH TAMURA RETAINS THE EXCLUS I D. Kelley IVE _RIGHT OF DISSEMINATION, REPRODUCTION, MANUFACTURE AND SALE. THIS DRAW! ING, PRINT OR DOCUMENT IS SUBMITTED IN CONFIDENCE FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE RECIPIENT ALONE UNLESS PERMISSION FOR FURTHER DISCLOSURE IS EXPRESSLY GRANTED IN WRITING.