The LTM2883 contains an isolated DC/DC conversion
system, including a boost converter and inverting charge
pump, with multiple LDO’s to deliver power to the three
output voltage rails from VCC. Isolation is maintained by
the separation of GND and GND2 where signifi cant operat-
ing voltages and transients can exist without affecting the
operation of the LTM2883. The logic side ON pin enables
or shuts down the LTM2883. All logic side signals are
referenced to the logic supply pin VL. The LTM2883 is
available in two data bus confi gurations, SPI (-S) or I2C
(-I), and with two input voltage ranges, 3.0 to 3.6 volts
(-3) or 4.5 to 5.5 volts (-5).
SPI signaling is controlled by the logic inputs CS, SDI,
and SCK. SDOE controls the SDO output and is normally
connected to CS. The corresponding Isolated side output
signals are CS2, SDI2, and SCK2. SDO2 is the isolated
side SPI data input. All of the SPI communication channels
may be used as generic digital I/O.
I2C signaling is controlled by the logic inputs SDA and
SCL, corresponding to SDA2 and SCL2 on the isolated
side. The SCL channel is unidirectional supporting master
mode only I2C communication. SCL2 output is standard
CMOS push-pull drive. SDA signaling is bidirectional,
and includes an internal current source pull-up on SDA2
supporting up to 200pF of load capacitance.
Demo circuit 1748A is available in four confi gurations
supporting all versions of the LTM2883. Table 2 details
the demo circuit confi gurations.
Table 2.
DC1748A-A 3.0V to 3.6V SPI/Digital
DC1748A-B 4.5V to 5.5V SPI/Digital
DC1748A-C 3.0V to 3.6V I2C
DC1748A-D 4.5V to 5.5V I2C
The demo circuit has been designed and optimized for low
RF emissions. To this end some features of the LTM2883
are not available for evaluation on the demo circuit. The
logic supply voltage VL is tied to VCC on the demo circuit,
and the ON pin is not available on the input pin header,
but may be controlled by jumper JP1. EMI mitigation
techniques used include the following.
1. Four layer PCB, allowing for isolated side to logic side
bridge capacitor. The bridge capacitor is formed be-
tween an inner layer of fl oating copper which overlaps
the logic side and isolated side ground planes. This
structure creates two series capacitors, each with
approximately .008" of insulation, supporting the full
dielectric withstand rating of 2500VRMS. The bridge
capacitor provides a low impedance return path for
injected currents due to parasitic capacitances of the
LTM2883’s signal and power isolating elements.
2. Discrete bridge capacitors (C3, C4) mounted between
GND2 and GND. The discrete capacitors provide ad-
ditional attenuation at frequencies below 400MHz.
Capacitors are safety rated type Y2, manufactured by
Murata, part number GA342QR7GF471KW01L.
3. Board/ground plane size has been minimized. This
reduces the dipole antenna formed between the logic
side and isolated side ground planes.
4. Top signal routing and ground fl oods have been opti-
mized to reduce signal loops, minimizing differential
mode radiation.
5. Common mode fi ltering is integrated into the input and
output pin headers. Filtering helps to reduce emissions
caused by conducted noise and minimizes the effects
of cabling to common mode emissions.
6. A combination of low ESL and high ESR decoupling is
used. A low ESL ceramic capacitor is located close to
the module minimizing high frequency noise conduction.
A high ESR tantalum capacitor is included to minimize
board resonances and prevent voltage spikes due to
hot plugging of the supply voltage.