BPWX 2 Series Data Sheet, Page 1 of 2
Revised 12/10/2013
www.biaspower.com Specicaons subject to change
BIAS 2 Wa Power Supply
BPWX 2 Series Data Sheet
Single (Vo) or Dual (Vo & Vr) output
BPWX 2-08-00, -08-33, -08-50
BPWX 2-14-00, -14-33, -14-50
BPWX 2-24-00
Input Voltage Range 90-308 VAC (50/60Hz)
Input Surge Withstand 345V, < 30 sec
Output Power (Pmax) 2.0 W (60Hz)
1.67 W (50Hz)
Eciency 70% nom.
Output Vo (Peak) 8 or 14 VDC nom. +/- 5%
Line / Load Regulaon Vo (Peak) +/- 1% Po < Pmax
Temperature Regulaon Vo (Peak) +/- 2% Po < Pmax
Ripple Vo (@120 Hz)
(@ 100 kHz)
1.00 V p:p
0.25 V p:p
Output Vr, 3.3 volt (+/- 5%)
For Vo = 8V, Ir out 160mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 250mA*
For Vo = 14V, Ir out 70mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 143mA*
For Vo = 24V, Ir out 36mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 83mA*
Output Vr, 5.0 volt (+/- 5%)
For Vo = 8V, Ir out 250mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 250mA*
For Vo = 14V, Ir out 83mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 143mA*
For Vo =24V, Ir out 39mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 83mA*
No-load Consumpon 30 mW typical @ Vin=120 VAC
Isolaon 3000 VAC (meets UL / CSA &
EN Product Safety)
Earth Leakage @ 120 VAC < 10 uA
Short Circuit Protecon Connuous, Pin ≤ 0.6 w @ Vin = 120 VAC
Reliability @ 25° C, MIL HDBK-217F > 500 Khr MTBF
Operang Temperature -40 to +85o C
Operang Relave Humidity 0 – 95%, non-condensing
Storage Temperature -40 to +105o C
Package Size
(L x W x H)
1.35 x 1.12 x 0.58 inches
[34.214 x 28.372 x 14.757 mm]
Safety Compliance UL/EN 60950-1, 2nd Ed. (CB Report Available)
EMI Emissions EN 55022, Class B, FCC Part 15, Class B
Actual Size
• Extended Temperature with NO DE-RATING!
(-40 to +85°C )
• Universal Input (90-308 VAC, 50/60Hz)
• Small Size—0.87in3 [14.3cm3]
• Low no-load input power <30mW
• Constant power mode (not current limit)
• 3000 VAC Isolaon
• EN 55022, Class B; FCC Part 15, Class B
• Meets UL/CSA and EN Product Safety (ITE)
Bias Power AC/DC power supplies are available with two
dierent types of outputs to t your applicaons…
The characteriscs of the main (Vo) and auxiliary (Vr) outputs
are dierent and each has applicaon-specic benets which
can provide high value to the system designer:
Vo is a voltage-regulated output which has a constant power
mode instead of a convenonal current limit. This output is
best suited as a source for isolated DC ulity power, which may
be used directly or post-regulated with either a linear regulator
or a DC/DC converter. Vo is self protecng, cannot be over-
loaded and can be shorted indenitely. So unlike design-your-
own, or parally complete modules where signicant design
margin is required to stay far away from current limit, there is
no need to oversize a Bias Power supply. The graceful transi-
on from voltage regulaon to constant power along with the
wide range of product rangs allows the designer to select a
supply ghtly matched to the design load.
Vr is also a voltage-regulated output and is thermally protected
from overload. It has very low output ripple capable of driving
elements which require a low-noise, ghtly-regulated supply.
In addion, Vr is supplied internally by Vo. This means that any
capacitance added to Vo can increase the hold-up me of Vr as
*Note: maximum currents specied for constant voltage range
only. See V-I curve on page 2 for Vo in constant power range.
The BPWX is a revoluonary, micro-sized, drop-in switching power supply
module. It contains patented technology with unique features that
provide soluons for a wide range of applicaons, including low power
wireless and many other intelligent control devices. The patented SMPS
topology is totally dierent from any other:
It's Quiet: Switching is synchronized and occurs only 10% of the me, so
there is very lile EMI / EMC interference with other circuits. This means no
extra ltering or shielding is needed, helping to achieve longer transmission
range with more reliable data communicaon in low power wireless
It's Powerful: No power de-rang across the full wide temperature range.
No current limit design margin needed when selecng a module. Charge
large super caps faster than any regular SMPS with twice the power rang.
It's Green: High eciency with ultra low standby power and very lile self
generated heat make it ideal for intelligent devices such as smart-sensors,
smart-meters, smart-lighng, smart-grid, M2M or IoT , and any other control
Operang Specicaons
(@120VAC / 60 Hz / 25oC unless otherwise specied)