Confidential 16 Rev. 2.0 Mar. /2015
11 Device Deselect command (CS# = "H")
The Device Deselect command disables the command decoder so that the RAS#, CAS#, WE# and
Address inputs are ignored, regardless of whether the CLK is enabled. This command is similar to the No
Operation command.
12 AutoRefresh command
(RAS# = "L", CAS# = "L", WE# = "H", CKE = "H", A0-A12 = Don't care)
The AutoRefresh command is used during normal operation of the SDRAM and is analogous to
CAS#-before-RAS# (CBR) Refresh in conventional DRAMs. This command is non-persistent, so it must be
issued each time a refresh is required. The addressing is generated by the internal refresh controller. This
makes the address bits a "don't care" during an AutoRefresh command. The internal refresh counter
increments automatically on every auto refresh cycle to all of the rows. The refresh operation must be
performed 8192 times within 32ms. The time required to complete the auto refresh operation is specified by
tRC(min.). To provide the AutoRefresh command, all banks need to be in the idle state and the device must
not be in power down mode (CKE is high in the previous cycle). This command must be followed by NOPs
until the auto refresh operation is completed. The precharge time requirement, tRP(min), must be met before
successive auto refresh operations are performed.
13 SelfRefresh Entry command
(RAS# = "L", CAS# = "L", WE# = "H", CKE = "L", A0-A12 = Don't care)
The SelfRefresh is another refresh mode available in the SDRAM. It is the preferred refresh mode for
data retention and low power operation. Once the SelfRefresh command is registered, all the inputs to the
SDRAM become "don't care" with the exception of CKE, which must remain LOW. The refresh addressing
and timing is internally generated to reduce power consumption. The SDRAM may remain in SelfRefresh
mode for an indefinite period. The SelfRefresh mode is exited by restarting the external clock and then
asserting HIGH on CKE (SelfRefresh Exit command).
14 SelfRefresh Exit command
This command is used to exit from the SelfRefresh mode. Once this command is registered, NOP or
Device Deselect commands must be issued for tXSR(min.) because time is required for the completion of
any bank currently being internally refreshed. If auto refresh cycles in bursts are performed during normal
operation, a burst of 8192 auto refresh cycles should be completed just prior to entering and just after
exiting the SelfRefresh mode.
15 Clock Suspend Mode Entry / PowerDown Mode Entry command (CKE = "L")
When the SDRAM is operating the burst cycle, the internal CLK is suspended (masked) from the
subsequent cycle by issuing this command (asserting CKE "LOW"). The device operation is held intact
while CLK is suspended. On the other hand, when all banks are in the idle state, this command performs
entry into the PowerDown mode. All input and output buffers (except the CKE buffer) are turned off in the
PowerDown mode. The device may not remain in the Clock Suspend or PowerDown state longer than the
refresh period (32ms) since the command does not perform any refresh operations.
16 Clock Suspend Mode Exit / PowerDown Mode Exit command (CKE= "H")
When the internal CLK has been suspended, the operation of the internal CLK is reinitiated from the
subsequent cycle by providing this command (asserting CKE "HIGH", the command should be NOP or
deselect). When the device is in the PowerDown mode, the device exits this mode and all disabled buffers
are turned on to the active state. tPDE (min.) is required when the device exits from the PowerDown mode.
Any subsequent commands can be issued after one clock cycle from the end of this command.
17 Data Write / Output Enable, Data Mask / Output Disable command (DQM = "L", "H")
During a write cycle, the DQM signal functions as a Data Mask and can control every word of the input
data. During a read cycle, the DQM functions as the controller of output buffers. DQM is also used for
device selection, byte selection and bus control in a memory system.