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28November2018/version 6 LEM International SA
Chemin des Aulx 8
1228 PLAN-LES-OUATES Switzerland
LEM reserves the right to carry out modications on its transducers,
in order to improve them, without prior notice
IP N = 100 A
●Closed loop (compensated)
current transducer using the Hall
●Insulating plastic case recognized
according to UL 94-V0.
Special features
●IP M = 0 .. ±160 A
●NP/NS = 1 : 1000
●TA =−25°C...+70°C.
●Excellent accuracy
●Very good linearity
●Low temperature drift
●Optimized response time
●Wide frequency bandwidth
●No insertion losses
●High immunity to external
●Current overload capability.
●AC variable speed drives and
servo motor drives
●Static converters for DC motor
●Battery supplied applications
●Uninterruptible Power Supplies
●Switched Mode Power Supplies
●Power supplies for welding
Application domain
Current Transducer LA 100-P/SP13
For the electronic measurement of currents: DC, AC, pulsed...,
with galvanic separation between the primary circuit and the secondary
Electrical data
IP N Primary nominal RMS current 100 A
IP M Primary current, measuring range 0 ... ±160 A
RM Measuringresistance@70°C
RM min RM max
with ±12 V @ ±100 A max 10 65 Ω
@ ±160 A max 10 30 Ω
with±15V @±100Amax 40 95 Ω
@ ±160 A max 40 50 Ω
IS N Secondary nominal RMS current 100 mA
NP/NS Turns ratio 1 : 1000
UC Supplyvoltage(±5%) ±12...15 V
IC Current consumption (±2) 10 (@±15V)+IS mA
ε Error @ IP N, TA=25°C @±15V(±5%) ±0.45 %
Accuracy - Dynamic performance data
@±12...15V(±5%) ±0.70 %
εL Linearityerror <0.15 %
Typ Max
IO Osetcurrent@IP = 0, TA=25°C ±0.2 mA
IO M Magneticosetcurrent1) @ IP=0andspeciedRM,
after an overload of 3 × IP N ±0.3 mA
IOT Temperature variation of IO −25°C...+70°C ±0.1 ±0.5 mA
tD 10 Delaytime@10%ofIP N <500 ns
tD 90 Delaytimeto90%ofIP N
2) < 1 µs
BW Frequencybandwidth(−1dB) DC...200 kHz
General data
TA Ambientoperatingtemperature −25...+70 °C
TS Ambientstoragetemperature −40...+90 °C
RS Resistance of secondary winding @ TA=70°C 25 Ω
m Mass 18 g
Standards EN50178:1997
Notes: 1)Resultofthecoerciveeldofthemagneticcircuit
2) For a di/dt = 100 A/µs.