18 Pressure
Transducers and Transmitters
Base Level and Custom Transducers and Transmitters
MicrofusedTM and UltraStableTM Technologies
MSP100, MSP120 MSP300, MSP340 M5100, U5100, D5100
Package Small housing with O-ring and proprietary
“Snap in” feature that lowers the total installed
cost and customized housings for OEM
Small housing with a large selection of
threaded ttings, electrical connectors, cable
options and customized housings for OEM
Industrial stainless steel housing with a large selection
of threaded ttings, electrical connectors, cable options
and customized housings for T&M applications
Type Gage Gage Gage (M5100)
Gage, sealed gage, absolute (U5100)
Differential wet-wet (D5100)
Pressure Range 0 - 100 psi thru 0-500 psi 0 - 50 psi thru 0 - 30K psi (MSP300)
0 - 100 psi thru 0 - 30K psi (MSP340) 0 - 50 psi thru 0 - 30K psi (M5100)
0 - 1 psi thru 0 - 5K psi (U5100)
0 - 1 psi thru 0 - 500 psi (D5100)
Output / Span 100 mV typical 0 - 100 mV, 0.5 - 4.5 Vdc, 1 - 5 Vdc, 4 - 20 mA 0.5 - 4.5 Vdc, 1 - 5 Vdc, 0 - 5 Vdc, 0 - 10 Vdc, 4 - 20 mA
Unique Features - Microfused™ Technology
- Low cost stainless steel isolated transducer
- No threads needed for pressure connect
- Highly customized for OEM application
- Small size
- Solid state reliability
- Microfused™ technology
- High reliability at a low cost
- Highly customized for OEM applications
- Small size
- Solid state reliability
- Various total error band choices 1% thru 4.5%
typical (all possible errors combined)
- Microfused™ technology (M5100)
- UltraStable™ technology (U5100, D5100)
- High performance at a low cost
- Solid state reliability
- 1% total error band ( -20°C to 85°C all possible errors
combined) (M5100, D5100)
- 0.75% total error band ( -20°C to 85°C all possible
errors combined) (U5100)
- Line pressure max 1000 lbs. (D5100)
Accuracy 0.5% FSO <1% FSO 0.25% FSO (M5100, D5100), 0.1% FSO (U5100)
Operating Temp 0°C to 55°C -20°C to 85°C -40°C to 125°C
Dimensions (mm) 12.7 x 24.38 x 20.32 MSP300: 22.23 x 22.23 x 55.88
MSP340: 15.88 x 15.88 x 75.44 M5100: 22.23 x 22.23 x 80.77
U5100: 22.23 x 22.23 x 98.04
D5100: 25.4 x 58.4 x 72.0
Typical Apps Beverage dispensing systems, automation,
HVAC controls, energy and water
management, pumps, compressors,
pneumatic equipment
Paint sprayers, braking systems, HVAC
controls, energy and water management,
pumps, compressors, pneumatic equipment, off
road heavy equipment, agriculture equipment
HVAC controls, energy and water management, pumps,
compressors, pneumatic equipment, off road heavy
equipment, trucks, agriculture equipment, braking
systems, lter blockage, pressurized tank level
Agency Approvals UL 508 (MSP300) CE, UL 508
US300 M7100, U7100 US10000
Package Small housing with a large selection of threaded
ttings, electrical connectors, cable options and
customized housings for OEM applications
Automotive grade, stainless steel hermetic
pressure ports and integral electrical connector Environmentally protected stainless steel
housing with a large selection of threaded
ttings, electrical connectors, cable options and
customized housings for OEM applications
Type Gage, absolute Gage, absolute Gage, absolute
Pressure Range 0 - 5 psi thru 0 - 5K psi 0 - 15 psi thru 0 - 43K psi 0 - 5 psi thru 0 - 10K psi
Output / Span 0 - 100 mV, 0.5 - 4.5 Vdc, 1 - 5 Vdc, 4 - 20 mA 0.5 - 4.5 Vdc 0 - 5 V, 0 - 10 V, 4 - 20 mA
Unique Features - UltraStable™ technology
- High reliability at a low cost
- Highly customized for OEM applications
- Small size
- Solid state reliability
- Various total error band choices 0.75% thru
3% typical (all possible errors combined)
- 1% total error band ( -20°C to 85°C)
- 2% total error band ( -20°C to 125°C)
- Solid state reliability
- Survives high vibration and immersion
- Microfused™ technology (M7100)
- UltraStable™ technology (U7100)
- UltraStable™ technology
- High accuracy 0.05% (typical)
- Digitally compensated
- Pressure calibration standard
- IP65 rated
- 0.25% total error band from -25°C to 85°C
Accuracy 0.15% FSO 0.25% FSO (M7100), 0.5% FSO (U7100) 0.1% FSO (Max)
Operating Temp -40°C to 105°C -40°C to 125°C -25°C to 85°C
Dimensions (mm) 15.88 x 115.88 x 98.00 26.7 x 26.7 x 50.0 25.4 x 25.4 x 104.65
Typical Apps HVAC controls, refrigeration, energy and water
management, pumps, compressors, pneumatic
equipment, agriculture equipment
HVAC refrigeration controls, off road vehicles
engine control, compressors, hydraulic, energy
and water management
Aerospace testing, calibration, high end
machinery, automotive, industry
Agency Approvals CE