Pushbutton and Rocker Switches and Accessories
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AML22 Series Incandescent
and Electronic Control
Pushbutton Switches
Meets CEE requirements. Type numbers with 10th digit ÒAÓ have silver contacts
rated 2S, 250 VAC and 24 VDC resistive; 3 A, 125 VAC. 10th digit ÒBÓ have gold
contacts rated 100 mA, 12 VAC/DC resistive. Terminals are solder or quick-
connect, except those with 9th digit Ò3Ó, which are PC board or push-on. Panel
Cutout: 0.75" square. High efficiency display rated at 5 V. Quick connect
terminals. Units are momentary action. Order AML52 switch buttons separately.
AML91 Incandescent Lamps
wedge base lamps for AML 11/21/31/34/41 series incandescent
pushbutton switches.
727-0264. AML91LA73. 14 V. 1-24 ..................................................EACH 2.18
727-0266. AML91LA85. 28 V. 1-24 ..................................................EACH 2.16
727-7361. AML91LA86. 6.3 V. 1-24.................................................EACH 2.18
Stock Mfr.Õs
No. Type
Circuit EACH
1-24Poles Action
727-0214 AML21BBA2AA SPDT Mom. 9.92
727-7369 AML21BBA2AB SPDT Alt. 10.28
727-7367 AML21BBA2AC DPDT Mom. 13.02
727-7368 AML21BBA2BA SPDT Mom. 11.70
Square Display Lighted, Single Lamp Circuit
727-6022 AML21CBA2AA SPDT Mom. 10.94
727-0222 AML21CBA2AB SPDT Alt. 11.10
727-0224 AML21CBA2AC DPDT Mom. 13.45
727-0226 AML21CBA2AD DPDT Alt. 15.64
727-7370 AML21CBA2BA SPDT Mom. 16.34
727-7371 AML21CBA3AA SPDT Mom. 10.80
727-7373 AML21CBA3AC DPDT Mom. 13.45
727-7372 AML21CBA3BA SPDT Mom. 12.30
Rectangular Display, Non-Lighted
727-0228 AML21EBA2AA SPDT Mom. 10.84
727-6024 AML21EBA2AB SPDT Alt. 9.70
727-7378 AML21EBA2AC DPDT Mom. 12.05
727-7377 AML21EBA2BA SPDT Mom. 12.69
Rectangular Display Lighted, Single Lamp Circuit
727-7375 AML21FBA2AB SPDT Alt. 14.06
727-7376 AML21FBA2AC DPDT Mom. 16.80
727-7374 AML21FBA3BA SPDT Mom. 15.43
Rectangular Display Lighted, Double Lamp Circuit
727-6026 AML21FBA2AA SPDT Mom. 13.71
727-6027 AML21FBA2AD DPDT Alt. 14.65
727-0238 AML21GBA2AA SPDT Mom. 16.19
727-7445 AML21GBA2AB SPDT Alt 14.20
727-6029 AML21GBA2AD DPDT Alt 17.02
727-7379 AML21GBA2BA SPDT Mom. 17.97
Full Guard, Square Display Lighted, Single Lamp Circuit
727-7380 AML21JBA2AC DPDT Mom. 16.65
AML51 Switch Buttons
For AML21, AML31 and AML41 series pushbutton switches.
Square Pushbutton Style
727-7389. AML51-C10A. Amber. 1-24.............................................EACH 1.57
727-6039. AML51-C10G. Green. 1-24..............................................EACH 1.12
727-0248. AML51-C10R. Red. 1-24.................................................EACH 1.29
727-0250. AML51-C10W. White. 1-24 .............................................EACH 1.12
727-0252. AML51-C10Y. Yellow. 1-24.............................................EACH .95
Rectangular Pushbutton Style
727-7390. AML51-F10A. Amber. 1-24 .............................................EACH 1.40
727-0254. AML51-F10G. Green. 1-24 ..............................................EACH 1.64
727-0258. AML51-F10R. Red. 1-24 .................................................EACH 1.40
727-6041. AML51-F10W. White. 1-24 .............................................EACH 1.66
727-7391. AML51-F10Y. Yellow. 1-24 .............................................EACH 2.19
Meets CEE requirements. Type numbers with 10th digit ÒAÓ have silver contacts
rated 2S, 250 VAC and 24 VDC resistive; 3 A, 125 VAC. 10th digit ÒBÓ have gold
contacts rated 100 mA, 12 VAC/DC resistive. Terminals are solder or quick-
connect, except those with 9th digit Ò3Ó, which are PC board or push-on. Panel
Cutout: 0.75" square. Lighted units use incandescent T-1
wedge base lamp
numbers 73, 85, 86 ordered separately. Order AML 51 switch buttons separately.
Square Display Non-Lighted
AML21 Series Incandescent and
Non-Lighted Electronic Control
Pushbutton Switches
AML31 Series Incandescent
and Non-Lighted Electronic Control
Pushbutton Switches
Rectangular units with black bezel. 0.187" ´0.020" (4.75 ´0.508) solder or
quick-connect terminal. 2-pole 2 Form A silver contacts. Alternate action, except
(*) is momentary. Order type AML91 incandescent lamps separately on this
page. UL recognized, CSA certified. Order type AML51 buttons separately.
727-7440. AML31EBA4AD. Non-Lighted. 1-24................................EACH 18.75
727-7441. AML31FBA4AD. Incandescent. 1-24 ...............................EACH 23.88
727-7442. AML31FBA4AC*. Incandescent. 1-24.............................EACH 23.38
727-7443. AML31FBE4AD. 28 V, Incandescent. 1-24......................EACH 22.40
AML41 Series
Incandescent and Non-
Lighted Electronic Control
Pushbutton Switches
Pushbutton style indicators match display of lighted
switches. Black bezel. 0.110" ´0.020" (2.79 ´0.508)
solder/quick-connect terminal. Order type AML91
incandescent lights separately on this page. Order switch
buttons separately (buttons for type AML41JBA2 are
ordered below.) UL recognized, CSA certified. Square
indicators use AML51C lenses. Rectangular indicators use AML51F lenses.
727-7340. AML41CBA2. Square, 1 Lamp. 1-24...............................EACH 8.40
727-7341. AML41DBA2. Square, 2 Lamp. 1-24...............................EACH 9.05
727-7342. AML41FBA2. Rectangular, 1 Lamp. 1-24 .......................EACH 9.11
727-7343. AML41GBA2. Rectangular, 2 Lamp. 1-24.......................EACH 10.00
Stock Mfr.Õs Description
No. Type
727-7346 AML32FBB7AD Red Neon 25.71
727-6037 AML34EBA4AC01à Non-lighted 16.49
727-7347 AML34FBA4AC01à Incandescent 19.80
727-7348 AML32FBB4AD Red Neon* 23.20
727-7349 AML32FBC7AD Clear Neon 22.05
727-7350 AML32FBK4AD Red Neon 23.20
*Isolated lamp circuit. Use AML52 series switch buttons. àUse AML54 series
AML32 Series Incandescent
and Non-Lighted Electronic
Control Pushbutton Switches
AML32 series switch is a rectangular pushbutton unit with black bezel. 125 V
red neon lamp (included) and 0.187" ´0.020" (4.75 ´0.508) solder/quick
connect terminals with integral lamp circuit. Switch is alternate action, DPST,
normally open, form X. AML34 series switch is a rectangular rocker unit with
black bezel, 0.187" ´0.020" (4.75 ´0.508) solder/quick connect terminals, 2-
pole 2 Form A silver contacts, maintained action. UL recognized. CSA certified.
Order switch buttons and rockers separately.
AML52 Switch Buttons
For AML32 pushbuttons, neon display.
727-7351. AML52-N10R. Red. 1-24...................................................EACH 1.40
727-7352. AML52-N10K. Black. 1-24.................................................EACH 1.66
727-7353. AML52-N10G. Green. 1-24 ...............................................EACH 1.40
727-7354. AML52-N10W. White. 1-24...............................................EACH 1.40
For AML12, AML22, AML32, and AML42 series LED displays.
727-6045. AML52-C10W. White. 1-24 ...............................................EACH .79
727-7392. AML52-C10K. Black. 1-24.................................................EACH 1.12
727-6044. AML52-C10R. Red. 1-24 ...................................................EACH .79
727-7393. AML52-C10G. Green. 1-24................................................EACH 1.12
Rocker Operators
For AML34 rocker switches.
727-7355. AML54-F10Y. Yellow. 1-24 .............................................EACH 1.65
727-7356. AML54-F10R. Red . 1-24 ................................................EACH 1.65
727-7357. AML54-F10K. Black. 1-24 ...............................................EACH 1.65
AML75 Series
Panel Seals
Protect displays from contamination by dust, dirt or spills. No effect on color,
light intensity or legend quality. Fits both 0.19" (4.83) standard-height square or
rectangular pushbuttons.
727-7358. AML75ABC. Square. 1-24 ...............................................EACH 4.10
727-7359. AML75BBC. Rectangular. 1-24 .......................................EACH 4.05
AML76 Series
Switch Guards
For square and rectangular pushbuttons, these clear, polycarbonate
thermoplastic guards prevent accidental pushbutton operation. The word ÒLiftÓ
is molded into top front edge of guard. Bracket bright-finished stainless steel.
727-6049. AML76C10TO1P. Square. 1-24 .......................................EACH 8.01
727-7360. AML76F10TO1P. Rectangular. 1-24 ...............................EACH 6.70
Stock Mfr.'s LED Poles
No. Type Color
727-7384 AML22CBC2AA Red SPDT 17.70
727-7386 AML22CBS2AA Green SPDT 20.72
727-7387 AML22CBE2AD* Red DPDT 20.60
727-6031 AML22CBF2AC Red SPDT 17.52
727-1603 AML22CBF2AA Red SPDT 18.47
727-7388 AML22CBB2AA Red SPDT 16.85
*15 V LED. 24 V LED.
Micro Switch
Selecta Switch