Description of Selected Instructions
XAS (Exchange A with SIO) copies C to the SKL latch and
exchanges the accumulator with the 4-bit contents of the
SIO register. The contents of SIO will contain serial-in/seri-
al-out shift register or binary counter data, depending on the
value of the EN register. If SIO is selected as a shift register,
an XAS instruction can be performed once every 4 instruc-
tion cycles to effect a continuous data stream.
LQID (Load Q Indirect) loads the 8-bit Q register with the
contents of ROM pointed to by the 11-bit word
PC10:PC8,A,M. LQID can be used for table lookup or code
conversion such as BCD to seven-segment. The LQID in-
struction ‘‘pushes’’ the stack (PCa1
and replaces the least significant 8 bits of the PC as follows:
PC7:4, RAM(B)
PC3:0, leaving PC10, PC9 and
PC8 unchanged. The ROM data pointed to by the new ad-
dress is fetched and loaded into the Q latches. Next, the
stack is ‘‘popped’’ (SC
PC), restoring the
saved value of PC to continue sequential program execu-
tion. Since LQID pushes SB
SC, the previous contents
of SC are lost.
Note: LQID uses 2 instruction cycles if executed, one if skipped.
JID (Jump Indirect) is an indirect addressing instruction,
transferring program control to a new ROM location pointed
to indirectly by A and M. It loads the lower 8 bits of the ROM
address register PC with the contents of ROM addressed by
the 11-bit word, PC10:8,A,M. PC10,PC9 and PC8 are not
affected by JID.
Note: JID uses 2 instruction cycles if executed, one if skipped.
The SKT (Skip On Timer) instruction tests the state of the T
counter overflow latch (see internal logic, above), executing
the next program instruction if the latch is not set. If the
latch has been set since the previous test, the next program
instruction is skipped and the latch is reset. The features
associated with this instruction allow the processor to gen-
erate its own time-base for real-time processing, rather than
relying on an external input signal.
Note: If the most significant bit of the T counter is a 1 when a CAMT instruc-
tion loads the counter, the overflow flag will be set. The following
sample of codes should be used when loading the counter:
; load T counterCAMT
; skip if overflow flag is set and reset itSKT
The IT (idle till timer) instruction halts the processor and
puts it in an idle state until the time-base counter overflows.
This idle state reduces current drain since all logic (except
the oscillator and time base counter) is stopped. IT instruc-
tion is not allowed if the T counter is mask-programmed as
an external event counter (option Ý31e1).
INIL (Input IL Latches to A) inputs 2 latches, IL3 and IL0,
CKO and 0 into A. The IL3 and IL0 latches are set if a low-
going pulse (‘‘1’’ to ‘‘0’’) has occurred on the IN3 and IN0
inputs since the last INIL instruction, provided the input
pulse stays low for at least two instruction cycles. Execution
of an INIL inputs IL3 and IL0 into A3 and A0 respectively,
and resets these latches to allow them to respond to subse-
quent low-going pulses on the IN3 and IN0 lines. If CKO is
mask programmed as a general purpose input, an INIL will
input the state of CKO into A2. If CKO has not been so
programmed, a ‘‘1’’ will be placed in A2. A0 is input into A1.
IL latches are cleared on reset. IL latches are not available
on the COP245C/225C, and COP226C.
a. The first word of a program (ROM address 0) must be a
CLRA (Clear A) instruction.
b. Although skipped instructions are not executed, they are
still fetched from the program memory. Thus program
paths take the same number of cycles whether instruc-
tions are skipped or executed except for JID, and LQID.
c. The ROM is organized into pages of 64 words each. The
Program Counter is a 11-bit binary counter, and will count
through page boundaries. If a JP, JSRP, JID, or LQID is
the last word of a page, it operates as if it were in the next
page. For example: a JP located in the last word of a
page will jump to a location in the next page. Also, a JID
or LQID located in the last word of every fourth page (i.e.
hex address 0FF, 1FF, 2FF, 3FF, 4FF, etc.) will access
data in the next group of four pages.
Note: The COP224C/225C/226C needs only 10 bits to address its ROM.
Therefore, the eleventh bit (P10) is ignored.
Power Dissipation
The lowest power drain is when the clock is stopped. As the
frequency increases so does current. Current is also lower
at lower operating voltages. Therefore, the user should run
at the lowest speed and voltage that his application will al-
low. The user should take care that all pins swing to full
supply levels to insure that outputs are not loaded down and
that inputs are not at some intermediate level which may
draw current. Any input with a slow rise or fall time will draw
additional current. A crystal or resonator generated clock
input will draw additional current. For example, a 500 kHz
crystal input will typically draw 100 mA more than a square-
wave input. An R/C oscillator will draw even more current
since the input is a slow rising signal.
If using an external squarewave oscillator, the following
equation can be used to calculate operating current drain.
ICOeIQaVc70cFiaVc2400cFi/Dv where:
ICOechip operating current drain in microamps
IQequiescent leakage current (from curve)
FieCKI frequency in MegaHertz
Vechip VCC in volts
Dvedivide by option selected
For example at 5 volts VCC and 400 kHz (divide by 4)
ICOe120a140a1200e1460 mA