STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Quasi-resonant topology IC Low EMI noise and soft switching Bottom-skip mode Improved system efficiency over the entire output load by avoiding increase of switching frequency Standby mode Lowers input power at very light output load condition Avalanche-guaranteed MOSFET Improves system-level reliability and does not require VDSS derating 650 VDSS / 0.385 RDS(on) Various protections Improved system-level reliability Pulse-by-pulse drain overcurrent limiting Overvoltage Protection (bias winding voltage sensing), with latch Overload Protection with latch Maximum on-time limit Package: 7-Pin TO-3P Description The STR-X6759N is a quasi-resonant topology IC designed for SMPS applications. It shows lower EMI noise characteristics than conventional PWM solutions, especially at greater than 2 MHz. It also provides a soft-switching mode to turn on the internal MOSFET at close to zero voltage (VDS bottom point) by use of the resonant characteristic of primary inductance and a resonant capacitor. The package is a fully molded TO-3P, which contains the controller chip (MIC) and MOSFET, enabling output power up to 460 W at 230 VAC and 250 W at universal input. The bottom-skip mode skips the first bottom of VDS and turns on the MOSFET at the second bottom point, to minimize an increase of operating frequency at light output load, improving systemlevel efficiency over the entire load range. A standby mode is executed by clamping the secondary output. In general applications, standby mode reduces input power. The soft-start mode minimizes surge voltage and reduces power stress to the MOSFET and to the secondary rectifying diodes during the start-up sequence. Various protections such as overvoltage, overload, overcurrent, maximum on-time protections and avalanche-energy guaranteed MOSFET secure good system-level reliability. Not to scale Continued on the next page... Typical Application STRX6759N SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators Description (continued) Applications include the following: Set Top Box LCD PC monitor, LCD TV Printer, Scanner SMPS power supplies Selection Guide Part Number Package STR-X6759N TO-3P Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25C Parameter Drain Current1 Maximum Switching Current2 Single Pulse Avalanche Energy3 Input Voltage for Controller (MIC) SS/OLP Terminal Voltage FB Terminal Inflow Current FB Terminal Voltage OCP/BD Terminal Voltage MOSFET Power Dissipation4 Symbol IDpeak IDmax EAS VCC VSSOLP IFB VFB VOCPBD PD1 Conditions Single pulse TA = -20C to 125C Single pulse, VDD = 30 V, L = 50 mH, ILpeak = 4.4 A IFB within the limits of IFB With infinite heatsink Without heatsink VCC x ICC Recommended operation temperature, see cautions Controller (MIC) Power Dissipation PD2 Operating Internal Leadframe Temperature TF Operating Ambient Temperature TOP Storage Temperature Tstg Channel Temperature Tch 1Refer to MOSFET ASO curve 2I DMAX is the drain current determined by the drive voltage of the IC and the threshold voltage, Vth, of the MOSFET 3Refer to Avalanche Energy Derating curve 4Refer to MOSFET Ta-PD1 curve Rating 22 22 500 35 -0.5 to 6.0 10 -0.5 to 9.0 -1.5 to 5.0 46 2.8 0.8 -20 to 125 -20 to 125 -40 to 125 150 Unit A A mJ V V mA V V W W W C C C C All performance characteristics given are typical values for circuit or system baseline design only and are at the nominal operating voltage and an ambient temperature, TA, of 25C, unless otherwise stated. STRX6759N SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 2 STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators Functional Block Diagram Terminal List Table Number Name 1 D Drain MOSFET drain 2 S Source MOSFET source 3 GND Ground terminal Ground 4 VCC Power supply terminal Input of power supply for control circuit 5 SS/OLP Soft Start/Overload Protection terminal Input to set delay for Overload Protection and Soft Start operation 6 FB Feedback terminal Input for Constant Voltage Control and Burst (intermittent) Mode oscillation control signals 7 OCP/BD Overcurrent Protection/Bottom Detection Input for Overcurrent Detection and Bottom Detection signals STRX6759N Description Functions SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 3 STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators STR-X6759N A.S.O. temperature derating coefficient curve STR-X6759N MOS FET A.S.O. Curve 100 80 0.1ms 10 I D [A] Drain Current A.S.O. temperature derating coefficient (%) 100 Ta=25 Single pluse 60 40 1ms Determ ined by O n-Reststacen 1 Apply A.S.O temperature coefficient from the left graph to this curve for evaluating actual operations' safety 20 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 120 10 100 1000 VDS[V] Drain-to-Source Voltage T F [] Internal frame temperature STR-X6759N Avalanche energy derating curve E AS temperature derating coefficient (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Tch[] Channel temperature STRX6759N SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 4 STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators STR-X6759N MOSFET Ta-PD1 Curve STR-X6759N MIC TF-PD2 C urve 60 1 50 PD1=46[W] 0.8 40 P D2 [] Power dissipation PD1[] Power dissipation With infinite heatsink 0.6 30 0.4 20 10 0.2 Without heatsink PD1=2.8[W] 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 TF[] Internal frame temperature Ta [] Ambient temperature STR-X6759N Transient thermal resistance curve ch-c[/W] Transient thermal resistance 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 1 100 m [sec] Tim e STRX6759N SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 5 STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS for Controller (MIC)1, valid at TA = 25C, VCC = 20 V, unless otherwise specified Power Supply Start-up Operation Operation Start Voltage VCC(ON) VCC = 020 V 16.3 18.2 19.9 V Operation Stop Voltage VCC(OFF) VCC = 208.8 V 8.8 9.7 10.6 V Circuit Current In Operation ICC(ON) Circuit Current In Non-Operation ICC(OFF) Oscillation Frequency VCC = 15 V fosc Soft Start Operation Stop Voltage VSSOLP(SS) VSS/OLP increasing Soft Start Operation Charging Current ISSOLP(SS) VSS/OLP = 0 V - - 6 mA - - 100 A 19 22 25 kHz 1.1 1.2 1.4 V -710 -550 -390 A Normal Operation Bottom-Skip Operation Threshold Voltage 1 VOCPBD(BS1) -0.720 -0.665 -0.605 V Bottom-Skip Operation Threshold Voltage 2 VOCPBD(BS2) -0.485 -0.435 -0.385 V Overcurrent Detection Threshold Voltage VOCPBD(LIM) VOCP/BD falling -0.995 -0.940 -0.895 V VOCP/BD = -0.95 V -250 -100 -40 A Quasi-Resonant Operation Threshold Voltage 1 VOCPBD(TH1) VOCP/BD falling 0.28 0.40 0.52 V Quasi-Resonant Operation Threshold Voltage 2 VOCPBD(TH2) VOCP/BD rising OCP/BD Terminal Outflow Current IOCPBD 0.67 0.80 0.93 V VFB rising 1.32 1.45 1.58 V IFB(ON) VFB = 1.6 V 600 1000 1400 A Standby Operation Start Voltage VCC(S) VCC = 015 V, VFB = 1.6 V 10.3 11.2 12.1 V Standby Operation Start Voltage Interval VCC(SK) VCC(SK) = VCC(S) - VCC(OFF) 1.10 1.35 1.65 V Standby Non-Operation Circuit Current ICC(S) VCC = 10.2 V, VFB = 1.6 V - 20 56 A FB Terminal Inflow Current, Standby Operation IFB(S) VCC = 10.2 V, VFB = 1.6 V - 4 14 A FB Terminal Threshold Voltage, Standby Operation VFB(S) VCC = 15 V, VFB rising 0.55 1.10 1.50 V Minimum On Time tON(MIN) 0.65 1.05 1.45 s FB Terminal Threshold Voltage VFB(OFF) FB Terminal Inflow Current (Normal Operation) Standby Operation Protection Operation Maximum On Time tON(MAX) 27.5 32.5 39.0 s Overload Protection Operation Threshold Voltage VSSOLP(OLP) 4.0 4.9 5.8 V Overload Protection Operation Charging Current ISSOLP(OLP) VSS/OLP = 2.5 V -16 -11 -6 A VCC(OVP) VCC = 030 V 25.5 27.7 29.9 V ICC(H) VCC(OFF) - 0.3 V Overvoltage Protection Operation Voltage Latch Circuit Holding Current2 Latch Circuit Release Voltage2 VCC(La.OFF) VCC = 306 V, OVP operating - 45 140 A 6.0 7.2 8.5 V - V A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS for MOSFET, valid at TA = 25C, unless otherwise specified Drain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage Drain Leakage Current VDSS IDSS = 300 A 650 - IDSS VDSSS = 650 V - - 300 IDS = 3.5 A - - 0.385 - - 600 ns - - 0.99 C/W On Resistance RDS(on) Switching Time tf Thermal Resistance Rch-F Channel to internal frame 1Current polarity with respect to the IC: positive current indicates current sink at the terminal named, negative current indicates source at the terminal named. 2The latch circuit means a circuit operated OVP and OLP. STRX6759N SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 6 STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators Package Outline Drawing, TO-3P 15.6 0.2 5.50.2 2 0.2 6 3.450.2 XXXXXXXX 6.70.5 3.350.1 +0.2 0.55 -0.1 5.8 REF 12.50.5 XXXXXXXX 3 XXXXXXXX 3.3 23 0.3 Branding Area O3.2 0.2 5.50.2 Gate Burr View A 2X 2.540.1 4X 1.270.1 Terminal dimension at lead tip 4.3 0.5 3.6 0.5 Terminal dimension at lead tip +0.2 1.33 -0.1 2 1 3 5 4 7 +0.2 5X 0.75 -0.1 +0.2 +0.2 5X 0.65 -0.1 2X 0.83 -0.1 6 +0.2 1.89 -0.1 Enlargement View A 0.5 0.5 Front View (Plan View) Gate burr: 0.3 mm (max.) Terminal core material: Cu Terminal treatment: Ni plating and Pb-free solder dip Leadform: 1905 Approximate weight: 6 g Dimensions in millimeters Drawing for reference only Branding codes (exact appearance at manufacturer discretion): 1st line, type: STR 2nd line, subtype: X6759 3rd line, lot: YM DD N Where: Y is the last digit of the year of manufacture M is the month (1 to 9, O, N, D) DD is the 2-digit date N is the suffix of the subtype Leadframe plating Pb-free. Device composition includes high-temperature solder (Pb >85%), which is exempted from the RoHS directive. STRX6759N SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 7 STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators Because reliability can be affected adversely by improper storage environments and handling methods, please observe the following cautions. Cautions for Storage * Ensure that storage conditions comply with the standard temperature (5C to 35C) and the standard relative humidity (around 40% to 75%); avoid storage locations that experience extreme changes in temperature or humidity. * Avoid locations where dust or harmful gases are present and avoid direct sunlight. * Reinspect for rust on leads and solderability of the products that have been stored for a long time. Cautions for Testing and Handling When tests are carried out during inspection testing and other standard test periods, protect the products from power surges from the testing device, shorts between the product pins, and wrong connections. Ensure all test parameters are within the ratings specified by Sanken for the products. Remarks About Using Silicone Grease with a Heatsink * When silicone grease is used in mounting the products on a heatsink, it shall be applied evenly and thinly. If more silicone grease than required is applied, it may produce excess stress. * Volatile-type silicone greases may crack after long periods of time, resulting in reduced heat radiation effect. Silicone greases with low consistency (hard grease) may cause cracks in the mold resin when screwing the products to a heatsink. Our recommended silicone greases for heat radiation purposes, which will not cause any adverse effect on the product life, are indicated below: Type Suppliers G746 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. YG6260 Momentive Performance Materials Inc. SC102 Dow Corning Toray Co., Ltd. Cautions for Mounting to a Heatsink * When the flatness around the screw hole is insufficient, such as when mounting the products to a heatsink that has an extruded (burred) screw hole, the products can be damaged, even with a lower than recommended screw torque. For mounting the products, the mounting surface flatness should be 0.05 mm or less. * Please select suitable screws for the product shape. Do not use a flat-head machine screw because of the stress to the products. Self-tapping screws are not recommended. When using self-tapping screws, the screw may enter the hole diagonally, not vertically, depending on the conditions of hole before threading or the work situation. That may stress the products and may cause failures. * Recommended screw torque: 0.588 to 0.785 Nm (6 to 8 kgfcm). * For tightening screws, if a tightening tool (such as a driver) hits the products, the package may crack, and internal stress fractures may occur, which shorten the lifetime of the electrical elements and can cause catastrophic failure. Tightening with an air driver makes a substantial impact. In addition, a screw torque higher than the set torque can be applied and the package may be damaged. Therefore, an electric driver is recommended. When the package is tightened at two or more places, first pre-tighten with a lower torque at all places, then tighten with the specified torque. When using a power driver, torque control is mandatory. Soldering * When soldering the products, please be sure to minimize the working time, within the following limits: 2605C 101 s (Flow, 2 times) 38010C 3.50.5 s (Soldering iron, 1 time) * Soldering should be at a distance of at least 2.0 mm from the body of the products. Electrostatic Discharge * When handling the products, the operator must be grounded. Grounded wrist straps worn should have at least 1 M of resistance from the operator to ground to prevent shock hazard, and it should be placed near the operator. * Workbenches where the products are handled should be grounded and be provided with conductive table and floor mats. * When using measuring equipment such as a curve tracer, the equipment should be grounded. * When soldering the products, the head of soldering irons or the solder bath must be grounded in order to prevent leak voltages generated by them from being applied to the products. * The products should always be stored and transported in Sanken shipping containers or conductive containers, or be wrapped in aluminum foil. Recommended operation temperature * Inner frame temperature in operation TF = 115C STRX6759N SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 8 STR-X6759N Off-Line Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators * The contents in this document are subject to changes, for improvement and other purposes, without notice. Make sure that this is the latest revision of the document before use. * Application and operation examples described in this document are quoted for the sole purpose of reference for the use of the products herein and Sanken can assume no responsibility for any infringement of industrial property rights, intellectual property rights or any other rights of Sanken or any third party which may result from its use. * Although Sanken undertakes to enhance the quality and reliability of its products, the occurrence of failure and defect of semiconductor products at a certain rate is inevitable. Users of Sanken products are requested to take, at their own risk, preventative measures including safety design of the equipment or systems against any possible injury, death, fires or damages to the society due to device failure or malfunction. * Sanken products listed in this document are designed and intended for the use as components in general purpose electronic equipment or apparatus (home appliances, office equipment, telecommunication equipment, measuring equipment, etc.). When considering the use of Sanken products in the applications where higher reliability is required (transportation equipment and its control systems, traffic signal control systems or equipment, fire/crime alarm systems, various safety devices, etc.), and whenever long life expectancy is required even in general purpose electronic equipment or apparatus, please contact your nearest Sanken sales representative to discuss, prior to the use of the products herein. The use of Sanken products without the written consent of Sanken in the applications where extremely high reliability is required (aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, life support systems, etc.) is strictly prohibited. * In the case that you use Sanken products or design your products by using Sanken products, the reliability largely depends on the degree of derating to be made to the rated values. Derating may be interpreted as a case that an operation range is set by derating the load from each rated value or surge voltage or noise is considered for derating in order to assure or improve the reliability. In general, derating factors include electric stresses such as electric voltage, electric current, electric power etc., environmental stresses such as ambient temperature, humidity etc. and thermal stress caused due to self-heating of semiconductor products. For these stresses, instantaneous values, maximum values and minimum values must be taken into consideration. In addition, it should be noted that since power devices or IC's including power devices have large self-heating value, the degree of derating of junction temperature affects the reliability significantly. * When using the products specified herein by either (i) combining other products or materials therewith or (ii) physically, chemically or otherwise processing or treating the products, please duly consider all possible risks that may result from all such uses in advance and proceed therewith at your own responsibility. * Anti radioactive ray design is not considered for the products listed herein. * Sanken assumes no responsibility for any troubles, such as dropping products caused during transportation out of Sanken's distribution network. * The contents in this document must not be transcribed or copied without Sanken's written consent. STRX6759N SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 9