The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative. CL 222 TM ACCESSORIES FOR MODULAR CONNECTORS DUST COVERS FOR MODULAR CONNECTORS Dec.1.2020Copyright2020HIROSEELECTRICCO.,LTD.AllRightsReserved. TM--DC No.of contacts CLNo. PartNo. 4 222-1364-6 6 222-0135-3 6 A B C Covercolor TM-4-DC1 9 11 8.5 Darkgrey TM-6-DC 12 13 8.5 Natural 222-1052-3 TM-6-DC1 11 11 8.5 Darkgrey YES 8 222-0276-5 TM-8-DC 15.6 13.9 6.5 Natural 8 222-2261-9 TM-8-DC1 13.2 11.2 6.5 Natural Note1:Ifthemodularplugdoesnotmatewiththemodularjack,mountthedustcovertoprotectthematingsection. Note2:Ordersmustbeplacedin100-unitvolumes. -49- RoHS