Publication# 22206 Rev: DAmendment/0
Issue Date: November 1999
Rf t AMDWb
t( d )f thltt
PCnet- Home
Single-Chip 1/10 Mbps PCI Home Networking Controller
nFully integrated 1 Mbps HomePNA Physical
Layer (PHY) as defined by Home Phoneline
Networking Alliance (HomePNA) specification
Optimized for home networking applications
over ordinary telephone wire
In-band control features:
Adjustable power and speed levels
32 bits of reserved in-band messaging piggy-
backed on Ethernet packet
Register programmable features:
Power control
Performance registers
Speed control
Major frame timing parameters programma-
ble: ISBI, AID ISBI, pulse width, inter-symbol
nFully integrated 10 Mbps PHY interface
Comprehensive Auto-Negotiation
Full-duplex capability
Optimized for 10BASE-T applications
nIntegrated Fast Ethernet controller for the
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus
32-bit glueless PCI host interface
Supports PCI clock frequency from DC to
33 MHz independent of network clock
Supports network operation with PCI clock
from 15 MHz to 33 MHz
High performance bus mastering
architecture with integrated Direct Memory
Access (DMA) Buffer Management Unit for
low CPU and bus utilization
PC I draft specifi cation revis ion 2.2 complia nt
Supports PCI Subsystem/Subvendor ID/
V endor ID programming through the
EEPROM interface
Supports both PCI 5.0-V and 3.3-V signaling
Plug and Play compatible
Supports an unlimited PCI burst length
Big endian and little endian byte alignments
Implements optional PCI power management
event (PME) pin
nDual-speed CSMA/CD (10 Mbps and 100 Mbps)
Media Access Controller (MAC) compliant with
IEEE/ANSI 802.3 Ethernet standard
nMedia Independent Interface (MII) for
connecting external 10/100 Mbps transceivers
IEEE 802.3u compliant MII
Intelligent Auto-Poll™ external PHY status
monitor and interrupt
Supports both auto-negotiable and non-
auto-negotiable external PHYs
Supports 10BASE-T, 100BASETX/FX,
100BASET4, and 100BASET2 IEEE 802.3
compliant MII PHYs at full-duplex or half-
nFull-duplex operation supported on the MII port
with independent Transmit (TX) and Receive
(RX) channels
nSupports PC98 and Net PC specifications
Implements full OnNow features including
pattern matching and link status wake-up
Implements Magic Packet™ mode
Magic Packet mode and the physical address
loaded from EEPROM at power up without
requiring PCI clock
Supports PCI Bus Power Management
Interface specification revision 1.1
Supports Advanced Configuration and
Power Interface (ACPI) specification version
Supports Network Device Class Power
Management specification version 1.0a
2 Am79C978
nIndependent internal TX and RX FIFOs
Programmable FIFO wa termarks for b oth TX
and RX operations
RX frame queuing for high latency PCI bus
host operation
Programmable allocation of buffer space
between RX and TX queues
nExtensive programmable internal/external
loopback capabilities
nEEPROM interface supports jumperless design
and provides through-chip programming
Supports full programmability of half-/full-
duplex operation thr ough EEPROM mapping
Programmable PHY reset output pin capable
of resetting external PHY without the need
for buffering
nExtensive programmable LED status support
nLook-Ahead Packet Processing (LAPP) data
handling technique reduces system overhead
by allowing protocol analysis to begin before
the end of a receive frame
nIncludes Programmable Inter Packet Gap (IPG)
to address less network aggressive MAC
nOffers the Modified Back-Off algorithm to
address the Eth ernet Capture Effect
nIEEE 1149.1-compliant JTAG Boundary Scan
test access port interface and NAND tree test
mode for board-level production c onnectivity
nSoftware compatible with AMDs PCnet
Family and LANCE/C-LANCE register and
descriptor architecture
nVery low power consumption
n+3.3 V power supply along wit h 5 V tolerant I/Os
enable broad system compatibility
nAvailable in 144-pin TQFP and 160-pin PQFP
The Am79C978 controller is the first in a series of home
networking products from AMD. The Am79C978 con-
troller is fabricated in an advanced low power 3.3 V
CMOS process to provide low operating current for
power sensitive applications.
The Am79C978 controller contains an Ethernet Con-
troller b ased on th e Am79C971 Fast E thernet cont rol-
ler, a physical layer device for supporting the 802.3
standard for 10BASE-T, and a physical layer device for
data netwo rking at speeds up to 1 Mbps ove r ordinary
residential telephone wiring.
The inte grate d PCI E thernet c ontr oller i s a highl y in te-
grated 32-bit full-duplex, 10/100 Mbps Ethernet con-
troller solution designed to address high-performance
system application requirements. It is a flexible bus-
mastering device that can be used in any application,
including network ready PCs. The bus master architec-
ture provides high data throughput and low CPU and
system bus utilization.
The integ rated Ethernet tr ansc eive r is a phy sical l ayer
device supporting the IEEE 802.3 standards for
10BASE-T. It provides all of the PHY layer functions re-
quired to support 10 Mbps data transfer speeds.
The integrated HomePNA transceiver is a physical
layer device that enables data networking at speeds up
to 1 Mbps over common residential phone wiring re-
gardless of topology and without disrupting telep hone
(POTS) se rvice.
The 32-bit multiplexed bus interface unit provides a di-
rect interface to the PCI local bus, simplifying the de-
sign of an Ethernet or home network node in a PC
system. The device has built-in support for both little
and big endian byte alignment. The integrated home
networking controller’s advanced CMOS design allows
the bus in ter face to be con nec ted to e ith er a + 5.0 V or
a +3.3 V signaling environment. A compliant IEEE
1149.1 JTAG test interface for board level testing is
also provided, as well as a NAND tree test structure for
those systems that do not support the JTAG interface.
The integrated Am79C978 home networking controller
is also co mplian t with the PC9 8 and Net PC speci fica-
tions. It includes the full implementation of the Mi-
crosoft OnNow and ACPI specifications, which are
backwar d compati ble with Ma gic Pa cket technol ogy. It
is also compliant with the PCI Bus Power Management
Interface specification by supporting the four power
management states (D0, D1, D2, and D3), the optional
PME pin, and the necessary configuration and data
The integrated Am79C978 home networking controller
is a complete Ethernet or home network node inte-
grated into a single VLSI device. It contains a bus inter-
face unit, a Direct Memory Access (DMA) Buffer
Management Unit, an ISO/IEC 88023 (IEEE 802.3)
complia nt Media Ac cess Con troller (M AC), a Transmit
FIFO and a large Receive FIFO, and an IEEE 802.3u
compliant MII. Both IEEE 802.3 compliant full-duplex
and half-duplex operations are supported on the MII in-
terface. 10/100 Mbps operation is supported through
the MII interface.
The integrated Am79C978 home networking controller
is register compatible with the LANCE (Am7990) and
C-LANCE (Am79C90) Ethernet controllers and all
Am79C978 3
Ethernet controllers in the PCnet Family (except
ILACC (Am79C900)), including PCnet-ISA
(Am79C960), PCnet-ISA+ (Am79C961), PCnet-ISA II
(Am79C961A), PCnet-32 (Am79C965A), PCnet-PCI
(Am79C970), PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A), PCnet-
FAST (Am79C971), and PCnet-FAST+ (Am79C972).
The Buffer Management Unit supports the LANCE and
PCnet descriptor software models.
While consuming minimal network resources, AMDs
innovative any1Home Link Detection Packet for
HomePNA networks provides a means to indicate to
the MAC a nd thus the up per lay ers of the sy stem pro-
tocol that a valid network (as defined by Home Net-
working Alliance) has been detected. The Link
Detection Packet is also capable of detecting a network
failure and allows the upp er la yer pro tocol to take cor -
rective a cti on . Thus , t he L in k D etec tion P ac k et e nsur e
strict compliance to the Microsoft PC97, PC98, and
Home PNA requirements.
The integrated Am79C978 controller supports auto-
configuration in the PCI configuration space. Additional
integrated controller configuration parameters, includ-
ing the unique IEEE physical address, can be read
from an external non-volatile memory (EEPROM) im-
media tel y foll owi ng sy st em reset.
In addition, the Am79C978 controller provides pro-
grammable on-chip LED drivers for transmit, receive,
collision, link integrity, Magic Packet status, speed, ac-
tivity, pow er ou tpu t, a ddr ess ma tch , full-dupl ex , or 10 0
Mbps status.
4 Am79C978
Control Network
PHY Control
Monitor Auto
10 Mbps PHY
Control Link
1Mbps HomePNA PHY
Reference XTAL2
Am79C978 5
DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
GENERAL DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
BLOCK DIAGRAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
RELATED AMD PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5
CONNECTION DIAGRAM (144 TQFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
CONNECTION DIAGRAM (160 PQFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
PIN DESIGNATIONS (PQL144). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Listed By Pin Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
PIN DESIGNATIONS (PQR160) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Listed By Pin Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
PIN DESIGNATIONS (PQL144). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Listed By Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
PIN DESIGNATIONS (PQR160) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Listed By Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Listed By Driver Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
ORDERING INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Standard Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
PIN DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
PCI Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Magic Packet Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Board Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
EEPROM Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
MII Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
IEEE 1149.1 (1990) Test Access Port Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Ethernet Network Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
HomePNA PHY Network Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Clock Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Power Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
BASIC FUNCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
System Bus Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Software Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Network Interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Media Independent Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
MII Transmit Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
MII Receive Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
MII Network Status Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
MII Management Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
MII Management Frames. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Auto-Poll External PHY Status Polling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Network Port Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
10BASE-T PHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
PCI and JTAG Configuration Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Slave Bus Interface Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Slave Configuration Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Slave I/O Tr ansfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Expansion ROM Transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Slave Cycle Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Disconnect When Busy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Disconnect Of Burst Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Parity Error Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Master Bus Interface Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Bus Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Bus Master DMA Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Basic Non-Burst Read Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Basic Burst Read Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Basic Non-Burst Write Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Basic Burst Write Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Target Initiated Termination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Disconnect With Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
6 Am79C978
Disconnect Without Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Target Abort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Master Initiated Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 8
Preemption During Non-Burst Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Preemption During Burst Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Master Abort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Parity Error Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Advanced Parity Error Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Initialization Block DMA Transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Descriptor DMA Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
FIFO DMA Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Non-Burst FIFO DMA Transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Burst FIFO DMA Transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Buffer Management Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Re-Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Suspend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Buffer Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Descriptor Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Transmit Descriptor Table Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Receive Descriptor Table Entry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Receive Frame Queuing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Software Interrupt Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
10/100 Media Access Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Transmit and Receive Message Data Encapsulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Destination Address Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Error Detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Media Access Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Medium Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Collision Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Transmit Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Transmit Function Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Automatic Pad Generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Transmit FCS Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Transmit Exception Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Loss of Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Late Collision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
SQE Test Error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Receive Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Receive Function Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Address Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Automatic Pad Stripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Receive FCS Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Receive Exception Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Loopback Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Miscellaneous Loopback Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Full-Duplex Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Full-Duplex Link Status LED Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
PHY/MAC Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
DETAILED FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
1 Mbps HomePNA PHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
HomePNA PHY Medium Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
HomePNA Symbol Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Time Interval Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
ACCESS ID Intervals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Symbol 0 (SYNC interval) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
SYNC Transmit Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Am79C978 7
SYNC Receive Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
AID Symbols 1 through 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
AID Transmit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
AID Receive Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Collisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
JAM Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
ACCESS ID Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Silence Interval (AID symbol 7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Data Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Data Transmit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Data Receive Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Data Symbol RLL25 Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Management Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Header AID Remote Control Word Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
PHY Control and Management Block (PCM Block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Register Administration for 10BASE-T PHY Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Description of the Methodology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
SRAM Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Low Latency Receive Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Direct SRAM Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
EEPROM Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Automatic EEPROM Read Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
EEPROM Auto-Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Direct Access to the Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
EEPROM-Programmable Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
EEPROM MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
LED Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Power Savings Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Power Management Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
OnNow Wake-Up Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Link Change Detect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
OnNow Pattern Match Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Pattern Match RAM (PMR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Magic Packet Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
IEEE 1149.1 (1990) Test Access Port Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Boundary Scan Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
TAP Finite State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Supported Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Instruction Register and Decoding Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Boundary Scan Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Other Data Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
NAND Tree Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
H_RESET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
S_RESET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
STOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Power on Reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Software Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
PCI Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
I/O Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
I/O Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Address PROM Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Reset Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Word I/O Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Double Word I/O Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
10BASE-T Physical Layer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Twisted Pair Transmit Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Twisted Pair Receive Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Twisted Pair Interface Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Collision Detect Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
8 Am79C978
Jabber Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Reverse Polarity Detect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Auto-Negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Soft Reset Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
USER ACCESSIBLE REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
PCI Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
PCI Vendor ID Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
PCI Device ID Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
PCI Command Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
PCI Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
PCI Revision ID Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
PCI Programming Interface Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
PCI Sub-Class Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
PCI Base-Class Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
PCI Latency Timer Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
PCI Header Type Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
PCI I/O Base Address Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
PCI Memory Mapped I/O Base Address Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
PCI Subsystem ID Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
PCI Expansion ROM Base Address Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
PCI Capabilities Pointer Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
PCI Interrupt Line Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
PCI Interrupt Pin Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
PCI MIN_GNT Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
PCI MAX_LAT Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
PCI Capability Identifier Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
PCI Next Item Pointer Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
PCI Power Management Capabilities Register (PMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
PCI Power Management Control/Status Register (PMCSR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110
PCI PMCSR Bridge Support Extensions Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
PCI Data Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
RAP Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
RAP: Register Address Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
Control and Status Registers (CSRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
CSR0: Controller Status and Control Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
CSR1: Initialization Block Address 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
CSR2: Initialization Block Address 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
CSR3: Interrupt Masks and Deferral Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
CSR4: Test and Features Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
CSR5: Extended Control and Interrupt 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
CSR6: RX/TX Descriptor Table Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
CSR7: Extended Control and Interrupt 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
CSR8: Logical Address Filter 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
CSR9: Logical Address Filter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
CSR10: Logical Address Filter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
CSR11: Logical Address Filter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
CSR12: Physical Address Register 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
CSR13: Physical Address Register 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
CSR14: Physical Address Register 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
CSR15: Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
CSR16: Initialization Block Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128
CSR17: Initialization Block Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128
CSR18: Current Receive Buffer Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128
CSR19: Current Receive Buffer Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128
CSR20: Current Transmit Buffer Address Lower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
CSR21: Current Transmit Buffer Address Upper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
CSR22: Next Receive Buffer Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
CSR23: Next Receive Buffer Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
CSR24: Base Address of Receive Ring Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
Am79C978 9
CSR25: Base Address of Receive Ring Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
CSR26: Next Receive Descriptor Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
CSR27: Next Receive Descriptor Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
CSR28: Current Receive Descriptor Address Lower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
CSR29: Current Receive Descriptor Address Upper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
CSR30: Base Address of Transmit Ring Lower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
CSR31: Base Address of Transmit Ring Upper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
CSR32: Next Transmit Descriptor Address Lower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
CSR33: Next Transmit Descriptor Address Upper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
CSR34: Current Transmit Descriptor Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
CSR35: Current Transmit Descriptor Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
CSR36: Next Next Receive Descriptor Address Lower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
CSR37: Next Next Receive Descriptor Address Upper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
CSR38: Next Next Transmit Descriptor Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
CSR39: Next Next Transmit Descriptor Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
CSR40: Current Receive Byte Count. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
CSR41: Current Receive Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
CSR42: Current Transmit Byte Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
CSR43: Current Transmit Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
CSR44: Next Receive Byte Count. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
CSR45: Next Receive Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
CSR46: Transmit Poll Time Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
CSR47: Transmit Polling Interval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
CSR48: Receive Poll Time Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
CSR49: Receive Polling Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
CSR58: Software Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
CSR60: Previous Transmit Descriptor Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
CSR61: Previous Transmit Descriptor Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
CSR62: Previous Transmit Byte Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
CSR63: Previous Transmit Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
CSR64: Next Transmit Buffer Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
CSR65: Next Transmit Buffer Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
CSR66: Next Transmit Byte Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
CSR67: Next Transmit Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
CSR72: Receive Ring Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
CSR74: Transmit Ring Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
CSR76: Receive Ring Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
CSR78: Transmit Ring Length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
CSR80: DMA Transfer Counter and FIFO Threshold Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138
CSR82: Transmit Descriptor Address Pointer Lower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
CSR84: DMA Address Register Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
CSR85: DMA Address Register Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
CSR86: Buffer Byte Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
CSR88: Chip ID Register Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
CSR89: Chip ID Register Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
CSR92: Ring Length Conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
CSR100: Bus Timeout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
CSR112: Missed Frame Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
CSR114: Receive Collision Count. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
CSR116: OnNow Power Mode Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
CSR122: Advanced Feature Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
CSR124: Test Register 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
CSR125: MAC Enhanced Configuration Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Bus Configuration Registers (BCRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
BCR0: Master Mode Read Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
BCR1: Master Mode Write Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
BCR2: Miscellaneous Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
BCR4: LED0 Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
BCR5: LED1 Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
BCR6: LED2 Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
10 Am79C978
BCR7: LED3 Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
BCR9: Full-Duplex Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
BCR16: I/O Base Address Lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
BCR17: I/O Base Address Upper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
BCR18: Burst and Bus Control Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156
BCR19: EEPROM Control and Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158
BCR20: Software Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
BCR22: PCI Latency Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
BCR23: PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
BCR24: PCI Subsystem ID Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164
BCR25: SRAM Size Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164
BCR26: SRAM Boundary Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164
BCR27: SRAM Interface Control Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165
BCR28: Expansion Bus Port Address Lower (Used for Flash/EPROM and SRAM Accesses). . . .166
BCR29: Expansion Port Address Upper (Used for Flash/EPROM Accesses). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167
BCR30: Expansion Bus Data Port Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167
BCR31: Software Timer Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
BCR32: PHY Control and Status Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
BCR33: PHY Address Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170
BCR34: PHY Management Data Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171
BCR35: PCI Vendor ID Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171
BCR36: PCI Power Management Capabilities (PMC) Alias Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
BCR37: PCI DATA Register 0 (DATA0) Alias Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
BCR38: PCI DATA Register 1 (DATA1) Alias Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
BCR39: PCI DATA Register 2 (DATA2) Alias Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
BCR40: PCI DATA Register 3 (DATA3) Alias Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
BCR41: PCI DATA Register 4 (DATA4) Alias Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
BCR42: PCI DATA Register 5 (DATA5) Alias Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
BCR43: PCI DATA Register 6 (DATA6) Alias Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
BCR44: PCI DATA Register 7 (DATA7) Alias Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
BCR45: OnNow Pattern Matching Register 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
BCR46: OnNow Pattern Matching Register 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
BCR47: OnNow Pattern Matching Register 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176
BCR48: LED4 Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176
BCR49: PHY Select. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178
BCR50-BCR55: Reserved Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178
1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Internal Registers 179
HPR0: HomePNA PHY MII Control (Register 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
HPR1: HomePNA PHY MII Status (Register 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
HPR2 and HPR3: HomePNA PHY MII PHY ID (Registers 2 and 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
HPR4-HPR7: HomePNA PHY Auto-Negotiation (Registers 4 - 7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
Reserved Registers: HPR8 - HPR15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
HPR16: HomePNA PHY Control (Register 16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
HPR17: HomePNA Status Control (Register 17). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
HPR18 and HPR19: HomePNA PHY TxCOMM (Registers 18 and 19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
HPR20 and HPR21: HomePNA PHY RxCOMM (Registers 20 and 21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
HPR22: HomePNA PHY AID (Register 22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
HPR23: HomePNA PHY Noise Control (Register 23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
HPR24: HomePNA PHY Noise Control 2 (Register 24) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
HPR25: HomePNA PHY Noise Statistics (Register 25). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
HPR26: HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 26). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
HPR27: HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 27). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
HPR28: HomePNA PHY ISBI Control (Register 28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
HPR29: HomePNA PHY TX Control (Register 29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
HPR30: 1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Drive Level Control Test Register (Register 30) . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
HPR31: 1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Analog Control Register (Register 31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
10BASE-T PHY Management Registers (TBRs) 188
TBR0: 10BASE-T PHY Control Register (Register 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189
TBR1: 10BASE-T Status Register (Register 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
TBR2 and TBR3: 10BASE-T PHY Identifier (Registers 2 and 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Am79C978 11
TBR4: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (Register 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192
TBR5: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (Register 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193
TBR6: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (Register 6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
TBR7: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Next Page Register (Register 7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194
Reserved Registers (Registers 8-15, 18, 20-23, and 25-31). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194
TBR16: 10BASE-T INTERRUPT Status and Enable Register (Register 16). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
TBR17: 10BASE-T PHY Control/Status Register (Register 17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
TBR19: 10BASE-T PHY Management Extension Register (Register 19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Reserved Register: 10BASE-T Configuration Register (Register 22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
Reserved Register: 10BASE-T Carrier Status Register (Register 23). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
TBR24: 10BASE-T Summary Status Register (Register 24). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
Initialization Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
RLEN and TLEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198
RDRA and TDRA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
LADRF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
PADR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
Receive Descriptors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200
RMD0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201
RMD1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201
RMD2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
RMD3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203
Transmit Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203
TMD0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204
TMD1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204
TMD2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
TMD3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206
REGISTER SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
PCI Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
Control and Status Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208
Bus Configuration Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212
10BASE-T PHY Management Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213
1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Management Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214
REGISTER PROGRAMMING SUMMARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
Am79C978 Programmable Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220
OPERATING RANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220
SPECIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220
SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS: BUS INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
10BASE-T Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
Power Supply Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
External Clock (XTAL) Timing Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
External Clock (Oscillator) Timing Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
PMD Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
PECL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
10BASE-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS: MEDIA INDEPENDENT INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228
SWITCHING WAVEFORMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229
Key to Switching Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229
SWITCHING TEST CIRCUITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229
SWITCHING WAVEFORMS: SYSTEM BUS INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230
SWITCHING WAVEFORMS: MEDIA INDEPENDENT INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234
PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236
PQL144 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236
PQR160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237
APPE NDIX A: ALTERNATIV E ME THOD FO R INITIAL IZATIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
APPENDIX B: LOOK-AHEAD PACKET PROCESSING (LAPP) CONCEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INDEX-1
12 Am79C978
Figure 1. Media Independent Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 2. Frame Format at the MII Interface Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 3. Slave Configuration Read. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Figure 4. Slave Configuration Write. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Figure 5. Slave Read Using I/O Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Figure 6. Slave Write Using Memory Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Figure 7. Expansion ROM Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Figure 8. Disconnect of Slave Cycle When Busy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Figure 9. Disconnect of Slave Burst Transfer - No Host Wait States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Figure 10. Disconnect of Slave Burst Transfer - Host Inserts Wait States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Figure 11. Address Parity Error Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Figure 12. Slave Cycle Data Parity Error Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Figure 13. Bus Acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Figure 14. Non-Burst Read Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Figure 15. Burst Read Transfer (EXTREQ = 0, MEMCMD = 0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Figure 16. Non-Burst Write Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Figure 17. Burst Write Transfer (EXTREQ = 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Figure 18. Disconnect With Data Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Figure 19. Disconnect Without Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Figure 20. Target Abort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Figure 21. Preemption During Non-Burst Transaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Figure 22. Preemption During Burst Transaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Figure 23. Master Abort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Figure 24. Master Cycle Data Parity Error Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Figure 25. Initialization Block Read In Non-Burst Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Figure 26. Initialization Block Read In Burst Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Figure 27. Descriptor Ring Read In Non-Burst Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Figure 28. Descriptor Ring Read In Burst Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Figure 29. Descriptor Ring Write In Non-Burst Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Figure 30. Descriptor Ring Write In Burst Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Figure 31. FIFO Burst Write at Start of Unaligned Buffer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Figure 32. FIFO Burst Write at End of Unaligned Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Figure 33. 16-Bit Software Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Figure 34. 32-Bit Software Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Figure 35. ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) Data Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Figure 36. IEEE 802.3 Frame and Length Field Transmission Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Figure 37. HomePNA PHY Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Figure 38. AID Symbol Transmit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Figure 39. AID Symbol Receive Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Figure 40. Transmit Data Symbol Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Figure 41. Receive Symbol Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Figure 42. RLL 25 Coding Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Figure 43. Block Diagram No SRAM Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Figure 44. Block Diagram Low Latency Receive Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Figure 45. LED Control Logic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Figure 46. OnNow Functional Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Figure 47. Pattern Match RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Figure 48. NAND Tree Circuitry (160 PQFP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Figure 49. NAND Tree Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Figure 50. 10BASE-T Transmit and Receive Data Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Figure 51. Address Match Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Figure 52. Clock Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Figure 53. PMD Interface Timing (PECL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
Figure 54. 10 Mbps Transmit (TX±) Timing Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226
Figure 55. 10 Mbps Receive (RX±) Timing Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226
Figure 56. Normal and Tri-State Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Figure 57. CLK Waveform for 5 V Signaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Figure 58. CLK Waveform for 3.3 V Signaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Am79C978 13
Figure 59. Input Setup and Hold Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Figure 60. Output Valid Delay Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Figure 61. Output Tri-State Delay Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Figure 62. EEPROM Read Functional Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Figure 63. Automatic PREAD EEPROM Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Figure 64. JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) TCK Waveform for 5 V Signaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Figure 65. JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) Test Signal Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Figure 66. Transmit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Figure 67. Receive Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Figure 68. MDC Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Figure 69. Management Data Setup and Hold Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Figure 70. Management Data Output Valid Delay Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Figure B-1. LAPP Timeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
Figure B-2. LAPP 3 Buffer Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5
Figure B-3. LAPP Timeline for Two-Interrupt Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9
Figure B-4. LAPP 3 Buffer Grouping for Two-inter rupt Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10
Table 1. Interrupt Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Table 2. External Clock/Crystal Select. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Table 3. PCI Device ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Table 4. PCI Software Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Table 5. Slave Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Table 6. Slave Configuration Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Table 7. Master Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Table 8. Descriptor Read Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Table 9. Descriptor Write Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Table 10. Receive Address Match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Table 11 . HomePNA PHY Pulse Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Table 12. Access ID Symbol Pulse Positions and Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Table 13. Blanking Interval Speed Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Table 14. Master Station Control Word Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Table 15. MII Control Frame Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Table 16. EEPROM Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Table 17. LED Default Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Table 18. IEEE 1149.1 Supported Instruction Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Table 19. BSR Mode Of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Table 20. Device ID Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Table 21. NAND Tree Pin Sequence (160 PQFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Table 22. NAND Tree Pin Sequence (144 TQFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Table 24. PCI Configuration Space Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Table 25. I/O Map in Word I/O Mode (DWIO = 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Table 26. Legal I/O Accesses in Word I/O Mode (DWIO = 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Table 27. I/O Map in DWord I/O Mode (DWIO = 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Table 28. Legal I/O Accesses in Double Word I/O Mode (DWIO =1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Table 29. Auto-Negotiation Capabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Table 30. Loopback Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Table 31. Software Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Table 32. Receive Watermark Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Table 33. Transmit Start Point Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Table 34. Transmit Watermark Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Table 35. BCR Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Table 36. ROMTNG Programming Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Table 37. PHY Select Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Table 38. EEDET Setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Table 39. Interface Pin Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Table 40. Software Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Table 41. SRAM_BND Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Table 42. EBCS Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Table 43. CLK_FAC Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
14 Am79C978
Table 44. FMDC Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Table 45. APDW Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Table 46. HPR0: HomePNA PHY MII Control (Register 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Table 47. HPR1: HomePNA PHY MII Status (Register 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Table 48. HPR2 and HPR3: HomePNA PHY MII ID (Registers 2 and 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Table 49. HPR4-HPR7: HomePNA PHY Auto-Negotiation (Registers 4 - 7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Table 50. HPR16: HomePNA PHY Control (Register 16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Table 51. HPR17: HomePNA Status Control (Register 17). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Table 52. HPR18 and HPR19: HomePNA PHY TxCOMM (Registers 18 and 19). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Table 53. HPR20 and HPR21: HomePNA PHY RxCOMM (Registers 20 and 21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Table 54. HPR22: HomePNA PHY AID (Register 22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Table 55. HPR23: HomePNA PHY Noise Control (Register 23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Table 56. HPR24: HomePNA PHY Noise Control 2 (Register 24). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Table 57. HPR25: HomePNA PHY Noise Statistics (Register 25). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Table 58. HPR26: HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 26). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Table 59. HPR27: HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 27). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Table 60. HPR8: HomePNA PHY ISBI Control (Register 28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Table 61. HPR29: HomePNA PHY TX Control (Register 29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Table 62. HPR30: HomePNA PHY Drive Level Control Test Register (Register 30). . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Table 63. HPR31: HomePNA PHY Analog Control Register (Register 31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Table 64. Am79C978 10BASE-T PHY Management Register Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Table 65. TBR0: 10BASE-T PHY Control Register (Register 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Table 66. TBR1: 10BASE-T PHY Status Register (Register 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Table 67. TBR2: 10BASE-T PHY Identifier (Register 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Table 68. TBR3: 10BASE-T PHY Identifier (Register 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Table 69. TBR4: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (Register 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Table 70. TBR5: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (Register 5) - Base Page
Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Table 71. TBR5: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (Register 5) - Next Page
Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Table 72. TBR6: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (Register 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Table 73. TBR7: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Next Page Register (Register 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Table 74. TBR16: 10BASE-T INTERRUPT Status and Enable Register (Register 16). . . . . . . . . . . 195
Table 75. TBR17: 10BASE-T PHY Control/Status Register (Register 17). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Table 76. TBR19: 10BASE-T PHY Management Extension Register (Register 19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Table 77. TBR24: 10BASE-T Summary Status Register (Register 24) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Table 78. Initialization Block (SSIZE32 = 0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Table 79. Initialization Block (SSIZE32 = 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Table 80. R/TLEN Decoding (SSIZE32 = 0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Table 81. R/TLEN Decoding (SSIZE32 = 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Table 82. Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Table 83. Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Table 84. Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Table 85. Transmit Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Table 86. Transmit Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Table 87. Transmit Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Table 88. PCI Configuration Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Table 89. Control and Status Registers (CSRs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Table 90. Bus Configuration Registers (BCRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Table 91. 10BASE-T PHY Management Registers (TBRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Table 92. 1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Management Registers (HPRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Table 93. Control and Status Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Table 94. Bus Configuration Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Table A-1. Registers for Alternative Initialization Method (Note 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Am79C978 15
Part No. Description
Am79C90 CMOS Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet (C-LANCE)
Integrated Controllers
Am79C930 PCnet-Mobile Single Chip Wireless LAN Media Access Controller
Am79C940B Media Access Controller for Ethernet (MACE)
Am79C961A PCnet-ISA II Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA Bus
Am79C965A PCnet-32 Single-Chip 32-Bit Ethernet Controller for 486 and VL Buses
Am79C970A PCnet-PCI II Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for PCI Local Bus
Am79C971 PCnet-FAST Single-Chip Full-Duplex 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller for PCI Local Bus
Am79C972 PCnet-FAST+ Enhanced 10/100 Mbps PCI Ethernet Controller with OnNow Support
Manchester Encoder/Decoder
Am7992B Serial Interface Adapter (SIA)
Physical Layer Devices (Single-Port)
Am7996 IEEE 802.3/Ethernet/Cheapernet Transceiver (TAP)
Am79761 Physical Layer 10-Bit Transceiver for Gigabit Ethernet (GigaPHY-SD)
Am79C98 Twisted Pair Ethernet Transceiver (TPEX)
Am79C100 Twisted Pair Ethernet Transceiver Plus (TPEX+)
Am79C873 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver (NetPHY-1)
Physical Layer Devices (Multi-Port)
Am79C871 Quad Fast Ethernet Transceiver for 100BASE-X Repeaters (QFEXr)
Am79C988B Quad Integrated Ethernet Transceiver (QuIET)
Am79C989 Quad Ethernet Switching Transceiver (QuEST)
Integrated Repeater/Hub Devices
Am79C981 Integrated Multiport Repeater Plus (IMR+)
Am79C982 Basic Integrated Multiport Repeater (bIMR)
Am79C983A Integrated Multiport Repeater 2 (IMR2)
Am79C984A Enhanc ed Inte gra ted Mu ltip ort R epe ater (eIMR )
Am79C985 Enhanc ed Inte gra ted Mu ltip ort R epe ater Plus (eIMR+)
Am79C987 Hardware Implemented Management Information Base (HIMIB)
16 Am79C978
Am79C978 17
18 Am79C978
Listed By Pin Number
No. Pin
Name Pin
No. Pin
Name Pin
No. Pin
Name Pin
No. Pin
1IDSEL 37 AD11 73 VSS 109 EEDO/LED3
2AD23 38 VDD_PCI 74 RXD0 110 EEDI/LED0
3VSSB 39 AD10 75 RXD1 111 VDDB
4AD22 40 AD9 76 VDDB 112 LED2
5VDD_PCI 41 AD8 77 RXD2 113 EESK/LED1
6AD21 42 C/BE078 RXD3 114 VSSB
7AD20 43 VSSB 79 MDC 115 EECS
8VDD 44 AD7 80 VSSB 116 VSS
9AD19 45 VDD_PCI 81 MDIO 117 PME
10 AD18 46 AD6 82 LED4 118 TCK
11 VSSB 47 AD5 83 XCLK/XTAL 119 TMS
12 AD17 48 VDD 84 VDD 120 VDDB
13 VDD_PCI 49 AD4 85 VSS 121 TDO
14 AD16 50 AD3 86 XTAL2 122 VSSB
15 C/BE251 VSSB 87 XTAL1 123 TDI
16 VSS 52 AD2 88 VDDCO 124 VDD
18 IRDY 54 AD1 90 HRTRXN 126 INTA
19 VSSB 55 AD0 91 VDDHR 127 RST
21 VDD_PCI 57 VDD 93 VDDB 129 GNT
22 DEVSEL 58 CRS 94 VSSB 130 REQ
24 VDD 60 COL 96 PHY_RST 132 AD31
25 PERR 61 TXD3 97 DVDDA 133 VSSB
26 SERR 62 TXD2 98 DVSSA 134 VSS
27 VSSB 63 TXD1 99 DVSSD 135 AD30
28 PAR 64 VDD 100 IREF 136 AD29
29 VDD_PCI 65 VDDB 101 DVDDD 137 AD28
30 C/BE166 TXD0 102 TX+ 138 AD27
31 AD15 67 TX_EN 103 DVDDTX 139 VDD_PCI
32 VSS 68 TX_CLK 104 TX- 140 AD26
33 AD14 69 VSSB 105 DVSSX 141 VSSB
34 AD13 70 RX_ER 106 RX+ 142 AD25
35 VSSB 71 RX_CLK 107 DVDDRX 143 AD24
36 AD12 72 RX_DV 108 RX- 144 C/BE3
Am79C978 19
Listed By Pin Number
No. Pin
Name Pin
No. Pin
Name Pin
No. Pin
Name Pin
No. Pin
1NC 41 NC 81 NC 121 NC
2NC 42 NC 82 NC 122 NC
3IDSEL 43 AD11 83 NC 123 EEDO/LED3
4AD23 44 VDD_PCI 84 NC 124 EEDI/LED0
5VSSB 45 AD10 85 VSS 125 VDDB
6AD22 46 AD9 86 RXD0 126 LED2
7VDD_PCI 47 AD8 87 RXD1 127 EESK/LED1
8AD21 48 C/BE088 VDDB 128 VSSB
9AD20 49 VSSB 89 RXD2 129 EECS
10 VDD 50 AD7 90 RXD3 130 VSS
11 AD19 51 VDD_PCI 91 MDC 131 PME
12 AD18 52 AD6 92 VSSB 132 TCK
13 VSSB 53 AD5 93 MDIO 133 TMS
14 AD17 54 VDD 94 LED4 134 VDDB
15 VDD_PCI 55 AD4 95 XCLK/XTAL 135 TDO
16 AD16 56 AD3 96 VDD 136 VSSB
17 C/BE257 VSSB 97 VSS 137 TDI
18 VSS 58 AD2 98 XTAL2 138 VDD
19 FRAME 59 VDD_PCI 99 XTAL1 139 PG
20 IRDY 60 AD1 100 VDDCO 140 INTA
21 VSSB 61 AD0 101 VSSHR 141 RST
23 VDD_PCI 63 VDD 103 VDDHR 143 GNT
25 STOP 65 VSSB 105 VDDB 145 VDD_PCI
26 VDD 66 COL 106 VSSB 146 AD31
27 PERR 67 TXD3 107 DVDDA_HR 147 VSSB
28 SERR 68 TXD2 108 PHY_RST 148 VSS
29 VSSB 69 TXD1 109 DVDDA 149 AD30
30 PAR 70 VDD 110 DVSSA 150 AD29
31 VDD_PCI 71 VDDB 111 DVSSD 151 AD28
32 C/BE172 TXD0 112 IREF 152 AD27
33 AD15 73 TX_EN 113 DVDDD 153 VDD_PCI
34 VSS 74 TX_CLK 114 TX+ 154 AD26
35 AD14 75 VSSB 115 DVDDTX 155 VSSB
36 AD13 76 RX_ER 116 TX- 156 AD25
37 VSSB 77 RX_CLK 117 DVSSX 157 AD24
38 AD12 78 RX_DV 118 RX+ 158 C/BE3
39 NC 79 NC 119 DVDDRX 159 NC
40 NC 80 NC 120 RX- 160 NC
20 Am79C978
Listed By Group
Pin Name Pin Function Type Voltage Driver No. of
HomePNA PHY Network Ports
HRTXRXP/N Receive/Transmit Data I/O 3.3 NA 2
XTAL1 Crystal Input (20 MHz XTAL/60 MHz CLK) I3.3 - 1
XTAL2 Crystal Output (20 MHz XTAL) O3.3 XTAL 1
XCLK/XTAL Oscillator/Crystal Select I3.3 - 1
10BASE-T Network Ports
TX± Serial Transmit Data O3.3 NA 2
RX± Serial Receive Data I3.3 - 2
IREF Tied to GND via a 12 k1% resi stor I3.3 - 1
PHY_RST Buffe red PCI RST signal O3.3 OMII1 1
TX_CLK MII Transmit Clock I3.3 - 1
TXD[3:0] MII Transmit Data O3.3 OMII1 4
TX_EN MII Transmit Enable O3.3 OMII1 1
RX_CLK MII Receive Clock I3.3 - 1
RXD[3:0] MII Receive Data I3.3 - 4
RX_ER MII Receive Error I3.3 - 1
RX_DV MII Receive Data Valid I3.3 - 1
MDC MII Management Data Clock O3.3 OMII2 1
MDIO MII Management Data I/O I/O 3.3 TSMII 1
CRS Carrier Sens e I3.3 - 1
COL Collision I3.3 - 1
Magic Packet
PME Power Management Event O3.3 OD6 1
PG Power Good I3.3 - 1
Host CPU Interface
PCI_CLK CPU Clock I3.3/5 - 1
C/BE[3:0] Bus Command Byte Enable I/O 3.3/5 TS3 4
AD[31:0] Address/Data I/O 3.3/5 TS3 32
DEVSEL Device Select I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
FRAME Cycle Frame I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
GNT Bus Grant I3.3/5 - 1
IDSEL Initialization Device Select I3.3/5 - 1
INTA Interrupt O3.3/5 OD6 1
IRDY Initiator Ready I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
PAR Parity I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
PERR Parity Error I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
REQ Bus Request O3.3/5 TS3 1
RST Reset I3.3/5 - 1
SERR System Error I/O 3.3/5 OD6 1
Am79C978 21
Pin Name Pin Function Type Voltage Driver No. of
STOP Stop I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
TRDY Target Ready I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
EEPROM/LED Interface
EECS Chip Select O3.3 O6 1
EEDI/LED0 Data In/LED0 I/O 3.3 LED 1
EESK/LED1 Serial Clock/LED1 O3.3 LED 1
LED2 LED2 O3.3 LED 1
EEDO/LED3 Data Out/LED3 O3.3 LED 1
LED4 LED4 O3.3 LED 1
Test Access Port Interface (JTAG)
TCLK Test Clock I3.3 - 1
TMS Test Mode Select I3.3 - 1
TDI Test Data In I3.3 - 1
TDO Test Data Out O3.3 TS6 1
DVDDTX Transceiver Digital Power P3.3 - 1
DVDDRX Transceiver Digital Power P3.3 - 1
VDD_PCI Digital power for the PCI bus P3.3 - 9
VDDB Digital power for the PCI bus P3.3 - 5
VDD Digital power P3.3 - 7
VDDHR Digital power for HomePNA PHY P3.3 - 1
DVDDA Transceiver Analo g Power P3.3 - 1
DVDDD Transceiver Digital Power P3.3 - 1
VDDCO Crystal Oscillator Power P3.3 - 1
DVDDA_HR Transceiver Analog Power P3.3 - 1
DVSSD Transceiver Digital Ground G 0 - 1
DVSSA Transceiver Analog Ground G 0 - 1
DVSSX Transceiver Ground G 0 - 1
VSSB Digital I/O Ground G 0 - 15
VSS Digital Ground G 0 - 7
VSSHR HomePNA PHY Analog Ground G 0 - 1
22 Am79C978
Listed By Group
Pin Name Pin Function Type Voltage Driver No. of
HomePNA PHY Network Ports
HRTXRXP/N Receive/Transmit Data I/O 3.3 NA 2
XTAL1 Crystal Input (20 MHz XTAL/60 MHz CLK) I3.3 - 1
XTAL2 Crystal Output (20 MHz XTAL) O3.3 XTAL 1
XCLK/XTAL Oscillator/Crystal Select I3.3 - 1
10BASE-T Network Ports
TX± Serial Transmit Data O3.3 NA 2
RX± Serial Receive Data I3.3 - 2
IREF Tied to GND via a 12 k 1% resisto r I3.3 - 1
PHY_RST Buffe red PCI RST signal O3.3 OMII1 1
TX_CLK MII Transmit Clock I3.3 - 1
TXD[3:0] MII Transmit Data O3.3 OMII1 4
TX_EN MII Transmit Enable O3.3 OMII1 1
RX_CLK MII Receive Clock I3.3 - 1
RXD[3:0] MII Receive Data I3.3 - 4
RX_ER MII Receive Error I3.3 - 1
RX_DV MII Receive Data Valid I3.3 - 1
MDC MII Management Data Clock O3.3 OMII2 1
MDIO MII Management Data I/O I/O 3.3 TSMII 1
CRS Carrier Sens e I3.3 - 1
COL Collision I3.3 - 1
Magic Packet
PME Power Management Event O3.3 OD6 1
PG Power Good I3.3 - 1
Host CPU Interface
PCI_CLK CPU Clock I3.3/5 - 1
C/BE[3:0] Bus Command Byte Enable I/O 3.3/5 TS3 4
AD[31:0] Address/Data I/O 3.3/5 TS3 32
DEVSEL Device Select I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
FRAME Cycle Frame I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
GNT Bus Grant I3.3/5 - 1
IDSEL Initialization Device Select I3.3/5 - 1
INTA Interrupt O3.3/5 OD6 1
IRDY Initiator Ready I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
PAR Parity I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
PERR Parity Error I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
REQ Bus Request O3.3/5 TS3 1
RST Reset I3.3/5 - 1
SERR System Error I/O 3.3/5 OD6 1
Am79C978 23
Pin Name Pin Function Type Voltage Driver No. of
STOP Stop I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
TRDY Target Ready I/O 3.3/5 STS6 1
EEPROM/LED Interface
EECS Chip Select O3.3 O6 1
EEDI/LED0 Data In/LED0 I/O 3.3 LED 1
EESK/LED1 Serial Clock/LED1 O3.3 LED 1
LED2 LED2 O3.3 LED 1
EEDO/LED3 Data Out/LED3 O3.3 LED 1
LED4 LED4 O3.3 LED 1
Test Access Port Interface (JTAG)
TCLK Test Clock I3.3 - 1
TMS Test Mode Select I3.3 - 1
TDI Test Data In I3.3 - 1
TDO Test Data Out O3.3 TS6 1
DVDDTX Transceiver Digital Power P3.3 - 1
DVDDRX Transceiver Digital Power P3.3 - 1
VDD_PCI Digital power for the PCI bus P3.3 - 9
VDDB Digital power for the PCI bus P3.3 - 5
VDD Digital power P3.3 - 7
VDDHR Digital power for HomePNA PHY P3.3 - 1
DVDDA Transceiver Analo g Power P3.3 - 1
DVDDD Transceiver Digital Power P3.3 - 1
VDDCO Crystal Oscillator Power P3.3 - 1
DVDDA_HR Transceiver Analog Power P3.3 - 1
DVSSD Transceiver Digital Ground G 0 - 1
DVSSA Transceiver Analog Ground G 0 - 1
DVSSX Transceiver Ground G 0 - 1
VSSB Digital I/O Ground G 0 - 15
VSS Digital Ground G 0 - 7
VSSHR HomePNA PHY Analog Ground G 0 - 1
24 Am79C978
Listed By D river Type
The follow ing table des cribe s the vari ous typ es of out-
put drivers used in the Am79C978 controller. All IOL and
IOH values shown in the table apply to 3.3 V signaling.
A sustained tri-state signal is a low active signal that is
driven high for one clock period before it is left floating.
TX is a differential output driver. Its characteristics and
those of XTAL2 output are described in the DC CHAR-
For typical 5 V DC characteristics, please refer to DC
Characteristics Over Commercial Operating Ranges
Driver Name Type IOL (mA) IOH (mA) Load (pF)
LED LED 12 0.4 50
O6 Totem Pole 6 0.4 50
OD6 Open Drain 6 NA 50
TS3 Tri-State 3 2 50
TS6 Tri-State 6 2 50
STS6 Sustained Tri-State 6 2 50
OMII1 Tri-State 4 4 50
OMII2 Tri-State 4 4 390
TSMII Tri-State 4 4 470
Am79C978 25
Standard Products
AMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number (V alid Combination) is formed
by a combination of the elements below.
C = Comme rcial (0° C to +70° C)
Valid Combinations list configurations planned to be
supported in volume for this device . Consult the local AMD
sales office to confirm availability of specific valid
combinations and to check on newly released
Valid Combinatio ns
Not applicable
K = Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQR160)
V = Thin Quad Flat Pack (PQL144)
Single-Chip 1/10 Mbps PCI Home Networking Controller
Valid Combinatio ns
Am79C978 KC\W
\W = Trimmed and formed in a tray
26 Am79C978
PCI I nterf ace
Address and Data Input/Output
Address and data are multiplexed on the same bus in-
terface pins. During the first clock of a transaction,
AD[31:0] contain a physical address (32 bits). During
the subsequent clocks, AD[31:0] contain data. Byte or-
dering is little endian by default. AD[7:0] are defined as
the least s ignificant by te (LSB) and AD[31:2 4] are de-
fined as the most significant byte (MSB). For FIFO data
transfers, the Am79C978 controller can be pro-
grammed for big endian byte ordering. See CSR3, bit 2
(BSWP) for more details.
During the address phase of the transaction, when the
Am79C978 controller is a bus master , AD[31:2] will ad-
dress the active Double Word (DWord). The
Am79C978 controller always drives AD[1:0] to 00 dur-
ing the address phase indicating linear burst order.
When the Am79C978 controller is not a bus master , the
AD[31:0] lines are continuously monitored to determine
if an address match exists for slave transfers.
During the dat a phase of the tr ans acti on, AD [31: 0] ar e
driven by the Am79C978 controller when performing
bus master write and slave read operations. Data on
AD[31:0] is latched by the Am7 9C978 cont roller when
performing bus master read and slave write operations.
When RST is active, AD[31:0] are inputs for NAND tree
Bus Command and Byte Enables Input/Output
Bus command and byte enables are multiplexed on the
same bus interfac e pins. During the a ddress ph ase of
the transaction, C/BE[3:0] define the bus command.
During the data phase, C/BE[3:0 ] ar e us ed as by t e en -
ables. The byte enables define which physical byte
lanes carry meaningful data. C/BE0 applies to byte 0
(AD[7:0]) and C/BE3 applies to byte 3 (AD[31:24]). The
function of the byte enables is independent of the byte
ordering mode (BSWP, CSR3, bit 2).
When RST is active, C/BE[3:0] are inputs for NAND
tree testing.
Clock Input
This clock is used to drive the system bus interface and
the internal buffer management unit. All bus signals are
sampled on the rising edge of PCI_CLK and all param-
eters are defined with respect to this edge. The
Am79C978 controller normally operates over a fre-
quency range of 10 to 33 MHz on the PCI bus due to
networking demands. The Am79C978 controller will
support a clock frequency of 0 MHz after certain pre-
cautions are taken to ensure data in tegrity. This clock
or a derivation is not used to drive any network func-
When RST is active, PCI_CLK is an input for NAND
tree testin g.
Device Select Input/Output
The Am79C978 controller drives DEVSEL LOW whe n
it detects a transaction that selects the device as a tar-
get. Th e device samples DEVSEL t o dete ct if a target
claims a transaction that the Am79C978 controller has
When RST is active, DEVSEL is an input for NAND tree
Cycle Frame Input/Output
FRAME is dr iven by the Am79 C978 control ler when it
is the bus master to indicate the beginning and duration
of a transac tion. FRAME is asserted to i ndicate a bus
transaction is beginning. FRAME is asserted while data
transfers continue. FRAME is deasserted before the
final data phase of a transaction. When the Am79C978
controller is in slave mode, it samples FRAME to deter-
mine the address phase of a transaction.
When RST is active, FRAME is an input for NAND tree
Bus Grant Input
This signal indicates that the access to the bus has
been granted to the Am79C978 controller.
The Am79C978 controller supports bus parking. When
the PCI bus is idle and the system arbiter asserts GNT
withou t an active REQ from th e Am79C978 controller,
the devic e will dr ive the AD[3 1:0] , C/BE[3: 0], and PAR
When RST is active, GNT is an input for NAND tree
Initialization Device Select
This sign al is use d as a ch ip selec t for the A m79C97 8
controller during configuration read and write transa c-
When RST i s active, IDSEL is an input for NAND tree
Am79C978 27
Interrupt Request Output
An attention signal which indicates that one or more of
the following status flags is set: EXDINT, IDON, MERR,
INT, and STINT. Ea ch sta tus flag has either a mask or
an enable bit which allows for suppression of INTA as-
sertion. Table 1 shows the flag descriptions. By default
INTA is an open-drain output. For applications that
need a high-activ e edge-sen sitive in terrupt signal, the
INTA pin can be configured for this mode by setting IN-
TLEVEL (BCR2, bit 7) to Table 1.
When RST is activ e, INTA is the output for NAND tree
Initiator Ready Input/Output
IRDY indicates the ability of the initiator of the transac-
tion to complete the c urrent data phase . IRDY is used
in conjunction with TRDY. Wait states are inserted until
both IRDY and TRDY are asserted simultaneously. A
data phase is completed on any clock when both IRDY
and TRDY are asserted.
When t he Am79C97 8 controlle r is a bus m aster, it as-
serts IRDY during all write data phases to indicate that
valid data is present on AD[31 :0]. During all read dat a
phases, the device asserts IRDY to indicate that it is
ready to accept the data.
When the Am79C978 controller is the target of a trans-
action, it checks IRDY during all write data phases to
determine if valid data is present on AD[31:0]. During
all read data phases, the device checks IRDY to deter-
mine if the initiator is ready to accept the data.
When RST is active, IRDY is an input for NAND tree
Parity Input/Output
Parity is even parity across AD[31:0] and C/BE[3:0].
When the Am79C978 controller is a bus master , it gen-
erates parity during the address and write data phases.
It checks parity during read data phases. When the
Am79C978 controller operates in slave mode, it checks
parity during every address phase. When it is the target
of a cycle, it checks parity during write data phases and
it generates parity during read data phases.
When RST is active, PAR is an input for NAND tree
Parity Error Input/Output
During any slave write transaction and any master read
transaction, the Am79C978 controller asserts PERR
when it d etects a data parit y error and rep ortin g of the
error is enabled by setting PERREN (PCI Command
register , bit 6) to 1. During any master write transaction,
the Am79 C978 cont roller mo nitors PE RR to see if the
target reports a data parity error.
When RST is active, PERR is an i nput for NAND tree
Bus Request Input/Output
The Am79C978 controller asserts REQ pin as a signal
that it wishes to become a bus master. REQ is driven
high when the Am 79C978 controller does not request
the bus. In Power Management mode, the REQ pin wil l
not be driven.
Table 1. Interrupt Flags
Name Description Mask Bit Interrupt Bit
EXDINT Excessive
Deferral CSR5, bit 6 CSR5, bit 7
IDON Initialization
Done CSR3, bit 8 CSR0, bit 8
MERR Memory Error CSR3, bit 11 CSR0, bit 11
MISS Missed Frame CSR3, bit 12 CSR0, bit 12
MFCO Missed Frame
Count Over-
flow CSR4, bit 8 CSR4, bit 9
MPINT Magic Packet
Interrupt CSR5, bit 3 CSR5, bit 4
RCVCCO Receive
Collision Count
Overflow CSR4, bit 4 CSR4, bit 5
RINT Receive
Interrupt CSR3, bit 10 CSR0, bit 10
SINT System Error CSR5, bit 10 CSR5, bit 11
TINT Transmit
Interrupt CSR3, bit 9 CSR0, bit 9
TXSTRT Transmit Start CSR4, bit 2 CSR4, bit 3
UINT User Interrupt CSR4, bit 7 CSR4, bit 6
CSR7, bit 4 CSR7, bit 5
Interrupt CSR7, bit 0 CSR7, bit 1
Interrupt CSR7, bit 6 CSR7, bit 7
Frame Read
Error Interrupt
CSR7, bit 8 CSR7, bit 9
STINT Software Timer
Interrupt CSR7, bit 10 CSR7, bit 11
28 Am79C978
When RST is active, REQ is an input for NAND tree
Reset Input
When RST is asser ted LOW and the PG pi n is HIGH,
then the Am79C978 controller performs an internal
system reset of the type H_RESET
(HARDWARE_RESET, see section on RESET). RST
must be held for a minimum of 30 clock periods. While
in the H_RESET state, the Am79C978 controller will
disable or deassert all outputs. RST may be asyn ch ro -
nous to clock when asserted or deasserted.
When the P G pin is LO W, RST d isables all of th e PCI
pins except the PME pin.
When RST is LOW and PG is HIGH, NAND tree testing
is enabled.
System Error Output
During any slave transaction, the Am79C978 controller
asse rts SE RR when it d etects an ad dres s parit y e rror,
and reporting of the error is enabled by setting PER-
REN (PCI Command register , bit 6) and SERREN (PCI
Command register, bit 8) to 1.
By default SERR is an open-drain outp ut. For compo-
nent test, it can be programmed to be an active-high
totem-pole output.
When RST is active, SERR is a n input for NAND tre e
Stop Input/Output
In slave mode, the Am79C978 controller drives the
STOP si gnal to i nform the bus maste r to stop th e cur-
rent transaction. In bus master mode, the Am79C978
controller checks STOP to determine if the target wants
to disconnect the current transaction.
When RST is a ctive, STOP is an input for NAND tree
Target Ready Input/Output
TRDY indica tes the abili ty of the target of the tran sac-
tion to complete the current data phase. Wait states are
inserted until both IRDY and TRDY are asserted simul-
taneously. A data phase is completed on any clock
when both IRDY and TRDY are asserted.
When the Am79C978 controller is a bus master, it
checks TRDY during all read data phases to determine
if valid data is present on AD[31:0]. During all write data
phases, the device checks TRDY to determine if the
target is ready to accept the data.
When the Am79C978 controller is the target of a trans-
action, i t asserts TRD Y during all r ead data ph ases to
indicat e that valid da ta is presen t on AD[31:0]. Durin g
all write data phases, the device asserts TRDY to indi-
cate that it is ready to accept the data.
When RST is active, TRDY is an input for NAND tree
Magic Packet Interface
Power Management Event Output, Open Drain
PME is an output that can be used to indicate that a
power management event (a Magic Packet, an OnNow
pattern ma tch, or a cha nge in link sta te) has been de-
tected. The PME pin is asserted when either
1. PME_STATUS and PME_EN are both 1,
2. PME_EN_OVR and MPMAT are both 1, or
3. PME_EN_OVR and LCDET are both 1.
The PME signal is asynchronous with respect to the
PCI cl oc k. See t he Power Saving Mode section for de-
tailed descripti on.
Power Good Input
The PG pin has two functions: (1) it puts the device into
Magic Pac ket mode, and (2) it bloc ks any rese ts whe n
the PCI b us power is off.
When PG is LOW and either MPPEN or MPMODE is
set to 1, the device enters Magic Packet mode.
When PG is LOW , a LOW assertion of the PCI RST pin
will only cause the PCI interface pins (except for PME)
to be put in the high impedance state. The internal logic
will ignore the assertion of RST.
When PG is HIGH, assertion of the PCI RST pin
causes the controller logic to be reset and the configu-
ration information to be loaded from the EEPROM.
Note: PG input should be kept high during NAND tree
Board Interf ac e
Note: Before programming the LED pins, see the
description of LEDPE in BCR2, bit 12.
LED0 Output
This output is designed to directly drive an LED. By de-
fault, LED0 indicates an active link connection. This pin
can also be programmed to indicate other network sta-
tus (see BCR4). The LED0 pin polarity is programma-
ble, but by default it is active LOW . When the LED0 pin
polarity is programmed to active LOW, the output is an
open drain driver. When the LED0 pin polarity is pro-
Am79C978 29
grammed to active HIGH, the output is a totem pole
Note: The LED0 pin is multiplexed with the EEDI pin.
LED1 Output
Thi s outp ut is desi gned to dire ctly dr ive a n LED. By de-
fault, LED1 indicates receive activity on the network.
This pin can also be programmed to indicate other net-
work status (see BCR5). The LED1 pin pola rity is pro-
grammab le, bu t b y defa ul t, it is ac ti ve L OW. When th e
LED1 pin polarity is programmed to active LOW, the
output is an op en dr ai n d rive r. When th e L ED1 pin po-
larity is programmed to active HIGH, the output is a
totem pole driver.
Note: The LED1 pin is m u lt i pl ex e d wi t h t h e EES K p i n.
The LED1 pin is also used during EEPROM Auto-
Detection to determin e whether or not an EEPROM is
present at the Am79C978 controller interface. At the
last rising edge of CLK while RST is active LOW , LED1
is sam pled to deter mine the va lue of the EE DET bi t in
BCR19. It is important to maintain adequ ate hold time
around the rising edge of the CLK at this time to ensure
a correctly sampled value. A sampled HIGH value
means that an EEPROM is present, and EEDET will be
set to 1. A sampled LOW value means that an EE-
PROM is not present, and EEDET will be set to 0. See
the EEPROM Auto-Detection section for more details.
If no LED circuit is to be attached to this pin, then a pull-
up or pull-down resistor must be attached in order to
select the EEDET setting.
WARNING: The input si gna l l ev el o f LE D1 m us t be in-
sured for correct EEPROM de tection befo re the deas-
sertion of RST.
LED2 Output
This output is designed to directly drive an LED. This
pin can be programmed to indicate various network
status ( see BC R6). The L ED2 pin polarity i s program-
mable, but by default it is active LOW . When the LED2
pin polarity is programmed to active LOW , the output is
an open drain driver . When the LED2 pin polarity is pro-
grammed to active HIGH, the output is a totem pole
LED3 Output
Thi s outp ut is desi gned to dire ctly dr ive a n LED. By de-
fault, LED3 indicates transmit activity on the network.
This pin can also be programmed to indicate other net-
work status (see BCR7). The LED3 pin pola rity is pr o-
grammable, but by default it is active LOW. When the
LED3 pin polarity is programmed to active LOW, the
output is an op en dr ai n d rive r. When th e L ED3 pin po-
larity is programmed to active HIGH, the output is a
totem pole driver.
Special attention must be given to the external circuitry
attached to this p in. When th is pin i s us ed to drive an
LED while an EEPROM is used in the system, then
buffering may be required between the LED3 pin and
the LED circuit. If an LED circuit were directly attached
to this pin, it may create an IOL require men t that could
not be met by the serial EEPROM attached to this pin.
If no EEPRO M is inc lu ded in t he s ystem des i gn or lo w
current LEDs are used, then the LED3 signal may be
directly connected to an LED without buffering. For
more details regarding LED connection, see the sec-
tion on LED Support.
Note: The LED3 pin is multiplexed with the EEDO pin.
LED4 Output
This output is designed to directly drive an LED. This
pin can be programmed to indicate various network
status (see BCR48). The LED4 pin polar ity is program -
mable, but by default it is active LOW . When the LED4
pin polarity is programmed to active LOW , the output is
an open drain driver . When the LED4 pin polarity is pro-
grammed to active HIGH, the output is a totem pole
EEPROM Interface
EEPROM Chip Select Output
This pin is designed to directly interface to a serial EE-
PROM that uses th e 93C46 EEP ROM i nterface p roto-
col. EECS is connected to the EEPROMs chip select
pin. It is controlled by either the Am79C978 controller
during command portions of a read of the entire EE-
PROM, or indirectly by the host system by writing to
BCR19, bit 2.
EEPROM Data In Output
This pin is designed to directly interface to a serial
EEPROM that uses the 93C46 EEPROM interface pro-
tocol. EEDI is conn ected to the EE PROMs data input
pin. It is controlled by either the Am79C978 controller
during command portions of a read of the entire
EEPROM, or indirectly by the host system by writing to
BCR19, bit 0.
Note: The EEDI pin is multiplexed with the LED0 pin.
EEPROM Data Out Input
This pin is designed to directly interface to a serial
EEPROM that uses the 93C46 EEPROM interface pro-
tocol. EE DO is conn ected to the EEPROM s data out-
put pin. It is controlled by either the Am79C978
30 Am79C978
controller during command portions of a read of the en-
tire EEPROM, or indirectly by the host system by read-
ing from BCR19, bit 0.
Note: The EEDO pin is multiplexed with the LED3 pin.
EEPROM Serial Clock Output
This pin is designed to directly interface to a serial
EEPROM that uses the 93C46 EEPROM interface pro-
tocol. E ESK is con nected to the E EPRO Ms clock pin.
It is controlled by either the Am79C978 controller di-
rectly during a read of the entire EEPROM, or indirectly
by the host system by writing to BCR19, bit 1.
Note: The EESK pin is multiplexed with the LED1 pin.
The EESK pin is also used during EEPROM Auto-
Detection to determin e whether or not an EEPROM is
present at the Am79C978 controller interface. At the
rising edge of the last CLK edge while RST is asserted,
EESK is sampled to determine the value of the EEDET
bit in BCR19. A sampled HIGH value means that an
EEPROM is present, and EEDET will be set to 1. A
sampled LOW value means that an EEPROM is not
present, and EEDET will be set to 0. See the EEPROM
Auto-Detection section for more details.
If no LED circuit is to be attached to this pin, then a pull-
up or pull-down resistor must be attached instead to re-
solve the EEDET setting.
WARNING: The input signal level of EESK must be
valid for correct EEPROM detection before the deas-
sertion of RST.
MII Interface
Receive Clock Input
RX_CLK is a clock input that provides the timing refer-
ence for the transfer of the RX_DV, RXD[3:0], and
RX_ER signals into the Am79C978 device. RX_CLK
must provide a nibble rate clock (25% of the network
data rate). Hence, when the Am79C978 device is oper-
ating at 10 Mbps , it provides an RX_ CLK freq uency of
2.5 MHz, and at 100 Mbp s i t prov id es an RX _CLK fr e-
quency of 25 MHz.
Receive Data Input
RXD[3:0] is the nibble-wide MII-compatible receive
data bus. Data on RXD[3:0] is sampled on every rising
edge of RX_CLK while RX_DV is asserted. RXD[3:0] is
ignored while RX_DV is de-asserted.
Receive Data Valid Input
RX_DV i s an inpu t used t o indic ate that va lid rec eive d
data is being presented on the RXD[3:0] pins and
RX_CLK is synchronous to the receive data. In order
for a frame to be fully received by the Am79C978 de-
vice, RX_DV must be asserted prior to the RX_CLK ris-
ing edge, when the first nibble of the Start of Frame
Delimiter is driven on RXD[3:0], and must remain as-
serted u ntil aft er the r isi ng e dge of RX _CLK , wh en th e
last nibble of the CRC is driven on RXD[3:0]. RX_DV
must then be deasserted prior to the RX_CLK rising
edge which follows this final nibble. RX_DV transitions
are synchronous to RX_CLK rising edges.
Receive Carrier Sense Input
CRS is an input that indicates that a non-idl e medium,
due either to transmit or recei ve activity, has bee n de-
Collision Input
COL is an input that indicates that a collision has been
detected on the network medium.
Receive Error Input
RX_ER is an input that indicates that the MII trans-
ceiver device has detected a coding error in the receive
data frame currently being transferred on the RXD[3:0]
pins. If RX_ER is asserted while RX_DV is asserted, a
CRC error will be indicated in the receive descriptor for
the incoming receive frame. RX_ER is ignored while
RX_DV is deass er te d. Sp ec ial code group s gen er ate d
on RXD while RX _DV is de asse rted a re igno red (e.g .,
bad SSD in T X and idle in T 4). RX_ER tran sitions ar e
synchronous to RX_CLK.
T ransmit Clock Input
TX_CLK is a clo ck in put t hat p ro vides th e tim in g r efer-
ence for the transfer of the TXD[3:0] and TX_ER sig-
nals into the Am79C978 device. TX_CLK must provide
a nibble rate clock (25% of the network data rate).
Hence, when the Am79C978 device is operating at 10
Mbps, it provides an TX_CLK frequency of 2.5 MHz,
and a t 100 Mb ps it p rovides a n RX_CLK frequen cy of
25 MHz.
Transmit Data Output
TXD[3:0] is the nibble-wide MII-compatible transmit
data bus. V alid data is generated on TXD[3:0] on every
rising edge of TX_CLK while TX_EN is asserted. While
TX_EN is deasserted, TXD[3:0] values are driven to 0.
TXD[3:0] transitions are synchronous to rising edges of
Am79C978 31
Transmit Enable Output
TX_EN indicates when the Am79C978 device is pre-
senting va li d tra ns mit n ibbles on the MII TX D[3:0 ] bus .
While TX _EN is assert ed, the Am79C9 78 device gen-
erates TX D[3:0] and TX_ER on TX _CLK risin g edges .
TX_EN is asserted with the first nibble of preamble and
remains asserted throughout the duration of the packet
until it is deasserted prior to the first TX_CLK following
the final nibble of the frame. TX_EN transitions are syn-
chronous to TX_CLK.
Management Data Clock Output
MDC is the no n-continuous c lock output that pr ovides
a timing reference for bits on the MDIO pin. During MII
managemen t port operations, MDC runs at a nominal
frequency of 2.5 MHz. When no management opera-
tions are in progress, MDC is driven LOW.
If the MII port is no t s ele cte d, the MDC pi n m ay be le ft
Management Data Input/Output Input/
MDIO is a bidirectional MII management port data pin.
MDIO is an output during the header portion of the
managemen t frame transfer s and during the data por-
tion of write operations. MDIO is an input during the
data portion of read operations.
If a PHY is attached to the MII port via a MII physical
connector then the MDIO pin should be externally
pulled down to Vss with a 10 k ±5% resistor. If a PHY
is directly attached to the MII pins then the MDIO pin
should be externally pulled up to Vcc with a 10 k ±5%
IEEE 1149.1 (1990) Test Access Port
Test Clock Input
TCK is the clock input for the boundary scan test mode
operation. It can operate at a frequency of up to 10
MHz. TCK has an internal pull-up resistor.
Test Data In Input
TDI is the test data input pat h to the Am79C978 con-
troller. The pin has an internal pull-up resistor.
Test Data Out Output
TDO is the test data output path from the Am79C978
controller . The pin is tri-stated when the JT AG port is in-
Test Mode Select Input
A ser ial i np ut bit str eam o n t he T MS pin is u se d to de-
fine the specific boundary scan test to be executed.
The pin has an internal pull-up resistor.
Ethernet Network Interfaces
Serial Transmit Data Output
These pins carry the transmit output data and are con-
nected to the transmit side of the magnetics module.
Serial Receive Data Input
These pins accept the receive input data from the mag-
netics module .
Internal Current Reference Input
This pin serves as a current reference for the inte-
grated 1/10 PHY. It must be connected to VSS through
a 12100- resistor (1%).
PHY Reset Output
This output is used to reset the external PHY. This out-
put elim inates the ne ed for a fano ut buffer on the PC I
reset (RST) signal, provided polarity control for the
specific PHY used, and prevents the resetting of the
PHY whe n the PG in put i s LO W. The output polar ity is
determined by the RST_POL (CRS116, bit0).
HomePNA PHY Network Interface
Serial Receive Data Input/Output
These pins accept the receive input data from the mag-
netics module and carry the transmit output data. A
102- resistor should be placed between these pins.
Clock Interfac e
External Clock/Crystal Select Input
When HIGH, an external 60-MHz clock source is se-
lected bypassing the crystal circuit and clock trippler.
When LOW, a 20-MHz crystal is used instead. The fol-
lowing table illustrates how this pin works.
32 Am79C978
Table 2. External Clock/Crystal Select
Crystal Oscillator In Input
The internal clock generator utilizes either a 20-MHz
cryst al that is atta ched to pins XTAL 1 and XTAL2 o r a
60-MHz c lock source co nnected to XTAL1. T his pin is
not 5 V tolerant, and the 60 MHz clock source must be
from a 3.3 V source.
Crystal Oscillator Out Output
The internal clock generator utilizesd a 20-MHz crystal
that is attached to pins XTAL1 and XTAL2.
Power Supply
I/O Buffer Power (5 Pins) +3.3 V Power
These pins are the power supply pins that are used by
the input/out put buffer drivers. Al l VDDB pins must be
connected to a +3.3 V supply.
PCI I/O Buffer Power (9 Pins) +3.3 V Power
These pins are the power supply pins that are used by
the PCI input/output buffer drivers (except PME driver).
All VDD_P CI pi ns m us t be connecte d to a +3.3 V su p-
I/O Buffer Ground (15 Pins) Ground
These pins are the ground pins that are used by the
input/output buffer drivers.
Digital Power (7 Pins) +3.3 V Power
These pins are the power supply pins that are used by
the inte rnal digital circui try. A ll VDD pins m ust b e co n-
nected to a +3.3 V supply.
Digital Ground (7 Pins) Ground
There are seven ground pins that are used by the inter-
nal digital circuitry.
10BASE-T PDX B lock Po wer +3.3 V Power
This pin supplies power to the 10 Mbps Transceiver
block. It must be connected to a +3.3 V ±300 mV
source . This pin requ ires c aref ul de coupl ing to e nsure
proper device performance.
10BASE-T I/O Buffer Power +3.3 V Power
These pins supply power to the 10BASE-T input/output
buffers. They must be connected to a +3.3 V ±300 mV
source. These pins require careful decoupling to en-
sure proper device performance.
Analog PLL Power +3.3 V Power
This pin suppli es power to the IR EF curren t referenc e
circuit and the 10BASE-T analog PLL. They must be
connected to a +3.3 V ±300 mV source. These pins re-
quire careful decoupling to ensure proper device per-
10BASE-T PDX Analog Ground Ground
These pins are the ground connection for the analog
section within the Physical Data Transceiver (PDX)
10BASE-T PDX Digital Ground Ground
This pin is the ground connection for the digital logic
within the PDX block.
Crystal +3.3 V Power
This pin supplies power to the crystal circuit.
HomePNA Digital Power +3.3 V Power
These pins are the digital power supply pins that are
used by the internal digital circuitry for the HomePNA
block. They must be connected to a +3.3 V source.
HomePNA Analog Ground Ground
This pin is the ground connection for the analog section
within the HomePNA block.
HomePNA Analog Power +3.3 V Power
This pin supplies power to the analog section of the
HomePNA block. It must be connected to a +3.3 V
±300 mV source. T his pin requ ires care ful decoupl ing
to ensure proper device performance.
Input Pin Output
Pin XCLK/XTAL Clock Source
XTAL1 XTAL2 0 20-MHz Crystal
XTAL1 Dont Care 1 60-MHz Oscillator/
External CLK
Am79C978 33
System Bus Interface
The Am 79C978 co ntroller is desi gned to o perate as a
bus maste r during norma l operations. Some slave I/O
accesses to the Am79C978 controller are required in
normal operations as well. Initialization of the
Am79C978 controller is achieved through a combina-
tion of PCI Configuration Space accesses, bus slave
access es, bus mas ter a ccess es, a nd an optio nal rea d
of a serial EEPROM that is performed by the
Am79C978 c ontr ol le r. The EEPROM read operatio n is
performed through the 93C46 EEPROM interface. The
ISO 8802- 3 (IEEE/A NSI 802.3) Ethernet Add ress may
reside within the serial EEPROM. Some controller con-
figuration registers may also be programmed by the
EEPROM read operation.
The Address PROM, on-chip board-configuration reg-
isters, and the Ethernet contr oller register s occup y 32
bytes of address space. I/O and memory mapped I/O
accesses are supported. Base Address registers in the
PCI configuration space allow locating the address
space on a wide variety of starting addresses.
Softw are Interface
The software interface to the Am79C978 controller is
divided int o thr ee par ts . One p ar t is the PCI con f ig ura-
tion registers used to identify the Am79C978 controller
and to setup the configuration of the device. The setup
information includes the I/O or memory mapped I/O
base address, mapping of the Expansion ROM, and
the routi ng of th e A m7 9C97 8 c ont ro ller in ter rupt cha n -
nel. This allows for a jumperless implementation.
The secon d portion of the s oftware interfac e is the di-
rect access to the I/O resources of the Am79C978 con-
troller. The A m79C978 con troll er occ upies 32 by tes o f
address space that must begin on a 32-byte block
boundary. T he addres s spa ce can be ma pped int o I/O
or memory space (memory mapped I/O). The I/O Base
Addres s Regi st er in the PC I Configur ati on S pa ce co n-
trols the start address of the address space if it is
mapped to I /O space. The Me mory Mapped I/O Base
Addres s Register controls the star t address of the a d-
dress spa ce if it i s mapp ed to memo ry space. T he 32-
byte address space is used by the software to program
the Am79C978 controller operating mode, to enable
and disa ble v ar iou s feat ur es, to monitor oper a ting s ta-
tus, and t o requ est pa rticul ar functi ons to be exec uted
by the Am79C978 controller.
The third portion of the software interface is the de-
scriptor and buffer areas that are shared between the
software and the Am79C978 controller during normal
network operations. The descriptor area boundaries
are set by the s oftwar e and do no t change dur ing nor-
mal network operations. There is one descriptor area
for receive activity, and there is a separate area for
transmit activity . The descriptor space contains relocat-
able poin ters to t he network frame da ta, and it is used
to trans fer fr am e s tat us from the Am 79C9 78 c on tr oll er
to the software. The buffer areas are locations that hold
frame data for transmission or that accept frame data
that has been received.
Network Interfaces
The Am79C978 controller provides all of the PHY layer
functions for 10 Mbps (10BASE-T) or 1 Mbps. The
Am79C978 controller supports both half-duplex and
full-duplex operation on the network MII interface.
Media Independent Interface
The Am79C978 controller fully supports the MII ac-
cordin g to the IE EE 80 2.3u sta ndard. This Recon cilia-
tion Sublayer interface allows a variety of PHYs
(100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX, 100BASE-T4,
100BASE-T2, 10BASE-T, etc.) to be attached to the
Am79C978 device without future upgrade problems.
The MII interface is a 4-bit (nibble) wide data path inter-
face that runs at 25 MHz for 100-Mbps networks or 2.5
MHz for 10-Mbps networks. The interface consists of
two independent data paths, receive (RXD(3:0)) and
transmit ( TXD(3:0 )), con trol sig nals fo r each dat a path
(RX_ER, RX_DV, TX_EN), network status signals
(COL, CRS), clocks (RX_CLK, TX_CLK) for each data
path, and a two-wire management interface (MDC and
MDIO). See Figure 2.
MII Transmit Interface
The MII transmit clock is generated by the external
PHY and is sent to the Am79C978 controller on the
TX_CLK input pin. The clock can run at 25 MHz or 2.5
MHz, dep end ing on th e s pe ed of the ne twor k to which
the external PHY is attached. The data is a nibble-wide
(4 bits) data path, TXD( 3:0), from the Am79C9 78 con-
troller to the external PHY and is synchronous to the
rising edge of TX_CLK. The transmit process starts
when the Am79C978 controller asserts the TX_EN,
which indicates to the external PHY that the data on
TXD(3:0) is valid.
Normally, unrecoverable errors are signaled through
the MII to the external PHY with the TX_ER output pin.
The external PHY will respond to this error by generat-
ing a TX coding error on the current transmitted frame.
The Am79C978 controller does not use this method of
signaling errors on the transmit side. The Am79C978
controller will invert the FCS on the last byte generating
an in val id FC S. The TX_E R pi n sh oul d be tied to GND .
34 Am79C978
Figure 1. Media Independent Interface
MII Receive Interf ace
The MII receive clock is also generated by the external
PHY and is sent to the Am79C978 controller on the
RX_CLK input pin. The clock will be the same fre-
quency as the TX_CLK but will be out of phase and can
run at 25 MHz o r 2.5 MHz , de pen di ng o n th e s pe ed o f
the network to which the external PHY is attached.
The RX_CLK is a continuous clock during the reception
of the frame, but can be stopped for up to two RX_CLK
periods at the beginning and the end of frames, so that
the external PHY can sync up to the network data traffic
necessary to recover the receive clock. During this
time, the external PHY may switch to the TX_CLK to
maintain a stable clock on the receive interface. The
Am79C978 controller will handle this situation with no
loss of data. The data is a nibble-wide (4 bits) data
path, RXD(3:0), from the external PHY to the
Am79C9 78 control ler and is synchron ous to the rising
edge of RX_CLK.
The receive process starts when RX_DV is asserted.
RX_DV will remain asserted until the end of the receive
frame. The Am79C978 controller requires CRS (Car-
rier Sen se) to to ggle in betwe en frame s in order to re-
ceive them properly. Errors in the currently received
frame are signaled across the MII by the RX_ER pin.
RX_ER can be used to signal special conditions out of
band when RX_DV is not asserted. T wo defined out-of-
band conditions for this are the 100BASE-TX signaling
of bad Start of Frame Delimiter and the 100BASE-T4
indicati on of illegal cod e gr oup be fore the r ec eiver has
synched to the incoming data. The Am79C978 control-
ler will not r es po nd to thes e cond iti ons . A ll out o f ban d
conditions are currently treated as NULL events.
MII Network Status Interface
The MII also provides signals that are consistent and
necessar y for IEEE 802.3 and IEE E 802.3u opera tion.
These signals are CRS (Carrier Sense) and COL (Col-
lision Sense). Car rier Sens e is us ed to detect non -idl e
activity on the network. Collision Sense is used to indi-
cate that s imulta neous tra nsmi ssion has oc curre d in a
half-duplex network.
MII Management Interface
The MII prov ides a two-wire manage ment int erface s o
that the Am79C978 controller can control and receive
status from external PHY devices.
The Network Port Manager copies the PHY AD after the
Am79C978 controller rea ds the EEPROM and uses it
to communicate with the external PHY. (Refer also to
the BCR49 description). The PHY address must be
programmed into the EEPROM prior to starting the
Am79C978 controller. This is necessary so that the in-
ternal management controller can work autonomously
from the software driver and can always know where to
access the exter nal PHY. The A m79C978 con troller is
unique by offering direct hardware support of the exter-
nal PHY device without software support. The PHY ad-
dress of 1Fh is reserved and should not be used. To
access the internal or external PHYs, the software
driver mu st hav e knowl edge of th e PHYs a ddres s be-
fore attempti ng to addres s it.
The MII Management Interface uses the MII Control,
Address, and Data registers (BCR32, 33, 34) to control
and communicate to the external PHYs. The
Am79C978 controller generates MII management
frames to the external PHY through the MDIO pin syn-
chronous to the rising edge of the Management Data
Clock (MDC) based on a combination of writes and
reads to these registers.
MII Interface
Receive Signals
Transmit Signals
Management Port Signals
Network Status Signals
Am79C978 35
MII Management Frames
MII management frames are automatically generated
by the Am79C978 controller and conform to the MII
clause in the IEE E 802. 3u stan dar d.
The start of the frame may be a preamble of 32 ones
(unless b it 6 of regis ter equals 1) and guar antees tha t
all of the external PHYs are synchronized on the same
interface. See Figure 2. Loss of synchronization is pos-
sible due to t he hot-plugging ca pabil ity of the expo sed
The IEEE 802.3 specification allows you to drop the
preambl e, if after re ading the MII Status Register from
the external PHY you can d etermine that the external
PHY will support Preamble Suppression (BCR34, bit
6). After having a valid MII Status Register read, the
Am79C 978 cont roller will then dro p the creati on of the
preamble stream until a reset occurs, rece ives a read
error, or the external PHY is disconnected.
Figure 2. Frame Format at the MII Interface Connection
This is followed by a start field (ST) and an operation
field (OP). The operation field (OP) indicates whether
the Am79C978 controller is initiating a read or write op-
eration. This is followed by the external PHY address
(PHYAD) and the register address (REGAD) pro-
grammed in BCR33 . The PHY add ress of 1 D,1E, and
1F are r es erv ed and s hou ld no t b e u se d. Th e exter nal
PHY may hav e a larger address space star ting at 10h
- 1Fh. This is the address range set aside by the IEEE
as vendor usable address space and will vary from
vendor to vendor. This field is followed by a bus turn-
around field. During a read operation, the bus turn-
around field is used to determine if the external PHY is
responding correctly to the read request or not. The
Am79C978 controller will tri-state the MDIO for both
MDC cycles.
During the second cycle, if the external PHY is syn-
chronized to the Am79C978 controller, the external
PHY will drive a 0. If the external PHY does not drive a
0, the Am79C978 controller will signal a MREINT
(CSR7, bit 9) interrupt, if MREINTE (CSR7, bit 8) is set
to a 1, indicati ng the Am79C978 contr oller had an MII
management frame read error and that the data in
BCR34 is not va lid. The data field to/from the exter nal
PHY is read or written into the BCR34 register . The last
field is an IDLE field that is necessary to give ample
time for drive rs to t urn o ff before t he next acces s. Th e
Am79C978 controller will drive the MDC to 0 and tri-
state the MDIO anytime the MII Management Port is
not active.
To help to speed up the read ing and o f writing the MII
management frames to the external PHY, the MDC can
be sped up to 5 MHz by setting the FMDC bits in
BCR32. The IEEE 802.3 specification requires use of
the 2.5-MH z c lo ck r ate, b ut 5 M H z is als o av aila bl e for
the user. The 5 -MHz c lock rate ca n be used for a n ex-
posed MII with one external PHY attached. The 2.5-
MHz clock rate is intended to be used when multiple
external PHYs are connect ed to the MII Management
Port or if compliance to the IEEE 802.3u standard is re-
Auto-Poll External PHY Status Polling
As defined in the IEEE 802.3 standard, the external
PHY attached to the Am79C978 controllers MII has no
way of communicating important timely status informa-
tion back to Am79C978 controller. The Am79C978
controller has no way of knowing that an external PHY
has undergone a change in status without polling the
MII status register. To prevent problems from occurring
with inadequate host or software polling, the
Am79C978 controller will Auto-Poll when APEP
(BCR32, b it 11) is set to 1 to insure that the mos t cur-
rent information is available. See 10BASE-T PHY Man-
agement Registers for the bit descriptions of the MII
Status Register. The contents of the latest read from
the extern al PHY wil l be store d in a sha dow regist er in
the Auto-Poll block. The first read of the MII Status
Register will just be stored, but subsequen t reads will
be compared to the contents already stored in the
shadow register . If there has been a change in the con-
tents of the MII Status Register, a MAPINT (CSR7, bit
5) interru pt will be genera ted on INTA if the MA PINTE
(CS R7, b it 4 ) is s et t o 1. Th e A ut o -P ol l f e atu r e s ca n be
disabled if software driver polling is required.
1111....1111 OP
10 Rd
01 Wr
Address Register
Address TA
Z0 Rd
10 Wr Data
Bits 16
Bits 1
36 Am79C978
The Auto-Polls frequency of generating MII manage-
ment frames can be adjusted by settin g of the APDW
bits (BCR32, bits 10-8). The delay can be adjusted
from 0 MDC periods to 2048 MDC periods. Auto-Poll
by default will only read the MII Status register of the
currently active PHY.
Network Port Manager
If the PHY i s ac tive, the Net w ork Po rt Ma nag er wi ll r e-
quest status from the selecte d PHY by generat ing MII
management frames. These frames will be sent
roughly every 900 ms. These frames are necessary so
that the Network Port Manager can monitor the current
active link and can notify the software if the current link
goes down.
The 10BASE-T transceiver incorporates the physical
laye r function, i ncluding both clock recovery (ENDEC)
and transceiver function. Data transmission over the
10BASE-T medium requires an integrated 10BASE-T
MAU. The transceiver will meet the electrical require-
ments for 10BASE-T as s pecified in IEE E 802.3i. The
transmit signal is filtered on the transceiver to reduce
harmonic content per IEEE 802.3i. Since filtering is
perform ed in si licon, e xternal fil tering modules a re not
needed. The 10BASE-T PHY transceiver receives 10
Mbps data from the MAC across the internal MII at 2.5
million nibbles per second (parallel), or 10 million bits
per second (serial) for 10BASE-T. It then Manchester
encodes the data before transmission to the network.
The RX+ pins are differential twisted-pair receivers.
When prope rly termi nated, eac h receiver will meet the
electrical requirements for 10BASE-T as specified in
IEEE 802.3i. Each receiver has internal filtering and
does not require external filter modules. The
10BASE-T PHY transceiver receives a Manchester
coded 10BASE-T data stream from the medium. It then
recovers the clock and decodes the data. The data
stream is presented at the internal MII interface in par-
allel format.
PCI and JTAG Configuration Information
The PCI device ID and software configuration informa-
tion is as follows in Table 3 and Table 4.
Table 3. PCI Device ID
Table 4. PCI Software Configuration
Slave Bus Interface Unit
The slave Bus Interface Unit (BIU) controls all ac-
cesses to the PCI configuration space, the Control and
Status Regi sters (CSR) , the B us Configuration Regis-
ters (BCR), and the Address PROM (APROM) loca-
tions. Table 5 shows the response of the Am79C978
controller to each of the PCI commands in slave mode.
Table 5. Slav e Commands
Slave Configuration Transfers
The hos t can ac cess the P CI con figur ation s pace wit h
a configuration read or write command. The
Am79C978 controller will assert DEVSEL during the
address phase when IDSEL is asserted, AD[1:0] are
both 0, and the access is a configuration cycle. AD[7:2]
select the DWord location in the configuration space.
The Am79C978 controller ignores AD[10:8], because it
Vendor ID Device ID Rev ID (offset 0x08)
1022 2001 51
00001262h 00006003h 1262 6003h
C[3:0] Command Use
0000 Interrupt
Acknowledge Not used
0001 Special Cycle Not used
0010 I/O Read Read of CSR, BCR, APROM,
and Reset registers
0011 I/O Write Write to CSR, BCR, and
0100 Reserved
0101 Reserved
0110 Memo ry Read
Memory mapped I/O read of
Reset registers. Read of the
Expansion Bus
0111 Memory Write Memory m apped I/O writ e o f
1000 Reserved
1001 Reserved
1010 Configuration
Read Read of the Configuration
1011 Configuration
Write Write to the Configuration
1100 Memory Re ad
Multiple Aliased to Memory Read
1101 Dual Address
Cycle Not used
1110 Memory Read
Line Aliased to Memory Read
1111 Memory Write
Invalidate Alia sed to Memory Writ e
Am79C978 37
is a single function device. AD[31:11] are don't cares.
See Table 6.
Table 6. Slave Configuration Transfers
The active bytes within a DWord are determined by the
byte enabl e signals. Eight- bit, 16-bit, and 32-bi t trans-
fers are su pported. DE VSEL is asserte d two clock cy -
cles after the host has asserted FRAME. All
configuration cycles are of fixed length. The
Am79C978 controller will assert TRDY on the third
clock of the data phase.
The Am79C978 controller does not support burst trans-
fers for access to configuration space. When the host
keeps FRAME asserted for a second data phase, the
Am79C978 controller will disconnect the transfer.
When the host tries to access the PCI configuration
space while the automatic read of the EEPROM after
H_RESET (see section on RESET) is on-going, the
Am79C978 controller will terminate the access on the
PCI bus with a disconnect/retry response.
The Am79C978 controller supports fast back-to-back
transactions to different targets. This is indicated by the
Fast Back-To-Back Capable bit (PCI Status register , bit
7), which is hardwired to 1. The Am79C978 controller
is capable of detecting a configuration cycle even when
its addr ess phase immed iately follo ws the data phas e
of a transaction to a different target without any idle
state in-between. There will be no contention on the
DEVSEL, TRDY, and STOP signals, since the
Am79C978 controlle r asserts DEVSEL on the secon d
clock after FRAME is asserted (medium timing).
Slave I/O Transfers
After the A m79C978 con troller is configur ed as an I/O
device by setting IOEN (for regular I/O mode) or
MEMEN (for memory mapped I/O mode) in the PCI
Command re giste r, it star ts monitor ing the PCI bus for
access to its CSR, BCR, or EEPROM locations. If con-
figured for regu la r I /O mo de, the Am7 9C9 78 c on tr oll er
will look for an address that falls within its 32 bytes of I/
O addre ss s pac e ( star ti ng fr om the I/O base add re ss ).
The Am79C978 controller asserts DEVSEL if it detects
an address match and the access is an I/O cycle. If
configured for memory mapped I/O mode, the
Am79C 978 cont roller will look fo r an addres s that falls
within its 32 bytes of memory address space (starting
from the memory mapped I/O base address). The
Am79C978 controller asserts DEVSEL if it detects an
address match and the access is a memory cycle.
DEVSEL is asserted two clock cycles after the host has
asser ted F RA ME. See Figure 3 and Figure 4.
The Am79C978 con troller will not assert DEVSEL if it
detects an address match and the PCI command is not
of the c orrect type. In memory mapped I/O mo de, the
Am79C978 controller aliases all accesses to the I/O re-
source s of t he c om man d t ype s Memor y Read Multipl e
and Memory Read Line to the basic Memory Read com-
mand. All accesses of the type Memo ry Write and In-
validate are aliased to the basic Memory Write
command. Eight-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit non-burst trans-
actions are supported. The Am79C978 controller de-
codes all 32 address lines to determine which I/O
resource is accessed.
The typical number of wait state s added to a slave I/O
or memory mapped I/O read or write access on the part
of the Am79C978 controller is six to seven clock cycles,
depending upon the relative phases of the internal Buff-
er Management Unit clock and the CLK signal, since
the intern al Buffer M anagement Unit cloc k is a divide-
by-two version of the CLK signal.
The Am79C978 controller does not support burst trans-
fers for access to its I/O resources. When the host keeps
FRAME asserted for a second data phase, the
Am79C978 controller will disconnect the transfer.
The Am79C978 controller supports fast back-to-back
transactions to different targets. This is indicated by the
Fast Back-To-Back Capable bit (PCI Status register , bit
7), whi ch is hardw ired to 1. T he Am79C97 8 controller
is capabl e of detecting an I/O or a mem ory-mapped I/
O cycle ev en when its address phase immedi ately fol-
lows the data phase of a transaction to a different target,
without any idle state in-between. There will be no con-
tention on the DEVSEL, TRDY , and STOP signals, since
the Am79C978 controller asserts DEVSEL on the sec-
ond clock after FRAME is asserted (medium timing).
See Figure 5 and Figure 6.
AD11 AD10
Dont care Dont care DWord
Index 00
38 Am79C978
Figure 3. Slave Configuration Read Figure 4. Slave Configuration Write
Figure 5. Slave Read Using I/O Command
1 23456
DEVSEL is sampled
1 23456
1 2345678 109 11
Am79C978 39
Figure 6. Slave Write Using Memory Command
Expansion ROM Transfers
Since the Am79C978 device does not have expansion
ROM capab il itie s, PCI config ur ati on offset mu st be se t
to 30H = 0.
During the boot procedure, the system will try to find an
Expansion ROM. A PCI system assumes that an Ex-
pansion ROM is present when it reads the ROM signa-
ture 55H (byte 0) and AAH (byte 1).
Slave Cycle Termination
There are three scenarios besides normal completion
of a transacti on where the Am79C 978 cont roller is the
target of a slave cycle and it will terminate the access.
Figure 7. Expansion ROM Read
1 2345678 109 11
1 2345 484950
DEVSEL is sampled 22206B-10
40 Am79C978
Disconnect When Busy
The Am79C978 controller cannot service any slave ac-
cess while it is reading the contents of the EEPROM.
Simultaneous access is not allowed in order to avoid
conflic ts , s ince t he E EP RO M i s used to initi al ize som e
of the PCI configuration space locations and most of
the BCRs a nd CSR116. T he EEPR OM r ead ope ration
will alwa ys h appen a utoma ticall y after the d eass ertio n
of the RST pi n. In add ition, the hos t can star t the rea d
operation by setting the PREAD bit (BCR19, bit 14).
While the EEPROM read is on-going, the Am79C978
controller will disconnect any slave access where it is
the target by asserting STOP together with DEVSEL,
while driving TRDY high. STOP will stay assert ed un til
the end of the cycle.
A seco nd s itu ati on wh er e the Am79 C978 con tro ller wil l
generate a PCI disconnect/retry cycle is when the host
tries to access any of the I/O resources right after hav-
ing read the Reset register. Since the access gener-
ates an inter nal reset pul se of about 1 ms in length, all
further slave accesses will be deferred until the internal
reset operation is completed. See Figure 8.
Disconnect Of Burst Transfer
The Am79C978 controller does not support burst ac-
cess to the configuration space, the I/O resources, or
to the Expansion Bus. The host indicates a burst trans-
action by keeping FRAME asserted during the data
phase. When the Am79C978 controller sees FRAME
and IRDY asserted in the clock cycle before it wants to
assert TRDY, it also asserts STOP at the same time.
The transfer of the first data phase is still successful,
since IRDY and TRDY are both asserted. See Figure 9.
If the host is not yet ready when the Am79C978 control-
ler as serts TRDY, the device will wait for the host to as-
sert IRDY. When the host asserts IRDY and FRAME is
still asserted, the Am79C978 controller will finish the
first data phase by deasserting TRDY one clock later.
At the same time, it will assert STOP to signal a discon-
nect to the host . STOP will sta y asse rt ed unt il th e ho st
removes FRAME. See Figure 10.
Figure 8. Disconnect of Slave Cycle When Busy
Figure 9. Disconnect of Slave Burst Tr ansfer - No
Host Wait States
1 2345
1 2345
1st DATA
Am79C978 41
Figure 10. Disconnect of Slave Burst Transfer -
Host Inserts Wait States
Parity Error Response
When the Am79C97 8 controller i s not the current bus
master, it samples the AD[31:0], C/BE[3:0], and the
PAR lines during the address phase of any PCI com-
mand for a parity error . When it detects an address par-
ity error, the Am79C978 controller sets PERR (PCI
Status register , bit 15) to 1. When reporting of that error
is enabled by setting SERREN (PCI Command regis-
ter, bit 8) and PERREN (P CI Comm and regis ter, bit 6)
to 1, the Am79C978 controller also drives the SERR
signal low for one clock cycle and sets SERR (PCI Sta-
tus register , bit 14) to 1. The assertion of SERR follows
the address phase by two clock cycles. The
Am79C978 controller will not assert DEVSEL for a PCI
transaction that has an address parity error when PER-
REN and SERREN are set to 1. See Figure 11.
Figure 11. Address Parity Err or Response
During the data phase of an I/O write, memory-mapped
I/O write, o r configuration write command that selects
the Am79C978 controller as target, the device samples
the AD[31:0] and C/BE[3:0] lines for parity on the clock
edge, and data is transferred as indicated by the asser-
tion of IRDY a nd TRDY. PAR is sampled in the follow-
ing clock cycle. If a parity error is detected and
reporting of that error is enabled by setting PERREN
(PCI Comma nd regi ster, bit 6) to 1, PERR is asserte d
one clock later. The parity error will always set PERR
(PCI Status register, bit 15) to 1 even when PERREN
is cleared to 0. The Am79C978 controller will finish a
transaction that has a data parity error in the normal
way by asserting TRDY. The corrupted data will be writ-
ten to the addressed location.
Figure 12 shows a transaction that suffered a parity
error at the time data was transferred (clock 7, IRDY
and TRDY ar e both asser ted). PERR is driven hi gh at
the beginning of the data phase and then drops low due
to th e pa ri t y error on clock 9, two cl oc k cycl es af te r t he
data was transferred. After PERR is driven low, the
Am79C978 controller drives PERR high for one clock
cycl e, since PERR is a sustained tri-state signal.
1 23456
1st DATA
1 2345
42 Am79C978
Figure 12. Slave Cycle Data Parity Error Response
Master Bus Interface Unit
The master Bus Interface Unit (BIU) controls the acqui-
sition of the PCI bu s and all access es to the initializ a-
tion block, descriptor rings, and the receive and
transmit buffer memory. Table 7 shows the usage of
PCI comm ands by the Am 79C9 78 controll er i n m as ter
Bus Acquisition
The microcode will determine when a DMA transfer
should be initiated. The first step in any bus master
transfer is to acquire ownership of the bus. This task is
handled by synchronous logic within the BIU. Bus own-
ership is requested with the REQ signal and ownership
is granted by the arbiter through the GNT signal.
Figure 13 shows the Am79C978 controller bus acquisi-
tion. REQ is asserted and the arbiter returns GNT while
another bus master is transferring data. The
Am79C978 controller waits until the bus is idle
(FRAME and IRDY deass erted) before it starts drivin g
AD[31:0] and C/BE[3:0] on clock 5. FRAME is asserted
at cloc k 5 indi cating a v alid addres s and comm and o n
AD[31:0] and C/BE[3:0]. The Am79C978 controller
does not use address stepping which is reflected by
1 2345678 109
Table 7. Master Commands
C[3:0] Command Use
0000 Interrupt
Acknowledge Not used
0001 Special Cycle Not used
0010 I/O Read Not used
0011 I/O Write Not used
0100 Reserved
0101 Reserved
0110 Memory Read
Read of the initialization
block and desc riptor
Read of the transmit
buffer in non-burst mode
0111 Memory Write Write to the descriptor
rings and to the receive
1000 Reserved
1001 Reserved
1010 Configuration Read Not used
1011 Configuration Write Not used
1100 Memory Read
Multiple Read of the transmit
buffer in burst mode
1101 Dual Address Cycle Not used
1110 Memo ry Read Line Read of the transmit
buffer in burst mode
1111 Memory Write
Invalidate Not used
Table 7. Master Commands (Continued)
Am79C978 43
ADSTEP (bit 7) in the PCI Command register being
hardwir ed to 0.
Figure 13. Bus Acquisition
In burst mode, the deassertion of REQ depends on the
setting of EXTREQ (BCR18, bit 8). If EXTREQ is
cleared to 0, REQ is deasserted at the same time as
FRAME is asserted. (The Am79C978 controller never
performs more th an o ne burs t tr ans acti on wi thi n a sin-
gle bus mast ershi p period. ) If EXTRE Q is set to 1, the
Am79C978 controller does not deassert REQ until it
starts the last data phase of the transaction.
Once as sert e d, REQ remains active until GNT has be-
come active and independent of subsequent setting of
STOP (CSR0, bit 2) or SPND (CSR5, bit 0). The asser-
tion of H_RESET or S_RESET, however, will cause
REQ to go inactive immediately.
Bus Master DMA Transfers
There are four primary types of DMA transfers. The
Am79C978 controller uses non-burst as well as burst
cycles for read and write access to the main memory.
Basic Non-Burst Read Transfer
By default, the Am79C978 controller uses non-burst
cycle s in all bus mas ter read ope rations. Al l controller
non-burst read accesses are of the PCI command type
Memory Read (type 6). Note that during a non-burst
read operation, all byte lanes will always be active. The
Am79C978 controller will internally discard unneeded
The Am79C978 controller typically performs more than
one non-burst read transaction within a single bus
mastership period. FRAME is dropped between con-
secutive non-burst read cycles. REQ stays asserted
until FRAME is asserted for the last transaction. The
Am79C978 controller supports zero wait state read cy-
cles. It asserts IRDY immediately after the address
phase and at the sa me time star ts sam pling DEVS EL .
Figure 14 s hows two non- burs t r ead tran sac ti ons . Th e
first transaction has zero wait states. In the second
transaction, the target extends the cycle by asserting
TRDY one clock later.
Basic Burst Read Tr ansfer
The Am79C978 controller supports burst mode for all
bus master read operations. The burst mode must be
enabled by setting BREADE (BCR18, bit 6). To allow
burst transfers in descriptor read operations, the
Am79C978 controller must also be programmed to use
SWSTYLE 3 (BCR20, bits 7-0). All burst read accesses
to the i nitializ ation bloc k and descriptor ring are of the
PCI co mm and typ e Me mor y Rea d (ty pe 6 ). Bu rst r ea d
accesses to the transmit buffer typically are longer than
two data phases. When MEMCMD (BCR18, bit 9) is
cleared to 0, all burst read accesses to the transmit
buffer are of the PCI command type Memory Read Line
(type 14). When MEMCM D (BCR18, bit 9) is set to 1,
all burst read accesses to the transmit buffer are of the
PCI command type Memory Read Multiple (type 12).
AD[1:0] will both be 0 during the address phase indicat-
ing a linear burst order. Note that during a burst read
operation, all byte lanes will always be active. The
Am79C978 controller will internally discard unneeded
The Am79C978 controller will always perform only a
single burst read transaction per bus mastership pe-
riod, where transaction is defined as one address
phase and one or multiple data phases. The
Am79C978 controller supports zero wait state read cy-
cles. It asserts IRDY immediately after the address
phase and at the sa me time star ts sam pling DEVS EL .
FRAME is deasserted when the next to last data phase
is completed.
Figure 15 shows a typical burst read access. The
Am79C 978 controller arbitrates for the bus , is granted
access, reads three 32-bit words (DWord) from the sys-
tem memor y, and then rel eases the b us. In the exam-
ple, the memory system extends the data phase of
each access by one wait state. The example assumes
that EXTREQ (BCR18, bit 8) is cleared to 0, therefore,
REQ is deasserted in the same cycle as FRAME is as-
1 2345
44 Am79C978
Figure 14. Non-Bur st Rea d Transfer
Figure 15. Burst Read Transfer (EXTREQ = 0, MEMCMD = 0)
DEVSEL is sampled
1 2345678 109 11
0000 0110 0000
DEVSEL is sampled
1 2345678 109 11
Am79C978 45
Basic Non-Burst Write Transfer
By default, the Am79C978 controller uses non-burst
cycle s in all bus ma ster write op erations. A ll contro ller
non-burst write accesses are of the PCI command type
Memory Write (type 7). The byte enable signals indi-
cate the byte lanes that have valid data. The
Am79C978 controller typically performs more than one
non-bur st write transac ti on with in a s in gle bu s mas ter -
ship period. FRAME is dropped between consecutive
non-burst write cycles. REQ stays asserted until
FRAME is asserted for the last transaction. The
Am79C978 controller supports zero wait state write cy-
cles except with descriptor write transfers. (See the
section Descriptor DMA Transfers for the only excep-
tion.) It asserts IRDY immediately after the address
Figure 16 shows two non-burst write transactions. The
first trans action has two wait sta tes. The tar get ins erts
one wait state by asserting DEVSEL one clock late and
another wait state by also asserting TRDY one clock
late. The second transaction shows a zero wait state
write cycle. The t arget asserts DEVSEL and TRDY in
the same cycle as the Am79C978 controller asserts
Basic Burst Write Transfer
The Am79C978 controller supports burst mode for all
bus mas ter write operations . The bu rst mode m ust be
enabled by setting BWRITE (BCR18, bit 5). To allow
burst transfers in descriptor write operations, the
Am79C978 controller must also be programmed to use
SWSTYLE 3 (BCR20, bits 7-0). All controller burst
write transfers are of the PCI command type Memory
Write (type 7). AD[1:0] will both be 0 during the address
phase indicating a linear burst order. The byte enable
signals indicate the byte lanes that have valid data.
The Am7 9C978 co ntrolle r will al ways per form a si ngle
burst write transaction per bus mastership period,
where transaction is defined as one address phase and
one or multiple data phases. The Am79C978 controller
supports zero wait state write cycles except with the
case of descriptor write transfers. (See the section De-
scriptor DMA Transfers for the only exception.) The de-
vice a sserts IRDY immediately after the address phase
and at the same time starts sampling DEVSEL.
FRAME is deasserted when the next to last data phase
is completed.
Figure 16. Non-Burst Write Transfer
Figure 17 shows a typical burst write access. The
Am79C978 c ontroller arbi trates for the bus, is granted access, and writes four 32-bit words (DWords) to the
system memory and then releases the bus. In this ex-
DEVSEL is sampled
1 2345678 109
BE 0111 BE
46 Am79C978
ample, the memor y system exten ds the data p hase of
the first access b y one wait state. The following three
data phases take one clock cycle each, which is deter-
mined by the timing of TRDY. The example assumes
that EXTREQ (BCR18, bit 8) is set to 1, therefore, REQ
is not deasserted until the next to last data phase is fin-
Target Initiated Termination
When the Am79C978 controller is a bus master , the cy-
cles i t produc es on the PC I bu s may b e te rminated by
the target in one of three different ways: disconnect
with data transfer, disconnect without data transfer, and
target abort.
Disconnect With Data Transfer
Figure 18 shows a disconnection in which one last data
transfer occurs after the target asserte d STOP. STOP
is asserted on clock 4 to start the termination se-
quence. Data is still transferred during this cycle, since
both IRDY and TRDY are asserted. The Am79C978
controller terminates the current transfer with the deas-
sertion of FRAME on clock 5 and of IRDY one clock
later. It finally releases the bus on clock 7. If it wants to
transfer more data, the Am79C978 controller will again
request the bus after two clock cycles. The starting ad-
dress of the new transfer will be the address of the next
non-transferred data.
Figure 17. Burst Write Transfer (EXTREQ = 1)
DEVSEL is sampled 22206B-20
Am79C978 47
Figure 18. Disconne ct With Data Transf er
Disconnect Without Data Transfer
Figure 19 shows a target disc onnect s equence dur ing
which no data is transferred. STOP is asserted on clock
4 without TRDY being a sserte d at the s ame tim e. The
Am79C978 controller terminates the access with the
deassertion of FRAME on clock 5 and of IRDY one
clock cycle lat er. I t finally r eleases th e bus on clock 7 .
The Am79C978 controller will again request the bus
after two clock cycles to retry the last transfer. The
starting address of the new transfer will be the address
of the last non-transferred data.
Target Abort
Figure 20 shows a tar get abort sequence. The tar get
asserts DEVSEL for one clock. It then deasserts
DEVSEL and asserts STOP on clock 4. A target can
use the target abort sequence to indicate that it can-
not service the data transfer and that it does not want
the transaction to be retried. Additionally, the
Am79C978 controller cannot make any assumption
about the success of the previous data transfers in the
current transaction. The Am79C978 controller termi-
nates the current transfer with the deassertion of
FRAME on clock 5 and of IRDY one clock cycle later.
It finally releases the bus on cloc k 6.
Since d ata integr ity is not guarantee d, the Am7 9C978
controller cannot recover from a target abort event.
TheAm79C978 controller will reset all CSR locations to
their STOP_RES ET val ues. Th e BCR an d PCI c onfig-
uration regis te rs will not be c le ared. Any o n- goi ng n et-
work transmission is terminated in an orderly
sequenc e. If less than 512 b its have b een transm itted
onto the network, the transmission will be terminated
immediately, generating a runt packet. If 512 bits or
more have been transmitted, the message will have the
current FCS inverted and appended at the next byte
boundary to guarantee an FCS error is detected at the
receiving station.
DEVSEL is sampled
23456789 11
48 Am79C978
Figure 19. Disconnect Without Data Transfer
RTABORT (PCI Status register, bit 12) will be set to
indicate that the Am79C978 controller has received a
target abort. In addition, SINT (CSR5, bit 11) will be set
to 1. When SINT is set, INTA is assert ed if the ena ble
bit SINTE (CSR5, bit 10) is set to 1. This mechanism
can be used to inform the driver of the system error. The
host can rea d the PCI Status re giste r t o det er min e th e
exact cause of the interrupt.
Ma ster Initiated Termination
There are three scenarios besides normal completion
of a transaction where the Am79C978 controller will
terminate the cycles it produces on the PCI bus.
Preemption During Non-Burst Transaction
When the Am79C978 controller performs multiple non-
burst tran sac ti ons , it keep s RE Q ass er ted u nti l th e as -
sertion of FRAME for the last transaction. When GNT
is removed, the Am79C978 controller will finish the cur-
rent transaction and then release the bus. If it is not the
last transaction, REQ will remain asserted to regain
bus ownership as soon as possible. See Figure 21.
Preemption During Burst Transaction
When the Am79C978 controller operates in burst
mode, it only performs a single transaction per bus
mast ership peri od, whe re transaction is defined as one
address phase and one or multiple data phases. The
central ar bi ter c an rem ov e G NT at an y t ime duri ng th e
transaction. TheAm79C978 controller will ignore the
deassertion of GNT and continue with data transfers,
as long as the PCI Latency Timer is not expired. When
the Latency Timer is 0 and GNT is deasserted, the
Am79C978 controller will finish the current data phase,
deassert FRAME, finish the last data phase, and re-
lease th e bus . If EX TREQ ( BCR18 , bit 8 ) is c leared t o
0, it will i mmedi ately as sert R EQ to regain bus ow ner-
ship as so on as poss ible . I f EXTR EQ i s se t t o 1, REQ
will stay asserted.
DEVSEL is sampled
23456789 11
Am79C978 49
Figure 20. Target Abort
When the preemption occurs after the counter has
counted down to 0, the Am79C978 controller will finish
the current data phase, deassert FRAME, finish the
last data phase, and release the bus. Note that it is im-
portant for the host to pro gram the PCI Late ncy Timer
according to the bus bandwidth requirement of the
Am79C978 controller. The host can determine this bus
bandwidth requirement by reading the PCI MAX_LAT
and MIN_GNT registers.
Figure 22 assumes that the PCI Latency Timer has
counted down to 0 on clock 7.
Master Abort
TheAm7 9C97 8 con tr oll er wil l termi na te its cy cle wit h a
Master Abort sequence if DEVSEL is not asserted
within 4 clocks after FRAME is asserted. Master Abort
is treated as a fatal error by the Am 79C978 contr oller.
TheAm79C978 controller will reset all CSR locations to
their STOP_RES ET val ues. Th e BCR an d PCI c onfig-
uration regis te rs will not be c le ared. Any o n- goi ng n et-
work transmission is terminated in an orderly
sequenc e. If less than 512 b its have b een transm itted
onto the network, the transmission will be terminated
immediately, generating a runt packet. If 512 bits or
more have been transmitted, the message will have the
current FCS inverted and appended at the next byte
boundary to guarantee an FCS error is detected at the
receiving station.
RMABORT (in the PCI Status register , bit 13) will be set
to indicate that the Am79C978 controller has termi-
nated its transaction with a master abort. In addition,
SINT (CSR5, bit 11) will be set to 1. When SINT is set,
INTA is asserted if the enable bit SINTE (CSR5, bit 10)
is set to 1. Thi s me chani sm c an be used to i nform th e
driver of the system error. The host can read the PCI
Status re gister to deter mine the exact cau se of the in-
terrupt. See Figure 23.
Parity Error Response
During every data phase of a DMA read operation,
when the target indicates that the data is valid by as-
serting TRDY, the Am79C978 controller samples the
AD[31:0], C/BE[3:0], and the P AR lines for a data parity
error. When it detects a data parity error, the
Am79C 978 controll er sets PE RR (PCI Status register,
bit 15) to 1. Whe n report ing of t hat error is enab led by
setting PERREN (PCI Command register, bit 6) to 1,
the Am79C 978 co ntroller a lso drives the PERR s ignal
low and sets DATAPERR (PCI Status register, bit 8) to
1. The assertion of PERR follows the corrupted data/
byte enables by two clock cycles and P AR by one clock
Figure 24 shows a transaction that has a parity error in
the data phase. TheAm79C978 controller asserts
PERR on clock 8, two clock cycles after data is valid.
The data on cl ock 5 is not check ed for pa rity, beca use
on a read access, PAR is only required to be valid one
clock after the target has asserted TRDY.
TheAm79C978 controller then drives PERR high for
one clock cycle, since PERR is a sustained tri-state
During every data phase of a DMA write operation, the
Am79C 978 contro ller chec ks the PER R input to see i f
the target reports a parity error . When it sees the PERR
input asserted, the Am79C978 controller sets PERR
(PCI Status regis ter, bit 15) to 1. When PERRE N (PCI
Command register, bit 6) is set to 1, the Am79C978
controller also sets DAT APERR (PCI Status register, bit
8) to 1.
DEVSEL is sampled
50 Am79C978
Figure 21. Preemption During Non-Burst Transaction
Figure 22. Preemption During Burst Transaction
1 234567
DEVSEL is sampled
DEVSEL is sampled
1 23456789
Am79C978 51
Figure 23. Master Abort
Figure 24. Master Cycle Data Parity Error Response
DEVSEL is sampled
1 23456789
DEVSEL is sampled
1 23456789
52 Am79C978
Whene ver the Am 79C 978 con troll er is the curren t bus
master and a data parity error occurs, SINT (CSR5, bit
11) will be set to 1. When SINT is set, INTA is assert ed
if the enable bit SINTE (CSR 5, bit 10) is set to 1. This
mechanism can be used to inform the driver of the sys-
tem error . The host can read the PCI Status register to
determine the exact cause of the interrupt. The setting
of SIN T due t o a da ta parity error is not depen dent o n
the setting of PERREN (PCI Command register, bit 6).
By defa ult, a da ta par it y er ror do es no t a ffect the st at e
of the MAC engine. TheAm79C978 controller treats the
data in all bus master transfers that have a parity error
as if nothing has happened. All network activity contin-
Advanced Parity Error Handling
For all DMA cycles, the Am79C978 controller provides
a second, more advanced level of parity error handling.
This mode is enabled by setting APERREN (BCR20, bit
10) to 1. When APERREN is set to 1, the BPE bits
(RMD1 and TMD1, bit 23) are used to indicate parity
error in data tr ans fe rs to the re ce iv e a nd tr a nsm it buff-
ers. Note that since the advanced parity error handling
uses an additional bit in the descriptor, SWSTYLE
(BCR20, bits 7 -0) m ust be se t to 2 or 3 to p ro gram th e
Am79C978 controller to use 32-bit software structures.
TheAm79C978 controller will react in the following way
when a data parity error occurs:
nInitialization block read: STOP (CSR0, bit 2) is set
to 1 and causes a STOP_RESET of the device.
nDescriptor ring read: Any on-going network activity
is terminated in an orderly sequence and then STOP
(CSR0, bit 2) is set to 1 to cau se a STOP_RESET
of the device.
nDescriptor ring write: Any on-going network activity
is terminated in an orderly sequence and then STOP
(CSR0, bit 2) is set to 1 to cau se a STOP_RESET
of the device.
nTransmit buffer read: BPE (TMD1, bit 23) is set in
the current transmit descriptor. Any on-going net-
work transmission is terminated in an orderly se-
nReceive buffer write: BPE (RMD1, bit 23) is set in
the last receive descriptor associated with the frame.
Terminating on-going network transmission in an or-
derly sequence means that if less than 512 bits have
been transmitted onto the network, the transmission
will be terminated immediately, generating a runt
If 512 bits or more have been transmitted, the message
will have the current FCS inverted and appended at the
next byte boundary to guarantee an FCS error is de-
tected at the receiving station.
APERREN does not affect the reporting of address
parity errors or data parity errors that occur when the
Am79C 978 co ntrol ler is the target of the tran sfe r.
Initialization Block DMA Transfers
During execution of the Am79C978 controller bus mas-
ter initialization procedure, the microcode will repeat-
edly reques t DMA transfe rs fro m the B IU. Durin g eac h
of these initialization block DMA transfers, the BIU will
perform two data transfer cycles reading one DWord
per transfer and then it will relinquish the bus. When
SSIZE32 (BCR20, bit 8) is set to 1 (i.e., the initialization
block is organized as 32-bit software structures), there
are seven DWords to transfer during the bus master ini-
tialization procedure, so four bus mastership periods
are needed in order to complete the initialization se-
quence. Note that the last DWord transfer of the last
bus mastership period of the initialization sequence ac-
cesses an unneeded location. Data from this transfer is
discarded internally. When SSIZE32 is cleared to 0
(i.e., th e initia lizatio n block i s organ ized as 1 6-bit s oft-
ware structures), then three bus mastership periods
are needed to complete the initialization sequence.
The Am79C978 device supports two transfer modes
for rea ding the i nitializat ion block: non-burst and burs t
mode, with burst mode being the preferred mode when
the Am79C978 controller is used in a PCI bus applica-
tion. See Figure 25 and Figure 26.
When BREADE is cleared to 0 (BCR18, bit 6), all initial-
ization block read transfers will be executed in non-
burst mode. There is a new address phase for every
data phas e. FRAME will be dr opped between the two
transfers . Th e two pha se s wit hin a bus mas te rs hip pe-
riod will have addresses of ascending contiguous or-
When BR EADE is se t to 1 (BCR18, bit 6) , all i niti al iza-
tion block read transfers will be executed in burst
mode. AD[1:0] will be 0 during the address phase indi-
cating a linear burst order.
Am79C978 53
Figure 25. Initialization Block Read In Non-Burst Mode
Figure 26. Initialization Block Read In Burst Mode
DEVSEL is sampled
1 2345678 109
1 234567
DEVSEL is sampled
54 Am79C978
Descriptor DMA Transfers
The Am79C978 microcode will determine when a de-
scriptor access is required. A descriptor DMA read will
consist of two data transfers. A descriptor DMA write
will consist of one or two data transfers. The descriptor
DMA transfers within a single bus mastership period
will always be of the same type (either all read or all
During descriptor read accesses, the byte enable sig-
nals wil l indicate that a ll byte lanes a re active. Sho uld
some of the bytes not be needed, then the Am79C978
controller will internally discard the extraneous informa-
tion that was gathered during such a read.
The settings of SWSTYLE (BCR20, bits 7-0) and
BREADE (BCR18, bit 6) affect the way the Am79C978
controller performs descriptor read operations.
When SWSTYLE is set to 0 or 2, all descriptor read op-
erations ar e perfor me d in no n- burs t mode . Th e set tin g
of BREADE has no effect in this configuration. See Fig-
ure 27.
When SWS TYLE is set to 3, the descripto r entr ies are
ordered to allow burst transfers. TheAm79C978 con-
troller will perform all descriptor read operations in
burst mode, if BREADE is set to 1. See Figure 28.
Table 8 shows the descriptor read sequence.
During descriptor write accesses, only the byte lanes
which need to be written are enabled.
If buffer chaining is used, accesses to the descriptors
of all intermediate buffers consist of only one data
transfer to return ownership of the buffer to the system.
When SWSTYLE (BCR20, bits 7-0) is cleared to 0 (i.e.,
the desc ripto r entr i es ar e o rgani z ed a s 16-bi t s oftwa re
structures), the descriptor access will write a single
byte. When SW STYLE (BCR20, bi ts 7-0) is se t to 2 or
3 (i.e., the descriptor entries are organized as 32-bit
software struc tures), the descr iptor access wi ll write a
single word. On all single buffer transmit or receive de-
scriptors, as well as on the last buffer in chain, writes to
the descriptor consist of two data transfers.
The first data transfer writes a DWord containing status
information. The second data transfer writes a byte
(SWSTYLE cleared to 0), or otherwise a word contain-
ing additional status and the ownership bit (i.e.,
The settings of SWSTYLE (BCR20, bits 7-0) and
BWRITE ( BCR 18, bit 5) a ffect the way the Am79 C97 8
controller performs descriptor write operations.
When SWSTYLE is set to 0 or 2, all descriptor write op-
erations ar e perfor me d in no n- burs t mode . Th e set tin g
of BWRITE has no effect in this configuration. See Fig-
ure 29.
When SWS TYLE is set to 3, the desc riptor entries ar e
ordered to allow burst transfers. TheAm79C978 con-
troller will perform all descriptor write operations in
burst m ode, if BWR ITE is set t o 1. See Figure 30 and
Table 9 for the descriptor write sequence.
A write transaction to the descriptor ring entries is the
only case where the Am79C978 controller inserts a
wait state when being the bus master. Every data
phase in non-burst and burst mode is extended by one
clock cycle, during which IRDY is deass er te d.
Note that Figure 28 assumes that the Am79C978 con-
troller is programmed to use 32-bit software structures
(SWSTYLE = 2 or 3). The byte enable signals for the
second data transfer would be 0111b, if the device was
programmed to use 16-bit software structures (SW-
STYLE = 0).
Table 8. Descriptor Read Sequence
BCR18[6] AD Bus Sequence
Address = XXXX XX00h
Turn around cycle
Data = MD1[31: 24], MD0[23 :0]
Address = XXXX XX04h
Turn around cycle
Data = MD2[15:0], MD1[15:0]
Address = XXXX XX04h
Turn around cycle
Data = MD1[31:0]
Address = XXXX XX00h
Turn around cycle
Data = MD0[31:0]
Address = XXXX XX04h
Turn around cycle
Data = MD1[31:0]
Address = XXXX XX08h
Turn around cycle
Data = MD0[31:0]
Address = XXXX XX04h
Turn around cycle
Data = MD1[31:0]
Data = MD0[31:0]
Am79C978 55
Figure 27. Descriptor Ring Read In Non-Burst Mode
Figure 28. Descriptor Ring Read In Burst Mode
DEVSEL is sampled
1 2345678 109
1 234567
DEVSEL is sampled 22206B-31
56 Am79C978
Figure 29. Descriptor Ring Write In Non-Burst Mode
Figure 30. Descriptor Ring Write In Burst Mode
DEVSEL is sampled
1 2345678 109
CLK 35
DEVSEL is sampled
1 2 4 6 7 8
0110 0000 0011
Am79C978 57
Ta ble 9. Descriptor Write Sequence
FIFO DMA Transfers
The Am79C978 microcode will determine when a FIFO
DMA transfer is required. This transfer mode will be
used for transfers of data to and from the FIFOs. Once
the BIU has been granted bus mastership, it will per-
form a series of consecutive transfer cycles before re-
linquishing the bus. All transfers within the master cycle
will be ei ther read or write cyc les, and a ll tra nsfers wi ll
be to contiguous, ascending addresses. Both non-
burst and burst cycles are used, with burst mode being
the preferred mode when the device is used in a PCI
bus application.
Non-Burst FIFO DMA T ransfers
In the default mode, the Am79C978 controller uses
non-burst transfers to read and write data when ac-
cessing the FIFOs. Each non-burst transfer will be per-
formed sequentially with the issue of an address and
the transfer of the corresponding data with appropriate
output signals to indicate selection of the active data
bytes during the trans fer.
FRAME will b e d eas se rt ed after e ve ry address pha se.
Several factors will affect the length of the bus master-
ship period. The possibilities are as follows:
Bus cycles will continue until the transmit FIFO is filled
to its high threshold (read transfers) or the receive
FIFO is emptied to its low threshold (write transfers).
The exact number of total transfer cycles in the bus
mastership period is dependent on all of the following
variables: the settings of the FIFO watermarks, the
conditions o f th e FI FOs , the la tenc y of the s yste m bus
to t he Am79 C978 c ontrol lers bus request, the speed of
bus operati on and bus preempti on events. The TRDY
response time of the memory device will also af fect the
number of transfers, since the speed of the accesses
will affect the state of the FIFO. During accesses, the
FIFO may be filling or emptying on the network end.
For example, on a receive operation, a slower TRDY
response will allow additional data to accumulate in-
side of the FIFO. If the accesses are slow enough, a
complete DWord may become available before the end
of the bus mastership period and, thereby , increase the
number o f transfers in that period. Th e general rule is
that the longer the Bus Grant latency, the slower the
bus transfer operations; the slower the clock speed, the
higher the transmit watermark; or the higher the re-
ceive watermark, the longer the bus mastership period
will be.
Note: The PCI Latenc y Timer is not sign ific ant durin g
non-burst transfers.
Burst FIFO DMA Transfers
Bursting is only performed by the Am79C978 controller
if the BR EADE and /or BW RITE bi ts o f BCR18 are se t.
These bits in dividua lly enabl e/disabl e the ability of th e
Am79C978 controller to perform burst accesses during
master read operations and master write operations,
A burst transaction will start with an address phase, fol-
lowed by one or more data phases. AD[1:0] will always
be 0 during the address phase indicating a linear burst
During FIFO DMA read operations, all byte lanes will
always be active. TheAm79C978 controller will inter-
nally discard unused bytes. During the first and the last
data phases of a FIFO DMA burst write operation, one
or more of the byte enable signals may be inactive. All
othe r da ta phas es wi ll alwa ys wr ite a co mplet e D W ord.
Figure 31 shows the beginning of a FIFO DMA write
with the beginning of the buffer not aligned to a DWord
boundary . TheAm79C978 controller starts off by writing
only three byte s du ring the first data phas e. This oper-
ation aligns the address for all other data transfers to a
32-bit boundary so that the Am79C978 controller can
continue bursting full DWords.
If a receive buffer does not end on a DWord boundary,
the Am79C978 controller will perform a non-DWord
write on the last transfer to the buffer. Figure 32 shows
the final three FIFO DMA transfe rs to a r eceive bu ffer.
Since there were only nine bytes of space left in the re-
ceive buffer, the Am79C978 controller bursts three
data phases. The first two data phases write a full
DWord, the last one only writes a single byte.
BCR18[5] AD Bus Sequence
Address = XXXX XX04h
Data = MD2[15:0],
Address = XXXX XX00h
Data = MD1[31:24]
Address = XXXX XX08h
Data = MD2[31:0]
Address = XXXX XX04h
Data = MD1[31:16]
Address = XXXX XX00h
Data = MD2[31:0]
Address = XXXX XX04h
Data = MD1[31:16]
Address = XXXX XX00h
Data = MD2[31:0]
Data = MD1[31:16]
58 Am79C978
Note that the Am79C978 controller will always perform
a DWord transfer as long as it owns th e buffer spa ce,
even when there are l ess than fo ur bytes to write. For
example, if there is only one byte left for the current re-
ceive frame, the Am79C978 controller will write a full
DWord, containing the last byte of the receive frame in
the lea st signi ficant byte po sition (BSW P is cleared to
0, CSR3, bit 2). The cont ent of the oth er thre e byte s is
undefined . The mess age byte count in the recei ve de-
scriptor always reflects the exact length of the received
Figure 31. FIFO Burst Wr ite at S tart of Unaligned
TheAm79C978 controller will continue transferring
FIFO data until the transmit FIFO is filled to its high
thresho ld (read transfers) or the re ceive FIFO is emp-
tied to its low threshold (write transfers), or the
Am79C978 controller is preempted and the PCI La-
tency T imer is expired. The host should use the values
in the PCI MIN_GNT and MAX_LAT registers to deter-
mine the value for the PCI Latency Timer.
Figure 32. FIFO Burst Writ e at End of Unaligned
The exact number of total transfer cycles in the bus
mastership period is dependent on all of the following
variables: the settings of the FIFO watermarks, the
conditions o f th e FI FOs , the la tenc y of the s yste m bus
to the Am79C978 controllers bus request, and the
speed of bus operation. The TRDY response time of
the memory device will also affect the number of trans-
fers, since the speed of the accesses will affect the
state of the FIFO. During acce sses, the FIFO may be
filling or emptying on the network end. For example, on
a receive operation, a slower TRDY response will allow
additional data to accumulate inside of the FIFO. If the
accesses are slow enough, a complete DWord may be-
come available before the end of the bus mastership
period and, thereby, increase the number of transfers
in that period. The general rule is that the longer the
Bus Grant latency, the slower the bus transfer opera-
tions; the sl owe r the clock spee d, the hi ghe r the tran s-
mit watermark; or the lower the receive watermark, the
longer the total burst length will be.
When a FIFO DMA burst operation is preempted, the
Am79C978 controller will not relinquish bus ownership
until the PCI Latency Timer expires.
1 23456
DEVSEL is sampled
1 234567
DEVSEL is sampled
Am79C978 59
Buffer Management Unit
The Buffer Management Unit (BMU) is a microcoded
state machine which implements the initialization pro-
cedure an d manages th e descripto rs and buffers. The
buffer management unit operates at half the speed of
the CLK input.
Initialization includes the reading of the initialization
block in memory to obtain the operating parameters.
The initialization block can be organized in two ways.
When SSIZ E3 2 (BCR20 , bit 8) is at its defau lt value of
0, all initialization block entries are logically 16-bits
wide to be backwards compatible with the Am79C90
C-LANCE and Am79C96x PCnet-ISA family. When
SSIZE32 (BCR20, bit 8) is set to 1, all initialization
block entries are logically 32-bits wide. Note that the
Am79C978 controller always performs 32-bit bus
transfers to read the initialization block entries. The ini-
tialization block is read when the INIT bit in CSR0 is
set. The INIT bit should be set before or concurrent with
the STRT bit to in sure correc t operation . Once the in i-
tialization block has been completely read in and inter-
nal registers have been updated, IDON will be set in
CSR0, generating an interrupt (if IENA is set).
The Am7 9C978 con troller ob tains the start ad dress of
the initialization block from the contents of CSR1 (least
signifi cant 1 6 bits of add ress) and CS R2 (mos t sig nifi-
cant 16 bits of address). The host must write CSR1 and
CSR2 before setting the INIT bit. The initialization block
contains the user defined conditions for operation, to-
gether with the base addresses and length information
of the transmit and receive descriptor rings.
There is an alternate method to initialize the
Am79C978 controller. Instead of initialization via the
initialization block in memory, data can be written di-
rectly into the appropriate registers. Either method or a
combination of the two may be used at the discretion of
the program mer. Please refer to Appendix A, Alterna-
tive Method for Initialization for details on this alternate
The transmitter and receiver sections of the
Am79C978 controller can be turned on via the initial-
ization bl ock ( DTX, DRX , CSR1 5, bit s 1- 0). Th e sta tes
of the transmitter and receiver are monitored by the
host through CSR0 (RXON, TXON bits). The
Am79C978 controller should be re-initialized if the
transmitter and/or the receiver were not turned on dur-
ing the original initialization and it was subsequently re-
quired to activate them, or if either section was shut off
due to the detection of an error condition (MERR,
UFLO, TX BUFF error).
Re-initialization may be done via the initialization block
or by setting the STOP bit in CSR0, followed by writing
to CSR15, and then setting the START bit in CSR0.
Note that this f orm o f r es tart wil l not perform th e sam e
in the Am79C978 controller as in the C-LANCE device.
In particular , upon restart, the Am79C978 controller re-
loads th e tr an sm it and rece iv e d es cri ptor p oin ter s wit h
their respective base addresses. This means that the
software must clear the descriptor OWN bits and reset
its descriptor ring pointers before restarting the
Am79C978 controller. The reload of descriptor base
addresses is performed in the C-LANCE device only
after initialization, so that a restart of the C-LANCE
without initialization leaves the C-LANCE pointing at
the same descriptor locations as before the restart.
The Am79C978 controller offers two suspend modes
that allow easy updating of the CSR registers without
going through a full re-initialization of the device. The
suspend modes also allow stopping the device with or-
derly termination of all network activity.
The host requests the Am79C978 controller to enter
the suspend mode by setting SPND (CSR5, bit 0) to 1.
The host must poll SPND until it reads back 1 to deter-
mine that the Am79C978 controller has entered the
suspend mode. When the host sets SPND to 1, the pro-
cedure taken by the Am 79C978 co ntroller t o enter the
suspend mod e depen ds on th e setti ng of the fast sus-
pend enable bit (FASTSPND, CSR7, bit 15).
When a fast suspend is requested (FASTSPN D is set
to 1), th e Am79 C978 c ontrolle r perfo rms a qu ick entry
into the suspend mode. At the time the SPND bit is set,
the Am79C978 controller will continue the DMA pro-
cess of any transmit an d/or receive pac kets that hav e
already begun DMA activity until the network activity
has been completed. In addition, any transmit packet
that had started transmission will be fully transmitted
and any receive packet that had begun reception will
be fully received. However, no additional packets will
be transmitted or received and no additional transmit or
receive DMA activity will begin after network activity
has ceased. Hence, the Am79C978 controller may
enter the suspend mode with transmit and/or receive
packets still in the FIFOs or the SRAM. This offers a
worst cas e suspen d time of a m aximu m length packe t
over the possib ility o f co mplete ly emp tying the SRAM .
Care must be ex erc ised in this mode, beca us e the en-
tire m emory s ubsys tem of the Am79C9 78 co ntrol ler is
suspend ed. Any cha nge s t o either the desc ri pto r ri ngs
or the SRAM can cause the Am79C978 controller to
start up in an unknown condition and could cause data
When FASTSPNDE is 0 and the SPND bit is set, the
Am79C 978 contro ller may ta ke longer before en tering
the suspend mode. At the time the SPND bit is set, the
Am79C978 controller will complete the DMA process of
a transmit packet if it had already begun, and the
60 Am79C978
Am79C978 controller will completely receive a receive
packet if it had already begun. TheAm79C978 control-
ler will not receive any new packets after the comple-
tion of the current reception. Additionally, all transmit
packets s tored in the transmit FIFOs and the transmi t
buffer area in the SRAM (if one is present) will be trans-
mitted, and all receive packets stored in the receive
FIFOs an d the rece ive buffer are a in the SR AM (if se-
lected) will be transferred into system memory. Since
the FIFO and the SRAM contents are flushed, it may
take much longer befor e the Am 79C978 c ontroll er en-
ters the suspend mode. The amount of time that it
takes depends on many factors including the size of
the SRAM, bus latency, and network traffic level.
Upon completion of the described operations, the
Am79C978 controller sets the read-version of SPND to
1 and enters the suspend mode . In suspend mod e, all
of the CSR and BCR re gis te rs are a cces sibl e. A s lon g
as the Am79C978 controller is not reset while in sus-
pend mode (by H_RESET, S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit), n o re-initializ ation of the de vice is req uired
after the device comes out of suspend mode. When
SPND is set to 0, the Am79C978 controller will leave
the suspend mode and will continue at the transmit and
receive descriptor ring locations where it was when it
entered the suspend mode.
See the section on Magic Packet technology for details
on how that affects suspension of the integrated Ether-
net controller.
Buffer Management
Buffer management is accomplished through message
descriptor entries organized as ring structures in mem-
ory . There are two descriptor rings, one for transmit and
one for receive. Each descriptor describes a single
buffer . A frame may occupy one or more buffers. If mul-
tiple buffers are used, this is referred to as buffer chain-
Descriptor Rings
Each descriptor ring must occupy a contiguous area of
memory. During initialization, the user-defined base
address for the transmit and receive descriptor rings,
as well as the number of entries contained in the de-
scrip tor r ing s a re se t up. Th e programm ing of th e so ft-
ware style (SWSTYLE, BCR20, bits 7-0) affects the
way the descriptor rings and their entries are arranged.
When SWSTYLE is at its default value of 0, the de-
scriptor rings are backwards compatible with the
Am79C90 C-LANCE and the Am79C96x PCnet-ISA
family. The descriptor ring base addresses must be
aligned to an 8-byt e boundar y and a maxim um of 128
ring entries is allowed when the ring length is set
through th e TLEN and RLE N fields of the i nitializa tion
block. Each ring entry contains a subset of the three
32-bit transmit or receive message descriptors (TMD,
RMD) that are organized as four 16-bit structures
(SSIZE32 (BCR20, bit 8) is set to 0). Note that even
though the Am79C978 controller treats the descriptor
entries as 16-bit structures, it will always perform 32-bit
bus transfers to access the descriptor entries. The
value of CSR2, bits 15-8, is used as the upper 8-bits for
all memory addresses during bus master transfers.
When SWSTYLE is set to 2 or 3, the descriptor ring
base addresses must be aligned to a 16-byte bound-
ary , and a maximum of 512 ring entries is allowed when
the ring length is set through the TLEN and RLEN fields
of the initialization block. Each ring entry is organized
as three 32-bit message descriptors (SSIZE32
(BCR20, bit 8) is set to 1). The fourth DWord is re-
served. When SWSTYLE is set to 3, the order of the
message descriptors is optimized to allow read and
write access in burst mode.
For any so ftware s tyle, the r ing le ngths can b e se t be-
yond this range (up to 65535) by writing the transmit
and receive ring length registers (CSR76, CSR78) di-
Each ring entry contains the following information:
nThe address of the actual message data buffer in
user or host memory
nThe length of the message buffer
nStatus information indicating the condition of the
To permit the queuing and de-queuing of message
buffers, owners hip of each b uffer is alloc ated to eit her
the Am79C978 controller or the host. The OWN bit
within the descr iptor status informati on, either TMD or
RMD, is used for this purpose.
When O WN is set t o 1, it signifi es tha t the A m79C97 8
controlle r currently has owne rship of this r ing descrip-
tor and i ts associate d bu ffer. O nl y the owne r is per m it-
ted to relinquish ownership or to write to any field in the
descripto r entr y. A devic e that is no t the cu rrent owner
of a descriptor entry cannot assume ownership or
change any field in the entry. A device may, however,
read from a descriptor that it does not currently own.
Software should always read descriptor entries in se-
quential order . When software finds that the current de-
scriptor is owned by the Am79C978 controller , then the
software must not read ahead to the next descriptor.
The software should wait at a descriptor it does not own
until the Am79C978 controller sets OWN to 0 to re-
lease ownership to the software. When LAPPEN
(CSR3, bi t 5) is set to 1, this rule i s modi fied. See the
LAPPEN description. At initialization, the Am79C978
controlle r reads the base add ress of both the transmit
and receive descriptor rings into CSRs for use by the
Am79C978 controller during subsequent operations.
Am79C978 61
Figure 33 illustrates the relationship between the initial-
ization base address, the initialization block, the re-
ceive and transmit descriptor ring base addresses, the
receive and transmit descriptors, and the receive and
transmit data buffers, when SSIZE32 is cleared to 0.
Note that th e value of CSR2, b its 15-8, is us ed as th e
upper 8-bits for all memory addresses during bus mas-
ter transfers.
Figure 34 i llustrates when SSIZE32 is set to 1, the re-
lationship between the initialization base address, the
initialization block, the receive and transmit descriptor
ring base addresses, the receive and transmit descrip-
tors, and the receive and transmit data buffers.
Figure 33. 16-Bit Software Model
Rcv Descriptor
1st desc.
start 2nd
Xmt Descriptor
1st desc.
start 2nd
62 Am79C978
Figure 34. 32-Bit Software Model
If there is no network channel activity and there is no
pre- or post-receive or pre- or post-transmit activity
being performed by the Am79C978 controller, then the
Am79C978 controller will periodically poll the current
receive and transmit descriptor entries in order to as-
certain their ownership. If the DPOLL bit in CSR4 is set,
then the transmit polling function is disabled.
A typic al pol li ng o per atio n co ns ists of th e followin g s e-
quence. TheAm79C978 controller will use the current
receive descriptor address stored internally to vector to
the appropriate Receive Descriptor Table Entry
(RDTE). It wil l then use the current transm it desc riptor
address (stored intern ally) to vect or to the appropr iate
T ransmit Descriptor Table Entry (TDTE). The accesses
will be made in the following order: RMD1, then RMD0
of the current RDTE during one bus arbitration, and
after that, TMD1, the n TMD0 of the current TDTE dur -
ing a second bus arbitration. All information collected
during polling activity will be stored internally in the ap-
propriate CSRs, if the OWN bit is set (i.e., CSR18,
CSR19, CSR20, CSR21, CSR40, CSR42, CSR50,
A typical receive poll is the product of the following con-
1. The co ntroller d oes n ot ow n the curren t RDTE and
the poll time has elapsed and RXON = 1 (CSR0,
bit 5), or
2. The controller does not own the next RDTE and
ther e is m ore th an on e r ec eive de scr ipto r i n t he r ing
and the poll time has elapsed and RXON = 1.
If RXON is clea red to 0, the Am79C978 controller will
never poll RDTE locations.
In order to avoid missing frames, the system should
have at least one RDTE available. To minimize poll ac-
tivity, two RDTEs should be available. In this case, the
poll operation will only consist of the check of the status
of the current TDTE.
A typical transmit poll is the product of the following
Rcv Descriptor
Xmt Descriptor
IADR[31:16] IADR[15:0]
Am79C978 63
1. The contro ller does not own the curr ent TDTE and
TXDPOLL = 0 (CSR4, bit 12) and TXON = 1 (CSR0,
bit 4) and the poll time has elapsed, or
2. The contro ller does not own the curr ent TDTE and
TXDPOLL = 0 and TXON = 1 and a frame has jus t
been received, or
3. The contro ller does not own the curr ent TDTE and
TXDPOLL = 0 and TXON = 1 and a frame has jus t
been transmitted.
Setting the TDMD bit of CSR0 will cause the microcode
controller to exit the poll counting code and immedi-
ately perform a polling operation. If RDTE ownership
has not been previously established, then an RDTE
poll will be performed ahead of the TDTE poll. If the mi-
crocode is not executing the poll counting code when
the TDMD bit is set, then the demanded poll of the
TDTE will be delayed until the microcode returns to the
poll counti ng cod e.
The user may change the poll time va lue from the de-
fault of 65,536 clock per iods by modi fying the val ue i n
the Polling Interval register (CSR47).
Transmit Descriptor Table Entry
If, after a Transmit Descriptor Table Entry (TDTE) ac-
cess, the Am79C978 c ontroll er finds that the OWN bit
of that TDTE is not set, the Am79C978 controller re-
sumes the poll time count and re-examines the same
TDTE at the next expiration of the poll time count.
If the OWN bit of the TDTE is set, but the Start of
Packet (STP) bit is not set, the Am79C978 controller
will immediately request the bus in order to clear the
OWN bit of this descriptor. (This condition would nor-
mally be found following a late collision (LCOL) or retry
(RTRY) error that occur red in the middl e of a transmit
frame cha in of buffers.) After rese tting the OWN bit of
this des criptor, the Am79 C978 co ntrol ler will aga in im-
mediately request the bus in order to access the next
TDTE location in the ri ng.
If the OWN bit is set and the buffer length is 0, the OWN
bit will be cleared. In the C-LANCE device, the buffer
length of 0 is inte rp reted as a 4 096-byte b uffer. A zer o
length buffer is acceptable a s long as it is not th e last
buffer in a chain (STP = 0 and ENP = 1).
If the OWN bit and STP are set, then microcode control
proceeds to a routine that will enable transmit data
transfers to the FIFO. TheAm79C978 controller will
look ahead to the next transmit descriptor after it has
perform ed at lea st one tran smit dat a transf er from th e
first buffer.
If the Am79C978 controller does not own the next
TDTE (i.e., the second TDTE for this frame), it will com-
plete transmission of the current buffer and update the
status of the current (first) TDTE with the BUFF and
UFLO bits being set. If DXSUFLO (CSR3, bit 6) is
cleared to 0, the underflow error will cause the trans-
mitter to be disabled (CSR0, TXON = 0).
TheAm79C978 controller will have to be re-initialized to
restore the transmit function. Setting DXSUFLO to 1
enables the Am79C978 controller to gracefully recover
from an underflow error . The device will scan the trans-
mit descriptor ring until it finds either the start of a new
frame or a TDTE it does not own. To avoid an underflow
situation in a chained buffer transmission, the system
should always set the transmit chain descriptor own
bits in re vers e order.
If the Am79C978 controller does own the second TDTE
in a chain, it will gradually empty the contents of the first
buffer (as th e b ytes are ne eded by the trans mi t o pera-
tion), perform a single-cycle DMA transfer to update
the status of the first descriptor (clear the OWN bit in
TMD1), and then it may perform one data DMA access
on the sec on d bu ffer in the cha in bef or e exec uti ng an-
other lookahead operation. (i.e., a lookahead to the
third descriptor.)
It is imperative that the host system never reads the
TDTE OWN bits out of order . TheAm79C978 controller
normally clears OWN bits in strict FIFO order. How-
ever, the Am79C978 controller can queue up to two
frames in the transmit FIFO. When the second frame
uses buffer chaining, the Am79C978 controller might
return owner ship out of normal FIFO orde r. The OWN
bit for the last (and maybe only) buffer of the first frame
is not cleared until transmission is completed. During
the transmission the Am79C978 controller will read in
buffers for the ne xt frame a nd cle ar their OW N bits for
all but the last one. The first and all intermediate buffers
of the second frame can have the ir OWN bits cleared
before th e Am79 C978 contr oller returns own ership for
the last buffer of the first frame.
If an error occurs in t he transmission before all of the
bytes of the current buffer have been transferred,
transmit status of the current buffer will be immediately
updated. If the buffer does not contain the end of
packet, the Am79C978 controller will skip over the rest
of the fr am e w hic h ex peri enc ed th e e rror. This is don e
by returning to the polling microcode where the
Am79C 978 control ler will cl ear the OW N bit for all de-
scriptors with OWN = 1 and STP = 0 and continue in
like man ner until a de scriptor with OWN = 0 (no more
transmit frames in the ring ) or OWN = 1 and STP = 1
(the first buffer of a new frame) is reached.
At the end of any transmit operation, whether success-
ful or with errors, immediately following the completion
of the descriptor updates, the Am79C978 controller will
always perform another polling operation. As described
earlier, this polli ng operation wil l begin with a check of
the current RDTE, unless the Am79C978 controller al-
ready own s that descrip tor. Then the Am7 9C978 con-
troller will poll the next TDTE. If the transmit descriptor
OWN bit has a 0 value, the Am79C978 controller will
64 Am79C978
resume incrementing the poll time counter. If the trans-
mit descriptor OWN bit has a value of 1, the Am79C978
controller will begin filling the FIFO with transmit data
and initiate a transmission. This end-of-operation poll
coupled with the TDTE lookahead operation allows the
Am79C978 controller to avoid inserting poll time counts
between successive transmit frames.
By default, whenever the Am79C978 controller com-
pletes a transmit frame (either with or without error)
and writes the status information to the current descrip-
tor , then the TINT bit of CSR0 is set to indicate the com-
pletion of a transmission. This causes an interrupt
signal if the IENA bit of CSR0 has been set and the
TINTM bit of C SR3 is c lear ed. TheA m7 9C97 8 c ont ro l-
ler provides two modes to reduce the number of trans-
mit interrupts. The interrupt of a successfully
transmitted frame can be suppressed by setting TIN-
TOKD (CSR5, bit 15) to 1. Another mode, which is en-
abled by setting LTINTEN (CSR5, bit 14) to 1, allows
suppres sion of i nterrupts for successf ul transmiss ions
for all but the last frame in a sequence.
Receive Descriptor Table Entry
If the Am79C978 controller does not own both the cur-
rent and the next Receive Descriptor Table Entry
(RDTE), then the Am79C978 controller will continue to
poll according to the polling sequence described
above. If the receive descriptor ring length is one, then
there is no next descriptor to be polled.
If a poll operation has revealed that the current and the
next RDTE belong to the Am79C978 controller, then
additional poll accesses are not necessary. Future poll
operatio ns will no t include RDTE accesses as long as
the Am79C978 controller retains ownership of the cur-
rent and the next RDTE.
When receive activity is present on the channel, the
Am79C978 controller waits for the complete address of
the message to arrive. It then decides whether to ac-
cept or reject the frame based on all active addressing
schemes. If the frame is accepted, the Am79C978 con-
troller c heck s the cur rent rece ive b uffer status r egis ter
CRST (CSR41) to determine the ownership of the cur-
rent buffer.
If ownership is lacking, the Am79C978 controller will
immediately perform a final poll of the current RDTE. If
ownership is still denied, the Am79C978 controller has
no buffer in which to store the incoming message. The
MISS bit will be set in CSR0 and the Missed Frame
Coun t er (C SR 112) wil l b e in cr em e nte d. An o t her po l l of
the current RDTE will not occur until the frame has fin-
If the Am79C978 controller sees that the last poll (ei-
ther a normal poll, or the final effort described in the
above paragraph) of the current RDTE shows valid
ownership, it proceeds to a poll of the next RDTE. Fol-
lowing this poll, and regardless of the outcome of this
poll, transfers of receive data from the FIFO may begin.
Regardless of ownership of the second receive de-
scriptor, the Am 79C978 controller will cont inue to per -
form receive data DMA transfers to the first buffer . If the
frame le ngth ex ce eds th e l engt h of the fir st buffer, and
the Am79C978 controller does not own the second
buffer, ownership of the current descriptor will be
passed ba ck to the system b y writing a 0 to the OW N
bit of RMD1. Status will be written indicating buffer
(BUFF = 1) and possibly overflow (OFLO = 1) errors.
If the fra me len gth ex ceeds th e leng th of th e fir st (cur-
rent) buffer, and the Am79C978 controller does own
the second (next) buffer, ownership will be passed
back to the system by writing a 0 to the OWN bit of
RMD1 wh en the first b uffer is ful l. The OWN bit is the
only bi t modifie d in th e desc ript or. Receive data tran s-
fers to the second buffer may occur before the
Am79C978 controller proceeds to look ahead to the
ownership of the third buffer. Such action will depend
upon the state of the FIFO when the OWN bit has been
updated i n the fir st descr iptor. In any cas e, looka head
will be performed to the third buffer and the information
gathered will be stored in the chip, regardless of the
state of the ownership bit.
This activity continues until the Am79C978 controller
recognizes the completion of the frame (the last byte of
this receive message has been removed from the
FIFO). The Am79C978 c ontroller will subsequently up-
date the current RDTE status with the end of frame
(ENP) indication set, write the message byte count
(MCNT) for the en tire fram e into RMD2 , and overwr ite
the current entries in the CSRs with the next entries.
Receive Fra me Queuing
TheAm79C978 controller supports the lack of RDTEs
when SRAM (SRAM SIZE in BCR 25, bits 7-0) is en-
abled through the Receive Frame Queuing mecha-
nism. When the SRAM SIZE = 0, then the Am79C978
controller reverts back to the PCnet-PCI II mode of op-
eration. This operation is automatic and does not re-
quire any programming by the host. When SRAM is
enabled, the Receive Frame Queuing mechanism al-
lows a slow protocol to manage more frames without
the high frame loss rate normally attributed to FIFO-
based network controllers.
TheAm79C978 controller will store the incoming
frames in the extended FIFOs until polling takes place,
if enabled and it discovers it owns an RDTE. The stored
frames are not altered in any way until written ou t into
system buffers. When the receive FIFO overflows, fur-
ther incoming receive frames will be missed during that
time . As soon as the ne twork re ceive FIFO is empty, in-
coming frames are processed as normal. Status on a
per frame basis is not kept during the overflow process.
Am79C978 65
Statistic counters are maintained and accurate during
that time.
During the time that the Receive Frame Queuing
mechanism is in operation, the Am79C978 controller
relies on the Receive Poll Time Counter (CSR 48) to
control the worst case access to the RDTE. The Re-
ceive Poll Time Counter is programmed through the
Receive Polling Interval (CSR49) register. The Re-
ceived P olling In terv al defau lts to ap proxim ately 2 ms .
TheAm79C978 controller will also try to access the
RDTE during normal descriptor accesses whether they
are transmit or receive accesses. The host can force
the Am79C978 controller to immediately access the
RDTE by setting the RDMD (CSR 7, bit 13) to 1. Its op-
eration is similar to the transmit one. The polling pro-
cess can be disabled by setting the RXDPOLL (CSR7,
bit 12) bit. This will stop the automatic polling process
and the host must set the RDMD bit to initiate the re-
ceive process into host memory. Receive frames are
still stored even when the receive polling process is
Software Interrupt Timer
TheAm79C978 controller is equipped with a software
programmable free-running interrupt timer . The timer is
constantly running and will generate an interrupt STINT
(CSR 7, bit 11) when STINI TE (CSR 7, bit 10) is se t to
1. After generating the interrupt, the software timer will
load t he value st ored in STVAL a nd restart. T he timer
value STVAL (BCR31, bits 15-0) is interpreted as an
unsigned number with a resolution of 256 Time Base
Clock periods. For instance, a value of 122 ms would
be programmed with a value of 9531 (253Bh), if the
Time Base Clock is running at 20 MHz. The default
value of STVAL is FFFFh which yields the approximate
maximum 838 ms time r d ur ation. A write to S TVAL r e-
starts the timer with the new contents of STVAL.
10/100 Media Access Controller
The Media Access Controller (MAC) engine incorpo-
rates the ess enti al prot ocol req uirem ents for ope ration
of an Ethernet/IEEE 802.3-compliant node and pro-
vides the interface between the FIFO subsystem and
the internal PHY.
This section describes operation of the MAC engine
when operating in half-duplex mode. When operating
in half-duplex mode, the MAC engine is fully compliant
to Section 4 of ISO/IEC 8802-3 (ANSI/IEEE Standa rd
1990 Second Edition) and ANSI/IEEE 802.3 (1985).
When operating in full-duplex mode, the MAC engine
behavior changes as described in the section Full-
Duplex Operation.
The MAC engine provides programmable enhanced
features designed to minimize host supervision, bus
utilization, and pre- or post-message processing.
These features include the ability to disable retries after
a collision, dynamic FCS generation on a frame-by-
frame ba si s, automatic pa d fi el d i ns ert io n an d d ele tio n
to enforce minimum frame size attributes, automatic re-
transmission without reloading the FIFO, and auto-
matic deletion of collision fragments.
The two primary attributes of the MAC engine are:
nTransmit and receive message data encapsulation
Framing (frame boundary delimitation, frame
Addressing (source and destination address
Error detection (physical medium transmission
nMedia access management
Medium allocation (collision avoidance, except
in full-duplex operation)
Contention resolution (collision handling, except
in full-duplex operation)
Transmit and Receive Message Data
The MAC engine provides minimum frame size en-
forcement for transmit and receive frames. When
APAD_XMT (CSR, bit 11) is set to 1, transmit mes-
sages will be padded with sufficient bytes (containing
00h) to ensure that the receiving station will observe an
information field (destination address, source address,
length/type, data, and FCS) of 64 bytes. When
ASTRP_RCV (CSR4, bit 10) is set to 1, the receiver will
automatically strip pad bytes from the received mes-
sage by obs erving the valu e in the length field and by
stripping excess bytes if this value is below the mini-
mum data size (46 bytes). Both features can be inde-
pendently over-ridden to allow illegally short (less than
64 bytes of frame data) messages to be transmitted
and/or received. The use of this feature reduces bus
utilization because the pad bytes are not transferred
into or out of main memory.
The MAC engine will autonomously handle the con-
str uctio n of the tra nsmit frame . Once th e transm it FIF O
has been fi lled to the prede termined thres hold (set by
XMTSP in CSR80) and access to the channel is cur-
rently permitted, the MAC engine will commence the 7-
byte preamble sequence (10101010b, where first bit
transmitte d is a 1 ). T he M AC en gine will s ubseq uen tly
append the Start Frame Delimiter (SFD) byte
(10101011b) followed by the serialized data from the
transmit FIFO. Once the data has been completed, the
MAC engi ne will appe nd the FCS (most sig nificant bit
first), which was computed on the entire data portion of
the frame. The data portion of the frame consists of
destinat ion addres s, source a ddress, le ngth/type, an d
frame data. The user is responsible for the correct or-
66 Am79C978
dering and content in each of these fields in the frame.
The MAC does not use the content in the length/type
field unless APAD_XMT (CSR4, bit 11) is set and the
data portion of the frame is shorter than 60 bytes.
The MAC engine will detect the incoming preamble se-
quence whe n the RX _DV si gnal is a ctiva ted by the i n-
ternal PHY. The MAC will discard the preamble and
begin searching for the SFD. Once the SFD is de-
tected, all subsequent nibbles are treated as part of the
frame. T he MAC engine will insp ect the length fi eld to
ensure minimum frame size, strip unnecessary pad
characters (if enabled), and pass the remaining bytes
through the receive FIFO to the host. If pad stripping is
performed, the MAC en gin e w ill also s trip the recei ve d
FCS bytes, although normal FCS computation and
checking will occur. Note that apart from pad stripping,
the frame wi ll be passed un modified to the hos t. If the
length field has a value of 46 or greater , all frame bytes
including FCS will be passed unmodified to the receive
buffer, regardless of the actual frame length.
If the frame terminates or suffers a collision before 64
bytes of information (after SFD) have been received,
the MAC engine will automatically delete the frame
from the receive FIFO, without host intervention.
TheAm7 9C978 co ntrolle r has th e abil ity to acc ept run t
packets for diagnostic purposes and proprietary net-
Destination Address Handling
The firs t 6 bytes of i nformation after SFD w ill be inter -
preted as the destination address field. The MAC en-
gine provides facilities for physical (unicast), logical
(multicast), and broadcast address reception.
Error Detect ion
The MAC engine provides several facilities which re-
port and recover from errors on the medium. In addi-
tion, it protects the network from gross errors due to
inabili ty of the ho st to keep pa ce w ith the MA C engin e
On completion of transmission, the following transmit
status is available in the appropriate Transmit Message
Descriptor (TMD) and Control and Status Register
(CSR) areas:
nThe number of transmission retry attempts (ONE,
nWhether the MAC engine had to Defer (DEF) due to
chann el activ it y.
nExcessive deferral (EXDEF), indicating that the
transmitter experienc ed Excessiv e Deferral on this
transmit frame, where Excessive Deferral is defined
in the ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) standard.
nLoss of Carrier (LCAR), indicating that there was an
interruption in the ability of the MAC engine to mon-
itor its own transmission. Repeated LCAR errors in-
dicate a potentially faulty transceiver or network
nLate Collision (LCOL) indicates that the transmis-
sion suffered a collision after the slot time. This is in-
dicative of a badly configured network. Late
collisions should not occur in a normal operating
nCollision Error (CERR) indicates that the trans-
ceiver did not respond with an SQE Test message
within the first 4 ms after a transmis sion was com-
pleted. This may be due to a failed transceiver, dis-
connected or faulty transceiver drop cable, or
because the transce iver does not support th is fea-
ture (or it is disabled). SQE Test is only valid for 10-
Mbps networks.
In addition to the reporting of network errors, the MAC
engine w ill also attempt to preve nt the creation of any
network error due to the in ability of the host t o servic e
the MAC engine. During transmission, if the host fails
to keep the t ra ns mit FIFO fi lled s uffici entl y, cau sing a n
underflow , the MAC engine will guarantee the message
is either sent as a runt packet (which will be deleted by
the receiving station) or as an invalid FCS (which will
also cause the receiver to reject the message).
The status of each receive message is available in the
appropriate Receive Message Descriptor (RMD) and
CSR areas. All received frames are passed to the host
regardless of any error. The FRAM error will only be re-
ported if an FCS error is detected and there is a non-
integral number of bytes in the message.
During the reception, the FCS is generated on every
nibble (including the dribbling bits) coming from the ca-
ble, although the internally saved FCS value is only up-
dated on the eighth bit (on each byte boundary). The
MAC engine will ignore up to 7 additional bits at the end
of a message (dribbling bits), which can occur under
normal network operating conditions. The framing error
is reported to the user as follows:
nIf the number of dribbling bits are 1 to 7 and there is
no FCS error, then there is no Framing error
(FRAM = 0).
nIf the number of dribbling bits are 1 to 7 and there is
a FCS error, then there is also a Framing error
(FRAM = 1).
nIf the number of dribb ling bits is 0, t hen there i s no
Framing er ror. There ma y or ma y not be a FCS er -
nIf the number of dribb ling bits is 8, t hen there i s no
Framing error. FCS error will be reported, and the
receive message count will indicate one extra byte.
Counters are provided to report the Receive Collision
Count and Runt Packet Count for network statistics
and utilization calculations.
Am79C978 67
Media Access Management
The basic requirement for all stations on the network is
to provide fairness of channel allocation. The IEEE
802.3/Ethernet protocols define a media access mech-
anism which permits all stations to access the channel
with equal ity. Any node can attempt to cont end for the
channel by waiting for a predetermined time (Inter
Packet Gap) after the last activity, before transmitting
on the media. The ch annel is a multid rop commun ica-
tions media (with various topological configurations
permitted), which allows a single station to transmit and
all other stations to receive. If two nodes simulta-
neously contend for the channel, their signals will inter-
act causing loss of data, defined as a collision. It is the
responsibility of the MAC to attempt to avoid and
recover from a collision and to guarantee data integrity
for the end-to-end transmission to the receiving station.
Medium Allocation
The IEEE/ANSI 802.3 standard (ISO/IEC 8802-3 1990)
requires tha t the CSMA /CD MAC mon itor the med ium
for traffic by watching for carrier activity. When carrier
is detected, the media is considered busy, and the
MAC should defer to the existing message.
The ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) standard also
allows optionally a two-part deferral after a receive
See ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3-1993 Edition,
Note: “It is possible f or the PLS ca rrier sense indica-
tion to fail t o b e as serted durin g a c ollisi on on the m e-
dia. If the deference process simply times the inter-
frame gap based on this i ndication, it is possible for a
short in terframe gap to be ge nerated, lead ing to a po-
tential re ception fail ure of a subsequent frame. To en-
hance system robustness, the following optional
measures (as specified in 4.2.8) are recommended
when InterFrameSpacingPart1 is other than 0:
1. Upon completing a transmission, start timing the in-
terrupted gap as soon as transmitting and carrier
sense are both false.
2. When timing an inter-frame gap following reception,
reset th e i nte r-frame gap ti ming if carri er sens e b e-
comes true during the first 2/3 of the inter-frame gap
timing interval. During the final 1/3 of the interval,
the timer sha ll no t b e res et to ens ure fai r acce ss t o
the m e di u m. A n i n itia l pe r i o d s hor t er t han 2 / 3 o f the
interval is permissible including 0.”
The MAC engine implements the optional receive two-
part deferral algorithm, with an InterFrameSpacing-
Part1 time of 6.0 ms. The InterFrameSpacingPart 2 in-
terval is, therefore, 3.4 ms.
TheAm7 9C978 control ler will pe rform the two- part de-
ferral algor ithm as specified in the Process Deferenc e
section. The Inter Packet Gap (IPG) timer will start tim-
ing the 9.6 ms InterFrameSpacing after the receive car-
rier is deasserted. During the first part deferral
(In terFrameSpacingPart1 - IFS1) , the Am79C978 con-
troller will defer any pending transmit frame and re-
spond to the receive message. The IPG counter will be
cleared to 0 continuously until the carrier deasserts, at
which point the IPG counter will resume the 9.6 ms
count once again. Once the IFS1 period of 6.0 ms has
elapsed, the Am79C978 controller will begin timing the
second part deferral (InterFrameSpaci ngPart2 - IFS2)
of 3.4 ms. Once IFS1 has completed and IFS2 has
commenced, the Am79C978 controller will not defer to
a receive frame if a transmit frame is pending. This
means that the Am79C978 controller will not attempt to
receive the receive fram e, since it will start to transmit
and generate a collision at 9.6 ms. TheAm79C978 con-
troller wil l co mpl ete the pream ble (64-bit) and jam (32-
bit) sequence b efore ceasing transmission and invok-
ing the random backoff algorithm.
TheAm79C978 controller allows the user to program
the IPG and the first-part deferral
(InterFrameSpacingPart1 - IFS1) through CSR125. By
changing the IPG default value of 96 bit times (60h),
the user can adjust the fairness or aggressiveness of
the MAC on the network. By programming a lower
number o f bi t tim es tha n th e IS O/IEC 8 802 -3 st and ar d
requires, the MAC engine will become more aggres-
sive on the network. This aggressive nature will give
rise to the Am79C978 controller possibly capturing the
network at times by forcing other less aggressive com-
pliant nodes to defer . By programming a larger number
of bit times, the MAC will become less aggressive on
the network and may defer more often than normal.
The perform anc e of th e Am7 9C97 8 co ntr oller may de-
crease as the IPG value is increased from the de fault
value, but the res ult in g beh av ior may imp ro ve netwo rk
performance by reducing collisions. TheAm79C978
controller uses the same IPG for back-to-back trans-
mits and receive-to-transmit accesses. Changing IFS1
will alter the period for which the MAC engine will defer
to incoming receive frames.
CAUTION: Care must be exercised when altering
these parameters. Adverse network activity could
This transmit two-part deferral algorithm is imple-
mented as an option which can be disa bled using the
DXMT2PD bit in CSR3. The IFS1 programming will
have no effect when DXMT2PD is set to 1, but the IPG
programming value is still valid. Two part deferral after
transmission is useful for ensuring that severe IPG
shrinkage cannot occur in specific circumstances,
causing a transmit message to follow a receive mes-
sage so closely as to make them indistinguishable.
During the time period immediately after a transmission
has been completed, the external transceiver should
generate the SQE Test message within 0.6 to 1.6 ms
after the transmission ceases. During the time period in
68 Am79C978
which the SQE Test message is expected, the
Am79C978 controller will not respond to receive carrier
See ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3-1993 Edition, (1):
At the co nclusion o f the output fu nction, the DTE
opens a time window during which it expects to see
the signal_quality_error signal asserted on the
Control In circuit. The time window begins when
the CARRIER_STATUS becomes
CARRIER_OFF. If execution of the output function
does not cause CARRIER_ON to occur, no SQE
test occurs in the DTE. The duration of the window
shall be at least 4.0 µs but no more than 8.0 µs.
During the time window the Carrier Sense Function
is inhibited.
TheAm79C978 controller implements a carrier sense
blinding period of 4.0 µs length starting from the deas-
sertion of carrier sense af ter transmission. This effec-
tively means that when transmit two-part deferral is
enabled (DXMT2PD is cleared), the IF S1 time is from
4 ms to 6 ms after a transmission. However, since IPG
shrinkag e below 4 ms wi ll rarely be encountered on a
correctly configured network, and since the fragment
size will be larger than the 4 ms blinding window, the
IPG counter will be reset by a wo rst case I PG shrink-
age/fragment scenario and the Am79C978 controller
will defer its transmission. If carrier is detected within
the 4.0 to 6.0 ms IFS1 period, the Am79C978 control ler
will not restart the blinding period, but only restart
Collision Handling
Collision detection is performed and reported to the
MAC engine via the COL input pin.
If a collision is detected before the complete preamble/
SFD seque nce has been tran sm itt ed, the MAC eng in e
will compl ete the preamble/ SFD before append ing the
jam sequence. If a collision is detected after the pream-
ble/SFD has been completed, but prior to 512 bits
being transmitted, the MAC engine will abort the trans-
mission and append the jam sequence immediately.
The jam sequence is a 32-bit all zeros pattern.
The MAC engine will attempt to transmit a frame a total
of 16 times (initial attempt plus 15 retries) due to normal
collisions (those within the slot time). Detection of colli-
sion will cause the transmission to be rescheduled to a
time deter mined by the random bac koff algor ithm. If a
single retry was required, the 1 bit will be set in the
transmit frame status. If more than one retry was re-
quired, the MORE bi t will be s et. If all 1 6 attempts ex-
perienced collisions, the RTRY bit will be set (1 and
MORE will be clear), and the transmit message will be
flushed from the FIFO. If retries have been disabled by
setting the DRTY bit in CSR15, the MAC engine will
abandon tr an sm is si on o f the fr ame on d ete cti on of th e
first collision. In this case, only the RTRY bit will be set,
and the transmit message will be flushed from the
If a co llision is d etected after 512 bit times ha ve been
transmi tte d, the co ll is io n is termed a late colli s ion . The
MAC engine will abort the transmission, append the
jam sequ ence, and set the LCOL bi t. No retry at tempt
will be scheduled on detection of a late collision, and
the transmit message will be flushed from the FIFO.
The ISO 8802- 3 (I EEE /ANS I 802 .3) Sta ndar d requ ir es
use of a truncated binary exponential backoff algo-
rithm, which provides a controlled pseudo random
mechanism to enforce the collision backoff interval,
before retransmission is attempted.
See ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3-1990 Edition,
At the end of enforcing a collision (jamming), the
CSMA/CD sublayer delays before attempting to re-
transmit the frame. The delay is an integer multiple
of slot time. The n umb er of s lot t imes to de lay be-
fore the nth retra nsmi ssio n atte mpt is cho se n as a
uniformly distributed random integer r in the range:
0 r < 2k Where k = Min (N,10).
TheAm7 9C97 8 co ntr oller prov id es an al ternative al go-
rithm, which suspends the counting of the slot time/IPG
during the time that receive carrier se nse is detected.
This aids in networks where large numbers of nodes
are present, and numerous nodes can be in collision. It
effectively accelerates the increase in the backoff time
in busy networ ks and al lows no des no t invo lved i n the
collision to access the channel, while the colliding
nodes await a reduction in channel activity . Once chan-
nel activity is reduced, the nodes resolving the collision
time-out their slot time counters as normal.
This modified backoff algorithm is enabled when EMBA
(CSR3, bit 3) is set to 1.
Transmit Operation
The trans mi t op erati on a nd featu r es of th e A m7 9C97 8
controller are controlled by programmable options.
TheAm79C978 controller offers a large transmit FIFO
to provide frame buffering for increased system la-
tency, automatic retransmission with no FIFO reload,
and automatic transmit padding.
Transmit Function Programming
Autom atic transmit fe atures suc h as retry on co llision,
FCS generation/transmission, and pad field insertion
can all b e pr ogram med to p ro vide flexi bili ty in the (re- )
transmission of messages.
Disable retry on collision (DRTY) is controlled by the
DRTY bit of the Mode register (CSR15) in the initializa-
tion block.
Am79C978 69
Automatic pad field insertion is controlled by the
APAD_XMT bit in CSR4.
The disable FCS generation/transmission feature can
be programmed as a static feature or dynamically on a
frame-by-fr ame b asis.
Transmit FIFO Watermark (XMTFW) in CSR80 sets
the point at which the BMU requests more data from
the transmit buffers for the FIFO. A minimum of
XMTFW em pty spac es must be av ailable in th e trans-
mit FIFO before the BMU will request the system bus in
order to transfer transmit frame data into the transmit
Transmit Start Point (XMTSP) in CSR80 sets the point
when the transmitter actually attempts to transmit a
frame onto the media. A minimum of XMTSP bytes
must be written to the transmit FIFO for the current
frame before tr ansmi s sion of the curr ent frame will be-
gin. (When automatically padded packets are being
sent, it is conceivable that the XMTSP is not reached
when all of the data has been trans ferred to the FIFO .
In this case, the transmission will begin when all of the
frame data has been placed into the transmit FIFO.)
The default value of XMTSP is 01b, meaning there has
to be 64 bytes in the transmit FIFO to start a transmis-
Automatic Pa d Generation
Transmit frames can be automatically padded to ex-
tend the m to 64 d ata by tes (exc l udi ng p reamb le). This
allows the minimum frame size of 64 bytes (512 bits)
for IEEE 802.3/Ethernet to be guaranteed with no soft-
ware intervention from the host/controlling process.
Settin g the APAD_XM T bit in C SR4 enable s the auto-
matic pa dding feature. T he pa d is pla ced betwee n the
LLC data fiel d and FCS fie ld in the IEEE 802 .3 frame.
FCS is always added if the frame is padded, regardless
of the state of DX MTF CS (CSR1 5, bi t 3) or A DD_FCS
(TMD1, bit 29). The transmit frame will be padded by
bytes with the value of 00h. The default value of
APAD_XMT is 0, which will disable automatic pad gen-
eration afte r H_RESE T.
It is the responsibility of upper layer software to cor-
rectly define the actual length field contained in the
message to correspond to the total number of LLC data
bytes encapsulated in the frame (length field as defined
in the ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) standard). The
length value contained in the message is not used by
the Am79C978 controller to compute the actual num-
ber of pad bytes to be inserted. TheAm79C978 control-
ler will append pad bytes dependent on the actual
number of bi ts transm itted ont o the networ k. Once the
last dat a byte of the frame has c omple ted, pri or to ap-
pending th e FCS, the Am79 C978 controll er will check
to ensure that 544 bits have been transmitted. If not,
pad bytes are added to extend the frame size to this
value, and the FCS is then added. See Figure 35.
The 544 bit count is derived from the following:
Minimu m f ra me si ze ( ex cludi ng pr ea mbl e/S FD,
including FCS) 64 bytes 512 bits
Preamble/SFD size 8 bytes 64 bits
FCS size 4 bytes 32 bits
The 544 bit count is derived from the following:
Minimu m f ra me si ze ( ex cludi ng pr ea mbl e/S FD,
including FCS) 64 bytes 512 bits
Preamble/SFD size 8 bytes 64 bits
FCS size 4 bytes 32 bits
At the point that FCS is to be appended, the transmitted
frame should contain:
Preamble/SFD + (Min Frame Size - FCS)
64 + (512-32) = 544 bits
A minimum length transmit frame from theAm79C978
controller , therefore, will be 576 bits after the FCS is ap-
Figure 35. ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) Data Frame
1010....1010 SFD
10101011 Destination
Address Source
Address Length LLC
Data Pad FCS
46 1500
70 Am79C978
Transmit FCS Generation
Automatic generation and transmission of FCS for a
transmit frame depends on the value of DXMTFCS
(CSR15, b it 3). I f DX MTFCS is clear ed to 0, the trans -
mitter will generate and append the FCS to the trans-
mitted frame. If the automatic padding feature is
invoked (APAD_XMT is set in CSR4), the FCS will be
appended by theAm79C978 controller regardless of
the state of DXMTFCS or ADD_FCS (TMD1, bit 29).
Note that the calculated FCS is transmitted most signif-
icant bit fir st . The de fau lt v al ue of DXM TFCS is 0 af ter
ADD_FCS ( TMD 1, bit 29) al lows the autom atic ge ner-
ation and transmission of FCS on a frame-by-frame
basis. DXMT FCS s hould b e cleared to 0 in this mode .
To generate FCS for a frame, ADD_FCS must be set in
all descriptors of a frame (STP is set to 1). Note that bit
29 of TMD1 has the function of ADD_FCS if SWSTYLE
(BCR20, bits 7-0) is programmed to 0, 2, or 3.
Transmit Exception Conditions
Exception conditions for frame transmission fall into
two distin ct cate gories : those cond ition s whic h are the
result of normal network operation, and those which
occur due to abnormal network and/or host related
Normal events which may occur and which are handled
autonom ousl y by theAm79C978 co ntr ol le r inc lud e co l-
lisions within the slot time with automatic retry.
TheAm79C978 controller will ensure that collisions
which occur within 512 bit times from the start of trans-
mission (including preamble) will be automatically re-
tried with no host intervention. The transmit FIFO
ensures this by guaranteeing that data contained within
the FIFO will not be over written until a t least 64 by tes
(512 bits) of preamble plus address, length, and data
fields have bee n transmitted onto the network without
encountering a collision. Note that if DRTY (CSR15, bit
5) is se t to 1 or if the network int erface is op erating in
full-duplex mode, no collision handling is required, and
any byte of fram e data in the F IFO can be overwri tten
as soon as it is transmitted.
If 16 total attempts (initial attempt plus 15 retries) fail,
theAm79C978 controller sets the RTRY bit in the cur-
rent transmit TDTE in host memory (TMD2), gives up
ownership (resets the OWN bit to 0) for this frame, and
processes the next frame in the transmit ring for trans-
Abnormal network conditions include:
nLoss of carrier
nLate collision
nSQE Test Error (does not apply to 100 Mbps net-
These conditions should not occur on a c orrectly c on-
figured IEEE 802.3 network operating in half-duplex
mode. If they do, they will be reported. None of these
conditions will occur on a network operating in full-
duplex mode. (See the section Full-Duplex Operation
for more detail.)
When an error occurs in the middle of a multi-buffer
frame transmission, the error status will be written in the
current descriptor. The OWN bit(s) in the subsequent
descriptor(s) will be cleared until the STP (the next
frame) is found.
Loss of Carrier
LCAR will be reported for every frame transmitted if
theAm79C978 controller detects a loss of carrier.
Late Collision
A late collision will be reported if a collision condition
occurs after one slot time (512 bit times) after the trans-
mit process was initiated (first bit of preamble com-
menced). TheAm79C978 controller will abandon the
transmit process for that frame, set Late Collision
(LCOL) in the as so ci ate d TM D2 , an d proc es s the next
transmit f rame in the rin g. Frames experien cing a late
collision will not be retried. Recovery from this condi-
tion must be performed by upper layer software.
SQE Test Er ror
If the network port is in Link Fail state, CERR will be
asser ted in the 10B ASE- T mode af ter trans mit. CE RR
will neve r cause INTA to be ac tivated. It will , however,
set the ERR bit CSR0.
Receive Opera tio n
The receive operation and features of theAm79C978
controller are controlled by programmable options.
TheAm79C978 controller offers a large receive FIFO to
provide frame buffering for increased system latency,
automatic flushing of collision fragments (runt packets),
automatic receive pad stripping, and a variety of ad-
dress match options.
Receive Function Programming
Autom atic pad field st ripping is ena bled by setti ng the
ASTRP_RCV bit in CSR4. This can provide flexibility in
the reception of messages using the IEEE 802.3 frame
All receive frames can be accepted by setting the
PROM bit in CSR15. Acceptance of unicast and broad-
cast frames can be individually turned off by setting the
DRCVPA or DRCVBC bits in CSR15. The Physical Ad-
dress register (CSR12 to CSR14) stores the address
that theAm79C978 controller compares to the destina-
tion address of the incoming frame for a unicast ad-
dress match. The Logical Address Filter register
(CSR8 to CSR11) serve s as a hash fi lter for mul ticast
address match.
Am79C978 71
The point at which the BMU will start to transfer data
from the receive FIFO to buffer memory is controlled by
the RCVFW bits in CSR80. The default established
during H_RESET is 01b, which sets the watermark flag
at 64 bytes filled.
For test purposes, theAm79C978 controller can be pro-
grammed to accept runt packets by setting RPA in
Address Matching
TheAm79C978 controller supports three types of ad-
dress matching: unicast, multicast, and broadcast. The
normal address matching procedure can be modified
by programming three bits in CSR15, the mode register
If the first bit received after the SFD (the least signifi-
cant bit of the first byte of the destination address field)
is 0, the frame is unicast, which indicates that the frame
is meant to be re ce iv ed by a sing le node. If t he firs t bit
received is 1, the frame is multicast, which indicates
that the frame is meant to be received by a group of
nodes. If the destination address field contains all 1s,
the frame is broadcast, which is a special type of multi-
cast. Frames with the broadcast address in the desti-
nation address field are meant to be received by all
nodes on the local area network.
When a unicast frame arrives at theAm79C978 control-
ler , the Am79C978 controller will accept the frame if the
destination address field of the incoming frame exactly
matches the 6-byte station address stored in the Phys-
ical Addr es s r eg ister s ( PADR, CSR1 2 to CSR1 4). T h e
byte ordering is such that the first byte received from
the network (after the SFD) must match the least signif-
icant byte of CSR12 (P ADR[7:0]), and the sixth byte re-
ceived mu st ma tc h the mos t si gni ficant byte of CSR1 4
When DRCVPA (CSR15, bit 13) is set to 1,the
Am79C978 controller will not accept unicast frames.
If the incoming frame is multicast, the Am79C978 con-
troller performs a calculation on the contents of the
destination address field to determine whether or not to
accept the frame. This calculation is explained in the
Logical Address Filter (LADRF) bits description.
When all bits of the LADRF registers are 0, no multicast
frames are accepted, except for broadcast frames.
Although broadcast frames are classified as special
multicast frames, they are treated differently by the
Am79C978 controller hardware. Broadcast frames are
always accepted, except when DRCVBC (CSR15, bit
14) is set and there is no Logical Address match.
None of the address filtering described above applies
when the Am79C978 controller is operating in the pro-
miscuous mode. In the promiscuous mode, all properly
formed packets are received, regardless of the con-
tents of their destination address fields. The promiscu-
ous mode overrides the Disable Receive Broadcast bit
(DRCVBC bit l4 in the MODE register) and the Disable
Receive Physical Address bit (DRCVPA, CSR15, bit
TheAm79C978 controller operates in promiscuous
mode when PROM (CSR15, bit 15) is set.
The re ce ive descrip tor e ntr y RMD1 co nta ins th ree b its
that indicate which method of address matching
caused th e Am79C978 con troller to accept th e frame.
Note that these indicator bits are only available when
the Am79 C978 c ontr oller i s prog ramm ed to use 32- bit
structures for the descriptor entries (BCR20, bit 7-0,
SWSTYLE is set to 2 or 3).
Physical Address Match (P AM) (RMD1, bit 22) is set by
the Am79C978 controller when it accepts the received
frame due to a match of the frames destination ad-
dress with the content of the physical address register.
Logical Address Filter Match (LAFM) (RMD1, bit 21) is
set by the Am79C978 controller when it accepts the re-
ceived frame based on the value in the logical address
filter register.
Broadcast Address Match (BAM) (RMD1, bit 20) is set
by the Am79C978 controller when it accepts the re-
ceived frame bec aus e t he fr a mes destinat ion add re ss
is of the type 'Broadcast.
If DRCVBC (CSR15 , b it 14) i s c leare d t o 0 , on ly B AM,
but not LAFM will be set when a Broadcast frame is re-
ceived, even if the Logical Address Filter is pro-
grammed i n s uch a way th at a B r oad ca st frame woul d
pass the hash filter . If DRCVBC is set to 1 and the Log-
ical Address Filter is programmed in such a way that a
Broadc ast frame woul d pass the hash filter, LAFM will
be set on the reception of a Broadcast frame.
When the Am 79C978 con troll er op erates i n prom iscu-
ous mode and n one of the thr ee ma tch bi ts is s et, it is
an indication that the Am79C978 controller has only
accepted the frame because it was in promiscuous
When the A m79C978 contr oller is not pr ogrammed to
be in pro mis cuou s m ode, then when non e of t he three
match bits is set, it is an indication that the Am79C978
controlle r only accepte d the frame becau se it was not
rejected. See Table 10 for receive address matches.
72 Am79C978
Table 10. Receive Address Match
Automatic Pad Stripping
During reception of an IEEE 802.3 frame, the pad field
can be stripped automatically. Setting ASTRP_RCV
(CSR4, bi t 0) to 1 enable s the au tomati c pad str ippin g
feature. The pad field will be stripped before the frame
is pass ed t o the F IFO, thus pr eser v ing F IF O spa ce for
additiona l frames. The FCS f ield will al so be str ipped,
since it is computed at the transmitting station based
on the data and pad field characters, and will be invalid
for a receive frame that has had the pad characters
The numb er of bytes to be stripped is c alculated from
the embedded length field (as defined in the ISO 8802-
3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) definition) contained in the frame.
The length indicates the actual number of LLC data
bytes contained in the message. Any received frame
which contains a length field less than 46 bytes will have
the pad fi eld s tripped (if ASTRP _RCV i s set) . Receiv e
frames which have a length field of 46 bytes or greater
will be passed to the host unmod ified.
Figure 36 shows the byte/bit ordering of the received
length field for an IEEE 802.3-compatible frame format.
Since any valid Ethernet T ype field value will always be
greater than a normal IEEE 802.3 Length field (46),
the Am79 C978 controll er will not attemp t to strip vali d
Ethernet frames. Note that for some network protocols,
the value passed in the Ethernet Type and/or IEEE
802.3 Length field is not compliant with either standard
and may cause problems if pad stripping is enabled.
Receive FCS Checking
Reception and checking of the received FCS is per-
formed automatically by the Am79C978 controller.
Note that if the Auto matic Pad Stripping feature is en-
abled, the FCS for padded frames will be verified
against the value computed for the incoming bit stream
including pad characters, but the FCS value for a pad-
ded frame will not be passed to the host. If an FCS
erro r is de tect ed in any f rame, t he er ror w ill be repo rted
in the CRC bit in RMD1.
Receive Exception Conditions
Exception conditions for frame reception fall into two
distinc t c ate gor ies, i.e., those c on dit ion s w h ich ar e th e
result of normal network operation, and those which
occur due to abnormal network and/or host related
Normal events which may occur and which are handled
autonomously by the Am79C978 controller are basi-
cally collisions within the slot time and automatic runt
packet rejection . The Am 79C9 78 c ontr ol le r will ens ure
that collisions that occur within 512 bit times from the
start of reception (excluding preamble) will be automat-
ically deleted from the receive FIFO with no host inter-
The receive FIFO will delete any frame that is com-
posed of fewer than 64 bytes provided that the Runt
Packet Accept (RPA bit in CSR124) feature has not
been enabled and the network interface is operating in
half-duplex mode, or the full-duplex Runt Packet Ac-
cept Disable bit (FDRPAD, BCR9, bit 2) is set. This cri-
terion will be met regardless of whether the receive
frame was th e fi rst (or o nly) fr am e i n the FIFO or i f th e
receive frame was queued behind a previously re-
ceived message.
Abnormal network conditions include:
nFCS er rors
nLate collision
Host related receive exception conditions include
MISS, BUFF, and OFLO. These are described in the
Buffer Management Unit section.
000 X
Frame accepted
due to PROM = 1
100 X
Physical address
010 0
Logical address
filter match;
frame is not of
type broadc as t
010 1
Logical address
filter match;
frame can be of
type broadc as t
0 0 1 0 Broadcast frame
Am79C978 73
Figure 36. IEEE 802.3 Frame and Le ngth Field Transmission Order
Loopback Operation
Loopback is a mod e of operation intended for system
diagnost ics. In t his mode , the trans mitter and receiv er
are both operating at the same time so that the
Am79C978 controller receives its own transmissions.
The Am79 C978 controller pr ovides two basi c types of
loopback. In internal loopback mode, the transmitted
data is looped back to the receiver inside the
Am79C978 c ontroller withou t actually tra nsmitting any
data to the external network. The receiver will move the
received data to the next receive buffer , where it can be
examined by software. Alternatively, in external loop-
back mode, data can be transmitted to and received
from the PHY.
Refer to Table 30 for various bit settings required for
Loopback modes.
The external loopback requires a two-step operation.
The internal PHY must be placed into a loopback mode
by writing to the PHY Control Register (BCR33,
BCR34). Then, the Am79C978 controller must be
placed into an external loopback mode by setting the
Loop bits.
Miscellaneous Loopback Features
All transmit and receive function programming, such as
automa tic trans mit padd ing and receive pad s tripping,
operates identically in loopback as in normal operation.
Runt Packet Accept is internally enabled (RPA bit in
CSR124 is not affected) when any loopback mode is in-
voked. This is to be backwards compatible to the
C-LANCE (Am79C90) software.
Since the Am79C97 8 controller has two FCS genera-
tors, there ar e no more r es tric tio ns on FCS gene ra tio n
or checking, or on testing multicast address detectio n
as they exist in the half-duplex PCnet family devices
and in the C-LANCE. On re ce iv e, t he A m79 C97 8 c on-
troller now provides true FCS status. The descriptor for
a frame with an FCS error will have the FCS bit (RMD1,
bit 27) set to 1. The FCS generator on the transmit side
can stil l be dis abled by se ttin g DXMTF CS (CSR 15, bi t
3) to 1.
In interna l loo pba ck ope ra tio n, the A m79 C978 con tro l-
ler provides a special mode to test the collision logic.
When FCOLL (CSR15, bit 4) is set to 1, a collision is
forced d uring every tran smission attempt. This wil l re-
sult in a Retry error.
Full-Duplex Operation
TheAm79C978 controller supports full-duplex opera-
tion on the 10BASE-T and MII interfaces. Full-duplex
operation allows simultaneous transmit and receive ac-
tivity. Full-duplex operation is enabled by the FDEN bit
located in BCR9. Full-duplex operation is also enabled
through Auto-Negotiation when DANAS (BCR 32, bit 7)
is not enabled and the ASEL bit is set, and its link partner
is capable of Auto-Negotiation and full-duplex opera-
1010....1010 SFD
10101011 Destination
Address Source
Address Length LLC
Data Pad FCS
46 1500
Start of Frame
at Time = 0
Increasing T ime
1 1500
Bytes 45 0
74 Am79C978
When operating in full-duplex mode, the following
changes to the device operation are made:
Bus Interface/Buffer Management Unit changes:
nThe first 64 bytes of every transmit frame are not
preserved in the Transmit FIFO during transmission
of the first 512 bits as described in the Transmit Ex-
ception Conditions section. Instead, when full-du-
plex mode is active and a frame is being transmitted,
the XMTFW bits (CSR80, bits 9-8) always govern
when transmit DMA is requested.
nSuccessful reception of the first 64 bytes of every
receive frame is not a requirement for Receive DMA
to begin as described in the Receive Exception Con-
ditions section. Instead, receive DMA will be re-
quested as soon as either the RCVFW threshold
(CSR80, bi ts 12- 13) is re ached or a comp lete va lid
receive frame is detected, regardless of length. This
Receive FIFO operation is identical to when the RPA
bit (CSR124, bit 3) is set during half-duplex mode
The MAC engine changes for full-duplex operation are
as follows:
nChanges to the transmit deferral mechanism:
Transmission is not deferred while receive is
The IPG counter which governs transmit deferral
during the IPG between back-to-back transmits
is started when transmit activity for the first
packet ends, ins tead of when transmit and car-
rier activity ends.
nThe 4.0 µs carrier sense blinding period after a
transmission during which the SQE test normally
occurs is disabled.
nThe collision indication in put to the MAC engine is
The internal PHY changes for full-duplex operation are
as follows:
nThe collision detect (COL) pin is disabled.
nThe SQE test function is disabled.
nLoss of Carrier (LCAR) reporting is disabled.
nPHY Control Register (TBR0) bit 8 is set to 1 if Auto-
Negotiation is disabled.
Full-Duplex Link Status LED Support
TheAm79C978 controller provides bits in each of the
LED Status registers (BCR4, BCR5, BCR6, BCR7, and
BCR48) to display the Full-Duplex Link Status. If the
FDLSE bi t (bit 8) is set, a val ue of 1 will be s ent to the
associated LEDOUT bit when in Full-Duplex.
PHY/MAC Interface
The internal MII-compatible interface provides the data
path connection between the 10BASE-T PHY, the 1
Mbps HomePNA PHY, and the 10/100 Media Access
Controller (MAC). The interface is compatible with
Clause 22 of the IEEE 802.3 standard specification.
Am79C978 75
1 Mbps Home PNA PHY
The integrated HomePNA transceiver is a physical
layer device supporting the HomePNA specification 1.0
for home phone line networking. It provides all of the
PHY layer functions required to support 1 Mbps data
transfer speeds over common residential phone wiring.
All data bits are encoded into the relative time position
of a puls e with re spect to the previou s one, the wave-
form on the wire consists of a 7.5 MHz carrier sinusoid
enclosed within an exponential (bell shaped) envelope.
The waveform is produced by generating four 7.5 MHz
square wave cycles and passing them through a band-
pass filter.
The HomePNA PHY frame consists of a HomePNA
header that replaces the normal Ethernet 64-bit pream-
ble and delimiter and is prepended to a standard Ether-
net packet starting with the destination address and
ending with the CRC.
Only the PHY layer and its parameters are modified
from that of the standard Ethernet implementation. The
HomePNA PHY layer is designed to operate with the
internal Ethernet MAC layer controller implementing all
the CSMA/CD protocol features.
The frame begins with a characteristic SYNC interval
that delineates the beginning of a HomePNA frame fol-
lowed by an Access ID (AID) which e ncodes 8 bits of
Access ID and 4 bits of control word. The Access ID is
used to detect collisions and is dynamically assigned,
while the control word carries speed and power infor-
The AID is followed by a silence interval, then 32 bits of
data reserved for PHY layer communication. These
bits are acce ssib le via HP R20 and HPR2 1 and are for
future use.
The data encoding consists of two symbol types: an
AID sym bol and a data sym bol. The AI D symbol is al-
ways transm itted at the same sp eed an d encodes two
bits that determine the pulse position (one of four) rel-
ative to the previous pulse. The access symbol interval
is fixed.
The data symbol interval is variable. The arriving bit
stream i s block ed into from 3 to 6 bit bl ocks ac cor ding
to a propri etary (RLL25) algorithm. Th e bits in each
block are then used to encode a data symbol. Each
symbol consists of a Data Inter Symbol Blanking Inter-
val (DISBI) and then a pulse at one of twenty-five pos-
sible positions. The bits in the data block determine the
pulse position. Immediately after the pulse a new sym-
bol interval begins. During the DISBI the receiver ig-
nores all incoming pulses to allow network reflections
to die out.
Any station may be programmed to assume the role of
a PHY ma ster and rem otely comman d, via the c ontrol
word, the rest of the units on the network to change
their transmit speed or power level.
Many of the fra ming parameter s are programmabl e in
the HomePNA PH Y and will a llow fu ture modif ications
to both transmission speed as well as noise and reflec-
tion rejection algorithms.
Two defaul t sp eeds ar e provided, low at 0.7 Mbps and
high at 1 Mbps. The center frequency is also program-
mable for future use.
HomePNA PHY Medium Interface
The Home PNA fram e on th e phon e wire ne twork c on-
sists of a header generated in the PHY prepended to
an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet data packet received from the
MAC layer. See Figure 37.
When transmitting on the phone wire pair, the
HomePNA P HY first rec eives an Ethernet MAC frame
from the M AC. The 8 o ctets of preambl e and d elimi ter
are strippe d off and replac ed with the HomePN A PHY
header d escribed below, the n transm itted LSB fi rst on
the phone wire network.
During a rec eive operat ion, the rev erse proces s is ex-
ecuted. When a HomePNA frame is received by the
PHY, the header is stripped off and replaced with the
four octets of preamble and delimiter of the IEEE 802.3
Ethernet MAC frame specification and then passed on
to the MAC layer.
76 Am79C978
Figure 37. HomePNA PHY Framing
HomePNA Symbol Waveform
All HomePNA symbols are composed at the transmitter
of a sile nce interval , and a pulse formed of an integ er
number of cycles (TX_PULSE_CYCLES_P/N in
HPR29) of a square wave of frequency
HPR29) that has been filtered with a bandpass filter.
Data is encoded in the time interval from the preceding
Table 11. HomePNA PHY Pulse Parameters
Time Interval Unit
HomePNA PHY time intervals are expressed in Time
Interval Clock (TIC) units. One TIC is defined as
1/60E6 seconds or approximately 116.7 ns.
ACCESS ID Intervals
A HomePNA fr ame begi ns wi th an Acc es s ID (AID) in-
terval whic h is co mposed of eig ht equally s pac ed su b-
interva ls ter me d A ID s ymbol s 0 thr oug h 7 a s shown in
Figure 37.
An AID symbol is 129 TICs long. Transmit timing is
shown in Figure 38; receive timing in Figure 39. Timing
starts a t the beginn ing of each AID symbol at T IC = 0
and ends at TIC = 129.
These symbols are described in the following sections.
Symbol 0 (SYNC interval)
SYNC Transmit Timing
The SYNC interval (AID symbol 0) delineates the be-
ginning of a HomePNA frame and is composed of a
SYNC_ST ART pulse, followed by a SYNC_END pulse,
after a fixed silence interval as shown in Figure 38.
T iming for this (AID symbol 0) starts (TIC = 0) at the be-
ginning of the SYNC_START pulse. The SYNC_END
pulse starts at TIC = 126.
At TIC = 129, this AID symbol 0 ends and the next AID
symbol begins , with the s ymbo l tim ing ref erence rese t
to TIC = 0. No informati on bits are co ded in the SY NC
(AID symb ol 0 interv al) .
SYNC Receive Timing
As soon as the SYNC_START pulse is detected the re-
ceiver disables (blanks) further detection until time
TIC = 61, after which detection is re-enabled for the
next received pulse. The receiver allows for jitter by es-
tablishing a window around each legal pulse position.
This window is -2 +1 TICS wide on either side of the po-
A SYNC_END pulse that arrives outside the window of
the legal TIC = 126 is considered a noise event which
is used in setting the adaptive squelch level, aborts the
packet, and sets the receiver in search of a new
SYNC_ST AR T pulse and SYNC interval. If it is a trans-
mitting station, the COLLISION event is asserted as
described in the Collisions section.
interval Access ID Silence PCOM
4 bytes Source
Destination Length
max 1500 CRC
32 bits
PCOM Ethernet Packet
14.93 µs
01 11 10 00 01 00
60 tics
129 tics 129 tics 129 tics 129 tics 129 tics 129 tics 129 tics
20 tics 66 tics
Symbol 0 ACCESS
ID Symbol
ID Symbol
ID Symbol
ID Symbol
ID Symbol
ID Symbol
ID Symbol
730.75 µs
@ 1 Mbps
ACCESS ID interval Example Access ID of 01110100 and control word 0100
Fixed 119.44 µsHomePNA PHY Header
150.19 µs @ 1 Mbps 1 Tic = 116.6667 ns
HomePNA Header Ethernet Packet
129 tics
= receiver blanking interval
pulse position
Parameter Value Tolerance Unit
Am79C978 77
Figure 38. AID Symbol Transmit Timing
Figure 39. AID Symbol Receive Timing
AID Symbols 1 through 6
AID symbols 1 through 4 are used to identify individual
stations to enable reliable collision detection as de-
scrib ed in the Collisions secti on. Symbols 5 and 6 are
used to transmit remote control management com-
mands across the network. Coding and timing details
are as follows.
The SYNC interval is followed by six AID symbols
(symbols 1 through 6). T ransmit timing is shown in Fig-
ure 38; receive timing in Figure 39. Data is encoded in
the relative position of each pulse with respect to the
previous one. A pulse may occur at one, and only one,
of the four possible positions within an AID symbol
yielding two bits of data coded per AID symbol.
The decoded bits from the AID symbols 1 to 4 produce
eight bits of Access ID which is used to identify individ-
ual HomePNA stations and to detect collisions. The
MSB is encoded in AID Symbol 1 and is the leftmost bit
in Table 12.
AID Symbol 0 AID Symbol 1 AID Symbol 2
pulse 2
shown in position 1
pulse 0 pulse 1
AID Symbol 0 AID Symbol 1 AID Symbol 2
pulse 2
shown in position 1
pulse 0 pulse 1
8 and
AID slice threshold
Detected envelope
78 Am79C978
Table 12. Access ID Symbol Pulse Positions and
The next two AID symbols (5 and 6) encode four bits of
control word information. The MSB is encode d in AID
Symbol 5. Control word messages are described fur-
ther in the Managem ent Inter fa ce s section.
AID Transmit T iming
The transmitter encodes the Access ID in a pulse posi-
tion in each 128 TIC interval. Each AID symbol interval
must have only one pulse. Pulse transmission must
start in only one of the four possible positions (mea-
sured from the beginning of the Access ID symbol) de-
fined in Table 12.
AID Receive Timing
The receiver allows for jitter by establishing a window
around each legal pulse position. This window is -2 +1
TICS wide on either side of the position. A pulse that ar-
rives outside of the legal AID positions is considered a
A Collision is detected only during Access ID and silent
interva ls (AID sy mbols 0 thr ough 7) . In general during
a co llis ion , a tr an sm itt ing s tation w i ll read ba ck an A I D
valu e that does not m atch its own a nd recogniz es the
event as a collision and alerts other stations with a JAM
signal. Non-transmitting stations may also detect some
collis ions by inter preting recei ved non -confor ming A ID
pulses as coll is io ns .
With two transmitters colliding, each transmitter nor-
mally blanks its receive input immediately after trans-
mitting (and simultaneously receiving) a pulse.
Therefore, only when a transmitting station receives
pulses in a position earlier than the position it transmit-
ted will it recognize it as a pulse transmitted by another
station and signal a collision.
For this r eason, guarantee d collisio n detection is pos -
sible on ly as long as the spacing between succ essive
possible p ulse pos itions in an AID symb ol (20 TICs or
2.3 µs) is greater than the round trip delay between the
colliding nodes. At approximately 1.5 ns propagation
delay per foot, the maximum distance between two
HomePN A units must not be greate r than 500 feet for
collision detection purposes (1.5 µs round trip delay
plus margin).
The following criteria must be met to guarantee reliable
collision detection:
At least one HomePNA station of a colliding group
must always detect a collision when the delay between
the beginn ing of its transm itted packet and the begin-
ning of the received colliding packet is between -1.5 µs
and +1.5 µs.
In general, any received pulse at a HomePNA station
that does not conform to the pulse position require-
ments of AI D s ym bol s 0 throug h 7 s hal l ind ic ate a co l-
lision on the wire. When a transmitting station senses a
collision, it emits a JAM signal to alert all other stations
to th e co llisi on. T he fo llow in g condi tio ns si gni fy a C OL-
LISION event:
1. A HomePN A statio n receives an AID that doe s not
match the one being sent.
2. A HomePNA station receives a pulse outside the
AID_GUARD INTERVAL in AID intervals 0 to 7.
3. A HomePNA station receives a pulse inside the
As in all cases, pulses received during a blanking inter-
val are ignored.
Passive stations (stations not actively transmitting dur-
ing the collision) cannot reliably detect collisions.
Therefore, once a collision is detected by a transmitting
station, the station must infor m the rest of the stations
of the collision with a JAM pattern described below.
Only a transmitting station emits a JAM signal.
Once a c ollision is detected, th e COLLISION s ignal to
the MAC interface is asserted and is not reset until the
MAC deactivates the TXEN signal.
JAM Signal
A JAM pattern consists of 1 pulse every 32 TICs and
continues until at least the end of the AID intervals.
After the AID interval, the JAM pattern will continue
until TXEN from the MAC is deactivated.
The acces s ID values for s lave statio ns are picked by
each individual station randomly from the set of AID
slave num bers des cribed in the mana gement sec tion.
During operation, each HomePNA station monitors
HomePNA frames received on the wire. If it detects an-
other Hom ePNA stati on u sing the s am e A ID, it will se-
lect a new random AID.
Silence Interval (AID symbol 7)
The Access ID symbols are followed by a fixed silence
interval of 129 TICs. The receive blanking interval is
the same as that of the AID symbols (1 through 6).
Any pulses detected in the silence interval are consid-
ered a CO LLISION ev ent for tran smitting stations an d
are handled as described in the Collisions sect ion.
Position TI Cs from Beginning of AID
Symbol Bit Encoding
166 00
286 01
3 106 10
4 126 11
Am79C978 79
Data Symbols
Data symbols encode data for a much higher transmis-
sion rate, and they do not allow collision detection.
Data Transmit Timing
A data symbol interval begins with the beginning of
transmiss ion of a pul se as show n in Figure 40. Trans-
mit Symbol timing (in TICS) is measured from this point
(TIC = 0).
Depending on the data code, the next pulse may begin
at any PU LSE _PO SIT ION _ N wher e N = 0 t o 24. Eac h
position is separated from the previous one by one TIC.
PULSE_POSITION_0 occurs at a value defined in
Table 13 which determines the transmission speed.
When a pulse begins tr ansmission, th e previous sy m-
bol interval ends and a new one begins immediately.
Table 13. Blan k ing Inte rva l Speed Set tin gs
Figure 40. Transmit Data Symbol Timing
Data Receive Timing
The incoming waveform is formed from the transmitted
pulse. The receiver detects the point at which the enve-
lope of the received waveform crosses a set threshold.
See Figure 41.
Immediately after the threshold crossing, the receiver
disable s any fur ther detec tion for a period IS BI-3 TICs
(HPR28 ISBI_SLOW or ISBI_FAST) starting with the
detection of the pulse peak.
The receiver is then re-enabled for pulse detection.
Upon reception of the next pulse, the receiver mea-
sures the elapsed time from the previous pulse. This
value is then placed in the nearest pulse position bin
(one of 25) where pulse position 0 is at
PULSE_POSITION_0 and each subsequent position is
spaced one TIC from the previous one as defined in the
Data Transmit Timing section. Data symbol intervals
are therefore variable and depend on the encoded
Figure 41. Receive Symbol Timing
Speed Setting Nominal Data
(in TICs)
LOW_SPEED 0.7 Mbps 44
HIGH_SPEE D 1.0 Mbps 28
Symbol 1 Symbol 2
Pulse 0 Data Blanking interval (DISBI) Pulse 1 Pulse 21 TIC
time Position 1 Position n1 Position 0 Position 1 Position n2
Symbol 1 Symbol 2
Pulse 0
Detected Envelope
Pulse 1 Pulse 2
Begin of receive
Blanking interval
END_DATA_BLANK Position 1 Position n1 Position 0 Position 1 Position n2Position 0
Data slice
80 Am79C978
Data Symbol RLL25 Encoding
The RLL25 code is the version of TM32 that was devel-
oped for the HomePNA PHY. It produces both the high-
est bit rate for a given valu e of ISB I and T IC si ze. In a
manner similar to run length limited disk coding, RLL25
encodes data bits in groups of varying sizes, specifi-
cally: 3, 4, 5, and 6 bits. Pulse p ositions are assigned
to the encoded bit groups in a manner, which causes
more data bi ts to be enco ded in position s that are far-
ther apart. T his keeps bo th the average and minimum
bit rates higher.
Data symbol RLL25 codes data by traversing a tree as
illustrated in Figure 42. Assuming that successive data
bits to be encode d are label ed A, B , C, D,, etc. The
encoding process begins at the root node and pro-
ceeds as follows:
1. If the fir st bit (b it A) is a one , the ne xt thr ee bit s (B,
C, and D) select which one of the eight positions 1-
8 is transmitted. The encoding process then contin-
ues at the root node.
2. If bit A is a zero and bit B is a one, the next three bits
(C, D, and E) select which one of the eight positions
9-16 is transmitted. The encoding process then
continues at the root node.
3. If bit A is a zero, bit B is a zer o, and bit C is a one,
the next three bits (D, E, and F) select which one of
the eight positions 17-24 is transmitted. The encod-
ing process then continues at the root node.
4. Finally, if bits A, B, and C are all zeros, position 0 is
transmitted. The encoding process then continues
at the root node.
As a result, Symbol 0 encodes the 3-bit data pattern
000, positions 1-8 encode the 4-bit data pattern 1BCD,
positions 9-16 encode the 5-bit data pattern 01CDE,
and positions 17-24 encode the 6-bit data pattern
001DEF. If the data encoded is random, 50% of the po-
sitions used will be for 4-bit patterns, 25% will be for 5-
bit patterns, 12.5% will be for 6-bit patterns, and 12.5%
will be for 3-bit patterns.
Management Interfaces
The HomePNA PHY may be managed from either of
two interfaces (the managed parameters vary depend-
ing on the interface):
1. Remote Control-Word management commands
embedded in the HomePNA AID header on the wire
2. Managemen t messages from a local management
Figure 42. RLL 25 Coding Tree
These select position 1 - 8
Awaiting coding and transmissionEncoded and
Start: Examine the next
bits to be encoded
C D1 B
These select position 9 - 16
C D0 1 E
These select position 17- 24
1 D0 0 E F
00 0
A = ?
B = ?
C = ?
Send symbol 1-8
Send symbol 9-16
Send symbol 17-24
Send symbol 0
Data stream from MAC controller
Am79C978 81
Header AID Remote Control Word Commands
Stations may be configured either as master stations or
as slave stations. Only one master may exist on a given
HomePNA segment.
The master station may send commands embedded in
the HomePNA header control word to remotely set var-
ious par ameters of the re mote sl ave stati ons. St ations
are identified via the AID as follows:
1. The master station is identified on the HomePNA
wire network with an AID of FFh.
2. A slave is identified with an AID of 00h to EFh.
3. AID values of F0h to FEh are reserved for future
Once a command has been transmitted, the master
station will revert to a slave AID, so that subsequent
control words are not interpreted as new commands.
Master mode is entered by writing to the PHY control
registe r (HPR1 6) and is exi ted up on the c ompleti on of
the command sequence.
A valid master remote command consists of three
HomePNA frames with an AID of FFh. Since the
HomePNA header is prepended to packets received
from the M AC as wel l as A ny 1Hom e p acke ts. Pac kets
from the mas ter sta tion may be s epara ted by in tervals
during which other (slave) stations may transmit their
A remote master Control Word command must be rec-
ognized and executed by a HomePNA PHY when it re-
ceives three consecutive valid HomePN A frames with
an AID of FFh.
If HPR16, bit 15 is not set to 0, valid commands are as
1. SET_POWER: Commands slave stations to set
their transmit level to a prescribed level.
2. SET_SPEED: Commands slave stations to set their
transmit speed to a prescribed value.
The con tr ol word bi t en co ding and possi ble va lues ar e
described in Table 14.
Table 14. Master Station Control Wor d Functions
All stati ons wil l tr ansmi t the fol lo win g sta tus mes sa ges
in the HomePNA header control word of all outgoing
1. VERSION_STATUS: The HomePNA PHY version
of the slave station.
2. POWER_STATUS: The transmit power level of the
transmitting slave station for the current frame. All
HomePNA units support LOW_POWER and
3. SPEED_ STATUS : The transm it speed of t he slave
station for the current frame. Receiving stations will
adjust their receiver parameters to correctly inter-
pret this frame.
The slave contro l word bit encod ing and possi ble val-
ues are also described in Table 14.
PHY Control and Management Block (PCM
Register Administration for 1 0BASE-T PHY De vice
The management interface specified in Clause 22 of
the IEEE 802.3u standard provides for a simple two
wire, serial interface to connect a management entity
and a managed PHY f or the p ur pose of contr ol ling th e
PHY and gathering status information. The two lines
are Manag ement Data In put/Output (M DIO) and Man-
agement Data Clock (MDC). A station management
entity which is attached to multiple PHY entities must
have prior knowledge of the appropriate PH Y address
for each PHY entity.
Description of the Methodology
The manag ement inter face physical ly transpor ts man-
agement information across the internal and external
MII. The information is encapsulated in a frame format
as specified in Clause 22 of the IEEE 802.3u draft stan-
dard and is shown in Table 15.
Table 15. MII Control Frame Format
5 Version Set to:
0 = Low Power
1 = High Power
6Set to:
0 = Low Speed
1 = High S peed Reserved
READ 1.1 01 10 AAAAA RRRRR Z0 D31………D0 Z
WRITE 1.1 01 01 AAAAA RRRRR 10 D31………D0 Z
82 Am79C978
The start field (ST) is followed by the operation field
(OP). The operation field (OP) indicates whether the
operation is a read or a write operation. This is followed
by the PHY address (PHY AD) and the register address
(REGAD ) that was progra med into BCR3 3 of the Fast
Ethernet controller. This field is followed by a bus turn-
around field (TA). During the read operation, the bus
turnaro und field is us ed to determi ne if the PHY is re-
sponding properly to the read request. The data field
to/from the MAC controller is then written to or read
from BCR34. The final field is the idle field, and it is re-
quired to allow the drivers to turn off.
The PHYADD field, which is five bits wide, allows 32
unique PHY addresses. The managed PHY layer de-
vice t hat is con nected to a station m anagement ent ity
via the MII interface has to respond to transactions ad-
dresse d to the PHYs address. A station man agemen t
entity attached to multiple PHYs is required to have
prior knowledge of the appropriate PHY address.
SRAM Configuration
If the SRAM_SIZE (BCR25, bits 7-0) value is 0 in the
SRAM size register, the controller will assume that
there is no SRAM present and will reconfigure the four
internal FIFOs into two FIFOs, one for transmit and one
for rece ive. The FIFOs wil l operate the same as in th e
PCnet-PCI II controller. When the SRAM_SIZE
(BCR25, bits 7-0) value is 0, the SRAM_BND (BCR26,
bits 7-0) are ignored by the controller. See Figure 43.
Low Latency Receive Configurat ion
If the LOLATRX (BCR27 , bit 4) bit is set to 1, then the
controller will configure itself for a low latency receive
configuration. In this mode, SRAM is required at all
times. If th e S RAM _S IZ E (BC R 25, b its 7- 0) v al ue i s 0,
the contr oller wi ll not conf igure fo r low la tency re ceive
mode. The co ntr oller wi ll pr ov ide a fas t pa th on the re -
ceive side byp as sing th e SRA M. All tra ns mit t raffic will
go to the SRAM, so SRAM_BND (BCR26, bits 7-0) has
no meaning in low latency receive mode. When the
controller has received 16 bytes from the network, it will
start a DMA request to the PCI Bus Interface Unit. The
controller will not wait for the first 64 bytes to pass to
check for collisions in Low Latency Receive mode. The
controller must be in STOP before switching to this
mode. See Figure 44.
CAUTIO N: To provide data integrity when switching
into and out of the low latency mode, DO NOT SET the
FASTSPNDE bit when setting the SPND bit. Receive
frames WILL be overwritten and the controller may give
erratic behavior when it is enabled again.
Direct SRAM Access
The SRAM can be accessed through the Expansion
Bus Data port (BCR30). To access this data port, the
user must load the upper address EPADDRU (BCR29,
bits 3-0) and set FLASH (BCR29, bit 15) to 0. Then the
user will load the lower 16 bits of address EPADDRL
(BCR28, bits 15-0). To initiate a read, the user reads
the Expan sion Bus Data P ort (BCR30). T his slave ac-
cess f rom the PCI wil l resu lt in a re try for the v ery firs t
access. Subsequent accesses may give a retry or not,
depending on whether or not the data is present and
valid. The direct SRAM access uses the same FLASH/
EPROM access except for accessing the SRAM in
word format instead of byte format. This access is
meant to be a dia gnostic access on ly. The SR AM ca n
only be accessed while the controller is in STOP or
SPND (FASTSPNDE is set to 0) mode.
Figure 43. Block Diagram SRAM Configuration
Am79C978 83
Figure 44. Block Diagram Low Latency Receive Configuration
Unit 802.3
84 Am79C978
EEPROM Interface
The cont roller contai ns a built-in capa bility for read ing
and writing to an external serial 93C46 EEPROM. This
built-in capability consists of an interface for direct con-
nection to a 93C46 compatible EEPROM, an automatic
EEPROM read feature, and a user-programmable reg-
ister that allows direct access to the interface pins.
Automatic EEPROM Read Operation
Shortly after the deassertion of the RST pin, the con-
troller will read the contents of the EEPROM that is at-
tached to the interface. Because of this automatic-read
capability of the controller , an EEPROM can be used to
program many of the features of the controller at
power-up, allowing system-dependent configuration in-
formation to be stored in the hardware instead of inside
the device driver.
If an EEPROM exists on the interface, the controller will
read the EEPROM contents at the end of the
H_RESET operation. The EEPROM contents will be
serial ly shi fted in to a tem porar y regi ster an d th en sen t
to various register locations on board the controller . Ac-
cess to th e Am79C978 c onfigura tion spac e or any I/O
resour ce is not pos sible du ring the EE PROM rea d op-
eration. The controller will terminate any access at-
tempt with the assertion of DEVSEL and STOP while
TRDY is not asserted, signaling to the initiator to dis-
connect and retry the access at a later time.
A checksum verification is performed on the data that
is read from the EEPROM. If the checksum verification
passes, PVALID (BCR19, bit 15) will be set to 1. If the
checksum verification of the EEPROM data fails,
PV ALID will be cleared to 0, and the controller will force
all EEPROM-programmable BCR registers back to
their H_RESET default values. However , the content of
the Addr ess PRO M locati ons (offsets 0h - Fh fr om th e
I/O or memory mapped I/O base address) will not be
cleare d. The 8-bit checksu m for the entire 82 bytes of
the EEPROM should be FFh.
If no EEPROM is present at the time of the automatic
read ope ra tio n, th e c on tro ll er wi ll re cogn iz e th is c ond i-
tion, abort the automatic read operation, and clear both
the PREAD and PVALID bits in BCR19. All EEPROM-
programmable BCR registers will be assigned their de-
fault values after H_RESET. The content of the Ad-
dress PROM l ocations (offsets 0h - Fh fro m the I/O or
memory mapped I/O base address) will be undefined.
EEPROM Auto-Detection
The controller uses the EESK/LED1 pin to determine if
an EEPROM is present in the system. At the rising
edge of CLK durin g the last clock dur ing whic h RST is
asserted, the controller will sample the value of the
EESK/LED1 pin. If the sampled value is a 1, then the
controller assumes that an EEPROM is present, and
the EEPROM read operation begins shortly after the
RST pin is deass erted. If t he sample d value of EESK/
LED1 is a 0, the controller assumes that an external
pull-down device is holding the EESK/LED1 pin low , in-
dicatin g that the re is no E EPROM i n the sys tem. Not e
that if the designer creates a system that contains an
LED circuit on the EESK/LED1 pin, but has no EE-
PROM present, then the EEPROM auto-detection
function will incorrectly conclude that an EEPROM is
present in the system. However, this will not pose a
problem for the controller, since the checksum verifica-
tion will fail.
Direct Access to the Interface
The user may directly access the port through the
EEPROM register, BCR19. This register contains bits
that can be used to control the interface pins. By per-
forming an appropriate sequence of accesses to
BCR19, the user can effectively write to and read from
the EEPR OM. This feature may be used by a syste m
configurat ion util ity to progr am h ardware conf igura tion
information into the EEPROM.
EEPROM-Programmable Registers
The following registers contain configuration informa-
tion that will be programmed automatically during the
EEPROM read operation:
nI/O offsets 0h-Fh Address PROM locations
nBCR2 Miscellaneous Configuration
nBCR4 LED0 Status
nBCR5 LED1 Status
nBCR6 LED2 Status
nBCR7 LED3 Status
nBCR9 Full-Duplex Control
nBCR18 Burst and Bus Control
nBCR22 PCI Latency
nBCR23 PCI Subsystem V endor ID
nBCR24 PCI Subsystem ID
nBCR25 SRAM Size
nBCR26 SRAM Boundary
nBCR27 SRAM Interface Control
nBCR32 PHY Control and Status
nBCR33 PHY Address
nBCR35 PCI Vendor ID
nBCR36 PCI Power Management Capa-
bili ties (PMC) Alias Register
nBCR37 PCI DATA Register 0 (DATA0)
Alias Register
nBCR38 PCI DATA Register 1 (DATA1)
Alias Register
nBCR39 PCI DATA Register 2 (DATA2)
Alias Register
Am79C978 85
nBCR40 PCI DATA Regi ste r 3 (DATA3)
Alia s Register
nBCR41 PCI DATA Regi ste r 4 (DATA4)
Alia s Register
nBCR42 PCI DATA Regi ste r 5 (DATA5)
Alia s Register
nBCR43 PCI DATA Regi ste r 6 (DATA6)
Alia s Register
nBCR44 PCI DATA Regi ste r 7 (DATA7)
Alia s Register
nBCR45 OnNow Pattern Matching
Register 1
nBCR46 OnNow Pattern Matching
Register 2
nBCR47 OnNow Pattern Matching
Register 3
nBCR48 LED4 Status
nBCR49 PHY Select
nCRS12 Physical Address Register 0
nCRS13 Physical Address Register 1
nCRS14 Physical Address Register 2
nCSR116 OnNow Miscellaneous
If PREAD (BCR19, bit 14) and PVALID (BCR19, bit 15)
are cleared to 0, then the EEPROM read has experi-
enced a fai lure and the conten ts of the EE PROM pro-
grammable BCR register will be set to default
H_RESET values. The conte nt of the Address PROM
locations, however, will not be cleared.
The automatic EEPROM read operation will access 41
words (i.e., 82 bytes) of the EEPROM. The format of
the EEPROM contents is shown in Table 16, beginning
with the byte that resides at the lowest EEPROM ad-
Note: The first bit ou t of any word locati on in the EE-
PROM is treated as the MSB of the register being pro-
grammed. For example, the first bit out of EEPROM
word locati on 09 h wi ll be wr it ten i nto BCR4 , bit 15; th e
second bit out of EEPROM word location 09h will be
written into BCR4, bit 14, etc.
There are two checksum locations within the EE-
PROM. The first checksum will be used by AMD driver
software to verify that the ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI
802.3) station address has not been corrupted. The
value of bytes 0Ch and 0Dh should matc h the sum of
bytes 00 h through 0 Bh and 0 Eh and 0 Fh. The s econd
checks um location (byte 51h) is not a ch ecksum total,
but is, instead, a checksum adjustment. The value of
this byte should be such that the total checksum for the
entire 82 bytes of EEPROM data equals the value FFh.
The che cksum adjust b yte is needed by the contr oller
in order to verify that the EEPROM content has not
been corrupted.
LED Support
The controller can support up to five LEDs. LED out-
puts LED0, LED1 , LED2, LED3, and LED4 allow for di-
rect connection of an LED and its supporting pull-up
In applications that want to use the pin to drive an LED
and also have an EEPROM, it might be necessary to
buffer the LED3 ci rcuit fro m the EE PROM conn ection.
When an LED circuit is directly connected to the
EEDO/LED3 pin, then it is not possible for most EE-
PROM devices to sink enough IOL to maintain a valid
low level on the EEDO input to the controller. Use of
buffering can be avoided if a low power LED is used.
Each LED can be programmed through a BCR register
to indic ate o ne o r mor e of t he fo ll owi ng ne twork st atus
or activities: Collision Status, Full-Duplex Link Status,
Half-Dupl ex Link Sta tus, Rece ive Match, Rec eive Sta-
tus, Magi c Packet, Disa ble Transceiv er, Transmit S ta-
tus, Power, and Speed.
86 Am79C978
Table 16. EEPROM Map
Note: *Lowest EEPROM address.
Address Byte
Addr. Most Significant Byte Byte
Addr. Least Significant Byte
00h* 01h 2nd byte of the ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI
802.3) station physical address for this node 00h
First byte of the IS0 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3)
station physical address for this node, where
first byte refers to the fi rst b yte to ap pea r on
the 802.3 medium
01h 03h 4th byte of the node address 02h 3rd byte of the node address
02h 05h 6th byte of the node address 04h 5th byte of the node address
03h 07h CSR116[15:8] (OnNow Misc. Configuration) 06h CSR116[7:0] (OnNow Misc. Configuration)
04h 09h Hardware ID: must be 11h if compatibility to
AMD drivers is desired 08h Reserved location: must be 00h
05h 0Bh User programmable space 0Ah User programmable space
06h 0Dh MSB of two-byte checksum, which is the sum
of bytes 00h-0Bh and bytes 0Eh and 0Fh 0Ch LSB of two-byte checksum, which is the sum
of bytes 00h-0Bh and bytes 0Eh and 0Fh
07h 0Fh Must be ASCII W (57h) if compatibility to
AMD driver software is desired 0Eh Must be ASCII W (57h) if compatibility to
AMD driver software is desired
08h 11h BCR2[15:8] (Miscellaneous Configuration) 10h BCR2[7:0] (Miscellaneous Configuration)
09h 13h BCR4[15:8] (Link Status LED) 12h BCR4[7:0] (Link Status LED)
0Ah 15h BCR5[15:8] (LED1 Status) 14h BCR5[7:0] (LED1 Status)
0Bh 17h BCR6[15:8] (LED2 Status) 16h BCR6[7:0] (LED2 Status)
0Ch 19h BCR7[15:8] (LED3 Status) 18h BCR7[7:0] (LED3 Status)
0Dh 1Bh BCR9[15:8] (Full-Duplex control) 1Ah BCR9[7:0] (Full-Duplex Control)
0Eh 1Dh BCR18[15:8] (Burst and Bus Control) 1Ch BCR18[7:0] (Burst and Bus Control)
0Fh 1Fh BCR22[15:8] (PCI Latency) 1Eh BCR22[7:0] (PCI Latency)
10h 21h BCR23[15:8] (PCI Subsystem Vendor ID) 20h BCR23[7:0] (PCI Subsystem Vendor ID)
11h 23h BCR24[15:8] (PCI Subsystem ID) 22h BCR24[7:0] (PCI Subsystem ID)
12h 25h BCR25[15:8] (SRAM Size) 24h BCR25[7:0] (SRAM Size)
13h 27h BCR26[15:8] (SRAM Boundary) 26h BCR26[7:0] (SRAM Boundary)
14h 29h BCR27[15:8] (SRAM Interface Control) 28h BCR27[7:0] (SRAM Interface Control)
15h 2Bh BCR32[15:8] (MII Control and Status) 2Ah BCR32[7:0] (MII Control and Status)
16h 2Dh BCR33[15:8] (MII Address) 2Ch BCR33[7:0] (MII Address)
17h 2Fh BCR35[15:8] (PCI Vendor ID) 2Eh BCR35[7:0] (PCI Vendor ID)
18h 31h BCR36[15:8] (Conf. Space. byte 43h alias) 30h BCR36[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 42h alias)
19h 33h BCR37[15:8] (DATA_SCALE alias 0) 32h BCR37[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 47h0alias)
1Ah 35h BCR38[15:8] (DATA_SCALE alias 1) 34h BCR38[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 47h1alias)
1Bh 37h BCR39[15:8] (DATA_SCALE alias 2) 36h BCR39[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 47h2alias)
1Ch 39h BCR40[15:8] (DATA_SCALE alias 3) 38h BCR40[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 47h3alias)
1Dh 3Bh BCR41[15:8] (DATA_SCALE alias 4) 3Ah BCR41[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 47h4alias)
1Eh 3Dh BCR42[15:8] (DATA_SCALE alias 0) 3Ch BCR42[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 47h5alias)
1Fh 3Fh BCR43[15:8] (DATA_SCALE alias 0) 3Eh BCR43[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 47h6alias)
20h 41h BCR44[15:8] (DATA_SCALE alias 0) 40h BCR44[7:0] (Conf. Space byte 47h7alias)
21h 43h BCR48[15:8] (LED4 Status) 42h BCR48[7:0] (LED4 Status)
22h 45h BCR49[15:8] (PHY Select) 44h BCR49[7:0] (PHY Select)
23h 47h BCR50[15:8]Reserved location: must be 00h 46h BCR50[7:0]Reserved location: must be 00h
24h 49h BCR51[15:8]Reserved location: must be 00h 48h BCR51[7:0]Reserved location: must be 00h
25h 4Bh BCR52[15:8]Reserved location: must be 00h 4Ah BCR52[7:0]Reserved location: must be 00h
26h 4Dh BCR53[15:8] Reserved locati on: must be 00h 4Ch BCR53[7:0 ]Reserved location : must be 00h
27h 4Fh BCR54[15:8]Reserved location: must be 00h 4Eh BCR54[7:0]Reserved location: must be 00h
28h 51h Checksum ad just byte f or t he 82 bytes of th e
EEPROM contents, checksum of the 82 bytes
of the EEPROM should total to FFh 50h BCR54[7:0]Reserved location: must be 00h
Empty loc ati on s Ignored by device
3Eh 7Dh Reserved 7Ch Reserved
3Fh 7Fh Reserved 7Eh Reserved
Am79C978 87
The LED pins can be configured to operate in either
open-drain mode (active low) or in totem-pole mode
(activ e high). Th e out put can be s tretche d to all ow the
human eye to recognize even short events that last
only several microseconds. After H_RESET, the five
LED outputs are configured as shown in Table 17.
Table 17. LED Default Configuration
For each LED register, each of the status signals is
ANDd wi th its enable sign al, and these sign als are all
ORd toget her to form a combi ned s tatus signa l. E ach
LED pin combined status signal can be programmed to
run to a pulse stretcher, which consists of a 3-bit shift
register clocked at 38 Hz (26 ms). The data input of
each shi ft register i s normally a t logic 0. T he OR gate
output for each LED register asynchronously sets all
three bits of its shift register when the output becomes
asserted. The inverted output of each shift register is
used to control an LED pin. Thus, the pulse stretcher
provides 2 to 3 clocks of stretched LED output, or 52
ms to 78 ms. See Figure 45.
Power Savings Mode
Power Management Support
The controller supports power management as defined
in the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specifica-
tion V1.1 and Network Device Class Power Manage-
ment Reference Specification V1.0a.These
specifi catio ns def ine the networ k devic e powe r sta tes,
PCI powe r management i nterface in cluding th e Capa-
bilities Data Structure and power management regis-
ters bloc k def ini ti ons , p ower managem ent ev en ts, and
OnNow network wake-up events.
The general scheme for the Am79C978 power man-
agement is that when a PCI wake-up event is detected,
a signal is generated to cause hardware external to the
Am79C978 device to put the computer into the working
(S0) mode.
Figure 45. LED Control Logic
The Am79C978 device supports three types of wake-
up events:
1. Magic Packet Detect
2. OnNow Pattern Match Detect
3. Link State Change
Figure 46 shows the relationship between these wake-
up events and the various outputs used to signal to the
external hardware.
OnNow Wake-Up Sequence
The system software enables the PME pin by setting
the PME_EN bit in the PMCSR register (PCI configura-
tion regist ers, offset 44h, bit 8) to 1. When a wake-up
event is detected, the controller sets the PME_ST A TUS
bit in the PMCSR re gister ( PCI confi gu ratio n reg ister s,
offset 44h, bit 15). Setting this bit causes the PME sig-
nal to be asserted. Assertion of the PME signal causes
external hardware to wake up the CPU. The system
software then reads the PMCS R register o f every PCI
device in the system to determine which device as-
serted the PME signal.
When the software determines that the signal came
from the c ontroller, it writes to the device's PM CSR to
put the dev ice into powe r state D0. The s oftware then
writes a 0 to the P ME_STATUS b it to clear the bit an d
turn off the PME signal, and it calls the device's soft-
ware drive r to tell it that the devi ce is now in state D0.
The system software can clear the PME_STATUS bit
either bef ore, after, or at the same time that it puts the
device back into the D0 state.
Output Indication Driver Mode Pulse Stretch
LED0 Link Status Open Drain -
Active Low Enabled
LED1 Receive
Status Open Drain -
Active Low Enabled
LED2 Power Open Drain -
Active Low Enabled
LED3 Transmit
Status Open Drain -
Active Low Enabled
LED4 Speed Open Drain -
Active Low Enabled
POWERE 22206B-49
88 Am79C978
Figure 46. OnNow Functional Diagram
Link Change Detect
Link change detect is one of wake-up events defined
by the OnNow specification. Link Change Detect mode
is set when th e LCMODE bit (CSR116, bit 8) is set ei-
ther by software or loaded through the EEPROM.
When this bit is set, an y ch ange in t he Link status wi ll
cause t he LCDET bi t (CSR116, bi t 9) to be set. W hen
the LCDET bit is set, the PME_STATUS bit (PMCSR
register, bit 15) will be set. If either the PME_EN bit
(PMCSR, bi t 8) or the PM E_ EN_ O VR bi t (CSR11 6, bi t
10) are set, then the PME will also be asserted.
OnNow Pa ttern Match Mode
In the OnNow Pattern Match Mode, the Am79C978 de-
vice compares the incoming packets with up to eight
patterns stored in the Pattern Mat ch RAM (PM R). The
stored pa tterns can be c ompared wi th part or all of in-
coming packets, depending on the pattern length and
the way the PMR is programmed. When a pattern
match has been detected, then PMAT bit (CSR116, bit
7) is set. The setting of the PMAT bit causes the
PME_STATUS bit (PMCSR, b it 15) to be set, wh ich in
turn will assert the PME pin if the PME_EN bit
(PMCSR, bit 8) is set.
Pattern Match RAM (PMR)
PMR is organized as an array of 64 words by 40 bits as
shown in Figure 47. The PMR is programmed indirectly
through BCR s 45, 46 , a nd 47. W hen B CR45 i s wr itte n
and the PMAT_MODE bit (BCR45, bit 7) is set to 1,
Pattern Match logic is enabled. No bus accesses into
the PMR are possible when the PMAT_MODE bit is
set, and BCR46, BCR47, and all other bits in BCR45
are ignored. When PMAT_MODE is set, a read of
BCR45 returns all bits undefined except for
Magic Packet
Link Change
Link Change
Pattern Match
Pattern Match RAM (PMR)
PME Status
Am79C978 89
PMAT_MODE. In order to access the contents of the
PMR, PMAT_MODE bit should be programmed to 0.
When BCR45 i s written to set th e PMAT_MODE bi t to
0, the P atter n Ma tch l ogi c i s dis ab le d and ac ce ss es t o
the PMR are possible. Bits 6:0 of BCR45 specify the
address of the PMR word to be accessed. Writing to
BCR45 does not immediately affect the contents of the
PMR. Following the write to BCR45, the PMR word ad-
dresse d by bit s 6:0 of BC R45 may be read by r eadin g
BCR45, BCR46, and BCR47 in any order. To write to
the PMR word, the write to BCR45 must be followed
by a write to BCR46 and a write to BCR47 in that order
to co mplete the ope ration. The PMR will no t actual ly be
written until the write to BCR47 is complete.
The first two 40-bit words in this RAM serve as pointers
and contain enable bits for the eight possible match
patterns. The remainder of the RAM contains the
match patterns and associated match pattern control
bits. Byte 0 of the first word contains the pattern enable
bits. Any bi t pos it ion se t in th is by te en abl es the c or re-
sponding match pattern in the PMR, as an example if
the bit 3 is se t, then patter n 3 is enabl ed for mat ching.
Bytes 1 to 4 in the fi rst wor d are poin ters to the begin-
ning of the patte rn s 0 to 3, and by tes 1 to 4 in th e sec -
ond word are pointers to the beginning of patterns 4 to
7, respectively. Byte 0 of the second word has no func-
tion associated with it. Byte 0 of the words 2 to 63 is the
control fie ld of the PMR. B it 7 of this fi el d is th e E nd o f
Packet (EOP) bit. When this bit is set, it indicates the
end of a pattern in the PMR. Bits 6-4 of the control field
byte are the SKIP bits. The value of the SKIP field indi-
cates the number of the Dwords to be skipped before
the pattern in this PMR word is compared with data
from the incoming frame. A maximum of seven Dwords
may be skipped. Bits 3-0 of the control field byte are the
MASK bits. These bits correspond to the pattern match
bytes 3-0 of the same PMR word (PMR bytes 4-1). If bit
n of this field is 0, then byte n of the corr espo ndin g pat-
tern word is ignored. If this field is programmed to 3,
then bytes 0 and 1 of the pattern match field (bytes 2
and 1 of the word) ar e u sed, an d by tes 3 and 2 are i g-
nored in the pattern matching operation.
The contents of the PMR are not affected by
H_RESET, S_RESET, or STOP. The content s are un-
defined after a power up reset (POR).
Magic Packet Mode
In Magic Packet mode, the controller remains fully
powered up (all VDD and VDDB pins must remain at
their supply levels). The device will not generate any
bus master transfers. No transmit operations will be ini-
tiated on the network. The device will continue to re-
ceive frames from the network, but all frames will be
automatically flushed from the receive FIFO. Slave ac-
cesses to the controller are still possible. A Magic
Packet is a frame that is addressed to the controller
and contains a data sequence anywhere in its data
field ma de u p o f 16 consec uti ve copi es of the dev ices
physical address (PADR[47:0]). The controller will
search incoming frames until it finds a Magic Packet
frame. It starts scanning for the sequence after pro-
cessing the length field of the frame. The data se-
quence can begin anywhere in the data field of the
frame, but must be detected before the controller
reaches t he frames FCS field . A ny de vi ati on of t he i n-
coming frames data sequence from the required phys-
ical address sequence, even by a single bit, will
prevent the detecti on of that fram e as a Magi c Packet
The controller supports two different modes of address
detection for a Magic Packet frame. If MPPLBA (CSR5,
bit 5) or E MP P LBA (CS R 116, b it 6) are a t t hei r de faul t
value of 0, the controller will only detect a Magic Packet
frame if the destination address of the packet matches
the conten t of the phy sic al addres s regis ter (PADR) . If
MPPLBA or EMPPLBA are set to 1, the destination ad-
dress of the Magic Packet frame can be unicast, multi-
cast, or broadcast.
Note: The setting of MPPLBA or EMPPLBA only ef-
fects the address detection of the Magic Packet frame.
The Magic Packets data sequence must be made up
of 16 consecutive copies of the devices physical ad-
dress (P ADR[47:0]), regardless of what kind of destina-
tion address it has.
There are two general methods to plac e the controll er
into Magic Packet mode. The first is the software
method. In this method, either the BIOS or othe r soft-
ware sets the MPMODE bit (CSR5, bit 1). Then the
controller must be put into suspend mode (see descrip-
tion of CSR5, bit 0), allowing any current network activ-
ity to finish. Finally, either PG must be deasserted
(hardware control), or MPEN (CSR5, bit 2) must be set
to 1 (software control).
Note: FASTSPNDE (CSR7, bit 15) has no meaning in
Magic Packet mode.
The second method is the hardware method. In this
method, the MPPEN bit (CSR116, bit 4) is set at power
up by the loading of the EEPROM. This bit can also be
set by software. The controller will be placed in the
Magic Pac ket Mod e when eithe r the PG input is deas-
serted or the MPE N bit is se t. Magi c Pa ck et mo de ca n
be disabled at any time by asserting PG or clearing
MPEN bit.
90 Am79C978
Figure 47. Pattern Match RAM
When the controller detects a Magic Packet frame, it
sets the MPMAT bit (CSR116, bit 5), the MPINT bit
(CSR5, bit 4), and the PME_ STATUS bit (PMCSR, bit
15). If the PME_EN or the PME_EN_OVR bits are set,
the PME will be asserted as well. If IENA (CSR0, bit 6)
and MPINTE (CSR5, bit 3) are set to 1, INT A will be as-
serted. Any one of the four LED pins can be pro-
grammed to indicate that a Magic Packet frame has
been received. MPSE (BCR4-7, bit 9) must be set to 1
to enable that function.
Note: The polarity of the LED pin can be programmed
to be active HIGH by setting LEDPOL (BCR4-7, bit 14)
to 1.
Once a Magic Packet frame is detected, the controller
will discard the frame internally , but will not resume nor-
mal transmit and receive operations until PG is as-
serted o r MPE N is c lea red. O nce b oth o f the se events
has oc curred, indic ating that th e system has detected
the Magic Packet and is awake, the controller will con-
tinue polling receive and transmit descriptor rings
where it left off. It is not necessary to re-initialize the de-
vice. If the part is re-initialized, then the descriptor loca-
tions will be reset and the controller will not start where
it left off.
If magic packet mode is disabled by the assertion of
PG, then in order to immediately re-enable Magic
Packet mode, th e PG pin mu st remain deasserted for
at least 200 ns before it is r easse rted. If M agic Pac ket
mode is disabled by clea ring MPEN bi t, then it may be
immediately re-enabled by setting MPEN back to 1.
BCR 47 BCR 46 BCR 45
BCR Bit Number 15 8 7 0 15 8 7 0 15 8
Pattern Match
RAM Address Patter n Ma tch RAM B it Number
39 32 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0 Comments
0P3 pointer P2 pointer P1 pointer P0 pointer Pattern Enable
bits First Address
1P7 pointer P6 pointer P5 pointer P4 pointer X Second
2Data Byte 3 Data Byte 2 Data Byte1 Data Byte 0 Pattern Contr ol Start Patte rn
2+n Data Byte 4n+3 Date Byte 4n+2 Data Byte 4n+1 Data Byte 4n+0 Pattern Control End Pattern P1
JData Byte 3 Data Byte 2 Data Byte 1 Data Byte 0 Pattern Control Start Patte rn
J+m Data Byte 4m+3 Data Byte 4m+2 Data Byte 4m+1 Data Byte 4m+0 Pattern Control End Pattern Pk
63 Last Address
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Am79C978 91
The PCI bus interface clock (CLK) is not required to be
running while the device is operatin g in Magic Packet
mode. Either of the INT A, the LED pins, or the PME sig-
nal may be used to indicate the receipt of a Magic
Packet frame when the CLK is stoppe d. If the system
wishes to st op the CLK, it will do so after enabling the
Magic Packet mode.
CAUTION: To prevent unwa nted inte rrupts fr om other
active parts of the controller, care must be taken to
mask all likely interruptible events during Magic Packet
mode. An example would be the interrupts from the
Media Inde pendent Inter face, whi ch could occ ur while
the device is in Magic Packet mode.
IEEE 1149.1 (1990) Test Access Port
An IEEE 1149.1-compatible boundary scan Test Ac-
cess Port is provided for board-level continuity test and
diagnostics. All digital input, output, and input/output
pins are tested. The following paragraphs summarize
the IEEE 1149.1-compatible test functions imple-
mented in the control ler.
Boundary Scan Circuit
The boundary scan test circuit requires four pins (TCK,
TMS, T DI, and T DO), def ine d as th e Te st Ac cess Port
(TAP). It includes a finite state machine (FSM), an in-
struction register , a data register array , and a power-on
reset circuit. Internal pull-up resist ors are provided for
the TDI, TCK, and TMS pins.
TAP Finite State Machine
The TAP engine is a 16-state finite state machine
(FSM), driven by the Test Clock (TCK), and the Test
Mode Select (TMS) pins. An independent power-on
reset circuit is provided to ensure that the FSM is in the
TEST_LOGIC_RESET state at power-up. Therefore,
the TRST is not provided. The FSM is also reset when
TMS and TDI are high for five TCK periods.
Supported Instructions
In additio n to the minim um IEEE 1149.1 requ irements
(BYPASS, EXTEST, and SAMPLE instructions), three
additional instructions (IDCODE, TRIBYP, and SET-
BYP) are provided to further ease board-level testing.
All unused instruction codes are reserved. See Table
18 for a summary of supported instructions.
Instruction Register and Decoding Logic
After the TAP FSM i s reset , the IDCODE instru ction is
always invoked. The decoding logic gives signals to
control th e data flow in the d ata regi ster s acco rdin g to
the current instruction.
Boundary Scan Register
Each Boundary Scan Register (BSR) cell has two
stages. A flip-flop and a latch are used for the Serial
Shift Stage and the Parallel Output Stage, respectively .
There are four possible operation modes in the BSR
cell shown in Table 19.
Other Data Registers
Other data registers are the following:
1. Bypass register (1 bit)
2. Device ID register (32 bits) (Table 20).
Note: The content of the Device ID register is the
same as the content of CSR88.
Table 18. IEEE 1149.1 Supported Instruction
Name Instruction
Code Description Mode
EXTEST 0000 External Test Test BSR
IDCODE 0001 ID Code
Inspection Normal ID REG
SAMPLE 0010 Sample
Boundary Normal BSR
TRIBYP 0011 Force Float Normal Bypass
SETBYP 0100 Control
Bounda ry t o
I/0 Test Bypass
BYPASS 1111 Bypass Scan Normal Bypass
Table 19. BSR Mode Of Operation
3 Update
4System Function
Table 20. Device ID Register
Bits 31-28 Version
Bits 27-12 Part Number (0010 0110 0010 0110)
Bits 11-1 Manufacturer ID. T he 1 1 bit man ufacturer ID
cod for AMD is 000000000 01 in acc ordance
with JEDEC publication 106-A.
Bit 0 Al ways a l ogic 1
92 Am79C978
NAND Tree Testing
The controller provides a NAND tree test mode to allow
checki ng conn ectivit y to the dev ice on a pri nted circui t
board. The NAND tree is built on all PCI bus pins.
NAND tree testing is enabled by asserting RST. PG
input should be driven HIGH during NAND tree testing.
All PCI bus signals will become inputs on the assertion
of RST. The result of the NAND tree test can be ob-
served on the INTA pin . See F igur e 48.
Pin 141 (RST) is the first input to the NAND tree. Pin
142 (CLK) is the second input to the NAND tree, fol-
lowed by pi n 143 (GNT). Al l other PCI bu s signal s fol-
low , counterclockwise, with pin 61 (AD0) being the last.
Ta ble 21 and Tabl e 22 shows th e comple te list of pi ns
connected to the NAND tree.
RST must be asserted low to start a NAND tree test se-
quence. Initially, all NAND tree inputs except RST
should be driven high. This will result in a high output
at the INT A pin. If the NAND tree inputs are driven from
high to low in the same order as they are connected to
build the NAND tree, INT A will toggle every time an ad-
ditional input is driven low. INTA will change to low,
when CLK is driven low and all other NAND tree inputs
stay h igh. INTA will toggle back to high, when GNT is
addition ally driv en low. The sq uare wave wil l continue
until all NAND tree inputs are driven low. INTA will be
high, when all NAND tree inputs are driven low. See
Figure 49.
Some of the pins connected to the NAND tree are out-
puts in normal mode of operation. They must not be
driven from an external source until the controller is
configured for NAND tree testing.
Figure 48. NAND Tree Circuitry (160 PQFP)
RST (pin141)
CLK (pin 142)
GNT (pin 143)
AD0 (pin 61)
INTA (pin 140)
.... INTA
Am79C978 93
Table 21. NAND Tree Pin Sequence (160 PQFP)
Table 22. NAND Tree Pin Sequence (144 TQFP)
T ree Input
No. Pin No. Name NAND Tree
Input No. Pin No. Name NAND Tree
Input No. Pin No. Name
1 141 RST 18 9 AD20 35 36 AD13
2 142 PCI_CLK 19 11 AD19 36 38 AD12
3 143 GNT 20 12 AD18 37 43 AD11
4 144 REQ 21 14 AD17 38 45 AD10
5 146 AD31 22 16 AD16 39 46 AD9
6 149 AD30 23 17 C/BE24047 AD8
7 150 AD29 24 19 FRAME 41 48 C/BE0
8 151 AD28 25 20 IRDY 42 50 AD7
9 152 AD27 26 22 TRDY 43 52 AD6
10 154 AD26 27 24 DEVSEL 44 53 AD5
11 156 AD25 28 25 STOP 45 55 AD4
12 157 AD24 29 27 PERR 46 56 AD3
13 158 C/BE3 30 28 SERR 47 58 AD2
14 3 IDSEL 31 30 PAR 48 60 AD1
15 4 AD23 32 32 C/BE14961 AD0
16 6 AD22 33 33 AD15 50
17 8 AD21 34 35 AD14 51
T ree Input
No. Pin N o. N am e NAND Tree
Input No. Pin No. Name NAND Tree
Input No. Pin No. Name
1 127 RST 18 7 AD20 35 34 AD13
2 128 PCI_CLK 19 9 AD19 36 36 AD12
3 129 GNT 20 10 AD18 37 37 AD11
4 130 REQ 21 12 AD17 38 39 AD10
5 132 AD31 22 14 AD16 39 40 AD9
6 135 AD30 23 15 C/BE24041 AD8
7 136 AD29 24 17 FRAME 41 42 C/BE0
8 137 AD28 25 18 IRDY 42 44 AD7
9 138 AD27 26 20 TRDY 43 46 AD6
10 140 AD26 27 22 DEVSEL 44 47 AD5
11 142 AD25 28 23 STOP 45 49 AD4
12 143 AD24 29 25 PERR 46 50 AD3
13 144 C/BE3 30 26 SERR 47 52 AD2
14 1 IDSEL 31 28 PAR 48 54 AD1
15 2 AD23 32 30 C/BE14955 AD0
16 4 AD22 33 31 AD15
17 6 AD21 34 33 AD14
94 Am79C978
Figure 49. NAND Tree Waveform
There are four different types of RESET operations that
may be performed on the Am79C978 device,
H_RESET, S_RESET, S TOP, and POR. The follo wing
is a description of each type of RESET operation.
Hardware Reset (H_RESET) is an Am79C978 reset
operation that has been created by the proper asser-
tion of the RST pin o f the A m79C978 devi ce wh ile th e
PG pin is HIGH. When the minimum pulse width timing
as specified in the RST pin description has been satis-
fied, an internal reset operation will be performed.
H_RESET will program most of the CSR and BCR reg-
isters to their default value. Note that there are several
CSR and BCR registers that are undefined after
H_RESET. See the sections on the individual registers
for details.
H_RESET will clear most of the registers in the PCI
configuration space. H_RESET will cause the micro-
code program to jump to its reset sta te. Following the
end of the H_RESET operation, the controller will at-
tempt to read the EEPROM device through the EE-
PROM interface.
H_RESET will clear DWIO (BCR18, bit 7) and the con-
troller will be in 16-bit I/O mode after the reset opera-
tion. A DWord write operation to the RDP (I/O offset
10h) must be performed to set the device into 32-bit
I/O mode.
Software Reset (S_RESET) is an Am79C978 reset op-
eration that has been created by a read ac cess to th e
Reset register, which is located at offset 14h in Word
I/O mode or offset 18h in DWord I/O mode from the
Am79C978 I/O or memory mapped I/O base address.
S_RE SET wil l reset al l of or some porti ons of CS R0, 3,
4, 15, 80, 100, and 124 to default values. For the iden-
tity of individual CSRs and bit locations that are af-
fected by S_RESET, see the individual CSR register
descriptions. S_RESET will not affect any PCI configu-
ration space location. S_RESET will not affect any of
the BCR re gister values. S _RESET will cau se the mi-
crocode program to jump to its reset state. Following
the end of the S_RESET operation, the controller will
not attempt to read the EEPROM device. After
S_RESET, the host must perform a full re-initialization
of the controller before starting network activity.
S_RESET will cause REQ to deassert immediately.
STOP (CSR0, bit 2) or SPND (CSR5, bit 0) can be
used to terminate any pending bus mastership request
in an orderly sequence.
S_RESE T te rminates al l n etwork ac tiv i ty a bruptl y. Th e
host can use the suspend mode (SPND, CSR5 , bit 0)
to terminate all network activity in an orderly sequence
before issuing an S_RESET.
... ... ...
Am79C978 95
A STOP reset is generated by the assertion of the
STOP bit in CSR0. Writing a 1 to the STOP bit of CSR0,
when the stop bit currently has a value of 0, will initiate
a STOP reset. If the STOP bit is already a 1, then writ-
ing a 1 to the STOP bit will not generate a STOP reset.
STOP will reset all or some portions of CSR0, 3, and 4
to default values. For the identity of individual CSRs
and bit locations that are affected by STOP, see the in-
dividual CSR register descriptions. STOP will not affect
any of the BCR and PCI configuration space locations.
STOP will cause the microc ode prog ram to jump to its
reset state. Following the end of the STOP operation,
the controller will not attempt to read the EEPROM de-
Note: STOP will n ot cause a dea ssertion of th e REQ
signal, if it happens to be active at the time of the write
to CSR0. The controller will wait until it gains bus own-
ership, and it will first finish all scheduled bus master
accesses before the STOP reset is executed.
STOP terminates all network activity abruptly . The host
can use the suspend mode (SPND, CSR5, bit 0) to ter-
minate all network activity in an orderly sequence be-
fore setting the STOP bit.
Power on Reset
Power on Res et (POR ) is gen erate d when the con tro l-
ler is powered up. POR generates a hardware reset
(H_RESET). In addition, it clears some bits that
H_RESET does not affect.
Software Access
PCI Configuration Registers
The controller implements the 256-byte configuration
space as defined by the PCI draft specification revision
2.2. The 64- byte header incl udes all regis ter s req ui re d
to identify the controller and its function. Additionally,
PCI Power Man age men t In ter fac e regi ste rs are impl e-
mented at location 40h - 47h. The layout of the PCI
configuration space is shown in Table 24.
The PCI co nfi gur ation regi ste rs a re ac ces si ble on ly by
configuration cycles. All multi-byte numeric fields follow
little endian byte ordering. All write accesses to Re-
served locations have no effect; reads from these loca-
tions will return a data value of 0.
Table 24. PCI Configuration Space Layout
I/O Resources
The Am79C978 controller requires 32 bytes of address
space for access to all the various internal registers as
well as to some setup information stored in an external
serial EEPROM. A software reset port is available, too.
The Am79C978 controller supports mapping the ad-
dress space to both I/O and memory space. The value
in the PCI I/O Base Address register determines the
start addres s of the I/O ad dress sp ace. Th e registe r is
typically programmed by the PCI configuration utility
after system power-up.
31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0 Offset
Device ID Vendor ID 00h
Status Command 04h
Base-Class Sub-Class Programming IF Revision ID 08h
Rese rve d Header Type Latenc y Timer Reserv ed 0Ch
I/O Base Address 10h
Memory Mapped I/O Base Address 14h
Reserved 18h
Reserved 1Ch
Reserved 20h
Reserved 24h
Reserved 28h
Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID 2Ch
Expansion ROM Base Address 30h
Reserved CAP-PTR 34h
Reserved 38h
MAX_LAT MIN_GNT Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line 3Ch
Reserved .
Reserved FCh
96 Am79C978
The PCI configuration utility must also set the IOEN bit
in the PCI Command register to enable I/O accesses to
the Am79C978 controller . For memory mapped I/O ac-
cess, th e P CI Me mor y Ma ppe d I/O Bas e A ddr ess re g-
ister controls the start address of the memory space.
The MEMEN bit in the PCI Command register must also
be set to enable the mode. Both base address registers
can be active at the same time.
The Am7 9C978 con troller supp orts two modes for ac -
cessing the I/O resources. For backwards compatibility
with AMDs 16-bit E ther ne t co ntr ol lers , Word I/O is the
default mode after power up. The device can be config-
ured to DWord I/O mode by software.
I/O Registers
The Am79C978 controller registers are divided into two
groups. The Control and Status Registers (CSR) are
used to confi gure the Etherne t MAC eng ine and to ob-
tain status information. The Bus Control Registers
(BCR) are used to configure the bus interface unit and
the LEDs. Both sets of registers are accessed using in-
direct addre ss in g.
The CSR and BCR share a common Register Address
Port (RAP). There are, however, separate data ports.
The Register Data Port (RDP) is used to access a
CSR. The BCR Data Port (BDP) is used to access a
In order to a ccess a part icular CSR locati on, the RAP
should first be written with the appropriate CSR ad-
dress. The RDP wi ll the n p oi nt t o th e s el ected CS R. A
read of the RDP will yield the selected CSR data. A
write to the RDP will write to the selected CSR. In order
to access a particular BCR location, the RAP should
first b e written with the appr opriate BCR add ress . The
BDP will th en p oi nt to the sele ct ed B CR. A r ea d o f th e
BDP will yield the selected BCR data. A write to the
BDP will write to the selected BCR.
Once th e RA P ha s been written wit h a v alu e, the RAP
valu e remains un changed unt il another RAP write oc -
curs, or until an H_RESET or S_RESET occurs. RAP
is cleared to all 0s when an H_RESET or S_RESET oc-
curs. RAP is unaffected by setting the STOP bit.
Address PROM Space
The Am79C978 controller allows for connection of a
serial EEPROM. The first 16 bytes of the EEPROM will
be automatically loaded into the Address PROM
(APROM) space after H_RESET. Add itionall y, the first
six bytes of the EEPROM will be loaded into CSR12 to
CSR14. The Address PROM space is a convenient
place to store the value of the 48-bit IEEE station ad-
dress. It can be ov erwritte n by the host com puter, and
its content has no effect on the operation of the
Am79C978 controller. The software must copy the sta-
tion addres s from the Add re ss PRO M s pace to the in i-
tialization block in order for the receiver to accept
unicast frames directed to this station.
The six bytes of the IEEE station address occupy the
first six locations of the Address PROM space. The
next six bytes are reserved. Bytes 12 and 13 should
matc h th e val ue of t he ch ecks um o f byte s 1 th roug h 11
and 14 and 15. Bytes 14 and 15 should each be ASCII
W (57h). The above requirements must be met in
order to be compatible with AMD driver software.
APROMWE bit (BCR2, bit 8) must be set to 1 to enable
write access to the Addre ss PROM space.
Reset Register
A read of the Reset register creates an internal soft-
ware reset (S_RESET) pulse in the Am79C978 control-
ler. The internal S_RESET pulse that is generated by
this access is different from both the assertion of the
hardware RS T pin (H_RES ET) an d from th e asser tion
of the software STOP bit. Specifically , S_RESET is the
equival ent of th e as s ertio n of the RST pin (H _ RES ET )
except that S_RESET has no effect on the BCR or PCI
Configuration space locations.
The NE2100 LANCE-based family of Ethernet cards
requires that a write access to the Reset register fol-
lows each read access to the Reset register. The
Am79C 978 controll er does not ha ve a similar r equire-
ment. The write access is not required and does not
have any effect.
Note: The Am79C978 controller cannot service any
slave accesses for a very short time after a read access
of the Reset register, because the internal S_RESET
operation takes about 1 ms to finish. The Am79C978
controlle r wi ll term ina te al l sl av e acces s es with the as-
sertion of DEVSEL and STOP while TRDY is not as-
serted, signaling to the initiator to disconnect and retry
the access at a later time.
Word I/O Mode
After H_RESET, the Am79C978 controller is pro-
grammed to operate in Word I/O mode. DWIO (BCR18,
bit 7) will be cleared t o 0. Tabl e 25 shows how th e 32
bytes of address space are used in Word I/O mode.
All I/O resour ces must be acces sed in word quantiti es
and on word addresses. The Address PROM locations
can also be read in byte quantities. The only allowed
DWord operation is a write access to the RDP, which
switches the device to DWord I/O mode. A read access
other th an li st ed in the table below wi ll y ield undef ined
data; a write operation may cause unexpected repro-
gramming of the Am79C978 control registers. Table 26
shows legal I/O accesses in Word I/O mode.
Am79C978 97
Double Word I/O Mode
The Am79C978 controller can be configured to operate
in DWord (32-bit) I/O mode. The software can invoke
the DWIO mode by performing a DWord write access
to the I/O location at offset 10h (RDP). The data of the
write access must be such that it does not affect the in-
tended operation of the Am79C978 controller. Setting
the device into 32-bit I/O mode is usually the first oper-
ation after H_RESET or S_RESET. The RAP register
will point to CSR0 at that time. Writing a value of 0 to
CSR0 is a safe operation. DWIO (BCR18, bit 7) will be
set to 1 as an indic ation th at the Am 79C978 c ontr oller
operates in 32-bit I/O mode.
Note: Even though the I/O resource mapping changes
when the I/O mode setti ng ch anges, the RDP loca tion
offset is the s ame fo r both m odes. Once the DW IO bit
has been set to 1, only H_RESET can clear it to 0. The
DWIO mode setti ng is unaf fected by S_RE SET or set-
ting of the STOP bit. Table 27 shows how the 32 bytes
of address space are used in DWord I/O mode.
All I/O resources must be accessed in DWord quanti-
ties and on DWord addresses. A read access other
than listed in Table 27 will yield undefined data, a write
operation may cause unexpected reprogramming of
the Am79C978 control registers.
Table 25. I/O Map in Word I/O Mode (DWIO = 0)
Offset No. of
Bytes Register
00h - 0Fh 16 APROM
10h 2RDP
12h 2RAP (shared by RDP and BDP)
14h 2Reset Register
16h 2BDP
18h - 1Fh 8Reserved
Table 26. Legal I/O Accesses in Word I/O Mode (DWIO = 0)
AD[4:0] BE[3:0] Type Comment
0XX00 1110 RD Byte read of APROM location 0h, 4h, 8h, or Ch
0XX01 1101 RD Byte read of APROM location 1h, 5h, 9h, or Dh
0XX10 1011 RD Byte read of APROM location 2h, 6h, Ah, or Eh
0XX11 0111 RD Byte read of APROM location 3h, 7h, Bh, or Fh
0XX00 1100 RD Word read of APROM locatio ns 1h (M SB) and 0h (L SB), 5h and 4h, 8h an d 9h, or
Ch and Dh
0XX10 0011 RD Word read of APRO M loca tions 3h (M SB) and 2h (L SB), 7h and 6 h, Bh a nd Ah, or
Fh and Eh
10000 1100 RD Word read of RDP
10010 0011 RD Word read of RAP
10100 1100 RD Word read of Reset Register
10110 0011 RD Word read of BDP
0XX00 1100 WR Word write to APRO M locat ions 1 h (MSB) and 0h (LSB), 5 h and 4h , 8h and 9h, or
Ch and Dh
0XX10 0011 WR Word write to APR OM locati ons 3h (MSB ) and 2h (LSB), 7h and 6h, Bh an d Ah, or
Fh and Eh
10000 1100 WR Word write to RDP
10010 0011 WR Word write to RAP
10100 1100 WR Word write to Reset Register
10110 0011 WR Word write to BDP
10000 0000 WR DWord write to RDP,
switches device to DWord I/O mode
98 Am79C978
Table 27. I/O Map in DWord I/O Mode (DWIO = 1)
Table 28. Legal I/O Accesses in Double Word I/O
Mode (DWIO =1)
10BASE-T Physical Layer
The 10BASE-T block consists of the following sub-
Transmit Process
Receive Process
Interface Status
Collision Detect Function
Jabbe r Func tio n
Reverse Polarity Detect
Refer to Figure 50 for the 10BASE-T block diagram.
Twisted Pair Transmit Function
Data transmission over the 10BASE-T medium re-
quires use of the integ rated 10 BA SE - T MAU and us es
the differential driver circuitry on the TX± pins.
TX± is a differential twisted-pair driver. When properly
terminat ed, TX± will meet the transmi tter electrical r e-
quirements for 10BASE-T transmitters as specified in
IEEE 802.3, Section The load is a twisted pair
cable that meets IEEE 802.3, Section 14.4.
The TX± signal is filtered on the chip to reduce har-
monic content per Section (10BASE-T). Since
filteri ng is performe d in silicon, TX± can be conne cted
directly to a standard transformer. External filtering
modules are not needed.
Twisted Pair Receive Function
The RX+ port is a differential twisted-pair receiver.
When properly term inated, the RX+ port will meet the
electrical requirements for 10BASE-T receivers as
specified in IEEE 802.3, Section The receiver
has internal filtering and does not require external filter
modules or common mode chokes.
Signals appearing at the RX± differential input pair are
routed to the internal decoder. The receiver function
meets the propagation delays and jitter requirements
specified by the 10BASE-T standard. The receiver
squelc h le ve l dr op s t o hal f i ts thresh ol d v alu e aft er un-
squelch to allow reception of minimum amplitude sig-
nals and to mitigate carrier fade in the event of worst
case signal attenuation and crosstalk noise conditions.
Figure 50. 10BASE-T Transmit and Receive Data
Twisted Pair Interface Sta tus
The Am79C978 device will power up in the Link Fail
state. The Auto-Negotiation algorithm will apply to
allow it to enter the Link Pass state.
Offset No. of Bytes Register
00h - 0Fh 16 APROM
10h 4RDP
14h 4RAP (shared by RDP and
18h 4Reset Register
1Ch 4BDP
AD[4:0] BE[3:0] Type Comment
0XX00 0000 RD
DWord read of APROM
locations 3h (MSB) to 0h
7h to 4h, Bh to 8 h, o r Fh to
10000 0000 RD DWord read of RDP
10100 0000 RD DWord read of RAP
11000 0000 RD DWord read of Reset
0XX00 0000 WR
DWord write to APROM
locations 3h (MSB) to 0h
7h to 4h, Bh to 8 h, o r Fh to
10000 0000 WR DWord write to RDP
10100 0000 WR DWord write to RAP
11000 0000 WR DWord write to Reset
Clock Data
Clock Data
RX Driver
TX Driver
Am79C978 99
In the Link Pass state, receive activity which passes
the puls e width/ amplitude requ irements of the RX± i n-
puts will cause the PCS Control block to assert Carrier
Sense (CRS) signal at the internal MII interface. A col-
lision would cause the PCS Control block to assert Car-
rier Sense (CRS) and Collision (COL) signals at the
internal MII. In the Link Fail state, this block would
cause the PCS Control block to de-assert Carrier
Sense (CRS) and Colli sion (COL) .
In jabber detect mode, this block would cause the PCS
Control block to assert the COL signal at the internal
MII and allow the PCS Control block to assert or de-as-
sert the CRS pin to indicate the current state of the RX±
pair. If there is no receive activity on RX±, this block
would cause the PCS Control block to assert only the
COL pin at the internal MII. If there is RX± activity, this
block would cause the PCS Control block to assert
both COL and CRS at the internal MII.
Collision Detect Function
Simultaneous activity (presence of valid data signals)
from both the internal encoder transmit function and
the twisted pair RX± pins constitutes a collision,
thereby causing the PCS Control block to assert the
COL pin at the internal MII.
Jabber Function
The Jabber function inhibits the 10BASE-T twisted pair
transmit function of the Am79C978 device if the TX±
circuits are active for an excessive period (20-150 ms).
This prevents one port from disrupting the network due
to a stuck-on or faulty transmitter condition. If the max-
imum transmit time is exceeded, the data path through
the 10BASE-T transmitter circuitry is disabled (al-
though Lin k Test pulses will continue to be sent). Th e
PCS Control block also asserts the COL signal at the
internal MII and sets the Jabber Detect bit in Register 1
of the active PHY. Once the internal transmit data
stream from the Manchester Encoder/Decoder stops,
an unjab time of 250-750 ms will elapse before this
block causes the PCS Control block to de-assert the
COL indication and re-enable the transmit circuitry.
When jabber is detected, this block will cause the PCS
Control block to assert the COL signal and allow the
PCS Control block to assert or de-assert the CRS sig-
nal to indicate the current state of the RX± pair. If there
is no receive activity on RX±, this block causes the
PCS Control block to assert only the COL signal at the
internal MII. If there is RX± activity , this block will cause
the PCS Control block to assert both COL and CRS on
the internal MII.
Reverse Polarit y Detect
The polarity for 10BASE-T signals is set by reception of
Normal Link Pulses (NLP) or packets. Polarity is
locked, however, by incoming packets only. The first
NLP received when trying to bring the link up will be ig-
nored, but it will set the polarity to the correct state. The
reception of two consecutive packets will cause the po-
larity to be locked, based on the polarity of the ETD. In
order to change the polarity once it has been locked,
the link must be brought down and back up again.
The object of the Au to- Neg oti ati on functi on is to deter -
mine the abilities of the devices sharing a link. After ex-
changing abilities, the Am79C978 device and remote
link pa rt ner de vi ce ac k nowl edg e e ac h ot her an d m ak e
a choice of which advertised abilities to support. The
Auto-Negotiation function facilitates an ordered resolu-
tion between exchanged abilities. This exchange al-
lows both devices at either end of the link to take
maximum advantage of their respective shared abili-
The Am79C978 device implements the transmit and
receive A uto -Negotia tio n algori thm as define d in IE EE
802.3u, Section 28. The Auto-Negotiation algorithm
uses a burst of link pulses called Fast Link Pulses
(FLPs). The burst of link pulses are spaced between 55
and 140 µs so as to be ignored by the standard
10BASE -T algorit hm. The FLP burst co nveys info rma-
tion about the abilities of the sending device. The re-
ceiver can accept and decode an FLP burst to learn the
abilities of the sending device. The link pulses transmit-
ted conf orm to the standard 1 0BASE-T template . The
device can perform auto-negotiation with reverse po-
larity link pulses.
The Am79C978 device uses the Auto-Negotiation al-
gorithm to select the type connection to be established
according to the following priority: 10BASE-T full du-
plex, then 10BASE-T half-duplex. See Table 29.
The Auto-Negotiation algorithm is initiated by the fol-
lowing events: Auto-Negotiation enable bit is set, hard-
ware res et, so ft res et , tr an siti on to li nk fa il s tate ( whe n
Auto-Negotiation enable bit is set), or Auto-Negotiation
restart bit is set. The result of the Auto-Negotiation pro-
cess can be read from the status register (Summary
Status Register, TBR24).
By default, the link partner must be at least 10BASE-T
half-duplex capable. The Am79C978 controller can au-
tomatically negotiate with the network and yield the
highest performance possible without software sup-
port. See the Network Port Manager section for more
Table 29. Auto-Negotiation Capabilities
Network Speed Physical Network Type
20 Mbps 10BASE-T, Full Duplex
10 Mbps 10BASE-T, Half Duplex
100 Am79C978
Auto-Negotiation goes further by providing a message-
based communication scheme called Next Pages be-
fore co nnecti ng to the L ink Partn er. This featur e is no t
supported in the Am79C978 device unless the DANAS
(BCR32, bit 10) is selected.
Soft Reset Function
The PHY Control Register (TBR0) incorporates the soft
reset functi on (bit 15). It is a read/wr ite register and is
self-c le ar ing . Writin g a 1 to thi s bi t cau ses a so ft re se t.
When read, the register returns a 1 if the soft reset is
still being performed; otherwise, it is cleared to 0. Note
that the register can be polled to verify that the soft
reset has terminated. Under normal operating condi-
tions, soft reset will be finished in 150 clock cycles.
Soft reset only resets the 10BASE-T PHY unit registers
to default values (some register bits retain their previ-
ous values). Refer to the individual registers for values
after a soft reset. Soft reset does not reset the manage-
ment interface.
Am79C978 101
The Am79C978 controller has four types of user regis-
ters: the PCI configuration registers, the Control and
Status registers (CSRs), the Bus Control registers
(BCRs), 10BASE-T PHY Management registers
(TBRs), and 1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Management reg-
isters (HPRs).
The Am79C978 controller implements all PCnet-ISA
(Am79C960) registers, all C-LANCE (Am79C90) regis-
ters, plus a number of additional registers. The
Am79C978 CS Rs are compatib le upon power u p with
both the PCnet-ISA CSRs and all of the C-LANCE
The PCI configuration registers can be accessed in any
data width. All other registers must be accessed ac-
cording to the I/O mode that is currently selected.
When WIO mode is selected, all other register loca-
tions are defined to be 16 bits in width. When DWIO
mode is selected, all these register locations are de-
fined to be 32 bits in width, with the upper 16 bits of
most register locations marked as reserved locations
with undefi ned v alues. W hen pe rformin g regi ster writ e
operations in DWIO mode, the upper 16 bits should al-
ways be written as zeros. When performing register
read operations in DWIO mode, the upper 16 bits of
I/O resources should always be regarded as having un-
defined values, except for CSR88.
The Am79C978 registers can be divided into four
groups: PCI Configuration, Setup, Running, and Test.
Registers not included in any of these categories can
be assumed to be intended for diagnostic purposes.
nPCI Configuration Registers
These registers are intended to be initialized by the
system initialization procedure (e.g., BIOS device ini-
tialization routine) to program the operation of the con-
troller PCI bus interface.
The following is a list of the registers that would typi-
cally need to be programmed once during the initializa-
tion of the Am79C978 controller within a system:
PCI I/O Base Address or Memory Mapped I/O
Base Address register
PCI Expansion ROM Base Address register
PCI Interrupt Line register
PCI Latency Timer register
PCI Status register
PCI Command register
OnNow register
nSetup Registers
These registers are intended to be initialized by the de-
vice driver to program the operation of various control-
ler features.
The following is a list of the registers that would typi-
cally need to be programmed once during the setup of
the contr oller wi thin a sy stem. T he contr ol bits in eac h
of these regi sters typica lly do not need to be modi fied
once they have been written. However , there are no re-
strictions as to how many times these registers may ac-
tually be accessed. Note that if the default power up
values of any of these registers is acceptable to the ap-
plicati on, then s uch regi sters n eed ne ver be ac cesse d
at all.
Note: Registers marked with ^ may be programma-
ble through the EEPROM read operation and, there-
fore, do not necessarily need to be written to by the
system initialization procedure or by the driver soft-
ware. Registers marked with * will be initialized by the
initialization block read operation.
CSR1 Initialization Block Address[15:0]
CSR2* Initialization Block Address[31:16]
CSR3 Interrupt Masks and Deferral Control
CSR4 Test and Features Control
CSR5 Ex te nded Contr ol and Inte rrup t
CSR7 Ex te nded Contr ol and Inte rrup t2
CSR8* Logical Address Filter[15:0]
CSR9* Logical Address Filter[31:16]
CSR10* Logical Address Filter[47:32]
CSR11* Logical Address Filter[63:48]
CSR12*^ Physical Address[15:0]
CSR13*^ Physical Address[31:16]
CSR14*^ Physical Address[47:32]
CSR15* Mode
CSR24* Base Address of Receive Ring Lower
CSR25* Base Address of Receive Ring Upper
CSR30* Base Address of Transmit Ring Lower
CSR31* Base Address of Transmit Ring Upper
CSR47* Transmit Polling Interval
CSR49* Receive Polling Interval
CSR76* Receive Ring Length
CSR78* Transmit Ring Length
CSR80 DMA Transfer Counter and FIFO Thresh-
old Control
CSR82 Bus Activity Timer
CSR100 Memory Error Timeout
CSR116^ OnNow Miscellaneous
CSR122 Receiver Packet Alignment Control
102 Am79C978
CSR125^ MAC Enhanced Configuration Control
BCR2^ Miscellaneou s Conf iguratio n
BCR4^ LED0 Stat us
BCR5^ LED1 Status
BCR6^ LED2 Status
BCR7^ LED3 Status
BC R9^ Full-Duplex Control
BCR18^ Bus and Burst Control
BCR19 EEPROM Control and Status
BC R20 Software Style
BCR22^ PCI Latency
BCR23^ PCI Subsystem Vendor ID
BCR24^ PCI Subsystem ID
BCR25^ SRAM Size
BCR26^ SRAM Boundary
BCR27^ SRAM Interface Control
BCR32^ Internal PHY Control and Status
BCR33^ Internal PHY Address
BCR35^ PCI Vendor ID
BCR36 PCI Power Management Capabilities
(PMC) Alias Register
BCR37 PCI DATA Register 0 (DATA0) Alias
BCR38 PCI DATA Register 1 (DATA1) Alias
BCR39 PCI DATA Register 2 (DATA2) Alias
BCR40 PCI DATA Register 3 (DATA3) Alias
BCR41 PCI DATA Register 4 (DATA4) Alias
BCR42 PCI DATA Register 5 (DATA5) Alias
BCR43 PCI DATA Register 6 (DATA6) Alias
BCR44 PCI DATA Register 7 (DATA7) Alias
BCR45 OnNow Pattern Matching Register 1
BCR46 OnNow Pattern Matching Register 2
BCR47 OnNow Pattern Matching Register 3
BCR48 LED4 Status
BCR49 PHY Select
nRunning Registers
These regi ste rs ar e i nte nde d t o be use d by the d evi c e
driver software after the Am79C978 controller is run-
ning to access status information and to pass control
The following is a list of the registers that would typi-
cally n eed to be peri odically rea d and perhaps written
during the norma l r un nin g o per ati on of th e A m7 9C97 8
controller within a system. Each of these registers con-
tains control bits, or status bits, or both.
RAP Register Address Po rt
CSR0 Controller Status
CSR3 Interrupt Masks and Deferral Control
CSR4 Test and Features Control
CSR5 Extended Control and Interrupt
CSR7 Extended Control and Interrupt2
CSR112 Missed Frame Count
CSR114 Receive Collision Count
BCR32 Internal PHY Control and Status
BCR33 Internal PHY Address
BCR34 Internal PHY Management Data
nTest Registers
These registers are intended to be used only for testing
and diagnostic purposes. Those registers not included
in any of the above lists can be assumed to be intended
for diagnostic purposes.
PCI Configuration Registers
PCI Vendor ID Register
Offset 00h
The PCI V endor ID register is a 16-bit register that iden-
tifies the manufacturer of the Am79C978 controller.
AMDs Vendor ID is 10 22h . Note that thi s Vendor I D is
not the same as the Manufacturer ID in CSR88 and
CSR89. The Vendor ID is assigned by the PCI Special
Interest Group.
The PCI Vendor ID register is located at offset 00h in
the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
This register is the same as BCR35 and can be written
by the EEPROM.
PCI Device ID Register
Offset 02h
The PCI Device ID register is a 16-bit register that
helps identify the Am79C978 controller within AMD's
product line. The Am79C978 Device ID is 2001h. Note
that this Device ID is not the sa me as the part number
in CSR88 and CSR89. The Device ID is assigned by
Am79C978 103
AMD. The PCI Device ID register is located at offset
02h in the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
PCI Command Register
Offset 04h
The PCI Command register is a 16-bit register used to
control the gross functionality of the Am79C978 con-
troller. It controls the Am79C978 controllers ability to
generate and respond to PCI bus cycles. To logically
disconn ec t the Am 79C 978 devic e f ro m al l PCI b us cy-
cles except configuration cycles, a value of 0 should be
written to this register.
The PCI Command register is located at offset 04h in
the PCI Confi guration Sp ace. It is read and written by
the host.
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locati ons. Read as ze-
ros; write operations have no ef-
9 FBTBEN Fast Back-to-Back Enable. Read
as zero; write operations have no
effect. The Am79C978 controller
will not generate Fast Back-to-
Back cycles.
8 SERREN SERR Enable. Controls the as-
ser tio n of t he S ERR pin. SERR is
disabled when SERREN is
cleared. SERR will be asserted
on detecti on of an addre ss p arity
error and if both SERREN and
PERREN (bit 6 of this register)
are set.
SERREN is cleared by
H_RESET and is not effecte d by
S_RESET or by setting the STOP
7 RES Reserved location. Read as ze-
ros; write operations have no ef-
6 PERREN Parity Error Response Enable.
Enables the parity error response
functions. When PERREN is 0
and the Am79C978 controller de-
tects a parity error, it only sets the
Detected Parity Error bit in the
PCI Status register. When PER-
REN is 1, the Am79C978 control-
ler asserts PERR on the
detection of a data parit y err or. It
also sets the DATAPERR bit (PCI
Status register, bit 8), when the
data parity error occurred during
a master cycle. PERREN also
enables reporting address parity
errors thr oug h th e S ERR pin and
the SERR bit in the PCI Status
PERREN is cleared by
H_RESET and is not affecte d by
S_RESET or by setting the STOP
5 VGASNOOP VGA Palette Snoop. Read as ze-
ro; write operations have no ef-
4 MWIE N M emo ry Wr it e and Inv ali da te Cy-
cle Enable. Read as zero; write
operations have no effect. The
Am79C978 controller only gener-
ates Memory Write cycles.
3 SCYCEN Special Cycle Enable. Read as
zero; write operations have no ef-
fect. The Am79C978 controller
ignores all Special Cycle opera-
2 BMEN Bus Master Enable. Setting
BMEN enables the Am79C978
controller to become a bus mas-
ter on the PCI bus. The host must
set BMEN before setting the INIT
or STRT bit in CSR0 of the
Am79C978 controller.
BMEN is cleared by H_RESET
and is not effected by S_RESET
or by setting the STOP bit.
1 MEMEN Memory Space Access Enable.
The Am79 C978 controller wi ll ig-
nore all memory accesses when
MEMEN is cleared. The host
must set MEMEN before the first
memory ac ce ss to the device.
For memory mapped I/O, the
host must program the PCI Mem-
ory Mapped I/O Base Address
register with a valid memory ad-
dress before setting MEMEN.
For accesses to the Expansion
ROM, the host must pr ogram the
PCI Expansion ROM Base Ad-
dress register at offset 30h with a
valid memory address before set-
ting MEMEN. The Am79C978
104 Am79C978
control ler will onl y respond to ac-
cesses to the Expansion ROM
when both ROMEN (PCI Expan-
sion ROM Base Address register,
bit 0) and MEMEN are set to 1.
Since MEMEN also enables the
memory mapped access to the
Am79C978 I/O resources, the
PCI Memory Mapped I/O Base
Address register must be pro-
grammed with an address so that
the device does not claim cycles
not intended for it.
MEMEN is cleared by H_RESET
and is not effected by S_RESET
or by setting the STOP bit.
0 IOEN I/O Space Access Enable. The
Am79C978 controller will ignore
all I/O accesses when IOEN is
cleared . The hos t mus t set IOE N
before the first I/O access to the
device. The PCI I/O Base Ad-
dress register must be pro-
grammed with a valid I/O address
before setting IOEN.
IOEN is cleared by H_RESET
and is not effected by S_RESET
or by setting the STOP bit.
PCI Status Register
Offset 06h
The PCI Status register is a 16-bit register that contains
status inf ormation for the PCI bus related events. It is
located at offset 06h in the PCI Configuration Space.
Bit Name Description
15 PERR Parity Error. PERR is set when
the Am79C978 controller detects
a parity error.
The Am79C978 controller sam-
ples the AD[31:0], C/BE[3:0 ], a nd
the PAR li nes fo r a pari ty error a t
the following times :
In slave mode, during the ad-
dress phase of any PCI bus com-
In slave mode , for al l I/O, me m-
ory, and c onfigur ation writ e com-
mands that select the Am79C978
controller when data is trans-
ferred (TRDY and IRDY are as-
In master mode, during the data
phase of all memory read com-
In master mode, during the data
phase of the memory write com-
mand, the Am79C978 controller
sets the PERR bit if the target re-
ports a data parity error by as-
serting the PERR signal.
PERR is not effected by the state
of the Parity Error Response en-
able bit (PCI Command register,
bit 6).
PERR is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by writing a
1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
PERR is cleared by H_RESET
and is not affected by S_RESET
or by setting the STOP bit.
14 SERR Signaled SERR. SERR is set
when the Am79C978 controller
detects an address parity error
and both SERREN and PERREN
(PCI Command register, bits 8
and 6) are set.
SERR is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by writing a
1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
SERR is cleared by H_RESET
and is not affected by S_RESET
or by setting the STOP bit.
13 RMABORT Received Master Abort. RM-
ABORT is set when the
Am79C978 controller terminates
a master cycle with a master
abort sequence.
RMABORT is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. RMABORT is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
12 RTABORT Received Target Abort. RT-
ABORT is set when a target ter-
minates an Am79C978 master
cycle with a target abort se-
Am79C978 105
RTABORT is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. RTABORT is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
11 STABORT Send Target Abort. Read as ze-
ro; write operations have no ef-
fect. The Am79C978 controller
will never terminate a slave ac-
cess with a target abort se-
STABORT is read only.
10-9 DEVSEL Device Select Timing. DEVSEL
is set to 01b (medium), which
means that the Am79C978 con-
troller will assert DEVSEL two
clock per io ds aft er F RA ME is as-
DEVSEL is read only.
8 DATAPERR Data Parity Error Detected.
DATAPERR is set when the
Am79C978 controller is the cur-
rent bus master and it detects a
data parity error and the Parity
Error Response enable bit (PCI
Command register, bit 6) is set.
During the data phase of all
memory read commands, the
Am79C978 controller checks for
parity error by sampling AD[31:0],
C/BE[3:0], and the PAR lines.
During the data phase of all
memory write commands, the
Am79C978 controller che cks the
PERR input to detect whether the
target has reported a parity error.
DATAPERR is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. DATAPERR is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
7 FBTBC Fast Back-To-Back Capable.
Read as one; write operations
have no effect. The Am79C978
control ler is c apa bl e of acc ep ting
fast back-to-back transactions
with the first transaction address-
ing a different target.
6-5 RES Reserved locations. Read as
zero; write operations have no ef-
4 NEW_CAP New Capabilities. This bit indi-
cates whether this function imple-
ments a list of extended
capabilities such as PCI power
management. When set, this bit
indicates the presence of New
Capabilities. A value of 0 means
that this fu nction does n ot imple-
ment New Capabilities.
Read as one; write operations
have no effect. The Am79C978
controller supports the Linked
Addit ional Capabilit ies Lis t.
3-0 RES Reserved locations. Read as
zero; write operations have no ef-
PCI Revision ID Register
Offset 08h
The PCI Revision ID register is an 8-bit register that
specifies the Am79C978 controller revision number.
The value of this register is 5Xh with the lower four bits
being silicon-revision dependent.
The PCI Revision ID register is located at offset 08h in
the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
PCI Programming Interface Register
Offset 09h
The PCI Programming Interface register is an 8-bit reg-
ister that identifies the programming interface of
Am79C978 controller . PCI does not define any specific
register-level programming interfaces for network de-
vices. The value of this register is 00h.
The PCI Programming Interface register is located at
offset 09h in the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
PCI Sub-Class Register
Offset 0Ah
The PCI Sub-Class register is an 8-bit register that iden-
tifies specifically the function of the Am79C978 control-
ler . The value of this register is 00h which identifies the
Am79C978 device as an Ethernet controller.
The PCI Su b-Class regis ter is located at offset 0Ah i n
the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
106 Am79C978
PCI Base-Class Register
Offset 0Bh
The PCI Base-Class register is an 8-bit register that
broadly classifies the function of the Am79C978 con-
troller . The value of this register is 02h, which classifies
the Am79C978 device as a networking controller.
The PCI Base-Class register is located at offset 0Bh in
the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
PCI Latency Timer Register
Offset 0Dh
The PCI Latency Timer register is an 8-bit register that
specifies the minimum guaranteed time the Am79C978
controller will control the bus once it starts its bus mas-
tership period. The time is measured in clock cycles.
Every time the Am79C978 controller asserts FRAME at
the beginning of a bus mastership period, it will copy
the value of the PCI Latency Timer register into a
counter and start counting down. The counter will freeze
at 0. Wh en the s ystem arbiter remove s GNT whil e the
counter is non-zero, the Am79C978 controller will con-
tinue with i ts data tra ns fers. I t will o nly r ele as e the bus
when the counter has reached 0.
The PCI Latency Timer is only significant in burst trans-
actions, where FRAME stays asserted until the last data
phase. In a non-burst transaction, FRAME is only as-
serted during the address phase . The internal latency
counter will be cleared and suspended while FRAME is
All eight bits of the PCI Latency Timer register are pro-
grammab le. The hos t should r ead the Am79C9 78 PCI
MIN_GNT and PCI MAX_LAT registers to determine the
latency requireme nts for the device and then initialize
the Latency Timer register with an appropriate value.
The PCI Latency T imer register is located at offset 0Dh
in the PCI Configuration Space. It is read and written by
the host. The PCI Lat enc y Timer regi st er is c l eared by
H_RESET and is not effected by S_RESET or by setting
the STOP bit.
PCI Header Type Register
Offset 0Eh
The PCI Header Type register is an 8-bit register that
describes the format of the PCI Configuration Space
loca tions 10h to 3Ch and that i dentifi es a device t o b e
single o r mult i-fun ction. The PC I Header Type reg ister
is located at address 0Eh in the PCI Configuration
Space. It is read only.
Bit Name Description
7 FUNCT Single-function/multi-function de-
vice. Read as zero; write opera-
tions have no effect. The
Am79C978 controller is a single
function device.
6-0 LAYOUT PCI configuration space layout.
Read as zeros; write operations
have no effect. The la yout of the
PCI configuration space loca-
tions 10h to 3Ch is as shown in
Table 24.
PCI I/O Base Address Register
Offset 10h
The PCI I/O Base Address register is a 32-bit register
that determines the location of the Am79C978 I/O re-
sources in all of I/O sp ace. It is lo ca ted at offset 10h in
the PCI Configuration Space.
Bit Name Description
31-5 IOBASE I/O base address most significant
27 bits. These bit s are written by
the host to s pe cify the l ocati on o f
the Am79C978 I/O resources in
al l of I/ O sp ace. IOB AS E mus t be
written with a valid address be-
fore the Am79C978 controller
slave I/O mode is turned on by
setting the IOEN bit (PCI Com-
mand register , bit 0).
When the Am79C978 controller
is enable d for I/O mode (IOEN is
set), it monitors the PCI bus for a
valid I/O command. If the value
on AD[31:5] during the address
phase of the cycles matches the
value of IOBASE, the Am79C978
control ler wil l dri ve DEV SEL ind i-
cating it will respond to the ac-
IOBASE is read and written by
the host. IOBASE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or by setting the STOP
4-2 IOSIZE I/O size requirements. Read as
zeros; write operations have no
IOSIZE indicates the size of the
I/O space the Am79C978 control-
ler requires. When the host writes
a value of FFF F FFFFh to the I/O
Bas e Addr ess reg ister , it w ill r ead
back a value of 0 in bits 4-2. That
indicates an Am79C978 I/O
space requirement of 32 bytes.
1 RES Reserved location. Read as zero;
write operations have no effect.
Am79C978 107
0 IOSPACE I/O space indicator. Read as one;
write operations have no effect.
Indicating that this base address
register describes an I/O base
PCI Memory Mapped I/O Base Address Register
Offset 14h
The PCI Memory Mapped I/O Base Address register is
a 32-bit register that determines the location of the
Am79C9 78 I/O reso urces i n all of me mory s pace. It is
located at offset 14h in the PCI Configuration Space.
Bit Name Description
31-5 MEMBASE Memory mapped I/O base ad-
dress most significant 27 bits.
These bits are written by the host
to specify the location of the
Am79C978 I/O resources in all of
memory s pace . MEMB ASE m ust
be written with a valid address
before the Am79C978 controller
slave mem ory mapped I/O mode
is turned on by setting the ME-
MEN bit (PCI Command register,
bit 1).
When the Am79C978 controller
is enabled for memory mapped
I/O mode (MEMEN is set), it mon-
itors the PCI bus for a valid mem-
ory command. If the value on
AD[31:5] during the address
phase of the cycles matches the
value of MEMBASE, the
Am79C978 controller will drive
DEVSEL indicating it will respond
to the access.
MEMBASE is read and written by
the host. MEMBASE is cleared
by H_RESE T and is not affec ted
by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
4 MEMSIZE Memory mapped I/O size re-
quiremen ts . Read as ze r os; writ e
operations have no effect.
MEMSIZE indicates the size of
the memory space the
Am79C978 controller requires.
When the host writes a value of
FFFF FFFFh to the Memory
Mapped I /O B ase Addres s regis-
ter, it will read back a value of 0 in
bit 4. That indicates a Am79C978
memory space requirement of 32
3 PREFETCH Prefetchable. Read as zero; write
operations have no effect. Indi-
cates that memory space con-
trolled by this base address
registe r is not prefetch able. Data
in the memory mapped I/O space
cannot be prefetched. Because
one of the I/O resources in this
address space is a Reset regis-
ter, the order of the read access-
es is important.
2-1 TYPE Memory type indicator. Read as
zeros; write operations have no
effect. Indicates that this base ad-
dress reg is ter is 3 2 bi ts wid e an d
mapping can be done anywhere
in the 32-bit memory space.
0 MEMSPACE Memory space indicator. Read
as zero; write operations have no
effect. Indicates that this base ad-
dress register describes a memo-
ry base address.
PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register
Offset 2Ch
The PCI S ubsy ste m Vendor ID reg ister i s a 16- bi t reg-
ister that together with the PCI Subsystem ID uniquely
identifies the add-in card or subsystem the Am79C978
controller is used in. Subsystem V endor IDs can be ob-
tained from the PCI SIG. A value of 0 (the default) indi-
cates that the Am79C978 controller does not support
subsystem identification. The PCI Subsystem Vendor
ID is an alia s of BCR23, bits 15-0. It is prog ramm able
through the EEPROM.
The PCI Subsystem Vendor ID register is located at off-
set 2Ch in the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
PCI Subsystem ID Register
Offset 2Eh
The PCI Subsystem ID register is a 16-bit register that
together with the PCI Subsystem Vendor ID uniquely
identifies the add-in card or subsystem the Am79C978
control ler is used in. Th e value of the Su bsystem ID is
up to the system vendor . A value of 0 (the default) indi-
cates that the Am79C978 controller does not support
subsyste m identifica tion. The P CI Subsyst em ID is a n
alias of BCR24, bits 15-0. It is programmable throug h
The PCI Subsystem ID register is located at offset 2Eh
in the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
108 Am79C978
PCI Expansion ROM Base Address Register
Offset 30h
The PCI Expansion ROM Base Address register is a
32-bit register that defines the base address, size, and
address align ment of an Ex pans ion ROM . It is locate d
at offset 30h in the PCI Configuration Space.
Bit Name Description
31-20 ROMBASE Expansion ROM base address
most significant 12 bits. These
bits are written by the host to
specify the location of the Expan-
sion ROM in all of memory spac e.
ROMBASE must be written with a
valid address before the
Am79C978 Expansion ROM ac-
cess is enabled by setting
ROMEN (PCI Expansion ROM
Base Ad dr es s reg is ter , b it 0) an d
MEMEN (PCI Command register,
bit 1).
Since the 12 mos t signific ant bits
of the base address are program-
mable, th e host c an map the Ex-
pansion ROM on any 1M
When the Am79C978 controller
is enabled for Expansion ROM
access (ROMEN and MEMEN
are set to 1), it monitors the PCI
bus for a valid memory com-
mand. If the value on AD[31:2]
during the address phase of the
cycle falls between ROMBASE
and ROMBASE + 1M - 4, the
Am79C978 controller will drive
DEVSEL indicating it will respond
to the access.
ROMBASE is read and written by
the host. ROMBASE is cleared
by H_RESE T and is not affec ted
by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
19-1 ROMSIZE ROM size. Read as zeros; write
operation have no effect. ROM-
SIZE indicates the maximum size
of the Expansion ROM the
Am79C978 controller can sup-
port. The ho st can dete rmine th e
Expansion ROM size by writing
FFFF FFFFh to the Expansion
ROM Base Address register. It
will read back a value of 0 in bit
19-1, indicating an Expansion
ROM size of 1M.
Note that ROMSIZE only speci-
fies the maximum size of Expan-
sion ROM the Am79C978
controller supports. A smaller
ROM can also be used. The actu-
al size of the code in the Expan-
sion ROM is always determined
by reading the Expansion ROM
0 ROMEN Expansion ROM En able. Written
by the host to enable access to
the Expansion ROM. The
Am79C978 controller will only re-
spond to a cces ses to th e Exp an-
sion ROM when both ROMEN
and MEMEN (PCI Command reg-
ister, bit 1) are set to 1.
ROMEN is read and written by
the host. ROMEN is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not effected by
S_RESET or by setting the STOP
PCI Capabilities Point er Register
Offset 34h
Bit Name Description
7-0 CAP_PTR The PCI Capabilities Pointer reg-
ister is an 8-bit register that points
to a linked list of capabilities im-
plemented on this device. This
register has a default value of
The PCI Capabilities Pointer reg-
ister is located at offset 34h in the
PCI Configuration Space. It is
read only.
PCI Interrupt Line Register
Offset 3Ch
The PCI Inter rupt Line register is an 8-bit regi ster that
is used to communicate the routing of the interrupt.
This reg ister is written by the POST softwa re as it ini-
tializes the Am79C978 controller in the system. The
regist er is read by the netwo rk driver to determine the
interrupt channel which the POST software has as-
signed to the Am79 C978 controller. The PCI Interrupt
Line register is not modified by the Am79C978 control-
ler. It has no effect on the operation of the device.
The PCI Interr up t Li ne reg is ter i s located at offset 3C h
in the PCI Configuration Space. It is read and written by
Am79C978 109
the host. It is cl eare d by H_RE S ET an d i s no t affected
by S_RESET or by setting the STOP bit.
PCI Interrupt Pin Register
Offset 3Dh
This PCI Interrupt Pin register is an 8-bit register that
indicates the interrupt pin that the Am79C978 controller
is using. The value for the Am79C978 Interrupt Pin reg-
ister is 01h, which corresponds to INTA.
The PCI Interrupt Pin register is located at offset 3Dh in
the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
PCI MIN_GNT Register
Offset 3Eh
The PCI MIN_GNT register is an 8-bit register that
specifies the minimum length of a burst period that the
Am79C978 d evice needs to k eep up with the n etwork
activity. The length of the burst period is calculated as-
suming a clock rate of 33 MHz. The register value
specifies the time in units of 1/4 µs. The PCI MIN_GNT
register is an alias of BCR22, bits 7-0. It is recom-
mended that BCR22 be programmed to a value of
The hos t should us e the v alu e i n t his r eg ister t o d e ter-
mine the setting of the PCI Latency Timer register.
The PCI MIN_GNT register is located at offset 3Eh in
the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
PCI MAX_LAT Register
Offset 3Fh
The PCI MAX_LA T register is an 8-bit register that spec-
ifies the maximum arbitration latency the Am79C978
control ler can susta in without cau sing problem s to the
netw ork acti vity. The reg ister va lue speci fies th e time in
units of 1/4 µs. The MAX_LAT register is an alias of
BCR22, bits 15-8. It is recommended that BCR22 be
programmed to a value of 1818h.
The hos t should us e the v alu e i n t his r eg ister t o d e ter-
mine the setting of the PCI Latency Timer register.
The PCI MAX_LAT register is located at offset 3Fh in
the PCI Configuration Space. It is read only.
PCI Capability Ide ntifier Register
Offset 40h
Bit Name Description
7-0 CAP_ID This register, when set to 1, iden-
tifies the linked list item as bein g
the PCI Power Management reg-
isters. T his regis ter has a default
value of 1h.
The PCI Capabilities Identifier
register is located at offset 40h in
the PCI Configuration Space. It is
read only.
PCI Next Item Pointer R egister
Offset 41h
Bit Name Description
The Next Item Pointer Register
points to the starting address of
the next capability. The pointer at
this offset is a null pointer, indi-
cating that this is the last capabil-
ity in the linked list of the
capabilities. This register has a
default value of 0h.
The P CI Next P ointe r Regist er is
located at offset 41h in the PCI
Configuration Space. It is read
PCI Power Management Capabilities Register
Offset 42h
Note: All bits of this register are loaded from the
EEPROM . Th e regis te r is alias ed to BC R36 for tes tin g
Bit Name Description
15-11 PME_SPT PME Support. This 5-bit field indi-
cates the power states in which
the function may assert PME. A
value of 0b for any bit indicates
that the function is not capable of
ass er t ing t h e PM E si gn al w h il e in
that power state.
Bit(11) XXXX1b - PME can be
asserted from D0.
Bit(12) XXX1Xb - PME can be
asserted from D1.
Bit(13) XX1XXb - PME can be
asserted from D2.
Bit(14) X1XXXb - PME can be
asserted from D3hot.
Bit(15) 1XXXXb - PME can be
asserted from D3cold.
PME_SPT is read only.
110 Am79C978
10 D2_SPT D2 Support. If this bit is a 1, this
function supports the D2 Power
Management State.
This bit is read only.
9 D1_SPT D1 Sup port. If this bit is a 1, th is
function supports the D1 Power
Management State.
This bit is read only.
Auxiliary Current Requirements.
This 3-bit field reports the
3.3Vaux current req uir em ent s for
the PCI function. If the Data Reg-
ister has been implemented by
this function, then reads of this
field must return a value of 000b
and the Data Register will take
precedence over this field for
3.3Vaux current requirement re-
If PME generation from D3cold is
not supported by the function
(PMC (15) = 0), this field must re-
turn a value of 00 0b when re ad.
For functions that support PME
from D3cold and do not implement
the Data Register, the following
bit assignments apply:
These bits are read only.
5 DSI Device Specific Initialization.
When this bit is 1, it indicates that
special initialization of the func-
tion is require d (beyo nd the sta n-
dard PCI configuration header)
before the generic class device
driver is able to use it.
This bit is read only.
4 RES Reserved location.
3 PME_ CLK PME Cloc k. When this bit is a 1,
it indicates that the function relies
on the presence of the PCI clock
for PME operation . When this bi t
is a 0 it indicates that no PCI
clock is required for the function
to generate PME.
Functions that do not support
PME generation in any state
must return 0 for this field.
This bit is read only.
2-0 PMIS_VER Power Management Interface
Specification Version. A value of
001b indicates that this function
complies with revision 1.0 of the
PCI Power Management Inter-
face Specification.
PCI Power Management Control/Status Register
Offset 44h
Bit Name Description
15 PME_STATUS PME Status. This bit is set when
the function would normally as-
sert the PME s ignal independen t
of the state of the PME_EN bit.
Writing a 1 to this bit will clear it
and cause the function to stop as-
serting a PME (if enabled). Writ-
in g a 0 has no effect.
If the function supports PME from
D3cold, then this bit is sticky and
must be explicitly cleared by the
operating system each time the
operating system is initially load-
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible . Sticky bit. Thi s bit is re-
set by POR. H_RESET,
S_RESET, or setting the STOP
bit has no effect.
8 7 6 3.3Vaux
Max. Current Required
1 1 1 375 mA
1 1 0 320 mA
1 0 1 270 mA
1 0 0 220 mA
0 1 1 160 mA
0 1 0 100 mA
0 0 1 55 mA
0 0 0 0 (self-powered)
Am79C978 111
Data Scale. This 2-bit read-only
field indicates the scaling factor
to be used when interpreting the
value of the Data register. The
value and meaning of this field
will vary depending on the
These bits are read only.
12-9 DATA_SEL Data Select. This optional 4-bit
field is used to select which data
is repo rted thro ugh the Data reg-
ister and DATA_SCALE field.
These bits are always read/write
accessible. Sticky bit. These bits
are reset by POR. H_RESET,
S_RESET, or setting the STOP
bit has no effect.
8 PME_EN PME Enable. When a 1,
PME_EN en ables the functi on to
assert PM E. When a 0, PME as-
sertion is disabled.
This bit defaults to 0 if the func-
tion does not support PME gener-
ation from D3cold.
If the function supports PME from
D3cold, the n this bi t is stic ky and
must be explicitly cleared by the
operating system each time the
operating system is initially load-
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessib le. Stic ky bit. This bit is re-
set by POR. H_RESET,
S_RESET, or setting the STOP
bit has no effect.
7-2 RES Reserved locations. These bits
are read only.
1-0 PWR_STATE Power State. This 2-bit field is
used both to determine the cur-
rent power state of a function and
to set the function into a new
power sta te. The de fin ition of th e
field values is given below.
00b - D0.
01b - D1.
10b - D2.
11b - D3.
These bits can be written and
read, but their contents have no
effect on th e operat ion o f the de-
These bits are always read/write
PCI PMCSR Bridge Support Extensions Register
Offset 46h
Bit Name Description
7-0 PMCSR_BS E The PCI PM CSR Bri dge S upp ort
Extensions Register is an 8-bit
register. PMCSR Bridge Support
Extensions are not supported.
This register has a default value
of 00h.
The P CI PM CSR B ri dge S upp ort
Extensions register is located at
offset 46h in the PCI Configura-
tion Space. These bits are read
PCI Data Register
Offset 47h
Note: All bits of this register are loaded from the
EEPROM . The re gis ter i s a lias ed to lower bytes of th e
BCR37-B CR44 for testing pur po ses.
Bit Name Description
7-0 DATA_REG The PCI Data Register is an 8-bit
register. Refer to the PCI Bus
Power Management Interface
Specification version 1.0 for a
more detailed description of this
The PCI DATA register is located
at offset 47h in the PCI Configu-
ration Space. It is read only.
RAP Register
The RAP (Register Address Pointer) register is used to
gain access to CSR and BCR registers on board the
Am79C978 controller. The RAP contains the address
of a CSR or BCR.
As an exa mpl e of RAP us e, cons id er a read a cc es s to
CSR4. In order to access this register, it is necessary
to first load the value 0004h into the RAP by performing
a write access to the RAP offset of 12h (12h when WIO
mode has been selected, 14h when DWIO mode has
been selected). Then a second access is performed,
this time to the RDP offset of 10h (for either WIO or
DWIO mode). The RDP acces s is a read acc ess, and
112 Am79C978
since RAP has just been loaded with the value of 0004h,
the RDP read will yield the contents of CSR4. A read of
the BDP at this time (offset of 16h when WIO mode has
been selected, 1Ch when DWIO mode has been select-
ed) will yield the contents of BCR4, since the RAP is
used as the pointer into both BDP and RDP space.
RAP: Register Address Port
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-8 RES Reserved locations. Read and
written as zeros.
7-0 RAP Register Address Port. The value
of these 8 bits determines which
CSR or BCR will be accessed
when an I/O access to the RDP
or BDP po rt, respectiv ely, is per-
A write acces s to undefi ned CSR
or BCR lo cations may cause un-
expected reprogramming of the
Am79C978 control registers. A
read access will yield undefined
These bits are always read/write
accessible. RAP is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
unaffected by setting the STOP
Control and Status Registers (CSRs)
The CSR spac e is acc essibl e by perfo rming acce sses
to the RDP (Register Data Port). The particular CSR
that is read or written during an RDP access will depend
upon the c urrent setti ng of the RAP. RAP serves a s a
pointer into the CSR space.
CSR0: Controller Status and Control Register
Certain bits in CSR0 indicate the cause of an interrupt.
The register is designed so that these indicator bits are
cleared by writing ones to those bit locations. This
means that the software can read CSR0 and write back
the value just read to clear t he interrupt condition.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 ERR Error. Error is set by the OR of
remains set as long as any of the
error flags ar e true .
This bit is always read accessible
only. Write operations are ig-
14 RES Reserv ed lo cat ion s. Thi s bi t is al -
ways read/write accessible.
Read retu rns zero.
13 CERR Collision Error. Collision Error is
set by the Am79C978 controller
when the device operates in half-
duplex m ode and the c oll is i on in-
puts to the GPSI port fail to acti-
vate within 20 network bit times
after the chip terminates trans-
missio n (SQE Tes t). This feat ure
is a transceiver test feature.
CERR reporting is disabled when
the GPSI port is active and the
Am79C9 78 co ntrol ler operates in
full-duplex mode.
When the MII port is selected,
CERR is only reported when the
external PHY is operating as a
half-duplex 10BASE-T PHY.
CERR assertion will not result in
an interrupt being generated.
CERR as ser tion w ill s et the E RR
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. C E RR is c le ar ed by th e
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. CERR is cleared by
H_RESET, S_RESE T, or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
12 MISS Missed Frame. Missed Frame is
set by the Am79C978 controller
when it has lost an incoming re-
ceive frame resulting from a Re-
ceive Descriptor not being
available. This bit is the only im-
mediate indication that receive
data has been lost since there is
no current receive descriptor.
The Missed Frame Counter
(CSR112) also increments each
time a receive frame is missed.
When MISS is set, INTA is as-
serted if IENA is 1 and the mask
bit MISSM (CSR3, bit 12) is 0.
MISS assertion will set the ERR
bit, regardless of the settings of
Am79C978 113
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MISS is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. MISS is cleared by
H_RESET, S_RESE T, or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
11 MERR Memory Error. Memory Error is
set by the Am79C978 controller
when it requests the use of the
system interface bus by asserting
REQ and has not received GNT
assertion after a programmable
length of ti me. Th e l eng th of tim e
in micro seconds before MERR is
asserted will depend upon the
setting of the Bus Timeout Regis-
ter (CSR100). The default setting
of CSR100 will give a MERR after
153.6 ms of bus latency.
When MERR is set, INTA is as-
serted i f IENA is 1 and the ma sk
bit MERRM (CSR3, bit 11) is 0.
MERR assertion wil l set the E RR
bit, regardless of the settings of
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MERR is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. MERR is cleared
by H_RESET, S_RESET, or by
setting the STOP bit.
10 RINT Receive Interrupt is set by the
Am79C978 controller after the
last des criptor o f a rec eive fr ame
has been update by writing a 0 to
the ownership bit (OWN). RINT
may also be set when the first de-
scriptor of a receive frame has
been updated by writing a 0 to the
ownership bit if the LAPPEN bit of
CSR3 has been set to a 1.
When RINT is set, INTA is assert-
ed if IENA is 1 and the mask bit
RINTM (CSR3, bit 10) is 0.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RINT is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effec t. RINT is clea red by
H_RESET, S_RESE T, or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
9 TINT Transmit Interrupt is set by the
Am79C978 controller after the
OWN bit in the last descriptor of a
transmit frame has been cleared
to indicate the frame has been
sent or an error occurred in the
When TINT is set, INTA is assert-
ed if IENA is 1 and the mask bit
TINTM (CSR3, bit 9) is 0.
TINT will not be set if TINTOKD
(CSR5, bit 15) is set to 1 and the
transmission was successful.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. TINT is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. T INT is c leared by
H_RESET, S_RESE T, or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
8 IDON Initialization Done is set by the
Am79C978 controller after the
initialization sequence has com-
pleted. When IDON is set, the
Am79C978 controller has read
the initial ization bl ock from mem-
When IDON is set, INTA is as-
serted if IENA is 1 and the mask
bit IDONM (CSR3, bit 8) is 0.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. IDON is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. IDON is cleared by
H_RESET, S_RESE T, or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
7 INTR Interrupt Flag indicates that one
or more following interrupt caus-
ing conditions has occurred:
MAPINT and the associated
mask or enable bit is pro-
grammed to allow the event to
cause an interrupt. If IE NA is set
to 1 and INTR is set, INTA will be
active. When INTR is set by SINT
or SLPINT, INTA will be active in-
dependent of the state of IENA.
114 Am79C978
This bit is always read accessi-
ble. INTR is read only. INTR is
cleared by clearing all of the ac-
tive individual interrupt bits that
have not been masked out.
6 IENA Interrupt Enable allows INTA to
be active if the Interrupt Flag is
set. If IENA = 0, then INTA will
be disabled regardless of the
state of INTR.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cess ible. I ENA is s et by writ ing a
1 and cleared by writing a 0. IENA
is cleared by H_RESET or
S_RESET and set ting the STOP
5 RXON Receive On indicates that the re-
ceive fun ction is enabled. RXON
is set if DRX (CSR15, bit 0) is set
to 0 after the START bit is set. If
INIT and START are set together,
RXON will not be set until after
the initialization block has been
read in.
This bit is always read accessi-
ble. RXON is read only. RXON is
cleared by H_RESET or
S_RESET and set ting the STOP
4 TXON Transmit On indicates that the
transmit function is enabled.
TXON is set if DTX (CSR15, bit 1)
is set to 0 after the START bit is
set. If INIT and START are set to-
gether, TXON will not be set until
after the initialization block has
been read in.
This bit will reset if the DXSUFLO
bit (CSR3, bit 6) is reset and there
is an underflow condition encoun-
Read accessible always. TXON
is read only. TXO N is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and s et-
ting the STOP bit.
3 TDMD Transmit Demand, when set,
causes the Buffer Management
Unit to access the Transmit De-
scriptor Ring without waiting for
the poll- time cou nter to elapse. If
TXON is not enabled, TDMD bit
will be reset and no Transmit De-
scriptor Ring access will occur.
TDMD is re quired to be set i f the
TXDPOLL bit in CSR4 is set. Set-
ting TDMD while TXDPOLL = 0
merely hastens the controllers
response to a Transmit Descrip-
tor Ring Entry.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. TDMD is set by writing a
1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
TDMD will be cleared by the Buff-
er Management Unit when it
fetches a Transmit Descriptor.
TDMD is cleared by H_RESET or
S_RESET and setting the STOP
2 STOP STOP assertion disables the chip
from all DMA activity. The chip re-
mains inactive until either STRT
or INIT are set. If STOP, STRT,
and INIT are all set together,
STOP will override STRT and
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. STOP is set by writing a
1, by H_RESET or S_RESET.
Writing a 0 has no effect. STOP is
cleared by setting either STRT or
1 STRT STRT assertion enables the
Am79C978 controller to send and
receiv e frames and per form buff-
er management operations. Set-
ting STR T clear s the STOP b it. If
STRT and INIT are set together,
the Am79C978 controller initial-
ization will be performed first.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. STRT is set by writing a
1. Writing a 0 has no effect. STRT
is cleared by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit.
0 INIT INIT assertion enables the
Am79C978 controller to begin the
initialization procedure which
reads in the initialization block
from memory. Setting INIT clears
the STOP bit. If STRT and INIT
are set together, the Am79C978
controller initialization will be per-
Am79C978 115
formed first. INIT is not cleared
when the initialization sequence
has completed.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. INIT is set by writing a 1.
Writing a 0 has no effect. INIT is
cleared by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit.
CSR1: Initialization Block Address 0
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 IADR[15:0] Lower 16 bits of the address of
the Initialization Block. Bit loca-
tions 1 and 0 must both be 0 to
align the initialization block to a
DWord boundary.
This register is aliased with
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit.
CSR2: Initialization Block Address 1
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-8 IADR[31 :24] If SSIZE 32 is set (BCR20, b it 8),
then the IADR[31:24] bits will be
used strictly as the upper 8 bits of
the initialization block address.
However, if SSIZE32 is reset
(BCR20, bit 8), then the
IADR[31:24] bits will be used to
generate the upper 8 bits of all
bus mastering addresses, as re-
quired for a 32-bit address bus.
Note that the 16-bit software
structures specified by the
SSIZE32 = 0 setting will yield
only 24 bits of address for the
Am79C978 bus master access-
es, while the 32-bit hardware for
which the Am79C978 controller is
intended will require 32 bits of ad-
dress. Therefore, whenever
SSIZE32 = 0, the IADR[31:24]
bits will be appended to the 24-bit
initiali zati on address , to eac h 24-
bit descriptor base address, and
to each beginning 24-bit buffer
address in order to form complete
32-bit addresses. The upper 8
bits that exist in the descriptor ad-
dress registers and the buffer ad-
dress registers which are stored
on board th e Am79C978 c ontrol-
ler will be overwritten with the
IADR[31:24] value, so that CSR
accesses to these registers will
show the 32-bit address that in-
cludes the appended field.
If SSIZE32 = 1, then software will
provide 32-bit pointer values for
all of the shared software struc-
tures - i.e., descriptor bases and
buffer addresses, and therefore,
IADR[31: 24] will not be written to
the upper 8 bits of any of these
resources, but it will be used as
the upper 8 bits of the initializa-
tion address.
This register is aliased with
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit.
7-0 IADR[23:16] Bits 23 through 16 of the address
of the Initialization Block. When-
ever this register is written,
CSR17 is updated with CSR2s
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit.
CSR3: Interrupt Masks and Deferral Control
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
116 Am79C978
15-13 RES Reserved locations. Read and
written as zero.
12 MISSM Missed Frame Mask. If MISSM is
set, the MISS bit will be masked
and unable to set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MISSM is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
11 MERRM Memory Error Mask. If MERRM
is set, the MERR bit will be
masked and unable to set the
INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MERRM is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
10 RINTM Receive Interrupt Mask. If RINTM
is set, the RINT bit will be masked
and unable to set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RINTM is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
9 TINTM Transmit Interrupt Mask. If
TINTM is set , th e TINT b it wi ll b e
masked and unable to set the
INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. TINTM is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
8 IDONM Initialization Done Mask. If
IDONM is set, the IDON bit will be
masked and unable to set the
INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. IDONM is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
7 RES Reserved location. Read and
written as zero.
6 DXSUFLO Disable Transmit Stop on Under-
flow error.
When DXSUFLO (CSR3, bit 6) is
set to 0, the transmitter is turned
off when an UFLO error occurs
(CSR0, TXON = 0).
When DXSUFLO is set to 1, the
Am79C978 controller gracefully
recovers from an UFLO error. It
scans the transmit descriptor ring
until it finds the start of a new
frame an d sta rts a n ew trans mis-
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. DXSUFLO is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
5 LAPPEN Look Ahead Packet Processing
Enable. When set to a 1, the
LAPPEN bit will cause the
Am79C978 controller to generate
an interrupt following the descrip-
tor write operation to the first buff-
er of a receive frame. This
interrupt will be generated in ad-
dition to t he interrupt tha t is gen-
erated following the descriptor
write operation to the last buffer
of a receive packet. The interrupt
will be signaled through the RINT
bit of CSR0.
Setting LAPPEN to a 1 also en-
ables the Am79C978 controller to
read the STP bit of receive de-
scriptors. The Am79C978 con-
troller will use the STP
informat ion to dete rmin e where it
should begin writing a receive
packets data. Note that while in
this mode, the Am79C978 con-
troller can write intermediate
packet data to buff ers whose de-
scrip tors do not con tain STP b its
set to 1. Following the write to the
last descriptor used by a packet,
the Am79C978 controller will
scan through the next descriptor
entries t o locate the ne xt STP bit
that is set to a 1. The Am79C978
controller will begin writing the
next packets data to the buffer
pointed to by that descriptor.
Note that because several de-
scrip tors may be alloc at ed by the
host for each packet, and not all
messages may need all of the de-
scriptors that are allocated be-
tween descriptors that contain
Am79C978 117
STP = 1, then some descriptors/
buffers may be skipped in the
ring. While performing the search
for the n ext STP bit that is set t o
1, the Am79C978 controller will
advance through the receive de-
scriptor ring regardless of the
state of ownership bits. If any of
the entries that are examined
during this search indicate
Am79C978 controller ownership
of the descriptor but also indicate
STP = 0, then the Am79C978
controller will reset the OWN bit
to 0 in these entries. If a scanned
entry indicates host ownership
with STP = 0, then the
Am79C978 controller will not al-
ter the entry, but will advance to
the next entry.
When the STP bit is found to be
true, but the descriptor that con-
tains this setting i s not own ed by
the Am79C978 controller, then
the Am79C978 controller will stop
advancing through the ring en-
tries and begin periodic polling of
this entry. When the STP bit is
found to be true, and the descrip-
tor that contains this setting is
owned by the Am79C978 control-
ler, then the controller will stop
advancing through the ring en-
tries, store the descriptor infor-
mation that it has just read, and
wait for the next receive to arrive.
This behavior allows the host
software to pre-assign buffer
space in such a manner that the
header portion of a receive pack-
et will a lways b e wri tten to a par-
ticular memory area, and the data
portion of a receive packet will al-
ways be written to a separate
memory area. The interrupt is
generated when the header bytes
have been written to the header
memory area.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessib le. The LA PPEN bit wi ll b e
reset to 0 by H_RESET or
S_RESET an d will be una ffected
by STOP.
See Appendix B for more infor-
mation on the Lo ok Ah ead P ack-
et Processing concept.
4 DXMT2PD Disable Transmit Two Part Defer-
ral (see Medium Allocation sec-
tion in the Media Access
Management section for more
details). If DXMT2PD is set,
Transmit Two Part Deferral will
be disabled.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. DXMT2PD is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
3 EMBA Enable Modified Back-off Algo-
rithm (see the Contention Reso-
lution section in Media Access
Management section for more
details). If EMBA is set, a modi-
fied back-off algorithm is imple-
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. EMBA is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
2 BSWP Byte Swap. This bit is used to
choose between big and little En-
dian modes of operation. When
BSWP is set to a 1, big Endian
mode is sele cted. Wh en BSWP i s
set to 0, lit tle En dian m ode is se-
When big End ian mode is se lec t-
ed, the Am79C978 controller will
swap the order of bytes on the AD
bus during a data phase on ac-
cesses to the FIFOs only. Specif-
ically, AD[31:24] becomes Byte
0, AD[23:16] becomes Byte 1,
AD[15:8] becomes Byte 2, and
AD[7:0] becomes Byte 3 when
big Endian mode is selected.
When little Endian mode is se-
lected, the order of bytes on the
AD bus during a data phase is:
AD[31:24] i s B yte 3, A D[23: 16] is
Byte 2, AD[15:8] is Byte 1, and
AD[7:0] is Byte 0.
Byte swap only affects data
transfers that involve the FIFOs.
Initialization block transfers are
not affected by the setting of the
118 Am79C978
BSWP bit. Descriptor transfers
are not affected by th e setting of
the BSWP bit. RDP, RAP, BDP
and PCI configuration space ac-
cesses are not affected by the
setting o f the B SWP bi t. Add ress
PROM transfers and Expansion
ROM accesses are not affected
by the setting of the BSWP bit.
Note that the byte ordering of the
PCI bus is de fined to be little En-
dian. BSWP should not be set to
1 when the Am79 C978 con troll er
is used in a PCI bus application.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. BSWP is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
1-0 RES Reserved locations. The default
values of these bits are zeros.
Writing a 1 to this bit has no effect
on device function. If a 1 is written
to these bits, then a 1 will be read
back. Existing drivers may write a
1 to these bits for compatibility,
but new drivers should write a 0
to these bits and should tr eat the
read value as undefined.
CSR4: Test and Features Control
Certain bits in CSR4 indicate the cause of an interrupt.
The register is designed so that these indicator bits are
cleared by writing ones to those bit locations. This
means that the software can read CSR4 and write back
the value just read to clear t he interrupt condition.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 RES Reserved location. It is OK for
legacy software to write a 1 to this
location. This bit must be set
back to 0 before setting INIT or
STRT bits.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. This bit is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
unaffected by the STOP bit.
14 DMAPLUS Writing and reading from this bit
has no effect. DMAPLUS is al-
ways set to 1.
13 RES Reserved Location. Written as
zero and read as undefined.
12 TXDPO LL Disabl e Trans mit Poll ing. If TXD-
POLL is set, the Buffer Manage-
ment Unit will disable transmit
polling. Likewise, if TXDPOLL is
cleared, automatic transmit poll-
ing is enabled. If TXDPOLL is set,
TDMD bit in CSR0 must be set in
order to initiate a manual poll of a
transmit descriptor. Transmit de-
scriptor polling will not take place
if TXON is reset. Transmit polling
will take place following Receive
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. TXDPOLL is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
unaffected by the STOP bit.
11 APAD_XMT Auto Pad Transmit. When set,
APAD_XMT enables the auto-
matic padding feature. Transmit
frames will be padded to extend
them to 64 bytes including FCS.
The FCS is calculated for the en-
tire frame, including pad, and ap-
pended after the pad field.
APAD_XMT will override the pro-
gramming of the DXMTFCS bit
(CSR15, bit 3) and of the
ADD_FCS bit (TMD1, bit 29).
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. APAD_XMT is cleared
by H_RESET or S_RESET and is
unaffected by the STOP bit.
10 ASTRP_RCV Auto Strip Receive. When set,
ASTRP_RCV enables the auto-
matic pad stripping feature. The
pad and FCS fields will be
stripped from receive frames and
not placed in the FIFO.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. ASTRP_RCV is cleared
by H_RESET or S_RESET and is
unaffected by the STOP bit.
9 MFCO Missed Frame Counter Overflow
is set by the Am79C978 control-
ler when the Missed Frame
Counter (CSR112 and CSR113)
has wrapped around.
Am79C978 119
When MFCO is set, INTA is as-
serted i f IENA is 1 and the ma sk
bit MFCOM is 0.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MFCO is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. MFCO is cleared
by H_RESET, S_RESET, or by
setting the STOP bit.
8 MFCOM Missed Frame Counter Overflow
Mask. If MFCOM is set, the
MFCO bit will be masked and un-
able to set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MFCOM is set to 1 by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by the STOP bit.
7 UINTCMD User Interrupt Command.
UINTCMD can be used by the
host to generate an interrupt un-
related to any network activity.
When UINTCMD is set, INTA is
asserted if IENA is set to 1. Write
a 1 to UINT to clear UINTCMD
and stop interrupts.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. UINTCMD is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET or by
setting the STOP bit.
6 UINT User Interrupt. UINT is set by the
Am79C978 controller after the
host has issued a user interrupt
command by setting UINTCMD
(CSR4, bit 7) to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. UINT is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effec t. UINT is clea red by
H_RESET or S_RESET or by
setting the STOP bit.
5 RCVCCO Receive Collision Counter Over-
flow is set by the Am79C978 con-
troller when the Receive Collision
Counter (CSR114 and CSR115)
has wrapped around.
When RCVCCO is set, INTA is
asserted if IENA is 1 and the
mask bit RCVCCOM is 0.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessib le. RCVCCO is cleared by
the host by writing a 1. Writing a
0 has no effect. RCVCCO is
cleared by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit.
4 RCVCCOM Receive Collision Counter Over-
flow Mask. If RCVCCOM is set,
the RCVCCO bit will be masked
and unable to set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVCCOM is set to 1
by H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by the STOP bit.
3 TXSTRT Tra nsmit Star t sta tus i s set by t he
Am79C978 controller whenever it
begins transmission of a frame.
When TXSTRT is set, INTA is as-
serted if IENA is 1 and the mask
bit TXSTRTM is 0.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. TXSTRT is cleared by
the host by writing a 1. Writing a
0 has no effect. TXSTRT is
cleared by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit.
2 TXSTRTM Transmit Start Mask. If TX-
STRTM is set, the TXSTRT bit
will be mas ked and una ble to set
the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. TXSTRTM is set to 1 by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by the STOP bit.
1-0 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
CSR5: Extended Control and Interrupt 1
Certain bits in CSR5 indicate the cause of an interrupt.
The register is designed so that these indicator bits are
cleared by writing ones to those bit locations. This
means that the software can read CSR5 and write back
the value just read to clear the interrupt condition.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
120 Am79C978
15 TOKINTD Transmit OK Interrupt Disable. If
TOKINTD is set to 1, the TINT bit
in CSR0 will not be set when a
transmission was successful.
Only a transmit error will set the
TINT bit.
TOKINTD has no effect when
LTINTEN (CSR5 , bit 14) is set to
1. A transmit descriptor with
LTINT set to 1 will always cause
TINT to be set to 1, independent
of the success of the transmis-
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessib le. TOKINTD i s cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
unaffected by STOP.
14 LTINTEN Last Transmit Interrupt Enable.
When set to 1, the LTINTEN bit
will cause the Am79C978 control-
ler to read bit 28 of TMD1 as
LTINT. The setting LTINT will de-
termine if TINT will be set at the
end of the transmission.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LTINTEN is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
unaffected by STOP.
13-12 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
11 SINT System Interrupt is set by the
Am79C978 co ntrol ler when it de-
tects a sys tem err or dur i ng a bus
master transfer on the PCI bus.
System e rrors are d ata parity er-
ror, master abort, or a target
abort. Th e settin g of SINT due to
data parity error is not dependent
on the setting of PERREN (PCI
Command register, bit 6).
When SINT is set, INTA is assert-
ed if the enable bit SINTE is 1.
Note that the assertion of an in-
terrupt due to SINT is not depen-
dent on the state of the INEA bit,
since INEA is cleared by the
STOP reset generated by the
system er ror.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. SINT is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. The state of SINT is
not affected by clearing any of the
PCI Status register bits that get
set when a data parity error
(DATAPERR, bit 8), master abort
(RMABORT, bit 13), or target
abort (RTABORT, bit 12) occurs.
SINT is cleared by H_RESET or
S_RESET a nd is not affected by
setting the STOP bit.
10 SINTE System Interrupt Enable. If SIN-
TE is set, the SINT bit will be able
to set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. SINTE is set to 0 by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affecte d by set ting the S TOP
9-8 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
7 EXDINT Excessive Deferral Interrupt is
set by the Am79C978 controller
when the transmitter has experi-
enced Excessive Deferral on a
transmit frame, where Excessive
Deferral is defined in the ISO
8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) stan-
When EXDINT is set, INTA is as-
serted i f the enab le bit E XDINTE
is 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. EXDINT is cleared by
the host by writing a 1. Writing a
0 has no effect. EXDINT is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit .
6 EXDINTE Excessive Deferral Interrupt En-
able. If EXDINTE is set, the
EXDINT bit will be able to set the
INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessib le. E XDINTE is set to 0 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
5 MPPLBA Magic Packet Physical Logical
Broadcast Accept. If MPPLBA is
at its default value of 0, the
Am79C978 121
Am79C978 controller will only de-
tect a Magic Packet frame if the
destination address of the packet
matches the content of the physi-
cal address register (PADR). If
MPPLBA is set to 1, the destina-
tion ad dress o f the Ma gic P acke t
frame can be unicast, multicast,
or broadcast. Note that the set-
ting of MPPLBA only affects the
address detection of the Magic
Packet fram e. The Magic P acket
frames data sequence must be
made up of 16 consecutive phys-
ical addresses (PADR[47:0]) re-
gardless of what kind of
destination address it has. This
bit is ORed with the EMPPLBA
bit (CSR116, bit 6) .
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPPLBA is set to 0 by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by setti ng the STOP
4 MPINT Magic Packet Interrupt. Magic
Packet Interrupt is set by the
Am79C978 controller when the
device is in Magic Packet mode
and the Am79C9 78 controlle r re-
ceives a Magic Packet frame.
When MPINT i s set to 1, INTA is
asserted if IENA (CSR0, bit 6)
and the enable bit MPINTE are
set to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPINT is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no affect. MPINT is cleared
by H_RESET, S_RESET, or by
setting the STOP bit.
3 MPINTE M agic Pack et Interru pt Enable. If
MPINTE is set to 1, the MPINT bit
will be able to set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPINT is cleared to 0
by H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by setting the STOP
2 MPEN Magic Packet Enable. MPEN al-
lows activation of the Magic
Packet mode by the host. The
Am79C978 controller will enter
the Magic Packet mode when
both MPEN and MPMODE are
set to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPEN is cleared to 0 by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affecte d by set ting the S TOP
1 MPMODE The Am79C978 controller will en-
ter the M agi c P ack et m ode whe n
MPMODE is set to 1 and either
PG is asserted or MPEN is set to
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPMODE is cleared to
0 by H_RESET or S_RESET and
is not affected by setting the
STOP bit
0 SPND Suspend. Setting SPND to 1 will
cause the Am79C978 controller
to start requesting entrance into
suspend mode. The host must
poll SPND until it reads back 1 to
determine that the Am79C978
controller has entered the sus-
pend mode. Setting SPND to 0
will get the Am79C978 controller
out of sus pe nd m ode . S PND ca n
only be set to 1 if STOP (CSR0,
bit 2) is set to 0. H_RESET,
S_RESET, or setting the STOP
bit will get the Am79C978 control-
ler out of suspend mode.
Requesting entrance into the
suspend mode by the host de-
pends on the setting of the
FASTSPNDE bit (CSR7, bit 15).
Refer to the bit des cription of the
FASTSPNDE bit and the Sus-
pend section in Detailed Func-
tions, Buffer Management Unit
for details.
In susp end mode, all of the CSR
and BCR registers are accessi-
ble. As long as the Am79C978
controller is not reset while in
suspend mode (by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit), no re-initialization of
the device is required after the
device comes out of suspend
mode. The Am79C978 controller
will continue at the transmit and
receive descriptor ring locations
122 Am79C978
from where it had left, when it en-
tered the suspend mode.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. SPND is cleared by
H_RESET, S_RESE T, or by set-
ting the STOP bit.
CSR6: RX/TX Descriptor Table Length
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-12 TLEN Contains a copy of the transmit
encoded ring length (TLEN) field
read from the initialization block
during the Am79C978 controller
initialization. This field is written
during the Am79C978 initializa-
tion routine.
Read accessible only when either
the STOP or the SPND bit is set.
Write operations have no effect
and should not be performed.
TLEN is only de fined after i nitial-
ization. These bits are unaffected
11-8 RLEN Contains a copy of the receive
encoded ring length (RLEN) read
from the initialization block during
Am79C978 controller initializa-
tion. This field is written during
the Am79C978 initialization rou-
Read accessible only when either
the STOP or the SPND bit is set.
Write operations have no effect
and should not be performed.
RLEN is only define d a fter ini tial-
ization. These bits are unaffected
7-0 RES Reserved locati ons. Read as 0s.
Write operations are ignored.
CSR7: Extended Control and Interrupt 2
Certain bits in CSR7 indicate the cause of an interrupt.
The register is designed so that these indicator bits are
cleared by writing ones to those bit locations. This
means that the software can read CSR7 and write back
the value just read to clear t he interrupt condition.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 FASTSPNDE Fast Suspend Enable. When
FASTSPNDE is set to 1, the
Am79C978 controller performs a
fast suspend whenever the
SPND bit is set.
When a fa st suspend is r equest-
ed, the Am79C978 controller per-
forms a quick entry into the
suspend mode. At the time the
SPND bit is set, the Am79C978
controller will complete the DMA
process of any transmit and/or re-
ceive packet that had already be-
gun DMA activity. In addition, any
transmit packet that had started
transmission will be fully transmit-
ted, and any receive packet that
had begun reception will be fully
receiv ed. Howev er, no addi tional
packets wil l be transm itted or re-
ceived and no additional transmit
or receive DMA activity will begin.
Hence, th e Am79C97 8 controll er
may enter the suspend mode
with transmit and/or receive
packets still in the FIFOs or the
When FASTSPNDE is 0 an d the
SPND bit is set, the Am79C978
control ler may tak e lo nger bef ore
entering the suspend mode. At
the time the SPND bit is set, the
Am79C978 controller will com-
plete the DMA process of a trans-
mit packet if it had already begun,
and the Am79C978 controller will
completely receive a receive
packet if it had already begun.
Additionally, all transmit packets
stored in the transmit FI FOs and
the transmit buffer area in the
SRAM (if one is enabled) will be
transmitted and all receive pack-
ets stored in the receive FIFOs,
and the receive buffer area in the
SRAM (if one is enabled) will be
transferred into system memory.
Since the FIFO and SRAM con-
tents are flushed, it may take
much longer before the
Am79C978 controller enters the
Am79C978 123
suspend mode. The amount of
time that it takes depends on
many factors including the size of
the SRAM, bus latency, a nd net-
work traffic level.
When a write to CSR5 is per-
formed with bit 0 (SPND) set to 1,
the value that is simultaneously
written to FASTSPNDE is used to
determine which approach is
used to enter suspend mode.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FASTSPNDE is cleared
by H_RESET, S_RESET, or by
setting the STOP bit.
14 RES Reserved location.
13 RDMD Receive Demand, when set,
causes the Buffer Management
Unit to access the Receive De-
scriptor Ring without waiting for
the receive poll-time counter to
elapse. If RXON is not enabled,
RDMD has no meaning and no
receive Descriptor Ring access
will occur.
RDMD is requir ed to be set if th e
RXDPOLL bit in CSR7 is set. Set-
ting RDMD while RXDPOLL = 0
merely hastens the Am79C978
controllers response to a receive
Descriptor Ring Entry.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RDMD is set by writing
a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
RDMD will be cleared by the Buff-
er Management Unit when it
fetches a receive Descriptor.
RDMD is cleared by H_RESET.
RDMD is unaffected by
S_RESET or by setting the STOP
12 RXDPOLL Receive Disable Polling. If RXD-
POLL is set, the Buffer Manage-
ment Unit will disable receive
polling. Likewise, if RXDPOLL is
cleared, automatic receive poll-
ing is enabled. If RXDPOLL is
set, RDMD bit in CSR7 must be
set in order to initiate a manual
poll of a receive descriptor. Re-
ceive Descriptor Polling will not
take place if RXON is reset.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RXDPOLL is cleared by
fected by S_R ES ET or by se ttin g
the STOP bit .
11 STINT Software Timer Interrupt. The
Software Timer interrupt is set by
the Am79C978 controller when
the Software Timer counts down
to 0. The So ftware Timer will im-
mediately load the STVAL (BCR
31, bits 5-0) into the Software
Timer and begin co unti ng down .
When STINT is set to 1, INTA is
asserted if the enable bit STINTE
is set to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. STINT is cleared by the
host by writing a 1. Writing a 0
has no effect. STINT is cleared
by H_RES ET and is not affe cted
by S_RESET or setting the STOP
10 STINTE S oftware Timer Interru pt Ena ble.
If STINTE is set, the STINT bit
will be able to set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. STINTE is set to 0 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP bit
9 MREINT PHY Management Read Error In-
terrupt. The PHY Read Error in-
terrupt is set by the Am79C978
control ler to indi ca te t hat the cur -
rently read regi ste r from the PHY
is inva lid, the c ontents of B CR34
are incorrect, and the operation
should be performed again. The
indication of an incorrect read
comes from the internal PHY.
When MREINT is set to 1, INTA is
asserted if the enable bit MREIN-
TE is set to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MREINT is cleared by
the host by writing a 1. Writing a
0 has no effect. MREINT is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit .
124 Am79C978
8 MREINTE PHY Management Read Error In-
terrupt Enable. If MREINTE is
set, the MREINT bit will be able to
set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MR E INT E is s et to 0 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP bit
7 MAPINT PHY Management Auto-Poll In-
terrupt. The PHY Auto-Poll inter-
rupt is set by the Am79C978
control ler to i ndi ca te th at t he c ur -
rently read status does not match
the stored previous status indi-
cating a change in state for the in-
ternal PHY. A change in the Auto-
Poll Access Method (BCR32, Bit
11) will reset the shadow register
and w il l n ot ca us e a n int e rr upt on
the first access from the Auto-Poll
section. Subsequent accesses
will generate an interrupt if the
shadow register and the read
register produce differences.
When MAPINT is set to 1, INTA is
asserted if the enable bit MAP-
INTE is set to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MAPINT is cleared by
the host by writing a 1. Writing a
0 has no effect. MAPINT is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
6 MAPINTE PHY Auto-Poll Interrupt Enable.
If MAPINTE is set, the MAPINT
bit will be able to set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessib le. MAPINT E is s et to 0 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
5 MCCINT PHY Management Command
Complete Interrupt. The PHY
Management Command Com-
plete Interrupt is set by the
Am79C978 controller when a
read or write operation to the in-
ternal PHY Data Port (BCR34) is
When MCCINT is set to 1, INTA
is asserted if the enable bit MC-
CINTE is set to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MCCINT is cleared by
the host by writing a 1. Writing a
0 has no effect. MCCINT is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit .
4 MCCINTE PHY Management Command
Complete Interrupt Enable. If
MCCINTE is set to 1, the MC-
CINT bit will be able to set the
INTR bit when the host reads or
writes to the internal PHY Data
Port (BCR34) only. Internal PHY
Managemen t Com mands wil l not
generate an interrupt. For in-
stance Auto-Poll state machine
generated management frames
will not generate an interrupt
upon completion unless there is a
compare error which gets report-
ed through the MAPINT (CSR7,
bit 6) interrupt or the MCCIINTE
is set to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MCCINTE is set to 0 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
3 MCCIINT PHY Management Command
Complete Internal Interrupt. The
PHY Management Command
Complete Interrupt is set by the
Am79C978 controller when a
read or write op eration on the in-
ternal PHY management port is
complete from an intern al opera-
tion. Examples of internal opera-
tions are Auto-Poll or PHY
Management Port generated
management frames. These are
normally hidden to the host.
When MCCIINT is set to 1, INTA
is asserted if the enable bit MC-
CINTE is set to 1.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MCCIINT is cleared by
the host by writing a 1. Writing a
0 has no effect. MCCIINT is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
Am79C978 125
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
2 MCCIINTE PHY Management Command
Complete Internal Interrupt En-
able. If MCCIINTE is set to 1, the
MCCIINT bit will be able to set
the INTR bit when the internal
state machines generate man-
agement frames. For instance,
when MCCIINTE is set to 1 and
the Auto-P oll state machi ne gen-
erates a man agement frame, th e
MCCIINT will set the INTR bit
upon completion of the manage-
ment frame regardless of the
comparison outcome.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MCCIINTE is set to 0 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
1 MIIPDTINT PHY Detect Transition Interrupt.
The PHY Dete ct Transit ion Inter-
rupt is set by the Am79C978 con-
troller whenever the MIIPD bit
(BCR32, bit 14) transitions from 0
to 1 or vice versa.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MIIPDTINT is cleared
by the host by writing a 1. Writing
a 0 has no effect. MIIPDTINT is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
0 MIIPDTINTE PHY Detect Transition Interrupt
Enable. If MIIPDTINTE is set to 1,
the MIIPDT INT bit will be abl e to
set the INTR bit.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MIIPDTINTE is set to 0
by H_RESE T and is not affec ted
by S_RESET or setting the STOP
CSR8: Logical Address Filter 0
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 LADRF[15:0] Logical Address Filter, LADRF-
[15:0]. The content of this register
is undefined until loaded from the
initialization block after the INIT
bit in C SR0 has bee n set or a d i-
rect register write has been per-
formed on this register.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR9: Logical Address Filter 1
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 LADRF[31:16] Logical Address Filter, LADRF-
[31:16]. The content of this regis-
ter is unde fin ed until l oaded f rom
the initialization block after the
INIT bit in CSR0 has been s et or
a direct register write has been
performed on this register.
These bits are These bits are
read/write accessible only when
either the STO P or the SPND bit
is set. These bits are unaffected
CSR10: Logical Address Filter 2
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 LADRF[47:32] Logical Address Filter,
LADRF[47:32]. The content of
this register is undefined until
loaded from the initialization
block after the INIT bit in CSR0
has been set or a direct register
write has b een perfo rm ed o n th is
These b it are read/write accessi-
ble only when either the STOP or
the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
126 Am79C978
CSR11: Logical Address Filter 3
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 LADRF[63:48] Logical Address Filter,
LADRF[63:48]. The content of
this register is undefined until
loaded from the initialization
block after the INIT bit in CSR0
has been set or a direct register
write has be en per for m ed o n th is
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR12: Physical Address Register 0
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 PADR[15:0] Physical Address Register,
PADR[15:0]. The c onte nts o f th is
register are loaded from the
EEPROM after H_RESET or by
an EEPROM read command
(PRGAD, BCR19, bit 14). If the
EEPROM is not present, the con-
tents of this register are unde-
This register can also be loaded
from the initialization block after
the INIT bit in CSR0 has been set
or a direct register write has been
performed on this register.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR13: Physical Address Register 1
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 PADR[31:16] Physical Address Register,
PADR[31:16]. The contents of
this register are loaded from the
EEPROM after H_RESET or by
an EEPROM read command
(PRGAD, BCR19, bit 14). If the
EEPROM is not present, the con-
tents of this register are unde-
This register can also be loaded
from the initialization block after
the INIT bit in CSR0 has been set
or a direct register write has been
performed on this register.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR14: Physical Address Register 2
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 PADR[47:32] Physical Address Register,
PADR[47:32]. The contents of
this register are loaded from the
EEPROM after H_RESET or by
an EEPROM read command
(PRGAD, BCR19, bit 14). If the
EEPROM is not present, the con-
tents of this register are unde-
This register can also be loaded
from the initialization block after
the INIT bit in CSR0 has been set
or a direct register write has been
performed on this register.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
Am79C978 127
CSR15: Mode
This registers fi elds ar e load ed durin g the A m79C97 8
controller initialization routine with the corresponding
Initialization Block values, or when a direct register write
has been performed on this register.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 PROM Promiscuous Mode. When
PROM = 1, all incoming receive
frames are accepted.
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
14 DRCVBC Disable Receive Broadcast.
When set, disables the
Am79C978 controller from re-
ceiving broadcast messages.
Used for protocols that do not
support broadcast addressing,
except as a func tion of mu ltic ast.
DRCVBC is cleared by activatio n
(broadcast messages will be re-
ceived) and is unaffected by
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
13 DRCVPA Disable Receive Physical Ad-
dress. When set, the physical ad-
dress detection (Station or node
ID) of the Am79C978 controller
will be disabled. Frames ad-
dressed to the nodes individual
physical address will not be rec-
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
12-9 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
8-7 PORTSEL[1:0] Port Select bits allow for software
controlled selection of the net-
wor k medium. The only legal val-
ues for this field is 11.
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set. Cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
unaffected by STOP.
6 INTL Internal Loopback. See the de-
scr ipti on of LO OP (CSR1 5, bit 2).
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
5 DRTY Disable Retry. When DRTY is set
to 1, the Am79C978 controller will
attempt only one transmission. In
this mode, the device will not pro-
tect the first 64 bytes of frame
data in the Transmit FIFO from
being overwr itten, because auto-
matic retransmission will not be
necessar y. When DRTY is set to
0, the Am79C978 controller will
attempt 16 transmissions before
signaling a retry error.
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
4 FCOLL Force Collision. This bit allows
the collision logic to be tested.
The Am79C978 controller must
be in internal loopback for FCOLL
to be valid. If FCOLL = 1, a colli-
sion will be forced during loop-
back transmission attempts,
which will result in a Retry Error.
If FCOLL = 0, the Fo rce Co ll is io n
logic will be disabled. FCOLL is
defined after the initialization
block is read.
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
3 DXMTFCS Disable Transmit CRC (FCS).
When DXMTFCS is set to 0, the
transmitter will generate and ap-
pend an FCS to the transmitted
frame. W hen DX MTF CS is s et t o
1, no FCS is generated or sent
with the transmitted frame.
DXMTFCS is overridden when
ADD_FCS and ENP bits are set
in TMD1.
When the APAD_XMT bit (CSR4,
bit11) is set to 1, the setting of
DXMTFCS has no effect.
128 Am79C978
If DXMTFCS is set and
ADD_FCS is clear for a particular
frame, no FCS will be generated.
If ADD_FCS is set for a particular
frame, the state of DXMTFCS is
ignored and a FCS will be ap-
pended on that frame by the
transmit circuitry. See also the
ADD_FCS bit in TMD1.
This bit was called DTCR in the
LANCE (Am7990) device.
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
2 LOOP Loopback Enable allows the
Am79C978 controller to operate
in full-duplex mode for test pur-
poses. The setting of the full-
duplex c ontrol b its i n BCR9 h ave
no effect when the device oper-
ates in loopback mode. When
LOOP = 1, loopback is enabled.
In combination with INTL and
MIIILP, various loopback modes
are defined as follows in Table
Refer to Loopback Operation
section for more details.
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set. LOOP is cleared
by H_RESET or S_RESET and
is unaffected by STOP.
1 DTX Disable Transmit results in
Am79C978 controller not access-
ing the Transmit Descriptor Ring
and, therefore, no transmissions
are attempted. DTX = 0, will set
TXON bit (CSR0 bit 4) if STRT
(CSR0 bit 1) is asserted.
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
0 DRX Disable Receiver results in the
Am79C978 controller not access-
ing the Receive Descriptor Ring
and, therefore, all receive frame
data are ignored. DRX = 0 will set
RXON bit (CSR0 bit 5) if STRT
(CSR0 bit 1) is asserted.
This bit is read/write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
CSR16: Initialization Block Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 IADRL This register is an alias of CSR1.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set.
CSR17: Initialization Block Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 IADRH This register is an alias of CSR2.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set.
CSR18: Current Receive Buffer Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CRBAL C ontains the l ower 16 bits of th e
current receive b uffer address at
which the Am79C978 controller
will store incoming frame data.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR19: Current Receive Buffer Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
Table 30. Loopback Configuration
0 0 0 Normal Operation
0 0 1 Internal Loop
1 0 0 External Loop
Am79C978 129
15-0 CRBAU Contains the upper 16 bits of th e
current receive buffer address at
which the Am79C978 controller
will store incoming frame data.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR20: Current Transmit Buffer Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CXBA L Contains the lower 16 bi ts of the
current transmit buffer address
from which the Am79C978 con-
troller is transmitting.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR21: Current Transmit Buffer Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CXBA U Contains the uppe r 16 bits of th e
current transmit buffer address
from which the Am79C978 con-
troller is transmitting.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR22: Next Receive Buffer Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NRBAL Contains the lower 16 bits of the
next receive buffer address to
which the Am79C978 controller
will store incoming frame data.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR23: Next Receive Buffer Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NRBAU Conta ins the uppe r 16 bits of th e
next receive buffer address to
which the Am79C978 controller
will store incoming frame data.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR24: Base Address of Receive Ring Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 BADRL C ontains the lower 16 bits of the
base address of the Receive
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR25: Base Address of Receive Ring Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 BADRU Contains the uppe r 16 bits of th e
base address of the Receive
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR26: Next Receive Descriptor Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
130 Am79C978
15-0 NRDAL Conta ins the lo wer 16 bits of the
next receive descriptor address
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR27: Next Receive Descriptor Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NRDAU Contains the upper 16 bits of the
next receive descriptor address
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR28: Current Receive Descriptor Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CRDAL Conta ins the lo wer 16 bits of the
current receive descriptor ad-
dress pointer.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR29: Current Receive Descriptor Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CRDAU Contains the upper 16 bits of the
current receive descriptor ad-
dress pointer.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR30: Base Address of Transmit Ring Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 BADX L Conta ins the lower 16 bits of the
base address of the Transmit
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR31: Base Address of Transmit Ring Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 BADX U Contains the uppe r 16 bits of th e
base address of the Transmit
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR32: Next Transmit Descriptor Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NXDAL Conta ins the lower 16 bits of the
next transmit descriptor address
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR33: Next Transmit Descriptor Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NXDAU Conta ins the upper 16 bits of the
next transmit descriptor address
Am79C978 131
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR34: Current Transmit Descriptor Address
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CXD AL Conta ins the lower 16 bits of the
current transmit descriptor ad-
dress pointer.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR35: Current Transmit Descriptor Address
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CXD AU Co ntains the upper 16 bits of the
current transmit descriptor ad-
dress pointer.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR36: Next Next Receive Descriptor Address
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NNRDAL C ontains the lower 16 bi ts of the
next next receive descriptor ad-
dress pointer.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR37: Next Next Receive Descriptor Address
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NNRDAU C ontains the uppe r 16 bits of the
next next receive descriptor ad-
dress pointer.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR38: Next Next Transmit Descriptor Address
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NNXDAL Contains th e lower 16 bits of the
next next transmit descriptor ad-
dress pointer.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR39: Next Next Transmit Descriptor Address
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NNXDAU C ontains the uppe r 16 bits of th e
next next transmit descriptor ad-
dress pointer.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR40: Current Receive Byte Count
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
132 Am79C978
15-12 RES Reserved locations. Read and
written as zeros.
11-0 CRBC Current Receive Byte Count.
This field is a copy of the BCNT
field of RMD1 of the current re-
ceive descriptor.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR41: Current Receive Status
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CRST Current Receive Status. This
field is a copy of bits 31-16 of
RMD1 of the current receive de-
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR42: Current Transmit Byte Count
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-12 RES Reserved locations. Read and
written as zeros.
11-0 CXBC Current Transmit Byte Count.
This field is a copy of the BCNT
field of TMD1 of the current trans-
mit descriptor.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR43: Current Transmit Status
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 CXST Current Transmit Status. This
field is a copy of bits 31-16 of
TMD1 of th e current transm it de-
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR44: Next Receive Byte Count
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-12 RES Reserved locations. Read and
written as zeros.
11-0 NRBC Next Receive Byte Count. This
field is a copy of the BCNT field of
RMD1 of the next receive de-
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR45: Next Receive Status
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NRST Nex t R ec eiv e Sta tus . Th is fie ld is
a copy of bits 31-16 of RMD1 of
the next receive descriptor.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR46: Transmit Poll Time Counter
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
Am79C978 133
15-0 TXPOL L T ra nsm it P ol l T im e C oun ter . This
counter is incremented by the
Am79C978 controller microcode
and is used to trigger the transmit
descriptor ring polling operation
of the Am79C978 controller.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR47: Transmit Polling Interval
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 TXPOLLINT Transmit Polling Interval. This
register contains the time that the
Am79C978 controller will wait be-
tween successive polling opera-
tions. The TXPOLLINT value is
expressed as the twos comple-
ment of the desired interval,
where each bit of TXPOLLINT
represents 1 clock period of time.
TXPOLLINT[3:0] are ignored.
(TXPOLLINT[16] is implied to be
a one, so TXPOLLINT[15] is sig-
nificant and does not represent
the sign of the tw os complement
TXPO LLIN T va lue .)
The default value of this register
is 0000h. This corresponds to a
polling interval of 65,536 clock
periods (1.966 ms when
CLK = 33 MHz). The TXPOL-
LINT value of 0000h is created
during the microcode initialization
routine and, therefore, might not
be seen when reading CSR47 af-
If the user desires to program a
value for POLLINT other than the
default, then the correct proce-
dure is to first set INIT only in
CSR0. Then, when the initializa-
tion sequence is complete, the
user must set STOP (CSR0, bit
2). Then the user may write to
CSR47 and then set STRT in
CSR0. In this way, the default
value of 0000h in CSR47 will be
overwritten with the desired user
If the user does not use the st an-
dard initialization procedure
(standard implies use of an initial-
ization block in memory and set-
ting the INIT bit of CSR0), but
instead chooses to write directly
to each of the registers that are
involved in the INIT operation,
then it is im perativ e that the user
also writes all zeros to CSR47 as
part of the alternative initialization
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR48: Receive Poll Time Counter
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 RXPOLL Receive Poll Time Counter. This
counter is incremented by the
Am79C978 controller microcode
and is used to t rigger the re ceiv e
descriptor ring polling operation
of the Am79C978 controller.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR49: Receive Polling Interval
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 RXPOLLINT Receive Polling Interval. This reg-
ister contains the time that the
Am79C978 controller will wait be-
tween successive polling opera-
tions. The RXPOLLINT value is
expressed as the twos comple-
ment of the desired interval,
where each bit of RXPOLLINT
represents approximately one
clock time period. RXPOL-
LINT[3:0] are ignored. (RXPOL-
134 Am79C978
LINT[16] is implied to be a 1, so
RXPOLLINT[15] is significant
and does not represent the sign
of the twos compl ement RXPOL -
LINT value.)
The default value of this register
is 0000h. This corresponds to a
polling interval of 65,536 clock
periods (1.966 ms when
CLK = 33 MHz). The RXPOL-
LINT value of 0000h is created
during the microcode initialization
routine and, therefore, might not
be seen when reading CSR49 af-
If the user desires to program a
value for RX POLLINT other tha n
the default, then the correct pro-
cedure is to first set INIT only in
CSR0. Then, when the initializa-
tion sequence is complete, the
user must set STOP (CSR0, bit
2). Then the user may write to
CSR49 and set STRT in CSR0.
In this way, the default value of
0000h in CSR 47 will be overwrit-
ten with the desired user value.
If the user does not use the stan-
dard initialization procedure
(standard implies use of an initial-
ization block in me mory and set-
ting the INIT bit of CSR0), but
instead chooses to write directly
to each of the registers that are
involved in the INIT operation, it
is imperative that the user also
writes a ll ze r os to C SR4 9 as p ar t
of the alt ernative in itializati on se-
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR58: Software Style
This register is an alias of the location BCR20. Accesses
to and from this register are equi valent to ac cesses to
Bit Name Description
31-11 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
10 APERREN Advanced Parity Error Handling
Enable. When APERREN is set
to 1, the BPE bits (RMD1 and
TMD1, bit 23) start having a
meaning. BPE will be set in the
descriptor associated with the
buffer th at was a ccess ed when a
data parity error occurred. Note
that since the advanced parity er-
ror handling uses an additional bit
in the descriptor, SWSTYLE (bits
7-0 of this register) must be set to
2 or 3 to program the Am79C978
controller to use 32-bit software
APERREN does not affect the re-
porting of address parity errors or
data parity errors that occur when
the Am79C978 controller is the
target of the transfer.
Read anytime, write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set. APERREN is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or STOP.
9 RES Reserved location. Written as
zero and read as undefined.
8 SSIZE32 Software Size 32 bits. When set,
this bit indicates that the
Am79C978 controller utilizes 32-
bit softwa re struct ures for the in i-
tialization block and the transmit
and receive descriptor entries.
When cleared, this bit indicates
that the Am79C978 controller uti-
lizes 16-bit software structures for
the initialization block and the
transmit and receive descriptor
entries. In this mode, the
Am79C978 controller is back-
wards compatible with the
Am799 0 LANCE and Am79C96 0
PCnet-I S A con tr oll ers .
The value of SSIZE32 is deter-
mined by the A m79 C978 con trol-
ler accor ding to the sett ing of th e
Software Style (SWSTYLE, bits
7-0 of this register).
Read accessible always.
SSIZE32 is read only; write oper-
ations will be ignored. SSIZE32
will be cleared after H_RESET
(since SWSTYLE defaults to 0)
Am79C978 135
and is not affected by S_RESET
or STOP.
If SSIZE32 is reset, then bits
IADR[31:24] of CSR2 will be
used to generate values for the
upper 8 bits of the 32-b it add re ss
bus durin g maste r acc esses i niti-
ated by the Am79C978 controller.
This action is required because
the 16-bit software structures
specified by the SSIZE32 = 0 set-
ting will yield only 24 bits of ad-
dress for the Am79C978
cont roller bus master accesses.
If SSIZE32 is set, then the soft-
ware structures that are common
to the Am79C978 controller and
the host system will supply a full
32 bits for each address pointer
that is n eed ed by th e A m79 C97 8
controller for performing master
The value of the SSIZE32 bit has
no effect on the drive of the upper
8 address bits. The upper 8 ad-
dress p ins are always driven, re-
gardless of the state of the
SSIZE32 bit.
Note that the setting of the
SSIZE3 2 bit has no effe ct on the
defined width for I/O resources.
I/O resource width is determined
by the state of the DWIO bit
(BCR18, bit 7).
7-0 SWSTYLE Software Style register. The val-
ue in thi s register de termines th e
style of register and memory re-
sources that sha ll be used by the
Am79C978 controller. The Soft-
ware Style selection will affect the
interpretation of a few bits within
the CSR space, the order of the
descriptor entries and the width of
the descriptors and initialization
block entries.
All Am79C978 controller CSR
bits and BCR bits and all descrip-
tor, buffer , and ini tiali zation blo ck
entries not cited in Table 31 are
unaffected by the So ftware Style
selection and are, therefore, al-
ways full y functional a s specified
in the CSR and BCR sections .
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. The SW-
STYLE register will contain the
value 00h following H_RESET
and will be unaffected by
Table 31. Software Styles
[7:0] Style
Name SSIZE32 Initialization Block
Entries Descriptor Ring Entries
controller 016-bit software structures,
non-burst or burst access 16-bit softw are structure s,
non-bur st acc es s only
02h PCnet-PCI
controller 132-bit software structures,
non-burst or burst access 32-bit softw are structure s,
non-bur st acc es s only
03h PCnet-PCI
controller 132-bit software structures,
non-burst or burst access 32-bit softw are structure s,
non-burst or burst access
All Other RES Undefined Undefined Undefined
136 Am79C978
CSR60: Previous Transmit Descriptor Address
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 PXDAL Contains the lower 16 bits of the
previous transmit descriptor ad-
dress pointer. The Am79C978
controller has the capability to
stack multiple transmit frames.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR61: Previous Transmit Descriptor Address
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 PXDAU Contains the upper 1 6 bits o f the
previous transmit descriptor ad-
dress pointer. The Am79C978
controller has the capability to
stack multiple transmit frames.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR62: Previous Transmit Byte Count
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-12 RES Reserved locations.
11-0 PXBC Previous Transmit Byte Count.
This field is a copy of the BCNT
field of TMD1 of the previous
transmit descriptor.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR63: Previous Transmit Status
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 PXST Previous Transmit Status. This
field is a copy of bits 31-16 of
TMD1 of the previous transmit
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR64: Next Transmit Buffer Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NXBAL Contains the lower 16 bits of the
next trans mit buffer address fro m
which the Am79C978 controller
will transmit an outgoing frame.
These bits are read/write accessi-
ble only when either the STOP or
the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR65: Next Transmit Buffer Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 NXBAU Contains the upper 1 6 bits o f the
next trans mit buffer address fro m
which the Am79C978 controller
will transmit an outgoing frame.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
Am79C978 137
CSR66: Next Transmit Byte Count
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-12 RES Reserved locations. Read and
written as zeros.
11-0 NXBC Next Transmit Byte Count. This
field is a copy of the BCNT field of
TMD1 of the next transmit de-
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR67: Next Transmit Status
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 NXST Next Transmit Status. This field is
a copy of bits 31-16 of TMD1 of
the next transmit descriptor.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
7-0 RES Reserved locations. Read and
written as zeros. Accessible only
when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set.
CSR72: Receive Ring Counter
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 RCVRC Receive Ring Counter location.
Contains a twos complement bi-
nary nu mber used to number the
current receive descriptor. This
counter interprets the value in
CSR76 as pointing to the first de-
scriptor. A counter value of zero
corresponds to the last descriptor
in the ring.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR74: Transmit Ring Counter
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 XMTRC Transmit Ring Counter location.
Contains a twos complement bi-
nary nu mber used to number the
current transmit descriptor. This
counter interprets the value in
CSR78 as pointing to the first de-
scriptor. A counter value of zero
corr espo nds to th e la st de scri pto r
in the ring.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR76: Receive Ring Length
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 RCVRL Receive Ring Length. Contains
the twos complement of the re-
ceive descriptor ring length. This
register is initialized during the
Am79C978 controllers initializa-
tion routine based on the value in
the RLEN field of the initialization
block. H owever, this register can
be manually altered. The actual
receive ring length is defined by
the current value in this register.
The ring length can be defined as
any value from 1 to 65535.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
138 Am79C978
CSR78: Transmit Ring Length
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 XMTRL Transmit Ring Length. Contains
the twos complement of the
transmit descriptor ring length.
This register is initialized during
the Am79C978 controllers initial-
ization routine based on the value
in the TLEN field of th e initializa-
tion block. However, this register
can b e manua lly a ltere d. The ac -
tual transmit ring length is defined
by the c urrent v alue in this regis -
ter. The ring length can be de-
fined as any value from 1 to
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR80: DMA T ransfer Counter and FIFO Threshold
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-14 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
13-12 RCVFW[1:0] Receive FIFO Watermark.
RCVFW controls the point at
which receive DMA is requested
in relation to the number of re-
ceived bytes in the Receive FIFO.
RCVFW specifies the number of
bytes which must be present
(once the frame has been verified
as a non-runt) before receive
DMA is requested. Note, howev-
er, that if the ne twork inter face is
operatin g in half-duplex mode, in
order for receive DMA to be per-
formed for a new frame at least
64 bytes must have been re-
ceived. This effectively avoids
having to react to re ceive fra mes
which are runts or suffer a colli-
sion during the slot time (512 bit
times). If t he Runt P acket A ccept
feature is enabled or if the net-
work interfac e is operati ng in full-
duplex mode, receive DMA will
be requested as soon as either
the RC VFW th re sh old i s reac he d
or a com pl ete va li d rece iv e f ra me
is detected (regardless of length).
When the FDRPAD (BCR9, bit 2)
is set and the Am79C978 control-
ler is in full-duplex mode, in order
for receive DMA to be performed
for a ne w frame at le ast 64 by tes
must have been received. This
effectively disables the runt pack-
et accept feature in full duplex.
When operating in the NO-SRAM
mode (no SRAM enabled), the
Bus Receive FIFO and the MAC
Receive operate like a single
FIFO and the watermark value
selected by RCVFW[1:0] sets the
number of bytes that must be
present in the FIFO before re-
ceive DMA is requested.
When operating with the SRAM,
the Bus Receive FIFO, and the
MAC Receive FIFO operate inde-
pendently on the bus side and
MAC side of the SRAM, respec-
tively. In this case, the watermark
value set by RCVFW[1:0] sets the
number of bytes that must be
presen t in the Bus Receive F IFO
only. See Table 32.
Table 32. Receive Watermark Programming
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set.
RCVFW[1:0] is set to a value of
01b (64 bytes) after H_RESET or
S_RESET and is unaffected by
11-10 XMTSP[1:0] Transmit Start Point. XMTSP
controls the point at which pream-
ble transmission attempts to com-
mence in relation to the number
of bytes written to the MAC
Transmit FIFO for the current
RCVFW[1:0] Bytes Received
00 16
01 64
10 112
11 Reserved
Am79C978 139
transmit frame. When the entire
frame is in the MAC Transmit
FIFO, transmission will start re-
gardless of the value in XMTSP.
If the networ k inter face is oper at-
ing in half-duplex mode, regard-
less of XMTSP, the FIFO will not
internally overwrite its data until
at least 64 bytes (or the entire
frame if shorter than 64 bytes)
have been transmitted onto the
network. This ensures that for
collisions within the slot time win-
dow, transmit data need not be
rewritten to the Transmit FIFO,
and retries will be handled auton-
omously by the MAC. If the Dis-
able Retry feature is enabled, or if
the network is oper ating in full-du-
plex mode, the Am79C978 con-
troller can overwrite the
beginning of the frame as soon as
the data is transmitted, because
no collision handling is required in
these modes.
Note that when the SRAM is be-
ing used, if the NOUFLO bit
(BCR18, bit 11) is set to 1, there
is the additional restriction that
the complete transmit frame must
be DMAd into the Am79C978
controller and reside within a
combination of the Bus Transmit
FIFO, the SRAM, and the MAC
Transmit FIFO.
When the SRAM is used and
SRAM_SIZE > 0, there is a re-
striction that the number of bytes
written is a combination of bytes
written into the Bus Transmit
FIFO and the MAC Transmit
FIFO. The Am79C978 controller
sup por ts a m ode th at w ill wai t un -
til a full packet is available before
commencing with the transmis-
sion of preamble. This mode is
useful in a syst em wher e high la-
tencies cannot be avoided. See
Table 33.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SP ND bi t is s et. XM TSP is
set to a value of 01b (64 bytes) af-
ter H_RESET or S_RESET and
is unaffected by STOP.
Table 33. Transmit Start Point Programming
9-8 XMTFW[1:0] Transmit FIFO Watermark. XMT-
FW specifies the point at which
transmit DMA is requested,
based upon the number of bytes
that could be written to the Trans-
mit FIFO without FIFO overflow.
Transmit DMA is requested at
any time when the number of
bytes sp ecified by XM TFW coul d
be written to the FIFO without
causing Transmit FIFO overflow
and the internal microcode en-
gine has reached a point where
the Transmit FIFO is checked to
determi ne if DMA ser vicing is r e-
When operating in the NO-SRAM
mode (no SRAM enabled) and
SRAM_SIZE is set to 0, the Bus
Transmit FIFO and the MAC
Transmit FIFO operate like a sin-
gle FIFO and the watermark val-
ue selec ted by XMTFW[1: 0] sets
the number of FIFO byte loca-
tions that must be available in the
FIFO before receive DMA is re-
When operating with the SRAM,
the Bus Transmit FIFO and the
MAC Transmit FIFO operate in-
depend ently on the bu s side and
MAC side of the SRAM, respec-
tively. In this case, the watermark
value set by XMTFW[1:0] sets the
number of FIFO byte locations
that m ust be avai lable i n the Bus
Transmit FIFO. See Table 34
XMTSP[1:0] SRAM_SIZE Bytes Writte n
00 0 20
01 0 64
10 0 128
11 0 220 max
00 >0 36
01 >0 64
10 >0 128
11 >0 Full Packet
XX >0 Full Packet when
NOUFLO bit is set
140 Am79C978
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. XMTFW is
set to a value of 00b (16 bytes) af-
ter H_RESET or S_RESET and
is unaffected by STOP.
7-0 DMATC[7:0] DMA Transfer Counter. Writing
and reading to this field has no ef-
fect. Use MAX_LAT and
MIN_GNT in the PCI configura-
tion space.
CSR82: Transmit Descriptor Address Pointer
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 TXDAPL Contains the lower 16 bits of the
transmit descriptor address cor-
responding to the last buffer of
the previous transmit frame. If the
previous transmit frame did not
use buffer chaining, then TXDA-
PL contains the lower 16 bits of
the previous frames transmit de-
scriptor address.
When both the STOP or SPND
bits are cleared, this register is
updated by the Am79C978 con-
troller immediately before a trans-
mit descriptor write.
Read accessible always. Write
accessible through the PXDAL
bits (CSR60) when the STOP or
SPND bit is set. TXDAPL is set to
0 by H_RESET and are una ffec t-
ed by S_RESE T or STOP.
CSR84: DMA Address Register Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 DMABAL This register contains the lower
16 bits of the address of system
memory for the current DMA cy-
cle. The Bus Interface Unit con-
trols the Address Register by
issuing increment commands to
increment the memory address
for sequential operations. The
DMABAL register is undefined
until the first Am79C978 control-
ler DM A opera tion.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR85: DMA Address Register Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 DMABAU This register contains the upper
16 bits of the address of system
memory for the current DMA cy-
cle. The Bus Interface Unit con-
trols the Address Register by
issuing increment commands to
increment the memory address
for sequential operations. The
DMABAU register is undefined
until the first Am79C978 control-
ler DM A opera tion.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR86: Buffer Byte Counter
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-12 RES Reserved. Read and written wit h
11-0 DMABC DMA Byte Count Register. Con-
tains the two's complement of the
current size of the remaining
transmit or receive buffer in
bytes. This register is increment-
ed by the B us Interface Un it. T h e
Table 34. Transmit Watermark Programming
XMTFW[1:0] Bytes Available
00 16
01 64
10 108
11 Reserved
Am79C978 141
DMABC r egi ster i s un defined u n-
til written.
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR88: Chip ID Register Lower
Bit Name Description
31-28 VER Version. This 4-bit pattern is
silicon-revision dependent.
Read accessible only when either
the STOP or the S PND bi t is se t.
VER is read only. Write opera-
tions are ignored.
27-12 PA RTID Part num ber. The 16-bit c ode for
the Am79C978 controller is
0010 0110 0010 0110 (2626h).
This register is exactly the same
as the Device ID register in the
JTAG description. However, this
part numb er is differ ent from that
stored in the Device ID register in
the PCI config urati on spa ce .
Read accessible only when either
the STOP or the SPND bit is set.
PARTID is read o nly . Wr i te o per -
ations are ignored.
11-1 MANFID Manufacturer ID. The 11-bit man-
ufacturer code for AMD is
00000000001b. This code is per
the JEDEC Publication 106-A.
Note that this code is not the
same as the Vendor ID in the PCI
configur ati on sp ac e.
Read accessible only when either
the STOP or the SPND bit is set.
VER is read only. MANFID is
read only. Write operations are
0 ONE Always a logic 1.
Read accessible only when either
the STOP or the SPND bit is set.
VER is read only. ONE is read
only. Write operations are ig-
CSR89: Chip ID Register Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserv ed locations. Rea d as un-
15-12 VER Version. This 4-bit pattern is
silicon-revision dependent.
Read accessible only when either
the STOP or the SPND bit is set.
VER is read only. Write opera-
tions are ignored.
11-0 PARTIDU Upper 12 bits of the Am79C978
controller part numbe r, i.e., 001 0
0110 0010b (262h).
Read accessible only when either
the STOP or the SPND bit is set.
VER is read only. PARTIDU is
read only. Write operations are
CSR92: Ring Length Conversion
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 RCON Ring Length Conversion Regis-
ter. This register performs a ring
length conversion from an encod-
ed value as found in the initializa-
tion block to a twos complement
value used for internal counting.
By writing bits 15-12 with an en-
coded ring length, a twos com-
plemented value is read. The
RCON register is undefined until
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. These bits
are unaffected by H_RESET,
CSR100: Bus Timeout
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 MERRTO This register contains the value of
the longest allowable bus latency
(interval between assertion of
REQ and assertion of GNT) that a
142 Am79C978
system may insert into an
Am79C978 controller master
transfer. If this value of bus laten-
cy is exceeded, then a MERR will
be indic ated in CSR 0, bi t 11 , an d
an interrupt may be generated,
depending upon the setting of the
MERRM bit (CSR3, bit 11) and
the IENA bit (CSR0, bit 6).
The va lue in this registe r is inter -
preted as the unsigned number of
bus clock periods divided by two,
(i.e., the value in this register is
given in 0.1 ms increments). For
example, the value 0600h (1536
decimal) will cause a MERR to be
indicated after 153.6 ms of bus
latency. A value of 0 will allow an
infinitely long bus latency, i.e.,
bus timeout error will never oc-
These bits are read/write acces-
sible only when either the STOP
or the SPND bit is set. This regis-
ter is set to 0600h by H_RESET
or S_RESET and is unaffected by
CSR112: Missed Frame Count
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 MFC Missed Frame Count. Indicates
the number of missed frames.
MFC will roll over to a count of 0
from the value 65535. The MFCO
bit of CSR4 (bit 8) will be set each
time that this occurs.
Read accessible always. MFC is
read only, write operations are ig-
nored. MFC is cleared by
H_RESET, or S_RESET or by
setting the STOP bit.
CSR114: Receive Collision Count
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 RCC Receive Collision Count. Indi-
cates the total number of colli-
sions encountered by the
receiver since the last reset of the
RCC will roll over to a count o f 0
from the value 65535. The
RCVCCO bit of CSR4 (bit 5) will
be set each time that this occurs.
These bits are read accessible al-
ways. RCC is read only, write op-
erations are ignored. RCC is
cleared by H_RESET or
S_RESET, or by setting the
STOP bit.
CSR116: OnNow Power Mode Register
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
10 PME_EN_OVR PME_EN Overwrite. When this
bit is set and the MPMAT or
LCDET bit is set, the PME pin will
always be as ser ted r ega r dle ss o f
the state of the PME_EN bit.
These bits are read/write accessi-
ble only when either the STOP bit
or the SPND bit is set. Cleared by
H_RESET and is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
9 LCDET Link Change Detected. This bit is
set when the MII auto-polling log-
ic detec ts a change in link st atus
and the LCMODE bit is set.
LCDET is c leared when power is
initially applied (POR).
This bit is always read/write ac-
8 LCMODE Link Change Wake-up Mode.
When this bit is set to 1, the
LCDET bit g ets set when the MII
auto polling logic detects a Link
Read /Write accessi b le o nly wh en
either t he STOP bit or the SPND
bit is set. Cleared by H_RESET
and is not affected by S_RESET
or setting the STOP bit.
Am79C978 143
7 PMAT Pattern Matched. This bit is set
when the PMMODE bit is set and
an OnNow pattern match occurs.
PMAT is cleared when power is
initially applied (POR).
This bit is read accessible al-
6 EMPPLBA Magic Packet Physical Logical
Broadcast Accept. If both EMP-
PLBA and MPPLBA (CSR5, bit 5)
are at their default value of 0, the
Am79C978 controller will only de-
tect a Magic Packet frame if the
destination address of the packet
matches the content of the physi-
cal address register (PADR). If ei-
ther EMPPLBA or MPPLBA is set
to 1, the destination address of
the Magic Packet frame can be
unicast, multicast, or broadcast.
Note that the setting of EMPPL-
BA and MPPLBA only affects the
address detection of the Magic
Packet fram e. The Magic P acket
frames data sequence must be
made up of 16 consecutive phys-
ical addresses (PADR[47:0]) re-
gardless of what kind of
destination address it has.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. EMPPLBA is set to 0 by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by setting the STOP
5 MPMAT Magic Packet Match. This bit is
set when the integrated Ethernet
cont ro ll er de t ec t s a M agi c Pa ck et
while it is in Magic Packet mode.
MPMAT is cleared when power is
initially applied (POR).
This bit is always read/write ac-
4 MPPEN Magic Packet Pin Enable. When
this bit is set, the device enters
the Magic Packet mode when the
PG i nput g oes LO W or M PEN bi t
(CSR5, bit 2) gets set to 1. This
bit is ORed with MPEN bit
(CSR5, bit 2).
Read /Write accessi b le o nly wh en
either t he STOP bit or the SPND
bit is set. Cleared by H_RESET
and is not affected by S_RESET
or setting the STOP bit.
3-1 RES Reserved locations.
0 RST_POL PHY_RST Pin Polarity. If the
PHY_POL is set to 1, the
PHY_RST pin is active LOW; oth-
erwise PHY_RST is active HIGH.
This bit is read/write accessible
only whe n either the STOP bit or
the SPND bit is set. Cleared by
H_RESET and is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
CSR122: Advanced Feature Control
Bit Name Description
31-1 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
0 RCVALGN Rec eive Packet Align. When set,
this bit forces the data field of ISO
8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) pack-
ets to align to 0 MOD 4 address
boundaries (i.e., DWord aligned
addresses). It is important to note
that this feature will only function
correctly if all receive buffer
boundaries are DWord aligned
and all receive buffers have 0
MOD 4 lengths. In order to ac-
complish the data alignment, the
Am79C978 controller simply in-
sert s t wo by te s of r an d om d a ta at
the beginning of the receive pack-
et (i.e., before the ISO 8802-3
(IEEE/ANSI 802.3) destination
address field). The MCNT field
reported to the receive descriptor
will not include the extra two
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVALGN is cleared by
H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
CSR124: Test Register 1
This register is used to place the Am79C978 controller
into various test modes. The Runt Packet Accept is the
only user accessible test mode. All other test modes are
for AMD internal use only.
144 Am79C978
Bit Name Description
31-4 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
3 RPA Runt Packet Accept. This bit
forces the Am79C978 controller
to accept runt packets (packets
shorter than 64 bytes).
This bit is read accessible al-
ways; write accessible only when
STOP is set to 1. RPA is cleared
by H_RESET or S_RESET and is
not affected by STOP.
2-0 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
CSR125: MAC Enhanced Configuration Control
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-8 IPG Inter Packet Gap. Changing IPG
allows the user to program the
Am79C978 controller for aggres-
siveness on a network. By chang-
ing the default value of 96 bit
times (60h) the user can adjust
the fairness or aggressiveness of
the Am79C978 integrated MAC
on the network. By programming
a lower num ber of bit times oth er
then the ISO/IEC 8802-3 stan-
dard requires, the Am79C978
controller will become more ag-
gressive on the network. This ag-
gressive nature will give rise to
the Am79C978 controller possi-
bly capturing the network at
times by forcing other less ag-
gressive nodes to defer. By pro-
gramming a larger number of bit
times, the Am79C978 home net-
working MAC will become less
aggressive on the network and
may defer more often than nor-
mal. The performance of the
Am79C978 controller may de-
crease as the IPG value is in-
creased from the default value.
Note: Programming of the IPG
should be done in nibble intervals
instea d of absolute bit tim es. The
decimal and hex values do not
match due to delays in the part
used to make up the final IPG.
Changes should be added or sub-
tracted from the provided hex val-
ue on a one-for-one basis.
CAUTION: Use this parameter
with care. By lowering the IPG
below the ISO/ IEC 88 02- 3 stan -
dard 96 bit times, the
Am79C978 controller can inter-
rupt normal network behavior.
These bits are read accessible al-
ways. Write accessible when the
STOP bit is set to 1. IPG is set to
60h (96 Bit times) by H_RESET
or S_RESET and is not affected
by STOP.
7-0 IFS1 InterFrameSpacingPart1. Chang-
ing IFS1 allows the user to pro-
gram the value of the InterFrame-
SpacePart1 timing. The
Am79C978 controller sets the de-
fault value at 60 bit times (3ch).
See the subsection on Medium
Allocation in the section Media
Access Management for more
details. The equation for setting
IFS1 when IPG 96 bit times is:
IFS1 = IPG - 36 bit times
Note: Programming of the IPG
should be done in nibble intervals
instead of absolute bit times due
to the MII. The decimal and hex
values do not match due to de-
lays in the part used to make up
the final IPG.
Changes should be added or
subtracted from the provided hex
value on a one-for-one basis.
Due to changes in synchroniza-
tion dela ys internally through dif-
ferent network ports, the IFS1
can b e off b y as mu ch as +12 bit
These bits are read accessible al-
ways. Write accessible only when
the SPND bit or the STOP bit is
set to 1. IFS1 is set to 3ch (60 bit
times) by H_RESET or
S_RESET a nd is not affected by
Am79C978 145
Bus Configuration Registers (BCRs)
The BCRs are used to program the configuration of the
bus interface and other special features of the
Am79C978 controller that are not related to the IEEE
802.3 MAC f unc ti ons . The BCRs a re acce ss ed by firs t
setting the appropriate RAP value and then by perform-
ing a slave access to the BDP. See Table 35.
All BCR re gist ers are 16 b its in wid th in W or d I /O m ode
(DWIO = 0, BCR18, bit 7) and 32 bits in width in DWord
I/O mode (DWIO = 1). The upper 16 bits of all BCR reg-
isters is undefined when in DWord I/O mode. These
bits should be written as zeros and should be treated
as undefined when read. The default value given for
any BCR is the value in the register after H_RESET.
Some of these values may be changed shortly after
H_RESET when the contents of the external EEPROM
is automa tical ly read in. None of the B CR regist er va l-
ues are affected by the assertion of the STOP bit or
Note that several registers have no default value.
BCR0, BCR1, BCR3, BCR8, BCR10-17, and BCR21
are reserved and have undefined values. BCR2 and
BCR34 are not observable without first being pro-
grammed through the EEPROM read operation or a
user register write operation.
BCR0, BCR1, B CR16, BCR17, and BCR21 a re regis-
ters that are used by other devices in the PCnet family.
Writing to these r egist ers have no effect on the op era-
tion of the Am79C978 controller.
Writes to those registers marked as Reserved will
have no effect. Reads from these locations will produce
undefined values.
BCR0: Master Mode Read Active
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 MSRDA Reserved locations. After
H_RESET, the value in this regis-
ter will be 0005h. The setting of
this registe r has no effec t on any
Am79C978 controller function. It
is only included for software com-
patibility with other PCnet family
Read always. MSRDA is read
only. Write operations have no ef-
BCR1: Master Mode Write Active
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 MSWRA Reserved locations. After
H_RESET, the value in this regis-
ter will be 0005h. The setting of
this regist er has no effect on any
Am79C978 controller function. It
is only included for software com-
patibility with other PCnet family
Read always. MSWRA is read
only. Write operations have no ef-
BCR2: Miscellaneous Configuration
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-14 RES Reserved locations. Written and
read as zeros.
13 PHYSELEN This bit enables writes to
BCR18[4:3] for software selec-
tion of va rious o peration and test
modes. When PHYSELEN is set
to 0 (default), the two bits can
only be written from the EE-
PROM. When PHYSELEN is set
to 1, wr it es t o BC R18 [4: 3] are e n-
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. TSTSHDEN is cleared
to 0 by H_RESET and is unaffect-
ed by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
12 LEDPE LED Program Enable. When
LEDPE is set to 1, programming
of the LED0 (BCR4), LED1
(BCR5), LED2 (BCR6), LED3
(BCR7), and LE D4 (BCR48) reg-
isters is enabled. When LEDPE is
cleared to 0, programming of
LED0 (BCR4), LED1 (BCR5),
LED2 (BCR6), LED3 (BCR7),
and LED4 (BCR48) registers is
disabled. Writes to those regis-
ters will be ignored.
146 Am79C978
Table 35. BCR Registers
RAP Mnemonic Default Name Programmability
0MSRDA 0005h Reserved No No
1MSWRA 0005h Reserved No No
2MC 0002h Miscellaneous Configuration Yes Yes
3Reserved N/A Reserved No No
4LED0 00C0h LED0 Status Yes Yes
5LED1 0084h LED1 Status Yes Yes
6LED2 0088h LED2 Status Yes Yes
7LED3 0090h LED3 Status Yes Yes
8Reserved N/A Reserved No No
9FDC 0000h Full-Duplex Control Yes Yes
10-15 Reserved N/A Reserved No No
16 IOBASEL N/A Reserved No No
17 IOBASEU N/A Reserved No No
18 BSBC 9001h Burst and Bus Control Yes Yes
19 EECAS 0002h EEPROM Control and Status Yes No
20 SWS 0000h Software Style Yes No
21 INTCON N/A Reserved No No
22 PCILAT FF06h PCI Latency Yes Yes
23 PCISID 0000h PCI Subsystem ID No Yes
24 PCISVID 0000h PCI Subsystem Vendor ID No Yes
25 SRAMSIZ 0000h SRAM Size Yes Yes
26 SRAMB 0000h SRAM Boundary Yes Yes
27 SRAMIC 0000h SRAM Interface Control Yes Yes
28 EBADDRL N/A Expansion Bus Address Lower Yes No
29 EBADDRU N/A Expansion Bus Address Upper Yes No
30 EBD N/A Expansion Bus Data Port Yes No
31 STVAL FFFFh Software Timer Value Yes No
32 MIICAS 0000h PHY Control and Status Yes Yes
33 MIIADDR 0000h PHY Address Yes Yes
34 MIIMDR N/A PHY Management D ata Yes No
35 PCIVID 1022h PCI Vendor ID No Yes
36 PMC_A C811h PCI Power Management Capabilities (PMC)
Alias Register No Yes
37 DATA0 0000h PCI DATA Register 0 Alias Re gister No Yes
38 DATA1 0000h PCI DATA Register 1 Alias Re gister No Yes
39 DATA2 0000h PCI DATA Register 2 Alias Re gister No Yes
40 DATA3 0000h PCI DATA Register 3 Alias Re gister No Yes
41 DATA4 0000h PCI DATA Register 4 Alias Re gister No Yes
42 DATA5 0000h PCI DATA Register 5 Alias Re gister No Yes
43 DATA6 0000h PCI DATA Register 6 Alias Re gister No Yes
44 DATA7 0000h PCI DATA Register 7 Alias Re gister No Yes
45 PMR1 N/A Pattern Matching Register 1 Yes No
46 PMR2 N/A Pattern Matching Register 2 Yes No
47 PMR3 N/A Pattern Matching Register 3 Yes No
48 LED4 0082h LED4 Status Yes Yes
49 PHY Select 8101h PHY Select Yes Yes
Am79C978 147
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDPE is cleared to 0
by H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
11-9 RES Reserved locations. Written and
read as zero s.
8 APROMWE Address PROM Write Enable.
The Am79C978 controller con-
tains a shadow RAM on board for
storage of the fir st 16 bytes load-
ed from the serial EEPROM.
Accesses to Address PROM I/O
Resources will be directed toward
this RAM. When APROMWE is
set to 1, then write acc ess to th e
shadow RAM will be enabled.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. APROMWE is cleared
to 0 by H_RESET and is unaffect-
ed by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
7 INTLEVEL Interrupt Level. This bit allows the
interr upt outp ut si gna ls to be pro-
grammed for level or edge-
sensitive applications.
When I NTLEVEL is cl eared to 0,
the INTA pin is configured for
level-sensitive applications. In
this mode, an int errupt re quest is
signaled by a low level driv en on
the INTA pin by the Am79C978
controller. When the interrupt is
cleared , th e INTA pi n is tri-st ated
by the Am79C978 controller and
allowed to be pulled to a high lev-
el by an external pullup device.
This mode is intended for sys-
tems which allow the interrupt
signal to be shared by multiple
When INTLEVEL is set to 1, the
INTA pin is configured for edge-
sensitive applications. In this
mode, an in terru pt re que st is sig-
naled by a high level driven on
the INTA pin by the Am79C978
controller. When the interrupt is
cleared, the INTA p in is driv en to
a low level by the Am79C978
control ler. This mod e is intended
for systems that do not allow in-
terrupt channels to be sha red by
multiple devices.
INTLEVEL sho uld no t be se t to 1
when the Am79C978 controller is
used in a PCI bus application.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessib le . INTLE VE L is cl eared to
0 by H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET or by setting the
STOP bit.
6-3 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
2-0 RES Reserved locations. Written and
read as zeros.
BCR4: LED0 Status
BCR4 controls the function(s) that the LED0 pin dis-
plays. Multiple functions can be simultaneously en-
abled on this LED pin. The LED display will indicate the
logical OR of the enabl ed functions. BCR 4 defaults to
Link Status (LNKST) with pulse stretcher enabled
(PSE = 1) and is fully programmable.
Note: When LEDPE (BCR2, bit 12) is set to 1, pro-
gramming of the LED0 Status register is enabled.
When LEDPE is cleared to 0, programming of the
LED0 register is disabled. Writes to those registers will
be ignored.
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 LEDOUT This bit indicates the current
(non-stretched) value of th e LED
output pin. A v alue of 1 in this bit
indicates that the OR of the en-
abled signals is true.
The logical val ue of the LEDOUT
status signal is determined by the
settings of the individual Status
Enable bits of the LED register
(bits 8 and 6-0).
This bit is read accessible al-
ways. This bit is read only; writes
have no effect. LED OUT is unaf-
fected by H_RESET, S_RESET,
or STOP.
14 LEDPOL LED Polarity. When this bit has
the value 0, the n the LED pin will
148 Am79C978
be driven to a LOW level whenev-
er the OR of the enabled signals
is true, and the LED pin will be
disabled and allowed to float high
whenever the OR of the enabled
signals i s fals e ( i.e., the LED o ut-
put will be an Open Drain output
and the output value will be the
inverse of the LEDOUT status
When this bit has the value 1,
then the LED pin will be driven to
a HIGH level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is true, and
the LED pin will be driven to a
LOW level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is false (i.e.,
the LED output will be a Totem
Pole outpu t and the ou tput value
will be the same polarity as the
LEDOUT sta tus bit.).
The setting of this bit will not ef-
fect the polarity of the LEDOUT
bit for this register.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDPOL is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
13 LEDDIS LED Disable. This bit is used to
disable the LED output. When
LEDDIS has the value 1, then the
LED output will always be dis-
abled. When LEDDIS has the val-
ue 0, then the LED output value
will be g overned by the LE DOUT
and LEDPOL values.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDDIS is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
12 100E 100 Mbps Enable. When this bit
is set to 1, a v alue of 1 is passe d
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
when the Am79C978 controller is
operating at 100 Mbps mode.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. 100E is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
11-10 RES Reserved locations. Written and
read as zeros.
9 MPSE Magic Packet Status Enable.
When this bit is set to 1, a value of
1 is passe d to the LEDOUT bit in
this register when Magic Packet
frame mode is enabled and a
Magic Packet frame is detected
on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
8 FDLSE Full-Duplex Link Status Enable.
Indicates the Full-Duplex Link
Test Status. When this bit is set,
a value of 1 is passed to the LED-
OUT sig nal w hen the A m7 9C97 8
controller is functioning in a Link
Pass sta te and full-dupl ex opera-
tion is enabled. When the
Am79C 978 c ontroll er is not func-
tioning in a Link Pass state with
full-duplex operation being en-
abled, a value of 0 is passed to
the LEDOUT signal.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FDLSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
7 PSE Pulse Stretcher Enable. When
this bit is set, the LED illumination
time is extended for each new oc-
currence of the enabled function
for this LED output. A value of 0
disables the pulse stretche r.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. PSE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
6 LNKSE Link Status Enable. When this bit
is set, a val ue of 1 w ill be pas sed
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
when in Link Pass state.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LNKSE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
Am79C978 149
S_RESET or setting the STOP
5 RCVME Receive Match Status Enable.
When this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network that has
passed the address match func-
tion for this node. All address
matching modes are included:
physical, logical filtering, broad-
cast, and promiscuous.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVME is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
4 XMTE Transmit Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is transmit
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XMTE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
3 POWER Power. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
power mode.
2 RCVE Receive Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
1 SPEED Speed. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
speed mode.
0 COLE Collision Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is collision
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. COLE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
BCR5: LED1 Status
BCR5 controls the function(s) that the LED1 pin dis-
plays. Multiple functions can be simultaneously en-
abled on this LED pin. The LED display will indicate the
logical OR of the enabl ed functions. BCR 5 defaults to
Receive Status (RCV) with pulse stretcher enabled
(PSE = 1) and is fully programmable.
Note: When LEDPE (BCR2, bit 12) is set to 1, pro-
gramming of the LED1 Status register is enabled.
When LEDPE is cleared to 0, programming of the
LED1 register is disabled. Writes to those registers will
be ignored.
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 LEDOUT This bit indicates the current
(non-stretched) value of th e LED
output pin. A v alue of 1 in this bit
indicates that the OR of the en-
abled signals is true.
The logical val ue of the LEDOUT
status signal is determined by the
settings of the individual Status
Enable bits of the LED register
(bits 8 and 6-0).
This bit is always read accessi-
ble. This bit is read only; writes
have no effect. LED OUT is unaf-
fected by H_RESET, S_RESET,
or STOP.
14 LEDPOL LED Polarity. When this bit has
the value 0, the n the LED pin will
be driven to a LOW level whenev-
er the OR of the enabled signals
is true, and the LED pin will be
disabled and allowed to float high
whenever the OR of the enabled
signals i s f als e (i .e., t he L ED o ut-
put will be an Open Drain output
and the output value will be the
inverse of the LEDOUT status
150 Am79C978
When this bit has the value 1,
then the LED pin will be driven to
a HIGH level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is true, and
the LED pin will be driven to a
LOW level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is false (i.e.,
the LED output will be a Totem
Pole outpu t and the ou tput value
will be the same polarity as the
LEDOU T status bit).
The setting of this bit will not ef-
fect the polarity of the LEDOUT
bit for this register.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDPOL is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
13 LEDDIS LED Disable. This bit is used to
disable the LED output. When
LEDDIS has the value 1, then the
LED output will always be dis-
abled. When LEDDIS has the val-
ue 0, then the LED output value
will be g overned by the LE DOUT
and LEDPOL values.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDDIS is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
12 100E 100 Mbps Enable. When this bit
is set to 1, a v alue of 1 is passe d
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
when the Am79C978 controller is
operating at 100 Mbps mode.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. 100E is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
11-10 RES Reserved locations. Written and
read as zero s.
9 MPSE Magic Packet Status Enable.
When this bit is set to 1, a value of
1 is passed to the LE DOUT bit in
this register when Magic Packet
mode is enabled and a Magic
Packet frame is detected on the
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
8 FDLSE Full-Duplex Link Status Enable.
Indicates the Full-Duplex Link
Test Status. When this bit is set,
a value of 1 is passed to the LED-
OUT sig nal w hen the A m7 9C97 8
controller is functioning in a Link
Pass sta te and full-dupl ex opera-
tion is enabled. When the
Am79C 978 c ontroll er is not func-
tioning in a Link Pass state with
full-duplex operation being en-
abled, a value of 0 is passed to
the LEDOUT signal.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FDLSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
7 PSE Pulse Stretcher Enable. When
this bit is set, the LED illumination
time is extended for each new oc-
currence of the enabled function
for this LED output. A value of 0
disables the pulse stretche r.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. PSE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
6 LNKSE Link Status Enable. When this bit
is set, a val ue of 1 w ill be pas sed
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
in Link Pass state.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LNKSE is cleared by
H_RESET and is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
5 RCVME Receive Match Status Enable.
When this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDO UT bit in th is
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network that has
passed the address match func-
tion for this node. All address
matching modes are included:
Am79C978 151
physical, logical filtering, broad-
cast, and promiscuous.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVME is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
4 XMTE Transmit Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is transmit
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XMTE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
3 POWER Power. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
power mode.
2 RCVE Receive Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
1 SPEED Speed. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
speed mode.
0 COLE Collision Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is collision
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. COLE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
BCR6: LED2 Status
BCR6 controls the function(s) that the LED2 pin dis-
plays. Multiple functions can be simultaneously enabled
on this LED pin. The LED display will indicate the logical
OR of the enabled functions.
Note: When LEDPE (BCR2, bit 12) is set to 1, pro-
gramming of the LED2 Status register is enabled.
When LEDPE is cleared to 0, programming of the
LED2 register is disabled. Writes to those registers will
be ignored.
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM PREAD operation.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 LEDOUT This bit indicates the current
(non-stretched) value of th e LED
output pin. A v alue of 1 in this bit
indicates that the OR of the en-
abled signals is true.
The logical val ue of the LEDOUT
status signal is determined by the
settings of the individual Status
Enable bits of the LED register
(bits 8 and 6-0).
This bit is read accessible al-
ways. This bit is read only; writes
have no effect. LED OUT is unaf-
fected by H_RESET, S_RESET,
or STOP.
14 LEDPOL LED Polarity. When this bit has
the value 0, the n the LED pin will
be driven to a LOW level whenev-
er the OR of the enabled signals
is true, and the LED pin will be
disabled and allowed to float high
whenever the OR of the enabled
signals i s f als e (i .e., t he L ED o ut-
put will be an Open Drain output
and the output value will be the
inverse of the LEDOUT status
When this bit has the value 1,
then the LED pin will be driven to
a HIGH level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is true, and
the LED pin will be driven to a
LOW level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is false (i.e.,
the LED output will be a Totem
Pole ou tput and the ou tput value
will be the same polarity as the
LEDOUT status bit).
The setting of this bit will not ef-
fect the polarity of the LEDOUT
bit for this register.
152 Am79C978
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDPOL is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
13 LEDDIS LED Disable. This bit is used to
disable the LED output. When
LEDDIS has the value 1, then the
LED output will always be dis-
abled. When LEDDIS has the val-
ue 0, then the LED output value
will be g overned by the LE DOUT
and LEDPOL values.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDDIS is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
12 100E 100 Mbps Enable. When this bit
is set to 1, a v alue of 1 is passe d
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
when the Am79C978 controller is
operating at 100 Mbps mode.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. 100E is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
11-10 RES Reserved locations. Written and
read as zero s.
9 MPSE Magic Packet Status Enable.
When this bit is set to 1, a value of
1 is passed to the LE DOUT bit in
this register when Magic Packet
frame mode is enabled and a
Magic Packet frame is detected
on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
8 FDLSE Full-Duplex Link Status Enable.
Indicates the Full-Duplex Link
Test Status. When this bit is set,
a value of 1 is passed to the LED-
OUT sig nal when the A m79 C97 8
controller is functioning in a Link
Pass s ta te and fu ll- d upl ex op er a-
tion is enabled. When the
Am79C 978 c ontroll er is not func-
tioning in a Link Pass state with
full-duplex operation being en-
abled, a value of 0 is passed to
the LEDOUT signal.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FDLSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
7 PSE Pulse Stretcher Enable. When
this bit is set, the LED illumination
time is extended for each new oc-
currence of the enabled function
for this LED output. A value of 0
disables the pulse stretche r.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. PSE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
6 LNKSE Link Status Enable. When this bit
is set, a val ue of 1 w ill be pas sed
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
in Link Pass state.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LNKSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
5 RCVME Receive Match Status Enable.
When this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDO UT bit in th is
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network that has
passed the address match func-
tion for this node. All address
matching modes are included:
physical, logical filtering, broad-
cast, and promiscuous.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVME is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
4 XMTE Transmit Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDO UT bit in th is
register when there is transmit
activity on the network.
Am79C978 153
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XMTE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
3 POWER Power. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
power mode.
2 RCVE Receive Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
1 SPEED Speed. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
speed mode.
0 COLE Collision Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is collision
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. COLE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
BCR7: LED3 Status
BCR7 controls the function(s) that the LED3 pin dis-
plays. Multiple functions can be simultaneously enabled
on this LED pin. The LED display will indicate the logical
OR of the enabled functions. BCR7 defaults to Transmit
Status (XMT) with pulse stretcher enabled (PSE = 1)
and is fully programmable.
Note: When LEDPE (BCR2, bit 12) is set to 1, pro-
gramming of the LED3 Status register is enabled.
When LEDPE is cleared to 0, programming of the
LED3 register is disabled. Writes to those registers will
be ignored.
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15 LEDOUT This bit indicates the current
(non-stretched) value of th e LED
output pin. A v alue of 1 in this bit
indicates that the OR of the en-
abled signals is true.
The logical val ue of the LEDOUT
status signal is determined by the
settings of the individual Status
Enable bits of the LED register
(bits 8 and 6-0).
This bit is read accessible al-
ways. This bit is read only; writes
have no effect. LED OUT is unaf-
fected by H_RESET, S_RESET,
or STOP.
14 LEDPOL LED Polarity. When this bit has
the value 0, the n the LED pin will
be driven to a LOW level whenev-
er the OR of the enabled signals
is true, and the LED pin will be
disabled and allowed to float high
whenever the OR of the enabled
signals i s f als e (i .e., t he L ED o ut-
put will be an Open Drain output
and the output value will be the
inverse of the LEDOUT status
When this bit has the value 1,
then the LED pin will be driven to
a HIGH level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is true, and
the LED pin will be driven to a
LOW level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is false (i.e.,
the LED output will be a Totem
Pole ou tput and the ou tput value
will be the same polarity as the
LEDOUT status bit).
The setting of this bit will not ef-
fect the polarity of the LEDOUT
bit for this register.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDPOL is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
13 LEDDIS LED Disable. This bit is used to
disable the LED output. When
LEDDIS has the value 1, then the
LED output will always be dis-
abled. When LEDDIS has the val-
ue 0, then the LED output value
154 Am79C978
will be g overned by the LE DOUT
and LEDPOL values.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDDIS is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
12 100E 100 Mbps Enable. When this bit
is set to 1, a v alue of 1 is passe d
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
when the Am79C978 controller is
operating at 100 Mbps mode.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. 100E is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
11-10 RES Reserved locations. Written and
read as zero s.
9 MPSE Magic Packet Status Enable.
When this bit is set to 1, a value of
1 is passed to the LE DOUT bit in
this register when magic frame
mode is enabled and a magic
frame is detected on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
8 FDLSE Full-Duplex Link Status Enable.
Indicates the Full-Duplex Link
Test Status. When this bit is set,
a value of 1 is passed to the LED-
OUT sig nal when the A m79 C97 8
controller is functioning in a Link
Pass s ta te and fu ll- d upl ex op er a-
tion is enabled. When the
Am79C978 c ontroll er is not func-
tioning in a Link Pass state with
full-duplex operation being en-
abled, a value of 0 is passed to
the LEDOUT signal.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FDLSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
7 PSE Pulse Stretcher Enable. When
this bit is set, the LED illumination
time is extended for each new oc-
currence of the enabled function
for this LED output. A value of 0
disables the pulse stretche r.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. PSE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
6 LNKSE Link Status Enable. When this bit
is set, a val ue of 1 w ill be pas sed
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
in Link Pass state.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LNKSE is cleared by
H_RESET and is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
5 RCVME Receive Match Status Enable.
When this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDO UT bit in th is
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network that has
passed the address match func-
tion for this node. All address
matching modes are included:
physical, logical filtering, broad-
cast, and promiscuous.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVME is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
4 XMTE Transmit Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDO UT bit in th is
register when there is transmit
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XMTE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
3 POWER Power. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
power mode.
2 RCVE Receive Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDO UT bit in th is
Am79C978 155
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
1 SPEED Speed. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
speed mode.
0 COLE Collision Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is collision
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. COLE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
BCR9: Full-Duplex Control
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-3 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
2 FDRPAD Full-Duplex Runt Packet Accept
Disable. W hen FDRP AD is set to
1 and full-duplex mode is en-
abled, the Am79C978 controller
will only receive frames that meet
the minimum Ethernet frame
length of 64 b ytes. Rec eive DMA
will not start until at least 64 bytes
or a complete frame have been
received. By de fault, FDRPAD is
cleared to 0. The Am79C978 con-
troller will accept any length
frame and receive DMA will start
according to the programming of
the receive FIFO watermark.
Note that there should not be any
runt packets in a full-duplex net-
work, since the main cause for
runt packets is a network collision
and there are no collisions in a
full-duple x netwo rk.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FDRPAD is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or by setting the STOP
1 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
0 FDEN Full-Duplex Enable. FDEN con-
trols whether full-duplex opera-
tion is enabled. When FDEN is
cleare d and the Auto- Negotia tion
is disabled, full-duplex operation
is not enabled and the
Am79C978 controller will always
operate in half-duplex mode.
When FDEN is set, the
Am79C978 controller will operate
in full-duplex mode. Do not set
this bit when Auto-Negotiation
is enabled.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FDEN is reset to 0 by
H_RESET, and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
BCR16: I/O Base Address Lower
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-5 IOBASEL Reserved locations. After
H_R ESET, t he valu e of thes e bit s
will be u ndefin ed. Th e sett ings o f
these bits will have no effect on
any Am79C978 controller func-
These bits are always read/write
accessible. IOBASEL is not af-
fected by S_RESET or STOP.
4-0 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros, read as undefined.
BCR17: I/O Base Address Upper
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 IOBASEU Reserved locations. After
H_RESET, the value in this regis-
ter will be undefined. The settings
of this regis ter will have no effec t
on any Am79C978 controller
156 Am79C978
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. IOBASEU is not affect-
ed by S_RESE T or STOP.
BCR18: Burst and Bus Control Register
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-12 ROMTMG Expansion ROM Timing. The val-
ue of ROMTMG is used to tune
the timing for all EBDATA
(BCR30) accesses to Flash/
EPROM as well as all Expansion
ROM a ccesses to Flash/EPRO M.
ROMTMG, during read opera-
tions, defines the time from when
the Am79C978 controller drives
the lower 8 or 16 bits of the Ex-
pansion Bus Address bus to
when the Am79C978 controller
latches i n th e dat a on the 8 or 1 6
bits of the Expansion Bus Data
inputs. ROMTMG, during write
operatio ns, defi nes the time from
when the Am79C978 controller
drives the lower 8 or 16 bits of the
Expansi on Bus Data to when the
EBWE and EROMCS deassert.
The register value specifies the
time in number of clock cycles +1
according to Table 36.
Note: Programming ROMTNG
with a value of 0 is not permitted.
The access time for the Expan-
sion ROM or the EBDATA
(BCR30) device (tACC) during
read operations can be calculat-
ed by subtracting the clock to out-
put delay for the EBUA_EBA[7:0]
outputs (tv_A_D) and by subtract-
ing the input to clock setup time
for the EBD[7:0] inputs (ts_D)
from the time defined by ROMT-
tACC = ROMTMG * CLK period
*CLK_FAC - (tv_A_D) + (ts_D)
The access time for the Expan-
sion ROM or for the EBDATA
(BCR30) device (tACC) during
write operations can be calculat-
ed by subtracting the clock to out-
put delay for the EBUA EBA [7:0]
outputs (tv_A_D) and by adding
the input to clock setup time for
Flash/EPRO inputs (ts_D) from
the time defined by ROMTMG.
tACC = ROMTMG * CLK period *
CLK_FAC - (tv_A_D) - (ts_D)
For an adapter card application,
the value used for clock period
should be 30 ns to guarantee cor-
rect interface timing at the maxi-
mum clock frequency of 33 MHz.
These bits are read accessible al-
ways; write accessible only when
the STOP bi t is set. ROMTMG is
set to the value of 1001b by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or STOP. The default
value allows using a n Expansio n
ROM with a n access time of 250
ns in a system with a maximum
clock frequency of 33 MHz.
11 NOUFLO No Underflow on Transmit. When
the NOUFLO bit is set to 1, the
Am79C978 controller will not start
transmitting the preamble for a
packet until the Transmit Start
Point (CSR80, bits 10-11) re-
quirement (except when XMTSP
= 3h, Ful l Packet has no mean ing
when NOUFLO is set to 1) has
been met and the complete pack-
et has been DMAd into the
Am79C978 controller. The com-
plete packet may reside in any
combination of the Bus Transmit
FIFO, the SRAM, and the MAC
Transmit FIFO as long as enough
of the packet is in the MAC Trans-
mit FIFO to meet the Transmit
Start Point requirement. When
the NOUFLO bit is cleared to 0,
the Transmit Start Point is the
only restriction on when preamble
transmission begins for transmit
Table 36. ROMTNG Programming Values
ROMTMG (bits 15-12) No. of Expansion Bus Cycles
1h<=n <=Fh n+1
Am79C978 157
Setting the NOUFLO bit guaran-
tees that the Am79C978 control-
ler will never suffer transmit
underflows, because the arbiter
that controls transfers to and from
the SRAM guarantees a worst
case latency on transfers to and
from the MAC and Bus Transmit
FIFOs such that it will never un-
derflow if the complete packet
has been DMAd into the
Am79C978 controller before
packet transmission begins.
The NOUFLO bit has no effect
when the Am79C978 controller is
operating in the NO-SRAM mode.
Read/Write accessible only when
either the ST OP or the SPND bit
is set. NOUFLO is cleared to 0 af-
ter H_RESET or S_RESET and
is unaffected by STOP.
10 RES Reserved location. Written as
zero and read as undefined.
9 MEMCMD Memory Command used for burst
read accesses to the transmit
buffer. When MEMCMD is set to
0, all burst read accesses to the
transmit buffer are of the PCI
command type Memory Read
Line (type 14). When MEMCMD
is set to 1, all burst read accesses
to the transmit buffer are of the
PCI command type Memory
Read Multiple (type 12).
This bit is read accessible al-
ways; write accessible only when
either the ST OP or the SPND bit
is set. MEMCMD is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
8 EXTREQ Extended Request. This bit con-
trols the deassertion of REQ for a
burst transaction. If EXTREQ is
set to 0, REQ is deasserted at the
beginning of a burst transaction.
(The Am79C978 controller never
performs more than one burst
transaction within a single bus
mastershi p period.) In th is mode,
the Am79C978 controller relies
on the PCI latency timer to get
enough bus bandwidth, in case
the system arbiter also removes
GNT at the beginning of the burst
transaction. If EXTREQ is set to
1, REQ stays asserted until the
last but one data phase of the
burst transaction is done. This
mode is useful for systems that
implement an arbitration scheme
without preemption and require
that REQ stays asse rted th rough-
out the transaction.
EXTREQ should not be set to 1
when the Am79C978 controller is
used in a PCI bus application.
This bit is read accessible al-
ways, write accessible only when
either the STO P or the SPND bit
is set. EXTREQ is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
7 DWIO Double Word I/O. When set, this
bit indicates that the Am79C978
controller is programmed for
DWord I/O (DWIO) mode. When
cleared, th is bi t indica tes th at the
Am79C978 controller is pro-
grammed for Word I/O (WIO)
mode. This bit affects the I/O Re-
source Offset map and it affects
the defined width of the
Am79C978 controllers I/O re-
sources. See the DWIO and WIO
sections for more details.
The initial value of the DWIO bit is
determined by the programming
of the EEPROM.
The value of DWIO can be al-
tered automatically by the
Am79C9 78 controller. Sp ecifical-
ly, the Am79C978 controller will
set DWIO if it detects a DWord
write access to offset 10h from
the Am79C978 controllers I/O
base address (corresponding to
the RDP resour ce ).
Once th e DWIO bit has be en se t
to a 1, only a H_RESET or an EE-
PROM read can reset it to a 0.
(Note that the EEPROM read op-
eration will only set DWIO to a 0 if
the appropriate bit inside of the
EEPROM is set to 0.)
158 Am79C978
This bit is read accessible al-
ways. DWIO is read only, write
operatio ns have no effect. DW IO
is cleared by H_RESET and is
not affecte d S_RE SET o r by s et-
ting the STOP bit.
6 BREADE Burst Read Enable. When set,
this bit enables burst mode during
memory read accesses. When
cleared, this bit prevents the de-
vice from performing bursting
during read accesses. The
Am79C978 controller can per-
form burst transfers when reading
the initialization block, the de-
scriptor ring entries (when
SWSTYLE = 3), and the buffer
BREADE should be set to 1 when
the Am79C978 controller is used
in a PCI bus application to guar-
antee maximum performance.
This bit is read accessible al-
ways; write accessible only when
either the ST OP or the SPND bit
is set. BREADE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
5 BWRITE Burst Write Enable. When set,
this bit enables burst mode during
memory write accesses. When
cleared, this bit prevents the de-
vice from performing bursting
during write accesses. The
Am79C978 controller can per-
form bur st tra nsfers when writin g
the descriptor ring entries (when
SWSTYLE = 3), and the buffer
BWRITE should be set to 1 when
the Am79C978 controller is used
in a PCI bus application to guar-
antee maximum performance.
This bit is read accessible al-
ways, write accessible only when
either the ST OP or the SPND bit
is set. BWRITE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
4-3 PHYSEL[1:0] PHYSEL[1:0] bits allow for soft-
ware controlled selection of differ-
ent operation and test modes.
The normal mode of operatio n is
when both bi ts 0 and 1 are set t o
0 to select the Expansion ROM/
Flash. Setting bit 0 to 1 and bit 1
to 0 allo ws snooping of the inter-
nal MII-compatible bus to allow
External Address Detection Inter-
face (EADI). See Table 37 for de-
Table 37. PHY Select Programming
These bits are read accessible al-
ways, these bits can only be writ-
ten from the EEPROM unless a
write-enable bit, BCR2[13], is set.
PHYSEL [1:0] is cleared by
H_RESET and is not affected by
2-0 LINBC Reserved locations. These bits
are read accessib le alway s; writ e
accessible only when either the
STOP o r the SPN D bit is set. Af-
ter H_RES ET, the value in th ese
bits will be 001b. The setting of
these bits have no effect on any
Am79C978 controllers function.
LINBC is not affected by
BCR19: EEPROM Control and Status
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 PVALID EEPROM Valid status bit. This bit
is read accessible only. PVALID
is read only; write operations
have no effect. A value of 1 in this
bit indicates that a PREAD opera-
tion has occurred, and that (1)
there is an EEPROM connected
to the Am79C978 controller inter-
face pins and (2) the contents
read from the EEPROM have
passed the checksum verification
PHYSEL [1:0] Mode
00 Expansion ROM/Flash
01 EADI/Internal MII Snoop
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
Am79C978 159
A value of 0 in t his bit indicat es a
failure in reading the EEPROM.
The checksum for the entire 82
bytes of EEPROM is i ncorrect or
no EEPROM is connect ed to the
interface pins.
PVALID is set to 0 during
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET or the STO P bit. How-
ever, following the H_RESET op-
eration, an automatic read o f the
EEPROM will be performed. Just
as it is true for the normal PREAD
command, at the end of this auto-
matic read operation the PVALID
bit may be set to 1. Therefore,
H_RESET will set the PVALID bit
to 0 at first, but the automatic EE-
PROM read operation may later
set PVALID to a 1.
If PVALID becomes 0 following
an EEPROM read operation (ei-
ther automatically generated af-
ter H_RESET, or requested
through PREAD), then all EE-
PROM-pro gramm abl e B CR l oca-
tions will be reset to their
H_R ESET va lue s. Th e con ten t of
the Address PROM locations,
however, will not be cleared.
If no EEPROM is present at the
EESK, EEDI, and EEDO pins,
then all attempted PREAD com-
mands will terminate early and
PVALID will not be set. This ap-
plies to th e automa tic read of the
EEPROM after H_RESET, as
well as to host-initiated PREAD
14 PREAD EEPROM Read command bit.
When this bit is set to a 1 by the
host, the P VALID bit (BCR19 , bit
15) will imm ediate ly be res et to a
0, and then the Am79C978 con-
troller will perform a read opera-
tion of 82 bytes from the
EEPROM through the interface.
The EEPROM data that is
fetched during the read will be
stored in the appropriate internal
registers on board the
Am79C978 controller. Upon com-
pletion of the EEPROM read op-
eration, the Am79C978 controller
will assert the PVALID bit. EE-
PROM contents will be indirectly
accessible to the host through
read accesses to the Address
PROM (offsets 0h through Fh)
and through read accesses to
other EEPROM programmable
registers. Note t hat read access-
es from these locations will not
actually access the EEPROM it-
self, but instead will access the
Am79C978 internal copy of the
EEPROM contents. Write ac-
cesses to these locations may
change the Am79C978 register
contents, bu t the EEPROM loca-
tions will not be affected. EE-
PROM locations may be
accessed directly through
At the end of the read operation,
the PREAD bit will automatically
be reset to a 0 by the Am79C978
controller and PVALID will be set,
provide d that an EEP ROM exist-
ed on the in terface pins and tha t
the checksum for the entire 68
bytes of EEPROM was correct.
Note that when PREAD is set to a
1, then the Am79C978 controller
will no longe r respond to any ac-
cesses directed toward it, until
the PREAD operation has com-
pleted successfully. The
Am79C978 controller will termi-
nate thes e acces ses with the a s-
sertion of DEVSEL and STOP
while TRDY is not asserted, sig-
naling to the initiator to discon-
nect and retry the access at a
later time.
If a PREA D c omm and is gi v en t o
the Am79C978 controller but no
EEPROM is attached to the inter-
face pins, the PREAD bit will be
cleared to a 0, and the PVALID bit
will remain reset with a value of 0.
This applies to the automatic
read of the EEPROM after
H_RESET as well as to host initi-
ated PREAD commands. EE-
PROM programmable locations
on board th e Am79C978 c ontrol-
ler will be set to their defau lt val-
ues by such an aborted PREAD
160 Am79C978
operation. For example, if the
aborted PREAD oper a tion imm e-
diately followed the H_RESET
operation, then the final state of
the EEPROM programmable lo-
cations will be equal to the
H_RESET programming for
those locations.
If a PREAD command is gi v en t o
the Am79C978 controller and the
auto-detection pin (EESK/LED1)
indicates that no EEPROM is
present, then the EEPROM rea d
operation will still be attempted.
Note that at the end of the
H_RESET operation, a read of
the EEPROM will be performed
automatically. This H_RESET-
generated EEPROM read func-
tion will not proceed if the auto-
detection pin (EESK/LED1) indi-
cates that no EEPROM is
This bit is read accessible al-
ways; write accessible only when
either the ST OP or the SPND bit
is set. PREAD is set to 0 during
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET or the STOP bit.
13 EEDET EEPROM Detect. This bit indi-
cates the sampled value of the
EESK/LED1 pin at the end of
H_RESET. This value indicates
whether or not an EEPROM is
present at the EEPROM inter-
face. If this bit is a 1, it indicates
that an EEPROM is present. If
this bit is a 0, it indicates that an
EEPROM is not present.
This bit is read accessible only.
EEDET is read only; write opera-
tion s ha ve no ef f e ct. Th e va lu e of
this bit is determined at the end of
the H_RESE T operation . It is u n-
affected by S_RESET or the
STOP bit.
Table 38 indicates the possible
combinations of EEDET and the
existence of an EEPROM and the
resulti ng op erati ons that ar e pos-
sible on the EEPROM interface.
12-5 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros; read as undefined.
4 E EN EEPRO M Port Enabl e. When this
bit is se t to a 1, it cau ses th e va l-
ues of ECS, ESK, and EDI to b e
driven onto the EECS, EESK,
and EEDI pins, respectively. If
EEN = 0 and no EEPROM read
function is currently active, then
EECS wil l be driven L OW. Whe n
EEN = 0 and no EEPROM read
function is currently active, EESK
and EEDI pins will be driven by
the LED registers BCR5 and
BCR4, respectively. See Table
This bit is read accessible al-
ways, write accessible only when
either the STO P or the SPND bit
is set. EEN is set to 0 by
H_RESET and is unaffected by
the S_RESET or STOP bit.
3 RES Reserved location. Written as
zero and read as undefined.
2 ECS EEPROM Chip Select. This bit is
used to control the value of the
EECS pin of the interface when
the EEN bit is set to 1 and the
PREAD b it is se t to 0 . If E EN = 1
and PREAD = 0 and ECS is set to
a 1, then the EECS pin will be
forced to a HIGH level at the ris-
ing edg e of the next clock follow-
ing bit programming.
If EEN = 1 and PREAD = 0 and
ECS is set to a 0, then the EECS
pin will be forced to a LOW lev el
at the rising edge of the next
clock following bit programming.
ECS has no effect on the output
value of the EECS pin unless the
PREAD bit is set to 0 and the
EEN bit is set to 1.
This bit is read accessible al-
ways, write accessible only when
either the STO P or the SPND bit
is set. ECS is set to 0 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
Am79C978 161
Table 38. EEDET Setting
1 ESK EEPROM Serial Clock. This bit
and the EDI/EDO bit are used to
control host access to the EE-
PROM. Values programmed to
this bit are pla ced onto the EE SK
pin at t he rising edge of the next
clock following bit programming,
except when the PREAD bit is set
to 1 or the EEN bit is set to 0. If
both the ESK bit and the EDI/
EDO bit value s are c hanged dur-
ing one BCR19 write operation,
while EEN = 1, then setup and
hold times of the EEDI pin value
with respect to the EESK signal
edge are not guaranteed.
ESK has no effect on the EESK
pin unless the PREAD bit is set to
0 and the EEN bit is set to 1.
This bit is read accessible al-
ways, write accessible only when
either the ST OP or the SPND bit
is set. ESK is reset to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
Data Out. Data that is written to
this bit will appear on the EEDI
output of the interface, except
when the PREAD bit is set to 1 or
the EEN bit is set to 0. Data that
is read from this bit reflects the
value of the EEDO input of the in-
EDI/EDO has no effect on the
EEDI pin unl ess th e PREAD bi t is
set to 0 and the E EN bit is set to
Read accessible always; write
accessible only when either the
STOP or the SPND bit is set. EDI/
EDO is reset to 0 by H_RESET
and is not affected by S_RESET
or STOP.
BCR20: Software Style
This register is an alias of the location CSR58. Accesses
to and from this register ar e equival ent to accesses to
Bit Name Description
31-11 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
(BCR19[13]) EEPROM
Connected? Result if PREAD is Set to 1 Result of Automatic EEPROM Read
Operation Following H_RESET
0No EEPROM read operation is attempted.
Entire read sequence will occur , checksum
failure will result, PVALID is reset to 0.
First two EESK clock cycles are generated,
then EEPROM read operation is aborted
and PVALID is reset to 0.
0Yes EEPROM read operation is attempted.
Entire read sequence will occur , checksum
operation will pass, PVALID is set to 1.
First two EESK clock cycles are generated,
then EEPROM read operation is aborted
and PVALID is reset to 0.
1No EEPROM read operation is attempted.
Entire read sequence will occur , checksum
failure will result, PVALID is reset to 0.
EEPROM read operation is attempted.
Entire rea d sequ ence wi ll occu r, checks um
failure will result, PVALID is reset to 0.
1Yes EEPROM read operation is attempted.
Entire read sequence will occur , checksum
operation will pass, PVALID is set to 1.
EEPROM read operation is attempted.
Entire rea d sequ ence wi ll occu r, checks um
operation will pass, PVALID is set to 1.
Table 39. Interface Pin Assignment
RST Pin PREAD or Auto
Read in Progress EEN EECS EESK EEDI
Low X X 0 Tri-State Tri-State
High 1 X Active Active Active
High 0 1 Fro m ECS
Bit of BCR19 From ESK Bit of
BCR19 From EEDI Bit of
High 0 0 0 LED1 LED0
162 Am79C978
10 APERREN Advanced Parity Error Handling
Enable. When APERREN is set
to 1, the BPE bits (RMD1 and
TMD1, bit 23) start having a
meaning. BPE will be set in the
descriptor associated with the
buffer tha t was a ccessed wh en a
data parity error occurred. Note
that since the advanced parity er-
ror handling uses an additional bit
in the descr iptor , SWS TYLE (b its
7-0 of this register) must be set to
2 or 3 to p rogr am t he A m79 C97 8
controller to use 32-bit software
APERREN does not affect the re-
porting of address parity errors or
data parity errors that occur when
the Am79C978 controller is the
target of the transfer.
Read anytime; write accessible
only when either the STOP or the
SPND bit is set. APERREN is
cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or STOP.
9 RES Reserved location. Written as ze-
ro; read as undefined.
8 SSIZE32 Software Size 32 bits . When set,
this bit indicates that the
Am79C978 controller utilizes 32-
bit software structures for the ini-
tialization block and the transmit
and receive descriptor entries.
When cleared, this bit indicates
that the Am79C978 controller uti-
lizes 16-bit software structures for
the initialization block and the
transmit and receive descriptor
entries. In this mode, the
Am79C978 controller is back-
wards compatible with the
Am799 0 LANCE and Am79C96 0
PCnet-ISA controllers.
The value of SSIZE32 is deter-
mined by the Am 79C978 cont ro l-
ler accor ding to the setting of the
Software Style (SWSTYLE, bits
7-0 of this register).
This bit is always read accessi-
ble. SSIZE32 is read only; write
operations will be ignored.
SSIZE32 will be cleared after
H_RESET (since SWSTYLE de-
faults to 0) and is no t affec ted by
If SSIZE32 is reset, then bits
IADR[31:24] of CSR2 will be
used to generate values for the
upper 8 bits of the 32-b it add ress
bus duri ng maste r acces ses i niti-
ated by the Am79C978 controller.
This action is required, since th e
16-bit software structures speci-
fied by the SSIZE32 = 0 setting
will yield only 24 bits of address
for Am79C978 controller bus
mast er accesses.
If SSIZE32 is set, then the soft-
ware stru ctu re s that ar e co mmo n
to the Am79C978 controller and
the host system will supply a full
32 bits for each address pointer
that is need ed by th e A m7 9C97 8
controller for performing master
The value of the SSIZE32 bit has
no effect on the drive of the upper
8 address bits. The upper 8 ad-
dress pins are alway s driven, re-
gardless of the state of the
SSIZE32 bit.
Note that the setting of the
SSIZE3 2 bit has no effect on the
defined width for I/O resources.
I/O resource width is determined
by the state of the DWIO bit
(BCR18, bit 7).
7-0 SWSTYLE Software Style register. The val-
ue in thi s register de termines th e
style of register and memory re-
sources that sha ll be used by the
Am79C978 controller. The Soft-
ware Style selection will affect the
interpretation of a few bits within
the CSR space, the order of the
descriptor entries and the width of
the descriptors and initialization
block entries.
All Am79C978 CSR bits and all
descriptor, buffer, and initializa-
tion block entries not cited in the
Table 40 are unaffected by the
Software St yl e se lec ti on an d are ,
therefore, always fully functional
as specified in the CSR and BCR
Am79C978 163
Read/Write accessible only when
either the ST OP or the SPND bit
is set. The SWSTYLE register will
contain the value 00h following
H_RESET and wi ll be un affecte d
BCR22: PCI Latency Register
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-8 MAX_LAT Maximum Latency. Specifies the
maximum arbitration latency the
Am79C978 controller can sustain
without causing problems to the
network ac tivi ty . T he register val-
ue specifies the time in units of 1/
4 microseconds. MAX_LAT is
aliased to the PCI configuration
space register MAX_LAT (offset
3Fh). Th e host will u se the valu e
in the register to determine the
setting of the Am79C978 Latency
Timer register.
Read accessible always; write
accessible only when either the
STOP or the SPND bit is set.
MAX_LAT is set to the value of
FFh by H_RESET which results
in a default maximum latency of
63.75 microseconds. It is re com-
mended to program the value of
18h via EEPROM. MAX_LAT is
not affected by S_RESET or
7-0 MIN_GNT Minimum Grant. Specifies the
minimum length of a bu rst p eriod
the Am79C978 controller needs
to keep up with the network activ-
ity. Th e le ngth of the b ur st p er iod
is calculated assuming a clock
rate of 33 M Hz. The register val-
ue specifies the time in units of 1/
4 ms. M IN_GNT is aliase d to the
PCI Con figur ation Spac e reg ister
MIN_GNT (offset 3Eh). The host
will use the value in the register to
determine the setting of the
Am79C978 Latency Timer regis-
Read accessible always; write
accessible only when either the
STOP or the SPND bit is set.
MIN_GNT is set to the value of
06h by H_RESET which results
in a default minimum grant of
1.5 ms, whi ch is the tim e it takes
to Am79C978 controller to read/
wri t e half o f t h e FI F O . ( 16 D Wo rd
transfers in burst mode with one
extra wait state per data phase
inserted by the target.) Note tha t
the default is only a typical value.
It also does not tak e int o accoun t
any descriptor accesses. It is rec-
ommended t o program th e value
of 18h via EEPROM. MIN_GNT
is not affected by S_RESET or
BCR23: PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
Table 40. Software Styles
[7:0] Style
Name SSIZE32 Initialization Block
Entries Descriptor Ring Entries
00h LANCE/
controller 016-bit software
structures, non-burst or
burst access
16-bit softw are structur es,
non-bur st acc es s onl y
02h PCnet-PCI
controller 132-bit software
structures, non-burst or
burst access
32-bit softw are structur es,
non-bur st acc es s onl y
03h PCnet-PCI
controller 132-bit software
structures, non-burst or
burst access
32-bit softw are structur es,
non-burst or burst access
All Other RES Undefined Undefined Undefined
164 Am79C978
31-0 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 SVID Subsystem Vendor ID. SVID is
used together with SID (BCR24,
bits 15-0) to uniq uely identify the
add-in board or subsystem the
Am79C978 controller is used in.
Subsystem Vendor IDs can be
obtained from the PCI SIG. A val-
ue of 0 (the default) indicates that
the Am79C978 controller does
not su pport sub system i denti fica-
tion. SVID is aliased to the PCI
Configuration Space register
Subsystem Vendor ID (offset
This bit is always read accessi-
ble. SVID is read only. Write op-
erations are ignored. SVID is
cleared to 0 by H_RESET and is
not affected by S_RESET or by
setting the STOP bit.
BCR24: PCI Subsystem ID Register
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 SID Subsystem ID. SID is used to-
gether with SVID (BCR23, bits
15-0) to uniquely identify the add-
in board or subsystem the
Am79C978 controller is used in.
The value of SID is up to the sys-
tem vendor. A value of 0 (the de-
fault) indicates that the
Am79C978 controller does not
support subsystem identification.
SID is aliased to the PCI configu-
ration space register Subsystem
ID (offset 2Eh).
This bit is always read accessi-
ble. SID is r ead only. Write oper-
ations are ignored. SID is cleared
to 0 by H_RESET and is not af-
fected by S_RESET or by setting
the STOP bit.
BCR25: SRAM Size Register
Bit Name Description
Note: Bits 7-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
31-8 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
7-0 SRAM_SIZE SRAM Size. Specifies the upper
8 bits of the 16-bit total size of the
SRAM buffer. Each bit in
SRAM _SIZE account s for a 512-
byte page. The starting address
for the lo wer 8 bi ts is as su med to
be 00h and the ending address
for the lower is assumed to be
FFh. Therefore, the maximum ad-
dress range is the starting ad-
dress of 0000h to ending address
of ((SRAM_SIZE+1) * 256 words)
or 17FFh. An SRAM_SIZE value
of all zeros specifies that no
SRAM will be u sed and the inter -
nal FIFOs will be joined into a
contiguous FIFO similar to the
PCnet-PCI II controller.
Note: The minimum allowed
number of pa ges is eight for nor-
mal network operation. The
Am79C978 c ontroller wi ll not op-
erate correctly with less than the
eight pages of memory. When
the minimum number of pages is
used, these pages must be allo-
cated four each for transmit and
CAUTION: Programming
to the same value will cause
data corruption except in the
case where SRAM_SIZE is 0.
This bit is always read accessi-
ble; write accessible only when
the STOP bit is set. SR AM_SIZE
is set to 000000b during
H_RESET and is unaffected by
BCR26: SRAM Boundary Register
Bit Name Description
Note: Bits 7-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
31-8 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
7-0 SRAM_BND SRAM Boundary. Specifies the
upper 8 bits of the 16-bit addre ss
Am79C978 165
boundary where the receive buffer
begins in the SRAM. The transmit
buffer in the SRAM begins at ad-
dress 0 and ends at the address
located just before the address
specified by SRAM_BND. There-
fore, the receive buffer always be-
gins on a 512 byte boundary. The
lower bits are assumed to be ze-
ros. SRAM_BND has no effect in
the Low Latency Receive mode.
Note: The minimum allowed
number of pages is four. The
Am79C9 78 controller wi ll not op-
erate correctly with less than four
pages of memory per queue. See
Table 41 for SRAM_BND pro-
gramming details.
CAUTION: Programming
to the same value will cause
data corruption except in the
case where SRAM SIZE is 0.
Read accessible always; write
accessible only when the STOP
bit is set. SRAM_BND is set to
00000000b during H_RESET
and is unaffected by S_RESET or
BCR27: SRAM Interface Control Register
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15 PTR TST Reserved. Reserved for manu-
facturing tests. Written as zero
and read as undefined.
Note: Use of this bit will cause
data corruption and erroneous
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessib le. PTR_T ST is set to 0 by
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
14 LOLATRX Low Latency Receive. When the
LOLATRX bit is set to 1, the
Am79C978 controller will switch
to an architecture applicable to
cut-through switches. The
Am79C978 controller will assert a
receive frame DMA after only 16
bytes of the current receive frame
has been received regardless of
where the RCVFW (CSR80, bits
13-12) ar e set. The water mark is
a fixed value and cannot be
changed. The receive FIFOs will
be in NO_SRAM mode while all
transmit traffic is buffered through
the SRAM. This bit is only valid
and the low latency receive only
enabled when the SRAM_SIZE
(BCR25, bits 7-0) bits are non-ze-
ro. SRAM_BND (BCR26, bits 7-
0) has no meaning when the
Am79C978 controller is in the
Low Lat ency mod e. See the se c-
tion on SRAM Configuration for
more details.
When the LOLATRX bit is set to
0, the Am79C978 controller will
return to a normal receive config-
uration. The runt packet accept
bit (RPA, CSR124, bit 3) must be
set when LOLATRX is set.
CAUTION: To provide data in-
tegrity when switching into
and out of the low latency
mode, DO NOT SET the
FASTSPNDE (CSR7, bit 15) bit
when setting the SPND bit. Re-
ceive frames WILL be overwrit-
ten and the Am79C978
controller may give erratic be-
havior w hen it is ena ble again .
The minimum allowed number
of pages is four. The
Am79C978 controller will not
operate correctly in the LOLA-
TRX mode with less than four
pages of memory.
Read/Write accessible only when
the STOP bi t is set. LO LATRX is
cleared to 0 after H_RESET or
S_RESET and is unaffected by
13-6 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
Table 41. SRAM_BND Programming
SRAM Addresses SRAM_BND [7:0]
Minimum SRAM_BND
Address 04h
Maximum SRAM_BND Address 13h
166 Am79C978
5-3 EBCS Expansion Bus Clock Source.
These bit s are u sed to sel ect the
source of the fundamental clock
to drive the SRAM and Expansion
ROM access cycles. Table 42
shows the selected clock source
for the various values of EBCS.
Note that the actual frequency
that the Expansion Bus access
cycle s run at is a func tion of bot h
the EBCS and CLK_FAC
(BCR27, bits 2-0) bit field set-
tings. When EBCS is set to either
the PCI clock or the Time Base
clock , no ex ter na l c l ock s ource is
required as the cl ocks are route d
internally and the EBCLK pin
should b e pulled to VDD t hrough
a resistor.
Read accessible always; write
accessible only when the STOP
bit is set. EBCS is set to 000b
(PCI clock selected) during
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET or the STOP bit.
Note: The clock frequency driv-
ing the Expansion Bus access cy-
cles that re su lts from the se tti ngs
of the EBCS and CLK FAC bits
must not exceed 33 MHz at any
time. Whe n E BCS is set to eith er
the PCI clock or the Time Base
clock, no exte rn al cloc k sourc e is
required because the clocks are
routed internally and the EBCLK
pin should be pulled to VDD
through a resistor.
CAUTION: Care should be ex-
ercised when choosing the PCI
clock pin because of the nature
of the PCI clock signal. The PCI
specification states that the
PCI clock can be stopped. If
that can occu r wh ile it is being
used for the Expansion Bus
clock data, corruption will re-
CAUTION: The Time Base
Clock will not support 100
Mbps operation and should
only be selected in 10 Mbps-
only configurations.
CAUTION: The external clock
source used to drive the
EBCLK pin must be a continu-
ous clock source at all times.
2-0 CLK_FAC Clock Factor. These bits are used
to select whether the clock select-
ed by EBCS is used directly or if it
is divided down to give a slower
clock for running the Expansion
Bus access cycles. The possible
factors are given in Table 43.
Read accessible always; write
accessible only when the STOP
bit is set. CLK_FAC is set to 000b
during H_RESET and is unaffect-
ed by S_RESET or STOP.
BCR28: Expansion Bus Port Address Lower (Used
for Flash/EPROM and SRAM Accesses)
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 EPADDRL Expansion Port Address Lower.
This address is used to provide
addresses for the Flash and
SRAM port accesses.
SRAM accesses are started
when a read or write is performed
on BCR30 and the FLASH (B CR
29, bit 15) is set to 0. During
SRAM accesses only bits in the
EPADDRL are valid. Since all
SRAM acc esses are wor d orient-
ed only, EPADDRL[0] is the least
significant word address bit. On
Table 42. EBCS Values
EBCS Expansion Bus Clock Source
000 CLK pin (PCI Clock)
001 Time Base Clock
010 EBCLK pin
011 Reserved
1XX Reserved
Table 43. CLK_FAC Values
CLK_FAC Clock Factor
000 1
001 1/2 (divide by 2)
010 Reserved
011 1/4 (divide by 4)
1XX Reserved
Am79C978 167
any byte write accesses to the
SRAM, the user will have to fol-
low the read-modify-write
scheme. On any byte read ac-
cesses to the SRAM, the user will
have to chose which byte is
needed from the complete word
returned in BCR30.
Flash acce ss es are started whe n
a read or write is performed on
BCR30 and the FLASH (BCR 29,
bit 15) is set to 1. During Flash
accesses al l bits in EPA DDR are
Read accessible always; write
accessible only when the STOP
is set or when SRAM SIZE
(BC R25, b its 7- 0) is 0. EPA DDRL
is undefi ned after H_RES ET and
is unaffected by S_RESET or
BCR29: Expansion Port Address Upper (Used for
Flash/EPROM Accesses)
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15 FLASH Flash Access. When the FLASH
bit is s et to 1 , the E xpansio n Bus
access will be a Flash cycle.
When FLA SH is set to 0, the Ex-
pansion Bus access will be a
SRAM cycle. For a complete de-
scription, see the section on Ex-
pansion Bus Accesses. This bit is
only app lica ble to reads or wri tes
to EBDATA (BCR3 0). It does no t
affect Expansion ROM accesses
from the PCI system bus.
This bit is always read accessi-
ble; write accessible only when
the STOP bit is set. FLASH is 0
after H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET or the STO P bit.
14 LAAINC Lower Address Auto Increment.
When the LAAINC bit is set to 1,
the Expansion Port Lower Ad-
dress will automatically increment
by one after a read or write ac-
cess to EBDATA (BCR30). When
EBADDRL reaches FFFFh and
LAAINC is set to 1, the Expansion
Port Lower Address (EPADDRL)
will roll over to 0000h. When the
LAAINC bit is set to 0, the Expan-
sion Port Lower Address will not
be affected in any way after an
access to EBDA TA (BCR30) and
must be progr amm ed.
This bit is always read accessi-
ble; write accessible only when
the STOP bit is set. LAINC is 0 af-
ter H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET or the STOP bit .
13-4 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
3-0 EPADDRU Expansion Port Address Upper.
This upper portion of the Expan-
sion Bus address is used to pro-
vide addresses for Flash/EPROM
port acces ses .
This bit is always read accessi-
ble; write accessible only when
the STOP bit is set or when
SRAM SIZ E (BCR25, bit s 7-0) is
0. EPADDRU is undefined after
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET or the STO P bit.
BCR30: Expansion Bus Data Port Register
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 EBDA TA Expansio n Bus Data Po rt. EBD A-
TA is the dat a port for op erations
on the Expansion Port accesses
involving SRAM and Flash ac-
cesses. The type of access is set
by the FLASH bit (BCR 29, bit
15). When the FLASH bit is set to
1, the Ex pansion B us acces s will
follow the Flash access timing.
When the FLASH bit is set to 0,
the Expansion Bus access will
follow the SRAM access timing.
Note: It is important to set the
FLASH bit and load Expansion
Port Address EPADDR (BCR28,
BCR29) with the required ad-
dress before attempting read or
write to the Expansion Bus data
port. The Flash and SRAM ac-
cesses use different address
168 Am79C978
phases. Incorrect configuration
will result in a possible c orruption
of data.
Flash read cycles are performed
when BCR30 is read and the
FLASH bit (BCR2 9, bit 15) is set
to 1. Upon completion of the read
cycle, the 8-bit result for Flash ac-
cess is stored in EBDATA[7:0],
EBDATA[15:8] is undefined.
Flash write c ycles are perfor med
when BCR30 is written and the
FLASH bit (BCR2 9, bit 15) is set
to 1. EBDATA[7:0] only is valid
for write cycles.
SRAM read cycles are performed
when BCR30 is read and the
FLASH bit (BCR2 9, bit 15) is set
to 0. Upon completion of the read
cycle, the 16-bit result for SRAM
access is stored in EBDATA.
Write cy cles to the SRA M are in-
voked when BCR30 is written
and the FLASH bit (BCR29, bit
15) is set to 0. Byte writes to the
SRAM must use a read-modify-
write scheme since the word is al-
ways valid for SRAM write or
read accesses.
This bit is read and write accessi-
ble only when the ST OP i s se t or
when SRAM SIZE (BCR25, bits
7-0) is 0. EBDATA is undefined
after H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET and the STOP bit.
BCR31: Software Timer Register
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 STVAL Software Timer Value. STVAL
controls the maximum time for
the Software Timer to count be-
fore generating the STINT
(CSR7, bit 11) interrupt. The Soft-
ware Timer is a free-running timer
that is started upon the f irst write
to STVAL. After the first write, the
Software Timer will continually
count and set the STINT interrupt
at the STVAL period.
The STVAL value is interpreted
as an unsigned number with a
resolution of 256 Time Base
Clock periods. For instance, a
value of 122 ms would be pro-
grammed with a value of 9531
(253Bh) if the Time Base Clock is
running at 20 MHz. A value of 0 is
undefined and will result in erratic
Read and write accessible al-
ways. STVAL is set to FFFFh af-
ter H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET and the ST OP bit.
BCR32: PHY Control and Status Register
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 ANTST Reserved for manufacturing
tests. Written as 0 and read as
Note: Use of this bit will cause
data corruption and erroneous
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. ANTST is set to 0 by
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
14 MIIPD MII PHY Detect (is us ed for man-
ufacturing tests). MIIPD reflects
the quiescent state of the MDIO
pin. MIIPD is continuous ly upd at-
ed whenever there is no manage-
ment operation in progress on the
MII interface. When a manage-
ment operation begins on the in-
terface, the state of MIIPD is
preserved until the operation
ends, when the quiescent state is
again monitored and con tinuous-
ly updates the MIIPD bit. When
the MDIO pin is at a quiescent
LOW state, MIIPD is cleared to 0.
When the MDIO pin is at a quies-
cent HIGH state, MIIPD is set to
1. MIIPD is used by the automatic
port selection logic to select the
Am79C978 169
MII port. When the Auto Select bit
(ASEL, BCR2, bit 1) is a 1 and the
MIIPD bit is a 1, the MII port is se-
lected. Any transition on the MI-
IPD bit will set the MIIPDTI bit in
CSR7, bit 3.
Read accessible always. MIIPD
is read only. Write operations are
ignored and should not be per-
13-12 FMDC F ast Managem ent Data Clock (is
used for manufacturing tests).
When FMDC i s set to 1h, th e MII
Management Data Clock will run
at 5 MHz max. The Management
Data Clock will no longer be IEEE
802.3u-compliant and setting this
bit should be used with car e. The
accompanying external PHY
must also be able to accept man-
agement frames at the new clock
rate. When FMDC is set to 0h, the
MII Management Data Clock will
run at 2.5 MHz max and will be
fully compliant to IEEE 802.3u
standards. See Table 44.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FMDC is set to 0 during
H_RESET, and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit
11 APEP Auto-Poll PHY. When APEP is
set to 1 t he A m7 9C97 8 c on tr oll er
will poll the status register in the
PHY. This feature allows the soft-
ware driver or upper layers to see
any changes in the status of the
PHY. An interrupt when enabled
is generated when the contents of
the new status is different from
the previous status.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. APEP is set to 0 during
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
10-8 APDW Auto- Poll Dwell Tim e. APDW de-
termines the dwell time between
PHY Management Frame
accesses when Auto-Poll is
turned on. See Table 45.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. APDW is set to 100h af-
ter H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET and the STOP bit.
7 DANAS Disable Auto-Negotiation Auto
Setup. When DANAS is set, the
Am79C978 controller after a
H_RESET or S_RESET will re-
main dormant and not automati-
cally startup the Auto-Negotiation
section or the enhanced automat-
ic port se lection se ction. Instead ,
the Am79C978 controller will wait
for the software driver to setup
the Auto-Negotiation portions of
the device. The PHY Address
and Data programming in BCR33
and BCR34 is still valid. The
Am79C978 controller will not
generate any management
frames unless Auto-Poll is en-
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. DANAS is set to 0 by
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
set, the Am79C978 controller af-
ter an H_RESET or S_RESET
will issue management frames
that will reset the PHY. This bit is
needed when there is no way to
guarantee the state of the exter-
nal PHY. This bit must be repro-
grammed after every H_RESET.
Table 44. FMDC Values
FMDC Fast Management Data Clock
00 2.5 MHz max
01 5 MHz ma x
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
Table 45. APDW Values
APDW Auto-Poll Dwell Time
000 Continuous (26µs @ 2.5 MHz)
001 Every 128 MDC cycles (103µs @ 2.5 MHz)
010 Every 256 MDC cycles (206µs @ 2.5 MHz)
011 Every 512 MDC cycles (410 µs @ 2.5 MHz)
100 Every 1024 MDC cycles (819 µs @ 2.5 MHz)
101 Every 2048 MDC cycles (1640 µs @ 2.5 MHz)
110-111 Reserved
170 Am79C978
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XPHYRST is set to 0 by
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
XPHYRST is onl y v alid when th e
internal Network Port M anager is
scanning for a network port.
5 XPHYANE PHY Auto-Negotiation Enable.
This bit will force the PHY into en-
abling Auto-Negotiation. When
set to 0 t he A m7 9C97 8 c on tr oll er
will send a management frame
disabli ng Aut o -N ego tia tio n.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XPHYANE is set to 0 by
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
XPHYANE is only vali d when the
internal Network Port M anager is
scanning for a network port.
4 XPHYFD PHY Full Duplex. When set, this
bit will force th e PHY into full du-
plex when Auto-Negotiation is not
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XPHYFD is set to 0 by
H_RESET, and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
3 XPHYSP PHY Speed. When set, this bit
will force the PHY into 100 Mbps
mode when Auto-Negotiation is
not enabled.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XPHYSP is set to 0 by
H_RESET, and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
2 RES Reserved location. Written as
zero and read as undefined.
1 MIIILP Media Independent Interface In-
ternal Loopback. When set, this
bit will cause the internal portion
of the MII data port to loopback
on itself. The interface is mapped
in the following way. The
TXD[3:0] nibble data path is
looped back onto the RXD[3:0]
nibble data path. TX_CLK is
looped b ack as RX _CLK . TX_E N
is looped back as RX_DV. CRS is
correctly ORd with TX_EN and
RX_DV and always encompass-
es the transmit frame. TX_ER is
looped back as RX_ER. Howev-
er, TX_ER will not get asserted
by the Am79C978 controller to
signal an err or. The TX_ER fun c-
tion is reserved for future use.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MIIILP is set to 0 by
H_RESET and is unaffected by
S_RESET and the STOP bit.
0 RES Reserved location. Written as
zero and read as undefined.
BCR33: PHY Address Register
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 SHADOW If the user wishes to update the
contents of the BCR33 shadow
register, setting the MSB of the
value written into BCR33 (bit 15)
will enable the contents to be si-
multaneously written to BCR33
14 MII_SEL MII selected. This bit indicates
whether the internal PHY is se-
Internal Auto-Negotiation com-
plete. Valid for internal PHY only.
Link Status. This bit is a valid link
status indication.
Full Duplex. This bit indicates that
the MAC is configured for Full-
Duplex operation.
10 SPEED_SEL Speed Selected. This bit indi-
cates if High or Low speed has
been selected by MAC.
9-5 PHYAD Management Frame PHY Ad-
dress. PHYAD contains the 5-bit
PHY A ddress f ield tha t is us ed in
the manage ment frame that gets
clocked out via the MII manage-
ment port pins (MDC and MDIO)
Am79C978 171
whenever a read or write transac-
tion occurs to BCR34. The PHY
address 1Fh is not valid.
The Network Port Manager cop-
ies the PHYAD after the
Am79C978 controller reads the
EEPROM and uses i t to comm u-
nicate with the external PHY. The
PHY address must be pro-
grammed into the EEPROM prior
to starting the Am79C978 con-
These bits are always read/write
accessible. PHYAD is undefined
after H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET and the STOP bit.
4-0 REGAD Management Frame Register Ad-
dress. REGAD contains the 5-bit
Register Address field that is
used in the management frame
that gets clocked out via the inter-
nal MII management interface
whenever a read or write transac-
tion occurs to BCR34.
These bits are always read/write
accessible. REGAD is undefined
after H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET and the STOP bit.
BCR34: PHY Management Data Register
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-0 MIIMD MII Management Data. MIIMD is
the data port for operations on the
MII management interface (MDIO
and MDC). The Am79C978 con-
troller builds management frames
using the PHYAD and REGAD
values from BCR33. The opera-
tion code used in each frame is
based upon whether a read or
write operation has been per-
formed to BCR34. Read cycles
on the MII management interface
are invoked when BCR34 is read.
Upon completion of the read cy-
cle, the 16-bit result of the read
operation is stored in MIIMD.
Write cycles on the MII manage-
ment interface are invoked when
BCR34 is written. The v alue writ-
ten to M IIMD is the val ue us ed i n
the data fi el d of the ma nage men t
write frame.
These bits are always read/write
accessible. MIIMD is undefined
after H_RESET and is unaffected
by S_RESET and the ST OP bit.
BCR35: PCI Vendor ID Register
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-0 VID Vendor ID. The PCI Vendor ID
register is a 16-bit register that
identifi es the manufactu rer of the
Am79C978 controller. AMDs
Vendor ID is 1022h. Note that this
Vendor ID is not the same as the
Manufacturer ID in CSR88 and
CSR89. The Vendor ID is as-
signed by the PCI Special Inter-
est Group.
The Vendor ID is not normally
programmable, but the
Am79C978 controller allows this
due to legacy operating systems
that do not look at the PCI Sub-
system Vendor ID and the Ven-
dor ID to uniquely identify the
add-in board or subsystem that
the Am79C978 controller is used
Note: If the operating system
or the network operating sys-
tem supports PCI Subsystem
Vendor ID and Subsystem ID,
use those to identify the add-in
board or subsystem and pro-
gram the VID with the default
value of 1022h.
VID is aliased to the PCI configu-
ration space register Vendor ID
(offset 00h).
Read accessible always. VID is
read only. Write operations are
ignored. VID is set to 1022h by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or by setting the STOP
172 Am79C978
BCR36: PCI Power Management Capabilities (PMC)
Alias Register
Note: This register is an alias of the PMC register
located at offset 42h of the PCI Configuration Space.
Since PMC register is read only, BCR36 provides a
means of programming it through the EEPROM. The
contents of this register are copied into the PMC regis-
ter. For the definition of the bits in this register, refer to
the PMC register definition. Bits 15-0 in this register are
programmable through the EEPROM. Read accessible
always. Read only. Cleared by H_RESET and is not af-
fected by S_RESET or setting the STOP bit.
BCR37: PCI DATA Register 0 (DATA0) Alias
Note: This register is an alias of the DA TA register and
also of the DATA_SCALE fi el d o f the P MCSR r egi ster.
Since these two are read only, BCR37 provides a
means of program ming them indirectly. The contents of
this register are copied into the corresponding fields
pointed wit h the DATA_SE L field set to zero . Bits 15 -0
in this register are programmable through the EE-
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
9-8 D0_SCALE These bits correspond to the
DATA_SCALE field of the
PMCSR (offset Register 44 of the
PCI configuration space, bits 14-
13). Refer to the description of
DATA_SCALE for the meaning of
this field.
Read accessible always.
D0_SCALE is r ead only. Cl eare d
by H_RESET and is not affected
by S_RESET or setting the STOP
7-0 DATA 0 These bits c orr es pon d to the P CI
DAT A re gi st e r (o f fs e t Re gi st e r 47
of the PCI configuration space,
bits 7-0) . Refer to the de scriptio n
of DATA regi st er for t he m ean in g
of this field.
This bit is always read accessi-
ble. DATA0 is rea d only . Cleare d
by H_RESET and is not affected
by S_RESET or setting the STOP
BCR38: PCI DATA Register 1 (DATA1) Alias
Note: This register is an alias of the DA TA register and
also of the DATA_SC ALE fi eld o f th e P MCS R r eg ister.
Since these two are read only, BCR38 provides a
means of programming them through the EEPROM.
The conte nts o f this reg ister are cop ied into the c orre-
sponding fields pointed with the DATA_SEL field set to
one. Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
9-8 D1_SCALE These bits correspond to the
DATA_SCALE field of the PMC-
SR (off set Reg ister 44 of the PCI
configuration space, bits 14-13).
Refer to the description of
DATA_SCALE for the meaning of
this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. D1_SCALE is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
7-0 DATA1 These bit s cor res pon d to th e P CI
DAT A re gi st er (o f fset R egiste r 47
of the PCI configuration space,
bits 7-0) . Refer to the d escriptio n
of DATA regi s ter for t he mea nin g
of this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. DATA1 is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
BCR39: PCI DATA Register 2 (DATA2) Alias
Note: This register is an alias of the DA TA register and
also of the DATA_SC ALE fi eld o f th e P MCS R r eg ister.
Since these two are read only, BCR39 provides a
means of programming them through the EEPROM.
The conte nts o f this reg ister are cop ied into the c orre-
sponding fields pointed with the DATA_SEL field set to
two. Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
Am79C978 173
9-8 D2_SCALE These bits correspond to the
DATA_SCALE field of the
PMCSR (offset Register 44 of the
PCI configuration space, bits 14-
13). Refer to the description of
DATA_SCALE for the meaning of
this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. D2_SCALE is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
7-0 DATA 2 These bits c orr es pon d to the P CI
DAT A re gi st e r (o f fs e t Re gi st e r 47
of the PCI configuration space,
bits 7-0) . Refer to the de scriptio n
of DATA regi st er for t he m ean in g
of this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. DATA2 is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
BCR40: PCI DATA Register 3 (DATA3) Alias
Note: This register is an alias of the DA TA register and
also of the DATA_S CAL E field of the P C MCR regi st er.
Since these two are read only, BCR40 provides a
means of programming them through the EEPROM.
The co ntents of th is reg ister are c opied i nto th e cor re-
sponding fields pointed with the DATA_SEL field set to
three. Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
9-8 D3_SCALE These bits correspond to the
DATA_SCALE field of the PMC-
SR (offse t Regis ter 44 of t he PCI
configuration space, bits 14-13).
Refer to the description of
DATA_SCALE for the meaning of
this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. D3_SCALE is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
7-0 DATA 3 These bits corr espon d to the P CI
DAT A re gi st er (o f fset R egiste r 47
of the PCI configuration space,
bits 7-0) . Refer to the d escriptio n
of DATA regi s ter for t he mea nin g
of this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. DATA3 is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
BCR41: PCI DATA Register 4 (DATA4) Alias
Note: This register is an alias of the DA TA register and
also of the DATA_S CAL E field of the P CMCR r eg ister.
Since these two are read only, BCR41 provides a
means of programming them through the EEPROM.
The conte nts o f this reg ister are cop ied into the c orre-
sponding fields pointed with the DATA_SEL field set to
four. Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
9-8 D4_SCALE These bits correspond to the
DATA_SCALE field of the PMC-
SR (offset register 44 of the PCI
configuration space, bits 14-13).
Refer to the description of
DATA_SCALE for the meaning of
this field.
Read accessible always.
D4_SCALE is r ead only. Cl eare d
by H_RESET and is not affected
by S_RESET or setting the STOP
7-0 DATA 4 These bits corr espon d to the P CI
DAT A re gi st er (o f fset R egiste r 47
of the PCI configuration space,
bits 7-0) . Refer to the d escriptio n
of DATA regi s ter for t he mea nin g
of this field.
Read accessible always. DATA4
is read only. Cleared by
H_RESET and is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
174 Am79C978
BCR42: PCI DATA Register 5 (DATA5) Alias
Note: This register is an alias of the DA TA register and
also of the DATA_S CAL E field of the P C MCR regi st er.
Since these two are read only, BCR42 provides a
means of programming them through the EEPROM.
The co ntents of th is reg ister are c opied i nto th e cor re-
sponding fields pointed with the DATA_SEL field set to
five. Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
9-8 D5_SCALE These bits correspond to the
DATA_SCALE field of the PMC-
SR (offse t Regis ter 44 of t he PCI
configuration space, bits 14-13).
Refer to the description of
DATA_SCALE for the meaning of
this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. D5_SCALE is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit
7-0 DATA 5 These bits c orr es pon d to the P CI
DAT A re gi st e r (o f fs e t Re gi st e r 47
of the PCI configuration space,
bits 7-0) . Refer to the de scriptio n
of DATA regi st er for t he m ean in g
of this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. DATA5 is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
BCR43: PCI DATA Register 6 (DATA6) Alias
Note: This register is an alias of the DA TA register and
also of the DATA_S CAL E field of the P C MCR regi st er.
Since these two are read only, BCR43 provides a
means of programming them through the EEPROM.
The co ntents of th is reg ister are c opied i nto th e cor re-
sponding fields pointed with the DATA_SEL field set to
six. Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable through
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
9-8 D6_SCALE These bits correspond to the
DATA_SCALE field of the PMC-
SR (off set Reg ister 44 of the PCI
configuration space, bits 14-13).
Refer to the description of
DATA_SCALE for the meaning of
this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. D6_SCALE is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit
7-0 DATA 6 These bits corr espon d to the P CI
DAT A re gi st er (o f fset R egiste r 47
of the PCI configuration space,
bits 7-0) . Refer to the d escriptio n
of DATA regi s ter for t he mea nin g
of this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. DATA6 is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
BCR44: PCI DATA Register 7 (DATA7) Alias
Note: This register is an alias of the DA TA register and
also of the DATA_S CAL E field of the P CMCR r eg ister.
Since these two are read only, BCR44 provides a
means of programming them through the EEPROM.
The conte nts o f this reg ister are cop ied into the c orre-
sponding fields pointed with the DATA_SEL field set to
seven. Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM.
Bit Name Description
15-10 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
9-8 D7_SCALE These bits correspond to the
DATA_SCALE field of the PMC-
SR (off set Reg ister 44 of the PCI
configuration space, bits 14-13).
Refer to the description of
DATA_SCALE for the meaning of
this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. D7_SCALE is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
7-0 DATA 7 These bits corr espon d to the P CI
DATA register (offset register 47
Am79C978 175
of the PCI configuration space,
bits 7-0) . Refer to the de scriptio n
of DATA regi st er for t he m ean in g
of this field.
These bits are always read ac-
cessible. DATA7 is read only.
Cleared by H_RESET and is not
affected by S_RESET or setting
the STOP bit.
BCR45: OnNow Pattern Matching Register 1
Note: This register is used to control and indirectly ac-
cess the Pattern Match RAM (PMR). When BCR45 is
written and the PMAT_MODE bit (bit 7) is 1, Pattern
Match logic is enabled. No bus accesses into PMR are
possible, and BCR46, BCR47, and all other bits in
BCR45 are ignored. When PMAT_MODE is set, a read
of BCR45, BCR46, or BCR47 returns all undefined bits
except for PMAT_MODE.
When BCR45 i s writt en and the PMAT_M O DE bi t is 0 ,
the Pattern Match logic is disabled and accesses to the
PMR are possible. Bits 6-0 of BCR45 specify the ad-
dress of the PMR word to be accesse d. Following the
write to BCR45, the PMR word may be read by reading
BCR45, BCR46 and BCR47 in any order. To write to
PMR word, the write to BCR45 m ust be followed by a
write to BCR46 and a write to BCR47 in that order to
complete the operation. The RAM will not actually be
written unti l the write to BCR47 is com plete. The writ e
to BCR47 ca uses all 5 bytes (four byt es of BCR46-47
and the upper byte of the BCR45) to be written to what-
ever PMR word is addressed by bits 6:0 of BCR45.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-8 PMR_B0 Pattern Match RAM Byte 0. This
byte is written into or read from
Byte 0 of the Pattern Match RAM.
These bits are r e ad a nd wri te ac -
cessible always. PMR_B0 is un-
defined after H_RESET, and is
unaffected by S_RES ET and th e
STOP bit.
7 PMAT_MODE Pattern Match Mode. Writing a 1
to this bit will enable Pattern
Match Mode and should only be
done after the Pattern Match
RAM has been programmed.
These bits are r e ad a nd wri te ac -
cessible always. PMAT_MODE is
reset to 0 after H_RESE T, and is
unaffected by S_RESET and the
STOP bit.
6-0 PMR_ADDR Pattern Match Ram Address.
These bits are the Pat tern Matc h
Ram address to be written to or
read from.
These bits are re ad a nd wri te a c-
cessible always. PMR_ADDR is
reset to 0 after H_RESET, an d is
unaffected by S_RESET and the
STOP bit.
BCR46: OnNow Pattern Matching Register 2
Note: This register is used to control and indirectly ac-
cess the Pattern Match RAM (PMR). Wh en BCR45 is
written and the PMAT_MODE bit (bit 7) is 1, Pattern
Match logic is enabled. No bus accesses into PMR are
possible, and BCR46, BCR47, and all other bits in
BCR45 are ignored. When PMAT_MODE is set, a read
of BCR45, BCR46, or BCR47 returns all undefined bits
except for PMAT_MODE.
When BCR45 is writ ten and the PMAT_ MOD E bit is 0,
the Pattern Match logic is disabled and accesses to the
PMR are possible. Bits 6-0 of BCR45 specify the ad-
dress of the PMR word to be access ed. Following the
write to BCR45, the PMR word may be read by reading
BCR45, BCR46 and BCR47 in any order. To write to
PMR word, the write to B CR45 must be followed by a
write to BCR46 and a write to BCR47 in that order to
complete the operation. The RAM will not actually be
written unti l the write to BCR47 is complete. The writ e
to BC R47 causes all 5 by tes (four b ytes of BCR46-47
and the upper byte of the BCR45) to be written to what-
ever PMR word is addressed by bits 6:0 of BCR45.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15-8 PMR_B2 Pattern Match RAM Byte 2. This
byte is written into or read from
Byte 2 of the Pattern Match RAM.
These bits are re ad a nd wri te a c-
cessible always. PMR_B2 is un-
defined after H_RESET, and is
unaffected by S_RESET and the
STOP bit.
7-0 PMR_B1 Pattern Match RAM Byte 1. This
byte is written into or read from
Byte 1 of Pattern Match RAM.
These bits are re ad a nd wri te a c-
cessible always. PMR_B1 is un-
176 Am79C978
defined after H_RESET, and is
unaffected by S_RES ET and th e
STOP bit.
BCR47: OnNow Pattern Matching Register 3
Note: This register is used to control and indirectly ac-
cess the Pattern Match RAM (PMR). When BCR45 is
written and the PMAT_MODE bit (bit 7) is 1, Pattern
Match logic is enabled. No bus accesses into PMR are
possible, and BCR46, BCR47, and all other bits in
BCR45 are ignored. When PMAT_MODE is set, a read
of BCR45, BCR46, or BCR47 returns all undefined bits
except for PMAT_MODE.
When BCR45 i s writt en and the PMAT_M O DE bi t is 0 ,
the Pattern Match logic is disabled and accesses to the
PMR are possible. Bits 6-0 of BCR45 specify the ad-
dress of the PMR word to be accesse d. Following the
write to BCR45, the PMR word may be read by reading
BCR45, BCR46 and BCR47 in any order. To write to
PMR word, the write to BCR45 m ust be followed by a
write to BCR46 and a write to BCR47 in that order to
complete the operation. The RAM will not actually be
written unti l the write to BCR47 is com plete. The writ e
to BCR47 ca uses all 5 bytes (four byt es of BCR46-47
and the upper byte of the BCR45) to be written to what-
ever PMR word is addressed by bits 6:0 of BCR45.
When PMAT_M O DE i s 0, the contents of the wor d ad-
dresse d by bits 6:0 of B CR45 can be rea d by reading
BCR45-47 in any order.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as und efi ned.
15-8 PMR_B4 Pattern Match RAM Byte 4. This
byte is written into or read from
Byte 4 of Pattern Match RAM.
These bits are r e ad a nd wri te ac -
cessible always. PMR_B4 is un-
defined after H_RESET, and is
unaffected by S_RES ET and th e
STOP bit.
7-0 PMR_B3 Pattern Match RAM Byte 3. This
byte is written into or read from
Byte 3 of Pattern Match RAM.
These bits are r e ad a nd wri te ac -
cessible always. PMR_B3 is un-
defined after H_RESET, and is
unaffected by S_RES ET and th e
STOP bit.
BCR48: LED4 Status
This register defines the functionality of LED4. LED4
will default to indicating the selected SPEED with Pulse
stretching enabled (d efau lt = 0082 h).
BCR48 con trols the function(s) that th e LED4 pin dis-
plays. Multiple functions can be simultaneously en-
abled on this LED pin. The LED display will indicate the
logical OR of the enabled functions.
Note: When LEDPE (BCR2, bit 12) is set to 1, pro-
gramming of the LED2 Status register is enabled.
When LEDPE is cleared to 0, programming of the
LED2 register is disabled. Writes to those registers will
be ignored.
Note: Bits 15-0 in this register are programmable
through the EEPROM PREAD operation.
Bit Name Description
31-16 RES Reserved locations. Written as
zeros and read as undefined.
15 LEDOUT This bit indicates the current
(non-stretched) value of th e LED
output pin. A v alue of 1 in this bit
indicates that the OR of the en-
abled signals is true.
The logical val ue of the LEDOUT
status signal is determined by the
settings of the individual Status
Enable bits of the LED register
(bits 8 and 6-0).
Read acce ssible al ways. This bi t
is read only; writes have no ef-
fect. LEDOUT is unaffected by
14 LEDPOL LED Polarity. When this bit has
the value 0, the n the LED pin will
be driven to a LOW level whenev-
er the OR of the enabled signals
is true, and the LED pin will be
disabled and allowed to float high
whenever the OR of the enabled
signals i s f als e (i .e., t he L ED o ut-
put will be an Open Drain output
and the output value will be the
inverse of the LEDOUT status
When this bit has the value 1,
then the LED pin will be driven to
a HIGH level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is true, and
the LED pin will be driven to a
LOW level whenever the OR of
the enabled signals is false (i.e.,
Am79C978 177
the LED output will be a Totem
Pole outpu t and the ou tput value
will be the same polarity as the
LEDOU T status bit).
The setting of this bit will not ef-
fect the polarity of the LEDOUT
bit for this register.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDPOL is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
13 LEDDIS LED Disable. This bit is used to
disable the LED output. When
LEDDIS has the value 1, then the
LED output will always be dis-
abled. When LEDDIS has the val-
ue 0, then the LED output value
will be g overned by the LE DOUT
and LEDPOL values.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LEDDIS is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
12 100E 100 Mbps Enable. When this bit
is set to 1, a v alue of 1 is passe d
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
when the Am79C978 controller is
operating in 100 Mbps mode.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. 100E is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
11-10 RES Reserved locations. Written and
read as zero s.
9 MPSE Magic Packet Status Enable.
When this bit is set to 1, a value of
1 is passed to the LE DOUT bit in
this register when Magic Packet
frame mode is enabled and a
Magic Packet frame is detected
on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. MPSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
8 FDLSE Full-Duplex Link Status Enable.
Indicates the Full-Duplex Link
Test Status. When this bit is set,
a value of 1 is passed to the LED-
OUT sig nal w hen the A m7 9C97 8
controller is functioning in a Link
Pass sta te and full-dupl ex opera-
tion is enabled. When the
Am79C 978 c ontroll er is not func-
tioning in a Link Pass state with
full-duplex operation being en-
abled, a value of 0 is passed to
the LEDOUT signal.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. FDLSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
7 PSE Pulse Stretcher Enable. When
this bit is set, the LED illumination
time is extended for each new oc-
currence of the enabled function
for this LED output. A value of 0
disables the pulse stretche r.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. PSE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
6 LNKSE Link Status Enable. When this bit
is set, a val ue of 1 w ill be pas sed
to the LEDOUT bit in this register
in Link Pass state.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. LNKSE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
5 RCVME Receive Match Status Enable.
When this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDO UT bit in th is
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network that has
passed the address match func-
tion for this node. All address
matching modes are included:
physical, logical filtering, broad-
cast, and promiscuous.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVME is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
178 Am79C978
S_RESET or setting the STOP
4 XMTE Transmit Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is transmit
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. XMTE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
3 POWER Power. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
power mode.
2 RCVE Receive Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is receive ac-
tivity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. RCVE is set to 1 by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
1 SPEED Speed. When this bit is set to 1,
the device is operating in HIGH
speed mode.
0 COLE Collision Status Enable. When
this bit is set, a value of 1 is
passed to the LEDOUT bit in this
register when there is collision
activity on the network.
This bit is always read/write ac-
cessible. COLE is cleared by
H_RESET an d is not affected by
S_RESET or setting the STOP
BCR49: PHY Select
This register defines which PHY will be able to send
and receive data over the MII interface. Bits 15:8 are
updated whe never the EEPROM is read, and bits 6:0
are updated only if bit 7 is cleared. The bits are defined
as follows:
Bit Name Description
15 PC_NET PCnet mode. This bit must al-
ways be set.
14-10 RES Reserved locations. These bits
must be written as zeros.
9-8 PHY_SEL_Default
PHY Select Default. These bits
store the desired default PHY.
These bits have no effect on the
operation of the device and are
provided only as a storage loca-
7 PHY_SEL_Lock
PHY Select Lock. Setting this bit
prevents the PHY_SEL bits from
being overwritten by subsequent
soft resets. The user may write
this bit at any time. It is cleared
during Pow er-On Res et.
6-2 RES Reserved. Must be written as
1-0 PHY_SEL PHY Select. These bits define the
active PHY as follows:
01 HomePNA PHY
10 External PHY
11 Reserved/Undefined
BCR50-BCR55: Reserve d Locations
These registers must be 00h.
Am79C978 179
1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Internal Registers
The registers of the HomePNA PHY are accessible via
the internal MII interface. This interface uses the MII
Control, Address, and Data Registers (BCR32,
BCR33, and BCR34) in the integrated PCnet controller
to control and co mmu ni ca te to the Hom eP N A PHY via
the MDC and MDIO signals.
See Table 46 through Table 63.
HPR0: HomePNA PHY MII Control (Register 0)
Table 46. HPR0: HomePNA PHY MII Control (Register 0)
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
0 = Normal operation
** Self Clearing R/W 0 0
14 Loopback 1 = MII Loopback enabled
0 = MII Loopback disabled R/W 0 0
13 Speed Selection 0 = 10 Mbps R 0 0
12 Auto-Negotiation Enabled 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled R/W 0 0
11 Power Down 1 = Power down
0 = Normal operation
(This bit is mirrored in PHY Control bit 4) R/W 0 0
10 Isolate 1 = Electrically isolate PH Y from MII
0 = Normal operation R/W 1 1
9 Restart Auto-Negotiation 1 = Restart Auto-Negotiation
0 = Normal operation
** Self Clearing R/W 0 0
8 Duplex Mode 1 = Full-Duplex (for test purposes only)
0 = Half-Duplex R/W 0 0
7 Collision Test 0 = Disable COL test signal R/W 0 0
6:0 Reserved Write as 0, Ignore Read R/W 0 0
180 Am79C978
HPR1: HomePNA PHY MII Status (Register 1)
Table 47. HPR1: HomePNA PHY MII Status (Register 1)
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15 100BASE-T4 0 = PHY not able to perform 100BASE-T4 R 0 0
14 100BASE-X Full-Duplex 0 = PHY not able to perform Full-Duplex
100BASE-X R00
13 100BASE-X Half-Duplex 0 = PHY not able to perform Half-Duplex
100BASE-X R00
12 10 Mbps Full-Duplex 0 = PHY not able to perform 10 Mbps in Full-
Duplex R00
11 10 Mbps Half-Duplex 1 = PHY able to per form 10 Mbps in Half-
Duplex R11
10:7 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results R
6 MF Preamble Suppressio n
1 = PHY will accept management frames with
Preamble suppressed
0 = PHY will not accept management frames
with Preamble suppressed
5 Auto-Negotiation Complete 1 = Auto-Negotiation completed
0 = Auto-Negotiation not completed R00
4 Remote Fau lt 1 = Remote fault detected
0 = Normal operation R00
3Auto-Negotiation Ability 1 = PHY is able to perform Auto-Negotiation
0 = PHY is not able to perform Auto-Negotiation R00
2Link Status
1 = Link is up
0 = Link is down
This bit will be RESET (latched low and re-
enabled on Read) on the first occurrence of lost
link and will be SET after completion of valid
LINK process.
1 Jabber Detect 1 = Jabber condition detected
0 = Normal operation R00
0 Extended Capability 1 = Extended Register Capability
0 = Basic Register Set Capability R11
Am79C978 181
(Registers 2 and 3)
Table 48. HPR2 and HPR3: HomePNA PHY MII ID (Registers 2 and 3)
HPR4-HPR7: HomePNA PHY Auto-Negotiation
(Registers 4 - 7)
Table 49. HPR4-HPR7: HomePNA PHY Auto-Negotiation (Registers 4 - 7)
Reserved Registers: HPR8 - HPR15
These registers should be ignored when read and
should not be written to at any time.
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:0 PHY_ID MSB (31-16) Most significant bytes of the PHY_ID (Bits 3-18) R 0000 0000
15:10 PHY_ID LSB (15-10) IEEE Address (Bits 19-24) R 1A 1A
9:4 PHY_ID LSB (9-4) Manufacturer Model Number R 39 39
3:0 PHY_ID LSB (3-0) Revision Number R 0 0
Hex Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
04 Auto-Negotiation Register 4 Advertisement R 0021 0021
05 Auto-Negotiation Register 5 Link Partner Ability R 0000 0000
06 Auto-Negotiation Register 6 Expansion R 0000 0000
07 Auto-Negotiation Register 7 Next Page R 0000 0000
182 Am79C978
HPR16: HomePNA PHY Control (Register 16)
Table 50. HPR16: HomePNA PHY Control (Register 16)
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15 Remote Command 1 = Ignore Remote Commands
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
14:12 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results R/W
11 Command Low Power 1 = Comman d low power
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
10 Command High Power 1 = Command high power
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
9 Command Low Speed 1 = Command low speed
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
8 Command High Speed 1 = Command high speed
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
7 Disable AID Negotiation 1 = Disable AID negotiation
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
6 Clear PHY-Event Counter 1 = Clear PHY event counter
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
5 Disable Squelch adaptation 1 = Disable Squelch adaptation
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
4 Power Down 1 = Power down
0 = Normal operation
(This bit is controlled by HPR0) R00
3 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results R
2 High S peed 1 = Set node to High speed
0 = Set node to Low speed R11
1High Power 1 = Set node to High power
0 = Set node to Low power R00
0 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results R/W
Am79C978 183
HPR17: HomePNA Status Control (Register 17)
Table 51. HPR17: HomePNA Status Control (Register 17)
(Registe rs 18 and 19)
Table 52. HPR18 and HPR19: HomePNA PHY TxCOMM (Registers 18 and 19)
The 32-b it transmitted d ata field i s to be use d for out-
of-band communication between PHY management
entities . No protocol for out-of-b and manageme nt has
been defined. Accessing the low word causes the PHY
to send all -0 PCOMs until th e high word has be en ac-
cessed. Once accessed, the next transmitted packet
will cause this registers contents to be shifted out in
the PC OM field of the transmi tted pa cket. Upon tr ans-
mission, this register will read back as all 0s. A non-null
transmitted PCOM will set the TxPCOM Ready bit in
the Event Status Register (Register HPR26). An ac-
cess to any of the two TxPCOM words will clear the Tx-
PCOM Ready bit in the ISTAT register.
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:13 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results;
Writes = 0 R/W
12 Any1home 1 = Any1Home Link Packet Disable
0 = Any1Home Link Packet Enable R/W 0
11:7 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results;
Writes = 0 R/W
6 Received_Power 1 = Last packet received was sent at high power
0 = Last pa cket rece ived was se nt at low po wer R0
5 Received_Speed 1 = Last packet received was sent at high power
0 = Last pa cket rece ived was se nt at low po wer R0
4 Received_Ver 1 = Last packet received was sent at Version
3:0 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results;
Writes = 0 R/W
Hex Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
12-13 PHY_TX_COMM (4) The 32-bit preamble transm itte d on the
HomePNA PHY. Register 12 cont ains the high
word and Register 13 the low word. R/W All 0s All 0s
184 Am79C978
(Registe rs 20 and 21)
Table 53. HPR20 and HPR21: HomePNA PHY RxCOMM (Registers 20 and 21)
The 32-bit received data field to be used for out-of-
band co mmu nication betwe en P HY manageme nt enti-
ties. No protocol for out-of-band management has
been defined. Accessing the low word of the register is
sufficient to ensure that subsequently received packets
will not ov er-write the re gister contents . A non-null re-
ceived PCOM will set the RxPCOM Valid bit of the
Event Status Register (Register HPR26). Accessing
the high wo rd of the regis ter clears this b it and allows
over-writing of the register by subsequent received
HPR22: HomePNA PHY AID (Register 22)
Table 54. HPR22: HomePNA PHY AID (Register 22)
The PHYs AID ad dres s i s used for c ol lisi on dete ct ion .
Unless bit 7 of th e CONTROL registe r is set, the PHY
is assu red to selec t a unique AID ad dress. Addresses
above EFh are reserved. Address FFh is defined to in-
dicate a remote command.
HPR23: HomePNA PHY Noise Control (Register 23)
Table 55. HPR23: HomePNA PHY Noise Control (Register 23)
Hex Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
14-15 PHY_RX_COMM (4) The 32-bit preamble receiv ed on the
HomePNA PH Y. Register 14 contains the high
word and Register 15 the low word. R All 0s All 0s
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:8 PHY_AID The Address ID of this PHY
If PHY_Control Disable AID Negotiation is not
set then writes to this bit will have no effect. R/W 00 00
7:0 Noise Events
An 8-bit counter that records the number of
noise events detected. Overflows are held as
FFh. Can be cleared by setting bit 6 of the
control register.
R/W 00 00
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:8 Noise Floor The minimum value of the NOISE
measurement. R/W 03 03
7:0 Noise Ceiling The maximum value if the NOISE
measurem ent. If it is excee ded, NOISE is res et
to the FLOOR. R/W FF FF
Am79C978 185
HPR24: HomePNA PHY Noise Control 2 (Register
Table 56. HPR24: HomePNA PHY Noise Control 2 (Register 24)
HPR25: HomePNA PHY Noise Statistics (Register
Table 57. HPR25: HomePNA PHY Noise Statistics (Register 25)
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:8 Noise Attack
Sets the attack characteristics of the NOISE
algorithm. High nibble sets number of noise
events needed to raise the NOISE level
immedia tely, whi le the low nibbl e is the numbe r
of noise events need ed to ra ise the le vel a t the
end of an 870 ms period.
R/W F4 F4
7:0 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results R
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:8 Noise Level
This is the digital value of the
SLICE_LVL_NOISE output. It is effectively a
measure of the noise level on the wire and
tracks noise by counting the number of false
trigger s of the NOISE compar ator in an 80 0 ms
window . When auto-adaptation is enabled (bit 5
of the PHY_Control Register is false), this
register is updated with the current NOISE
count every 50 ns. When adaptation is
disabled, this register may be written to and is
used to genera te both the SLICE_LVL_NOISE
and SLICE_LVL_DATA signals.
R/W 03 03
7:0 Peak Level This is a me asu r ement of the peak lev el of the
last valid (non -co lli si on) AID receive d. R/W FF FF
186 Am79C978
HPR26: HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 26)
Table 58. HPR26: HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 26)
HPR27: HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 27)
The Event Status register reports the state of each
event source. Any bit may be written and so facilitate
software-stimulated event testing.
Table 59. HPR27: HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 27)
HPR28: HomePNA PHY ISBI Control (Register 28)
Table 60. HPR8: HomePNA PHY ISBI Control (Register 28)
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
PHY_Event Status
15:10 Reserved R00
9RxPCOM Indicates a valid RxPCOM. An access to the
RxCOM MSB Register 21 will clear this bit. R00
8TxPCOM Indicates a va lid TxPCOM. An y a cc es s to the
TxCOM registers (Registers 18 and 19) will
clear this bit. R00
7:4 Reserved Reads will produce undefined results. R
3 Packet Received Status is cleared by writing a 0. R/W 0 0
2 Packet Transmitted Status is cleared by writing a 0. R/W 0 0
1 Remote Command Received A valid remot e comm and was received.
Status is cleared by writing a 0. R/W 0 0
0 Remote Command Sent A remote command has been sent.
Status is cleared by writing a 0. R/W 0 0
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:8 AID_INTERVAL Thi s value d efines the number of TCLKs (116.6
ns) separating AID symbols. R/W 14 14
7:0 AID_ISBI This value defi nes the nu mber of TCLKs (1 16.6
ns) separating AID symbol 0. R/W 40 40
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:8 ISBI_SLOW This value defines the nu mber of TCLKs (1 16 .6
ns) separat ing data pulses for Sy mb ol 0 i n low
speed mode. R/W 2C 2C
7:0 ISBI_FAST This value defines the numb er of TCLKs (1 16.6
ns) separa ting data puls es for Symbol 0 in high
speed mode. R/W 1C 1C
Am79C978 187
HPR29: HomePNA PHY TX Control (Register 29)
Table 61. HPR29: HomePNA PHY TX Control (Register 29)
HPR30: 1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Drive Level Control
Test Register (Register 30)
Table 62. HPR30: HomePNA PHY Drive Level Control Test Register (Register 30)
HPR31: 1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Analog Control
Regist er (Register 31)
Table 63. HPR31: HomePNA PHY Analog Control Register (Register 31)
Note: 1. Writes to these bits will cause undefined functionality.
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
This value defines the duration of a transmit
pulse in OSC cycles (16.7 ns). This will
ef fect iv el y dete rmi ne the tran sm it spe ctrum of
the PHY.
R/W 04 04
7:4 TX_PULSE_CYCLES_N This value defines the number of pulses that
will be driven onto the HRTXRX_N pin. R/W 4 4
3:0 TX_PULSE_CYCLES_P This value defines the number of pulses that
will be driven onto the HRTXRX_P pin. R/W 4 4
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:12 RES Reserved; Write = 0; Read = X R YX
11:6 High Level Control Defines the dri ve level that will be util ized in the
High Power mode. R/W 15
5:0 Low Level Contro l Defines the dri ve level that wi ll be utilize d in the
Low Power mode. R/W 09
Bits Mnemonic Description Read/
Write Default
Hex Soft
15:11 Level_Adjust
Global output slope adjustment. These bits
control the number of current sources enable
for transmit. Eac h bit represents a single
current source. Thus 10101 enables three
current sources as does 11100.
R/W 18 18
10:8 Reserved Reserved; Write = 0 R/W 0 0
7 Force_Link_Valid 1 = Link Status bit will be held valid
0 = Normal operation R/W 0 0
6:0 Reserved Reserved; Write = 0 R/W 0 0
188 Am79C978
10BASE-T PHY Management Registers
The Am7 9C978 h ome netw orking device s uppor ts the
MII basic register set and extended register set. Both
sets of registers are accessible through the PHY Man-
agemen t Interfac e. As spec ified in the IEEE standard ,
the basic register set consists of the Control Register
(Regist er 0) and the Sta tus Register (Register 1 ). The
extended register set consists of Registers 2 to 31
Ta ble 64 lis ts all the 10BAS E-T r egister s impl emente d
in the device. All the reserved registers should not be
written to, and reading them will return a zero value.
T able 64. Am79C978 10BASE-T PHY Management
Reg ister Set
(in Decimal) Register Name Basic/
0 PHY Control B
1PHY StatusB
2-3 PHY Identifier E
Advertisement E
5Auto-Negotiation Link
Partner Ability E
Expansion E
7Auto-Negotiation Next
Page E
8-15 Reserved E
16 Interrupt Enable and
Status E
17 PHY Control/Status E
18 Reserved E
19 PHY Management
Extension E
20-23 Reserved E
24 Summary Status E
25-31 Reserved E
Am79C978 189
TBR0: 10BASE-T PHY Control Register (Register 0)
Table 65. TBR0: 10BASE-T PHY Control Register (Register 0)
1. R/W = Read/Write, SC = Self Clearing, RO = Read only.
2. Soft Reset does not reset the PDX block. Refer to the Soft Reset Section for details.
3. Bits 8 and 13 have no effect if Auto-Negotiation is enabled (Bit 12 = 1).
4. If the ISOL pin of the chip and the Isolate bit in Register 0 is 1, this bit will be set.
Reg Bits Name Description Read/Write
(Note 1) Default
Value Soft
0 15 Soft Reset (Note 2)
When write: 1 = PHY software reset,
0 = normal operation.
When read: 1 = reset in process,
0 = reset done.
R/W, SC 0 0
014 Loopback 0 = asserts Loopback mode,
1 = deasserts Loopback mode R/W 0 0
013Speed Selection
(Not e 3) 1 = 100 Mbps,
0 = 10 Mbps R/W 1 1
Enable 1 = enable Auto-Negotiation,
0 = disable Auto-Negotiation R/W 1 1
0 11 Power Down 1 = power down,
0 = normal operation R/W 0 0
010 Isolate
(Not e 4) 1 = electrically isolate PHY
0 = normal operation R/W 1 1
09 Restart Auto-
Negotiation 1 = restart Auto-Negotiation,
0 = normal operation R/W, SC 0 0
08 Duplex Mo de
(Not e 3) 1 = Full-Duplex,
0 = Half-Duplex R/W 1 Retains
0 7 Collision Test 1 = enable COL signal test,
0 = disable COL signal test R/W 0 0
0 6-0 Reserved Write as 0, ignore on read RO 0 0
190 Am79C978
TBR1: 10BASE-T Status Register (Register 1)
The Status Register identifies the physical and Auto-
negotiation capabilities of the local PHY. This register is
read only; a write will have no ef fect.
Table 66. TBR1: 10BASE-T PHY Status Register (Register 1)
1. LH = Latching High, LL = Latching Low.
Bits Name Description Read/Write
(Note 1) Default
15 100BASE-T4 1 = 100BASE-T4 able,
0 = not 100BASE-T4 able RO 0
14 100BASE-X Full-Duplex 1 = 100BASE-X full- duplex able,
0 = not 100BASE-X full-duplex able RO 0
13 100BASE-X Half-Duplex 1 = 100BASE-X half-duplex able,
0 = not 100BASE-X half-duplex able RO 0
12 10 Mbps Full-Duplex 1 = 10 Mbps full-duplex able,
0 = not 10 Mbps fu ll-dupl ex able RO 1
11 10 Mbps Half-Duplex 1 = 10 Mbps half-duplex able,
0 = not 10 Mbps half-d uplex able RO 1
10-7 Reserved Ignore when read RO NA
6 MF Preamble Suppression
1 = PHY can accept management (mgmt)
frames with or without preamble, 0 = PHY
can only accept mgmt frames with
RO 1
5 Auto-Negotiation Complete 1 = Auto-Negotiation completed,
0 = Auto-Negotiation not completed RO 0
4 Remote Fault 1 = remote fault detected,
0 = no remote fault detected RO, LH 0
3 Auto-Negotiation Ability 1 = PHY able to auto-negotiate,
0 = PHY not able to auto-negotiate RO 1
2Link Status 1 = link is up,
0 = link is down RO, LL 0
1 Jabber Detect 1 = jabber condition detected,
0 = no jabber condition detected RO 0
0 Extended Capability 1 = extended register capabilities,
0 = basic register set capa bilities only RO 1
Am79C978 191
TBR2 and TBR3: 10BASE-T PHY Identifier
(Registers 2 and 3)
Registers 2 and 3 contain a unique PHY identifier, con-
sisting of 22 bits of the organizationally unique IEEE
Identif ier, a 6-bit manufacture rs m odel number, and a
4-bit manufacturers revision number . The most signifi-
cant bit of the P HY identifi er is bit 15 of re gister 2; the
least sig nificant bit of the PHY identifie r is bit 0 of reg-
ister 3. Register 2, bit 15 corresponds to bit 3 of the
IEEE Identifier a nd register 2, bit 0 corresponds t o bit
18 of the IEEE Identifier . Register 3, bit 15 corresponds
to bit 19 of the IEEE Identifier and register 3, bit 10 cor-
responds to bit 24 of the IEEE Identifier . Register 3, bits
9-4 cont ain the m anu fac turer s model number and bits
3-0 contain the manufacturers revision number . These
registers are shown in Table 67 and Table 68.
Table 67. TBR2: 10BASE-T PHY Identifi er (Regist er 2)
Table 68. TBR3 : 10BASE-T PHY Identifi er (Register 3)
Bits Name Description Read/
Write Default Value Soft Reset
15-0 PHY_ID[31-16] IEEE Address (bits 3-18); Register
2, bit 15 is MS bit of PHY Identifier RO 0000000000000000
(0000 Hex) Retains original
Bits Name Description Read/Write Default Value Soft Reset
15-10 PHY_ID[15-10] IEEE Address (bits 19-
24) RO 011010
(1A Hex) Retains original value
9-4 PHY_ID[9-4] Manufacturers Model
Number (bit s 5-0) RO 110111
(37 Hex) Retains original value
3-0 PHY_ID[3-0] Revision Number (bits
3-0); Register 3, bit 0 is
LS bit of PHY I dentifi er RO 0000 Retains original value
192 Am79C978
TBR4: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Advertisement
Regist er (Register 4)
This register contains the advertised ability of the
Am79C978 home networking device. The purpose of
this register is to advertise the technology ability to the
link partner device. See Table 69.
When this register is modified, Restart Auto-
Negotiation (Register 0, bit 9) must be enabled to guar-
antee the change is implemented.
Table 69. TBR4: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (Register 4)
Bit(s) Name Description Read/
Write H/W or Soft
15 Next Page When set, the de vice wi shes to en gage in ne xt page ex change. If
clear, the dev ice does not wis h to engage in next page exchange . R/W 0
14 Reserved RO 0
13 Remote Fault
When set, a remote fault bit is inserted into the base link code
word during the Auto Negotiation process. When cleared, the
base link code work will have the bit position for remote fault as
R/W 0
12:11 Reserved RO 0
10 P AUSE This bit sh ould be set if t he P AU SE capability is to be adve rtised. R/W 0
9 Reserved RO 0
8Full-Duplex -
100BASE-TX This bit advertises Full-Duplex capability. When set, Full-Duplex
capability is advertised. When cleared, Full-Duplex capability is
not advertised. R/W 0
7Half-Duplex -
100BASE-TX Th is bit adv ertises Half -Duplex capabi lity for the Au to-negotia tion
process. Setting this bit advertises Half-Duplex capability.
Clearing this bit does not advertise Half-Duplex capability. R/W 0
6Full-Duplex -
10BASE-T This bit advertises Full-Duplex capability. When set, Full-Duplex
capability is advertised. When cleared, Full-Duplex capability is
not advertised. R/W 1
5Half-Duplex -
10BASE-T This bit a dvertises Half -Duplex capability fo r the Auto-nego tiation
process. Setting this bit advertises Half-Duplex capability.
Clearing this bit does not advertise Half-Duplex capability. R/W 1
4:0 Selector Field The Am79C978 home networking device is an 802.3 compliant
device RO 0x01
Am79C978 193
TBR5: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner
Ability Register (Register 5)
The Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register is
Read Only. T he regi ster con tains the adverti sed ability
of the link partne r. The bit defin itions repr esent the re-
ceived link code word. This register contains either the
base page o r the link partne rs nex t pages. See Table
70 and Table 71.
Table 70. TBR5: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (Register 5) - Base Page Format
Table 71. TBR5: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (Register 5) - Next Page Format
Bit(s) Name Description Read/
Write H/W or Soft
15 Next Page Link partner next page request RO 0
14 Acknowledge Link partner acknowledgment RO 0
13 Remote Fault Link partner remote fault request RO 0
12:5 Technology Ability Link partner technology ability field RO 0
4:0 Selector Field Link partner selector field RO 0
Bit(s) Name Description Read/
Write H/W or Soft
15 Next Page Link partner next page request RO 0
14 Acknowledge Link partner acknowledgment RO 0
13 Message Page Link partner message page request RO 0
12 Acknowledge 2 1 = Link partner can comply with the request
0 = Link partner cannot comply with the request RO 0
11 Toggle Link partner toggle bit RO 0
10:0 Message Field Link partners message code RO 0
194 Am79C978
TBR6: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Expansion
Regist er (Register 6)
The Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register provides ad-
ditional information which aids the Auto-Negotiation
process. The Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register bits
are Read Only. See Table 72.
Table 72. TBR6: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (Register 6)
TBR7: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Next Page
Regist er (Register 7)
The Auto-Negotiation Next Page Register contains the
next page link code word to be transmitted. On power-
up the default value of 2001h represents a message
page with the message code set to null. See Table 73.
Table 73. TBR7: 10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Next Page Register (Register 7)
Reserved Registers (Registers 8-15, 18, 20-23, and
The Am79C978 home networking device contains re-
served registers at addresses 8-15, 18, 20-23, and 25-
31. The se regist ers sh ould be i gnored when read an d
should not be written at any time.
Bit(s) Name Description Read/
Write H/W or Soft
15:5 Reserved RO 0
4Parallel Detection
Fault 1=Parallel detection fault
0=No parallel detection fault RO, L H 0
3Link Partner Next
Page Able 1 = Link partner is next page able
0 = Link partner is not next page able RO 0
2 Next Page Able
1 = Am79C978 home networking device channel is next page
0 = Am79C978 home networking device channel is not next page
RO 1
1 Page Received 1 = A new page has been received
0 = A new page has not been received RO, LH 0
0Link Partner ANEG
Able 1 = Link partner is Auto-Negotiation able
0 = Link partner is not Auto-Negotiation able RO 0
Bit(s) Name Description Read/
Write H/W or Soft
15 N ex t Page Am79C978 ho me networking de vi ce cha nnel next p age requ es t R/W 0
14 Reserved RO 0
13 Message Page Am79C978 home networking device channel message page
request R/W 1
12 Acknowledge 2
1 = Am79C978 home networking device channel can comply with
the requ est
0 = Am79C9 78 hom e network ing dev ice chan nel canno t comp ly
with the request
R/W 0
11 Toggle Am79C978 home netw orking device channel toggle bit RO 0
10:0 Message Field Message code field R/W 0x001
Am79C978 195
TBR16: 10BASE-T INTERRUPT Status and Enable
Regist er (Register 16)
The Interrupt bits indicate when there is a change in the
Link Stat us, Duplex Mo de, Auto-Negoti ation status , or
Speed status. Register 16 contains the interrupt status
and interrupt enable bits. The status is always updated
whether or not the inter rupt enable bits are se t. When
an interrupt occurs, the system will need to read the in-
terrupt register to clear the status bits and determine
the course of action needed. See Table 74.
Table 74. TBR16: 10BASE-T INTERRUPT Status and Enable Register (Register 16)
1. All bits, except bit 13, are cleared on read (COR). The register must be read twice to see if it has been cleared.
Bit(s) Name Description Read/
Write H/W or Soft
15:14 Reserved RO 0
13 Interrupt Test Enable
(Not e 1)
1 = When this bit is set, setting bits 12:9 of this register
will cause a condition that will set bits 4:1
accordin gly . Th e eff ect is to t est the regi ster bits w ith
a forced interrupt condition.
0 = Bits 4:1 are only set if the interrupt condition (if any
bits in 12:9 are set) occurs.
R/W 0
12 Link Status Chang e
Enable 1 = Link Status Change enable
0 = This interrupt is masked R/W 0
11 Duplex Mo de Change
Enable 1 = Duplex Mode Change enable
0 = This interrupt is masked R/W 0
10 Auto-Neg Chan ge
Enable 1 = Auto-Negotiation Change enable
0 = This interrupt is masked R/W 0
9Speed Change
Enable 1 = Speed Change enable
0 = This interrupt is masked R/W 0
Enable 1= Global Interrupt enable
0 = This interrupt is masked R/W 0
7:5 Reserved RO 0
4 Link Status Change 1 = Link Status h as changed on a port
0 = No change in Link Status RO,
LH 0
3 Duplex Mode Change 1 = Duplex Mode has changed on a port
0 = No change in Duplex mode RO,
LH 0
2 Auto-Negotiation Change 1 = Auto-Neg status has changed on a port
0 = No change in Auto-Neg status RO,
LH 0
1 Speed Change 1 = Speed status has changed on a port
0 = No change RO,
LH 0
0Global 1 = Indicates a change in status of any of the above
0 = Indicates no change in Interrupt Status
LH 0
196 Am79C978
TBR17: 10BASE-T PHY Control/Status Register
(Register 17)
This regi ster is used to control the co nfigurati on of th e
10 Mbps PHY unit of the Am79C978 home networking
device. See Table 75.
Table 75. TBR17: 10BASE-T PHY Control/Status Register (Register 17)
1. For these loopback paths, the data is also transmitted out of the MDI pins (TX±).
Bits Name Description Read/Write H/W
Reset Soft Reset
15 Reserved R/W 0 Retains
14 Reserved R/W 0 Retains
13 Force Link Good
Enable 1 = link status forced to link up state
0 = link status is determined by the device R/W 0 0
12 Disable Link Pulse 1 = Link pulses sent from the
10BASE-T transmitter are suppressed R/W 0 0
11 SQE_TEST Disable
1 = Di sable s the SQE h eartbea t which occu rs
after each 10BASE-T transmission
0 = The heart beat assertion occurs on the
COL pin approximately 1 µs after transmission
and for a duration of 1 µs.
R/W 0 0
10 Reserved R/W 0 0
9 Jabber Detect Disable 1 = disable jabber detect
0 = enable jabber detect R/W 0 0
8:7 Reserved R/W 00 00
6Receive Polarity
1 = Receive pol arity of the 10BASE-T receiver
is reversed
0 = Receive polarity is correct RO 0 0
5Auto Receive Pol arity
Correcti on Disa bl e
1 = polarity correction circuit is disabled for
0 = Self correcting polarity circuit is enabled R/W 0 0
4Extended Distance
1 = 1 0BASE-T receive squelch thresholds are
reduced to allow reception of frames which are
greater than 100 meters
0 = Squelch thresholds are set for standard
distanc e of 100 met ers
R/W 0 0
3TX_DISABLE 1 = T X± outputs no t active for 10BASE -T. TX±
outputs to logical 0 for PECL.
0 = Transmit valid data R/W 0 0
1 = C RS i s as sert ed w hen t r ans mi t o r re ce iv e
medium is active
0 = CRS is asserted whe n receive mediu m is
RO 0 0
1 Reserved RO 0 0
0 PHY Isolated 1 = Internal PHY is isolated
0 = Internal PHY is enabled RO 0/1 0/1
Am79C978 197
TBR19: 10BASE-T PHY Management Extension
Regist er (Register 19)
Table 76 contains the PHY Management Extension
Register (Register 19) bits.
Table 76. TBR19: 10BASE-T PHY Management Extension Register (Register 19)
Reserved Register: 10BASE-T Configuration
Regist er (Register 22)
This register is reserved.
Reserved Register: 10BASE-T Carrier Status
Regist er (Register 23)
This register is reserved.
TBR24: 10BASE-T Summary Status Register
(Register 24)
The Sum mary Status r egister is a gl obal register con-
taining status information. This register is Read/Only
and represents the most important data which a single
register access can convey. The Summary Status reg-
ister indicates the following: Link Status, Full-Duplex
Status, Auto-Negotiation Alert, and Speed. See Table
Table 77. TBR24: 10BASE-T Summary Status Register (Register 24)
Bits Name Description Read/Write Default Value Soft Reset
15:6 Reserved Write as 0; ignore on read RO 0 0
5 Mgmt Frame Format 1 = last management frame was
invalid (opcode error, etc.) 0 = last
management frame was valid RO 0 0
4-0 PHY Address PHY Address defaults to 11110 RO 11110 Retains
Previous Value
Bit(s) Name Description Read/
Write H/W or Soft
15-4 Reserved Write as 0; Ignore on Read 0 0
3Link Status
1 = Link Status is up
0 = Link Status is down R/O 0
2 Full-Duplex Operatin g in Full-D uplex mode
Operating in Half-Duplex mode R/O 0
Alert 1 = AutoNEG status has changed
0 = AutoNEG status unchanged R/O 0
0 Speed 1 = Operating at 100 Mbps
0 = Operating at 10 Mbps R/O 0
198 Am79C978
Initialization Block
Note: When SSIZE32 (BCR20, bit 8) is set to 0, the
software structures are defined to be 16 bits wide. The
base address of the initialization block must be aligned
to a DWord boundary, i.e., CSR1, bit 1 a nd 0 must be
cleared to 0. When SSIZE32 is set to 0, the initialization
block looks like Table 78.
Note: The Am79 C978 controller performs DWord ac -
cesses to read the initialization block. This statement is
always true, regardless of the setting of the SSIZE32
When SSIZE32 (BCR20, bit 8) is set to 1, the software
structures are defined to be 32 bits wide. The base ad-
dress of the initialization block must be aligned to a
DWord boundary, i.e., CSR1, bits 1 and 0 must be
cleared to 0. When SSIZE32 is set to 1, the initialization
block looks like Table 79.
When SSIZE32 (BCR20, bit 8) is set to 0, the software
structures are defined to be 16 bits wide, and the RLEN
and TLEN fields in the initialization block are each three
bits wide. The values in these fields determine the num-
ber of transmit and receive Descriptor Ring Entries
(DRE) which are used in the descriptor rings. Their
meaning is shown in T able 80. If a value other than those
listed in Table 80 is desired, CSR76 and CSR78 can be
written after initialization is complete.
When SSIZE32 (BCR20, bit 8) is set to 1, the software
structures are defined to be 32 bits wide, and the RLEN
and TLEN fields in the initialization block are each 4 bits
wide. The values in these fields determine the number
of trans mit and rec eive Desc riptor Rin g Entries (DRE)
which are u sed in the descriptor rings. Their mea ning
is shown in Table 81.
Table 78. Initialization Block (SSIZE32 = 0)
Address Bits 15-13 Bit 12 Bits 11-8 Bits 7-4 Bits 3-0
IADR+00h MODE 15-00
IADR+02h PADR 15-00
IADR+04h PADR 31-16
IADR+06h PADR 47-32
IADR+08h LADRF 15-00
IADR+0Ah LADRF 31-16
IADR+0Ch LADRF 47-3 2
IADR+0Eh LADRF 63-48
IADR+10h RDRA 15-00
IADR+14h TDRA 15-00
Table 79. Initialization Block (SSIZE32 = 1)
Address Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits
31-28 27-24 23-20 19-16 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0
IADR+04h PADR 31-00
IADR+08h RES PADR 47-32
IADR+0Ch LADRF 31-00
IADR+10h LADRF 63-32
IADR+14h RDRA 31-00
IADR+18h TDRA 31-0 0
Am79C978 199
If a value other than those listed in Table 80 is desired,
CSR76 a nd CS R78 can b e wr it ten a fter i nit ial izati on is
RDRA and TDRA indicate where the transmit and re-
ceive descriptor rings begin. Each DRE must be located
at a 16-byte address boundary when SSIZE32 is set to
1 (BCR20, bit 8). Each DRE must be located at an 8-
byte address boundary when SSIZE32 is set to 0
(BCR20, bit 8).
The Logical Address Filter (LADRF) is a 64-bit mask
that is used to accept incoming Logical Addresses. If
the first bit in the in coming add ress (as tr ansmitted on
the wire) is a 1, it indicates a logical address. If the first
bit is a 0, it is a physical address and is compared
against the physical address that was loaded throug h
the initialization block.
A logical address is passed through the CRC generator,
producing a 32-bit result. The high order 6 bits of the
CRC is used to select one of the 64 bit positions in the
Logical Address Filter . If the selected filter bit is set, the
address is accepted and the frame is placed into mem-
The Logical Address Filter is used in multicast address-
ing schemes. The acceptance of the incoming frame
based on the filter value indicates that the message may
be intend ed for the no de. It i s the nodes responsib il ity
to determine if the message is actually intended for the
node by comparing the destination address of the stored
message with a list of acceptable logical addresses.
If the Logical Address Filter is loaded with all zeros and
promiscuous mode is disabled, all incoming logical ad-
dresses except broadcast will be rejected. If the
DRCVBC bit (CSR15, bit 14) is set as well , the broad-
cast packets will be rejected. See Figure 51.
This 48-bit value repre sents the unique node add ress
assigned by the ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) and
used for internal address comparison. P A DR[0] is com-
pared with the first bit in the destination address of the
incoming frame. It must be 0 since only the destination
address of a unicast frames is compared to PADR. The
six hex-digit nomenclature used by the ISO 8802-3
(IEEE/ ANS I 80 2.3 ) map s t o th e Am79C978 ho me n et-
working PADR register as follows: the first byte is com-
pared with PADR[7:0] with PADR[0] being the least
significant bit of the byte. The second ISO 8802-3
(IEEE/ANSI 802.3) byte is compared with PADR[15:8],
again from the least significant bit to the most signifi-
cant bit, and so on. The sixth byte is compared with
PADR[47:40], the least significant bit being PADR[40].
The mode register field of the initialization block is cop-
ied into CSR15 and interpreted according to the de-
scription of CSR15.
Table 80. R/TLEN Decoding (SSIZE32 = 0)
R/TLEN Number of DREs
000 1
001 2
010 4
011 8
100 16
101 32
110 64
111 128
Table 81. R/TLEN Decoding (SSIZE32 = 1)
R/TLEN Number of DREs
0000 1
0001 2
0010 4
0011 8
0100 16
0101 32
0110 64
0111 128
1000 256
1001 512
11XX 512
1X1X 512
200 Am79C978
Figure 51. Address Match Logic
Recei ve De sc ript ors
When SWSTYLE (BCR20, bits 7-0) is set to 0, then the
software structures are defined to be 16 bits wide, and
receive descriptors look like Table 82 (CRDA = Current
Rece ive Descriptor Address).
When SWSTYLE (BCR 20, bits 7-0) is set to 2, then the
software structures are defined to be 32 bits wide, and
receive descriptors look like Table 83 (CRDA = Current
Receive Descriptor Address).
When SWSTYLE (BCR 20, bits 7-0) is set to 3, then the
software structures are defined to be 32 bits wide, and
receive descriptors look like Table 84 (CRDA = Current
Receive Descriptor Address).
Table 82. Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 0)
31 26
63 0
Match = 1 Packet Accepted
Match = 0 Packet Rejected
Address Filter
32-Bit Resultant CRC
Received Message
Destination Address
Address 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7-0
CRDA+00h RBADR[15:0]
CRDA+04h 1111 BCNT
CRDA+06h 0000 MCNT
Table 83. Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 2)
Address 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19-16 15-12 11-0
CRDA+00h RBADR[31:0]
CRDA+08h RES RFRTAG[14:0] 0000 MCNT
Table 84. Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 3)
Address 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22-16 15-12 11-0
CRDA+08h RBADR[31:0]
Am79C978 201
Bit Name Description
31-0 RBADR Receive Buffer address. This field
contains the address of the
receive buffer that is associated
with this descriptor.
Bit Name Description
31 OWN This bit indicates whether the de-
scriptor entry is owned by the
host (OWN = 0) or by the
Am79C978 controller (OWN = 1).
The Am79C978 controller clears
the OWN bit after filling the buffer
that the descriptor points to. The
host sets the O WN bit afte r emp-
tying the buffer.
Once the Am79C978 controller or
host has relinquished ownership
of a buffer, it must not change any
field in the descriptor entry.
30 ERR ERR is the OR of FRAM, OFLO,
CRC, BUFF, or BPE. ERR is set
by the Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
29 FRAM Framing error indicates that the
incoming frame contains a non-
integer multiple of eight bits and
there was an FCS error. If there
was no FCS error on the incom-
ing frame, then FRAM will not be
set even if there was a non-
integer multiple of eight bits in the
frame. FRAM is not valid in inter-
nal loopback mode. FRAM is val-
id only when ENP is set and
OFLO is not. FRAM i s set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
28 OFLO Overflow error indicates that the
receiv er h as lo st all or part of the
incoming frame, due to an inabili-
ty to move data from the receive
FIFO into a memory buffer before
the internal FIFO overflowed.
OFLO is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by the
27 CRC CRC indicates that the receiver
has detected a CRC (FCS) error
on the incoming frame. CRC is
valid only when ENP is set and
OFLO is not. CRC is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host. CRC will also
be set when Am79C978 home
networking receives an RX_ER
indication from the external PHY
through the MII.
26 BUFF Buffer error is set any time the
Am79C978 controller does not
own the next buffer while data
chaining a received frame. This
can occur in either of two ways:
1. The OWN bit of the next buffer
is 0.
2. FIFO overflow occurred before
the Am79C9 78 control ler was
able to read the OWN bit of
the next descriptor.
If a Buffer Error oc curs, an Over-
flow Error may also occur inter-
nally in the FIFO, but will not be
reported in the descriptor status
entry unless both BUFF and
OFLO errors occur at the same
time. BUFF is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
25 STP St art of Packet i ndicates that th is
is the first buffer used by the
Am79C978 controller for this
frame. If STP and ENP are both
set to 1, the frame fits into a single
buffer. Otherwise, the frame is
spread over more than one buff-
er. When LAPPEN (CSR3, bit 5)
is clea red to 0, STP is se t by th e
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host. When LAP-
PEN is set to 1, STP mu st be set
by the host.
24 ENP End of Packet indicates that this
is the last buffer used by the
Am79C978 controller for this
frame. It is used for data chaining
buffers . If bo th ST P a nd E NP are
set, the frame fits into one buffer
and there is no data chaining.
ENP is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by the
202 Am79C978
23 BPE Bus Parity Error is set by the
Am79C978 controller when a par-
ity error occurred on the bus inter-
face during data transfers to a
receive buffer. BPE is valid only
when ENP, OFLO, or BUFF are
set. The Am79C978 controller will
only set BPE when the advanced
parity error handling is enabled
by setting APERREN (BCR20, bit
10) to 1. BPE is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
This bit does not exist when the
Am79C978 controller is pro-
grammed to use 16-bit software
structures for the descriptor ring
entries (BCR20, bits 7-0, SW-
STYLE is cleared to 0).
22 PAM Physical A ddr ess Ma tch i s se t by
the Am79C978 controller when it
accepts the received frame due
to a match of the frames destina-
tion address with the content of
the physical address register.
PAM is valid only when ENP is
set. PAM is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by the
This bit does not exist when the
Am79C978 controller is pro-
grammed to use 16-bit software
structures for the descriptor ring
entries (BCR20, bits 7-0, SW-
STYLE is cleared to 0).
21 LAFM Logical Address Filter Match is
set by the Am79C978 controller
when it accepts the received
frame based on the value in the
logical address filter register.
LAFM is valid only when ENP is
set. LAFM is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
Note that if DRCVBC (CSR15, bit
14) is cleared to 0, only BAM, but
not LAFM will be set when a
Broadcast frame is received,
even if the Logic al Address F ilter
is programmed in such a way that
a Broadcast frame would pass
the hash filter. If DRCVBC is set
to 1 an d the Logica l Address F il-
ter is progr ammed in suc h a way
that a Broadcast frame would
pass the hash filter, LAFM will be
set on the reception of a Broad-
cast fra m e.
This bit does not exist when the
Am79C978 controller is pro-
grammed to use 16-bit software
structures for the descriptor ring
entries (BCR20, bits 7-0, SW-
STYLE is cleared to 0).
20 BAM Broadcast Address Match is set
by the Am79C978 controller
when it accepts the received
frame, because the frames desti -
nation address is of the type
Broadcast. BAM is valid only
when ENP is set. BAM is set by
the Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
This bit does not exist when the
Am79C978 controller is pro-
grammed to use 16-bit software
structures for the descriptor ring
entries (BCR20, bits 7-0, SW-
STYLE is cleared to 0).
19-16 RES Reserved locations. These loca-
tions should be read and written
as zeros.
15-12 ONES These four bits must be written as
ones. They are written by the host
and unchanged by the
Am79C978 controller.
11-0 BCNT Buffer Byte Count is the length of
the buffer pointed to by this de-
scriptor, expressed as the twos
complement of the length of the
buffer. This field is written by the
host and unchanged by the
Am79C978 controller.
Bit Name Description
31 ZERO This field is reserved. The
Am79C978 controller will write a
zero to this location.
30-16 RFRTAG Receive Frame Tag. Indicates
the Receive Frame Tag applied
from the EADI interface. This field
is use r define d and has a default
value of all zeros. When RX-
FRTG (CSR7, bit 14) is set to 0,
Am79C978 203
RFRTAG will be read as all zeros.
See the section on Receive
Frame Taggi ng for details.
15-12 ZEROS This field is reserved. The
Am79C978 controller will write
zeros to these locations.
11-0 MCNT Message Byte Count is the length
in bytes of the received message,
expresse d a s an unsig ned binar y
intege r. MCNT is valid onl y when
ERR is clear and ENP is set.
MCNT is written by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
Bit Name Description
31-0 US User Space. Reserved for user
defined space.
Transmit Descriptors
When SWSTYLE (BCR20, bits 7-0) is set to 0, the soft-
ware structures are defined to be 16 bits wide, and
transmit descriptors look like T able 85 (CXDA = Current
Transmit Descriptor Address).
When SWSTYLE (BCR 20, bits 7-0) is set to 2, the
software structures are defined to be 32 bits wide, and
transmit descriptors look like T able 86 (CXDA = Current
Transmit Descriptor Address).
When SWSTYLE (BCR 20, bits 7-0) is set to 3, then the
software structures are defined to be 32 bits wide, and
transmit descriptors look like T able 87 (CXDA = Current
Transmit Descriptor Address).
Table 85. Transmit Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 0)
Address 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7-0
CXDA+00h TBADR[15:0]
CXDA+04h 1 1 1 1 BCNT
Table 86. Transmit Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 2)
Address 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22-16 15-12 11-4 3-0
CXDA+00h TBADR[31:0]
Table 87. Transmit Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 3)
Address 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22-16 15-12 11-4 3-0
CXDA+08h TBADR[31:0]
204 Am79C978
Bit Name Description
31-0 TBADR Transmit Buffer address. This
field contains the address of the
transmit buffer that is associated
with this descriptor.
Bit Name Description
31 OWN This bit indicates whether the de-
scriptor entry is owned by the
host (OWN = 0) or by the
Am79C978 controller (OWN = 1).
The host sets the OWN bit after
filling the buffer p ointed to by the
descriptor entry. The Am79C978
controller clears the OWN bit af-
ter transmitting the contents of
the buffer. Both the Am79C978
controller and the host must not
alter a descriptor entry after it has
relinquished ownership.
30 ERR ERR is the OR of UFLO, LCOL,
LCAR, RTRY or BPE. ERR is set
by the Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host. This bit is set
in the current descriptor when the
error occurs and, therefore, may
be set in any descriptor of a
chained buff er transmi ss i on.
29 ADD_FCS ADD_FCS dynamically controls
the generation of FCS on a frame
by frame basis. This bit should be
set with the ENP bit. However, for
backward compatibility, it is rec-
ommended th at this bit be se t for
every descriptor of the intended
frame. When ADD_FCS is set,
the state of DXMTFCS is ignored
and transmitter FCS generation is
activated. When ADD_FCS is
cleared to 0, FCS generation is
controlled by DXMTFCS. When
APAD _XM T ( C SR 4, b it 11) i s set
to 1, the setting of ADD_FCS has
no effect. ADD_FCS is set by the
host, and is not changed by the
Am79C978 controller. This is a
reserved bit in the C-LANCE
(Am79C90) controller.
28 MORE/LTINT Bit 28 always functions as
MORE. The value of MORE is
written by the Am79C978 control-
ler and is read by the host. When
LTINTEN is cleared to 0 (CSR5,
bit 14), the Am79C978 controller
will never look at the contents of
bit 28, write operations by the
host have no effect. When LTINT-
EN is set to 1 bit 28 changes its
function to LTINT on host write
operations and on Am79C978
controlle r read operati on s.
MORE MORE indicates that more than
one retry was ne eded to transmit
a frame. The value of MORE is
written by the Am79C978 control-
ler. This bit has meaning only if
the ENP bit is set.
LTINT LTINT is used to suppress inter-
rupts after successful transmis-
sion on selected frames. When
LTINT is cl eared to 0 and EN P is
set to 1, the Am79C978 controller
will not set TINT (CSR0, bit 9) af-
ter a successful transmission.
TINT will only be set when the
last descriptor of a frame has
both LTINT and ENP set to 1.
When LTINT is cleared to 0, it will
only c aus e t he su p pres sion of in-
terrupts for successful transmis-
sion. TINT will always be set if the
transmission has an error. The
LTINTEN overrides the function
of TOKINTD (CSR5, bit 15).
27 ONE ONE indicates that exactly one
retry was needed to transmit a
frame. ONE flag is not valid when
LCOL is set. The value of the
ONE bit is written by the
Am79C978 controller. This bit
has meaning only if the ENP bit is
26 DEF Deferred indicates that the
Am79C978 controller had to de-
fer while trying to transmit a
frame. This condition occurs if the
channel is busy when the
Am79C978 controller is ready to
transmit. DEF is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
25 STP St art of Packet i ndicates that th is
is the first buffer to be used by the
Am79C978 controller for this
frame. It is used for data chaining
Am79C978 205
buffers. The STP bit must be se t
in the first buffer of the frame, or
the Am79C978 controller will skip
over the descriptor and poll the
next descriptor(s) until the OWN
and STP bits are set. STP is set
by the host and is not changed by
the Am79C978 controller.
24 ENP End of Packet. End of Packet in-
dicates that this is the last buffer
to be used by the Am79C978
con tr o ll er f or t hi s frame . It is used
for data chaining buffers. If both
STP and ENP are set, the frame
fits into one buffer and there is no
data chaining. ENP is set by the
host and is not changed by the
Am79C9 78 co ntrol ler .
23 BPE Bus Parity Error is set by the
Am79C978 controller when a par-
ity error occurred on the bus inter-
face dur ing a data transf ers from
the transmit buffer associated
with this descriptor. The
Am79C978 controller will only set
BPE when the advanced parity
error handling is enabled by set-
ting APERREN (BCR20, bit 10) to
1. BPE is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by the
This bit does not exist, when the
Am79C978 controller is pro-
grammed to use 16-bit software
structures for the descriptor ring
entries (BCR20, bits 7-0, SW-
STYLE is cleared to 0).
22-16 RES Reserved locations.
15-12 ONES These four bits must be written as
ones. This field is written by the
host and unchanged by the
Am79C9 78 co ntrol ler .
11-00 BCNT Buffer Byte Count is the usable
length of the buffer pointed to by
this descriptor, expressed as the
twos complement of the length of
the buffer. This is the number of
bytes from this buffer that will be
transmitted by the Am79C978
controller. This field is written by
the host and is not changed by
the Am79C978 controller. There
are no minimum buffer size re-
Bit Name Description
31 BUFF Buffer error is set by the
Am79C978 controller during
transmission when the
Am79C978 controller does not
find the ENP flag in the current
descriptor and does not own the
next desc ripto r. T his can occ ur in
either of two ways:
1. The OWN bit of the next buffer
is 0.
2. FIFO underflow occurred be-
fore the Am79C978 controller ob-
tained the STATUS byte
(TMD1[31:24]) of the next de-
scriptor. BUFF is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
If a Buffer Error occurs, an Un-
derflow Error will also occur.
BUFF is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by the
30 UFLO Underflow error indicates that the
transmitter has truncated a mes-
sage because it could not read
data from memory fast enough.
UFLO indicates that the FIFO has
emptied before the end of the
frame was reached.
When DXSUFLO (CSR3, bit 6) is
cleared to 0, the transmitter is
turned off when an UFLO error
occurs (CSR0, TXON = 0).
When DXSUFLO is set to 1, the
Am79C978 controller gracefully
recovers from an UFLO error. It
scans the transmit descriptor ring
until it finds the start of a new
frame an d sta rts a n ew trans mis-
UFLO is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by the
29 EXDEF Excessive Deferral. Indicates that
the transmitter has experienced
206 Am79C978
Excessive Deferral on this trans-
mit frame, where Excessive De-
ferral is defined in the ISO 8802-3
(IEEE/ ANSI 802. 3) stan dard. Ex-
cessive Deferral will also set the
interrupt bit EXDINT (CSR5, bit
28 LCOL Late Collision indicates that a col-
lision has occurred after the first
channel slot time has elapsed.
The Am79C978 home
networkingAm79C978 controller
does not retry on late collisions.
LCOL is set by the Am79C978
controller and cleared by the
27 LCAR Loss of Carrier is set when the
carrier is lost during an
Am79C978 controller initiated
transmission when operating in
half-duplex mode. The
Am79C978 controller does not
retry upon loss of carrier. It will
continue to transmit the whole
frame until done. LCAR will not
be set when the devic e is operat-
ing in full-duplex mode. LCAR is
not valid in Internal Loopback
Mode. LCAR is set by the
Am79C978 controller and
cleared by the host.
LCAR will be set when the PHY is
in Link Fai l st a t e du ri ng tr an sm i s-
26 RTRY Retry error indicates that the
transmitte r has failed after 16 at-
tempts to successfully transmit a
message, due to repeated colli-
sions on the medium. If DRTY is
set to 1 in the MODE register,
RTRY will set after one failed
transmission attempt. RTRY is
set by the Am79C978 controller
and cleared by the host.
25-4 RES Reserved locations.
3-0 TRC Transmit Retry Count. Indicates
the number of transmit retries of
the associated packet. The maxi-
mum count is 15. However, if a
RETRY error occurs, the count
will roll over to 0.
In this case only, the Transmit
Retry Cou nt val ue of 0 sh oul d b e
interpreted as meaning 16. TRC
is writ ten by the A m79C978 c on-
troller into the last transmit de-
scriptor of a frame, or when an
error terminates a frame. Valid
only when OWN is cleared to 0.
Bit Name Description
31-0 US User Space. Reserved for user
defined space.
Am79C978 207
PCI Configuration Registers
Note: RO = read only, RW = read/write
Table 88. PCI Configuration Registers
Offset Name Width
in Bit Access
Mode Default
00h PCI Vendor ID 16 RO 1022h
02h PCI Devi ce ID 16 RO 2001h
04h PCI Command 16 RW 0000h
06h PCI Status 16 RW 0290h
08h PCI Revision ID 8RO 50h
09h PCI Programming IF 8RO 00h
0Ah PCI Sub-Class 8RO 00h
0Bh PCI Base-Class 8RO 02h
0Ch Reserved 8RO 00h
0Dh PCI Latency Timer 8RW 00h
0Eh PCI Header Type 8RO 00h
0Fh Reserved 8RO 00h
10h PCI I/O Base Address 32 RW 0000 0001h
14h PCI Memory Mapped I/O Base Address 32 RW 0000 0000h
18h - 2Bh Reserved 8RO 00h
2Ch PCI Subsystem Vendor ID 16 RO 00h
2Eh PCI Subsystem ID 16 RO 00h
30h PCI Expansion ROM Base Address 32 RW 0000 0000h
34h Capabilities Pointer 8RO 40h
31h - 3Bh Reserved 8RO 00h
3Ch PCI Interrupt Line 8RW 00h
3Dh PCI Interrupt Pin 8RO 01h
40h PCI Capability Identifier 8RO 01h
41h PCI Next Item Pointer 8RO 00h
42h PCI Power Management Capabilities 16 RO 00h
44h PCI Power Management Control/Status 16 RO 00h
46h PCI PMCSR Bridge Support Extensions 8RO 00h
47h PCI Data 8RO 00h
48h - FFh Reserved 8RO 00h
208 Am79C978
Control and Status Registers
u = undefined value, R = Running register, S = Setup register, T = Test register; all default values are in hexadecimal format.
Table 89. Control and Status Registers (CSRs)
Addr Symbol Default Value Comments Use
00 CSR0 uuuu 0004 Am79C978 Controller Status Register R
01 CSR1 uuuu uuuu Lower IADR: maps to location 16 S
02 CSR2 uuuu uuuu Upper IADR: maps to location 17 S
03 CSR3 uuuu 0000 Interrupt Masks and Deferral Control S
04 CSR4 uuuu 0115 Test and Features Control R
05 CSR5 uuuu 0000 Extended Control and Interrupt 1 R
06 CSR6 uuuu uuuu RXTX: RX/TX Encoded Ring Lengths S
07 CSR7 0uuu 0000 Extended Control and Interrupt 1 R
08 CSR8 uuuu uuuu LADRF0: Logical Address Filter LADRF[15:0] S
09 CSR9 uuuu uuuu LADRF1: Logical Address Filter LADRF[31:16] S
10 CSR10 uuuu uuuu LADRF2: Logical Address Filter LADRF[47:32] S
11 CSR11 uuuu uuu u LADRF3: Logical Address Filter LADRF[63:48] S
12 CSR12 uuuu uuuu PADR0: Physical Address Register PADR[15:0][ S
13 CSR13 uuuu uuuu PADR1: Physical Address Register PADR[31:16] S
14 CSR14 uuuu uuuu PADR2: Physical Address Register PADR[47:32] S
15 CSR15 see register
description MODE: Mode Register S
16 CSR16 uuuu uuuu IADRL: Base Address of INIT Block Lower (Copy) T
17 CSR17 uuuu uuuu IADRH: Base Address of INIT Block Upper (Copy) T
18 CSR18 uuuu uuuu CRBAL: Current RCV Buffer Address Lower T
19 CSR22 uuuu uuuu CRBAU: Current RCV Buffer Address Upper T
20 CSR20 uuuu uuuu CXBAL: Current XMT Buffer Address Lower T
21 CSR21 uuuu uuuu CXBAU: Current XMT Buffer Address Upper T
22 CSR22 uuuu uuuu NRBAL: Next RCV Buffer Address Lower T
23 CSR23 uuuu uuuu NRBAU: Next RCV Buffer Address Upper T
24 CSR24 uuuu uuuu BADRL: Base Address of RCV Ring Lower S
25 CSR25 uuuu uuuu BADRU: Base Address of RCV Ring Upper S
26 CSR26 uuuu uuuu NRDAL: Next RCV Descriptor Address Lower T
27 CSR27 uuuu uuuu NRDAU: Next RCV Descriptor Address Upper T
28 CSR28 uuuu uuuu CRDAL: Current RCV Descriptor Address Lower T
29 CSR29 uuuu uuuu CRDAU: Current RCV Descriptor Address Upper T
30 CSR30 uuuu uuuu BADXL: Base Address of XMT Ring Lower S
31 CSR31 uuuu uuuu BADXU: Base Address of XMT Ring Upper S
32 CSR32 uuuu uuuu NXDAL: Next XMT Descriptor Address Lower T
33 CSR33 uuuu uuuu NXDAU: Next XMT Descriptor Address Upper T
Am79C978 209
Control and Status Registers (Continued)
Addr Symbol Default Value
After H_RESET Comments Use
34 CSR34 uuuu uuuu CXDAL: Current XMT Descriptor Address Lower T
35 CSR35 uuuu uuuu CXDAU: Current XMT Descriptor Address Upper T
36 CSR36 uuuu uuuu NNRDAL: Next Next Receive Descriptor Address Lower T
37 CSR37 uuuu uuuu NNRDAU: Next Next Receive Descriptor Address Upper T
38 CSR38 uuuu uuuu NNXDAL: Next Next Transmit Descriptor Address Lower T
39 CSR39 uuuu uuuu NNXDAU: Next Next Transmit Descriptor Address Upper T
40 CSR40 uuuu uuuu CRBC: Current Receive Byte Count T
41 CSR41 uuuu uuuu CRST: Current Receive Status T
42 CSR42 uuuu uuuu CXBC: Current Transmit Byte T
43 CSR43 uuuu uuuu CXST: Current Transmit Status T
44 CSR44 uuuu uuuu NRBC: Next RCV Byte Count T
45 CSR45 uuuu uuuu NRST: Next RCV Status T
46 CSR46 uuuu uuuu POLL: Poll Time Counter T
47 CSR47 uuuu uuuu PI: Polling Interval S
48 CSR48 uuuu uuuu Reserved
49 CSR49 uuuu uuuu Reserved
50 CSR50 uuuu uuuu Reserved
51 CSR51 uuuu uuuu Reserved
52 CSR52 uuuu uuuu Reserved
53 CSR53 uuuu uuuu Reserved
54 CSR54 uuuu uuuu Reserved
55 CSR55 uuuu uuuu Reserved
56 CSR56 uuuu uuuu Reserved
57 CSR57 uuuu uuuu Reserved
58 CSR58 see regist er
description SWS: Software Style S
59 CSR59 uuuu uuuu Reserved T
60 CSR60 uuuu uuuu PXDAL: Previous XMT Descrip tor Address Lower T
61 CSR61 uuuu uuuu PXDAU: Previous XMT Desc rip tor Addre ss Upper T
62 CSR62 uuuu uuuu PXBC: Previous Transmit Byte Count T
63 CSR63 uuuu uuuu PXST: Previous Transmit Status T
64 CSR64 uuuu uuuu NXBAL: Next XMT Buffer Address Lower T
65 CSR65 uuuu uuuu NXBAU: Next XMT Buffer Address Upper T
66 CSR66 uuuu uuuu NXBC: Next Transmit Byte Count T
67 CSR67 uuuu uuuu NXST: Next Transmit Status T
68 CSR68 uuuu uuuu Reserved
69 CSR69 uuuu uuuu Reserved
70 CSR70 uuuu uuuu Reserved
210 Am79C978
Control and Status Registers (Continued)
Addr Symbol Default Value
After H_RESET Comments Use
71 CSR71 uuuu uuuu Reserved
72 CSR72 uuuu uuuu RCVRC: RCV Ring Counter T
73 CSR73 uuuu uuuu Reserved
74 CSR74 uuuu uuuu XMTRC: XMT Ring Counter T
75 CSR75 uuuu uuuu Reserved
76 CSR76 uuuu uuuu RCVRL: RCV Ring Length S
77 CSR77 uuuu uuuu Reserved
78 CSR78 uuuu uuuu XMTRL: XMT Ring Lengt h S
79 CSR79 uuuu uuuu Reserved
80 CSR80 uuuu 1410 DMATCFW: DMA Transfer Counter and FIFO Threshold S
81 CSR81 uuuu uuuu Reserved
82 CSR82 uuuu uuuu Transmit Descriptor Pointer Address Lower S
83 CSR83 uuuu uuuu Reserved
84 CSR84 uuuu uuuu DMABA: Address Register Lower T
85 CSR85 uuuu uuuu DMABA: Address Register Upper T
86 CSR86 uuuu uuuu DMABC: Buffer Byte Counter T
87 CSR87 uuuu uuuu Reserved
88 CSR88 262 5003 Chip ID Register Lower T
89 CSR89 uuuu 262 Chip ID Register Upper T
90 CSR90 uuuu uuuu Reserved
91 CSR91 uuuu uuuu Reserved T
92 CSR92 uuuu uuuu RCON: Ring Length Conversion T
93 CSR93 uuuu uuuu Reserved
94 CSR94 uuuu uuuu Reserved
95 CSR95 uuuu uuuu Reserved
96 CSR96 uuuu uuuu Reserved
97 CSR97 uuuu uuuu Reserved
98 CSR98 uuuu uuuu Reserved
99 CSR99 uuuu uuuu Reserved
100 CSR100 uuuu 0200 Bus Timeout S
101 CSR101 uuuu uuuu Reserved
102 CSR102 uuuu uuuu Reserved
103 CSR103 uuuu 0105 Reserved
104 CSR104 uuuu uuuu Reserved
105 CSR105 uuuu uuuu Reserved
106 CSR106 uuuu uuuu Reserved
107 CSR107 uuuu uuuu Reserved
Am79C978 211
Control and Status Registers (Concluded)
Addr Symbol Default Value
After H_RESET Comments Use
108 CSR108 uuuu uuuu Reserved
109 CSR109 uuuu uuuu Reserved
110 CSR110 uuuu uuuu Reserved
111 CSR111 uuuu uuuu Reserved
112 CSR112 uuuu uuuu Missed Frame Count R
113 CSR113 uuuu uuuu Reserved
114 CSR114 uuuu uuuu Received Collision Count R
115 CSR115 uuuu uuuu Reserved
116 CSR116 0000 0000 OnNow Miscellaneous S
117 CSR117 uuuu uuuu Reserved
118 CSR118 uuuu uuuu Reserved
119 CSR119 uuuu 0105 Reserved
120 CSR120 uuuu uuuu Reserved
121 CSR121 uuuu uuuu Reserved
122 CSR226 uuuu 0000 Receive Frame Alignment Control S
123 CSR237 uuuu uuuu Reserved
124 CSR248 uuuu 0000 Te st Regi ster 1 T
125 CSR125 003c 0060 MAC Enhanced Configuration Control T
126 CSR126 uuuu uuuu Reserved
127 CSR127 uuuu uuuu Reserved
212 Am79C978
Bus Configuration Registers
Writes to thos e r eg ister s mark ed as Reserved will ha ve no effect. Re ads fr om the se lo ca tio ns wi ll produce un de-
fined values.
Table 90. Bus Configuration Registers (BCRs)
Mnemonic Default Name Programmability
0MSRDA 0005h Reserved No No
1MSWRA 0005h Reserved No No
2MC 0002h Miscellaneous Configuration Yes Yes
3Reserved N/A Reserved No No
4LED0 00C0h LED0 Status Yes Yes
5LED1 0084h LED1 Status Yes Yes
6LED2 0088h LED2 Status Yes Yes
7LED3 0090h LED3 Status Yes Yes
8Reserved N/A Reserved No No
9FDC 0000h Full-Duplex Control Yes Yes
10-15 Reserved N/A Reserved No No
16 IOBASEL N/A Reserved No No
17 IOBASEU N/A Reserved No No
18 BSBC 9001h Burst and Bus Control Yes Yes
19 EECAS 0002h EEPROM Control and Status Yes No
20 SWS 0200h Software Style Yes No
22 PCILAT FF06h PCI Latency Yes Yes
23 PCISID 0000h PCI Subsystem ID No Yes
24 PCISVID 0000h PCI Subsystem Vendor ID No Yes
25 SRAMSIZ 0000h SRAM Size Yes Yes
26 SRAMB 0000h SRAM Boundary Yes Yes
27 SRAMIC 0000h SRAM Interface Control Yes Yes
28 EBADDRL N/A Expansion Bus Address Lower Yes No
29 EBADDRU N/A Expansion Bus Address Upper Yes No
30 EBDR N/A Expansion Bus Data Port Yes No
31 STVAL FFFFh Software Timer Va lue Yes No
32 MIICAS 0000h PHY Control and Status Yes Yes
33 MIIADDR N/A PHY Address Yes Yes
34 MIIMDR N/A PHY Management Data Yes No
35 PCIVID 1022h PCI Vendor ID No Yes
36 PMC_A C811h PCI Power Manag ement C apa bil iti es
(PMC) Alias Register No Yes
37 DATA0 0000h PCI DATA Register Zero Alias Register No Yes
38 DATA1 0000h PCI DATA Register One Alias Register No Yes
39 DATA2 0000h PCI DATA Register Two Alias Register No Yes
40 DATA3 0000h PCI DATA Register Three Alias Register No Yes
41 DATA4 0000h PCI DATA Register Four Alias Re gi ste r No Yes
42 DATA5 0000h PC I DATA Regi ster Five Alias Register No Yes
43 DATA6 0000h PCI DATA Register Six Alias Register No Yes
44 DATA7 0000h PCI DATA Register Seven Alias Re gister No Yes
45 PMR1 N/A Pattern Matching Register 1 Yes No
46 PMR2 N/A Pattern Matching Register 2 Yes No
47 PMR3 N/A Pattern Matching Register 3 Yes No
48 LED4 0082h LED4 Status Yes Yes
49 PHY_SEL 8000h PHY Select Yes Yes
Am79C978 213
10BASE-T PHY Management Registers
Writes to register s marked Reserved will be written as
zeros. Reads from these locations will produce unde-
fined values.
Table 91. 10BASE-T PHY Management Registers (TBRs)
Address Symbol Name Default Value After
0TBR0 PHY Control Register 2500h
1TBR1 PHY Status Register 7849h
2TBR2 PHY_ID[31:16] 0000h
3TBR3 PHY_ID[15:0] 6BA0h
4TBR4 Auto-Ne goti ation Adv ertis em en t Regis ter 03C1h
5TBR5 Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register 0000h
6TBR6 Auto-Ne goti ati on Exp ans io n Regis ter 0004h
7TBR7 Auto-Negotiation Next Page Register 2001h
8-15 TBR8-TBR15 Reserved --
16 TBR16 Interrupt Status and Enable Register 0000h
17 TBR17 PHY Control/Status Register 0001h
18 TBR18 Reserved --
19 TBR19 PHY Management Extension Register --
20-23 TBR20-TBR23 Reserved --
24 TBR24 Summary Status Register 0001h
25-31 TBR25-TBR31 Reserved --
214 Am79C978
1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Management Registers
Table 92. 1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Management Registers (HPRs)
Address Symbol Name Default Value After
0HPR0 MII Control Register 0400h
1HPR1 MII Status Register 0841h
2HPR2 MII PHY_ID Register 0000h
3HPR3 MII PHY_ID Register 6B90h
4HPR4 Auto-Ne goti ation Re gi ste r 0021h
5HPR5 Auto-Ne goti ation Re gi ste r 0000h
6HPR6 Auto-Ne goti ation Re gi ste r 0000h
7HPR7 Auto-Ne goti ation Re gi ste r 0000h
8-15 HPR8-HPR15 Reserved --
16 HPR16 PHY Control Register 0005h
17 HPR17 Status and Control --
18 HPR18 PHY TXCOMM Register 0000h
19 HPR19 PHY TXCOMM Register 0000h
20 HPR20 PHY RXCOMM Register 0000h
21 HPR21 PHY RXCOMM Register 0000h
22 HPR22 PHY AID Register 0000h
23 HPR23 PHY Noise Control Register 04FFh
24 HPR24 PHY Noise Control 2 Register F4xxh
25 HPR25 PHY Noise Statistics Register 04D0h
26 HPR26 Event Status Register 0000h
27 HPR27 AID Control Regis ter 1440h
28 HPR28 ISBI Control Register 2C1Ch
29 HPR29 TX Control Register 0444h
30 HPR30 Drive Level Control x549h
31 HPR31 Analog Control C000h
Am79C978 215
Am79C9 78 Progra mmable Registers
Table 93. Control and Status Registers
Register Contents
CSR0 Status and control bits: (DEFAULT = 0004)
8000 ERR
4000 --
2000 CERR
1000 MISS
0800 MERR
0400 RINT
0200 TINT
0100I IDON
0080 INTR
0040 IENA
0020 RXON
0010 TXON
0008 TDMD
0004 STOP
0002 STRT
0001 INIT
CSR1 Lower IADR (Maps to CSR 16)
CSR2 Upper IADR (Maps to CSR 17)
CSR3 Interrupt masks and Deferral Control: (DEFAULT = 0)
8000 --
4000 --
2000 --
1000 MISSM
0800 MERRM
0400 RINTM
0200 TINTM
0100 IDONM
0080 --
0010 DXMT2PD
0008 EMBA
0004 BSWP
0002 --
0001 --
CSR4 Interrupt masks, configuration and status bits: (DEFAULT = 0115)
8000 --
2000 --
0200 MFCO
0100 MFCOM
0040 UNIT
0002 --
0001 --
CSR5 Extended Interrupt masks, configuration and status bits: (DEFAULT = 0XXX)
2000 --
1000 --
0800 SINT
0400 SINTE
0200 --
0100 --
0010 MPINT
0004 MPEN
0001 SPND
CSR7 Extended Interrupt masks, configuration and status bits: (DEFAULT = 0000)
2000 RDMD
0800 STINT
CSR8 - CSR11 Logical Address Filter
CSR12 - CSR14 Physical Address Register
bits [8:7] = PORTSEL, Port Selection
11 PHY Selected
10 Reserved
8000 PROM
1000 --
0800 --
0400 --
0200 --
0040 INTL
0020 DRTY
0010 FCOLL
0004 LOOP
0002 DTX
0001 DRX
CSR47 TXPOLLINT: Transmit Polling Interval
CSR49 RXPOLLINT: Receive Polling Interval
Software Style (mapped to BCR20)
bits [7:0] = SWSTYLE, Software Style Register.
0000 LANCE/PCnet-ISA
0002 PCnet-32
8000 --
4000 --
2000 --
1000 --
0800 --
0200 --
0100 SSIZE32
0080 --
0040 --
0020 --
0010 --
0002 --
216 Am79C978
Am79C978 Programmable Registers (Continued)
Register Contents
CSR76 RCVRL: RCV Descriptor Ring length
CSR78 XMTRL: XMT Descriptor Ring length
CSR80 FIFO threshold and DMA burst control (DEFAULT = 2810)
8000 Reserved
4000 Reserved
bits [13:12] = RCVFW, Receive FIFO Watermark
0000 Request DMA when 16 bytes are pr esent
1000 Request DMA when 64 bytes are pr esent
2000 Request DMA when 112 bytes are present
3000 Reserved
bits [11:10] = XMTSP, Transmit Start Point
0000 Start transmission after 20/36 (No SRAM/SRAM) bytes have been written
0400 Start transmission a fter 64 bytes ha ve been written
0800 Start transmission after 128 bytes have been written
0C00 Start transmission after 220 max/Full Packet (No SRAM/SRAM with UFLO bit set) bytes
have been written
bits [9:8] = XMTFW, Transmit FIFO Watermark
0000 Start DMA when 16 write cycles can be made
0100 Start DMA when 32 write cycles can be made
0200 Start DMA when 64 write cycles can be made
0300 Start DMA when 128 write cycles can be made
bits [7:0] = DMA Burst Register
CSR88~89 Chip ID (Contents = v12626003; v = Version Number)
CSR112 Missed Fram e Count
CSR114 Receive Collision Count
CSR116 OnNow Miscellaneous
8000 --
4000 --
2000 --
1000 --
0800 --
0400 --
0100 LCDET
0080 PMAT
0020 MPMAT
0010 MPPEN
0002 RWU_POL
0001 RST_POL
CSR122 Receive Frame Alignment Control
8000 --
4000 --
2000 --
1000 --
0800 --
0400 --
0200 --
0100 --
0080 --
0040 --
0020 --
0010 --
0008 --
0004 --
0002 --
CSR124 BMU Test Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
8000 --
4000 --
2000 --
1000 --
0800 --
0400 --
0200 --
0100 --
0080 --
0040 --
0020 --
0010 --
0008 --
0004 RPA
0002 --
0001 --
CSR125 MAC Enhanced Configuration Control (DEFAULT = 603c)
bits [15:8] = IPG, InterPacket Gap (Default = 60xx, 96 bit times)
bits [8:0] = IFS1, InterFrame Space Part 1 (Default = xx3c, 60 bit times)
Am79C978 217
Am79C978 Programmable Registers (Continued)
Table 94. Bus Configuration Registers
RAP Addr Register Contents
0MSRDA Programs width of DMA read signal (DEFAULT = 5)
1MSWRA Programs width of DMA write signal (DEFAULT = 5)
2MC Miscellaneous Configuration bits: (DEFAULT = 2)
8000 --
4000 --
2000 --
1000 --
0800 --
0400 --
0200 --
0040 --
0020 --
0010 --
0004 --
0002 ASEL 0001
4LED0 Programs the function and width of the LED0 signal. (DEFAULT = 00C0)
1000 100E
0800 --
0400 --
0200 MPSE
0100 FDLSE
0080 PSE
0040 LNKSE
0020 RCVME
0010 XMTE
0008 POWER
0004 RCVE
0002 SPEED
0001 COLE
5LED1 Programs the function and width of the LED1 signal. (DEFAULT = 0084)
1000 100E
0800 --
0400 --
0200 MPSE
0100 FDLSE
0080 PSE
0040 LNKSE
0020 RCVME
0010 XMTE
0008 POWER
0004 RCVE
0002 SPEED
0001 COLE
6LED2 Programs the function and width of the LED2 signal. (DEFAULT = 0088)
1000 100E
0800 --
0400 --
0200 MPSE
0100 FDLSE
0080 PSE
0040 LNKSE
0020 RCVME
0010 XMTE
0008 POWER
0004 RCVE
0002 SPEED
0001 COLE
7LED3 Programs the function and width of the LED3 signal. (DEFAULT = 0090)
1000 100E
0800 --
0400 --
0200 MPSE
0100 FDLSE
0080 PSE
0040 LNKSE
0020 RCVME
0010 XMTE
0008 POWER
0004 RCVE
0002 SPEED
0001 COLE
9FDC Full-Duplex Control. (DEFAULT= 0000)
8000 --
4000 --
2000 --
1000 --
0800 --
0400 --
0200 --
0100 --
0080 --
0040 --
0020 --
0010 --
0008 --
0002 --
0001 FDEN
16 IOBASEL I/O Base Address Lower
17 IOBASEU I/O Base Address Upper
18 BSBC Burst Size and Bus Control (DEFAULT = 2101)
8000 ROMTMG3
4000 ROMTMG2
2000 ROMTMG1
1000 ROMTMG0
0400 --
0080 DWIO
0010 --
0008 --
0004 --
0002 --
0001 --
19 EECAS EEPROM Control and Status (DEFAULT = 0002)
4000 PREAD
2000 EEDET
1000 --
0800 --
0400 --
0200 --
0100 --
0080 --
0040 --
0020 --
0010 EEN
0008 --
0004 ECS
0002 ESK
0001 EDI/EDO
20 SWSTYLE Software Style (DEFAULT = 0000, maps to CSR 58)
218 Am79C978
Am79C978 Programmable Registers (Continued)
RAP Addr Register Contents
22 PCILAT PCI Latency (DEFAULT = FF06)
bits [15:8] = MAX_LAT
bits [7:0] = MIN_GNT
bits [7:0] = SRAM_SIZE
26 SRAMBND SRAM Boundary (DEFAULT = 0000)
bits [7:0] = SRAM_BND
27 SRAMIC SRAM Interface Control (Default = 0000)
bits [5:3] = EBCS, Expansion Bus Clock Source
0000 CLK pin, PCI clock
0008 Time Base Clock
0010 EBCLK pin, Expansion Bus Clock
bits [2:0] = CLK_FAC, Expansion Bus Clock Factor
0000 1/1 clock factor
0001 1/2 clock factor
0002 --
0003 --
28 EPADDRL Expansion Port Address Lower (Default = 0000)
29 EPADDRU Expansion Port Address Upper (Default = 0000)
8000 FLASH
4000 LAINC
2000 --
1000 --
0800 --
0400 --
0200 --
0100 --
0080 --
0040 --
0020 --
0010 --
30 EBDATA Expan si on Bus D ata Port
31 STVAL Software Timer Interrupt Value (DEFAULT = FFFF)
32 MIICAS PHY Status and Control (DEFAULT = 0000)
8000 ANTST
4000 MIIPD
2000 FMDC1
1000 FMDC0
0800 APEP
0400 APDW2
0200 APDW1
0100 APDW0
0080 DANAS
0004 --
0002 MIILP
0001 --
33 MIIADDR PHY Address (DEFAULT = 0000)
bits [9:5] = PHYAD, Physical Layer Device Address
bits [4:0] = REGAD, Auto-Negotiation Register Address
34 MIIMDR PHY Data Port
35 PCI Vendor ID PCI Vendor ID Register (DEFAULT = 1022h)
36 PMC Alias PCI Power Management Capabilities (DEFAULT = 0000)
37 DATA 0 PCI Data Register Zero Alias Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
38 DATA 1 PCI Data Register One Alias Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
39 DATA 2 PCI Data Register Two Alias Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
40 DATA 3 PCI Data Register Three Alias Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
41 DATA 4 PCI Data Register Four Alias Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
42 DATA 5 PCI Data Register Five Alias Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
43 DATA 6 PCI Data Register Six Alias Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
44 DATA 7 PCI Data Register Seven Alias Register (DEFAULT = 0000)
45 PMR 1 OnNow Pattern Matching Regi ste r 1
46 PMR 2 OnNow Pattern Matching Regi ste r 2
47 PMR 3 OnNow Pattern Matching Regi ste r 3
Am79C978 219
Am79C978 Programmable Registers (Concluded)
RAP Addr Register Contents
48 LED4 Programs the function and width of the LED3 signal. (DEFAULT = 0082)
1000 100E
0800 --
0400 --
0200 MPSE
0100 FDLSE
0080 PSE
0040 LNKSE
0020 RCVME
0010 XMTE
0008 POWER
0004 RCVE
0002 SPEED
0001 COLE
49 PHY_SEL PHY Select
8000 10BASE_T PHY
8101 HomeRun PHY
8202 External PHY
220 Am79C978
Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . 65°C to +150°C
Ambient Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . -65°C to +70°C
Supply voltage
with respect to VSSB, VSS . . . . . . . . . 0.3 V to 3.63 V
Stress es ab ove tho se lis ted unde r Ab solute Maxi mum
Ratings may cause permanent device failure. Function-
ality at or above these limits is not implied. Exposure to
Absolut e Maximum Ratin gs for extended per iods may
affect devic e re liabi li ty.
Commercial (C) Devices
Temperature (TA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0°C to +70°C
Supply Voltages
(VDD, VDDR, VDD_PCI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+3.3 V ±10%
All inputs within the range: . . . . . .VSS - 0.5 V to 5.5 V
Operating ranges define those limits between which
the functionality of the device is guaranteed.
Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Max Units
Digital I/O (Non-PCI Pins)
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 V
VIL Input LOW Voltage 0.8 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage IOL1 = 4 mA
IOL2 = 6 mA
IOL3 = 12 mA (Note 1) 0.4 V
VOH Output HIGH Voltage (Notes 2, 3) IOH1 = -4 mA
IOH2 = -2 mA
(Note 3) 2.4 V
IOZ Output Leakage Current (Note 4) 0 V <VOUT <VDD -10 10 µA
IIX Input Leakage Current (Note 5) 0 V <VIN <VDD -10 10 µA
IIL Input LOW Current (Note 6) VIN = 0 V; VDD = 3.6 V -200 -10 µA
IIH Input HIGH Current (Note 6) VIN = 2.7 V ; VDD = 3.6 V -50 10 µA
PCI Bus Interface - 5 V Signaling
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 5.5 V
VIL Input LOW Voltage -0.5 0.8 V
IOZ Output Leakage Current (Note 4) 0 V <VIN < VDD_PCI -10 10 µA
IIL Input LOW Current VIN = 0.5 V -- -70 µA
IIH Input HIGH Current VIN = 2.7 V -- 70 µA
IIX_PME Input Leakage Current (Note 7) 0 V = < VIN < 5.5 V -1 1µA
VOH Output HIGH Voltage (Note 2) IOH = -2 mA 2.4 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage IOL4 = 3 mA
IOL2 = 6 mA (Note 1) 0.55 V
PCI Bus Interface - 3.3 V Signaling
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 0.5 VDD_PCI VDD_PCI +
0.5 V
VIL Input LOW Voltage -0.5 0.3 V DD_PCI V
IOZ Output Leakage Current (Note 4) 0 V < VOUT < VDD_PCI -10 10 µA
IIL Input LOW Current VIN = 2.7 V -10 10 µA
IIH Input HIGH Current VIN = 2.7 V -10 10 µA
IIX_PME Input Leakage Current (Note 7) 0 V = < VIN < 3.6 V -1 1µA
VOH Output HIGH Voltage (Note 2) IOH = -500 µA 2.4 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage IOL = 1500 µA 0.1 VDD_PCI V
Am79C978 221
specified (Concluded)
IOL3 applies to LED0, LED1, LED2, LED3, and LED4.
IOL4 applies to AD[31:0], C/BE[3:0], PAR, and REQ pins in 5 V signalling environment.
2. VOH does not apply to open-drain output pins.
3. IOH2 applies to all other outputs.
4. IOZ applies to all output and bidirectional pins, except the PME pin. Tests are performed at VIN = 0 V and at VDD only.
5. IIX applies to all input pins except PME, TDI, TCLK, and TMS pins.
6. IIL and IIH apply to the TDI, TCLK, and TMS pins.
7. IIX_PME applies to the PME pin only. Tests are performed at VIN = 0 V and 5.5 V only.
8. Parameter not tested. Value determined by characterization.
9. CCLK applies only to the CLK pin.
10. CIDSEL applies only to the IDSEL pin.
11. Power supply current values listed here are preliminary estimates and are not guaranteed.
Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Max Units
Pin Capacitance
CIN Pin Capacitance FC = 1 MHz (Note 8) 10 pF
CCLK CLK Pin Capacitance FC = 1 MHz (Notes 8,9) 512 pF
CIDSEL IDSEL Pin Capacitance Fc = 1 MHz (Notes 8, 10 8pF
LPIN Pin Inductance Fc = 1 MHz (Note 8) 20 nH
Power Supply Current (Note 11)
IDD Dynamic Current PCI CLK at 33 MHz 300 mA
Wake-up current when the device is
in the D1, D2, or D3 state and the
PCI bus is in the B0 or B1 state.
PCI CLK at 33 MHz, device in Magic
Packet or OnNow mode, receiv ing
non-matching packets in 10BASE-T
110 mA
Wake-up current when the device is
in the D2 or D3 state and the PCI bus
is in the B2 or B3 state.
PCI CLK LOW, PG LOW, device at
Magic Packet or OnNow mode,
receiving non-matching packets in
10BASE-T mode
80 mA
Wake-up current when the device is
in the D2 or D3 state and the PCI bus
is in the B2 or B3 state.
PCI CLK at 33 MHz, device in Magic
Packet or OnNow mode, receiv ing
non-matching packets in HomePNA
110 mA
Wake-up current when the device is
in the D2 or D3 state and the PCI bus
is in the B2 or B3 state.
PCI CLK LOW, PG LOW, device at
Magic Packet or OnNow mode,
receiving non-matching packets in
HomePNA mode
80 mA
IDD_S Static IDD PCI CLK, RST, and TBC_EN pin
HIGH. 100 mA
222 Am79C978
Symbol Parameter Name Test Condition Min Max Unit
Clock Timing
FCLK CLK Frequency 033 MHz
tCYC CLK Period @ 1.5 V for 5 V signaling
@ 0.4 VDD for 3.3 V signaling 30 _ns
tHIGH CLK High Time @ 2.0 V for 5 V signaling
@ 0.4 VDD for 3.3 signaling 12 ns
tLOW CLK Low Time @ 0.8 V for 5 V signaling
@ 0.3 VDD for 3.3 V signaling 12 ns
tFALL CLK Fall Time over 2 V p-p for 5 V signaling
over 0.4 VDD for 3.3 V signaling
(Note 1) 1 4 V/ns
tRISE CLK Rise Time over 2 V p-p for 5 V signaling
over 0.4 VDD for 3.3 V signaling
(Note 1) 1 4 V/ns
Output and Float Delay Timing
AD[31:00], C/BE[3:0 ], PAR, FRAME,
Valid Delay
211 ns
tVAL (REQ)REQ Valid Delay 212 ns
AD[31:00], C/BE[3:0 ], PAR, FRAME,
Delay 2ns
AD[31:00], C/BE[3:0 ], PAR, FRAME,
Delay 28 ns
Setup and Hold Timing
AD[31:00], C/BE[3:0 ], PAR, FRAME,
Setup Time 7ns
AD[31:00], C/BE[3:0 ], PAR, FRAME,
Hold Time 0ns
tSU (GNT)GNT Setup Time 10 ns
tH (GNT)GNT Hold Time 0ns
Am79C978 223
1. Not tested; parameter guaranteed by design characterization.
2. Parameter value is given for automatic EEPROM read operation. When EEPROM port (BCR19) is used to access the EE-
PROM, software is responsible for meeting EEPROM timing requirements.
Symbol Parameter Name Test Condition Min Max Unit
fEESK EESK Frequency (Note 2) 650 kHz
tHIGH (EESK) EESK High Time 780 ns
tLOW (EESK) EESK Low Time 780 ns
tVAL (EEDI) EEDI Valid Output Delay from EESK (Note 2) -15 15 ns
tVAL (EECS) EECS Valid Output Delay from EESK (Note 2) -15 15 ns
tLOW (EECS) EECS Low Time 1550 ns
tSU (EEDO) EEDO Setup Time to EESK (No te 2) 50 ns
tH (EEDO) EEDO Hold Time from EESK (Note 2) 0ns
JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) Test Signal Timing
tJ1 TCK Frequency 10 MHz
tJ2 TCK Period 100 ns
tJ3 TCK High Time @ 2.0 V 45 ns
tJ4 TCK Low Time @ 0.8 V 45 ns
tJ5 TCK Rise Time 4ns
tJ6 TCK Fall Time 4ns
tJ7 TDI, TMS Setup Time 8ns
tJ8 TDI, TMS Hold Ti me 10 ns
tJ9 TDO Valid Delay 330 ns
tJ10 TDO Float Delay 50 ns
tJ11 All Outputs (Non-Test) Valid Delay 325 ns
tJ12 All Outputs (Non-Test) Float Delay 36 ns
tJ13 All Inputs (Non-Test)) Setup Time 8ns
tJ14 All Inputs (Non-Test) Hold Ti me 7ns
224 Am79C978
10BASE-T Mode
Note: VOUT reflects output levels prior to 1:2 transformer stage.
Power Supply Current
Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions Minimum Maximum Unit
VOUT Output Voltage on TX± (peak) 1.55 1.98 V
VDIFF Input Differential Squelch
Assert on RX± (peak) 300 520 mV
VDIFF Input Differential De-Assert
Voltage on RX± (peak) 150 300 mV
IIX Input Leaka ge Current -300 300 µa
Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions Maximum Unit
(1 Mbps) 1Mbps mode on TX± and RX±.
Outputs driving load. VDD= Maximum 480 mA
(10 Mbps) 10BASE-T mode on TX± and RX±.
Outputs driving load. VDD= Maximum 480 mA
Am79C978 225
External Clock (XTAL) Timing Specifications
External Clock (Oscillator) Timing Specification
Figure 52. Clock Timing
PMD Interface
1. Not included in the production test.
Figure 53. PMD Interface Timing (PECL)
Clock Timing
No. Symbol Parameter Description Min Max Unit
PER Cycle time 49.995 50.005 ns
PWH Cycle high time 0.4* Tcycle 0.6*Tcycle ns
PWL Clock low time 0.4*Tcycle 0.6*Tcycle ns
Clock Timing
No. Symbol Parameter Description Min Max Unit
PER Cycle time 16.665 16.669 ns
PWH Cycle high time 0.4* Tcycle 0.6*Tcycle ns
PWL Clock low time 0.4*Tcycle 0.6*Tcycle ns
No. Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Max Unit
160 tR (Note 1) TX+, TX- Rise Time PECL Load 0.5 3 ns
161 tF (Note 1) TX+, TX- Fall Time PECL Load 0.5 3 ns
162 tSK (Note 1) TX+ to TX- skew PECL Load -- +200 ps
163 tSSDI setup time to XCLK high -- 7 -- ns
164 tHSDI hold time to XCLK high -- 5 -- ns
226 Am79C978
Note: RX± pulses n arrower than tPWDRD (min) will mai ntain internal Carri er Sense on. RX± pulses wider than tPWKRD (max) will
turn internal Carrier Sense off.
Figure 54. 10 Mbps Transmit (T) Timing Diagram
Figure 55. 10 Mbps Receive (RX±) Timing Diagram
Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Max Unit
tTETD Transmit End of Transmission 250 375 ns
tPWKRD RX± Pulse Width Maintain/Turn Off Threshold |VIN| > |VTHS| (Note 1) 136 200 ns
Am79C978 227
1. MDIO vali d meas ured at the ex posed mechanic al Medi a Indepen den t Interface.
2. TXCLK a nd RXCLK f requency and tim ing param eters are defined for the e xternal p hysical l ayer trans ceiver a s defined in the
IEEE 802.3u standard. They are not replicated here.
Symbol Parameter Name Test Condition Min Max Unit
Transmit Timing
tTVAL TX_EN and TXD valid from
measu red from Vilmax = 0.8 V or
measu red from Vihmin = 2.0V
(Not e 1) 025 ns
Receive Timing
tRSU RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD setup to
measu red from Vilmax = 0.8 V or
measu red from Vihmin = 2.0V
(Not e 1) 10 ns
tRH RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD hold to
measu red from Vilmax = 0.8 V or
measu red from Vihmin = 2.0V
(Not e 1) 10 ns
Management Cycle Timing
tMHIGH MDC Pulse Width HIGH Time CLOAD = 390 pf 160 ns
tMLOW MDC Pulse Width LOW Time CLOAD = 390 pf 160 ns
tMCYC MDC Cycle Period CLOAD = 390 pf 400 ns
tMSU MDIO setup toMDC
CLOAD = 470 pf,
measu red from Vilmax = 0.8 V or
measu red from Vihmin = 2.0V
(Not e 1)
10 ns
tMH MDIO hold to MDC
CLOAD = 470 pf,
measu red from Vilmax = 0.8 V or
measu red from Vihmin = 2.0V
(Not e 1)
10 ns
tMVAL MDIO valid from MDC
CLOAD = 470 pf,
measu red from Vilmax = 0.8 V or
measu red from Vihmin = 2.0V,
(Not e 1)
tMSU ns
228 Am79C978
Key to Switching Waveforms
Figure 56. Normal and Tri-State Outputs
Must be
from H to L
from L to H
Does Not
Dont Care,
Any Change
Will be
Will be
from H to L
Will be
from L to H
Line is High-
Off State
Sense Point V
Am79C978 229
Figure 57. CLK Waveform for 5 V Signaling
Figure 58. CLK Waveform for 3.3 V Signaling
Figure 59. Input Setup and Hold Timing
tLOW 2.0 V
1.5 V
0.8 V
0.4 V
2.0 V
1.5 V
0.8 V
2.4 V
AD[31:00], C/BE[3:0],
Tx Tx
230 Am79C978
Figure 60. Output Valid Delay Timing
Figure 61. Output Tri-State Delay Timing
Figure 62. EEPROM Read Functional Timing
Tx Tx Tx
Valid n Valid n+1
Valid n Valid n+1
AD[31:00] C/BE[3:0],
Tx Tx Tx
AD[31:00], C/BE[3:0],
AD[31:00], C/BE[3:0],
Valid n
Valid n
01 1A6A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
D15 D14 D13 D2 D1 D0
Am79C978 231
Figure 63. Automatic PREAD EEPROM Timing
Figure 64. JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) TCK Waveform for 5 V Signaling
tJ4 2.0 V
1.5 V
0.8 V
2.0 V
1.5 V
0.8 V
232 Am79C978
Figure 65. JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) Test Signal Timing
Am79C978 233
Figure 66. Transmit Timing
Figure 67. Receive Timing
Figure 68. MDC Waveform
TX_EN Vihmin
0.8 V
1.5 V
2.0 V
0.8 V
1.5 V
2.0 V
234 Am79C978
Figure 69. Management Data Setup and Hold Timing
Figure 70. Management Data Output Valid Delay Timing
Am79C978 235
Thin Quad Flat Pack (measured in millimeters)
*For reference only. BSC is an ANSI standard for Basic Space Centering.
1.00 REF.
1.60 MAX
11° 13°
0.50 BSC
11° 13°
Detail Y
0.05 MM/MM
See Detail A
Detail Y
Base Metal
With Lead Finish
See Detail A
Seating Plane
0.08 C
0.05 S
SDS0.08 M C A-B
Detail X
0° Min.
Even Lead Sides
Odd Lead Sides
Detail X
0.20 Min.
0.13 R. Min.
Gage Plane
0.13 R. Min.
0.20 R. Max.
0.05 MM/MM
0.20 M H A-B S
0.20 M SA-BC
A S - B D S
0.20 M C SA-B D S
0° 7°0.17
0.25 BSC
0.20 C A-B D
EP 137
8-11-98 lv
236 Am79C978
Plastic Quad Flat Pack (measured in millimeters)
*For reference only. BSC is an ANSI standard for Basic Space Centering.
Pin 120
Pin 80
0.65 BASIC
Pin 40
Pin 1 I.D.
Pin 160
12-22-95 lv
The contents of this document are provided in connection with Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ("AMD") products. AMD makes no representations
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AMDs products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems intended for surgical imp lant into the
body, or in other applications intended to support or sust ain life, or in any ot her application in which t he failure of AM Ds product could create a
situation where personal injury, death, or sever e propert y or environm ental damage may occur. AM D reser ves t he right to discont inue or make
changes to its products at any time without notice.
© 1999 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
All rights reserved.
AMD, the AMD logo, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Auto-Poll, MACE, Magic Packet, PCnet, PCnet-FAST, PCn et -FAST+, PCnet-Home, PCnet-ISA, PCnet-ISA+, PCnet-ISA II, PCnet-32 are trade-
marks of Advanced Micro Devi c es, In c.
RLL25 is a trademark of Tut Systems, Inc.
Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademark s of their respective companies.
238 Am79C978
Alternative Method for
The controller may be initialized by performing I/O
writes only. That is, data can be written directly to the
appropriate control and status registers (CSR instead
of reading from the initialization block in memory). The
registe rs th at must be written are shown in Tabl e A-1.
These register writes are followed by writing the
START bit in CSR0.
1. The INIT bit must not be set or the initialization block will be accessed instead.
2. Needed only if SSIZE32 =0.
3. Needed only if the physical address is different from the one stored in EEPROM or if there is no EEPROM present.
Table A-1. Registers for Alternative Initialization Method (Note 1)
Control and Status Register Comment
CSR2 IADR[31:16] (Note 2)
CSR8 LADRF[15:0]
CSR9 LADRF[31:16]
CSR10 LADRF[47:32]
CSR11 LADRF[63:48]
CSR12 PADR[15:0] (Note 3)
CSR13 PADR[31:16] (Note 3)
CSR14 PADR[47:32] (Note 3)
A-2 Am79C978
Look-Ahead Packet Processing
(LAPP) Concept
A driver for the controller would normally require that
the CPU copy receive frame data from the controllers
buffer space to the a pplications buffer space after the
entire frame has been received by the controller. For
applica tio ns tha t us e a pi ng- po ng w ind owi ng s tyle , th e
traffic on the network will be halted until the current
frame has been completely processed by the entire ap-
plicati on stack. This mean s tha t the time between l ast
byte of a r ec eiv e fr am e ar riv in g a t the cl ie nts Ether ne t
control ler and the c lien ts transmissi on of the first byte
of the next outgoing frame will be separated by:
1. The time that it takes the clients CPU interrupt pro-
cedure to pass software control from the current
task to the driver,
2. Plus the time that it takes the client driver to pass
the header data to the application and request an
application buffer,
3. Plus t he time that it t akes the appl ication to gener-
ate the buffer pointer and then return the buffer
pointer to the driver,
4. Plus the time that it takes the client driver to transfer
all of the frame data from the controllers buffer
space into the applications buffer space and then
call the application again to process the complete
5. Plus the time that it takes the application to process
the frame and generate the next outgoing frame,
6. Plus t he ti me tha t it tak es the c lient driver to set up
the descriptor for the controller and then write a
TDMD bit to CSR0.
The sum of these times can often be about the same
as the time taken to actually transmit the frames on the
wire, ther eby, yieldi ng a netwo rk utiliz ation rate of le ss
than 50 percent.
An important thing to note is that the controllers data
transfers to its buffer space are such that the system
bus is needed by the controller for approximately 4 per-
cent of the tim e. This le aves 96 percent of the system
bus bandwi dth for the CPU to perfor m some of the in-
terframe operations in advance of the completion of
network re ceiv e acti vity, if p ossibl e. The que st ion the n
becomes : how much of the task s that need to be per-
formed between reception of a frame and transmission
of the next frame can be performed before the recep-
tion of the frame actually ends at the network, and how
can the CP U be ins tr ucted t o per fo rm the se t as ks dur-
ing the network reception time.
The answer depends upon exactly what is ha ppening
in the driver and application code, but the steps that
can be performed at the same time as the receive data
are arriving include as much as the first three steps and
part of the fourth step shown in the sequence above.
By perf ormi ng th es e s tep s b efor e t he e nti re fr ame has
arrived, the frame throughput can be substantially
A good increase in performance can be expected when
the first three steps are performed before the end of the
network receive operation. A much more significant
performance increase could be realized if the controller
could place the frame data directly into the applica-
tions buffer space; (i.e., eliminate the need for step 4.)
In order to mak e this wor k, i t is ne cessar y that the ap-
plication buffer pointer be determined before the frame
has completely arrived, then the buffer pointer in the
next des crip tor for th e rec eiv e fram e wo uld need to b e
modified in order to direct the controller to write directly
to the application buffer. More details on this operation
will be given lat er.
An alternative modification to the existing system can
gain a smaller but still significant improvement in per-
formanc e. This alt er nati ve leav es ste p 4 unchanged in
that the C PU is s til l require d to pe rfor m the co py oper -
ation, but is allows a large portion of the copy operation
to be done before the frame has been completely re-
ceived by the controller, i.e., the CPU can perfo rm the
copy operation of the receive data from the controllers
buffer space into the application buffer space before
the frame data has completely arrived from the net-
work. This allows the copy operation of step 4 to be
performed concurrently with the arrival of network data,
rather than sequentially, following the end of network
receive acti vity.
This sec tion give s a suggeste d ou tli ne fo r a dr iv er tha t
utilizes the LAPP feature of the controller.
B-2 Am79C978
Note: The lab els in th e follo wing te xt ar e used as ref-
erences in the timeline diagram that follows (Figure
The driver should set up descriptors in groups of three,
with the OWN and STP bits of each set of three de-
scriptors to read as follows: 11b, 10b, 00b.
An optio n bit (LA PPEN) exis ts in CSR3, b it pos itio n 5;
the software should set this bit. When set, the LAPPEN
bit directs the controller to generate an INTERRUPT
when STP has been written to a receive d escrip tor by
the controller.
The controller polls the current receive descriptor at
some point in time before a message arrives. The con-
troller determines that this receive buffer is OWNed by
the controller and it stores the descriptor information to
be used when a message does arrive.
N0 Fr ame pr eambl e app ears on th e wire , fol lowed
by SFD and destination address.
N1 The 64th byte of frame data arrives from the
wire. This causes the controller to begin frame
data DMA operations to the first buffer.
C0 When the 64th byte of the message arrives,
the contro ller performs a loo kahead opera tion
to the next receive descriptor. This descriptor
should be owned by the controller.
C1 The controller intermittently requests the bus
to transfer frame data to the first buffer as it ar-
rives on the wire.
S1 The driver remains idle.
C2 When the controller has completely filled the
first buffer , it writes status to the first descriptor .
C3 When the first descriptor for the frame has
been written, changing ownership from the
controller to the CPU, the controller will gener-
ate an SRP INTERRUPT. (This interrupt ap-
pears as a RINT interrupt in CSR0).
S1 The SRP INTERRUPT causes the CPU to
switch tasks to allow the controllers driver to
C4 During the CPU interrupt-generated task
switchi ng, th e control ler i s pe rfor min g a l ook a-
head operation to the third descriptor. At this
point in time, the third descriptor is owned by
the CPU.
Note: Even though the third buffer is not owned by the
controller, existing AMD Ethernet controllers will con-
tinue to perform data DMA into the buffer space that the
controller already owns (i.e., buffer number 2). The
control le r does not k now if bu ffer sp ac e i n buff er nu m-
ber 2 will be sufficient or not for this frame, but it has no
way to tell except by trying to move the entire message
into that space. Only when the message does not fit will
it signal a buffer error condition--there is no need to
panic at this point that i t discovers th at it does not yet
own descriptor number 3.
S2 The first task of the drivers interrupt service
routing is to collect the header information
from the controllers first buffer and pass it to
the application.
S3 The application will return an application buffer
pointer to the driver. The driver will add an off-
set to the application data buffer pointer , since
the controller will be placing the first portion of
the me ssag e i nto the fi rst and se co nd buffers.
(the modified application data buffer pointer
will only be directly used by the controller when
it reaches the third buffer .) The driver will place
the modified data buffer pointer into the final
descriptor of the group (#3) and will grant own-
ership of this descriptor to the controller.
C5 Interleaved with S2, S3, and S4 driver activity,
the controller will write frame data to buffer
number 2.
S4 The driver will next proceed to copy the con-
tents of the controllers first buffer to the begin-
ning of the application space. This copy will be
to the exact (unmodified) buffer pointer that
was passed by the application.
S5 After copying all of the data from the first buffer
into the beginning of the application data
buffer, the driver will begin to poll the owner-
ship bi t of the seco nd de scriptor. The d riv er is
waiting for the controller to finish filling the sec-
ond buffer.
C6 At this point, knowing that it had not previously
owned the third descriptor and knowing that
the current message has not ended (there is
more data in the FIFO), the controller will make
a last ditch lookahead to the final (third) de-
scriptor . This time the ownership will be TRUE
(i.e., the descriptor belongs tot he controller),
because the driver wrote the application
pointer into this descriptor and then changed
the ownership to give the descriptor to the con-
troller back at S3. Note that if steps S1, S2,
and S3 have not completed at this time, a
BUFF error will result.
C7 After filling the second buffer and performing
the last chance lookahead to the next descrip-
tor, the controller will write the status and
change the ownership bit of descriptor number
Am79C978 B-3
S6 After the ownership of descriptor number 2 has
been changed by the controller , the next driver
poll of the seco nd descriptor wil l show owner-
ship gran ted to the CPU. The driver now co p-
ies the data from buffer number 2 into the
middle s ection of the appl ication b uffer space .
This operation is interleaved with the C7 and
C8 operations.
C8 The controller will perform data DMA to the last
buffer, whos e pointer is poi nting to applica tion
space. Data entering the least buffer will not
need the infamous double copy that is required
by exis ting drivers, s ince it is be ing placed d i-
rectly into the application buffer space.
N2 The message on the wire ends.
S7 When the driver completes the copy of buffer
number 2 d ata to the a ppl ic ati on b uffer sp ace ,
it begins polling descriptor number 3.
C9 Wh en the c ontr ol ler has f inished al l d ata DMA
operations, it w rites status and chan ges own-
ership of descriptor number 3.
S8 The driv er see s that the owner ship of des c rip-
tor number 3 has changed, and it calls the ap-
plication to tell the application that a frame has
S9 The appli cation processe s the receiv ed frame
and generates the next TX frame, placing it
into a TX buffer.
S10 The driver sets up the TX descriptor for the
B-4 Am79C978
Figure B-1. LAPP Timeline
S10: Driver sets up TX descriptor.
S9: Application processes packet, generates TX packet.
S8: Driver calls application
to tell application that
packethas arrived.
S7: Driver polls descriptor of buffer #3.
S6: Driver copies data from buffer #2 to the application
S5: Driver polls descriptor #2.
S4: Driver copies data from buffer #1 to the application
S3: Driver writes modified application
pointer to descriptor #3.
S2: Driver call to application to
get application buffer pointer.
S1: Interrupt latency.
S0: Driver is idle.
N0: Packet preamble, SFD
and destination address
are arriving.
Packet data arriving
C9: Controller writes descriptor #3.
C8: Controller is performing intermittent
bursts of DMA to fill data buffer #3.
C7: Controller writes descriptor #2.
C6: "Last chance" lookahead to
descriptor #3 (OWN).
C5: Controller is performing intermittent
bursts of DMA to fill data buffer #2
C3: SRP interrupt is
C2: Controller writes descriptor #1.
C1: Controller is performing intermittent
bursts of DMA to fill data buffer #1.
C0: Lookahead to descriptor #2.
N1: 64th byte of packet
data arrives.
C4: Lookahead to descriptor #3 (OWN).
Am79C978 B-5
LAPP Software Requirements
Software needs to set up a receive ring with descriptors
formed into groups of three. The first descriptor of each
group should have OWN = 1 and STP = 1, the second
descriptor of each group should have OWN = 1 and
STP = 0. The third descriptor of each group should
have OWN = 0 and STP = 0. The size of the first buffer
(as indicated in the first descriptor) should be at least
equal to the largest expected header size; however , for
maximum efficiency of CPU utilization, the first buffer
size should be larger than the header size. It should be
equal to the expected number of message bytes,
minus the ti me neede d for interrup t latenc y and mi nus
the applic ation ca ll latenc y, minus the t ime nee ded for
the driver to write to the third descriptor , minus the time
needed for the drive to copy data from buffer number 2
to the application buffer space. Note that the time
needed for the copies performed by the driver depends
upon the sizes of the second and third buffers, and that
the sizes of the second and third buffers need to be set
accor ding to t he time n eeded fo r the d ata copy o pera-
tions. This means that an iterative self-adjusting mech-
anism needs to be placed into the software to
determine the correct buffer sizing for optimal opera-
tion. Fixed values for buffer sizes may be used; in such
a case, the LAP P me thod wi ll s ti ll pr o vi de a si gni ficant
performance increase, but the performance increase
will not be maximiz ed.
Figure B-2 illustrates this setup for a receive ring size
of 9.
Figure B-2. LAPP 3 Buffer Grouping
LAPP Rules for Parsing Descriptors
When using the LAPP method, software must use a
modified form of descriptor parsing as follows:
nSoftware w ill exam ine O WN and ST P to dete rmine
where an RCV fram e begi ns. RCV fr ames wi ll on ly
begin in buffers that have OWN = 0 and STP = 1.
nSoftware s hall assume th at a frame conti nues until
it finds either ENP = 1 or ERR = 1.
nSoftware must discard all descriptors with OWN = 0
and STP = 0 and move to the next descriptor when
searching for the beginning of a new frame; ENP and
ERR should be ignored by software during this
nSoftware cannot change an STP value in the receive
descriptor ring after the initial setup of the ring is
complete, even if software has ownership of the STP
OWN = 1 STP = 1
SIZE = A-(S1+S2+S3+S4+S6)
OWN = 1 STP = 0
SIZE = S1+S2+S3+S4
OWN = 0 STP = 0
OWN = 1 STP = 1
SIZE = A-(S1+S2+S3+S4+S6)
OWN = 1 STP = 0
SIZE = S1+S2+S3+S4
OWN = 0 STP = 0
OWN = 1 STP = 1
SIZE = A-(S1+S2+S3+S4+S6)
OWN = 1 STP = 0
SIZE = S1+S2+S3+S4
OWN = 0 STP = 0
A = Expected message size in bytes
S1 = Interrupt latency
S2 = Application call latency
S3 = Time needed for driver to write
to third descriptor
S4 = Time needed for driver to copy
data from buffer #1 to
application buffer space
S6 = Time needed for driver to copy
data from buffer #2 to
application buffer space
Note that the times needed for tasks S1,
S2, S3, S4, and S6 should be divided by
0.8 microseconds to yield an equivalent
number of network byte times before
subtracting these quantities from the
expected message size A.
B-6 Am79C978
descriptor, unless the previous STP descriptor in the
ring is also OWNED by the software.
When LAPP E N = 1, the n har dw are wil l us e a mo di fie d
form of descrip tor parsing as follows:
nThe controller will examine OWN and STP to deter-
mine whe re to be gin p la cing an RCV f rame. A ne w
RCV frame will only begin in a buffer that has
OWN = 1 and STP =1.
nThe con troll er wi ll alwa ys obey the OWN b it fo r d e-
termining whe ther or not it may use the next buffer
for a chain.
nThe controller will always mark the end of a frame
with either ENP = 1 or ERR = 1.
The controller will discard all descriptors with OWN = 1
and STP = 0 and move to the next descriptor when
searching for a place to begin a new frame. It discards
these descriptors by simply changing the ownership bit
from OWN = 1 to OWN = 0. Such a descriptor is un-
used for receive purposes by the controller, and the
driver must recognize this. (The driver will recognize
this if it follows the software rules.)
The contr oller will ignor e all descripto rs with OWN = 0
and STP = 0 and move to the next descriptor when
searching for a place to begin a new frame. In other
words, the controller is allowed to skip entries in the
ring that it does not own, but only when it is looking for
a place to begin a new frame.
Some Examples of LAPP Descriptor
Choo se an expect ed fram e size of 1060 bytes. Ch oose
buffer sizes of 800, 200, and 200 bytes.
nExample 1: Assume that a 1060 byte frame arrives
correctly, and that the timing of the early interrupt
and the software is smooth. The descriptors will
have change d from :
nExample 2: Assume that instead of the expected
1060 byte frame, a 900 byte frame arrives, either
because there was an error in the network, or be-
cause this is the last frame in a file transmission se-
Note: The controller might write a ZERO to ENP loca-
tion in the third descriptor. Here are the two possibili-
1. If the controller finishes the data transfers into buffer
number 2 after the driver writes the application
modified buffer pointer into the third descriptor , then
the controller will write a ZERO to ENP for this
buffer and will write a ZERO to OWN and STP.
2. If the controller finishes the data transfers into buffer
number 2 before the driver writes the applications
Number Before the Frame Arrives After the Frame Arrives Comments (Afte r
Frame Ar rival)
1 1 1 x 0 1 0 Bytes 1-800
2 1 0 X 0 0 0 Bytes 801-1000
3 0 0 X 0 0 1 Bytes 1001-1060
4 1 1 X 1 1 X Controllers current
5 1 0 X 1 0 X Not yet used
6 0 0 X 0 0 X Not yet used
etc. 1 1 X 1 1 X Net yet used
a. & b. ENP or ERR.
Number Before the Frame Arrives After the Frame Arrives Comments (Afte r
Frame Ar rival)
1 1 1 x 0 1 0 Bytes 1-800
2 1 0 X 0 0 0 Bytes 801-1000
3 0 0 X 0 0 ?*Discarded buffer
4 1 1 X 1 1 X Controllers current
5 1 0 X 1 0 X Not yet used
6 0 0 X 0 0 X Not yet used
etc. 1 1 X 1 1 X Net yet used
a. & b. ENP or ERR.
Am79C978 B-7
modified buffer point into the third descriptor, then
the controller will complete the frame in buffer num-
ber 2 and then skip the then unowned third buffer.
In this case , the con tr oll er wil l not hav e had the op-
portunity to RESET the ENP bit in this descriptor,
and it is possible that the software left this bit as
ENP = 1 from the la st ti me through the ring . Ther e-
fore, the s oftw ar e mu st tre at th e lo ca tio n as a dont
care. The rule is, after finding ENP = 1 (or ERR = 1)
in descriptor number 2, the software must ignore
ENP bits until it finds the next STP = 1.
nExample 3: Assume that instead of the expected
1060 byte frame, a 100 byte frame arrives, because
ther e wa s an e rror in th e netw ork, o r be cause this i s
the last frame in a file transmission sequence, or
perhaps because it is an acknowledge frame.
*Same as n ote in ex am ple 2 above, e xc ept tha t i n th is
case, it is very unlikely that the driver can respond to
the interrupt and get the pointer from the application
before the co ntroller has completed its poll of the next
descriptors. This means that for almost all occurrences
of this case, the controller will not find the OWN bit set
for this descriptor and, therefore, the ENP bit will al-
most a lways c onta in the old va lue, sin ce the controll er
will not have had an opportunity to modify it.
**Note that even though the controller will write a
ZERO to this ENP location, the software should treat
the location as a dont care, since after finding the ENP
= 1 in descriptor number 2, the software should ignore
ENP bits until it finds the next STP = 1.
Buffer Size Tuning
For maximum performance, buffer sizes should be ad-
justed depending upon the expected frame size and
the values of th e interrupt latency and application call
latency . The best driver code will minimize the CPU uti-
lization while also minimizing the latency from frame
end on the network to the frame sent to application
from driver (frame latency). These objectives are
aimed at increasing throughput on the network while
decreasing CPU utilization.
Note: The buffer sizes in the ring may be altered at
any time that the CPU has ownership of the corre-
sponding descriptor. The best choice for buffer sizes
will maximize the time that the driver is swapped out,
while minimi zing the time from the last by te written by
the controller to the t ime that the data is passed from
the driver to the ap pli ca tio n. In the di agram , this corr e-
sponds to maximizing S0, while minimizing the time be-
tween C9 and S8. (the timeline happens to show a
minimal time from C9 to S8.)
Note: By increasing the size of buffer number 1, we in-
crease the value of S0. However, when we increase
the size of buffer number 1, we also increase the value
of S4. If the size of buffer number 1 is too large, then
the driver will not have enough time to perform tasks
S2, S3, S 4, S 5, a nd S6. T he r esul t i s t hat there will be
delay from the execution of task C9 until the execution
of task S8. A per fectly timed syste m will have the val-
ues for S5 and S7 at a minimum.
An averag e increase in performance can be achieved,
if the general guidelines of buffer sizes in Figure 2 is fol-
lowed. However, as was noted earlier, the co rrect siz-
ing for buffers will depend upon the expected message
size. There are two problems with relating expected
message size with the correct buffer sizing:
1. Message sizes cannot always be accurately pre-
dicted, since a single application may expect differ-
ent message sizes at different times. Therefore, the
buffer sizes chosen will not always maximize
2. Within a single application, message sizes might be
somewhat pr ed ic tab le, but when the sa me dr iver is
to be shared with multiple applications, there may
not be a common predictable message size.
Additional problems occur when trying to define the
correct sizing because the correct size also depends
upon the interrupt latency , which may vary from system
to system , depen di ng upo n both the hardwar e and the
software installed in each system.
In order to deal with the unpredictable nature of the
message size, the driver can implement a self-tuning
Number Before the Frame Arrives After the Frame Arrives Comments (Afte r
Frame Ar rival)
1 1 1 x 0 1 0 Bytes 1-800
2 1 0 X 0 0 0** Discarded buffer
3 0 0 X 0 0 ? Disca rded buffer
4 1 1 X 1 1 X Controllers current
5 1 0 X 1 0 X Not yet used
6 0 0 X 0 0 X Not yet used
etc. 1 1 X 1 1 X Net yet used
a. & b.ENP or ERR.
B-8 Am79C978
mechani sm that exa mines the amo unt of ti me sp ent in
tasks S5 and S7. As such, while the driver is polling for
each descriptor, it could count the number of poll oper-
ations pe rformed and the n adjust the n umber 1 buffer
size to a larger value, by adding t by tes to the buffer
count, if the number of poll operations was greater than
x. If fewer than x poll operations were needed for
each of S5 and S7, then software should adjust the
buffer size to a smaller value by subtracting y bytes
from the b uffer coun t. Experiments with s uch a tuning
mechanism must be performed to determine the best
valu es fo r x and y.
Note: Whenever the size of buffer number 1 is ad-
justed, buffer sizes for buffer number 2 and buffer num-
ber 3 should also be adjusted.
In some systems, the typical mix of receive frames on
a network for a client application consists mostly of
large data frames, with very few small frames. In this
case, for maximum efficiency of buffer sizing, when a
frame arrives under a certain size limit, the driver
should not adjust the buffer sizes in response to the
short frame.
An Alternative LAPP Flow: Two-Interru pt
An alternative to the above suggested flow is to use two
interrupts, one at the start of the receive frame and the
other at the end of the receive frame, instead of just
looking for the SRP in ter rupt as des cri bed ab ov e. Th is
alternat ive attempts to redu ce the amou nt of time that
the software wastes while polling for descriptor own
bits. This time would then be available for other CPU
tasks. It also minimizes the amount of time the CPU
needs for data copying. This savings can be applied to
other CPU tasks.
The time from the end of frame arrival on the wire to de-
livery of the frame to the application is labeled as frame
latency. Fo r the one -i nte rrup t met hod , fra me l aten cy is
minimized, while CPU utilization increases. For the
two-interr upt method, frame latency becomes g reater,
while CPU utilization decreases. See Figure B-3.
Note: Some of the CPU time that can be applied to
non-Ethernet tasks is used for task switching in the
CPU. One task switch is required to swap a non-Ether-
net task into the CPU (after S7A) and a second task
switch is needed to swap the Ethernet driver back in
again (at S8A). If the time needed to perform these task
switches exceeds the time saved by not polling de-
scriptors, then there is a net loss in performance with
this method. Therefore, the LAPP method imple-
mented should be carefully chosen.
Figure B-4 shows the buffer sizing for the two-interrupt
method. N ote that the sec ond buffer size will be about
the same for each method.
There is anot her alte r nati ve wh ic h is a ma r riage of th e
two previous methods. Th is third poss ibility would use
the buffer sizes set by the two-interrupt method, but
would use the polling method of determining frame
end. This will give good fram e latency but at the pri ce
of very high CPU utilization. And still, there are even
more compromise positions that use various fixed
buffer sizes and, effectively, the flow of the one-inter-
rupt metho d. All of these c ompromi ses will re duce the
complexity of the one-interrupt method by removing the
heuristic buffer sizing code, but they all become less ef-
ficient than heuristic code would allow.
Am79C978 B-9
Figure B-3. LAPP Timeline for Two-Interrupt Method
S10: Driver sets up TX descriptor.
S9: Application processes packet, generates TX packet.
S8: Driver calls application
to tell application that
packethas arrived.
S7: Driver is swapped out, allowing a non-Ethernet
application to run.
S6: Driver copies data from buffer #2 to the application
S5: Driver polls descriptor #2.
S4: Driver copies data from buffer #1 to the application
buffer. S3: Driver writes modified application
pointer to descriptor #3.
S2: Driver call to application to
get application buffer pointer.
S1: Interrupt latency.
S0: Driver is idle.
N0: Packet preamble, SFD
and destination address
are arriving.
Packet data arriving
C9: Controller writes descriptor #3.
C8: Controller is performing intermittent
bursts of DMA to fill data buffer #3.
C7: Controller writes descriptor #2.
C6: "Last chance" lookahead to
descriptor #3 (OWN).
C5: Controller is performing intermittent
bursts of DMA to fill data buffer #2
C3: SRP interrupt is
C2: Controller writes descriptor #1.
C1: Controller is performing intermittent
bursts of DMA to fill data buffer #1.
C0: Lookahead to descriptor #2.
N1: 64th byte of packet
data arrives.
C10: ERP interrupt
is generated. }S8A: Interrupt latency.
S7A: Driver Interrupt Service
Routine executes
C4: Lookahead to descriptor #3 (OWN).
B-10 Am79C978
Figure B-4. LAPP 3 Buffer Grouping for Two-interrupt Method
OWN = 1 STP = 1
SIZE = HEADER_SIZE (minimum 64 bytes)
OWN = 1 STP = 0
SIZE = S1+S2+S3+S4
OWN = 0 STP = 0
SIZE = 1518 - (S1+S2+S3+S4+HEADER_SIZE)
OWN = 1 STP = 1
SIZE = HEADER_SIZE (minimum 64 bytes)
OWN = 1 STP = 0
SIZE = S1+S2+S3+S4
OWN = 0 STP = 0
SIZE = 1518 - (S1+S2+S3+S4+HEADER_SIZE)
OWN = 1 STP = 1
SIZE = HEADER_SIZE (minimum 64 bytes)
OWN = 1 STP = 0
SIZE = S1+S2+S3+S4
OWN = 0 STP = 0
SIZE = 1518 - (S1+S2+S3+S4+HEADER_SIZE)
A = Expected message size in bytes
S1 = Interrupt latency
S2 = Application call latency
S3 = Time needed for driver to write
to third descriptor
S4 = Time needed for driver to copy
data from buffer #1 to
application buffer space
S6 = Time needed for driver to copy
data from buffer #2 to
application buffer space
Note that the times needed for tasks S1,
S2, S3, S4, and S6 should be divided by
0.8 microseconds to yield an equivalent
number of network byte times before
subtracting these quantities from the
expected message size A.
Am79C978 1
1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Internal Registers 179
1 Mbps HomePNA PHY Management Registers
10 Mbps Receive (RX±) Timing Diagram 227
10 Mbps Transmit (TX±) Timing Diagram 227
10/100 Mbps operation 2
10/100 Media Access Control 65
10/100 Media Access Controller 65
10BASE-T 227
10BASE-T Block 98
10BASE-T I/O Buffer Power 32
10BASE-T Mode 224
10BASE-T PDX Analog Ground 32
10BASE-T PDX Block Power 32
10BASE-T PDX Digital Ground 32
10BASE-T PHY Management Registers 213
10BASE-T PHY Management Registers (TBRs)
10BASE-T Physical Layer 98
Table 44. R/TLEN Decoding (SSIZE32 =
0) 199
Table 36. Software Styles 163
16-Bit Software Model 61
Table 26. Software Styles 135
Table 35. Interface Pin Assignment 161
C/BE 26
RXD 30
TXD 30
AD 26
Table 25. Loopback Configuration 128
32-Bit Software Model 62
Table 19. Table 18. PCI Configuration
Space Layout 95
Table 49. Transmit Descriptor (SW-
STYLE = 0) 203
Table 13. MII Control Frame Format 81
Table 11. Master Station Control Word
Functions 81
Absolute Maximum Ratings 220
ACCESS ID Intervals 76
ACCESS ID Values 78
Address and Data 26
Address Match Logic 200
Address Matching 71
Address Parity Error Response 41
Address PROM Space 96
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
(ACPI) specification 1
Advanced Parity Error Handling 52
AID Receive Timing 78
AID Transmit Timing 78
Alternative Method for Initialization 1
Am79C978 10BASE-T PHY Management Regis-
ter Set 188
Am79C978 Programmable Register 215
An Alternative LAPP Flow
Two-Interrupt Method 8
Analog PLL Power 32
Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (Regis-
ter 6) 194
APDW Values 169
APP 3 Buffer Grouping for Two-interrupt Method
Automatic EEPROM Read Operation 84
Automatic Pad Generation 69
Automatic Pad Stripping 72
Automatic PREAD EEPROM Timing 232
Auto-Negotiation 99
Auto-Negotiation Capabilities 99
Auto-Poll™ 1
Basic Burst Read Transfer 43
Basic Burst Write Transfer 45
Basic Non-Burst Read Transfer 43
Basic Non-Burst Write Transfer 45
BCR Registers 146
Master Mode Read Active 145
Master Mode Write Active 145
I/O Base Address Lower 155
I/O Base Address Upper 155
Burst and Bus Control Register 156
EEPROM Control and Status 158
Miscellaneous Configuration 145
Software Style 161
PCI Latency Register 163
PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register 163
PCI Subsystem ID Register 164
SRAM Size Register 164
SRAM Boundary Register 164
SRAM Interface Control Register 165
Expansion Bus Port Address Lower (Used for
Flash/EPROM and SRAM Accesses)
Expansion Port Address Upper (Used for
Flash/EPROM Accesses) 167
Expansion Bus Data Port Register 167
Software Timer Register 168
PHY Control and Status Register 168
BCR32 PHY Control and Status Register 168
PHY Address Register 170
PHY Management Data Register 171
PCI Vendor ID Register 171
PCI Power Management Capabilities (PMC)
Alias Register 172
PCI DATA Register Zero (DATA0) Alias
Register 172
PCI DATA Register 1 (DATA1) Alias Regis-
ter 172
PCI DATA Register One (DATA1) Alias Reg-
ister 172
PCI DATA Register 0 (DATA2) Alias Regis-
ter 172
PCI DATA Register Two (DATA2) Alias
Register 172
LED 0 Status 147
PCI DATA Register 3 (DATA3) Alias Regis-
ter 173
PCI Data Register Three (DATA3) Alias Reg-
ister 173
PCI DATA Register 4 (DATA4) Alias Regis-
ter 173
PCI DATA Register 5 (DATA5) Alias Regis-
ter 174
PCI DATA Register Five (DATA5) Alias
Register 174
PCI DATA Register 6 (DATA6) Alias Regis-
ter 174
PCI DATA Register Seven (DATA7) Alias
Register 174
PCI DATA Register7 (DATA7) Alias Regis-
ter 174
OnNow Pattern Matching Register 1 175
OnNow Pattern Matching Register 2 175
OnNow Pattern Matching Register #3 176
OnNow Pattern Matching Register 3 176
LED4 Status 176
PHY Select 178
Am79C978 3
LED1 Status 149
Reserved Locations 178
LED2 Status 151
LED3 Status 153
Full-Duplex Control 155
Blanking Interval Speed Settings 79
Block Diagram Low Latency Receive Configura-
tion 83
Block Diagram No SRAM Configuration 82
Board Interface 28
Boundary Scan Circuit 91
Boundary Scan Register 91
BSR Mode Of Operation 91
Buffer Management 60
Buffer Management Unit 3, 59
Buffer Size Tuning 7
Burst FIFO DMA Transfers 57
Burst Write Transfer 46
Bus Acquisition 42, 43
Bus Command and Byte Enables 26
Bus Configuration Registers 145, 212, 217
Bus Configuration Registers (BCRs) 145
Bus Grant 26
Bus Master DMA Transfers 43
Bus Request 27
by Driver Type 24
CLK 26
CLK Waveform for 3.3 V Signaling 230
CLK Waveform for 5 V Signaling 230
CLK_FAC Values 166
Clock 26
Clock Interface 31
Clock Timing 222, 225
COL 30
Collision 30
Collision Detect Function 99
Collision Handling 68
Contents 5
Control and Status Registers 112, 208, 215
CRS 30
Crystal 32
Crystal Oscillator In 32
Crystal Oscillator Out 32
Controller Status and Control Register 112
Initialization Block Address 0 115
Logical Address Filter 2 125
Bus Timeout 141
Logical Address Filter 3 126
Missed Frame Count 142
Receive Collision Count 142
OnNow Power Mode Register 142
Physical Address Register 0 126
Advanced Feature Control 143
Test Register 1 143
MAC Enhanced Configuration Control 144
Physical Address Register 1 126
Physical Address Register 2 126
Mode 127
Initialization Block Address Lower 128
Initialization Block Address Upper 128
Current Receive Buffer Address Lower 128
Current Receive Buffer Address Upper 128
Initialization Block Address 1 115
Current Transmit Buffer Address Lower 129
Current Transmit Buffer Address Upper 129
Next Receive Buffer Address Lower 129
Next Receive Buffer Address Upper 129
Base Address of Receive Ring Lower 129
Base Address of Receive Ring Upper 129
Next Receive Descriptor Address Lower 129
Next Receive Descriptor Address Upper 130
Current Receive Descriptor Address Lower
Current Receive Descriptor Address Upper
Interrupt Masks and Deferral Control 115
Base Address of Transmit Ring Lower 130
Base Address of Transmit Ring Upper 130
Next Transmit Descriptor Address Lower 130
Next Transmit Descriptor Address Upper 130
Current Transmit Descriptor Address Lower
Current Transmit Descriptor Address Upper
Next Next Receive Descriptor Address Lower
Next Next Receive Descriptor Address 131
Next Next Receive Descriptor Address Upper
Next Next Transmit Desc riptor Address Low -
er 131
Next Next Transmit Descriptor Address Upper
Test and Features Control 118
Current Receive Byte Count 131
Current Receive Status 132
Current Transmit Byte Count 132
Current Transmit Status 132
Next Receive Byte Count 132
Next Receive Status 132
Transmit Poll Time Counter 132
Transmit Polling Interval 133
Receive Poll Time Counter 133
Receive Polling Interval 133
Extended Control and Interrupt 1 119
Software Style 134
RX/TX Descriptor Table Length 122
Previous Transmit Descriptor Address Lower
Previous Transmit Descriptor Address Upper
135, 136
Previous Transmit Byte Count 136
Previous Transmit Status 136
Next Transmit Buffer Address Lower 136
Next Transmit Buffer Address Upper 136
Next Transmit Byte Count 137
Next Transmit Status 137
Extended Control and Interrupt 2 122
Receive Ring Counter 137
Transmit Ring Counter 137
Receive Ring Length 137
Am79C978 5
Transmit Ring Length 137
Logical Address Filter 0 125
DMA Transfer Counter and FIFO Threshold
Control 138
Transmit Descriptor Address Pointer Lower
DMA Address Register Lower 140
DMA Address Register Upper 140
Buffer Byte Counter 140
Chip ID Register Lower 141
Chip ID Register Upper 141
Logical Address Filter 1 125
Ring Length Conversion 141
Cycle Frame 26
Data Receive Timing 79
Data Symbol RLL25 Encoding 80
Data Symbols 79
Data Transmit Timing 79
CIAL OPERATING RANGES unless otherwise
specified 220
Description of the Methodology 81
Descriptor DMA Transfers 54
Descriptor Ring Read In Burst Mode 55
Descriptor Ring Write In Burst Mode 56
Descriptor Ring Write In Non-Burst Mode 56
Descriptor Rings 60
Destination Address Handling 66
Detailed Functions 75
Device ID Register 91
Device Select 26
Digital Ground (8 Pins) 32
Digital I/O (Non-PCI Pins) 220
Digital Power (6 Pins) 32
Direct Access to the Interface 84
Direct Memory Access (DMA) 2
Direct SRAM Access 82
Disconnect Of Burst Transfer 40
Disconnect Of Slave Burst Transfer - Host Inserts
Wait States 41
Disconnect Of Slave Burst Transfer - No Host
Wait States 40
Disconnect Of Slave Cycle When Busy 40
Disconnect When Busy 40
Disconnect With Data Transfer 46, 47
Disconnect Without Data Transfer 47, 48
Double Word I/O Mode 97
EBCS Values 166
EEDET Setting 161
EEPROM Auto-Detection 84
EEPROM Chip Select 29
EEPROM Data In 29
EEPROM Data Out 29
EEPROM Interface 29, 83, 84
EEPROM Read Functional Timing 231
EEPROM Serial clock 30
EEPROM Timing 223
EEPROM-Programmable Registers 84
Error Detection 66
escriptor Ring Read In Non-Burst Mode 55
Ethernet controllers in the PCnet Family 3
Ethernet Network Interfaces 31
Expansion ROM Read 39
Expansion ROM Transfers 39
External Clock 225
External Clock/Crystal Select 31
FIFO Burst Write At End Of Unaligned Buffer 58
FIFO Burst Write At Start Of Unaligned Buffer 58
FIFO DMA Transfers 57
Flow, LAPP 2
FMDC Values 169
Frame Format at the MII Interface Connection 35
Framing 65, 75
Full-Duplex Link Status LED Support 74
Full-Duplex Operation 73
GNT 26
Header AID Remote Control W ord Commands 81
Home Networking Controller 1
Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (HomeP-
NA) 1
HomePNA Analog Ground 32
HomePNA Analog Power 32
HomePNA Digital Power 32
HomePNA PHY Framing 76
HomePNA PHY Network Interface 31
HomePNA Physical Layer (PHY) 1
HomePNA PHY MII Control (Register 0) 179
HomePNA PHY MII Status (Register 1) 180
HomePNA PHY Control (Register 16) 182,
HPR18 and HPR19
HomePNA PHY TxCOMM (Registers 18 and
19) 183
HPR2 and HPR3
HomePNA PHY MII PHY ID (Registers 2 and
3) 181
HPR20 and HPR21
HomePNA PHY RxCOMM (Registers 20 and
21) 184
HomePNA PHY AID (Register 22) 184
HomePNA PHY Noise Control (Register 23)
HomePNA PHY Noise Control 2 (Register 24)
HomePNA PHY Noise Statis tics (Regis ter 25)
HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 26)
HomePNA PHY Event Status (Register 27)
HomePNA PHY ISBI Control (Register 28)
HomePNA PHY TX Control (Register 29) 187
HomePNA PHY Auto-Negotiation (Registers
4 - 7) 181
I/O Buffer Ground (17 Pins) 32
I/O Buffer Power (7 Pins) 32
I/O Map In DWord I/O Mode (DWIO = 1) 98
I/O Map in DWord I/O Mode (DWIO = 1) 98
I/O Map In Word I/O Mode (DWIO = 0) 97
I/O Registers 96
I/O Resources 95
IEEE 1149.1 (1990) Test Access Port Interface 31,
IEEE 1149.1 Supported Instruction Summary 91
IEEE 802.3 Frame And Length Field Transmis-
sion Order 73
IEEE 802.3u 2
Initialization 59
Initialization Block 198
Initialization Block (SSIZE32 = 0) 198
Initialization Block (SSIZE32 = 1) 198
Initialization Block DMA Transfers 52
Initialization Block Read In Burst Mode 53
Initialization Block Read In Non-Burst Mode 53
Initialization Device Select 26
Initiator Ready 27
Input Setup and Hold Timing 230
Instruction Register and Decoding Logic 91
Integrated Controllers 15
integrated PCI Ethernet controller 2
Integrated Repeater/Hub Devices 15
Inter Packet Gap (IPG) 2
Interface Pin Assignment 161
Am79C978 7
Interrupt Request 27
Introduction 1
Jabber Function 99
JAM Signal 78
JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) TCK Waveform for 5 V Sig-
naling 232
JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) Test Signal Timing 223, 233
Key to Switching Waveforms 229
LAPP 3 Buffer Grouping 5
LAPP Software Requirements 5
LAPP Timeline 4
LAPP Timeline for Two-Interrupt Method 9
Late Collision 70
LED Control Logic 87
LED Default Configuration 87
LED Support 85
LED0 28
LED1 29
LED2 29
LED3 29
LED4 29
Legal I/O Accesses in Double Word I/O Mode
(DWIO =1) 98
Legal I/O Accesses in Word I/O Mode (DWIO =
0) 97
Link Change Detect 88
listed by Group 20
Look-Ahead Packet Processing (LAPP) 2
Look-Ahead Packet Processing (LAPP) Concept 1
Loopback Configuration 128
Loopback Operation 73
Loss of Carrier 70
Low Latency Receive Configuration 82
MAC 65, 66, 67
Magic Packet Mode 89
Magic Packet mode 1
magnetics module. IREF 31
Management Cycle Timing 228
Management Data Clock 31
Management Data Input/Output 31
Management Data Output Valid Delay Timing
Management Data Setup and Hold Timing 235
Management Interfaces 80
Manchester Encoder/Decoder 15
Master Abort 49, 51
Master Bus Interface Unit 42
Master Cycle Data Parity Error Response 51
Master Initiated Termination 48
MDC 31
MDC Waveform 234
Media Access Controller (MAC) 1, 2
Media Access Management 67
Media Independent Interface 33
Medium Allocation 67
Microsoft OnNow 2
MII Interface 30
MII interface 2
MII Management Frames 35
MII Management Interface 34
MII Network Status Interface 34
MII Receive Interface 34
MII Transmit Interface 33
Miscellaneous Loopback Features 73
Mode 199
NAND Tree Circuitry 92
NAND Tree Circuitry (160 PQFP 92
NAND Tree Circuitry (160 PQFP) 92
NAND Tree Pin Sequence (144 TQFP) 93
NAND Tree Pin Sequence (160 PQFP) 93
NAND Tree Testing 92
NAND Tree Waveform 94
Network Interfaces 33
Network Port Manager 36
Non-Burst FIFO DMA Transfers 57
Non-Burst Read Transfer 44
Non-Burst Write Transfer 45
Normal and Tri-State Outputs 229
Offset 00h 102
Offset 02h 102
Offset 04h 103
Offset 06h 104
Offset 08h 105
Offset 09h 105
Offset 0Ah 105
Offset 0Bh 106
Offset 0Dh 106
Offset 0Eh 106
Offset 10h 106
Offset 14h 107
Offset 2Ch 107
Offset 2Eh 107
Offset 30h 108
Offset 34h 108
Offset 3Ch 108
Offset 3Dh 109
Offset 3Eh 109
Offset 3Fh 109
Offset 40h 109
Offset 41h 109
Offset 42h 109
Offset 44h 110
Offset 46h 111
Offset 47h 111
OnNow Functional Diagram 88
OnNow Pattern Match Mode 88
OnNow Wake-Up Sequence 87
Operating Ranges 220
ordering information 25
Other Data Registers 91
Outline of LAPP Flow 1
Output and Float Delay Timing 222
Output Tri-State Delay Timing 231
Output Tri-state Delay Timing 231
Output Valid Delay Timing 231
PADR 199
PAR 27
Parity 27
Parity Error 27
Parity Error Response 41, 49
Pattern Match RAM 90
Pattern Match RAM (PMR) 88
PCI and JTAG Configuration Information 36
PCI Base-Class Register Offset 0Bh 106
PCI Bus Interface Pins - 3.3 V Signaling 220
PCI Bus Interface Pins - 5 V Signaling 220
PCI Bus Power Management Interface specifica-
tion 2
PCI Capabilities Pointer Register 108
PCI Capability Identifier Register 109
PCI Command Register 103
PCI Command Register Offset 04h 103
PCI Configuration Registers 95, 101, 102, 207
PCI Configuration Space Layout 95
PCI Data Register 111
PCI Data Register Offset 47h 111
PCI Device ID Register 102
PCI Device ID Register Offset 02h 102
PCI Expansion ROM Base Address Register 108
PCI Header Type Register 106
PCI Header Type Register Offset 0Eh 106
PCI I/O Base Address Register 106
PCI I/O Base Address Register Offset 10h 106
PCI I/O Buffer Power (9 Pins) 32
PCI Interface 26
PCI Interrupt Line Register 108
PCI Interrupt Line Register Offset 3Ch 108
PCI Interrupt Pin Register 109
PCI Latency Timer Register 106
PCI MAX_LAT Register 109
PCI Memory Mapped I/O Base Address Register
PCI MIN_GNT Register 109
PCI Next Item Pointer Register 109
PCI Next Item Pointer Register Offset 41h 109
PCI PMCSR Bridge Support Extensions Register
PCI PMCSR Bridge Support Extensions Register
Offset 46h 111
PCI Power Management Capabilities Register
(PMC) 109
PCI Power Management Control/Status Register
(PMCSR) 110
PCI Programming Interface Register 105
PCI Programming Interface Register Offset 09h
PCI Revision ID Register 105
PCI Status Register 104
PCI Status Register Offset 06h 104
PCI Sub-Class Register 105
PCI Sub-Class Register Offset 0Ah 105
PCI Subsystem ID Register 107
PCI Subsystem Vendor ID Register 107
PCI Vendor ID Register 102
PCI Vendor ID Register Offset 00h 102
PECL 225
PG 28
PHY Control and Management Block (PCM
Block) 81
PHY Select Programming 158
PHY/MAC Interface 74
Physical Layer Devices (Multi-Port) 15
Am79C978 9
Physical Layer Devices (Single-Port) 15
Pin Capacitance 221
Pin Descriptions 26
listed by Group 22
PMD Interface 225
PMD Interface Timing (PECL) 226
PME 28
Polling 62
Power Good 28, 31
Power Management Event 28
Power Management Support 87
Power on Reset 95
Power Savings Mode 87
Power Supply Current 221, 224
Power Supply Pins 32
PQL144 236
PQR160 237
Preemption During Burst Transaction 48, 50
Preemption During Non-Burst Transaction 48, 50
Register Address Port 112
RAP Register 111
RDRA and TDRA 199
Receive Address Match 72
Receive Carrier Sense 30
Receive Clock 30
Receive Data 30
Receive Data Valid 30
Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 0) 200
Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 2) 200
Receive Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 3) 200
Receive Descriptor Table Entry 64
Receive Descriptors 200
Receive Exception Conditions 72
Receive FCS Checking 72
Receive Frame Queuing 64
Receive Function Programming 70
Receive Operation 70
Receive Symbol Timing 79
Receive Timing 228, 234
Receive Watermark Programming 138
Register Administration for 10BASE-T PHY De-
vice 81
Register Programming Summary 215
Register Summary 207
Re-Initialization 59
REQ 27
Reserved Register
10BASE-T Carrier Status Register (Register
23) 197
10BASE-T Configuration Register (Register
22) 197
Reserved Registers
HPR8 - HPR15, HPR17 181
Reserved Registers (Registers 8-15, 18, 20-23, and
25-31) 194
Reset 28, 94
Reset Register 96
Reverse Polarity Detect 99
RLEN and TLEN 198
RLL 25 Coding Tree 80
RMD0 200, 201
RMD1 201
RMD2 202
RMD3 203
ROMTNG Programming Values 156
RST 28
Running Registers 102
RWU 29
RX_DV 30
RX_ER 30
RX± 31
Serial Receive Data 31
Serial Transmit Data 31
Setup 2
Setup and Hold Timing 222
Setup Registers 101
Silence Interval (AID symbol 7) 78
Slave Bus Interface Unit 36
Slave Configuration Read 38
Slave Configuration Transfers 36
Slave Configuration Write 38
Slave Cycle Data Parity Error Response 42
Slave Cycle Termination 39
Slave I/O Transfers 37
Slave Read Using I/O Command 38
Slave Write Using Memory Command 39
Soft Reset Function 100
10 Am79C978
Software 163
Software Access 95
Software Interface 33
Software Interrupt Timer 65
Some Examples of LAPP Descriptor Interaction 6
SQE Test Error 70
Initialization Block Address 1 115
SRAM_BND Programming 165
Standard Products 25
STOP 28, 96
Stop 28
Supported Instructions 91
Suspend 59
Switching Characteristics
Bus Interface 222
Media Independent Interface 228
Switching Test Circuits 229
Switching Waveforms
Expansion Bus Interface 236
General-Purpose Serial Interface 236
Media Independent Interface 234, 236
System Bus Interface 230
Symbol 0 (SYNC interval) 76
SYNC Receive Timing 76
SYNC Transmit Timing 76
System Bus Interface 33
System Error 28
TAP Finite State Machine 91
Target Abort 47, 49
Target Initiated Termination 46
Target Ready 28
10BASE-T PHY Control Register (Register 0)
10BASE-T INTERRUPT Status and Enable
Register (Register 16) 195
10BASE-T PHY Control/Status Register
(Register 17) 196
10BASE-T PHY Management Extension Reg-
ister (Register 19) 197
TBR2 191
10BASE-T PHY Identifier (Register 2) 191
10BASE-T Summary Status Register (Regis-
ter 24) 197
10BASE-T PHY Identifier (Register 3) 191
10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Advertisement
Register (Register 4) 192
10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner
Ability Register (Register 5) 193
10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner
Ability Register (Register 5) - Base
Page Forma 193
10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Link Partner
Ability Register (Register 5) - Next
Page Format 193
10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Expansion Reg-
ister (Register 6) 194
10BASE-T Auto-Negotiation Next Page Reg-
ister (Register 7) 194
TCK 31
TDI 31
TDO 31
Test Clock 31
Test Data In 31
Test Data Out 31
Test Mode Select 31
Test Registers 102
Time 76
Time Interval Unit 76
TMD0 204
TMD1 204
TMD2 205
TMD3 206
TMS 31
Transmit and Receive Message Data Encapsula-
tion 65
Transmit Clock 30
Transmit Data 30
Transmit Data Symbol Timing 79
Transmit Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 2) 203
Transmit Descriptor (SWSTYLE = 3) 203
Transmit Descriptor Table Entry 63
Transmit Descriptors 203
Transmit Enable 31
Transmit Exception Conditions 70
Transmit FCS Generation 70
Am79C978 11
Transmit Function Programming 68
Transmit Operation 68
Transmit Start Point Programming 139
Transmit Timin 234
Transmit Timing 228, 234
Transmit Watermark Programming 140
Twisted Pair Interface Status 98
Twisted Pair Receive Function 98
TX+, TX- 31
TX_EN 31
VDD 32
VSS 32
Word I/O Mode 96
XTAL1 32
XTAL2 32