Detailed Description
The MAX21100 is a low-power, low voltage, small pack-
age 6-axis inertial measurement unit able to provide
unprecedented accuracy and stability over temperature
and time.
The MAX21100 integrates a 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis
linear accelerometer in a 3mm x 3mm x 0.83mm package
capable of working with a supply voltage as low as 1.71V.
It includes a sensing element and an IC interface capable
of providing the measured angular rate and acceleration
to the external world through a digital interface (I2C/SPI).
The IC interface includes an I2C master dedicated to the
data collection of an external magnetometer. This data
can be fused together with the gyroscope and acceler-
ometer data through an embedded ultra-low power 9DoF
motion merging engine.
All sensors and fusion data can be stored into a 128 bytes
fully configurable embedded FIFO.
The DSYNC functionality allows for sensor synchroniza-
tion with an external trigger with external source (e.g.,
The MAX21100 features a wide selection of dynamically
selectable power modes that allows the user to optimize
the system power consumption based on the application
The MAX21100 has a full scale of ±250/±500/±1000/±2000
dps for gyroscope and ±2/±4/±8/±16g for accelerometer. It
is capable of measuring angular rates and accelerations
with a user-selectable bandwidth.
The MAX21100 is available in a 3mm x 3mm x 0.83mm
16-lead plastic land grid array (LGA) package and can
operate within a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
Power supply [V]: This parameter defines the operat-
ing DC power-supply voltage range of the 6DoF inertial
measurement unit. Although it is always a good practice
to keep VDD clean with minimum ripple, unlike most of the
competitors, who require an ultra-low noise, low-dropout
regulator to power the device, the MAX21100 can not only
operate at 1.71V, but that supply can also be provided
by a switching regulator to minimize the system power
Current consumption in Low-Noise Mode [mA]: This
parameter defines the typical current consumption when
the 6DoF inertial measurement unit is operating with the
lowest noise for both the accelerometer and gyroscope.
Current consumption in Eco Mode [mA]: This param-
eter defines the current consumption when the 6DoF
inertial measurement unit is in Eco Mode. Whilst in Eco
Mode, the MAX21100 significantly reduces the power
consumption, but increases the noise.
Current consumption in Power-Down Mode [µA]: This
parameter defines the current consumption when the
6DoF inertial measurement unit is powered down. In this
mode, both the mechanical sensing structure and read-
ing chain are turned off. Users can configure the control
register through the I2C/SPI interface for this mode. Full
access to the control registers through the I2C/SPI inter-
faces is also guaranteed in Power-Down Mode.
Gyroscope full-scale range [dps]: This parameter
defines the measurement range of the gyroscope in
degrees per second (dps). When the applied angular
rate is beyond the full-scale range, the gyroscope output
becomes saturated.
Zero-rate level [dps]: This parameter defines the DC
device output when there is no external angular rate
applied to the gyroscope.
Gyroscope sensitivity [digit/dps]: Sensitivity is the rela-
tionship between LSb and dps. It can be used to convert
a digital gyroscope’s measurement from digits to angular
Zero-rate level change vs. temperature [dps/°C]: This
parameter defines the zero-rate level change in dps/°C
over the operating temperature range.
Gyroscope sensitivity change vs. temperature [%/°C]:
This parameter defines the gyroscope sensitivity change
as a percentage (%) over the operating temperature
range specified in the data sheet.
Gyroscope nonlinearity [% FS]: This parameter defines
the maximum absolute difference between the gyroscope
output and the best-fit straight line as a percentage of the
gyroscope full-scale (GFS) range.
Gyroscope bandwidth [Hz]: This parameter defines the
frequency of the angular rate signal from DC to the built-
in bandwidth (GBWL) that the gyroscope can measure. A
dedicated register can be used to select the gyroscope
Rate noise density [dps/√Hz]: This parameter defines
the square root of the equivalent noise power density of
the gyroscope angular rate.
Accelerometer full-scale range [g]: This parameter
defines the measurement range of the accelerometer in
g. When the applied acceleration is beyond the full-scale
range, the accelerometer output becomes saturated.
MAX21100 Low-Power, Ultra-Accurate 6+3 DoF IMU
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated