Modulating Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb
Modulation Frequency 2 mHz to 1 MHz
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb
Phase Deviation 0° to 360°
Modulation Frequency 2 mHz to 1 MHz
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform Square with 50% duty cycle
Key Frequency 2 mHz to 1 MHz
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform Square with 50% duty cycle
Key Frequency 2 mHz to 1 MHz
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform Square with 50% duty cycle
Key Frequency 2 mHz to 1 MHz
Carrier Waveform Pulse
Source Internal/External
Modulating Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb
Width Deviation 0% to 100% of the pulse width
Modulation Frequency 2 mHz to 1 MHz
External Modulation Input
Input Range AM, PM, FM: 75 mVRMS to ±5 (Vac+dc)
ASK, PSK, FSK: standard 5 V TTL
Input Bandwidth 50 kHz
Input Impedance 10 kΩ
Burst Characteristics
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, Noise, Arb, PRBS, RS232, Sequence (except DC, dual-tone, and Harmonic)
Carrier Frequency 2 mHz to 10 MHz 2 mHz to 25 MHz 2 mHz to 35 MHz
Burst Count 1 to 1,000,000 or Innite
Internal Period 1 μs to 500 s
Gated Source External Trigger
Source Internal, External, Manual
Trigger Delay 0 ns to 100 s
Sweep Characteristics
Carrier Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Type Linear, Log, and Step
Orientation Up/Down
Start/Stop Frequency Same as the upper/lower limit of the corresponding carrier frequency
Sweep Time 1 ms to 500 s
Hold/Return Time 0 ms to 500 s
Source Internal, External, Manual
Marker Falling edge of the sync signal (programmable)
Frequency Counter
Measurement Function Frequency, Period, Positive/Negative Pulse Width, Duty Cycle
Frequency Resolution 7 digits/s (Gate Time = 1 s)
Frequency Range 1 μHz to 240 MHz
Period Measurement Measurement Range 4 ns to 1,000 ks
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (non-modulating signal)