BLUE ENHANCED PIN PHOTODIODES SPECIFICATIONS Responsivity: Part Number 0.20 A/W min., 0.23 A/W typ. @ 450nm Total Area (mm2) SD 041-12-22-011 isolated -211 0.85 SD 076-12-22-011 isolated -211 2.91 SD 100-12-22-021 isolated -221 5.1 SD 172-12-22-021 isolated -221 15 SD 200-12-22-041 isolated -241 20.3 SD 290-12-22-041 isolated -241 42.6 SD 445-12-22-305 100 Active Area (in) 0.040 x Shunt Resistance1 Dark Current1 at 5V Breakdown Voltage2 at 10A Capacitance3 NEP4 Max Linear Current5 Response Time6 at 5V Typ. Min. (M) Typ. (nA) Max. (nA) Typ. (V) at 0V (pF) at 5V (pF) Typ. (W/Hz) Typ. (mA) Typ. (ns) 1500 0.3 1.0 50 14 5 1.7x10-14 0.09 5 450 0.9 3.5 50 50 15 3.6x10-14 0.29 11 300 1.6 6.4 50 87 26 4.2x10-14 0.51 15 100 5.0 20 50 255 75 6.4x10-14 1.5 30 70 6.5 26 50 345 102 8.9x10-14 2.03 45 35 13 52 50 725 213 1.2x10-13 4.26 70 15 30 120 50 1700 500 1.9x10-13 10.0 200 0.033 0.105 x 0.043 0.100 (dia.) 0.185 x 0.125 0.200 (dia). 0.300 x 0.220 0.394 x 0.394 * All values at 23C 1. Dark Current and Shunt Resistance vary with temperature as follows; for T23C, IDT = ID23 * 1.09T, RSHT= RSH23 * 0.9T, where T=(T-23) and ID23 and RSH23 are values at 23C. 2. Typical values listed. Minimum value shall be 50% of typical. 3. Typical values listed. Maximum value shall be 20% higher than the typical. 4. Test conditions are minimum shunt resistance and 450 nm. 5. In photovoltaic mode. Maximum linear current specifies the level at which the output current characteristic deviates more than 10% from the straight line. The short circuit current saturates at approximately 10 times this level. 6. Response Time (transition time between 10% and 90% of the output signal amplitude) measured at 670 nm with a 50 load. Shorter wavelengths will result in faster rise and fall times. Storage and Operating Temperature Range for all photodiodes is -40C to 110C, except for the SD 445-12-22-305, which is - 20C to 75C. Absolute Spectral Responsivity 0.70 Responsivity (A/W) 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Wavelength (nm) Dimensional Outlines SD 041-12-22-011 .120 .095 SD 100-12-22-021 .111 .095 SD 041-12-22-211 .100 .085 SD 100-12-22-221 .098 .078 SD 076-12-22-011 .120 .095 SD 172-12-22-021 .111 .095 SD 076-12-22-211 .100 .085 SD 172-12-22-221 .098 .078 SD 200-12-22-041 .136 .095 SD 445-12-22-305 SD 200-12-22-241 .111 .115 SD 290-12-22-041 .136 .095 SD 290-12-22-241 .111 .115