1 | 2 5 6 7 | 8 Connector Location A Connector Location B A 7 X un = FS B M12 A-coded 4-poles, male straight connector Mi2_A-coded poles, female angled connector + uO | xxx=400] | | length 39 XXX=390 in "am" | : X step 12 XXX=120 | |, Loading-Plan: ty 11 XXX=110 10 XXX=100 ,__brown 9,9 | XXX=099 ; 98 XXX=098 ) white 9 length blue " in , 3 3 0,1m 0,4 XXX=004 black step D 4 4 0,3 XXX=003 4,0 to 40 +1% 0,2 XXX=002 0,1 to 3,9 +0,04 0,1 XXX=001 a [m] Tolerance Step a [m] XXX, = Part no. 2134848 74XXXXX E Type of cable XX - Protection level: IP 65/67 PVC grey, 4x0,34mm* XX=84 - Temperature range: -25C ... +80C PUR black, 4x0,34mm XX=91 All Dimensi Tech. Character. Free size fol. According to production drawing } cl sh 7016-09-06 : Created b Inspected b Standardisation Date State oom Alright reserved [raed POPESCUD AVRAM 2016-10-18 Final Release Raggy) | Department tics _ RQ Title Dot-Key / ECM-Nr. M12 A-coded Cable Assembly iste ucorons/C | HARTING Customised Solutions Te vie oe Pane D-32477 Minden TB 2134848 74 XXXXX C ola 1 2 5 | 6 | 7 8 A3