MS0531-E-00 2006/07
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Audio Serial Interface Format
In parallel con trol mode, the DIF0 -1 and TDM0 pins can select eight serial da ta modes (Tabl e 7). The regist er value of
DIF0-1 and TDM0bits are ignored. In serial control mode, the DIF0-2 and TDM0-1 bits shown in Table 8 can select 11
seria l data modes. The default format is Mode 2 (24-bit MSB justified format in normal mode). The setting of DIF1 pin
is ignored. In all modes the audio data is MSB-fir st, 2’s complement for mat and is latched on the rising edge of BICK.
Mode 2 can be used for 16/20-bit MSB justified formats by z eroing t he unused LSB’s.
In parallel control mode, when the TDM0 pin = “H”, the audio interface for mat is TDM 256 mode (Table 7). The audio
data of all DACs (six chan nels) i s in put to the SDTI1 pin. T he input data to SDTI2-3 pin s is ignor ed. BICK sh oul d be
fixed to 256fs. “H” time and “L” time of LRCK should be at least 1/256fs. The audio data is MSB-first, 2’s complement
format. The input data to SDTI1 pin is latched on the rising edge of BICK.
In serial control mode, when the TDM0 bit = “1” and the TDM1 bit = “0”, t he audio interface format is TDM256 mode
(Table 8) , a nd th e audio data of all DACs (six ch ann els) is in put to th e SDTI1 pin . Th e input data to SDTI2-3 pin s is
ignor ed. BICK should be fixed to 256fs. “H” time an d “L” t ime of LRC K sh ould be at l east 1/256fs. Th e audio data is
MS B -first, 2’s c omple me nt format. The i nput data to SDTI1 pin is latche d on the ris ing e dge o f BI CK. In TD M128 mo de
(TDM0 bit = “1” and TDM1 bit = “1”, Table 8), the audio data of DACs (four channels; L1, R1, L2, R2) is input to the
S DTI1 pi n. The o ther two d ata (L3, R 3) is input to the SD TI2 pin. The i nput data to SD T I3 p ins is igno re d. BI CK s hou ld
be fixed to 128fs. The audio data is MSB-f irst, 2’s co mpl eme nt f o rmat. The input data to S DT I1-2 pins is latche d o n the
rising edge of BICK.
Mode TDM0 DIF1 DIF0 SDTI Format LRCK BICK Figure
0 L L L 16 -bit LSB Justified H/L ≥32fs Figur e 1
1 L L H 20-bit LSB Justified H/L ≥40fs Figur e 2
2 L H L 24-bit MSB Justified H/L
≥48fs Figur e 3
3 L H H 24-bit I2S Comp atible L/H ≥48fs Figur e 4
5 H H L 24-bit MSB Justified
↑ 256fs Figure 5
6 H H H 24-bit I2S Compatible ↓ 256fs Figure 6
Table 7. Audio Data Formats (Parallel control mode)
0 0 0 0 0 0 16-bit LSB Justified H/L ≥32fs Figure 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 20-bit LSB Justified H/L ≥40fs Figure 2
2 0 0 0 1 0 24-bit MSB Justified H/L ≥48fs Figur e 3
3 0 0 0 1 1 24-bit I2S Compa tible L/H ≥48fs Fig ure 4
Nor mal
4 0 0 1 0 0 24-bit LSB Justified H/L ≥48fs Figure 2
0 1 0 0 0 N/A
0 1 0 0 1 N/A
5 0 1 0 1 0 24-bit MSB Justified ↑ 256fs Figure 5
6 0 1 0 1 1 24-bit I2S Compat ible ↓ 256fs Figure 6
7 0 1 1 0 0 24-bit LSB Justified ↑ 256fs Figure 7
1 1 0 0 0 N/A
1 1 0 0 1 N/A
8 1 1 0 1 0 24-bit MSB Justified ↑ 128fs Figure 8
9 1 1 0 1 1 24-bit I2S Compat ible ↓ 128fs Figure 9
10 1 1 1 0 0 24-bit LSB Justified ↑ 128fs Figure 10
Table 8. Audio Data For m ats (Serial control mode, Default: Mode 2)