ACDC 1500 Watts HPU1K5 Series * Medical Safety Approvals (M Versions) * Variable Fan Speed To Reduce Audible Noise * 20 C to +70 C Operation * AC OK, DC OK, Inhibit & 5 V Standby Supply * Fault & Overtemperature Signals * SEMI F47 Compliant * 3 Year Warranty Specification Input Input Voltage Input Frequency Input Current Inrush Current Power Factor Earth Leakage Current Input Protection General * * * * * * 85-264 VAC, see derating curve 47-63 Hz 13 A/6.5 A typical at 115/230 VAC 35 A maximum at 264 VAC >0.9 1.1 mA max at 264 VAC 60Hz, <500 A at 264 VAC max, <300 A at 130 VAC (-M) * Internal T20 A/250 VAC fuse in line and neutral Output * See model table * Via potentiometer or external voltage, see model tables Initial Set Accuracy * 1% of nominal with 50% load Minimum Load * No minimum load required Line Regulation * 0.5% maximum Load Regulation * V1: 0.5%, V2: 5% Start Up Delay * 1 s typical Over/Undershoot * 0.5% typical Transient Response * 4% deviation, recovery to within 2% in 500 s for 50-75-50% load change Ripple & Noise * 24-48 V models: 1% max pk-pk 12 V models: 2% max pk-pk V Standby: 3% max pk-pk, 20 MHz bandwidth Overvoltage Protection * 115-140% of V1 nominal, recycle input AC to reset Overtemperature * Protects the unit against overtemperature. Protection Auto restart Overcurrent Protection * 110 - 140% V1, V Standby power limited Short Circuit Protection * Continuous, trip and restart (hiccup mode) Temperature * 0.02%/C (after 20 minute warm up) Coefficient Remote Sense * Compensates for 0.5 V total drop Current Share * Share upto 8 units maximum, units share current within 10% of each other at full load. Output Voltage Output Voltage Trim Efficiency Isolation Switching Frequency Power Density Signals MTBF * 90% typical * 4000 VAC Input to Output 2 x MOPP, 1500 VAC Input to Ground 1 x MOPP 500 VDC Output to Ground * 70 kHz (PFC), 130 kHz (main converter) typical * 18 W/in3 * AC OK, DC OK, Inhibit, Fault (see Signals page) * 470 kHrs to Telecordia SR-332 at 25 C, GB Environmental Operating Temperature * -20 C to +70 C, derate linearly from +50 C at 2.5 %/C to 50% load at +70C Cooling * Internal load dependant variable speed fans Operating Humidity * 95% RH, non-condensing Storage Temperature * -40 C to +85 C Operating Altitude * 3000 m Shock * 3 shocks in each axis (total 18 shocks) 30 g 11 ms (half sine). Compliant with EN60068-2-27. Vibration * 2 g 10-500 Hz 10 sweeps. Compliant with EN60068-2-6. EMC & Safety Emissions Immunity Harmonic Currents Voltage Flicker ESD Immunity Radiated Immunity EFT/Burst Surge Conducted Immunity Dips & Interruptions Safety Approvals * EN55011 level A conducted & radiated, EN55022 level A conducted & radiated * Compliant with EN61204-3:2000 high severity levels * EN61000-3-2 class A, EN61000-3-2 class C for loads 10% * EN61000-3-3 * EN61000-4-2, level 3, Perf Criteria A * EN61000-4-3, level 3, Perf Criteria A * EN61000-4-4, level 3, Perf Criteria A * EN61000-4-5, installation class 3 Perf Criteria A, SEMI F47 * EN61000-4-6, level 3, Perf Criteria A * EN61000-4-11, 30% 10 ms, 60% 100 ms, 100% 5000 ms, Perf Criteria A, B, B, EN60601-1-2, 30% 500 ms, 60% 100 ms, 100% 10 ms, 100% 5000 ms, Perf Criteria A, A, A, B * EN60601-1, ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1, CSA22.2 No.60601-1 per cUL, Including Risk Management M Versions, EN60950, UL60950 Output Power(1) Output Voltage V1 Voltage Adj V1 1200 W 1500 W 1500 W 12.0 VDC 24.0 VDC 48.0 VDC 11-14 V 22-28 V 45-52 V Output Current V1 <180 VAC >180 VAC 100 A 100 A 50 A 63 A 25 A 31 A Standby Supply V2 Model Number 5 V/1 A 5 V/1 A 5 V/1 A HPU1K5PS12 HPU1K5PS24 HPU1K5PS48 Notes 1. See derating curves. 2. For medical version, add suffix `-M' to model number. Mechanical Details 1.70 (43.2) 0.10 (2.5) 12.75 (323.9) 1.55 (39.4) Voltage Adj. +V BUSS BAR -V BUSS BAR 4.00 (101.6) E L N Logic J3 Connector 1.00 (25.4) 4X M3 THD on both side faces 0.15 (3.8) max screw penetration 0.35 (8.9) 0.25 (6.4) 2.90 (73.7) 8.00 (203.2) 0.53 (13.3) AIR FLOW 2.95 (74.9) AIR FLOW 4X M3 THD 0.15 (3.8) Max Screw Penetration Logic Connector: J3, JST, PN S20B-PHDSS (LF) SN) Function Pin Function Pin Function + Sense 8 NC 15 DC OK + Sense 9 Inhibit 16 NC - Sense 10 NC 17 Signal GND - Sense 11 Fault 18 NC Current Share 12 NC 19 5 V Standby Rtn (V2) Current Share 13 AC OK 20 5 V Standby (V2) V Trim 14 NC Mates with JST PN PHDR-20VS, Crimp contacts JST PN SPHD-00IT-P0.5 Notes 1. All dimensions are in inches (mm). 20 1 2 0.25 (6.4) 1.00 (25.4) Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 10.50 (266.7) 2. Weight 5.2 lb (2.35 kg) ACDC HPU1K5 Models and Ratings ACDC HPU1K5 Signals AC OK/Power Fail DC OK AC OK is an isolated signal providing a minimum of 3 ms warning of loss of output regulation. The signal is fully isolated and the collector and emitter must be connected externally. DC OK is an isolated signal providing warning that the output voltage has fallen below 90% of nominal. The signal is fully isolated and the collector and emitter must be connected externally. Maximum sink current 2 mA, maximum voltage 20 V. Maximum sink current 2 mA, maximum voltage 20 V. POWER SUPPLY POWER SUPPLY 5 V Standby Pin 20 3300R 5 V Standby Pin 20 3300R DC OK Collector Pin 15 AC OK Collector Pin13 Transistor On (<0.8 V): DC OK Transistor Off (>4.5 V): DC NOT OK Transistor On (<0.8 V): AC OK Transistor Off (>4.5 V): AC NOT OK AC OK Emitter Pin 17 DC OK Emitter Pin 17 5 V Standby Return Pin 19 5 V Standby Return Pin 19 J3 Connector J3 Connector Inhibit Fault Inhibit is an isolated control signal which can turn the power supply and fans off by supplying 2 to 5 mA into the pin. Fault is an isolated signal providing warning of either Power Fail or DC fail. The signal is fully isolated and the collector and emitter must be connected externally. Maximum sink current 2 mA, maximum voltage 20 V. 800R POWER SUPPLY 5 V Standby Pin 20 2-5 mA POWER SUPPLY 100R 0 V or Floating: Power Supply On 2-5 mA: Power Supply Off 5 V Standby Pin 20 Inhibit Pin 9 3300R Fault Collector Pin 11 Inhibit Return Pin 17 Transistor On (<0.8 V): FAULT Transistor Off (>4.5 V): OK Fault Emitter Pin 17 5 V Standby Return Pin 19 J3 Connector 5 V Standby Return Pin 19 J3 Connector V Program Current Share V Program allows remote voltage adjustment within the range 10% Connecting pins 5 or 6 and 3 or 4 of like voltage units (8 maximum) will force the current to share between the outputs. Units share current within 10% of each other at full load. Derate output to 90% of total combined load. POWER SUPPLY V Trim Pin 7 - Sense Pin 3 & 4 J3 Connector V Program V Output 0V -10% 5V +10% Open Circuit Factory Set Voltage PSU 1 Pin 5 or 6 Pin 3 or 4 PSU 2 Pin 5 or 6 Pin 3 or 4 PSU 8 Pin 5 or 6 Pin 3 or 4 Parallel Load & Current Share Connections HPU1K5PSXX (1) V1 Output - Current Share e -S s en + e + se en -S ns e Se V1 Output - Current Share + Sens + + Se ns e + - Sense - HPU1K5PSXX (3) HPU1K5PSXX (2) V1 Output - + Load Parallel AC OK Connection (DC OK follows same format) HPU1K5PSXX(1) 5 V Standby Pin 20 330R AC OK Collector Pin 13 AC OK Emitter Pin 17 5 V Standby Return Pin 19 J3 Connector HPU1K5PSXX(2) OK Collector Pin 13 OK Emitter Pin 17 J3 Connector HPU1K5PSXX(3) AC OK Collector Pin 13 Transistor On (<0.8 V): AC OR DC OK Transistor Off (>4.5 V): AC OR DC NOT OK AC OK Emitter Pin 17 J3 Connector Derating Curves Input Derating Curve Thermal Derating Curve 1500 1400 1600 1400 1200 1200 Output Power (W) Output Power (W) HPU1K5PS24 & 48 1300 1100 1000 HPU1K5PS12 900 800 HPU1K5PS24, 48, >180VAC Input 1000 800 600 HPU1K5PS12 & HPU1K5PS24, 48, <180VAC Input 400 85 90 110 120 180 190 250 200 210 Input Voltage (VAC) 220 230 240 250 260 260 264 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Ambient (C) 07-Nov-12 ACDC HPU1K5 Signals