Advanced Power
Electronics Corp. APU1205
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25oC, unless otherwise specified.)
Input Voltage (VIN) ----------------------------------------
Enable Input Voltage (VEN) -----------------------------
Storage Temperature Range (TST) -------------------
-65 to 150oC
Operating Junction Temperature Range (TJ) ------
0 to 150oC
Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient (Rthja) 256oC/W
VIN=VO + 1V(for fixed voltage devices), VOUT=VFB(for adjustable version only), CBYP=470pF (for fixed voltage devices),
VEN=2V and TA=25oC. Typical values refer to TA=25oC. Low duty cycle pulse testing is used which keeps junction and
case temperatures equal to the ambient temperature.
Reference Voltage (See Table
1 for t
ical values
Vo -2 - 2 %
Line Regulation ∆VIVO + 1V<VIN<10V - 0.005 - %/V
1mA<IO<100mA - 0.8 - %
100mA<IO<300mA - 0.1 - %
IO=100uA -1050
IO=50mA - 85 110
IO=150mA - 170 220
IO=300mA - 270 350
VEN=2V, IO=100uA - 120 160
VEN=2V, IO=50mA - 460 600
VEN=2V, IO=150mA - 2200 2900
VEN=2V, IO=300mA - 7200 9500
Ground Current-SD Activated IQ(SD) VEN =0V to 0.8V or Open -5-uA
Adjust Pin Current IADJ VIN=2.5V, VO=VADJ - 0.1 - uA
Current Limit ICL VO=0V 320 420 - mA
Thermal Regulation ΔVPVIN=10V, IO=150mA, 10ms Pulse - 0.05 - %/W
Enable Pin Input LO Current VEN(L) =0V to 0.8V - 0.01 -
Enable Pin Input HI Current VEN(H)=2V to VIN -20-
Enable Pin Input LO Voltage VEN(L) Regulator OFF - - 0.8 V
Enable Pin Input HI Voltage VEN(H) Regulator ON 2 - - V
Note 1: Low duty cycle pulse testing with Kelvin connections is required in order to maintain accurate data.
Note 2: Dropout voltage is defined as the minimum differential voltage between VIN and VOUT required to maintain regulation at VOUT.
It is measured when the output voltage drops 1% below its nominal value.
Note 3: Ground current is the regulator quiescent current plus the pass transistor current. The total current from the supply is the sum
of the load current plus the ground pin current.
Unless otherwise specified, these specifications apply over CIN=CO=2.2uF, IO=100uA, VIN(MIN)=2.5V(Adjustable devices),
Load Regulation (Note 1) ∆VL
Ground Current (Note 3) IQuA
Dropout Voltage (Note 2) VDROP