Model 1H1304-20 REV A Directional Couplers 20 dB Description The 1H1304-20 is a low profile 20dB directional coupler in an easy to use surface mount package covering the AMPS and GSM bands. The 1H130420 is ideal for power and frequency detection as well as VSWR monitoring and can be used in most high power designs. Parts have been subjected to rigorous qualification testing and units are 100% tested. They are manufactured using materials with x and y thermal expansion coefficients compatible with common substrates such as FR4, G-10 and polyamide. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS** Features: * * * * * * * 800 - 1000 MHz Low loss High Directivity Surface Mountable Tape And Reel Convenient Package 100% Tested Frequency Mean Coupling Insertion Loss VSWR Freq. Sensitivity MHz dB dB Max Max:1 dB Max 869 - 894 800 - 1000 20 1.5 20 1.5 Power Handling 0.25 0.25 Directivity JC 1.15 1.20 Operating Temp. dB Min Watts C / Watt C 20 20 150 150 9.4 9.4 -55 to +85 -55 to +85 0.10 0.30 **Specification based on performance of unit properly installed on microstrip printed circuit boards with 50 nominal impedance. Specifications subject to change without notice. Outline Drawing Pin 1 .560.010 [14.220.25] Bottom View (Far-side) Side View Top View (Near-side) .073.007 [1.850.18] Pin 2 .024.004 TYP [0.610.10] Pin 2 Pin 1 .350.010 [8.890.25] GND Pin 4 Denotes Array Number Dimensions are in Inches [Millimeters] 1H1304-20 Rev A Mechanical Outline .050.008 [1.270.20] GND Pin 3 Pin 3 .050.008 [1.270.20] Pin 4 Part Is Symmetric About All Axis Available on Tape and Reel For Pick and Place Manufacturing. USA/Canada: Toll Free: Europe: (315) 432-8909 (800) 544-2414 +44 2392-232392 Model 1H1304-20 REV A Typical Performance: 700 MHz. to 1300 MHz. Coupling 1H1304-20 Return Loss 1H1304-20 -19 0 -10 Return Loss (dB) Coupling (dB) -20 -21 -20 -30 -22 -40 -23 700 850 1000 1150 -50 700 1300 850 1000 0 -20 -0.1 Transmission Loss (dB) Directivity (dB) 1300 1150 1300 Transmission Loss 1H1304-20 Directivity 1H1304-20 -10 -30 -40 -50 700 1150 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 850 1000 1150 1300 700 850 1000 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Pin Configuration Mounting Footprint To ensure proper electrical and thermal performance there must be a ground plane with 100% solder connection underneath the part Part Is Symmetric About All Axis Multiple plated thru holes to ground .460 [11.68] .250 [6.35] .034 TYP [0.86] .063 SQ TYP [1.60] Dimensions are in Inches [Millimeters] 1H1304-20 Rev A Mounting Footprint USA/Canada: Toll Free: Europe: (315) 432-8909 (800) 544-2414 +44 2392-232392 Available on Tape and Reel For Pick and Place Manufacturing. 50 Transmission Line