ZSPM8015-KIT Open-Loop Evaluation Board
User Guide for Evaluating the ZSPM9015
Kit Description
May 22, 2013
© 2013 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG — Rev. 1.00
All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without
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3.4. Evaluation Board Operation and Part Description
This section describes the Evaluation Board operation and components.
3.4.1. ZCD# Operation
When the Zero Current Detection (ZCD) feature is disabled (ZCD_EN# pin is high), the ZSPM9015 will operate in
the normal PWM Mode in which the synchronous buck converter works in Synchronous Mode. In this mode, the
internal low-side MOSFET of the ZSPM9015 turns on and off according to the PWM signal. The power stage
operates in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM), allowing the inductor current to go negative if there are low
output current values.
If the ZCD_EN# pin is set low, then the ZSPM9015 will operate in the ZCD Mode, and in this mode, the
ZSPM9015 can prevent discharging of the output capacitors as the filter inductor current attempts reverse current
flow. If the PWM goes high, the GH pin will go high after the non-overlap delay time. During this period, the ZCD
timer is inactive and thus reset. If the PWM goes low, the GL pin will go high after the non-overlap delay time and
stay high for the duration of the ZCD timer. During this period, ZCD operation is disabled. Once this timer has
expired, the VSWH pin will be monitored for zero current detection and the GL pin will go low if a zero-current
condition is detected.
The board is configured with ZCD operation off by default, ZCD# is pulled high via R7. For ZCD operation, pull the
ZCD_EN# pin low via J8.
3.4.2. Bootstrap Capacitors C25 and C26
Positions for two bootstrap capacitors are located on the top side of the board. The typical value for these ceramic
bootstrap capacitors on the BOOT pin is 100nF / 50V / 0603 / X5R or better in terms of physical size and tempera-
ture characteristic. On the ZSPM9015 board, C25 and C26 have been populated with 100nF capacitors.
3.4.3. Pull-up Resistor R7 from ZCD_EN# Pin to VCIN Pin
The R7 pull-up resistor is located on the top side of the Evaluation Board between VCIN and the ZSPM9015's
ZCD_EN# pin. This 1kΩ pull-up resistor is used on the ZCD_EN# pin to ensure the 5V HIGH level on the
ZCD_EN# pin and therefore Zero Current Detection is off by default. For ZCD operation, pull the ZCD_EN# pin
low via J8.
3.4.4. Pull-up Resistor R6 from DISB# Pin to VCIN Pin
The R6 pull-up resistor is located on the top side of the board between VCIN and the ZSPM9015's DISB# pin.
This 1kΩ pull-up resistor is used on the DISB# pin to ensure the 5V HIGH level on the DISB# pin and therefore
the ZSPM9015 is on by default. To disable the ZSPM9015, pull the DISB# pin low via J10.