Revised: November 1, 2010 05:04 PM
©2010 Littelfuse, Inc
Teccor® brand Thyristors
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Please refer to http://www.littelfuse.com for current information.
15 Amp Standard & 16 Amp Alternistor (High Commutation) Triacs
Qxx15xx & Qxx16xHx Series
Electrical Characteristics (TJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) — Standard Triac
Symbol Test Conditions Quadrant Value Unit
IGT VD = 12V RL = 60 ΩI – II – III MAX. 50 mA
VGT I – II – III MAX. 2.0 V
VGD VD = VDRM RL = 3.3 kΩ TJ = 125°C I – II – III MIN. 0.2 V
IHIT = 100mA MAX. 70 mA
dv/dt VD = VDRM Gate Open TJ = 125°C
600V 225
800V 200
VD = VDRM Gate Open TJ = 100°C 1000V 200
(dv/dt)c (di/dt)c = 8.1 A/ms TJ = 125°C MIN. 4 V/μs
tgt IG = 2 x IGT PW = 15μs IT = 22.6 A(pk) TYP. 4 μs
Absolute Maximum Ratings — Alternistor Triac (3 Quadrants)
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
IT(RMS) RMS on-state current (full sine wave)
Qxx16LHy TC = 80°C
16 A
Qxx16NHy TC = 90°C
Non repetitive surge peak on-state current
(full cycle, TJ initial = 25°C)
f = 50 Hz t = 20 ms 167 A
f = 60 Hz t = 16.7 ms 200
I2t I2t Value for fusing tp = 8.3 ms 166 A2s
di/dt Critical rate of rise of on-state current f = 120 Hz TJ = 125°C 100 A/μs
IGTM Peak gate trigger current tp ≤ 10 μs;
TJ = 125°C 2.0 A
PG(AV) Average gate power dissipation TJ = 125°C 0.5 W
Tstg Storage temperature range -40 to 150 ºC
TJOperating junction temperature range -40 to 125 ºC
Note: xx = voltage, y = sensitivity
Absolute Maximum Ratings — Standard Triac
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
IT(RMS) RMS on-state current (full sine wave)
Qxx15Ly TC = 80°C
15 A
Qxx15Ny TC = 90°C
Non repetitive surge peak on-state current
(full cycle, TJ initial = 25°C)
f = 50 Hz t = 20 ms 167 A
f = 60 Hz t = 16.7 ms 200
I2t I2t Value for fusing tp = 8.3 ms 166 A2s
di/dt Critical rate of rise of on-state current f = 120 Hz TJ = 125°C 100 A/μs
IGTM Peak gate trigger current tp ≤ 10 μs
TJ = 125°C 2.0 A
PG(AV) Average gate power dissipation TJ = 125°C 0.5 W
Tstg Storage temperature range -40 to 150 ºC
TJOperating junction temperature range -40 to 125 ºC
Note: xx = voltage, y = sensitivity